Lake County Inclependent Waukegan Weekly Sun Office Telephone Number 1, . ibertyville Exchange. Entered st the Postoie et Libertyville, Ill., as Second Clasa Mail Matter Officiai Paper for Lake County. Iassed Every Friday. Aderting Rates Made Known ou Application. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, 41.50 PER VEAR STRICTLY IN ADVANCE W. J. SMITH ....................................................................... Editor P. 0. SMITH ..................................................................... Manager M. J. WEBU .... ..................................... Residant Manager, Phone 68 1Waukegan is making big plans for the Fail festival Wo be held inthe city on Dec. 3-4. There is Wbe the fainiers' institute, the corn show, the poultry show, and'what flot? it looks like a big time for everybody-and well worth the while of country folks Wo corne t town and take part. And now another Mexican lias declared himself pro- visional president of t.hat u.nhappy country. The populace murey have a hard Urne keeping track of their executives. They recognize one Woday, hen anot.her tomorrow, and still a new one the next day. Theirs is surely a miserable eziis- tence. Looks as if the state fire departrnent will have Wo do some "«sleuthing' 'in the vicinity of Zion City and Winth- rop Harbor. Those many fires, of undiscoverable origin, look mighty suspicions. Somebody surely is "1getting away"l with acta of incendiarism which must be checked before some terrible fatality occurs. It's significant that an enormous per cent of the jobless vomen in Chicago who are looking for work, when asked if they can go into the kitchen and assist in housework, quick- ly admit that they know nothing about cooking. Jobs could be provided for a large percentage of the unemployed if they could ôly cook-but, they seem Wo know nothing about housework. This situation and relevation to an ex- tent accounts for the many unhappy homes where wives won't do housework and think it an imposition Wo expect themto do so. It's a fine thîng that the Democratic administration has the war Wo fail back on as an excuse, when, Womorro*, the 11war revenue tax" bill goes into effect and practically every person of the land begins to pay tribute Wo Demo- cracy by paymng a tax here and a tax there, cn things which nover before, under Republican administration, were ever thought Wo be "1taxable." The populace Womorrow-Dec. 1-begins "paymng the fiddler" in real hapd-earned money, money which la barder Wo get now thaPt'ýider Republka:i ies. lu Republican timesit wouldn't have beenso bard' to pay this "1war tax," but the Republican didn't have to exact it. That's the answer. The general theme throughout the country on Thanks- givmug day in sermons was tbat the nation as a whole should be grateful Wo the Almighty that the United States iai ace Swith other nations. Regardiesa of politics, Min- iters as a whole gave Prosident Widson great praise for his ability ta handie many critical situations in the effi- cient and statesman like mannor that ho has displayed. If "Teddy" were i the presidential chair, it seerns quit. cer- tain that the Ulnited States likely now would be at war with Mexico, llkoly wth Japan, and, wlthout qustion, would ho lnvolved in Europe and possibly in South America. So, -liy shouldn't America be thankful at this season of thanksgiving? _ _ _ Domsnt it seem too bad that smre of these multirnil- lionafres*ho were eithor born or reared in Lake county, as for instance, James Henry Sith, Alex McKay, etc., should entiroJy forge thoir native county? WitII ail their Millions, doesn't it seen as if they could recail their early au&ôiations hore and DO SOMETHING by which people Of the&r old home would revere thoir memory? Oould any- thlng b. mors satiofying t«-,&" nian than Wo go away front a community and, i latar years BE ABLE Wt return thmr and DO ALMKOST ÂNYTHING that money could obtain? Imagine yourself a youth hors and thon going away ta Borne distant city where you acquired millions I Wouldn't you feel great if you could corne back Wo the haunta Of YOuryouth and erect a big memorial of s ome kind and either give it Wo the publicorevnratabi IMproverenta for yourself which would indirectly assist the cOmrnunity where you had lived? What could be more satisfying? Yet how many do it? And, why don't they? iLl - . i The attack on the N~aval Training Station lads at North Chicago which was due W one of a gang of foreigners mak- ing rnost insulting remarks about the uniform worn by the recruite, seems Wo have resulted in an acuto situation uhen Commandant Moffett has seen fit Wo issue orders that recruit.s in future romain away from North Chicago. Hoei absolutely right in insisting that the uniform of the navy i entitled Wo respect-insulta, slightingremarks, etc., by foreigners who are having the advantages of that navy's protoction must not be tolerated. The government cannot utaud for sncb actions! If drastic action is necessary Wo forc this class of rnen Wo respect the uniforni and the mon of the navy, then lot it corne! The nation cannot permit much diaplay of contompt which borders on treaaon. If that clas of mQn do not like the color of the uniform of theo navy or the army, if they don't like the men who wear, them, thon there is their own more severe country left for tbam ito return ta. Respect for the flag, the uniform-of the nation and the national govornoental bodies muet ho main- tained, elue auachy and riot wlll prevail. The case at North Chicago la the begining of sometbing which should le chocked lmmediataly bof ors it gets too far. XWdditûrna/ /w rnlvrsity Gise Club, Dec. 17, under auspices of Epwortb League. Mfr. and MIdr. Ro.v Gennung and lir. and M rd. Rd Brixon of Lake Zurich, were vistors bers Iast Thnrsda.. "The MasterKey." a thruliing @tory of mYetery and romance, will 'be given at the Lyrie Theatre Tuesday, Dec. 22. Mira. Jos. Turner and daughter Mre. Et. Coulson of Grayalake, were berp Wedneedoy and attended the Epiîscopai bazaar sit he to wn lhall. Geo. Bauer and son@ Frank and lhem- ard of Wanconda, and lire. Vidus Dutzier of Fremnont, epeut Thursday wltb lMr. and lira. John Deinlein. Mr. and lire. Even Hurnpbry and daughters Blanche, Isabelle and Rutb sud Mine Elizabeth Baner or Wauconds, vieilled Saturday at John Deluleinsa. Mr. Robertson bas hooked the great National Dalry Show film whlcb wii hbe ehowu Bt the Lyrir Theatre Friday, Dec. 18. Cowe and huile, ten aud twenty tbousand dollar animais, and many lnterestiug tleatures Of the great show wilil he preueeted. Siee the miiking conteet and the winnier. See the entîre D.airy Show lu pictures. C. F. Wright, R. F. Wright, A. M. Caeey. lMr. tenace, R. C. Higgius, F. P. Dymoqd and Bev. R. M. Aiburt attend- ed the Pre@hyterian ma@s meeting sud raily heid in the Auditorium. Cicago, flundayatternoon. Theaffair wasavery impressive one with the uîany minlaters aud promient saee William Jeu- otage Bryan gave the main epeech of the atternoon. Dont miss t-NorthwesternU 1niver- sity' Glee Clut-Better thau ever. RB. SWIFT À CANDIDATE FOR PRESIDENCY 0F BOARD 0F AOiRICIJLTURE The annucemp.nt etflMr. Swift'@ candi- dacy coiues ae a surprise te the memburs of the Lake Count>' Board cf Agriculture. Be le a practicai tarmer, owuuug and ePeratiug ton heu years pash his large -- licuU foi u lhvrti cillea reeder c nti A i, a hei '.O rc UtaLin. a man et preven business abilit>' aud ah present a director et the National Daiîr> Show Assu. lin. Swiftt le net a seelue et the office but coueuyed te iun nlt> aht the requet cf a numbur et hie triende, elating thal if il le the desire et the meMbOra of the sciet>', he wili aitb their beip, do ail lu bis power te make the Lake Count>' Fair the be ugnicul- humai fair Iunnthero llinols. Folowiug te the comcpiete ticket as given tbe Indepeudent: B. B. Swift-President. BYron Colby-Vice President. Berman Boek-2üd Vice Preeidéut. J. B. Morsee-Secretany. Roy' F. Wrgh-Treaaurer. iirecters, J. E. Barrtte! Prairie Vica, Pres. of the Fammers Inetitute; IR. W. Buikie>', Libertyville; Wm. Rosing, Round Lake; >. J. Cater, Liherhyviic; John W. Swauebreugh, Waukegau. VICTORY ASSOCIATE OUN- CIL ELECTS OFFICERS The eletion efroRlera etf Vichor> Associate Camantl No. 27. N. A. U., wa heid Tueeda> evenlng ah their tÊali. Tb@ folowing olicers acre namned tu serve during the comiics year: Preident-Carrie McDonald. Vice Preident-Anna Ladd. Cbauelor-Jennie Baa. Orator-Cors Gerrsd. &ecretary-Eatbei Sprng. Collecter, Treneurer-Edythe Spring. Prene-Grace Whitney. Conducter-Jane Zahnle. Warder-Eiiza Grimes. 0Guard-Benrietta 'Seler. Truotees iCiara flokeu, Auna itrur>', Anna Ladd. The Instalation et the new officere vilii be beid Dee. 1lStl. Heur the NertbwesternU tniversity G(hes Club ah the M. E church, Dec. 17th. NOTICE Oaiugl to lit beathb G. G. Sebanet. bas cthdrasen ironi tbe firm et fchanet ines. 6. EB. Schanck Ibis tather) bas haken erer hie intereet lu theabove firn. The usa fin 'vwiii bukunocen as L. Il. Suhanet &- Ce. Alil uwing tii..fin cf1 Sebanet lirQs. are reuiueched te settîe Ihetu ayCuunts au eDon as possible. L. H. Schanck & Co.. Lihert.vvilie. iii. 11ee. 1, 1914. .11 yeu aplueclate good bsrber seork. douneluin ee ifthe mont modern @hop@ iD Lake county. try',UMaoo'@ Barber Sbep. Abosuueiy "snitar Sud comp lète iu everv 'va>. Three harbere on Sahur. daye. CI Wàr1t, For Sale. etc sde In the O. DEPENDENTr rench 16,000 pereone weekîy. SLAYft FREED IN ALASKA, NOW ON WAY TO LAKE CO . William R. Rodgers Will Re- sume Chioken Raising at Libertyville. William R. .Rodgers, miner, prospac- tor, world travelor, and adventurar, 1% eoming back ta, civilization to take up the legs hazardous caling of chlcken raIeu, on the farm of bis sister, Mrs. Cbay'es H-. Avernu, ai Libertyvilie. Message fromn Alaska. Attorney E. W. Coiby, a relative of Rodgers, recetved the followiug tele- grami Friday, Nov. 27: Jumeau, Alaska. Federai jury acquits Rodgers of Mur. der n ten minutea. TUCKER. Tuln NaY, 1913, Rodgers and Frauk Wixeu were workiug the "Dalsy" dlaim on Christmas creek, forty-flve Miles west of Haine, Alask<a. Tbera w&S a figbt out lu tbe cabin lu the wiideruess aud Rodgers reartied bis gunl first. Wixen dropped dead wlthba rifle bail througb bis foreb'eail. Rodgera bit the trail to Haine, re- ported the shooting, and gave bim. self up. The body of Wixeu 'vas brought ln ho Haine and a coronier s jury fouud Rodgers had shot and kil.. Pd Wflxen ln self-defense. Rodgers upon bis release camp toLbetlîe Ill., lu October, 1913. Arrested Among Chlckens. Last Auguet Rodgers, who le S2 >cars old. was standinîg among hIe chiekeuîs on the farm, when bu sud- deniy iooked into four revolvers, i.".. Pied upon hilm hy two stalwart United Statea deputy inarsbais. Rodgera ratsed bis bauds Inu compilante with their commands. One officer kept niln covered whlle the other removed from Rofigers' pocluet a vuoall revolver-- ofle which he ssi lue carrled to til1 chlcken bawlus. iudiclrneuh returoed lun.Tanuary. Roui. gers rehurned 10 Juneau, wbere lie a. Placed on trial laqt neek. The caspn weruh to thé jury early ou Thanksglo. tug morrlung and the verdict 'vas re- turupd heu minutes 15er. "'mn comling bar( ta the cblckens,'" 'vas the hexh of a subsequeut wire whlch Rodgprs vent out of the savage uarthbta bis relatives lu Lake couuîy. He le exuecied bere lu a week. 1ILL IIEALTH FORCES WITU. IJRÀWAL FROM BUSINESS The local hardware and merchauit fin of fchant liros., bas d.eeoived partuer- ship, (iG. -Svhauck witbdrawing troai. the business on accouxut et poor heaith. Since Avril thi4 year Mr. hchanet han had a bard lime trylng te regain encuîgh heaith and et reugth te bue able ho asost hie brother in managing the big busii. DOMe, but duc.. the eperation for goitre that Meuith bie speut euverai menthe in s Chicago hosptal, aud tupon bis raturzi le Lîbertyville bu, wae ronfined te bis home for a long tume Meore bing able te venture dowu as far as the etere. Even ince beingx able ta get about ha flude It iuumpossible te do au>' 'vrk and lai order ho relieve binIet ofa Il business caýee be teck lits phyiiams~ advice te tale a cemPlte mast. We are informes! ha isnlplanning on taking a trip dean the Mississippi river and lan nowhaviug a boat ftted out tor tbat purpese and that Severai othere are te acceuxpasq hlm ou the trip. G. H. 15ehanck, tather ot Louis sud 'lardon fchanetk, bas talten ever the Intereot uof Gordon iu the oid tira and the store 'viii tromn w on bu Inean as L. H . Schauek & Co. The senier Mr. &hauî-k iu'diyeareoid, aud hbheen in business lure for'ýear@. Libert ' ville peoptle were ebecked Fnida>' to receive a telegram frrnm J. E. Mieredith, former Ileas! o! thq Ment- dltb Fiower-Vogetabie compauy tat- ing that hie'vite baie died suddeuly St h.oateviile, Pa., ah 8: 10 Frida>' mono- Ing. The cause 'vas not saned but as site had bearh faiiure It la gene--ally 'beiieved bher demise came tram that aliment. 'Ire. Meredith w'as 'v.I kue'vu ln Liberlyville and ber deattI. canseil general sorrow. Est Aîbatross EU@&. Tho natives of Hawaii are large conb. tUmersu ofalbatros. eggs, wblcb are Sacured Principaîlly trcam theIsland of Isyson, the. Basalian grpup. Thes. egns are so plentiful on thls Island that tbey are gatbered la abeeibar. Ina. sud carriod ho the shore ln boxas and loadeai on a sailiindutstrialrawl road. ADJUDICATION NOTICE. Pst,!,.- Nfuie 1. herebY ttven that ttce ub-1 sMni, Eut E )fhue 1-u t ianud Testament, ot .uouuauuuauuiçl srulsou. deceaseul. wili attendl thec Couuuuu"Couurt oi Lale-County. et s terni thercuutt.tu e hoiden s: the court lHounesin Wsukegsu. In. al Uo.uty u.thie, irst tondsdr Othuc.,e,St. ci hen and wsbere II lereols ung caini pirainattsatulEshtare a notitieul and requuted ho prenant the Amre thi said Court for asdiudistio. ELi.1AH RICH AROSON, Execttor ut the tacit wiui snd Trestament of Jonathan Rchardseon. Waukeran. fil.. November3O, 1914. e lerDit t.1 w ~EUEMBER 4, 1~14. L.CMUQCH NtWS Si. Lawrence Eplicopal. Eoly Commuinion every 8undsy 7:45 a.Mn. Firesundaulnmonth 1:0O.M. liorninit Prayer every Sunday except above 10:80 a. mi. Sunday sehool 11:45 a. nm. AUl Roly Dey@. Eoly Communion 9:00 a . . Bey. EDWARD S. WRITEC. Pie@ein.Chargfe Mothodist-Eplacoo)al.t PreachIng service. next RSunday at tb# utuad i tne il o'ciock a. m.. and 7:80 p. ni. In the morniengRsv. T. E; Reani the pastor, 'vili preacb on the subjeet: "lu the ScboolotChriet." lntheevening there will be a short meng service preced. Iug the sermon whlch ailhe on the aubject: "The Sin of aarehne@o. Alil are cprdiaity invited. "The Motive Governiug Christmaa (living." 'viii bu the eubject oetheb Idpwortli League lesson neit Sunode> evenlng at 6:45. Leader, MItes Marjer> Taylor. There ailhe euthuelastlc oing, lugi A weicome ho ail. Next Monda>' evening, Dec. 7th, there wililbo a ver>' important meeting of the officiai beard. The meeting ail o caiied at 8:80 sharp Alil membera are urged ho attend. Choir rehearsal will bu hold on Frida>' evening at 8 o'iock. Some epecial werk wiii bu taken up at thal time. Veeler service Suday atterucon St Organ- (aý Adeete Fidele...... Ahlord (hb) loonllght Serenade .. Nerin Mire. Lulu %lattocke Siu-Juxt a. i Ani.......Edwin (iree Mi«e Carnie Chard Violuuu Otligato,............ Lloyd Taylor Ru'udig-Ttie (ther Wise lino-Van ttYL............... ...c. ti Ara C.u4iy L uidi... Quartette- a) "Star of tllory .......trmstro>ng 1 b) At Miduigut .............. Crosbiy Mire. William@ Mlre. lDavis Mure. Bauby lMr@. baviFm lViuliuu ttcic-*Cariruna*............... Rail Liuoyd Tac 1cr 8,-rilure iteading aud t'rayer...r. .......l ...... .. tev. T. E. lieau Offriýr.% ielodue Orleutale.. Hauni. merei lire. Lulu Siattoceg ýSuulu. 'v Marin,.................. uiz MistuClau ieC (ard il.'elction- Puutude-liarelue Moderne....... LeMire Presbytenian. Moiuung '.'.rehip 10:30 a. lu. Quarter- 1>' lCommunion service by lDr. Haye. uit mccoinick Semiinar>'. Sabhath acheol 11:4 -5n. lu. MnI. Iluv Wright, Supernteud.uut. Christian Endeavon 6:45 p iuu Top,c "The Lite %Verse. Il,îuuaùm 4,. 2:1. Cuin- secration meeting. leaders tteatnlî-e Carr. ElRue Bu*s. servi-ue .7:30 p. n., vulj,t, "\asmau the Lepen. * Bible hour etudy et the Lite cf Christ even>' Wedneeday cvening Sat 7:4. H. M. AlIburt, Pa-tor. Glvo the Head the.Credit. "A cilI tonue makaa a aise bead,' ISLys an OId adage, but a. thlflkuu i shouis! nead, 'A aise bead uwea s EttIltongue.- IStoves and Ranges We have a complote stock of "Stewart" and "Red Cross" RangZes, Cooks, Hlot Blasts and Base Burners Bit Stock-Rlght Price I Schanck Bros.I :L Libertyville TEN DAYS' FREE TRIAL Çl You can try this beau- tiful Victrola FREE in your own home. liv îuuskillg sunali n a tctuI he ,reste-t .d l 'ruigKto 'Nol] the e r'. 1 . N 1uu11iuu- J<'f ter%, hill, 111 . l in el ti I le .c t-tý 1,(".t 11mu e nu' i lt a11..l.i . I al lu::o e iU, l' . l ý tlii \. ctu'r ivs îlte eîus l,. lPr:ce S$11 , Try the New Dance S H. B. EGER bàbertyvil le Mme. Stephens' Beauty Parlors OVER GAS OFFICE LIBERTYVILL! Manicuring, Shampooing, Hair Dress- ing, Facial Massage & Scalp Treatment BY APPOINTMIENT ONLY. Phone 100 Job Pirintmng CLEAN WORK A FULL COUNT I I - - -- - 1.41 - II~i _____________ LÂXE OOUNTY When a mian dies lie im dead 1aIl over-there îvill be no mal- vage. It costs much to die in a Civilii-ed coiîmunity. Fun- eral expeDses, toîîb-stone cttiig, the dottor, the IIurme and many other incidentais iiiîiîst e paid. 'fus only one I ean think of who happens in wi th soîiethiîîg for nothiîîg is the Life Insurance agent who bringsIs money wlîen it us iiost needed. And if this inoiey, in the, batik to meet the' bills, jus handled carelessly, it will mix with other money and ain expert c.annot diseern the difference. Maiî is forc- ed into the world and he makes bis exit the mame way. He hias absoluteiy no ' tontrol over this first anti ierely a sort of a îninority vote in the iast-deatlî mîy be sta ved toff temporarily bvt it neyer lias been perîîianently avoided. Then why not be prepared for that final chapter that is written into the life of every man-you, Mr. Man-not your friend or your neighibor, but yon. Play the' gaIne of life for ail there jus in it, got al'*tlhe enjoytnenit out of life that yon can, but remeînber that it ls your duty to i)1otect from want those you mmus one day leave behilnd. JOHN IIODGIE District Maneger. Michtigan Mutuel Life Insurance Co. - 1