CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 4 Dec 1914, p. 6

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SV T. F. SWAN Correspondant and Agent Me »md Mr@. Sylvester Schiele were C~~*torsTneeday. AiaLathrop spent the puti wirwtbber la Chicago. md M. J. H. Aynsiey spent TIe.kqvlng wth their son Dean and fgmly at Highland Park. Mrs. iW,». Cropley entertained )wr brother, Oscar Penny of Chicago, oui-re !'hakegivlng. Bernard Swan @vent Sunday in Chica- go. MWs Anne Paulson epent the week-end1 wltb ber people at Piano, 1IlI.1 Gilbert Shaddle of Chicago, vlsited over Sunday with hie brother Frank and "1117. Mr. and Mrs. George Smith returned tbis week tram an extended voit with relatives In Glesbni'g and viciity. FrankBhaddle and tamily are enter- * tlnng tbis week Mr. and Mrs. Fred ëbaddle of Loveland, Colo., wha former- Ily resded here. * Bail Hutington bas taken the agency for the Saturday Evening Post and aUssi Curtis pnblications and will mate prompt deiveries to anyons in this vldalty. Mr. and Mm. Bert Swan were called to Oblîrago Sunday nlght by the serions Illma..of the latter'& mother. Theupelal eletion Tneeday was pver- bava the hardest fongbt of auj election @ver bbld la this efflage. go great was the interest on bath aides that nearly averi voter lu the corporation turned ont amaattbnal reMmit ehowed that the bond bail carried by the very @cent *M.ioety 0f Ihie votes-ans Mamanse émd tua mem'@. The basket balgame on Thmnkegiving mtermoom tsuftedlua decîive 'victoryv for Use localtem novérer bi(raysiake boys bY the score ot 29 tui 12. Turner Vumoz Md.aa ie s howlmg met oruard Mmd the Mtslo the boys played thoir uselW ood gaine.'rlday svenlng the Hlghland Park teami came over »di took a drubbîng la a bard fanght game la wblcb tht local boys beld the long endl of a 34 to 30. willox se the high flan againit Mmoroney for the visitais who made the phenominal score 0! ten baskets. This ueek Friday the leanhoe tas. cames her for a game and the bois hope for a good turnout of theîr * friende. The lineup: Johnson .. ......... L F........Maronev Wilcoz .............R F ......Feering R* U Ro ...................--C.....Ftznerald ;Saddle..........16 . ............Bolan ,L. Fry ............. lG .......Dufty .Baket-Jonso 3.Wiicoi 7, L. Fry 6. Pouqe 1, Marouey 10, Feering 3, Fitzgerald 2. Trylnq te, De Toc Much. MànY buuîness men are comtng ta the CoclUiuo that they would acca,»- Pllsh more i they attempted leua. LIte le becamlug overcrawded. A succes- siOn ot lttîs things fil thet tme that COUICd More WlselY bc used for the con- templation of great ta8ks and the con. templation of lofty parposes. Ta Kim.- PlltY :8 tostrelKthen. Life la mfée than a mers round of engagements; it la a eouscloiss enlayment and employ- meat of the spirits hlighent capacities. W mem : "I dont belleve any -en remembere the fMMs dollar ha ever esrned, thougb a Srest mmny aim that they do" I do.»,"Newu. uat usthere about Il that &Md Il so firSly ln your me, «7?r "BeSuse ail 1 got us a ""k."-Haoeston Pont. FEEO MILL NOTICE Alter Noi. lth. 1 wll grind fecd every daY until turther notIce. 1 1c2 D wlght 8. Dolph, Ares, 1ilI. Miss Laura Gouswller of Long Grave, spent Thanksglving wtth ber consin, lire. Ueo. Thatcher. Mrm.Win. Meyere spent Suaday atter. noon at Mms. B. J. LiI'a. Mm R eynolds and IiseEthel Reynolds of raysaae, spent Thanksgivlng at Mrs. Darby 's. Mir. BIle>' of St. Paul, hbarturned to bis home atter spending a montb at the maitarlum. G. M. Bay andl daughter Pearl epent Tbhanksglng ulth Floyd "y> and famtly sot Waterloo, Ioua. Mr. Ray returneà home the firet of tht uset uhile Pearl uilî remain outil the holidate - Gueste at R. Schneider on Thaulie- giving were: tir.sud Mr. F.Lubteman of Pratrit View, and John Luebbe sud Bertha Beinson ai Fremout. Mir. Stone and wife of Chicago, tir. Curtis and tamily of Libertyville, @pet Snnday at A. Neathe'. Viola Wels oI Ares, @petit tht week- end ulth Priscilla Thatcher. Mr. and tirs. Win. Elusman epent Thursday in Chicago. Quito a number attended thtelbarn raisiug at C. Butterfield'a, Tuedayalter- Doon. Mr. and Mr@. J. T. Mansud grand daughter ai Cake Forest, @pont Thante- gi viugat J. HBadges. Mrs B. Bartltttsud son Hirami spent Thuredat- at Park artetts aet iberty- ville. 1 H. Alrecht and famlty speut Thants- givîug lu Chicago. Gordon Rtay aud Bob Roues atteuded 1a bachelorsa dinner at Hlghblaud Park Saturday. ticivin sud Barris Kohi of Chicago, @pont tbelr Thsnksgiviug vacation at G. Mitchel'. Richard Poutre af the santarlum bas mmmcrnd ta Chieago for té short time. P The Ladies' Aid uill meet ulth Mr@. E. Schroder, 2Tburaday afiernoon, Dec. 10. Mrs. J. Brai-tuman»sd childrmn ai Wantegau, open t Thursday ut Mr@. lA El. Kano andl family spent Thautsgiv- log ut Lake Forest. The F. N. C. uilîlroest uith 1fro. Earl Kaut at the home af ber mother Wed- nesdsy aiternoon. Dec. 9. Leon Gadbolg of tht Saitarlum spent Suoday lu Chicago. E. St-roder and famity visited Mir. Schrodere parent@ ut LSouth Elgzin Iset Thursday, Mfr.. sud lMre. Ed. Mitchell called at Oto. Mitechell5 lset utekt. GJertrude Touner liase r-turned hîomîe alter speuding scieraI ueeteat Liîberty- vinle. Mrs. Wm. enîter bas returried atter spendiug sereral weets utIesîlaînee, Elmuîuret sud in Indiana. Mat-y Rysu bsu ganetut Chicago for tht winter. She cunteaiîplate building a cottage ut tht tatei n tht spriug. The Mieme- Lon-tît, WiliLCoweland frieude ut Chicago wtt-e guette ut A. Lowelle Thîîriday. M. Stein of lliehawaka arrived ut tbt sanitarinn tii rernairi untîl alter Xmas. Scholare ut thteIlutterliold i-boul ei- joyed a ride to Ares Wednemday. whcrc thcy aeieited Mies Panleon with tht Thantegi rIng rogram. lire. Laura B. Kane uses guet of lir@. R. LiUI, Sr., laet wi-tt. ii. Loucl le@ uti-ring a set-i-o attsck of rhcuuîatiem. Geo. Brimmer cil liltwaukee wusea gueet st thte suitsriom Suunday. ADJUDICATION NOTICE. Publie Notice la hiebygrtenthît the Sut- ecriber Admlnittr ni ofitheZtate ut Mens iiiiusn dccegsed. olI attend the Caluty Cout of Lake Comuy tra sterni thereol to be hoides a e iiCourt fouie ln usukeurîn. tsaid C0.niy on thc tret Mondai of Febmsory cexi..19i6. ecten aund weteo e morsous hSects dlaims egainet ssid tale are notitied and ce- questedtota ri-sent thc saie to said Court ter sdluidcatiou. LOUIS HILLMANN Admlnistrtoc Wagiikrs. 111.Noiemier 30. 194. c-Dec 111 w M DO YOU KNOW ONE MAN IN ARÉA who t'c a finant îal succe&m wlîo does nîot i)ay his bis by checký We dont he- lieve you do! Why doî't YOU open a cllecking aecount at tht-c banký Al r4applies f urnislled f ree. $1.00 Opens an Account TIQ - CITIZENS' -BANK< ARIEA, IL.. ejMjW Titis Bmnk Your Business Home." I. i. 11 Mr-. sud lire J . . Msin re gui-ite aI tht latter'. bstivi-r iii îiagii ii, Thaukegi viuîg. A daughter uc-se bîîrîii Air. andillit-.. Lt-ne-ut Et-you Nov >4th, lit-eWilI Ray aIud cîiildreu ù utAt-i-, epeunt several duys u t se uik wi th fber father, M. W. Kuedîer. Mit. aud tire. Arthur Nilion lîad as their gueste ou Filay, Mri. audlire. W. J. Wflte of Milîhurn. sud Mrt. sud lire. O. A. Nelson of Loon Lake. Fred Lubteunan @pe-ut Suidav et-h hie brother lu Chicagci ire, S. S. Stringet- snd suri Warren ut Ravinia, speur part oi lait wetetat S. E. Kuedier'@. 1ev. sud lMr@.1I'iobach entrtaintd 1fr. and Mm. Fabian of Chicago, s feu day. at uet. Mms. Vincent Dushet le ctertaîng hi-r @Inter f rom Chicago. Fred Brocktmsu diti Suudav uîght alter as short Illans. Mfr. sud Mm. Ornie Wehteuhtrg at-t living ln their utu home. Mdr(. F. Mitchell epeut thi- lIt-t ut the urekthbehir daughter. lIre. J. Dollen- maier ilu Lbertyville. 1ev. Umbaelàim e blping wîth umeetings at Wlnut, Ili. Ht will be gune tua uets. Pt-ot. Hîmmnel of Napcrviile. will have charge ot the- services bere next Bunday. Mr. and Mis. WiII Saui-r ut Wauconda, @peut Tbanksguviug with tht lattereo parente, Mr. sud lir. Wmi. Stanclitt. Mir. aud Mm. A. C. Richarde sud tir. sud lire J. Richards utre gueule of W. L. Butchinge St Glenvitu lin Thante- givlug. Mm@. Blanche Kiepper ut Minnuesota, visiteil at the J. Richarde@liane Sunday. Tht Ladies' Aid ilîl meet uitb M..EH. Coon, Dec. 10tb, for an aIl day meetng. litre. Eus Stars, mother of Richard W. Sears. founder of Stars. Roebuck & Co., dîed yeterday St Con Angeles. Mrs. Stars homewuse lu Mlnnespolit. She ieft for Los Angeles soon aflér the tuntral of ber eau. Mr. Stars ditd et. ia omie nurysiat ri ep.. 29ii vas buricd lu Minneapolis. Lake Connty'a bMg ueekly-IN)e. ]PENDENT. d 1 The revival services onducted la the United Evmpglictl chnmch dnring the pmint weelk have been of unmnualintereet. Mr. Blinaline, the pactor, bas been asuisteil eachevenlng hy atherpreacbers. Mr. Mdayer ai Sîmmerton, Mr. Waodley of Cbtworth, Mr. Jabnoon of Indiana, Eimer Gleser, Hlgchiand Park and Mr. Creweil of the Prethyterian chnrcb were among these. Miss Weletj of Beddlsh, beld services for the cbldren. In a Travel Tait lu the assenbly haill Frlday evening MisesBannie M. Benton at Chicago, anfoldefi before the eyes of ber audience the vafit panirama in the Yellowstone Park. MisesBouton talked with confidenice and intelligence of the greatest natural scenery iu the world. the splendid geysersatid rock formations, ail told with narrative ekIli aud admîr- ably illustrated wîth photographe, cri livcned with lumorou@epieodes. -Thats Fair Enough," a camic movie was ttîveu at the close of the travel taIt. Tb&' not meeting of the parent- Tùecher Association of Deerield, ilîl Le held in thte chool hall Friîa y evening, Dec. 4th. Spencer Smith of Chicago, wilî talk ou 'The Vocationat Ideal, A Cosc or a Man", a Most intî-resting sub. ject at this time Wheu vocation&]l train- ing as a nart atourt publice cîjool system Li under conslderation. Everyone Ie cordially lnvlted to attend thîs lecture and ta help to, make pleamant the social hour talla wing. Mes"s. Irvin Plagge and Al vin Meyer, who attend the University of Illinois at Champaigu, @pent Thack..(iriug wlth their parents. Mrs. Oto. Gutzler anidFtarriet and Lloyd @peunt Thursday am the gues t Geo. Stryker of Chicago. ies @Eva Pettis ise iitlig ber sister, M rs. Emil Frederlcks oi Arliugtan Reights. Mises Grace Schile was tht week-end guest of ber aunt. Ur@. John McDonald of Chicago. Mleses. Creuell, %chile. Therrien, D)r. C. J. Davii and F. H. Meyer attended tht Presbyterlan railsylu Chicago Sun- day. Missesl Ruth Lidgerwood and Eleanar Meyer wtre the gueute of Miss Bazel Bell of Bighland Part, Friday and Satur- day.. M r. aud Mie. Vaut had as their Thank8- giving guesté, IM ru. Muhîke and danghter Laura of Highland Park, Mr. aud Mrs. Wilmot aud Mise Keycs, Mrs. L. 0>. Brockwsy of Wankegau. Mr@. John Wîllnaeutertained twenty relatives and trieudt of Cliciago, Sunday. Mir. sud Mrs. iF. tiedertadt and daughter Mildred epent ttnîîday in Wil muette vlting tir. and lIrsRay fisakine, Alrs.Wuu l'ure ieid Mrs. Froeli-hI ut Chicagoi Fridae. lire. John tSchulîr called on lier Montday. àis8. tierti- Hîrri vi.ited a loue daye ut Chicago, lut tiietk Ilite Ada Schiulti' ut elit sud 1fr. sud lire.Ed ni UiciOfut Brririgtoiu elit- ed their pari-tre hauîksigiving. The imulcri- E Liiiet B(nudiug recîveci1 throcigl a blill tonu a Wagon lcaded1 withu s,, d icir, nuI te pruiLe usv. us at tiret test-il. Wir S liiiaeJr , ho u CinuLog tincîeSatiirilayevi-nuni. J ohni lii k t raîimectt-d lîuiiet-,incîChi-i lit. snd M ru tii IErt-nsd clilidren sieur Tliankegieing surlu relatives lu Chicago,. The village cot Cake Zurich bas pu r- clisetd tîit-ty acres of ]aud oorth oI tht limuite lort t, lrpase utf having au un- dleputed îîutlet for the propcused utu setwct- evteni. lieJohn ticuliniider la ou the- ick lier. lire. Fred Hoefi visited friende at Pal- aine Mouday sud Tuesday. Fred Stîp, Fred Eloefî sud Emil Fit-te transat-ted hustues at the coaty seat Batnrday. tiraud tirs. Rtoy Gennung and 1fr. sud ti're. Ed Bt-ion epeut Thsntslvlng uieh relatives at iberi,_vvllhs. Mise Mat-y (udglnct sud Miss Edus Pruela oI Chicago spent a feu daye Iset uet with their parents. A brîîthcr and a conclu of Wm. Bans- by ot Wisccinein atteuded tht futterai ut tirs. Uaruaby Iser Frldal. Value of Onlons eseDiet. Pet-tons troubled ulth dietreseing eruptions or thte kin may gîve thelr sain s ew lease of fle by haviug onlons fr-quently figurlug lunt diet. tiurthermore, diseuse germa cannot liye lu tht prestuce of oulons. for can disease germe have 111 effects on Per- lons whose blond le charged ulth onion mit-e. rzimo iule* vMrueMM&g Tomate julce la saidta obe ucces- fui lu mauy cstgilursinovln.g lu- stadlsfro,» white mnterlala ncb u haudkerchlgsin ualin fnlIs, etc. It nut. heeven. be do"4 a«1»asupDs sihîs mter Use linsapo ocrred. A tItan pfeci of blotting Papa ould ho, laid under the ste!», laad a elics of rau, ripe tomsto rubbed lover the surface, fresitpsces oi blottlng papor helni substituted untll lieI.nk spot bus vanled. The Insiepeudent 14 the cotint-y's on- ly 12-psge wely-thare why every- body takes It. pli Hlenry' Itringer departed Wedaesdey nibht for FVIanda. William Ilatiter Lewis bas tatou a position as bld sscretary of the Nmvy LMe 01 afChicago. lMr. Lewis usa torinerl, head of Lake Foret Academy>. Dr. aud Er@. D. N. Lewisepen$ Tbanks- glving wltb relatives at re. Lewis' former home lu Oehkoob, Win. Dr. C. W. Young moved bis office raoms fia,» the BWlater building to bis home op Westminster avenue on Mon- day. Miss Lanra Steeles@pont the week-end ultbIe rlends St Lake Villa. Mr. and Mr@. Earl Saunders have 1moved to Charlts Dean@ flat. Mr. aud Mrs, L F. Swit have heen eutertaining abouseparty at Westltigh's fur their daughter Miss Ida May. Fred Beach or Lottailili-, lnd., spent Thautegivlng eeith hie parnuts here. Mr. and lMre. Jamed 'iau Pieu of Chicago, spent tht week-end at the B. VanPieu home. J. L. Chamberlin aud taiuily and Mfr. and Mis. F. S. Dolph and daughter ste Thasnkogiving dinner at Iving Park with lMr. sud lire J. 13. Farrisuorth. MIr. andl trs. Otie Smith are spendil g a wet uwith the t ur' pari-nte at Lake Villa. Tht Ladies' Cemetcry society will lîald their regular ail day meeting at tht home 01 Miss Emmia Redite, Thnreday, Vec. 10. Mr@. Wm. Kuebter entertained coin- pany fro,» Zian City, snnday. Mrs. Everett Wells and daughters or Ares, vlsited tht former'm parents Sun- day. Services wit! be hi-Id ar thechnrch uDet S9unday rmorning and e-ing. 1fr. Bectwiîh of tihe Chicago Theological SemlnarY le ezptctcd lu be bhem sud ePea at tht morning service. MIsses barriet Brainerd, Avis Payne, Elizabeth and Annie Wirtz, Ad&, Bertha: Elizabeth, Emma aud Rnby Kuebker utre Thantsgilving vietors at their respective bornes. Emma Chamberlin uas a Wautegan caller Saturday. AUCIIONSALES~ ^Il auction gales publushed in Ihe Independent are chsrged for et ihe rae of 5 cents s lino when an order for auction bills sccompanies the notice, olherwise the regular rats: of 10 cents par lino will be chsrged. Barlng decbded to quit farmiug tht underslgned uil s&OU at publiesuction tý mile uest of Rondout sud 2% miles east oI Libertyvîlle, ou premises tnauu as the John Lancaster fata;aIl care ou C.i M. Eloctric railcad utîl stop et gae@ou WEONESDAY, D)ECEMBER 9. 1914 Tht follouing deacribeil proptrty, t-arn- menclng et 9 a. m. ohari: 65 head of cattîs-lO cous witb calves by sidt, 16 ejringers, 29 giving miut, floîstein boit 3 yi-ars nid. 6 2-jr-aId helierp, 8 1-y r-old belfers; black huoe, 6 yre aId, ut 1400; broun horne, 5 ym aIld. ut 1400: blant mare, S yre old, ut 1750; gray'hurnes. 7 yrs o14, ut 1200; roan homse, 10 ycs aid, ut 1800; bey homne. 10 yrs old, ut 1400, bluet hure, 4 yre aid, wt 1100; baY mare, 12 yrs aId, ut 1050; bay mare,G6ym aId, ut 1000; 2 sous ulîbi 12 plge sud a lot aI thoge, 75chickenu, 4 soisdouble nsarne9me, 2 single haruesses. esildîs, 3 iet Myj nets. 12 h. p. Inter- national gasoline Engin@, 2 h. p. Stover pumplug englue, 4 roll [)-ring abreilder, Bocting Valley enebflag trter, grînder, huzeau, emcry suhel, 120 It (-lucb boit, 2 truct wagons, teaming wagon, 2 miit uagons, 2 top buggies. 2seated buggY, bob sleigh, cutter, Deering grain, hindet-. Deeriug cora. lundi-r. Deet-îug muser. grauinidrill new, Endgrat .i-iitlr, Dain fiay loader ni-w, sidi- delîvery tati-, hiýrte raite, vor planter, Jothn lOti-c riulîng ccltivt)r Jani-evill- Bloc iu!ti- valt- rues., 2 wtlkiug cuitîcatiire Jures- ville Gang ploeu' uew, 2 11; i.Il waltiug îilowmvs.-) 3 selticin harrows, îialvet-urcr. ianune epreadpr. grindeitîuîî,, inldriiu keti-îe, llacuiuitl ont fit, s ug- ru Iîcx , 2 hay nau-ku, urayîl box, Iiig raidi. u o id racvk, îîotatîu diggcr. 2 ga.iiliureta"",s tloick tank.t, tarik îîiate,, ,>) liîtiîîu c'tri.luay tut-k and t-upc. 7Ï00 tru. iaIe 50 tulne tarie hay in barn, stai-i trat: 40 acres aorn iîuîeiki<, aînd ii.luer articles tuo, lumi-t-us tîl urentuli,,. Fre lunch atnn îar. louai terri-.. Eltcning BusPri1,. Gel,. VogIi2, Auctionert. R. B Epker. Clrt. S16HIT-RETURNS TO MAN AFTER 2 YRS.' TOTALBLINDNUSS George Whyte, Aged 71 Years Who Lives on Grand Ave., Has His Sight Restored. Waukegau, Nov. 28. A modern miracle createfi by tht texpert handllng of the kulfe. hy a lo- cal surgeon, le ehaun in Uic case of George Whyte, 529 Grand avenue, one of thettY's Most venerable citîzene aud who atter a perloil of ttal blîud- riess lu hoth tyts for two years use made to stes tday. Tht returu of eigbi- came in tht man atter a mucceseful op- trs.tlon performed on the orbe hy Dr. Edward Ford Gavîn of Waukegan. The aperation wusperformed about tsix uceke ago. About tua yeare ago. Mr. Whyte, who le 71 yesrs at sgt us uddeuly etrîciten wlth tht boss of slght. It us thouebit at thet tme that he neyer uould regain hIe vision. Tht case of tht venerable gentleman was brougbt to the attention of Dr. Gavln uho Im- Medlately began ta trent tht aged man [for the affliction. Mr. Whyte altbougb b,.e aoped for success on the part of 9tht aiecialist wuseven lilmself lu- 1clîncil to belleve that ht wauld neyer again sa" dsyllght. Six weeks ago, the surgeons cut ,away the cataract that covered tht tys. The patient ha, ktpt, bis tyce covered aInce the day. Today thc surgeon vlsited the man. Ht gava a pair o!gases asuod 11hlm ta put thom on. Tht sged mn»dbd no. Se smon hegan ta dlatingulabi the lght. Theodore H. Durst. Prosldant. W. 11 Smith, Vice Pregidsnt. F. W. Churchll, Secretsry and MansQer Hon. DeWltt L. Jones. Gen. Counsel TELEPHONE ai SECURITY TITLE & TRUST CO. ABSTRACTS 0F TITLE TITLES GUARANTEED Capital $125,00.00 WAUKEGAN HAVE TI-OSE Have Bought Made (iood? That le the important question. Are those uho bought lest year or tua years &ga. or thie ears aga. NO W ON THEIR FBM'Have tlîey stuck? What proportion bas talled? No beautiful word panting or gllttfrlug generality oîr artîetîc pb<î tography or disulay of prodncta tan taire the place of ACDO TEST. We want you ta go to Taylor County and N.lightxring Coanties andl taIt wlttî the mnon we have e4old who are NOW living an THEIII F tRMS. TaIt wlth (lias. Natermon, lCiueSaxe.,(ilorge lîlate. Sautn Jone Aritîîî Kuiiintcti. Henry Halvîirsen. Gumt. Jî,hnsouî Martin ,.r, Jcîhawi îS.-iinit. .ugust it-ichiert, Nelis $-lwauelin, Frankt Weianîlî caud a doueil u others. We doi h it onu i. ery loine.ha" iuii-sdil wh u-liîglît ri, ru os. Ther havet hien saine taHuiret. I t îal.i-s wcrk aud ileterinitiation t t ii- ci-ed, lnb ,ut rkw iton uttîii fit-t ile,-rapdilI v îe .ogîîg i ery siit rOi lee, o.avilarîii tii ri i l , I\DEFIE \[E NCE ftrr tur.-lt. %N iav t - 1t , i Ithe li ats , iso.tie raînfaîl, tie marktse gc t il i cii i ir, t-u.,t igur- roii te- se l iillijiIcratiîîu i-oitiiin r rit liîîilii \%, il moren i ii-fliul-.and ltht-i.aren- i lîng tiirapillrfronîîtIiheiîil,-r - cîîcacr ii-, llîî i.)"liea i îîclcî. IKarins, iiiîtliirn ~î. îîîî l-iýtei-ir iîiîi-i % t ariî i îld îl i,ii îi 1, tor a toîtal if 90.7li I t iie,îttaki fotunne -t, chai wctli ut Thei miat, whlii as $71111 il, $1,00(0 toiii uic il i wn au b artany ii cî;riv-d tariii. We sr- OWN.\ E ttt ai,]lgi-irte Soie iii-ruglitil ici',,] hart],N ii riî ii-cleigb tiie ili on îîhanuîlnt ft, îî*1 ,>i4H> tu ':ïr Sou Vii-also ha'..- I,000H,(>00E a( r.. f iftnlîr t-c, an V sl. W I 'iKE T ltil)'and sil lin lîbi-ral termse W e arc alsoinîuth ivesokIqm m n a isn tain a large sali-stabi- as Nleîitord.4liepe. te t ,i i.elt (jet n r proîposit ioni lu detail Vi rite toay orF E iST unr réeirence ibis plP-r. C .NO)T LOEBHAMMEL Re (-ty INC MEDFORD, W [S. 205-6 (Bar&. Floor> aquteBih.. Chicago H. D. BOYD, Gen'I Agt. Hanby BIclg., Milwaukee-ave, LIBERTYVILLE Tht» he cauld dletingnlsh obJdcts about him. Then be realized that lie cauld peer Into tht fat-se o! hie tam- lly that be b.d not seen for two years. Tht man aud tht tauulhy uept for joy. Chantes Wbyte o! Whyte Furniture company, san of George Whytt unIs eniphatit- lu hIs pralse o! tht achievi-- meut of Uie lot-st surge-ou. He sald among other things: "That shouhd prove te ail that wo bave expuert surgeous lu Waukega:u sud uhen profesetonal servit-es are uuueded tu optrat<ans o? tht sort, our cîtizens would do ul lu employ aur ou» epeclaliets rather than 10 <ire themeelves sud thelrlibves itt tht bauds ofunucapable so-cslled epeclal-, lits, hecause they bappen ta have anu office bu Chicago. UIRGE MERCIIATS TO DECORATE FOR TilE FALL FESTIVAL That tht marchantseoa! Waukegan ehould decorate bath Uic exterlorg sud luteriore or theIr establishiments bn Preparaton for tht coming fa11 fes- tival lu tht clty le the helief or Une Promoters of tht sffafr snd citzeus gtnerally. The pronioters of the ai- fair urge that steps ho talien in trans- faim thte teraMi appearauce a! the stares ln tOMe manner approprlatet ta t comlng of the great fail festival. Il t le heg suggeeted that the mer- chaule decarate their establishments after tht fashlon pursued lu many ci- tti durlng sncb celebratlons. Durlng fai! festivals. esptclly lu cases uhere corn pîsys au Important part tht var. iaue merchants ut other conimnulties usually use corn or corn etaike ln aidlng tht appearance of uetcome t0 tht vieltors. . Otton tht ubole fronts of buildings are cavered wîtb tht corn stalts or tht tare of corn. Tht use aift-arn for decorative pur- poses althaugh very approprlate le ai- 140 verY economîcal. Tht Items con be eecured for a smail expendîture comPared ulth tht cost a! bunting sud other forme of decaratîon oten ubicd. J. J. Dlet.meyer commiseboner o? streete and s member of the commit- tee et decoratbons of tht big festival, stated today: "Il le hopeil that tht merchants of tht clly ulil rsspoud ta tht sugges- tions 0f dtcorstlug for the great fal festival. uhlch from *resent findice.- tlons uill be tht greatest ever held lu thîs eecti.on o! thte tàte. "Genete street should be ont great lane of decorated buildings. Corn should b. used in profusion whlle oth- or products might be glven position. Building fronts could easiiy ho con- vorted Into baanke or corn ulth littie cost sud umalwork." There are ton many merchants lu the clty uho seeem ta forget the im- portance o! decoating at the timé of celebrations uhen that testure la resl- ly an importànt pgrt o! the festivîtle. br Dae teroad totheoP! tfWset w am j nu'lia* të -t.g a, Q* «O l aow,,inu duao% V~puu»Ou on th t i-- makda iosaPant ."egand lta u ' iPoe \Vhieit end o theroad a uhtddO LiBERTYVILLEV ILLINIrSl LAKE ZUI1CH lire Aug. Froelîch was operated on for iumnor at tht Paseavant Memoriel hospîtal at Chicago ani l gainiug very Iset. -il 0 yv wmowmim6mm .JW ILLINOIS

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