CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 11 Dec 1914, p. 10

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v Las-n f¶ft.TTXflTas T~T ~U~s.tflWIMiP iPi>mA v IWflLIRWP 11. 1111k Two. ' jaUV1 .J I.L i 2jL fE.5J..JX jaukZta, wouldn't decline a reduction 'n gas, but, fri hat n hemr, une.s proper represonta*tiou la madle ha##ig the state utifities board when the gas questiogi t 18sd as pert8alng to north shore townea, the change in price might go the other Way: UP! Ïer. Crawford, the. state board of hith man who has lo a tuaÀ coanty in charge of the smallffl situation, is uald obeb the only Republican left in the state board of -taith i der Governor Dunne. There mius1 be a rea§oi. Irt m ~i( lbe je regarded as a finýnwhq #nom s ebusi, mius and le '"ou the job," so, the.Dem-ocaic adminiotra- tion evidently concluded he wasntt dienm nt.hey wanted 910 mole of tUu grad jury in roco- adn ta tp b. t*ebtu ak tho efi.gjature tb abandon the grAM4 Jury systýtu e a4Pom* 4ofendante te gas gbfom jBâtice 6c o t he couty or circuit conrbfor trial or else viaj 'Ueet the. Omoteiling informauu» inbbc.. courts ffp4>I I li. IMhs U b#l ftabas mprevaiw. imm yar.It haiene»fot gnrlythaw .gai otai 0u au entiruly' one-sideprcedrt u6r1 ~g4~udpmt iacemplîhe. e or nothung aad there- fUFle ~tr *ok ad Otraexpnaeonail cowiiis Of tii, -ee ~' e -grad jury plan is a baok- ýi 0wftàproressandup-to-date jy à m u boom ,blackeuedl by a âd1 tu n iroly boa= e Oly thie en hu a emkSerd, àauhu4 »t1ýe reaj é',ience IMf <shmad at the. ubequent blil.cma forMwie~. Thun, the. question is: DoeOsthât 8-oi4o.Sl Thut'u vluaa Ed White, the local $ounq man, It âou )ownlaIl I!a»y a mnn lm the tenvuu Ileive i aýône? T, St tii*yand kêeop il Ciir nutil und;y9 &recoure at w mi case hée d hmorundaW6 b, certain sa- ys.osa &,mmauvl aemâde a ~Cdb~1iquCOh1etury 1* law oIR the la a la bis is i bp 0# bis, mmâ afilem way amii, aMd tht rfttlem could flot b. forthoominin 06ài*l4ittion vere given tb Ibis unfortunatÇ d IL OP CuTM IN CITY, Sits for Hom a* elmOi'nlnI Front of lo. 80* iR- HAS DONE S0 FOR YEARSSj MayCitiins liave Become Interested in OId Woman- Refuses té Talk.' f Srii Plat91 Oc ouris <1110f Iu BOTH RUM TO NOM. *Parens,0f ftb pârty t.Iugh as Suggestton le Made That Theylr're SêWedui. 'tVIulegan. IDet, 1.. The appearsuxce af an aged awoman with a aitawl wra.pped aflund ber frail torm, satsed 1lnfront of tbe Irat National bank. las Iaahlngton treet. durini the. bours of the forenuon .ach gay baalts acted tihe Intereat of ihua-. <lieds utfllomi ttEa. The. voto for'm KoT t a Uai,. semingly inter- este4. In vâtchltg thepassing throngs on th e treets. i. litHe at the. corner of Waablngtut and Geea. treets, wib lalethe huaieat lu the. clt>'.seema t<u bave a stratlt fascination, for the wotn. Arttfr closlng ber period or obervation the womnan arisees rorn * 4 te ldewauk and t,-udge nu down tet î treet lo her home. I5 I. IYO mater how cold or bow warr tihe day tony be. te voman May be leund seated upon the sidewalk lIn ""~ It~f front of tbe bank. During the hottesi t <aya ot iuummer site may be found there. wlth asawal v rapped about lier. awe»t uit Washington treet. and the 1. ..maà mercury hovered beige tthe freeingI1II hII f mark, the aged woman ont lu ber cue s- 4~I1 IKI1 toment poletion on the sidewali. As A A pulled ber ehilalitte tgher aroud lti W YW T ùéi body. No one seenie to know the name of lte woman or just where site lives ln Cuti Out Look on Doïor of Nîke lhe cty. The police do not kmu -. MTcGure Saloon With Aid Bhte retuses 10 &lk even vitèn epoken to and seeiffsta teel affended viien dt Brace and Bit. addreeeed by a tranger. Tbat sUt_____ gts rown lu belleve she le a part of ti.busy life on the corner seeme cer- HAPPENED SINDAY NIGHT. Ptin. Pur tbe paet tbre yeare eh. bas t.anid Interest and pleasure la wateb- ig thetronge. That elhe wlllco Nu odo o until sb race 'a Thiel Is Evidently Saine One e age whîch will render ber Incapable Who Sougtut to- Enter Store of méki6g the trID t thecorner Io the, belet aoflthue Who have obeerved on Saturfty Night. be#r. The police regard ber as a fix- ture and am mucb a ptart of the corner A tentation was uprung thîs after. as any of the equitpmenl. riaun whe Edward White, an employe SIMS' REtRT O ChO*FlNDATR Waukegau. Dec 7. T'h. cquuty huard met at 1 ocloci Ioda>'. Th re lt thlog ut Importance vas la begr lie reptort of' . 9,Sime Who' le auditini the count>' records apd vite Bisied bis taslisin Counîl' Treasurer Weterields office Satur- dej. Hite report was reterred b lth. -omtllee 6n settiement wihLb. couat>' treauren. 'Tereport shovws aI ut ite total tltere le $14.919.80 in Mi-. Weslefeli'a bandis vbicbh. calms beloffs la titr o! lthe Cyclone Fence compan>', but recognlzsd asone ofthlie bout bailIne singera ln the cil>', was arnested b>' Asstatit Chiet ut Police Tyrreli on a charge of havlng bruken Int and roubed te Mike McGuire saloon Siun- day nighh. Mm. Tyrrei déclares titat Wite haadmibbsi itsrlng oSnmltted lte rober>' and nmornfutte munoy was tound in hle POsssi"on, White retenti>' sang iiiuslrated coungsa eta Ceneseostrehi-so ving pic- lui-e theatat- and al»e ung solos ln dflferent oturch 1et hep-e. He aven vae supposeat la ing Eauns in tteMotit- odlsb chut-ch Sunday nlgbt, but com- mlthsd lte burglei-y instoud. White ba* besn a popular young fcllow snd bie ai-iest comas** a a great surprise. Incidentally' Itlea quit a 1 estuer lit the cap ut Mr. Tyrmeli who iunqluestionably in getting a lins on 11he robiterieaitors. Mr-. Tr-iU had WaukeFan. De. S. Tîtsare brl" td Leru>' Ek- qtrand, 21 year old son of M'r. and Mrè. t1ew a taladd tgMo 4é ne liaiet e âeûug 10bis f ilèndo viao he met up tovu. "It's beau duil at te fdre rnksand 1I iiven't vorkod eôr aWu bit 'y. e incalled bock to tâ. job teulorrow moruinge nid lho Dewpite tiie b"id tkntes, ltefaut la apparepl lat Ukalrand secured a uuuufgemmiedlanchilcago bua aftqffln girîng iluthe.rigbl lu ea ,Bortb~a Coo*4 qsd.lte records s hlaIboth are trou Waukag5u. I*tÏnd. an emplo>'. ofth itevre woffli, la the aofutL. M. Ekatu-ud, a ptomlnenl upu luIii.eemPloY ofut he ,wlre works. Tii. son bas voriced lu hle office for mone time but. of laIe liad nôt heen vurkl.g regulari>'. Berdia Coo a alte eldest dauxiter ut Capt. and lira. J. W. Coouit 0fheb Volunteers ot America. 5h.' le a pretty ' oung Mise snd iae been 8a eludeut at die Waukeggan Business coltege for aoue, ime. A Lktte Ahsed o!1'rima. Il devel ; pe, liaI, vhit l 11s evideul îiat the iSui-lge plana cf lte uni couple vere canled thuougli viii the ututost see>'b>' lieu. diat Ek- alrand procuxaddiahe keuse a day ahead ut bis 21saI birtday. In mu- fluer oda>' tard <lâtty via bis hlrthday-tba lie bhm just turated 21. Paj-eta Da>' Il Ji, rWleàplê U tee' et gl anaIl rled. Tt(*tslo be petural Presupltlon lu the case of Mies Coo'L sud Mr., tkiraud. Tha et li.'btalned a Il- ceuse lu wed lu Chicago 'Monda>' vas learned by the Sun. Parents ut botb Young people.,viten asked &bout ltetaltor Ioda>' laugli- ed beartil>'. Il 'ras a Joke. Of cours. neliher had beau marrled-neltheu- cou tamplated Maurlsge. Il vas to* ri-- dîculous. Tie>'are boti au Yonne 'ries. vere sou, utflte remarka 'rite eun f1rat guI lire. Ekalrand on lbe plione. 'l Lero>' to be marred?" vas esk- a, li as wi 0 the U nt" ' i luurloseeut placlug Ibisutatarilul ou-inherllautce Lez sud intereat oun lite vurk on but auceeoded wvitead AIEL AI! .4F~Mt o n the market go taIait er si-bol tuonda, dîvideti as fîtiiova: moli men vauld have failedfi. He in- be _______ yâtema migbt bave IL. Heivas more Inheritance Lax Rintce Dec. 1, 1912, tend& lu question WhitetehofInd whtti- titon péosed lh tihte van sd ser 8$5,127.84. or or tot heha& baein onneclod vwith 'Te intit aunua shouw out h.' li- etti Liloes expreseed imaeit ae bar- Intereatlt nfuttdit.$7,343.90. ther rubberlea pes-peralid In lte r »b <5Poutti-' l'ntier' Association lui neyer seen suctit loereet on te lutirtautce tax dharged befre, $2,- cil'. u taIs yesr laeoeiderded Lmet uto 5C atoftechilîtren. lie coainsd 4.0àdI partiliutrblite 44. . Aroted i iia turaie amd bit a rab- emeti eer laiSber.. 'ar. htii f tsdulte vork L tob e-iv Oier couitl> noneinludispute Lhem oui &unday nightl belveen tec et dBa real io.Provettutit usturale îesîuthluil iev mwcbMn. Wesl.emlleld turned over in b ours of 7 30 andi 10 p. m. bored is et aWl ebubledstc I.. iist tgu la adistunct vcntributiontLut primai-y Mi-- Mcflauough Ioteled 847.94t3.94. M.. ay loto the MieMi-Gore saloon oui a '~beli i ne >'ers ago, Tii.'rivai-> éductilo. Il. made te remark liaI Sinus hue ciaimiithlIttaliwhii-luho Washington slrpt-asd emtiapeti viit utal 00W exstt. iut;es uamiimprnve- te V%%aîtiegan grade scuols viiisabouti tonu ver for bis tarnt ai Ibis $10 wvlh iî- ouund lunte cash drav- Il ié-j tred1ee>' hr ave as msum visitorsas it e grade date la 882,8el.74. er. Sho Far as t.' proprielor outhliteih tmtny sveil FtrGvn qe alnois Wt (ai-y, tod.. viten thte'woti 'rie Judleîsry coutLe aked toi- plaie ]uas teen alte l déterminéa lie f u~ MmariageMis Elzabeh Ne- n roimay wrtin inthe kukgaapower Lu act on te mtllr of pur- tlulef Look no igare orlilquor. belflg (bta andi Osciar lysunt, relatives st-bol hî-ueeom Iiter kmown. vlteing a italibra,'> fer te circuit rî-ineî,il itlte muuey ita setuu'eé. "a a e. friands un>' ly ltneutiutlte Waulueganit euie vitu have a de- court romutThe.suggestion vast made Thte rîlthtry us oneout he buideali L mulvlce. Lier s vediing suffper wassireîo'senti <'irislioaa packages lu litatit I lpaced vitere lhs grand jury îuiruetrated lu a long lime and vas Pl settei at flie hume outhle brides tai-- ientsandi relatives lu Europe vili basa beau meeting, andStaI budY Meve doubtiesa aldet b>' lie fautI tat the t enta,. Kr. sud ira. Paic-k Mlieu1 1 bave leir visites grattlied fot Pest-i- thletird fleur utft@e cnotY iilli- algit vas ver>' val and eturto>'andC ne Grasud avettue. M. sud Mlu. ILys- 1master. Daniel tii-d>'tbie mOroli ri--49ugorIlseassions. Rerred lu colu- the e eru ev w eople on te creet l celdre t sdeksuaitreernsed yol1*ceiveul ait offliciai notice front Wasb- MpilIce. *at te lime. Thi' rolber enlereultea ite i boe adi rnatt trec t andwil.ntgOn tating Ibal an arrangement Tut.bondb turnitibed by Treasurer placethrougi a aide <bar wvItiebopensaI lie t hme lterDec loh as Iteetu made vtlt toreign couutrlaa Mi-Donouglu. lotaling $302.000 amdi b>' mb the ballvaî-. Theeti-il'outWaulegau Iis ute ave a witereby pricels Post Packages viticit tjuuty Clarkt Jendee fui- $16,000, wei- Wllhbhie brai-e aud bit b.lie rlci UlStih-Pal Chrisltas Btruc. ItyUL'b av.' ieen shul outinéles t e r accepted b>'te hourd-. bules ail arouni the teck wvitci-e bg». forth vlta utyrati ut lgltsj fý nlia position lunte court bouse ssmîctri catu once more ha sent abrOad. Bealdes lMr. Mi-Dououtgi these- mien vas lien ahle lueneeae vithout îâtd un the. eve ufthlie Christmas., tat eevniugin luthe librar>' club algned ils bonde: muci effort. Aller fiaIt the reat vas pnavidinlg lbhelplans outhoeiMayor J. 1ouma elIe 'uestia> Eveuîng girls' J. W. Sarveil, Théodore H. OuraI. easy. Thea tact -that 'the Police pis- Il'. »Mcitigriand îr&lîrîtls sud ili u ie aver>' enjoyable meeting. Gîtes. Farter, Frank Lodeski, Dr.*J.troc vîilu na tew filet lhiimvil ljr do nut go awmry.'Teé prolectl1Aller te regular btusiness a social C. OItole>' W. B. Élmti, CdlaenceW. t a a u ehosIu ,a-ul ( IL. i jteImnary stage.,liowever.'hou, was sîteul In dancing aud ré. Dver. C. iHtBurnet. P. C. Gedge. L. hli-iai ied tévOi'k. MGire I hein ave as yel heu-n perterteti. tresîeî eesrei J. Yager, F.C. Kigl, 1).'r. Webb, a utepseaI13 cukai 181maor plas lu uoe bis giet in- emnswr evd ilad wadwsi h lc i :0ol)kii lsuence l inte splendid nitovemntul Royn>'White, , 811Northt avenue nu- 5srnuel Schwartz' illn Wadagaîn 51 10 'utocï vîso liediseur- *14119 t"e prouineul club leader wvIl1terwent an opération ai he h spili 1 ulS-ba-a .T.Mblr .ersilthe obruir. IL vas lu this isanu- 1ËJtar entire assisansce bus to uîy rieupraln asp1ru lL. Joues and F. W. Chtur-hill. uer tiat be placeîli e titde viien hoi tocsa . Theroperaioa wax pzafoim. '111111RU ha rlet ell as laaauU. y iDrs. Fuie>' andi Kulgit. Indiea- Bealides ('ounti>'Clark kHendea, ltese robbier>' 10<k pisee. Thot uOu-e uf ii Saietelly wtaî be Itotunlino pin - lbheirî n ,uspieu algued bis bond: -robierîes ma>' taielide lu thl it i> aV u > uieru ibolsieet! reeman Clav, W. B. atuLh, K. J. leli te feiofuthlisPolice. On Sali- sitevening waa pleaaantly Iarrlage lîceses ver. iaaued l {ydtet T ebb a>'nit an allemPl vas maétOl laàlllaylng gantesan u i tonaleo t$Pt rekitoaTat iréi tmI h MtWSmnl vre ered t1he toliovtng peusens: Max Meleher. spevser oiu tl lO atdoet. . brekmbae n acglu-Et Oeinthé ~8e ~ ialsun u Wauond is26. Gaitruie Rathienau, aid 27. Mli- SuerîrCsai l dodlta am man.Anacnttdi viàh"-jfig Woher, Ueo Matutan, of vauklue. :Walter Vul. 29, 7ilaates e" aoulo itctvs aos duai îep iit, on soircl [IhulîlIa ut i-sysîhe vIsJoséphine Daulzmau, 26,.StI Francts monsi' b>' hie si& a o:utn s ite einititvesud îriauds in <is \Wl. Anoid J. VIth, 22,. Mari2 WIere, aur tellow supervisoi rot ____ ,~ Pimi>' îlasial, 2. Mlvauis. te ttovu of Wgryhn la atAest trou lie Wewml 'beai uofte Ediria. The ueraI ufthle laIe 'rhumas Me- etnutiis oainacunttpnu 10s. toi i twt1f thle large Rand. lIc-<'ullougi vas betd' titamrnîni ,t 1 li tdit utf bis brothber, w vb longed Ossi. aaoblg, I Oaic bas, v c~uiran np t fCklolago aPent .'-ms t t1tV(,ot-ik front 'bIa homl una ea tImodi.sdme epc- teimeS t1lit«tesra lW Of s ta f~s ireelatin le nv~ai Iet urlI ookplme u arrn emeur'04 fatilmes oft Ib is eal>'. lieu tst hmurtod USOU the .tt « erêed Y utaRi CrdliouIcatd.A s40 'owbpb «tit !Iis- oabse 8e tld d ç oetal ItmS3te 6 p«>'out1et àTitumpeon. supçrntuendeni .bIer or lIai ".n -olIètie ded t liie tS e ,CuIiuIgIad i.OUbt 9.e4p. giatle9.80 ne f ~~w made rtv luitral.iP«cultçtaF ew hereVed famullyothoi.eeesd luoaipotfin 'Laugingiy site repli: I"Wby 1 sould sas' nul. Heus juil 21 Ioda>' and basxt't sad a IWord about Il. 1 mIsas lied voltutîl hlal 21 or uver. No, hOet thle vire vorks toda>', bav. tuý resunai on dhliiornîng. "Wliere vshe ]yédteu-dKy?* 'I al ,t xcvbut h. vas ln tuvu 1 thlnk."' ,,H&ent subii a vurd about gettlng megripd." vas SaisiS ber. 11 ebaould gay net" maîd the motte- es site *ound no ber converalti. Capt. Ccovaas localed an lthe vire. '-la Bei-tha gaing lu b. marime? i-as asied i hm. "Lord blesyuu, nu'" replied t Toluuteer captain. "Havenl beard ltat aie's î.u'ng it w' as aed. "I sbouid gay nel. Wiy. ebe'. lut busineecilege." InsIstthe b.captalo, "I'd let yen know If it vas being contempiated.*" inquhr>'et tbe buoiness coliege suvaiS Berthia bai a 'tardy marku" againet iber yasterday aft- noon althlb iteh.wae i-bcoul lu tite nornulug. The. jarrtagie lcense val; foiued lah<- lu the'aft0rutoouf l t(lii1 rauo Morne in iveiing. ThettIf ta apparent lis comiP46e mai agti te gel &Ae>'qulet>' troju W@u.t tegaut, e kt p ltte cil> sud geltit lirétige andti lien hftry h ai-h home i. lu.'> vuuld gettlu hheir homes abat bh(. usuel seitedule tIoe, la evident front lthe fait tint the parent lu t-aci ciae daid tlb. dild vas ai bomes a And, :Eketsd i-ami> down lovu1v b.e evcnlIK& played a f1eýv jgnqs 91 poul vitu trieni.madeiehtureMlart 'tnutbard thue, été éld lte*eu' to bis bhe-paiütte soute side. Battit ,Cook lli7îstr"~d.> alleu Wenu.l'elh iodffie tg If itfilionlt nete ouI- ar>' In ber life 71ad iaPetSed, Èbf tidl moiKngoasit veut Iaci lu ibe ullvxe ln the, b umAteus-tool5E au sua Nttbody lu lovu. spppJeltly but ti ,.;, ina io#that a nifIMEe tii-sua> $f Isauedlà Itdagim o thé y-nng cééil ln qéestitn d it vas jMt m e r>go. for li 1atse k luliP. - IM ypq 'lot. îut Silotb1teeIrltho .tu but , ay' stvaiI n itÂMb tulluvfrienti *Ililie fûteecià eeaini 6f th e.ittluntOui ut lt Pretty romane vi-b iga been carniefi on tor ove Ivo Yeats. bue~m --uý tfdà i* -#t W-*6l,'6 than souventred. Li.à l *i éléàp!W butM» aha M 4»M MU m« 1 10 Ihrugi sMI~I-940tio~ BACK ALLIES SAY -»rluM W9,M Ta French Claim et Gsin#ng r.und la ontai t. oht "@ ABs-C8ptur* FresnchOft Svlnu-Ut Ms(linourt. -- - 7- F0?lU flfm sfiC Loadon. Pa. *.-Brl, troffl- tr itM r aeetilpilidPas Clieudiele, ois theicallrd âmilva>'betven fie: iaôp4 .oIa'Whlch Ops$1tudy Dç atout the Lys. ember 12h, at 9 AX M. eb IM~adyaied about two and a 1 'whG 6 Isole mdare 90Wlu a poition I cogdlndhW thâYr siovétifntalion. the. titirOdto*bu*td hévrS*duteer'rah a bs ,Grs.i octy on the part ai te odobtbasy " o (heu ians a luthe.reglon of Ypresad .409 dtihO'< rauiusmn0 ifo~ ti. io la#Oioi'edlu ii.oQ0lgt uof 4veptier !At~a 1 St cIal comuniuaque Iaued b>' tia var Guha. sleetIr au-.a. olthte ai Pari. Wltb thitIlndicatiQn Th*. daMagO te the IflMinenas stock, ofth lb.iirmana uee~t hii llies,'t. lu su tar as actual damal ela outent- filpinluadvincé thein fles wihh a elLamQotsniate nauZhLl.The tbumeOf ctianter ottsrnilve the. figit lau Plan-si idpriel Ltcuse b ciJe d alu o i> 'lmgesr Éve.,s ias>'b. *ietOd ain lu a$- fie. hleb rend.,I nIiî avina thé despEWt. clardéer wviielfromteo i.oers standpultt anSdih markefi dis early tyssce ofh lbebttie. Insurauce adJustera. for flitIreaaaon, G.t ain Oiound l r£gom.e have assuqipd theremponsibillty. 'r.enemy 'becamte mure active in AiltformtattMlPtsa tinmerctandls- the. reoIoua of '1*es ld the. fier -Ina b>' anr'«lier couceru wtthin t tirty the omloliiqn, siatel. "lThe P,-sfcb uiè*$ of WalukegsnW*tu b.e «"put be7bullid #li question. aitlllsr epliel siecesafull>' to ait Ot- AÀ10tUee "il buti. lrohruto*t di toks. euh-e Il.oaebluii's "Tdggery Clthes *'QprstlouIln th imAln.and Chate. SltOp"VlUval, skmoul] ainsufrottelis pages reilensare marked eblefty >' b>' W b. Il .111 b. a vondertul a"h arl:iiry duels. 0 r fpeople. "The. Nrsuçb troppe l4~vs gained Wbnaregoing lu0r s~tau sote p'oUli n îh Arunthe enemnys camp =11l pu' wI e fth*nýA* hlktii.>'ar, once moreà eýrf&" OPO rOV1e. ortArthur. Thsre wii i e 9 lieini alstatemet i 1 ied b>'tilng al along the. lin. tor With Itb- -(eM an>I at 8%rit o4,a urance #Ajuster$. Who iiAve oÇbèff àê34 ofthe saè, t la cut busl sd 11111180 *(yfi th@ Met tof I¶andevit thr.e bg< --Y dblaers dth ogfood«. elèM1, sesaiunable merdiandise hitu tSacs condtlit &0fthé roie, madse worlaîst Wieie. l'wleu Jas I ite m b>' therécent torrestIal rain, in caca- p od s in. and vse epeqLt»on q lut groat diMeult>'lteit.euuveme t ltrèits arouitd to la> lu a slp* of our troqe. ,utfgoci oesilble Ctthinir, Wihibt- *To tbeenorlia of Arr,. ve bave fixes. Hat,4 Zitu., et...toiferyinrate mailip oueellot lprogresacone, aud titis lah l tolee b . "Te ar tcppUal atLisaIs vasîviefoathe pepleand Dot -the horeilduv. Ts l pohai>'a @. T'rere never vas sueit anunet- of arien. Theré vers. bowever. li laNeliruilîol. 95U5db5 ii~.g bal bail...thers aver viii 8e Uelb.(Om "The stoktemenade i.b>' t4e Inancli dstllr Irs Mill du l *u t p- f Iai iarugan advectie u inte fore« t t5.we e ipre ou an>' atice 4 of ArigOfille lukt ip gccurdanee lwiqb ilurd*>', Deosunier IZtb. l tii.' 'fin Pra ou ime ni renél viien lte <louisoffl for itihis ii 5ta ý itletpr e tg elp place. Ode lire insurance adjuaters' ne tilera. O)à thecnfail'je a" .VUiiflAd MRO S a auinnet people ittily *IlnMg àruid sîo*tt. as êV.; aitap d àon e Lb. l o '"é dey befl% yutdr" a Wpluregan fore. 'lh. Wmait east ç Va-this appel la redete 0erÎ_1;' dtî ansd about 1em0 Dié-et a asunefor ât at. d;t PrILOUers. trYubg tldo but ovre,-n fdi e it»M sait ut à Pi-le tin eeOr hd «A Preucb attai-k un aur pSoi mort, qt *esye b««@u-. FnM Me te) lbe north ot Nancy vas repulsdel nd u itof i iitn oeta e yeeterday.1 y ie1 t~~ ofiter >'oit ud the gre I stpn@d4 he ireofthealiedIflg t seStickets. viti hplbp- Ktui th e lmc% bhavé grâduélly id. de5tudo noihe. W, vifl dion rani-et îieîu- lins. util tii,>'have wout l~,lei,<>ls~ e, U PractilY ceared the rdnbt. iii ee al kid. e e uts have a strlalU fili tu ftoulern. igne .lu front of ther alomes ii naio- kegan, aji4jos aviiihate, se sof lites. ëEMPEROIt WIfflu ,iS IIL vAr pricedmerciatajs. fbot lbsey W h4 Vîsit te Bnei.Front sea nit--eu. » utdsttkig. We me Wb> *erJnnonnuaçes.matsntiq auta> .loit ySbat t(b - ipiranq . lualr im have cm«> 1Icrli. (t 9-Vil, Amsterdamut o! lb."To"e.ryCltit.. Biopu"ego*. snd London -ll it1;e filluian- arc e rc*l, [1 gvngégzod I30 ncuinced <bat Emperôr Williiam t ise atia3, tiaàt IVC anuot iifi M Tli~ a»uuncu.ut tbM bd fi u larosd or.atreet car foré p.ld onfitteeo kt arfferJus troisa çerabbonhI dolla.r ptrcbanor trer. t c&tpZTl - lu fom mar= for lie nit pl.ulv ' stctrJ ud' baî bee.y4le op- mituuyurprbae1O0q&, iln frpot 47 t~lurD ltl1 @<eneeee stree . Wulgu il4 ' rit bieb b bea- ftrfmgçd for. Open ever>' nightlut191 ; hztldYe Oiep -v Isin O tlçn. I'le Ji gd, 11il lu accomtuodalathoe ,emplor- blà le Ma <n vè ltenton ho report,% ed durlug the, d»a>. 4)$ .k or the i. *a eU ôntrum! kt uf the gi-nem sif AergeNsMaUU NSwe Br 1. is bject uttt erqW*asVa n. nAArjlr ~ .n.t~ ation la lu have more, growty bW . Dominidil 8*05ethé Urinflng et Ani. rlmore taxes tglakbli Wobat- Br mais ThrOfoietaTrlt.briei. én Imuto e e yg 0oe pr l' t [fe ront. lth.. Doc: . T*- - bâti M ' te r 1a ' tà- î6; £pes * p is banjo placedt.qn AlflSIcUbornséb>' IJtéIatfalls . d n le Canada lias onle 140O e ect eI MÉSamb . m t 0'l lué u is f in o j W Tiqismens Ihal ail horait nýeluasiprospenlty ori« luoutn mil gbmil 0I lpotit» nou'itry fort,4litearrlog,pa&tlons unfuresen apsue-U cean nul bc sent lbruugh (,an"&,a.e he ~ mure vae nqr¶1.1 la fiald, la p2~' ns nteil p fruqi bout and *3MCrime. ur iii ulhtaisa*é,wifi Ila feayMd, Lidy vy-r4li 5 migb b.canred y ,raw, etc. viinwua e TO ASSERT NE#TRM. RIGRTS linplaItn au s1 tϏtî iê1* * nAmerloan Urgop' AW*éaryen te 1Dé8 val, vit» thé 8615 tg 8 1 wùName Wau fiel.uondelmabout M UN a buaiu ;tt Waashington. Dec.. ».-e à am" toct qwoagPl#p 'w 8%lom* el- or uthte fgveruîugboardthe Vl. an- "1111Mfia. »J va ltb p's.. b '.Ameican union a 'reg#nti n vtTp it t y p 02ts' !b. Spassait &%king é.r.eer9 4u 'yun te a, tua -Cu'thinali point a coiMM opçp~ f titeir uvu wn nubet idtfdilcitiI BePe wu wbicb viii basmeut lit î111h5 o! beui asuç frai .a ii eýrnheaisphere la mte làim*udio~~ t. 55 1 -el' hlpt f Asuâtulis Are Npueu le or paa . id. Parlé,e. . -À dmogm tipItki- .- SMavis l ff 0 a gris» l ykgS*> ffrva4llà, cent are pQ~CfI A '-- , . 1

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