CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 11 Dec 1914, p. 3

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LM[£ OOUNTY INDEPENDENT. FRmDAY, DECEMBER Il. 1914. STILL EATING? GoM! We are sitl selllng Groceriee and Meat- thse BE8T in town for the money-and selling a lot of them. If yen are a, customer we cas hold your trade with- out advertluing. Our goods and the service we give But if yen are not a cnatonier yen eught te be, and we vant you te b.e oe, for It Io s amich to your bon- elit as te ours. Juaî aah any of our customer-they'li tell you-theu corne yonr- V If adyo'lb. happy and se yull we. Orderso alled for sud delivrd The Model Cash Grocery aknd Market ueyo Prsgwl oie r A. W LIN ROTH MRS.5M. PROTINE c LIBEFTYVILLE, ILL. MILLINERY andDRY GOODS Latest Style Winter Hats at Reduced Prices A icc lUne of Gloves, Hase. Sweaters, Handkerchiefs, Ladies' Neckwear, Silk Waista and Petticoats, Also Novelty Goods for the Holiday Trade Speclal Winter Sale' of Clothing T. A. Reynold's Clothing Store rgr * * * * * * * i O' discount 100 Boy'* 2-piece Suits 75 id 3-piece " 50 Boys' Overcoats 50 Men's Overcoats 100 Men's Suits We are ovetfrsoked witlî the. abuîet-g od. anîd 10W iri the timîe to gvt bargaiîîva at the. NEW CLOTlIINÙj STORE Ail Iiwsm.- itplete and ordlci iug goo<Id tevydy Colne and tee lia oppîosi te th(. nri gar-age on.)Milwuukec :ie-nue. Mmîîî thanks for liberal piatronageiriititi Jast, wtI remaîn N ours trul'., T. A. REYNOLDS, Pi-op. Libertyrile, 411 J)ecember 10, 1911. 0PPO1ITtUNITIÉS,:like cela, are slippery and liard ta, hold, unies, firrnly seîzed. Tbey wlide through the fingers and are gone ere one je aware. * 'lPo make the înost of opportunities that may lie grasped by advertising, use 'fhe;Independeyit's dias- sified pages. It je a mighty elueive.opportunity mîati escapes those who advertise in The Indepetudent.* Fro'm Ita thouoand of reader, Thie lndeputdent le pretty sur@ tu afford the adveritiBerîtt thepportuntiet that he te seeking. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ____________________________________________________ .L 5U AJiA~ PRIZES FOR AN- NUAL CORN SHOW ARE NOW AWARDED (Continnod Troni Page One.) cILA.aE 6,1uni. 2. 'Wbîteo Crn- i-Roy Kennem ,Antioch. Thia ton o«Maswu. olmplo. In clama ad alto araum dimpion la abev. 2-Jean Elnger, Libertyvllle. S-Otrdîor Faulkner, AYon. 4-Charlea Hall, Warren. CLASS 6. Sub. 3. Other colorsanad kind- CLASS 6, fnb. 4. Pop Crn- 1-Elmer Puilen, Antioch. 2-Barl Faat. Warren. 3-{laladyas cott, Bouton. 4-John Pauisen, Bouton. Junior Corn. binlauaEam. CLABB 7. Sub. 1. Yellow Con- I Erneat Rîtta, Area. 2-Uca Dalziel, Warren. 3-Teddy Maaon, Vernon. 4-Harold Mrrtt, Vernon. CLASS 7, Sub. 2-White Corn- 1-isabef Dlckout, Vernon. This car va, champion le cia,, and also grand champion ear et show. 2-Gardner Famulkner, Avon. ?,Marjorie Flood, Warren. 4--charles Hall, Warren. I.ASS 7, Sub. 4. Pop Corn- ]-Charles Glacken. Benton. SCHOOL CLASS-Corn. CLASS 8, Sui), 1. Yellow ('ornTe_ Ear Samples. 1 Area Sehool, Fremont, also chamnpion In clas. 2l-Wilmot Schoff i Derfield. 3-Hawthforu,. Farni School. Libh ertyville. 4-i van 1c), . S(hool . lr'i (I. %SS Si'* IWhite Corn- 9 CIILDREN NORTH. WEST 0f TE CITY HAVYE SMALLPOX. enough tc, permit of an excellent dis- play. Under the direction and supervIsIon of County Supertutendent of Schools T. A. SimPeon the exhîhit of work done b>' the grade Children of the country acheola la an excellent oe aud occuple a alargo booth oe t s evn et the ahow. Mauy ploaaed commenta haVé elm huatfhee O Uoadvanced vork beiug doue by ltsa puplia. Tlh.ezlthIbit pregaffd and arrauiged by the'stato bour t health la a most attractive orne. U~ la operated by eloc- triclty aud shows litio doila golng tbregh niaitolutte». On.eorthtie heeths shows the Booeeaty et veutt lng thse sleeping nogus.,Auother aboya bey Illea apread dlsmise. Stîli anotlier ahows boy carel«Oasms.and ignorance reauît lu the doath of oeebaby eut et every OIveuder tb* &9e et on. 70sf every year. A nurme from thse heapit&l va preseut thi a atrnoon te demon- strate the beat mnner et waahiug and carilng for a aani baby. The industriel oxhibit in the An-. nry i. an lntoroatlug one. Among the concerna which bave exhibita are thse Barveil comfaay, thse T. E. Gray biat factorY. the gas compeuy the Public Service ComPspy, etc-- The ditPlay by 1the Gray hat cornpaiiy la an especial- ly lmtereatlng eue. Thse American Ex- prpso Company alao han an Interestlng exitibit. Thte iolloaing program is belng ren- d"uîl today: 10:00l a m --ousehnld Science De, tartment-Parlah Houte 'tirs. Parr, F)eatur. Demonstratlon Tle Fiai- anceti Meal. _;O >i a m -A Gnod Roati, Meeting l.yrlc Theater. Talit on 'one relu Road Construction illustrac-d arth 8teroî,ti, iiolities. B t-Dy s-îtl of Iht- Universel Cernent('o. 10::W a. ni.-Farinera' Institute M-'ite Theater. Mtr. C. E. Ru coi.,'r lîî1dge AI Atwood, Chicago- Films I iad-rdg-Srhool, Waokegan. i eniocîtratlng llastlng-Du Pont ltaw l-rederick A. Preston orftHighlandi 2 hacrlnSchool, 'Warren. 1 der company. Park, a Laike Cauniy man who han Steano Slioi, Wrre. 1,30C p. m.Iltousehold Sience De-tieiet a nunîber of different de- 4 Doilge is Schol, Warren. parînteni Parish Hoose. 'tîsît lic-es which are ued on ralîroati-. 4-Dodge arrenlias jo-il recelveti word tramn Wa-n CLASS 1.Sut Diher colore andi Irs. Aorgan 5or lîlinois Fede-r aiof ntn'hth bsbe rne Iintis \Aomens Clobs. Mrs. Atwoo], Chir-a-parent on a tait way anti-creeper, Mr, I Rasetýilie Sttiool,,4Vauconda. go.lPreston already has lnseniî-d an auit- 2latslae Srhool. Cuba. 1 h . m.--Goad 1Ri '.r 'ting railcrt'tlitr which ires entsa arail llaîn- aite Schoot, Antiorh. Lyric theater. Addreoz an RouîtFi tram creeiîing inI one di-eMs'ti. HI-m latest înventinr riscanslticred a sa5t 4 A'.riolir St lool, Liblertyville. salire and <onstructon-Sîceropt !con, 1iîro>,t-mflt oser ttc ather. In fact ClAS v. Sui) , 4Pop ('arn - I.1. .Ton. Assistant In Road i l-. nai; s -aid la be suiterior la an,- afthp t -tsrsileSeîtiWacodî ai-s "I _S. Departinent Gond Iloati.sctrai ane-way anli ereepers on the 2 \\ arrenti, Slino]. 'Warren. Ilinîrois Raids-B. H. Plelîni, t-r. A ma. el îP ien is a caniaivl ipe onet' olit rpmaînetfr d liciidt-rIdgc Schlî .Waukegan sistant Engineer Illinois ltlchwaîPson t tinoarh 4 -11 bbaril SctiooI. îEla. lnlmîs-lon-Steropticon. Railroati campanies are pot ta nmurc School Ciasa--Eingle Ear.. I::la1,m -Flarmers' lnsitlitI- . lime antI Incanvenience 'carIvs, not CLASS tý. i, 1. Yeliow ('arn- AI. C. A. Dr. llurt, Catesburg. Mr. Io mention danger ta traHfir. L' hie i coo Ar- Siî,t r aica chan- 1 ' a.(i-g. rD0.Bra ' crAeeling ai rails. For lli's reaon AtodI hrgo ID ..Bro -an ti-railcreeiers arc bpcom'in.2 'fore iion in tiass, I ana. 'ir LiiiiianNorth Chicago. iiaî,îiar ccinsîanîls- 'ttc îrestoîi's in- 2 hol TipSlat.Vernon ,I' C-craI meetIng-YA NIf.vnt nibatues the- advanta j (i, .1~~~~~~~ WarnnSl,,i i.ari. C . S sc Lecture-Catel i sniiar des Ires already an 1ho maî.rket 't il Atti.(')Ul- cadecitinous rîî 'itiîn otii'totn.Ccao l Iaî,d wlth entlrely new advanlagv-. <LASS 9t Sîb. VIilite ICorn- lre M n ,Pairr, N1.Ili n nanti-creeîter, a uiary ~de- i -rriptp S, olîaiVertron.Tire ni-c-t gIn f5 ie Y. M. C. A. to- vice coilipleti- in ttelf for'rî,tionally- îîîrn. ngîîî proîtr- ot. bcli fot anly Inieresi- gritjitnc albs ewei jcn 2 Warrenlon Schocî bseWarrenIdaen iir utDr ics, and atiditional lndepc-ndent ?-ýintroI lfr Shoo. BntoL Crw' ofnipans co-operatlng with sali iivice CLASS 9, Sub. ? Othrr coloris anîd Chicago iil gîte a lecture on-Tlie and wllh a raross-tle ta tranîsmit a'i't kiwis- Ca'se o alat iig ('aid." Mrs. Parr thrugl due ta a ereeplng tendency or I-Gilmer School, Chicago itliriîsa gise an inierest- said rail, la soltd île. AreaSchol, remnt. ie ectue ' icr itlIt e oherIna-aiant-creeper, a deýceI ain- 2-Aea chol, reront in letue. l'hre vil bcothr fa- ,tndenî of tht' use of hoîts for fric- 3- ainesville Feýhoat. Avon. tuirs ta tie îtruurarîî. tiaaally gripping a rail base hetween 4-Hawthorne Parti School, î.iiuer- Lik0 the t' t]tr aHfairs, noa admission adjacent ties, anti îdditlonîl jndrpîes. tys-lîbe. tvt leb chargeti. anudtie public Is cor- tIent mean% ca-aperatlng a 11h sait dti- CLAS , Sb.4.PopCon- dlillv iii;itedt liet Irosent. As many lire sud A ith tathtof ai ld lue"ta CLASS 9. Sub a.tPopd.artis-Io rlasil S fai%, trust due toa acretpine- 1-Hlderidge Scbool, Waîîkegan us os 1 catliated ha sli enc-y o ai sdrail, ta saîdtile. 2-Warrenton School, Warren. esîtesially troc sî tii regard to the '1.Fn cominuatraa, a otlesa ite- SCHOOL CLAS-0.ats. conshowiai f1lici Armars-. si-,'for trîctioalîs' gripping a rait CLASS 10, Sub. 1, White Ots- Tht' flloaiiîg irogrim a111 ho gîven lubaIelacen adjacent tics. and atidi- 1Mrgi holThssmloftomoro:t iomiai inîependent meano co-aperait- 1 Wiglt Shoo Tis impe o wvitli sali tis e anti with a tie nais tias chaioniin liss dosaand 10 ta Il a. bahld Science tollrci iii t reepiiîg ai saîti rail in aise, grand chamption .1kaals tI Départ meiit PaiîtI liuise. M,,. Parr c1litIr.ui:c,în.sait rail lteliic ru t he shoaw Sh i cL unettescI r ,iidtic- tlt bstiefrict'anal en- '>-ItpfedIil ta 12 a. mi EFîîerinmeat for 4lI roi - rsItta sltl essî,e. I Arcs Scîtool. FriiiotuihiiiigS h IGrEl hs , o llIIio lr loI1giii i g a rail 1-Iow rh, li- enton titisse Ai vs Suic- i tory teller, Mu- ba, t,. pl -crtadjiacet ut ichs. andlati- llA S lt. SLi , A l'a (lIs- sic atir(]plis it li tiiii r- diionttration I itt'fit ' I PI't4eî ca tt oican-,i ta aluer't CLAS 1Iealon Sîla aIetan. Il a mIi, la 1" ], 1I îtertainment ai w a- sîiil Wddc%,ce anti wiil boîli 1--astBeito S(oo, Brto. IIPY. (, A fo te tct l.cttmir-cpiiig tofsaîl-,rail. 2-Ha-Iliarne Fart,, Schtoa1 ib .ler. tj .S.I Ae oîaîmfrtein îutlttiitretion. sai rail belttg ce tyil.vsilt ite boys. Ct ottla iim and swim-vt raiml ii i 1t-tN its o ,'fricl analo- I -Wb ic St hoal. Cuita.mliiig sttunt it tt1, tci n physical taIz'It ni iter ilof .saitttev-ise. 4 Archer Srtiool, Fît training. ýIn ctomniaiioi, aln antt-c-recuer (:I-ýS Ir, ul) :ý Bl(k Oat - 1 :10 a. ni 'ar icrs nsttut - ttliti,'dtl l 1t iti- liiuc In <1arail anti ÇLASSlt, Nl' I.Diak (las- 10254 . ut - ('îtrýtiroltute aîrail joitîi. ta lîreseit 1 --Fa.,t itenttaScl,,,l, Dlentan. Birrison t teaIýi Iri'iHurt. Mc. Bar- 'îtt ýviic- ot saidt itrs. tncluditg iatec- Grn Capinfu as-ovta, Air. Russell. 11,1 'ottî Powder Cam- t ci for tri, tît îsgril) îingItie rail Kney nic.paîîs Filmsandt o-t,,pitiiigememberg n an sth Graes- nd iapin i o> L'30p. nit .'1, iim.-Entertaîn -idt ,of sald ratl euth secaceti ai op- Grand Chamîtan or Isai:l Dlck,-el'sti ro tIt aiof suid tics. (ho out, Vernan. mnst ait ail the citîr theatert for the , ,,rIed ly saddettci n Grand chamption pîtct of af sIt visitors. Barris,',, :Anterican Steel tui cip . aîrîitig. aîiiidr- lieta A'. 'is'tt c-hal. îiitrlvsnieant iW're Coistltu,.t filins, 'Through trt-t.pitigJiLeii trail In Pelliter dire(> Weigt ScoolLibetyvIte fiit, iitin t,nirlea le efrlctisnaI CORN NOVELTIES. tille Furîsace tut ile Farm." Dr. Roc- gril,tt * itîai tici,-on tie rail. i-.-Warrenton Scbool Warren, ton, iecttirer. Flitu-C(y Devry, keep- 2-Evereti School, Deertielti or af the Lincolnt Park Zoo. Star: Edu- Fuaiii ,-,, c.Institue lttda- inclodeti lec- 3-Gilmer Schooi. Ela. catîanal films. 1,yric: Educational tires- ad itti îîîg iclace shows In 4'I'lsîf i Day -S cho ol, Ve r n on. CORN BOOKLETS. t Ainthrop Harbor School. 2 Wacrenton School, Warren. 3-Everett School, Deerlteld. 4-vtckernsan School, Shiields Wau.ïegan, December 3. Tîte farmers' institute anti antuosi ran siotsopeetiiiiWstikegan this iiiornig and l s la full blast. Begin- ting 55 it tht' itrst tlîing tlus marning àaitît, tîtitiing aIt day te visitors be- gais ta arrise front tht' rural districts. Tlîcy distrIhiiled tlsemselves to the K virioos pointa afiinterest ln thie clty. t 10 tlîaught there a-ii bc an even larger attendance tomorrow. The corn show and industrlal ex. hibit ai the' Armory attracied large crowds ail day long. Tht' corn exhibit la sald to be one of tLe beat ever seen ln tIse state. TIser. la corn ot every kind and description. The ex- hibit ef grasses sud grains alae la an excellent eue. The Anmory is large AT FRIDAY'S CORN SHOW. Tlîe attentlaniit i1he anlsOal corn show todi~ay îv ittchl rger than on the' opening ti saîîd Ihose who are promnoting tht' affair feel much en- couragemntn. C E Russell of Mon- mouth is busils. engageti ln judging tLe corn anti grain exhibit, and it la thoughi that he wilI have contPleted hi, vont thir afternoan. TIese csoal chilticen af the clty were preserîl ai the showa ioday, hav- li;g Leen tuict lîre blt heir teach- ers wha expla,îîed tie affair ta thern, The children ntl only toat iin the corn show boutIsa the îîautry show. They showeti a ttc-el' luterest and were especlmlly iitlcrcsltt in vlea'ing the exhibite of stitoal chiltiren front tht' rural districts. The ludusîrial exhibits ai the' cohn show aiea proved ai attractive feature and are a nieaiis(YIf instruction fie ntany peopîle. Ail during tht' dmy te- day the immory was veil filled wlth people attending the' show. This even- Ing la the latt opportunit>' to vieil the exhihit anti an especially large ai- tendance te deshred. There là ne ad- mission charged. Iu addition ta thse corn show the - r t- thte locsaI theatri s. Tîse lîrorait lratcd Imare of ats attraction iiaitonttnhle irsl day. Thec îracrai i en Tlursday night it tc Y. MI. C. A. a-as quite Iargely atlt'utlctiaîîd thase wha vert'there a-cri' aniils rfltaiti for their efforts. lDc tara in oi (hic-ago gave a mesi in- ier.stiiitg lecture an tut' causes of c-at, jing c-aId. lis talt va, given in an iti-rvtilng wanner that could he untlcrettttd 1it* any layman. The stîliet i irases oai rite professian vere omit e<t 'tr- 'Parr gasc lin atidreson tht' scliîaa as a sot-ilti center. She point- emi otthelit'any advantagea of tht' liati Ttîere were other fNatures ta iikthi.le rugraii an attractive one. t iais been a long tinte since Wau- tegan has entertained sco many gui-suc. The' la-l restaurants vere laxedtîlt ieir ttmoBi capacîty this noon and nîany iteople had tu watt their tIdi for tome litile tinte. Those who have exhlhlted corn sud grain ai tht'corn show are anxiously awaitiig the retiarne that wtîî be matie by tLe ludge. The children or the Warrenton echoal vere successful Iu carryiug off one first prise, three second prlzes, fivo feurth prîtes and eue fkfIs prize. The' corn show and farinera' mati. tute closed Frlday n1ght. The atten- dance the lait night waa very good. TIhe list-of prIze winners for the cern show has not been made out but wil be announced on Mouday. Taken as a vhoie the cern show and tarmiera' tuatitute are said to have been a outil. piete auccea,. BW4 l.M. LUR. AttIra. ADJUDICATION NOTICE. Publie Notice li heceby iveu th 1e out- leriber Aduultrator ofltthe £Miatofe Mena BIBflu unned, will attend the occaty Court et Lats Oounty at a terni thacatite b. týeîs eat the Court lBoute tu Wakeaao. tu &aMd Coofljon Me .fiat Me)nàofR etDbrary neit1. I. iin &bd wbere anfprna avlna lalai. atainat saisi 91am ar tibed and re. euffldte Preantt Un smo te @aid Court for adjudication. LOUISII ILLIÉANN, Adminloltrator. Waukela. fil.. Nocmber 30. 1914. c*Dec. 4-11-te (Contnuned Froin Page One,) tour dîfferent homeaasa follova: Gonld lhome, 2. D*Woody home, 3. Edyside home, 13. Mas-hum home, l., There are nine other familles vIser. tIse chilldren, through attadlug tise HoldOrtdge achool vhere lise vie. tilma a-e puPyS ver. ffemed aud tM4 famililea bave -boon netifiod tIsaitiseir cbIldren muet 1>. vaccinated at euce or thie homes vili ho placed uuder Quarantlue fer 20 day,. Ail but tve familles have conaouted. The Helderldge achool ha. heen cleo" and vill remaln clopdutil Januar>' lot. The situation ta veil ln hand, se. cording te flupervlmor Conradi ef Waukegau. wIse, Weduesday, accom- pauled atate health efficer Dr. Craw- ford to the settlemeut. Dr. Crawford itated emphaUIcallY te tise lutereated familles that he vould tolerate ne devîstlon from the rute. he laid down anti ail agreed te abido by tIsen. Sheriff Green accomPanled Mr. Çon- rad there thîs mOrning ta put the two signs on the home where vaccination wa refused. but. If they change fhiet mmd, tise aigu, corne down ttnmorro. LAKE COUNTY MAN PATENTS A DOUBLE RAIL ANTICREEPER Phone 267-M-i UBUTYVJ£ DYMOND L ALSMI Loess. luîaunc, Read Btate ad HomesRessua0. Office in Kaiser Block. LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS. EL HANAN W. COLO Money te Loan on Good Apptoved Regi Offfin iTrigge uidlng. LISERTYVILLE. - ILLINOIS. LYDa Rit Éf Armalm-M&-Law LibertMll . 10b"61 Loge Bunlelu. RealoPione 152-R. aelea1 MArTIN CL DECME Utacee Opp. Isua et Blé"etdo tag affice Phone "S âga. Pnous 186OR NORTH CHICAGO, ILLINOJO PAUL MAC GUFFI. ATTORNEY Av LAW. Uàb@ryville, Ilacla DER. O.P. BIrRFIBLD. VETE981NAEY PGO IlborUytll. Mlinois. DR. IE. V. SMIT11 PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON duri tcto0Sa M to te and 7 to tP. m office over Rtay Fumitibre Store. 1 LIPERTYVILLE. ILLINOIS DR, 1. L TAYLOR Office in Final National Bank Building ouu:-l to 3: 30 and to M in. gealdeuce )nu Broadway, opposite Park làcertyvllle.iluola. DR. GOLDING DENTIST Bour. 8 ta 12 a.m.-1 ta 5 p.. Over Fient National Bank Office Phone 19-J. lReg. Phone 1 .14. Llherti-ville. Illinois DR, E H. SMITIL DENTIS-r. 3VEE LANS, OetNTv ?NATIONAL BANK. OnUI-@ te 12 a. Mn. and 1 ta B p. ni DAILY. Libertyvle. Illinois CHAS. N. STEPIIENS, M. D. }IOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Phsone 100 Office over Cas Ce. Libertyvitie, 111. Dr. N. W. Shdluberger OSTWPAT1MC PIIYSICIAN Wi bcati M. C. 1. loagsa Ofhard SI.. Ubetyvlii, ma Tue .»Il frlday, DR. VICTOR C. HOEFPJER OSTEOPATHIC PHYBICIAN 215 Madiaon St., Waukegan ID. Office Heurs, 9-12 A. Mf.; 1-4 P IL, 7-8 P. IL Sundaya b>' Appelntment Only Telephono l2». J. L. REDDING, D.V. M. VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate Chicago Voit. Collage Office at Reaidonùe, 779 Grand Ave. Phono 1136-W. : Teleiituic1463 M31ai itetter rrerared th*n mv cireuse. Cir tindu Tour work, J. M. Graves AUCTIONEER 144 Elnivoed Av*., Waukegan, Muisj Seo mie beore mningpour data GENERÂL ÂUCTIONEER 1 have had much experlence lu largo cales-flate 1%. Satisfaction gisar. anteed. W. H. A1tPLEY Phone 212-J Uatvl PUBLIC AUCTIONEERING Cloueet attention pald le aanagln anction aalté and heat moalto la bandl lng Écame. AIl, kinde of homae, wagons and harmeau for salie or exchsugle an i time, HENRY SINE Phono, 148 or'48 Z3ON CITY, i-L FNýATiAN E.OATZERT Auctioncer h tdepe.dent Cla&Msied Ads Pay. Ask anij user of them' . 1 nil Telli bU Tni4 ,Too, My Daughter Undeubtedly nBite htu Eheand a'j ether nrmal me-bc pmbably wS i am a mid saimulant occa. b rprdieh. Beer is and .erefreshing, and hc viii drink t moteratiy> ha knowvathe me oe' 'rn t--be hroad,.minded and meet hinm hait way. You'li have yOur ire crotoni sodare. qety and Wili vWiihave hi. Your tather and I1smon viii have our twenty4llth vdding ho hadr7unk hla ee venve bc wanted fI.L Lok at him te. once hbave 1 denlet i hlme vhich ho drinks doea hint a vorid of good. lu a ci. e1 o t'. vheu yeà .eek te deprive rehela. Lot Wl drin.k%.wben ho vanta it, for he'a tee good a mnaite qe heyond thse hounda of nioderaton. Youll find that a little boer wiIl increa,. hia stock et cheerfulneaa. Chooae the ome cf mirtth and hapia, niyda.rder tItan tih=u oue and diesention. p -Adv.rt.aeaeca MORSES BROKIE, Trained & Wintered AT REABONÂBLE RATES. Have the beat of accomo- dations ail box stalle, experienced help, etc. Address IIARRY PITNAM Mile Track, LibertýviIIe, 111. PNEHHBOAROPRFT Money in the Rc$istr-That Talki For Cash Yon fiet $45.00 Profit on a $15.00 Investmest 0f 33 pieces of Fiasby, Classy, Biggegt and Beat Assorted Lot ef Leather and Fait Nevelies. Talking Machines Ail Kinds French, Germen. Italien and Spaniah Language Outfits. Shen you want a machine or records call uP wituetkatîi W or CutraiivO7 JAMES 1L*LYONS NWe.t Lobe st. chicago DR. M. A. CRANE, M. D. Bank Bldu. ARE).. ILL ofHice Hour@-2 4 p, tri. Sunday Excpt'ed Teleldîiri No. 29i6-R-1 Superintendent of Diamond Lake Sanitarium formerty of Battit Creek and Chicage Saite.' R. B. E PKE R G E NE RA L AUCTIONEER Dates arrauged and saes made on aatlalactory terma. M.;.ý

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