YIAI A FEAI( W140 IAS ;TiW& ssirbl ~ .eera>-,Itt0nz before ho Vwu able in 0 male~U SAN WAg~ n T KLet awuy olWe . IVRLAR AREST midIaWOMN A K 4d ~ ~RI"al'Inn» ltact, hlinaetually deriding MAR ARREST A middle aged WlaDDEgan wM aM, sirqet 1e 4pGgory .4-thcoenatwilapvntRh A LA fl1~!Jfl~wu'plcked up by the. policoe fl ýMi1 IO1R¶S mMDonld placid, MOGrgory I!5K'enttITIthewdM*&a dayë t"W ër 4b 'um jléé1ewMà PolîeI4~ji ~n ~u m&iag~~e ii> în~* Waer FThis fiOg MoGrggOry d4"r"iMu in qoli*W of1 gtoi t*e4tyt Ska h ê mitllgb h'* maSocleytIi-'i i ~~ io~rnle Tihe ju4e advlsed h ' to UUy jt m iti.VeDo _______ ft bâtk tto *Kikèlan asud Myayteî <*raamu o e thâ g h:m outa -Kenosha "News.Wé epuie om0 hMad HELD IN H1814LID PK. JAIL. N.OOds AlI(ESTREtT. have sald. Ho *denLled that heoIjtend- 8oft ÀAIE 'ÉÙ PIlIFUL. T h e V r Y ~ 4 ~ M u d 8 -G r 4 ~ V O N t o F o w a[d t a d o an d S h O sisICapture of Suspect- 1ATIÂI lTw njç ynt 6d Lk.FéIest Std*nt. 3ISA1I onIJji Lý.:E Pouice of the North shore bave been 1<I Waukegan, Dec. 17. eib. a 'd m D iifot w6ukIgan, Dec. 15. traillng a freak burglar for more tiaThe gueat pressure of th tntWlnter has blo*n hie lcy bresth tâ à inonth. Hie spectalty han beau rob. VWaukegan, Dec. 15. body -cf, Vater, consistlng of many o e OVOr euhgana, d as a rect lua dmt. li *4*euideeee.Of bcd 0c0làg, legal "Sagmewhere lanfthe cett ofWbeka- * ue enl t gallons torced out a per- '@- uu oe f the.poor people are *A4 and ilimflr ot. am 401.0lu prebeiila s opd for mti a 1 ii uthaaotti.lage augntintêd. cou nty Agent lI #+,ù1W0 ae h Rai bobo' wsaidu th ib" w aLaetàg rimk et MeCan'asPark Tues- n, f*CirwHnneOlerM~ ___ ai* .am. a rtedtu e psg13f bnfi. ma*ngrnng. A moment later ît was 1d aLneIeih ndCaalJ.W .EAPD etomtcalL He ti tadIm l &béatdIn mo bg to0n the bol tin gl reat Vol-:__Cook of the. Voluntecra of Amerim 1s ForSA MUt- u n h WIW th od hehpr tntevery l-ta ue-th ~ le rgqaence& e d cm atad on.lire 9fmWLiud "wlth appeils for aId * Pakjl navagrancy charge, il be- 1. bi luis iOy. ,IWe ho lae'ks am- qhe es et de of Market etreet. maay de ' anle orat d 'itaim ren untlbut. alIniit faileangta rtcle ug ee tanisancela ibia.eIap o- li 'byte Police ta îalow more bitilon. Ha «Ieo laks hope. Added 6tthé tW eces WîIre iintltéry Mr nfm igutlit thtalvas tIei te r sale. In tat Ifansne ine n .14 v Iotmus etp ,h awilârg ta tell about the t<> thàt ho lakha prleple. lHe *ould ift d byt '.Yàer Caff er, sellgwg. t1#ir a d. fac, fbls __d h ~é~eWustieta.do apy*;hlng ln the world for a bte:of o1ma iOUB tit >c~ ie Or oo.4àaeç~u. *tkii he5 urepfdfg u là "o t% a grs jiithe . lsttwoertirc i 'Undeck,." although dresaed as a $otýhI#.POÉfibY ho. Ihit itOP 1Iond hlgh and dry Ver. lna afew mo- Chanceljor-ý iÏîe Neghaus. adm fd ilstàh Id<as tiat 1 dott e f"tb " l t ba l efionr~hirlmaunW»: . tiamp, carieqi papeFsteeing te show Ota illin t et «a&wefl Ilibtal'monta, ereated loto latanda i lu avee Mea'tér *ythlos aise," Mvus to amOMefihte ii. c th fe fax. i iat; kas wss graduated f rom the rsîeo. voWle lu 6udt e y 1*o îîlckg)on. PI R era-« We WUe. tWîsitièhg. i m, tôîay. «éi are 91 the Opinion t fi a le k LKO m*d IMAtI - ."Cfktrm 1 deprtentaiOergeow Uilvtstythe very warmth -IBselgly Ilog The.sudden breakihiz of the baliki ivftSelli.POMBn cIindt iLgin ta fIeài.larger sand It assessed train the cue. rall sc cek~e< inarmnte Georgeatofwn ivers<,iaty ta £hoair. MaRjy a thougif entera ieMarahalEthel Gartlay. 8mai ARk HMiSEN-4an« 4aie laeheam oer.10 n slo in inat temttndnth in o wte @it a eier W mipi hie purchase.. va" ot liexslon, penn., ilgahhie mlpid. Home ef the thougts, a. down upon tha resldences croated a Inter snnîiiea tee ty. oI héttéin etuU1cannot understaïd wby the 50 *glkPF iIc m'q opbo ogî aprttath*t apoPoliceilmD. t "YIdter 0on leoccupa nts of the ~minea Htlmmielè eiitllsaor IWO e<,F ernmopt inslsted upon distributia~ Fox a. teoit IktdteÂko ln eglpaes 0ie ia »aWord of urglag for1 homes tint thefliood wVs of gr"ter j Nielai' os t li&t Bate blé» cllled ta ber kt.the ie 1pthad of taa ln megree Ir. f-le muel 'A uI al i itb Iadk ii. Brt m"nho <i.t tysc»-ýB,*e.efr-I *m àaminnithe.settlcment of an sep é"..*bî ýC!dtlOa. Mao"iof hem rushed etoenluwhcsebai4 hYd'h Qe)sar fl %m tat. wuas tolon tron th reoidence 0fr ,21,*hiehtrom the resîdences and ramalned Pe *e1aiNa!h iloo ref tatte and In whlh sie Iwo e Why i e ffter alah e rraýý u , »Iée:yaomeIe«* , n -. *t6'P~y*bc0~Ydr aaï érêët 0f lie away until 1e- lwo tewte dail wOttilg litd on thir ObussMas ,Ële nhttnli, i»a thke of IVa t -Qtémfmes ofll ù Ilngcf*- iWer vi? 111le U e la a~e ~bt *i,<Eni to sd issfilat lrecafl.d inhr At. sala. 1lbellev thatanaâ4dWual IfO0Wb 1B ~~M~4i " iii e orâîbhkai% ài 'the Wirhl~*<ua i.cuce re *âked t llihapr etoa un ni .g 0t poalago would have been LS d II àÎf0 qqW "* ti&«Ueiarb g vlWM&~4h Wlfn ated 4 a hm4h teiL rÏ; Jft apre ii t. pt iè" ta s .e d : U, o otaewul aeeuy b&Muni f ire. én*i e-do"I t. i fthe ffiaeorthé aie nty CSE O. 1 . l mr bn. p i~ iu ïkWI**6hu mb iaf C»Wffl y tui ta WWWn n tfteles y. imom trasai t1- udw « on istn o> 1ier"'l i fl4In - ~ 1fl0b~~ ~y, aumon whoçalevér 1 *Mwaebëd %à 8fldrW ofinee anirmke gthelôtiiê11a1 di r tit ôà 1hoe Utml e~yfa a 'fllde nlos6idiBWh le v Ieni u e14 'tb veue Autèray.gvn nosie atheir enaaroidlôrfalie A l"lug ï,'e'fý imumb Ma.,p thei fflt* endii tltiotVi dtL. Rain . GtWêftIMift IÎMM A W&-ilterý edi Pbetho r s d ure Inf, det$Lt e ivihfd ici ath thê ao"%hiti* sU "1« e rgarti ,* IôMd1éd f I ik g tô i VJ117t à~ baD 1 l i.c d 'faut bat ±ý<oob i * cre o tht L'oitaaette~ on. AECOND #R-tbeo askeen ale tci li bous*MW",li 1*1 jmfE <f * YWC:,?jE : et. Pé ne 1 0 h t fal t hI b"Vii ruerl- tole UIIàê-ta u ti&laik gebi4e MW clfci.o ai a k o . <ai oviaiu" iilaivuWil'Bbw.0melt i TctelOWa u'tht h lp e Lir. Om è6f leà a una by r4ltf1 ~éy fit1h olgu pelved ~~ lita illu Bull 4s Ow iî tu dati. ili5'r'e0 foo4f!ne tel îW V"dgtiladIèl. as b"'t tomber: the Ii,VYte t tl heehv UziV[IUOU YCiiOW.fuu hLta auoftirttôith os 'b* 0 M't(até sd &~y bt4. b een a- -- u«Itltab f mitdrun IlaIel: ffas YwtDot en om'i tf hi a vebenrinta ,, lac p2weo loded d *> Iub-la W I * liii a chci fOr 00 PY !î 6é-a ote ebHbtt re. "Y h Ver tsl wue ulêety.Ta blo'én k nor th f St te WlM rei esn o. Iat.Jreb. Eps- C E N.1 - Utee'ia r irims tauiy elda T1SDAD".1 , tI. rm4 ltwngie i .Ë"vct 0 9 i-fiat eeeuo th nsthnagent tô ib ifientmcl En on 4bt imafl t*" ss »em ofth f-tar ote f~li clla a!libe lte e bt , awaaL dl. ohn ier-o. T u condition p -abo t a oay . - .tt*C atilV .~e h 17bl4à M ," % t huliflat 05SO theléa t . re Wlcuçts an unnare th wrg-Ift DlacCao c.Toale kdoseyl li t»l ledaio atib'WY .W e-~ t..X psoiuma thecéa ief I* o Saidr.d lie It t athréarc, oh Kbaec W11vif t oV4abe 49set ati*g- 11, 1;ecet.i '1-n 4' m ther bt, ti' mft dédet, * ce f itet "o yttzîetnto- #La MAKE A qnMI)ut.wil a boum e m. oh Tefine.hoÏM 9 9110 .,intit auldW. -j T e«ui fe -*dû Inn . ofi t e Thlo *i pblc f hebisa 1. f hebiuilrated a by i. 1[m<0 i titi Pls esoea »frle saine aut. ,.ofmiý Tai epp. , Mr. âe. J. Romi rur hhe it - Gi vOst'fia .9 I»Repa ïuitora ilpsa LoleZllat-c'olCri uioie ttOer la lit hbae .- 61,NI ï& .4323MaDW alaM iet tutived caser 'M ui m trace C id- a os Maric Powllion f à b. oii1 adlOOd. lafti. fr soit s ti- udon-ai Ëtealu'Ibllaae e'r iRls d et ýum«-et hom aveeen emisnhomlp e ltt4yh Ulyn. $ lu.&a tIMete. euee k *s r o iseai- î 4wàk #é âà-ti-o.Ti<6m.- ~-oin bt h-ale aou z--ZMt970rki hilenee ~e.aatuhUse l h leta l report- tin -W'k h tn thrlg rr lee ingIn thbe m0f e-U~~W, ~0Ne i ~omiere u-Od ls tyhe, no atte e ~s aite oruuteUltrrinib t epeoet d<M MM leItu-,*nom lI e iéA t enauete bobleille'f hPoncez 4& Ielu M out ,ialpn * JuIlwlliut brakfat, hugri'ast laiE ie~i5 ta hhIÈmes ~ ~ ~ ~lb 01*fêd 'A fIVhr10w- lahiforcrohm A taJetard- eontaiTh bUiS 5 . eum iosTvhe .,-mng Tii. wsl volbme91basin to i -usôL r e 4--fS ag <eela e UIO la the fan »(a vm 0c am eyta e t . eon a b «mol ~ ~40~q~5 'lft t tasathe ini ini mIa re<lad e ~ a 1Ufil 'o~m'iUi-4 Y «q1r*ut iýtUnh.tr 'afit 'âI~"lte~ué'i- t. Iflger t tvuiea unisa' mi t. tnter sut ps peta Bodet. ii. ~*~ehouid ft uxof aMftoreuritod 1'hUS#6110.ro>a-0ris.4tco&.r;.lii 0tera . âJs ua #" uh un'Cor, ouh e r»m John b614*~ll Hefr , be'*41,-buithet Gilie U*uA" t 'e a The ce 'd.~~~~~e ei'itdajeu se'r ii e emi ue çcene'The58 lood wu the s0H>i - lr'nfi lieoeabi.tit tfoaé1l - ddD'U 4h T okàpsIiyS *0mayeIrt "Mthtflr'be-Wdedth isrit owi- M I FlS ULos la. -*r l a sti lf, 4lath o 1eé~l' s'W icla fie casde. lie reihvs eiy.Au "~ 'W< iSé'pait *tbfixesat méitm ou aIsed Or*-'M~ a ' . -b'ltae,hàr ul -th0sed J-.Tif l e ~r ~ .1~rsa u~n cfv ree il .Di lie deu.'o îot it mi ld<ho;& The . fier ireo'ait idistrictéL-treticelafit y nglt i e'mxian'-J in4ýn -tu fM ~? ~ <1~ftiYEnter Bergteemis et euity ,iemft1tiWlal noWfuel*0oruLfMmd fsintafiy. and Thee-IMM Btr: llau euthopysalir hm lai aiite01 toemivtehot a ws» EW Mi y n" Wht - ,Wlosod41he ayHoke ft4b.369»ao . Capet theetin Col dclten t ggial pIfl<n'»et*.o lw d emesipnJitou a vetu - ~,5e ngheur gageoming of thet ureat volumegt oy riM«. dlomed Isbrlmrsennui utsào.t- - -de?*geimm. i lbtalumub*dn EO S« a q' -, -Èm-tgtI k r l icn A ~ fie la den . ",aui i Jî . te 'hii, feons- ' 11Wt, -im ho' frT -"hl d juael. cfl fmnwh sie t hwltlecac f vtJle vt n ti'o f t*" tâeu -bl» Re's I- Lt f tiy a d'ot b taa u 140 h.lorpniIn cheeatatlerjie. thct agito ethelr fornoe1jm' -heU &bs l'u t@ a~' iQdar, Hohenlik.M'U iu~ t h & f'tJ'iigta 62Nrhý OtdAlet ' '- - -----u --#Mabogl Ois~t oeeulmsWU le *»ut 0f*A'M adInbeI b aeP" 'g'rapqmt wa ar oel. onoauioJhnmutnt ai e. l h Q jpe- " a n b drue airay. )l'liq. axattw Uf -0 -11bosaysetat-aM £o»Ldg- las» oue d4nj otea.o OIIÏ hmis ar eiba" holie tatti fte tlufÎtuby »r" . 411e megiu oW 0*'Wou a, evoe home YutUOr- ufmpt'bè iii té au' i 'tla rs $ miu àâoo obt ns Ttonie» ai h i & ed, 111 -on , r e' la iw.r iUt%*4" 4, dep itr flI -emo S 147 Outl oet . I i' heIl k <arfanoels.for -test -mi e 461O b ea»0e t'ot TMM lbe fm't, det Qtm oflo -teO 'itikaut &cetm n e sv elam . Tt at Iat *U"va' M W 'ippiPpr~ ~ ~ ~ e gfflo Iesthéiq ,ee 011v t eitMo t ée f ll t **n alu Taotdtabya e. he alte ost he h uoe i itti. aO*iI gpeaer pat etlite Wat*. Wle4 mIote1snq*bAýt.. ther arenofmi-aeb-&-r p irë e.- n~...e4< t m ut a u hM,.b el' sebeu i sai -lwSta eueL tauguas le M p-. teimS