jINPPE"Ê9'r, RMIAY, E- ~fSU m'aF M7 OVu yke te ftund Atone ~IW tque t Nierotee n Madison Street, in City. i.4ANNOT ESCAPE DEATH. Su"c eof Her'Da gier Last Summer ndf0et Sud. don D 1al Hcaliéd. Waukegan, Dec. 17. Hovgring betweea lite sud death, witi the latter but a few bourg aay et the longeat, %Ir. Mary Van.Dyk lieu on a little white cot lu the Jane MeAlister hosîital. When ber deatb occurs IV vili make the thîrd traglc daatb lu the Van Dyke tamlly vithin thc perli otofa ev uontbs. Thee 11eV ot theas tollowe: 1. Ont day lest summar ln Mil- wauhaa ON, Van Oyke's dogh- ter maluiied à demdly poison, conp esulug alida. 2. ftrely thraa or four mogthu saffl rý. Van Dyke's sged fathar whohad baon living witls har, diad auddMIsy In lad whon ne on* wua 51 aud. L. Now Mra. Van Dyke la o criticeily 111 that physiciens In ..t- tendance daciara eh* tannet pot- albililva more than s faw heure. Weil lnown Hare. Mma Van Dyke occupied a lUle cot. tageono Maison street, Just West of ihe Ditinoyer building. For smrn lit- Vi i mea iheived thare villi ber lu- valid bed-rldden tather. Since bia death se has livsi thers alone. Bbc o'ted out a meager living by dolng vbat Iutile von Bbc could. Poy the laut fev isys ber neighbors aud frienis bai missd ber. On Mou- dayatternoon ose of ber frieuis vent te cail ou ber, thiiing perhaps as uiightbt hI1. Sibc found Ms. Van Dyké In badInluau uncouacloua cou- dition. A physlian vas sumnu and thé mlater vwureporti o Sup. ervîmor Conrai. The remilt vas that the voman vas rernoved to the Jane licAlister boae- piaI vIser. che bas become a issieu1 of Couuty Physîclan Browu. 1. l suffring ot cirrhosia ut the liver sud ber condiiou l0sncb tbat as la fail- lus steaily>. Rer caselasonue ut tbe 1CIRCUIT JUI CLAiRÈ BDWAàOS COUNTY I- --~ Mrs. Fred Crocker of Ubertyville ieut tIse day lu thia cli>' visiting lira. Wilitam Rivarde ut Jackson street. tertainlug ber glater vho bas arrivi for a stay wit bher. Mr. sud Nca. Robert Frisby bave moved ta West McHsunry from Wauke- gan and are making tbeir homne vltb hie parents. , ho resudeeast Vofthtati Vi lage. MN. sud NMis. Wlliami Brovu vers pleasaatly surprisei finuda>' t their borne ountourtb treet ,*t a dilner part>' lu bonon o! their fourtb veddlng suniversar>'. Pitteen gueula vers pre- sent sud s very sujoyable eveuiug vas spelt. cThe tact thathte defense ln Iwo cses lu circuit court ase that ths men cbarged wlth hunglary were "given t.he articles b>' the mon charglug thiever>" au ithat the tact that the tind case preaeutadl the smre kind of deuse. gave ie lu he court rons oday o the question: "la l daugerous toa s- cept giftteat tMie YuletV$eh 55ea"' A letter receirsi <rom lins. Watrous- of Lake Bluff etates that s bacrach. ed the bedide of ber claer. Mrs. Ben ('lueo. tortuerl>' of Lake Bluff. She le at the home of ber sou, (Gus Cloes, in San Pedro. Cal, aud le lu s very low condition, bier aliment being cancer of the liver. She may live two moulue. aud ber deatb mu>' corne any minute. Her tamily lsail with ber. Maurice McMlahon, U. S. N. bas an- rived at bis home ou Water street lu this cit>' to spend tbe boliays witb borne tolks. The youug nman le au electilciau on board U. S. 0. South Carolina. Hie turlongb ends Jauuary 4. A wourn who gave ber marne as Nirs. Wagner sud vbo eaut! be-lived lu Kenosha was arrssted laVa Fidi>' uigbV on a charge o! IutoxicatPwLs She the Uni ted Charlties von sundtIn o cold that she took "Just one" dblui ot whisky. She bai no muney and the police pald ber tare back to Kenosha. A S50 ne ws mout pititul tb.i bas developei bers-A*uun a lu a long tîme. vent ber returu. Miteny o Case. The death of lier daughter vas a beau low Vo Nra. Van Dyke. 'The danabter bai besu marrisi about Ivo yeara ago and veut VtMa ads shonti>' aterwari Vo live. 'Thc bus- baud di ual meern ta approve ut is wife's mother and noV ouir' vould lbe not allov bier ta visît ber hors hufbe la sai ta bave forbididu bler' Vo write ta Vober. One nigbi lasV ummer IMss. Van Dyke receivei word throuth th o lice that lbsr daligter bcd coimWitW~ suicde b>' ilsking acte. Si. dl ail eh@emuId in. bave VIse ronum .o! bier daugbter brouçht lier*. for bW4al but 1V vas lu valu as iathe hbi* would noV permit IL. line. l th" sl a change for hs voatbas beau na- L ticeable lu Mra. Van Dykas condition. Y 8h. isvoted ail lber ties ta lisr lu- valu ftVer vbo bai been bai-ridden P, for igbt or iue yeare. Wbba b. disi tIse lust oflber close relatives vas re- rnovod aud as esmeutaVolose ail lu- tenest lu lits. P. J. Graham ot Ingleside, Laks count>', liasebesu appointei parole of- ficen for the Boys' Home at St. Cbarles ta succesi hs laie Thomas MIckey. Mir. Graham wvason he-st 1V f è52151. bicn vbo pbesi lb. etivli service ex amination. Coi. C. B. Adïneise tee questei that MÇ76%1Wsb reort lm- mediatel>' as Vbss'e ls rnuh wvon la be doue ln invsstlgatllitgtéié ceudlibou surroundng he n11 f o!Uicboavho ire parled.-Aurefa Beacon. J, t'Wr roin Wuodsgtock le Vo the et- tectVIat 00v. flunne bas gruteRl ai Pardon ta Covil, the mialooukeir Who vas given he maxmm fine and ment to jalilfer sellung liqilor lns local optionteMrey. The case attracsi lu iuth lnteft* lu McHeury count>' sud wus taksu bâtore the pardon bourdr e oeuVly. ThsefbuyVlff crovi endeavor- . q d Vo keep Cov lnla l jaîl for 0ly do& the 0" on rpvi worb" -for bis ~r4_aPsmisg 'the entenck nast 40 huug over ber to pre- Enaigu R. U. Couoily, U. S. N. ls vlitiug is parents, belug home ou leave ut absence avec lhe Christmas bolidays. H. bas jtjat returusi o thia country trorn Vers Cruz, vhere h. gav sêr;l1ce duriig 1the occupation o! that clty b>' he Unid i"aai durlng the mouthis tolloving untIl the exacuation. Miss Marie Kelly uf tUhgImnLd Park vlsiled with frieude ln thisettiy Sun- day. Carl Swausson, s residea t fWauke- gan sud au employe ofthle C. M. F. ralîroai shopset VHlghwaod, vas the victlm of au accident at the mbuups to- day vbich resultei lu a largo ;u'tlhn 0of th. Index inger ut hie rigfst baud belug severed. Word bas beesi rsceived hege, ot lhe ieatb last ffliday of Mrn. Il Iu- galle ot Waverly, la., but oUiha veli inowu resiuent ofths e lfsi part of 1Lake count>'. Sbe vas about 80 years aid and vas a sister ot Myron Bryant o! Waukegan. W. 0. Samnson, vbo vas remocci Vo the McAlister hoapial lent Tuesia>' as the remult ot severe pains lu bIs lîead wbich camsesi 11e tsar that pos- sîi>' bhe mlgbt bave art ahecesa o! hs bralu. vas take a 10 bia home on San- dayý ulght. Hie condition le much Irn- proved. Stagnation o! the lin mlnlnz Indue- try ne a reault o! the Huropean var bas reuulted lunIthe return bers o! Robert Macke>' vis for ths lest yeer bas beli the poaitonu& chiatf rnung epffineer o! onie of i largest tUn mnes lu thse vorldinlu Bolivia, South Amerîca. Mîr. sud Mni. i9ckey re- turued home SuturdRa alon and foc the preseut arc taylnÊ '15t hs home or! Mr. M«,ece'e Ireiut., 1r. and Mns. W. C Mati.>'or0f22S Seosd street. Washington trest pavement v94 i trovu open o traffle tir lse otre i eIuitiaIis inorpille. Tls actlew *an elakeu upon the ondes ot Cobusithloner JIJOQE P. L PERSONS.1 SL.OWLY OVING. <OcUci fro&M paeont) practiesîl>' vorthess, if flot actsalty iratul, land man>' ut thesucouxtain- tmg aither lam1e amounts of sicobol, moiu nor' other opflate sud cocalu. aul ut vic are Inteuici 10 -develoD sn appetite for the irug anid "iathe traquent user ut bis or ber favorite ..dupe-un Ignorant but bopeleas slave Vo a degradlng and ruinons drug bah- IVL Mou>',,wbo oppose its use as s be- verage. use aicobol lu corne fori quite treely as a medîcine. and are as1 earuest lu deteuse ut their favorite " booze- as auy old toper couli ha. 1sssy use It lu the foisu o! mo-calsi coriale, tontes, rfstoratives. sud a boct ot nostrumu "guarautesi" to cure ail 1Iso!o the flesIs. Ulng thea urien. Our mlafortunes are oftan igbteued by relatIug tbem. I..OSES. couty treasury. The treasrs i Joccaetth fetnd county tre sr.cideutaMy thés moraugin 1u-ad. the ~~ 'à , suryf JUs *WID ~ 05 usësididdan d llnbthe ?bas ___y««_ou&)________________FOR ('00tba Uuporscourt bolda tutth1,e wer. as folhvg, la th1e order lu vhich RULINO IN THIS CAE. money sbould be paid ioto the State they beu Once: -"At lent the Jones case hge beau t'eà5517 Jon ~decIdei," »Id Atty. Alec B"u4leu. "What a fmd fix we would have Joh Imote(dfd.)counsel for Mr. Westerfleld. viien lu- baain ln If w.bgàd sctaded ta the de- OQo. GidI.y 41. Cbiesbo. lorveda on the supreme court ru!- mande eft he County Beard end pai I... C.x Pt d.i Bt. Psu!. lui addiug: the money to the county; we would CaiP $redn(lprd i " rpeatedlyaéked the County hupa h5dW te psy Il over *gain to the Cai . hardldBoardto WIthl',Y.d their action against $ltot now under this ruling. Resuit of Taxpayera' Suit. e5*!ild ultil tliis Jones case 1rA1 "Wssteeield bas been tufued out of The opinion at Sprngfield vasbeen dd7d Idia flot Met te l~ office, maligiused, and houuded be- baaded dovu lu thee ase of Franik W. e« LaboCounty starting a suit #hen cause he wouifnot pay the money to Jones, Who ita bahalt of imself .a ther uit In Cook eOunty 051 the Cosrnty of laie. Mlgbty lucky for citler taxpayarsled a bill ot co- the marnePoint.t A ver)' Uselees ex- iint that be did not. We preferred plait l th ~alrio cort i 00k pp a bheen tied unto Mr. Weater- le vaît U titbe Jonnes cae ballbeau plauntyin teng iqplliamurl. aCooke ,field. îdod suad ve would know then couotyatelaurWrlliad . 'oel ai "And the vorst ofut lt at ie s*iiitn t o to uthe moliey over 1te-sud 12,glf1,5S.U9 id 1beritauce tifte froin t'OuhtytdoesetoVget the Mrney Çaw- ( hou Ihifl tiat tfilla Who have fle. 1 190, o ~1t 12 192, ui ai e'yt > th5ebeprerne court baa dÏcid- been abusruig Weetérlield vould teei retaiued 140,3571¶7 for his 1eiq" I él511that Section 21 te unconstitutional. iRe apdloguing te hlm. use. '11eli!fntber stated Oec-o0kîîi ac in edle u hfoldve: bcdcolecUfiallr uliritud la5s '*rhs treaturer ot "hcb olntY interest Case Net Affat.d. had g'-- c f,^So*- no itnt its mli ib. £flowed tb retain tvo ber "i silo fthdr-'y brief lu the inteftet àïmgai >bcu"turuhd oer t ofh cent on ail taxes pald ani te- duit Wedlcalky. AlIn 1viii @av whtteaidwà bo u tùidoer teeeVau2p olnted for by hfim under tis act fMat <ha Cifty et l&ke will Succesi cenitsasudw h ou ertn2prin lu flfor hi@ services lu cofleet- l Illuts 'est cuit fabter. cen a hs 6ILIind sud pylng tbe 'salte, lu liii- "~ I greui1Mr. Wsserfihld not te The bill1 attacked the coustîtutionai- tion Vo bis silary or fees nov ai- pay ovoir the inteveet 11uiii the Cofirt ity ot sfttidu 21 hl the luherltauca lix lbvai by tav.» had ruipd upon the êrôoetibVlu. set paaed twanty ysra ago, which "I do fot ses how anyone cau Ceunty Tesrr gaete-iiluter>' P6PM" % oC0 006<NeAiP6010#%Mnblarne Westerfieid for retalniug the o! the tte -have beau holding itel-. 2 par »aut, mlàlprwlid disPoth. 'two per cent when the liigM>jewa.5eset aud thIsl la the ltittiUre liat the Confliie t wNh Bac.9 Article 10. te cIter that be vas to have Ibis Ila interest bas been dernded. 1 Ihînk A dernurrer vas Illied b> 'OCoumel! Bdifition to bis sal TO'Yu eau bard. Mr. Wastertield should hou the Inter- and was sustaai1db>' the court Joues lb'bTsrne a man for tollowlng tbe Iflain Petutil the Supreme court bas pu«&- took an appea! te lhe Suprie court WotéGs ofthIe stattuts, 5and ybe ca Pd jOn the propoeltion. This saos 1Hie attorneys aoptended the section ac*rcely ehliet liflu Vo assume that a joues Wsû o ued ou bebaît of lins ot the luberitlnlm. ax law Involved statuts 15 IuOonttitional. ' people ot the tte of -Ilinois for the was lu couflit wutt section 9, article Strangel>' euough 1 mast ferward Inheritance taxes la aI0 snàelgW 0 10, or hs,<*nuUlutlo. That section oeJuige Frost uiy brlef libi éy te1nto ieàtrater4 > provides thea DUisrer of Co 00101 Oi- utter Wedueaiay !)tev. 16 tu thse Tl'CnSurer of Cook 'Côun'fy on Côl;utY si &all recoVe Ua bis ouly cOuPsu- case vblcb la au file ln tIe Circuit fiinds. Thot suit vili be dectlied lu satien a salyto hobc id b IaW, cot frt. Tunluy bie! 1 citad ilebispnes due courue-but -Ma api f that Weil- whlcb lu uo os te hali ho as usucb as case teo- showthe Court that the Coun- t»s'feld b#s gSot teopçlilcs±e O'Com, the Mai comý#sttou of a judge of ty ot Laks bei no rigbt te sue for this usll's caDense sud figbttlic marn the Ciscait colt blch lu Cooe eun- moue>' aud If tbe MoIs.>' blogcd Io lin lt *M e esuit W«id lut 'ta t>' la. 0M yges',anu that mil fees anybody besides Westerfield It vas well settis il for aIl Count>' Treas- and epUoça<fflug 5a1bho issloto the 1tbe State tressurer sud Iite 1 U'. 11 TH 'ANN UALCOIVEêTN. Thse city elals icme I O* teud ebe goui rosi cneaio l Chieso èMSe , inu a b$. h wiII depaitt frm thea clyau, su WUflIy metuisfg tffla d hul Ile imw tie day la <cdcaa4b-U B sud 'thse kOld l%4é4s 3*1. 1M6 VW ot tbe ffolgcf'duEb 3taYor 1'Biilger. 3x. 1. grênas, lcrnmmiomst' m. -J. Doulilti,-furye«8ftnsý Arthur 3. Buible>', corpatleim q gel. R. B. gmart. superilnda6t 01 asets. %ys>' <Iulgm,Mgdl ma* Tg-orgov ullIM ~tIM ffflpl ofthle eIpvehap l tbe American Lràa bi~ucq liSeallêhatâokllbtuw.B90MM sMd FoetymaOU4 le I .a, p. The goqg%,qs f m* .a lmaulel-aum qi~ m~ vays. 'Oo.or tici' 1g~ 0400t I nexpcn sive Cht~ Izt You îimiy have the imupressioni that ail higli gr'ade jewchi'y iii ex pellsivt. Tlhis is au.errmioqis imîpr'ession, and no onîe wiIl know it hVttel' than * vou once have looke over our inagnifleent stock of liiAL.mm goods, a go.od por'tion of whihh eousists of vcry moderately pî'ieed jewelry. 0f course if buy a, pie ce of jewelî'v of iS, 1n0oiuatter how incxpensi'e, yooî ean rely upoîî its dîur- able quaUity, for thiis is the oîîly kind we eau afford to seli. Surft Pius inî newest dlesignis, $1.00 a»4d up. In gold aîîd pi4tinumiiwitlî pîecious stones (e'xclusive de- sigma), $10.00 anid hp. ('uN linksjpf u'olled gold and solid Il<d ini maîîy plcasing desi-gus, Fwenir~~ress ets, oow~isting of cuif tuttons and stulds, $3.00 and uP. Loose t4nk Cuif Buttons, $1.50 and Up, Tie Clasps ini gold, some set with pî'eeioîîs stolies, $1.50 and lip. £1 gar éïfters IleaVily plate4, $2.00 and îîp. Soiid .-gold, beauti- fully engraved, $5.00 aiîd up. ., Cigar'ette Cases, $5.00 and ýp. lnsterling sul- vç, $9.00 and Up. S'g Bi'îslies, $1.50 and up. 4 emblem Rinsi "Wof uiii principal orders, ,K3.00 and îîp. Solid gold,- set with preciou6 and semi-preci- ous stones, $6.00 and up. (To order.) 9 2 iii solid gold (àngraved), *$2.50 anîd tup. Set wvitlî diamoîîds, ,$5.00 and up. Bîooches in gold and platinum, iîn pierced and. in designi; some set with,inondB, and other stones, ".W0 and up. Cameo and Coral Brooches, $7,00 .and up. Solid Goki Cî'o ss and Chain, $5.0() ahd up. of sterling slveér, 5Ô0 .ad up. Food Pusher of ste#ing oilver, $1.50 and up. Comibination set of spoon and pusher, $8.00 anid up. Inifait 's and Children> Solid Qold Rings, at $1.00 5~Up. Clhfld's $ilver Drinkinig Cup, 42,W0 and up. Infait 's Locket and Chain, s*olid gold, $3.00 and U'p ini uniiquîe desigus, $3.00 and up. li gold and platiiîîtiiu set witli pre oi- 0118 and sxiii4precifls,* Stonies, exeltîlsive <esiglis *25.00 and up. 4 Woiieu 's Diarnond Rings, ý$5c0 and up. Won'ieuýs Ri»lgs se$ with mmni- precioui3 ttones, $3.00 and up. Signet Rings for women, 0 a dup. NeWkaces of coral, $150o and up. Others ini anethyst, topaz, etc., $10,00 anid up. tn* 'an silver ei gn metal, i and up. ingo; Iý ofiled gid soome Set 'uj - (t. s anud se 5 cio8 6oes, $1.00 àÉÏd ail *iles, ,Oc and XupI silver, $3.00and up. Open Eventn#aÛAi l hritWia M YtÇQVAN,' "Ij JEWELER  PCA' a Any seleco Id wupnpymenfofsmall deposih. G-inladaiauo 1, 1 ti .,L-.