CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 18 Dec 1914, p. 15

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..s a- - LÂTK' <OTNTV IWUPN1'ENT. F'RITAY. T)ECEMBER 18, 1914. Col 1 1 oatt, uwtrssoos, ain.AL ÇOus.ThusWhobahave more than they knaw BiticTesJuyha e Iiiofa it, can make thwmseves happy bylIvan Bsrc el uyTa »Oase lem.fartunate. (iold weather brinpýMan Impelled Hlm at the - - y;it brinpua chance to those who have i Paint af a Gun. ,to e vhapybyakngoherhapy.TO SETTLE ALL CASES. Do ~ou4ow bat s te poperabb'exiatiîi f fic Believed That ail the Criminal rutýtâ4 t4U. S.. It is not U. S. A. There i aesWI B 'asdo utte igurantu o ths fat.' by This Evening. wide àà_ qi aparent y te goac fti at Wi .S .are ojicially accepted as the ahbî'c- Waukegen. Der. 17. viationfotr United $tates ADmy and do not, under any poli- 1Ivan Bltrîca viien Put upon te sie eonditiops,-ov mean u'ntd tts1,Auei At stand ln bis ovn detenae In circuit thàstie, wbei è,any: manufactur-ers in this country are cortIltoIg a vondertul yern about brnUoth$r* as, Dade ini thet'nited States, this is hv"bmcecdlt sitn .impott#gt. 1*#srýnd U-S. A. sîpon anything means thathvisSencredntasaina it wu nrzivn 1t ~din te nté taesamv mae biutlar lu oOMMIting a robbery on a in mi. is = nd whieh should be put upoîs ail goods N 'i Oiam. lon Bsrial rnant tçtý q44 is eojstry.- Albany (N. Y.) Press. ehima ulvPJiEw'lary and larceny. -~~ ~~fe- in eet a moan vhom lie dili not isnov on the Genesee street bridge given Its firast tryout tolay on the andS midi that the tellov asked hlm to utreet. take a vais. He aaid lie thouglit lie The de, ice te a unique one. It con>. 1vantel to go and cee came girls andl I'KIII ILIII1. #J JK situ of a body on runners. whlch iwlit so lie vent along. Wben they got I R wiiAccomodate live passengers. At front of the saloon liesaays the man the rear of te siedl andl useil as the tolil htm to wait out8ide andl wlen lie OF I PA MEL otepover le a portion ot a moctor- sail lie would rather go home hq says ________cycle, eonsistlng of thie trame engine the stranger pulleil a big ]cuite and a &ad rear whei. The portion of the revolver and tlireatened ta ta'<e hie Are Manlufacturing a ComWi" cycle ts attacheil >0 the sBled in auch lite If hl ild not etty there. Wlien mince ta Be -Used onStreets a manner as to drive it forWard at tlie teilow came out lie saya lie gave o! Waukegan. any aped deatreil. hlm a relolver and sme other loot ______Tlhe appiance aithonghml e that was round In hi, povsession. Nat wýukffn, De oo1 struction denotes Ingenuity andl knowing what to do wltl it Bitrica auea,~ pi'acticability. The apparatus ins seillie toolc it home. He said he dili The latentInoainl a sielt'. steerodthrougli an arrangement otflnot know where the stranger went to. and wich consitea[a a cOmbinat!'ii the ruisnera. The attorneys ln the vase began Sotor-sled. la the product of the. ln-1 The Mm have isecured no patent on thlsr arguments this afternoon about genuity oftwto Wauk4egan men, D. 0. 1 the device and have conatructedi t three o'ciock andl the case was ex. Dougiast of the finra of Higginhothuos iusrely for lis oddity. That It wiîl pected to go to the jury about t .our and Douglas@ and John Kracht. ans> 9- prove a Buccesa as tulits porpose lm oclock. certain. Titis case, it ia believei, viii be the tant light houtse kesper et the local last criminel case on thes dociiet tu lie harbor. Tihe moto".Ied was builit ly' Deeger rom Palne. heard by a jury. Tomorrow the court the men et the Higginbotham a..d The. danger tramn the ose ot lesd viii tare up the matter o!fliearing Doulau *hp n tle it. Te c)-peints cornesfrom paint Etu ite civil es«. Doulas slop n iis ltr Th cpair and from peint smedred on th.e (larabeil Avekian, charged vît h as- pitance vas completedi bis muorniag bande whieb May be carried into tlie sault wlîh Intent to commit grEet bol atter severai daya of v@rk and 'as Mouth vlth tood 'ýr tobscco ibai ppae[. orttdY a *ILTY REVLNTION ~SELESS ~VING Make your gifts toubly acceptI)ale bv heiîig USEFUL., Tlere is îio gift utore geIlul»ev elcomelCiii'-fol'(sure of Iheinig a safe bit thait a gift of %veariîîg apparé1--than soin etIlin g welI choseni'l'O WEtAR. Thtis store is fult of jîîst sîîch gifts this seasoli articles thatt are 1)01111( to cause thoirougli satisfactioni -gifts %w&hii±* von c-an select at wh1atev er pr1iveR' t> desire to py Whether you %visli to purchiase or îîot, wv eleoie Non î'iîtspeutb'n. Yvoit are urged to lo>k ovve li t- iîîany- ideal C hristmias gifts-aîît \vl t c ave it to your judgmeit. Ope .QveliJg îîlîi (ia'stîas aztitvilîîîa few hlocks tof >i wle' you can Ïhop ini oti.1>i't and bavo' a Splendid assîi'tiîîelt to Seh'ct froîîî, jîscinl- ing (cOiîîplete filles of (fill dre8s a-cessoî'ie4. Clifts at whatever i ilce voti wvish to pay: ('ollaîs (Cane llxudeli e (ý1aiîî or iii itiah'-d) Ikit l8ubpe1iev's Night Robes Pullmanî SIippcî's Muffer Clif Buttonîs §çarf Pini Bo>x Hose Cap <-<oves, flat Pajanias (Collar Bag Aîîy of these gifts plut up inî tîat ('lîîistînas Bath Slippers .Mlonoýgî'aîîîBeit Shil'ts Bath Robes 8weater ('nats 8ilk Shirts PîîII i)îess Vest Tric Ulasps WVatvh Gîîard Suit ('ases rlaveling Bag Suîit Ov~ercoat 4ailm'oat Mackinaw~ Smloking Jacket N hues Slippeî's (iloved Mittenls boxes ifdeic. __________________________________________________________________________________- ~ -=~~~~;* thern when cold weatlier approaellÈs," e reports trqp wI~ea t~t plead, guilty te assault and hattery. He was fiued $10 andl costs. 'lh. cases of William Homme and Tee'ap cliarged with beating naval, staion recruits and that of the tvo Lýohfinhcs vho are vharged witli rab- bery, have been set for triai by court. This wouid indicai» Ihere Io an under. standing they wiii appear In court and Piead guiity. Tlhe case ot Emîl Tielinen, chargeil with assault andl robbery. lias not been dîsposed otf but wili probably go over. BLSIIOP TOLL LS liEAD 0F NEW PLAN MÉNY IUSBANDS A"ADO 0N wiVEtS fIRRE EVERY YUAt Those Who Dispense Charity Have This Condition ta Put up With Constantly. PRINCIPALLY IN WINTER.; Many Husbands Shirk Respon-' sibility and Turn It tlver toà t.,IlditY Associatins. "FOR IO-MELE-SS MEIN WEDN'ESDAY, DEC. 16, 1914' i Homeless young men In (Chicago uorIegan have found tdat a peculler coun- 21 yeara andl onder are to lie cared dition exista in Waukegen. Wlietheri for by the Protestant Episcopal this la unique to this clty or wliether churh. he lanhanbee wokedIt applies wltli equal force to other church The lan bs bea vorlIities la not known but It la saId 10 out ln connection witli the associate b» a tact that every year about this cliaritles and the department of (ime or a littie earller there are a healtli. under whlcli the municipal number o! men vlio wlltfully desert lodgng ougs ar reulaed- their familles rallier than assume the lodgig hoses re rîuiaed îu,-en of caring for tbem during thc, The Place lia% lies selected ani ar cold weatber, well knoving that Ir rangementa made witli the exception ihey are out of the wa>- the charitable of te ignlng of lte lease. Wlien thîs organization wilI tep Iln ani prevent la don» annooncement et the pla(,(,titein from ,uffering. will be made. Itle e nougît now to sa.%, (ounty Agent t'onrad dlruýoveredl that the place la on West Madiern titIs condition of affaira the lirai year hie assumed the lutlev of li> office. atreet. flot far trom the EPiacoPal Ca lie bas roundl the samte ta apply eý- thedral of SS. Peter and Paul. It 'A iiiery year since th at tîme. Captain accommodais tram 10 0 150 men. 'ook of the Volunteera fintis the No rererence viU b» made 10 thpir vame condition and MisH'mme! religions afilations. Bialop %V.T. reit-li, humane officer lit ilndlng lu Toi is cliairman of the cammittec. statices of 1. The generai plan lm for a group of This would seebo bo indicate that tour parishes lu cars for the mon on i e condition la quite vide spread, tva days of the week, thtis dhtrîbut- entirely toa ntuch vo for the good of lng the vork ef the aizty parlahe:' the' community. over the month. Not only iv eacli These men evidently X(now that group to provide lte expenses o,'w» vilI flot let their familles suifer maintainlng the lolglng Place, but boj andI nasmucli as tliey are too shift- Provide breakfasts andl auppera. lensta care for tliem tliey deeert oe charlty worker eald. tei ÉeWpu. «av' 4ee'ts t -they retorn when the o'aýrm * - - er jMç côrnes-sonetmes they don't. It pro- "d Ub" Oe -à#e - »W £speu Ne« tably wouid be better for their tamil- chaTity. In a few ID5XaicU es eOti les If they neyer came back. I arnm 1 s haed a Sa ~ i convinced in some cases. however. saya eb 1-M nip b that the wivAs are <'ognizant of the 11al n%#r .u4 t 4aae conditions and approve or them but ter as soee. a penalty as possible ln this certain would flot be true in the order that it may serve,,&@ a lessn big maJority of cases" for any others whq, i~t bave a Each year about this tîvue the po0- similar attempt lai~d '4 E"How much the w io 4i0p#rM than the bride." ,'This le -riie *ken love is true. qLet bier value your 4 ot as wife than bride. ý to select gifts that i kTi e, itet of years. INGALLS BitOS. 'sýrsand Chr i Stm as at Fu'lton 5S$r WE INVITE YOU to cati on us when in WàiUkbgaxt'.,Per- haps we can help you to solve some of theipro1iëms oôf. the seèas'on. Our stock of Jewelry and Musical 1rÉstrtitnents'., is very complete and our "prices are righit," fdr ifiàtance,,ý you can procure--- A ioh O nftwill be the begîfnnlinýo the i 0 .ucation Ao f some of ou ftue ie usW ' Wl such aift ever be forgotten by the musiciali in àfrer yêarà, th 'èf$et of this git The same appliès to--- 1 PIANOS! ?1ANOSI TH1E proud parents oi' a boy or girl musi- cian, a year or two hence, wîll neyer be- grudge thse iiiestment a good Piano rep - î'esenits,somnetinies a piano is the making of a happy home. XYon inteud to get a Piano sorne- time, do youn îot owe it. to yonr chidrený and your home to make the decision nowl You know yon eau afford it but just keep putting it off from year to ycar. Is not this soi Let us talk to yôu on this piano question, explain our stock (seven different makes> prices and terms to you. Do pp.t, ho so foolish as Mr. - - - - of (hrays Lake w1bo hought a piano in Chieggoand paid $100.00 more tIîan our price on ýtie s4me goods, and as Mr. - - - -, of Waukegan, who, haviug a M~zL eriiae good >tor '$115.00, paid 225.0o"ashand, the certifieaât ,'% piano represented to be a $34000 instr=iit. We sold the exact piano, name and ail, for two yeara, at $»0(.00 each. (9WU Il ue tr urnisi anyone interested with the namhes 'o t the Par- ties.) Lot us hear from yoir. Gi-ve ",,an oppor- tuxityto furnishyqu wi th a 1 t of 41 fflPa - trons and puirchses' in yoùr *oaitWho amt our best recommend'ation. Just at this time we are eon4 çn laino sale, beautif ul instrumeetsa t redfpries. Investigate! Investigate! from 10MO o'clock a. m.,Saturday, December 19, we sjl»ent, fixe, whil é 500 last. a small, genuine leather purse, with. ch ir a~idt every -wom4fl visiting-our store. Cotne atd see us en "xiee t AI ý m 8old oldCut ljiks............ $ 3.00 Solid Gold Iv*ilieres ................3.0 Solid (4oId uLvalliere Ct tDia...........0C Solid Ciold Tie CIsps............... .. 1.50 Solid Gold Watch Chains .............. 7.00 A î'eliab'e domestie Wateh ini a 20 year case............. WristWth 2.0M to................ 25.00 IlmdPined Chj1 >Maie Eie 91 i f %.Ji ti il 4 JL Il --iÉ m ý14 , V 1 ý , ý, , 1

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