-STGOI-PEN EilnGU TN< ARE TM BEST FOI Notbllujx raksa aà botter gift for mlan, woun- au or chUilltiien BlPPOer.bCause theY are both usefol sud practicl. wemene Jullet Blippers, fur a.nd ribbouu trtîmpueil. dailit deigus and cplors. Splený- did lues......................... 1.45 Mens Blîppers Everett and Opera style. Very speclal.......... ............. $1.48 oîve A*S4~ Euerythmlls ,lb l8Iole* %*shs4' prîce la bere, g01e dsmlr la. boe*as. beflis suich lovly peat.Plt, ', MM* itched or lnilsed, s*bu*rMd or .WcY klitusln la coresPt the da"ts0oS lbm Wernen's Hiuflerchlefb <lzoi Of 6) .. f Plain al nd obbliler4il Itaudk*rchkd,pt5aB 22121 ,% Euery Gif -GivigPo~?nk [*s Sle At Thi-1 You Wil.IFiad,Htiidreds Upoa H-de- JSxsbe UEeful GiftsUHrre That areXighly Appt eciated and Lating Clristmia3 Re~brince ,Ii1 of Them Kost Xoderately Priced, GUVE HII UfiEFUL, APPRECIATED IFTS teVkwsr-Wide and nar- r>w -Ties, lu flet Xmas boats New est silks andl 4'esl*ls ...........SOc. 75e SOC & 75c Mlltary Brushes. 'Shaving Sets. Teilet sets, at sac tii EMO ROI CR EU MUSLIN GOWNS Slip over and tiutton front style. Al are èWdBouel embroid- ered. usuel $1,50 'kInd apeewa 98C Aprons. or lghr and percale. Cvrl style.ý Neat patterns. obr ... 49c. 59c,.55G What etia!I I &ive To 14erp Uornuth.i1igU4j&fql 15 The Btst a ntiiJ tqAnswor TOILE T-AND MANICUPING SETS ni Uit: .ird %llte voî'y, :r6u tmiiuî maitete, 98c Il) $.5 UMBRELLAS-THE SAFE XMAS GiFT l3otli ptt.n andlmoujîted blonudies. 2G I nclhfraie I' of Uî 'ît.$1 25 sat $1,50 values .......10 NECKWEAR-THE POPULAR GFT Lauü nd 'iii igandIe collars and sets, nialine and 1.25 net îucîk,.,'cs. Niw creationes l lY ... 25e tu ~ WHY NOT GIVE A HANDSAC? Every 4omean tipureclatesi the splendid gift of a lai d liag. Our larg, useot tuwit Includes bags of every style and prneu. Speciail0O Sage cf pin lamb, 5 ittlngq. stways soid ai $125, speclal....................... 1() EXTRA SP'ECIAL VA41ES FLANNELEM FANEL GOWNS FLANNELTTE For wornen, a reat va- PTIOT riçty of styles Mandde In heavy quality inate- signa. AIl neatly trim- rials, good practical pat- mned. Speciat . . .. 59e terna............ 39c OENT'S GLOVES ARE SURE TO PLEASE Ou tr ou im ri i uuuatly solilat I$1.15 . .... 0 our price ............... .......................I 1 HOSIER-A WELCOME IFT sliltýe :andmîrasliutere. for womn - mnisses andinlufanits .......................10e to 1-5 Sîk Pose, bleui, whiute and att colora, 'p', lai............................... . . . . . .. ..# 0 GIFTS 0F STATIONERY vl - a nîl ntOM plain boxes, somle Include '0 t rsiiîacîîra A great variety ...25e tu 0 APRONS MAKE A NICE GIFT -iii: taiity sye of sheer lawn, ail are prcttily trimmed. Special.................... Zk ta tiP FOR CHRISTMAS WEEK CHILDREN'S WQOL WOMENS AND CtIRLS'- SWEATERS SWEATRS iAUl wool, fie and White, grey, Llue, red, coarse weâve, grey, red rcgular $ 1.50 Sweater and brown. $2.48, $2.98 for .............$1.00 i-values ...«. ......1.98 FOR A 00OU ý 'w IlieUt fringe. bo 5a", 61 Girls' Bonnets4, qelw Le end &isd l?&. trimuned . 7' 0 soya' suit'. au I l col li merge No81.1k style. full lineil $Peecl*] CIFSFOR I1 Crlb Riaukots. Oe.1 erdowuu. uurosryde. sign, tlus Mad pDI14a ,Ie 30140 lcbtes SpocIal at .39 t, Ulteris Up 10 Kulîteil Wear of ev' cry description 1«< baby. ICittod 4aqeam, vj elbonnes. etc. Wle satliSe lu la in fants' Wear. Pulses ,1c0e to"A Xmses SINls of 85' 311k Party Drosses This interesting offering iî'u îe that '*\ w. advise you to..look into inst Spromptly, that is if unuaually smart froc ka at almost ilf pricc is attractiye ta you. The rîewest deaigna.. pleated lace J flounces or net ruffles on chiffon. graceful long tunic styles. $6.7.5 $10.00 $12.50 GIFTS 0F PETTICOATS Prettily bo x rd Petticoats of Mes- saline, taffeta, etc. shades. Accord- eon and knif e pleated ruf fIes. fitted waist. Very special 1379 2.98 5.00 Mercerized Petti- coats in' aIl new colora, special at 39C to $100 Ttis great assortment includesi winter modela just received. HOUSEDRESSES "FOR GIFTS Large assortment of welrmade. practical houa. dresses in bath clark andi ight colora. [n Xmas boxes, Rairi coats rOR COLD AND - , SLEETY WEATHER Extra quality rubbe-rized fabrics whichi arc iust the thing fer storniy weather. Great values at $1.95 $2.95 - $5.00 $6.75 Rich Purs WiII Always Be The Sc Recause they are _practical, necesary, stylisli, and wvi!I Le worn continti the vrren receiving them. The beat collection of Furq <'vver sLown in store. Every character of Fur is repr cý;cntec1 and tlicy aui. of assured quai iow prces. SEPARATE $1.00 $2.48 NECK PIECE5 $1.98 - Fi MUFFS $5,00 $10.00ndup Wintor Suits Now $6.98 aIl of aur suita including late The fabrica are broadcloths; ga4erdines, cheviots, serges, etc., and the styles are the anappicat af the season. lni every case the prices are less than manufacturera' coat, and it's a wonderful apportunity for you. AIl sizea--inthe great lots. Suits to $15.00 Suits ta $25.00) *27.50435.0 Suit& Now $6.98 No w $10.00 NOW $15.00 RTs SPECIC~L REDUCTiONS SIT ON 250 NEW STYLES Al af the new circular skirtas and ather styles are in thib great mol:Nw gare.-y ke 1peaed des sand dozens of smart new MOdeS. From a style and economy viewpoint thia is the greateat slirt !uying opportunity ever preaented. *95 $269 $3.05 $5.00 cAAR OfUDE 8 ilk and LacseiWass "I he combination of lace and silk crope de chine or lace and mncu- line rnakcs a dainty waist, the amr you'd like to give for Cbristmnas \Vc/ have beautiful modela in white, pink, maize, flesh, peacb and aile. Nevw collar elfects, . ong sîeves, ail sî.zes, in Xmas boxes. $1.95 $295 $500 0'ti-er Waista of Voile_ Crepes, 29c 49e *1.00 XMAS KIMONAS IN GIFT BOXES New patterns in flannelette, crepe. ýcetc.. with pretty trimmninga of satin ribons. Ful iength styles at 79c and $1.00 GIVE A BATHROBE Giving. a bathrobe mneana sure pleasure. W/e have 8plendid values Ior Christmas at $1.95 $2.95 $5.00 CHILDREN'S FURS FOR dbal GIft AlI g lec ually throughout the winter by 1tio oa ovl Lake County are now in thi* f urs> for the. lit- lity and reîiability. at unusual> tic tota, in $5.00 $15.00 white, gpsy, UR SETS 6.75 z5m9 brown and 9.75 35.00 black. AIl are prettily boxed WintsrCoat r Xmas. Now $2.9$988p Opportunity ta you, of course means just anc thi-a nMVn of rnoney and we use the word here in this connglt.iou.1 This opportunity, however, is much broader thaan usual for ià cornes on coata for a89 occasions-for outdoor 'sports, for. rough weather walking. for afternoon occasions and eveaing, affairs. Typical late styles examples of each are inc1Isded st prisesm that are at leaat 1-3 la. than -regular. $2.98 3.95 5.75 10.00 12.75 18DO 2S.0 *COATSoRC HI biAEll You cannot find any botter coati for yaur b* rt.u have here, and* our pricea are wondlerfuîly loi. Eéygo kid of coat is included in this big mie, in ies ta 14 yiârs. Save greatly at $1.50 $2.48 $295 __ _______ 1 Vl \% -- ý 'I 1! -~ Il i A s; a ~-y ~ 1 ., ifle */ '-p ) I Y 1 . iý