00e t Astkocli oua t* v 0 ol .i-ttii i. Juitusi oStaîVasai wtvig tata auboc$duttoui b e lime tulta. TL. taeDnw Col Uh la gg the jury utr te te iri w 09Ob ThurueilR Sqmusj idttiie e - o, u~ toi uuaa w e- Boutr .................o .............. ......... S taropBuWeopyriots...... 3.50 »isd Du»'Vat"e.. mro.4 ,7i 01 OU ai6s ldu. gusranuse. Tax, mu i,.. . .,Gsi-. '1o0 .a...... ..........5 Var'HsriCOMIg, exis 4Ualty..40é %msi Corde, Tagu, C"lm-thi "ýatnaa odai .......0.00 Tiesor Victrola.... o004250,00 Vé evfto ou 50 eomiàsrnaà»mi Our isp.k 'f«gStro A hmd 1 'fua l~kg C use and CANDY Bron Mlii (Jsondy ............. lue lb. 'C)NM iB. iBo................. 00 Ulma, Cet ....................... lue ...P ' ................... ne looth..in.................. 200 FRUIT Califorala Oranges ... 1-2-2530~40C doZ Malaga Gra............ItaL IF" (yCuter Risns....... . Faney Applis........ ....... 25C dot NUTS- lxàed Nut.................îl Pwnoy mid Nuts ................. 20e Faney Walânt .................. 20e Aitkes Suitable for Gifts ,AliueEmboidr<itJis~Ief .$1.00 Men's Bill Bock.sutd Ld' Ini à;l IId*s, P Re L Abc euh. 0illi UmbreUafrom,.. k i Ao~ rom *ft w $mà Mens and Boyi"caipuC Lades'*hdbam IadPaeralaa varieiy of BUk Homiery, A ail Liii.' uidelhad...7SlA0~r.. Writing Paper inliil Porf aie and Toâoet, tt .Bab-Ztu.. - soc. 6 fANCY h IIPPY iPW~........~9o (J!cm and Sîgir. ie ;WOOD Ps-..............SI.00 rIt,~ku1# Ueip......... .98 oittfp2~uiSep...... -'e. t8~.................18 EOM .98 Pois............. . id Pooket Booki.-A1 Md Prem. ....--500 to 2.ef suç an blldria'. Galore, Fut Bar Lap Iancy Box., . .... rtoeofaul hinds. "ds ;CUT G4A 14; u- Oi a,dBred I Plte., Wst&ateà." iz Diii,,ay 't ]Real Dih. - OJut, Glus.Tinblere, tShirot, Plateaux li Oriel eash........... .....a. is.......... il 1< bo N UiW ~LIWou .4k. .Cand Arthur ImmWo 12*> a PLANffIN HAM.Z P. Avery, A. T. Kapple sud M. A. KÂACIN-Acton Charteam acla 718 W. The Wbeuws Tom ý pp itb theiirVI«ere. er .oppl ut sfel".>y. 5L esN . i *ihuria NE 22-W >Vaubegan Fiday. heleved aiof A itmoi&"Waiburus.aus ume g Tmi Angola cemetery loclts ntbromm ret Dr. Wslburg.,Pmanet.. mmuruoeladrs ~ R~d î~hii'É$sr wlth lire, C.B. flhmîcl. sud îmil, George, Mir* ml.ii.Ui 1wbet, he ylp4 crr.e1SSz i.*1.s4qt'um ghtsu*# tar... àiqg, i.'~" iud -m thiSP.1 et tEB;îzeN-1 tatg uiy isba * ai ut it B ,' Viiume. Wts.liait Stoud5o utght Thie aboyé basinotice frouE à Vil- 'Who. ersIsoieja q ba-ding hou. &M 90 ub" 18luth rie um&rY rOOmMMOD.-<ieOP"« "« Uls «aflote CSt tiibe '4Orrper lent Wei e smage.. 1.10Yh r4.7U dramayson acoent of the sou NOtIh Shor te hs!tCi ,e*puh*ton Tb* forulkmarne o Mildou Iooolg n -bbWUbt. 1U1 , fl5 Itrmt. Wauhig4iïai aa lesg iersom et-dm Was eaRiaitudmes MrsMd lire. J. Frsuk pblckugôf auie. Cat. luue» t tith *0. artel byairer.tii aet pemsa dhgi 2se..SlSs" in reviting relatives n luesItu'i .mlii the bld Ai- chiure. atwomy. A"i W i wiwrq. viii) bfii&e %w57 litWin be. flirtw LioaniSi.houd.SM.S, P <.ts, T suia h tii Vauias the eeïmtmimt ioweiur. bmwV sisalS ~ ,~0. , A i- t uIm. T. lhulUlag Mui" i. S "W et uiat uw«lO. M" rit a0<inau p. I O ~ *0 eeeu.aa viIm[l iwtti6g seau ier Wuc * vts 9-ei *mTii7 -. *m 4,. tia. et 3 çiiInj0fsiýub vti h isras is.«M titir, Triq eglisrtd homne Bstud attmplua Iwm jisvth relatirme ab Ur. Mud lire. Bii<q o1Chicago, spuui Satadayaui e~s th home et Mr. sud Mm« ».rUýhvé.. Ur. Vaumr oe chin". -sA the guis, of SOeF. T. J, K0rpluY 8aturdau s"d Mtuday. JaSmsHgéu of oBarrlagtou, vi.ltsd ~ ~ th elavo S.tiret of thé lira. W. J. mtr sa Chicago vsiter Tiuuwda. ,' reat floueg le able ta be arouui agaiâ miute&ra *'kttamt ai rhuma. tisu Wb§* iu,4 hesta the bIwas for mom rai *j. lire. L U L w Gwwi ca: qbklOimgti vué Fet ba ioneet tIb "kra aut V s surumi ho uIMI & fir aàuni. ui4tuith reltlvei L-ud from HIbRaa lm"karer Son. Idre. Renrp Goldn larm58sgrda adlru. C. A. Gfldîlagts*sgo lium Oatbrlne Moore. urauei tauRer af ber girl frhi" $ etu h ol lut USurdby alteruooua. -A nimber of aur youag P«40 tlo i M4le basket social sire. tIl0a4 Cr& uchool lait Friday evilft joy MI 8 ~Mursd puplilu. AÀ war.lv *priman sd aveu $40 wsa uetifor. Mmi, 4W!rd Martin and ebldrmn BàrrliooiÎ. apent S&Wtrday tiad Suoi.. aS the ikbofaiMr. ud lira. Ch&, carlin. R.R umntraueactud .busm il ChicagaThUrmdY. HsputbduM good ga irétho baldaye and la houtu* oui.c ié oest URne Ci Xmasglftev.r«ixibîs Aoc&dluaq ta the report of Pensive Baldpi L. Peek ai Palatins, duv ralirom h.papereit ine paustug tl t h bssd. aithe recoiçir. Tii expmeu baveben eut neariy $600 Pstmonti iift orithan $1000 wvamem th, bas'suostb. if tht, god ehoin e b.ieontuued during the uiterr montt Wtb ti incrneiedbusluiai du riug tii em~imueto ur railraad ulli né obt b, 'imué abotter flascal c hape ot fuil iObrgi tanfri bas go-ae 50bicsso reisi the ululer. v*cwb ama acaoritor ont W*Iton and son of Toto, arebuilding tois géi fùr C. L. Thous.. lire. WalSer A'Situsessaier Vie. )uS liCntocik lioAdu yfor ouWa~ ~ ~~b ubroh vi aui.Ii'uulr kt» sd Mm .DmesIra cWiuaré I*gélalr aril.âad ràkdtviu MiItsdAui.L0pS Ii bsue .iste iluIiwesel s5 Io.smee ai lumelttitleaer. nom9. Ueaier Ueday mbool ulil hu #A 2 Odait B vrucblgswt a, tuatesi of M» vmh. ,Tb* Lait..'Aid ioclty will muet wtl lias. HEtryg aus.ou.Tbu.day morale& i. m81. à Cordial tUlititOn t.e xteud- id t50.33. t art. (. A.-Mirer la, entertaiuig ber àbroUi- sma wtt. trow loua. J. A. Resvieand mou aud lra I9. A. Bis,.. uern ta Chicao Baturdes. 0Mr. and mm. .0. lurne atteuisi, s". fugmi of Mr. liuOoilough lakt rWedamda.. ltmIbêu eus t liralmes a. Dot Tiib@ 8»do«uSltaeol t.pusua Sra"a Mervili. h le isstag berWo»0i Mr. MmjqRouard uatert.aidbit brother t1WIM ofisai Il wui lmWaGssrIile.quuimg afeu dffl wltb beuu~Se i. Rbomie thei phrt, of thée plelsiff that h.obat d-forgod tRie naines of several buaidtng ekmatinal dealers te bis of Ratag ut rout their knouiire or caonsn, co pied uliatRite 'taking ef a non-sl bl Ris a ttorneys, brought to a uzuoipy and unexPectet close tRIa siteroou tRie case of C. L. Hatrtay . Ligota ir Menant. The case u as one uhereis Hartsook, formerir a station agent ai Hlghland Park, hrougbt suit. againut àMenant for sevînal cari 0f gtreiaid la and whIch he deelared bac! heinou.~ ifsignet! ta hlm. Menani vu reprenant ed by Attorney B. . 8.11al lngbuand Park. According ta admissions maie oun thie stand by Hartoaok, Rie lid benta dthe habit of sending tn ordera for cars ae of ravel and sand Strrous compas- t@ es and thon whon ibis materti ar. brIvait h. woiald ssiI Sa smre deu' lero might b. tn need et it. To mate the .jteal look aigRit, Roie d ho ie ad mtgned a te naine Of the cSaaeneetaoie hbis e0f ladlng although 15ivwu vitiont thelr consent or knowlodge. For exampie, If ho orderei sevoral cmraoaf >aterla for Jobst.4lÇofrley. ho .mlmncd John G-ourlers uai to tRie blI of Radinge If the, ca rs ie ow*xgute somme other tiru Oie corri.pan4fng "ame was signet!totheblls otidulng. Hq tsald thes tiought tiaat..tWo m etsoe rntght not ho inaflomo *ne ItE thie law neyer intered bu utb. 9 Inthi eet or Agndýt inadoumu Hartaook bib erdereai mire r iliai af ntérial for hbi 5 as t or 70, althugh ti romi* lst& a recelved and remptod" $oronSd7 tva.. Harinait, ILlt. ta ur h~ se af te Motii m aisWS*MWi4 Mo but idemandei thitMus t4* ôt ia. iWhoîu ha mabehui*m gàua danus on Ste *Msa id eff 'J"mute etir lai Sie évc o m e, 1W*~ t uni theo ruldt WUas eaott. l*e acodiètofet daem iTaIàutp am shirS *S OCManeuo wêvie r. »«M esté:S. b u 9» nai. board ui sIoevlm* Wobseuhpw bSip um 1~,upêag !WkB. oudre tawu W. anuable te o Ve«ya orebole iSsiot t*le ohaain f a"t hoUtisa"u" bite. 4, W, e mabe of et hà 4o-"w4ohl àsnts.i, Kte6seý. SuasÉeguwi p.@à". 140"b , >14«k ated Parlér SiaMpe.  i.ii-iiloofU twts.w btohdoWe. Spreaas. ,Belo.w w. quotes a'feu ipsCi te ou L m 3é: - a ¶krbe tc 42an l b aaule i 3 :.,,àck lourCe F.e 4 éje"st mince ment Kueocne, 5 gntlt 4 No. Z lAPDCàitnno"e 4 Cold Bb~stsngj= GU=b LgeCoId Blset Laànterna 49 lb. Sack Beot FPour 5 lbo. Ariruokl Arias Colt e 4 Ibo. Good Rôest Codée 4'Tine FraxierAisCaéresse Armoii Glezidae Buttemine Armouxie Buterecup Basteriný 24à lb.siack RyeFiMr 2 Pkgs. Crcsm.cf Whem.t CANDIES, NUTrSiETC,. Broken MLted Candy, L -Mixed Nuté. new crop' Caramel.s, lb. 'Peanut Buittie, lb.. ChocolaseDipped Carmels, 16. "F Chocclate Creame, lb. Brozi ute (Nigger Toes.) IL Fliber:.s, lb. 4 quarts Cranberries Oranges, per dozen _Standard Prints inchading liel Gy"id, s Indigo Blues and BuikantiWbe.,y 6 Spo o Cast .2 Pkgs Ssfesy Pin5 oasqu.Jsy , i< jBlck Meeemn I y. 85 cent. 36 inch BIscu-k0MIealm ee1kyd 9-4 Bl3escLeti' Y& Î dý