CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 25 Dec 1914, p. 7

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FRI3EI RUY RI Aat. State's Attornoy Sayi StOh. a Vo.*ilt Place Pro- mlum Upon fRobberies. REVIEWS THE EVIDENCI SaysJury Sbuld Mot Havî MM nnuhlsoed by Story Ho Ternis 'Maufactured.' lIter a&toltiotin asing Ur.( loQMra Jury ta circuit court Wed UeMY >'migt retaruet a verdict i "mtguilt>"'la tho e atorIvan I& ktrica, a 19 >ear aIt yeuth vho vsg cObrimul vith buttlar>'anti larceny. Î DBibltria ad taid vhat tic police de Clane vas catsuintfub tar>' ef boybo 1a0&fcletotabe cainnecti vwitb tbe ea *&r. Conplanous ln hi# testirnony vWu tin. statelet thal he bat bee. ~ o~s by> a main vie iccording to uta accaunt muet bave been itie thét t a a vcktng arsenal. Biaurlut @sM ho bristîidvltb revolvers and bavie kalves anti h.efeareti hat If ho di net flot ebis bisiding Ibat be voulu C&M On bt a thrcsf to da hlm bath'y "I J1 ures are goiag le he carnie. ava>'bY lOhms>' anti manutactureti cvi. icece inch as that giveu b>' Bitrica Ila fine unit,." Assistant Stat's At. torne>' luayard ticclaredt otay vîti sOMMifeeling. 'tIsla îtIe short af an Invitatioin ta herglara te pi>'their e làbg vlth the promise of immunity SIf OSUubit laisespeaiall>' anfortuinate -a lia Uis verdict shoulti bave beoin re- StUrmdet au Uni re of year vben Une JIIO IA oribli> f robbentcs la greaucu th" temt iier senions of Une yesr.- Ca. Of the luron ienilarei tinere ve rniugatit gcircanatmes vhinb Md te be ta«ien hao <nnsiiration. 111e ssii tsthe ar>' taIdbthe yli oullr "asmi lmtetaraiesa atusi deuix f a imahm of Ibm aveum" 2mai. T"M ~~loes.keer via OU d ipeu 510m lly4tvp elaheetroyal, i»W oteids le P4,orfire W , Whis ib stranger carne ont ifful a* li Untherevoîv- gr Md Mson Othonu hlaMi Btrica Samy.hoi tuf mt àiiu o w it te do vîtb itbM s a s 100h tiner bôme.. ~.U~ la @tl hein beiî oinan ta- .#lmnunarglmg hlm vith rathltg a 4M ogan Marlon street. He la ohaupui vitin avlng taken a sit r f 9100à«., a va ndtwotvazcare. ~IS lu e ve tofuitln bis suit Casm wà he p. gilco vent te searcbhiel billes. 11.0yUl Dot le tried on tuÉt . ie a uti the. Janinar>' erm et court anti poasibly not aintil the tMarentorm. In Une-meanfime b. la ~ta jeu,~ Two Similar Casées. Inl vlcv of Uic tefense Put up b>' ý Bief rIca It l a teresting ta noue that êsriîrtefenses vers attempted eti 'two aUer cases triai t this tcrm cf j1 court. One vas ln the case ot Franik ',MlIeIer, chaugeti vitb robbing the hlome 0f William Grean. MiIcker saidi he vas sittbng la a depou ln Ienosha ,vhen a straunger approachet Min lad Zave hlm a rive dollar bllI, teiing huma bu>' some cartrldges atandt ari -lUneru cnt keep the ulct of the mon-i for trin-i. He sa>-s this strsngcr ~IPMe a vatcb an a revolver tt poket »d ftodhlm ta ieep tbem. eston articles belanget ta Greeni Uhwhne>' vers fouint ta lits Vos- if faraiho th Ue aate vitin tie , Use la id e lrsecution. 1 sýn& alull n eenevas mate ta Uneq em flPeter Stanilevick anti «Ne Nervicli. ciarged vth liane etA&jng. LTbereialnei the>' stoppeda andR h= tor-aride andtiUat ine fr01 Ue agon anti mn âaa> t sa>'in s a rd. Tins Plae, mi, vis about Ilfteoa mus eplanee inhe Uhoras a>- have bccin stolcn. The>' sai Ie:a: okngIna oie 1 *log loiig for aaic. ýfl f aI ino fr on Sad - IImm WIlfred Toulouse. Jos Durla Byran J. Stevens JohnR A. Walsh Il. G. Hock Leroy 11tuder Charles Paulson Boit ICimiall .1'>un beA .. . .. CItICICEN Ti-IEVES PAROI Augait Santilerg anti Auguit vho vere arrested b>' ube polic steallig ciiclens andI bo wvu dicted on a charge of burgiar>' mot forccd te stand trial ai they beein paroled to the probatioinc for six maintins. At the endton time tbey vlilI be dismiasetIfi record In the mean tîme le ut tory'. LOHFINi< CASES CGO OVEl The nases agalnst Cirae and aey Labflnii in vbich Ibe>' arec cd vlth raliber>' anti larnein> heen continuel ta the Mardi ter court upon the requesu cf their1 acy vho asliet toc mors time. are rePresentet b>' Attorney C la his affidavit Mr. Orvis set tbau be le bandliag a $10,000,00() al the Present timc antI that it pies ail ot bus lime. "f contessed uc the court that i Orvls had a cse Involvîag tel lions be should bave more ti Assistaint Stales Attorney' Run mîtd, "but i amn inclibad te thial îe vas mixeti up uigbtly on bis ers." NORTHI CIICAEiO INTAI(E AOIN WA. CILOUifiE» ITH1 -I This Condition, Whioh Oo red oa Frjay for Firot Tin Was Rqfflteo Sunday. THIS CITY Si*PLIEO WAI OuiBa*09Fe*-Ttia viesla Ouble vwtu tac thé mo rolt. f lis yeer séace as -oMi*- la boh cm". Wauiiem pvatqrve .els-- 11904-te do the pmme MSN na" Mi m 6 A. mL te 4 P. i or tear unuil alays bai Wakg hlc iai bu bail tro alUn Olu» loictélitaltate but yea Uukga lab asba siman lutuiat. Tii n>' e lue th ltacUnati t la rAther clarl>' fur Cf't ta le troubleti b> te for Msuai>' dase Dot occur antl! ats Une vhater. lin tiecsftet fNortin Ciicaqa lS. trouble t Uis tfleluattribi te Un. tant thaf the mauth of the taie la so near ibr.-If extenti but tiréc hainsreti eet. Tiuane ever>' moYenent ot the shore rnAkeslu c as>' for theéinta'<e te came choked. The cît>' of North Chicago eu-ti il>' uses about 1 1-4 millioen gaîlsi vater ever>' tventysfour liaur.1 Ing colt veailer hovever vien n peoPie albav their tauneta to run ing the niait no that the vater p yul Dct frffle the censumPtion ne es about 1 1-2 million gallons. v kegan's lumpage je ver>' iigb vitb the additienal istrain trom XN Chicago t forces the pumps te g( neari>' tull capacit'. Fritta>' Engi Allen relleved the @train oa the pump by uslag one cf the on pumPs te assist, On Sunda>' thei aumPtIon of vater ln Wauiegan, ant no lgb antI the large upmp su ed. The englacer at the North Chic PuMPling station adopte practic4 the sanie Plan of clearing bis li et iee tbat Wcuicgan aivays used; that le, he gets a quantity vater In the attllag veIl ant il flushes out Une litae. Sînce Winuiiegan Installedthte ergency Intakintathe barbon lu coase te tae ait Une mercy of slush fer na matter bav min>' finies main intike mi>' hecome logÏed cmcrgen>'Intake viii fruainpie of vater for iuhlng purpoea. il a notevorfiyNet tat afWauiicgan bat no trouble viti la. ahne uemenc>' latake vai lnstall.d. flemariabis glog.ý The of thé eli a Ueens' alanù bridgé aéré«téi le eum aiti Vai4Wo M ode tie structura tomu 11 caeofaIthe math Pieon or fh. W* ta truci h hi auunr tUnedsouR th*# biav la returned la succea figu ecci*osbernasuppauti Zu-cay andsettram tUn. apoote M OlUdlmg 676 test distant. At Une m «thé tged ati. rehected mi fo-tIi botveen thé vater ami tn afÎ belrligeBtai rthéme of 21 Ues ive swenu-Piifhfder. Independnts éasli @de brlna suite hmouse they reich îeoo sens We.lcly, i .7~1e t'*P4' DINJTS CUSTOMS EY WASRETU9INED BY TRINIDAD COPS A R ER14RII ________________________ Aged Men, One Blind, Other Miss Viola Shirling. of Northý North Chicago Girl, Masquer- Patrick Creamer and Ethel Nearly So, Were Close in Chicago Loses Ail of Her ading in Men's Clothes, Is Creamer of This City Joired LUN6IOTOR WINS COflafionghip. ChristmasSavings. Arrested in the West. i araeW dedy BOT80H PIONIEERS O IT. IF VOU bcd tout $W0 In reai lNC MPANY WITH A MAN. lVaukegan, Dec. 17. INTER*NÀTIONAL EXnOeSLAdy i ey e A bit of romance, eoverlag a pro Would Meet Every Morning at' for ChrIsnsaaY , ' be- 19 Year Old Gil) Well Known of a littIe more than til years. which POSITION M1 E b A L a Certain Street Corner and WOtrnit to youexec ayb in North Chicago, Finds Her- o nlddacac etn ConverseorHours. IF VOU found $40 in ceai mon. sl n Ya W y oung peop>le. One a Young lady of thte Mahn xiie y rn .ey six day. before Christmas, et ItY', tie othe r a student In the WVis- Machine Exhibied by Frank T WaUkegan, De,_. 17. WOULD YOU moa an effortl Thé telegrani lo W!]arat onotteuirsyatabnefa ~~. Fowler Puts to Route al Every mornlag foi years. to return IL to the owner? [)][ch interesît i\akelgan md Notrh elimsati e nliweiyet ahoe ofenS, AleoaIs onti .Starr, an agcd and venerable man. Ah. Ho.,buRItseet$ed TChica ol, eci liefr t opVIos ma, &oLAo h R dlNO ba tead TUhia lo.1el 1-M, ofthie friendshlp Itlelove. the, rae. has tottered tbrongli the front door tha cans who ulc idiwud qealgiimi tie e tant marriage, andte ~re re I-COMMITTEE IS ENTHUSED.b i oeL îsre. and ratura It te hec.o blar < nair stuffed in a roil!ntner ~sgvnaohrpae .~usa r. ere wavIng gIdbyto Il memnbers of is MS ON PFEIFFER found a siouch hat. and wcarlng a rag- afteroon when the young couple, ~ hve harma Dclaes l s Oe f fiinlyhe asslOIy eidedbi Wa Iid sum, and, aithough litwam ged roat and overalis, hole Who have tieon separatcd for a Yser, 'y"v w aiMaDchines Has Oev o a' ie a» on the siriet. heire di 'd *xa:ly ar thists h lie 1the TY of Whuegan lo lJi Domer suthard n te er,,t. Te vtre SIdwere re-marrbed by Justice Roy M. their SeenThat a erect. of friands greetlgrhlm (IL was ai-, fear.d the flmdermright NOT do. W. Trent. adTMtwrears. hason at his office In titis City. a their Se htl eret a tevobce. becuvethe aged manin a HRTMS TIMEI The girl adTetwr ret The coatraCting parties were Miss, WaketaaD Lii Cuny eole ll bid l Ivral an The XMOSsp~irit la abroad. ed bIl a rallroad detective sarch. Ehlhcnyecrae n aro ,UafacSu-l**Cont pu l ttalyblnd wu inaibygi ngfrbxcrtiee.8.s> re of St. aul. ndBat wefl who have watched the. progregsiMade the Information that lho was on bis WaIegnfocr21 boxla1 ar tht s.he sa)ktoal. Intisr O it>'P. he f omeben. R. ib Lu motor. Manufactured by a waYte sea I"Cile> He would %lieu Viola WShlrlln, a Nor21.C il od e l 9acd haie ho e thea- dBar- copn'heddb' irn Tr'werbcbufe iuesi ovesto Cg on wo a mpoedt att o kegant b>' Chrisitmas. el% an. a daughter0f iMrs.TO. B. lngesfolt ebarg- ~~~~becauaeraeYugw an mPod Copnheddb l T.Fwe uebtI miut es con ist alon aeoecmpn a en "I met Trent. wbo Io a cook, 1lu 415 Hickory atreet. o» te the lime et hbaveag-.saig atteyaluodrta led e arg mp dasn fIn wich moch Waukegan money leme a" eo isNtonlEvlp opn a en 9restaurant au Alamosa." Ste sermernne baelas been investedui wîîîlle greauly in- wy algalteya aodrta he sald. "I planned the affair, and rpe nth fieo JsieMno arm of teett nti.dsîth eevdb Charlie miglit have tb wait for me" mlght have plent>' of Chrisimas mon- thought it would lie a gond!tlarit. rpe nUcofc fJsieMs torthi er tu llg 0 the g reteattesld y.O Strd>Iltcno sedrw itlamy fanit we were arïotedui" aniclalming mas>' fricints In the City. attor. his paer tellng of he il ie sald ey. O SaturollieteLoll Ste laewtollieUugbteyla theTauehformferhmforme agerri fe theteyouuu The>' aclievement of tbis wonderful lire- For years tb. slghl of two aged and the slxi>' odd dollars trl the banik Wilimî.. llery. employe I ln V'I couple Occurced ln thne fail of 1919. Orvis. «avioc tievtce: venterable men meeting on the corner and slarled -Out to do lier Christmas and Hamlet store of North Chicago* apuinc e ek frhNew York, Der. 17. Mf Ash Street and Grand avenue. stir- shopping. -She bad entrusted hec lit- Asked about bis daughtr' predica- Atter ahpyou.tia e wee 0case W. J. SMITH, red the Intecest of residents In tIatLtIcboard to the stocklng banik. The mient, tiller>' sald thatlihe kocw aoi- dissension arase and resulted ln the. Ocu dtrWuea u.- dstrict. Ever>' morning they met mone>' was sale when lie left Iyon's Ing of Il. yourig wlfe-securiag a divorce@. Sine ther. Teir eetng ime as re- tor, a"We moved out te Colorado sorte was granteti ber deece b>' the courts Thé day 1 have langed focr br. hi etilm as Mrbtoe oV'nie bcrcached the Jacobas' time site andI only a week ago moved If Mr. ,,Iîved 1elsely exact. ONYaf aer day, month store it was gons. back te North Chicago. We loft Mo]lle on December 9, 1913. lMi- TeLungmnotoc was today tterMontb, the Lime varled Ilttie, A Ilw minutes later awlldly ex btere wbere shte was worlcng and 1 A fl ewmnthe afterwsrd the es- Lime," ynmus> aune-hegidmd Fondly tie two' mnr would goras itet womtan entered the Sun office. supliosed site .1111 was there on the trangeti couple renewedtineir trotu anirousl awadedthe old od.job we left lier, 1 arn more thon as- but according te the'laws of Illinois inycrd al b>' the Swarde commttue fth each others biands. Then often times She was se excited that bier speech tonished at what ybu say the tele- t that Internatioalci afet>' Expftltion lhcy would ait down and tarit for was almost Incuberont te lie under- gram ceataine. 1 can't understanti thcy couti net re.marry- until slt.u- ciplu- whichhur.Te la holding a big convention her.Te lgain the), might botb tend. EN'iallY she Made a clerk un- the girl doing sucb a thing.1 the passage of a year. The Yser VUs In this City. Tiui lo' the highest wobble off sloiWly In somte direction, derstaad that slle badilostlier puresea Asked what ho was coing te do ip a week ago yesterday. Artaag..l about thc malter, Mi11r>' responded moate were maode for the. w.dding. possible avwird. lîut te returin ta the sanie corner somne contatnlng $60 andi ahe wanted toein- wlîb a sigh: "Heavens ý4nOws. i ecopewruntdysea. The Lunigmoter sla iaîuîeîy heurs ister andi ater biddlng andI wav. sert a want ad lau th hope Ibat the dan't, I don't knaw what 1 Cain do. Ti opevr mtlysedy the only mchanicat respirator Ing each ttler Illdb until the oexl mone>'cilhtfal Into honeent bande. Itl a ciiich 1 can't go baci there." The groom ln thne soin <of ealtiiy whc a 1hto h ehn- day tIly oulti go home. HaIt an bour pasceti. PlIer>' la a bard worklag main anti parents, who reside la Ugt. Paul. go has lthsoadthe ech11,1ain1o1 el] afford a trip back Ittu Intenils to take bis bride tmera te LS cal and piysolagicel teste Ira. Te hoth of thea. aged men those Thea Mir. and Mrs. John Pfeiffer of Colorado under the cIrcumataaceà. aide. Ilse upon It. fot miseing às in- meetings were tineir verY spire of lifrc Zion City entereti the Sua office. havlag recently beeu put te ale x- CE gle test In the many that It wu@ tbey Inciti forwari ta the coming of "Do you know of :inyone wbo bas lie n inOvin weeadt ât bocek Sprnedn ftsC i The clilrman of the. swarde forward te thaer hur of pis>'. ILuvas " hut a'sd, n fthe Trinil tiho Sait:"ILudoesn'u sem toReires At i lur. committes5Mid lit w55 Ont of the a pîcsare helt abov. everytblag gave Clarke replied. 'Mo Yea knov of possible. 1 bort ber oaîy Test wvek .a few niechanîcai dovicea of an>' that attendant of tillar owa home and ayone who hai fount unsl -Monta>' at Alamosa, Col., snd tt's Yr.a Spelts. m, kind ho hsd emer lnegectàd %Which fsily, te b. ln the Compainy of thue "W. picket this up ai vo ver, a long va>' front TIlml.Artet &â82 ehvudpufetn n e dtal ohe.watitdon eteueSret t th a main bectlng thaler a>'?" Ba- ~TS.i * shwedperecton n mch dtai. oher vaiilg daa Gsiee. tret lit d the father. "Wall. 1 tell you Il's Suint. I. J. Bocai 09i. bleug. uIM The utu. nachigne cept à woa Otein time. as the Meinesat together nov." Mes. Pffier ,replieti. pretty toash for the vetiner thert e 1lMainiise Eleetula ruibesd buiteul, 1ER alive nî minute.susel the>' voult tecail Mtà of ther bard- Bbc eziUbuet a little brova bill hast jUte lt la heall. mstr teoihtdring neau ea.r- shii Sad expsriqgeW aisoldiera in book. lu vas offe M dl ni a flai ufleta til un etie l m» o base-rl its ragalm 0 .p ends meus erewd te.eue: disptala the var of the. iaefongm for tii.>'taucoatain OecS>'$11l 1a 20.. a ergir lihad"Uqameuistadau»itev. c«M«u uttlu xm-a ta ma10 Wt la Grand Central Palace ver, bath oIt vteranci. Then agala 10 cnl'm t""85& "a M ad vai maiquemdbt olI l« fdeaogth et TsftAcXý« oWtgua. the City'or 3 kiiai *etIseea of "Miiltu if gu ' ioteoSa revend Zgowver. lio omWI;M ot am e t u-i TWI ,a1 0 TPIl . al en lie u " lia4as, atr u a t*> 5U bo Su d& if." a Clark de.U-latila « the Prapaica g Oi ,vN 00 esunetle. iti »Se or ieth e M à" ÉM. Dcci biýs«re8 ~ Ia nua- A ia.tdufrelonbenIl. .. prurses auld lisi **tbOaaersamm lalleumal'coaclude: " «u - 1ha lit «111141ru" fer- tine ygat r.P 01 Thne ler u W Pa « Yec*.d taimn ta- lu- il oe w batth puiuéensielents 'WbvT uind tOfw Jàtàla cul Eseiter. but, If l ta. adu% 1 toc - .sdny a vbcty- ve gav or thitycl>. . Mias BSlistlitut vo isallir a bave ta cet hu-s oif oc f l $ U Ilab -'ii W _ too IAW b .w hv eae 7at ere e. des vi i au», Very' mort>' Cirltuu." Mua. Pluer Smat tlint h«MrOelL' - _IM a te 3-01,11011theOM prba etth l li qosue seia ,SU bilu .a tiso. Thige la t dîes ed bioetly ' ven bites cf Smoriea t. d ,W tuta teTinen aalin a ac, voe apocar lit u rt eB S e that belth Mr. g~ 010 ' " âton (Te wd ftw a bgUil te eymfe. cclia neofMadphrases èid Mes. PieMelR " womemre tissua" ~ ,musau it'* a.o rz *i" escamail ta miU". tlis±thoy vire *bli ta peuforummcehmtf asI l aopu~i~ $ o As.MUt, Pavlsu- stail .tis li le e y we'ere Ver>' clouetogathez- a servic e Oiietu"faesWolfe vrea t ix Mraait*1N. _ l tildarset i taM ville mii' asoia- » mai fother. The. Suat of the.douc a Servine ta a Youag vamanWhv"Ag t docuh WQulubi a.t donsmedical eote Sadi otier or- afaîr vw" ane couidt Me ls lie fan. othervise vaulti have Ilati m>thingWfe fth Fomr u a aur> ganizatloas have sap'proved ILu in eveuy. of thne otiier, white the. other, aise but a mer>' Chrlatrna. WfWofte orbdC5Aîubul *11UIt titis va>,tIne greatestdesire of tinoTpro. vith falllg visioin, barl coulti de- Theo Sun located Mise Siirliuig on Wire W rks.. - stumaters bai becautaeast the goîti med. termine the. outîincs 0f bis frind., the telephoine and brohe the velcome Cleveland fl td tne ai andi recognition li brlngs, et fIis Tt ml b t le ateti horse Unit one nema ta ber. She lest no Urne Inspal )utesi Internationual safet>' exposition now ta of the men vas L, L. Star,. Tiie otb- oalling for thc moine>' anti acon tinere Wawkemb~, Dec. 19. i la progreas In New Tou"g.or vas *'Ciarlie." Who vag Charles vasa aother bcaming yolmg voman Friads «f lira. George Belle aI' mout The luagmolor vas put up against Johunsomn, 717 Graad avenue. lcavlag the Sain office, It vaa cas>' ta Worcester. Mass., formerl>' of Wawuc- Ire the pulmotor anti other respîratar>' te- This morulng, bowever, Mr. Starr, ose that Mine Shling vacsno affenteti gain. vili hie surpriset andi eveu sliock. ilie- vices anti Mr. Fbwler vas confient falled te 10110w his aId custom or that ILuvas vlth dilfilcuIt>' she coulti cd te bear thatSibe la nov a patient ail along tbat is appareils vainit pait >'ccs, lun Ieavlng bis home andI keelp bac'( thé tsars. Thc affair shows et Lakeside Ioslal Clevelad, vher ba-show up vith credit anti even out-dis- shnffllng devin the walk tavartis the ver>' plainî>' tbau tbe Spirit of Christ- slle vent Somne days ago te prepmas Dur-e lnce liat cuber similar machinbs aId meeting place au Grand avenue MasnileIn the air, for an operation. ian>' migbt do. and Ath street. Insteat be remaln<b She vas Ilt unter Uic tirent d a - t h i o m , t h oN Sut t e nrr a r e o f D r . G . W . C i l e o n e f t i nh ANipes J5 day. 1Hia uoacebog eyes bowvevr toit! EATS IMOILED HÀ14 ,s, nations foremoat specialiatso and,,th:, Wou' RS M eVAND K S thne atol etigreat grief It va.s.ctust- pawst NOoi eictoea rand e~~~d b>'is boweti heat aindi morose feel N I ]L TUP O tien on the patient Friday, Dac. 17Un. ortus loe.H flai t ee Chlal" Mc. Selsvent vith Is vite Trolm le t D 4D; END U NE day. That vas the cause of bis gricf. MAJ&e DhIcaMIN6 Worcester, leavlng bis yack there %as 'nbig ON E lm n V E Jr e as mtctd to make the tri p toiIll AJJlIf supernendent of the big steel plant iller ESLJ AjV the corner. but he knev "Charbie" Alex Alphonzo, Foreman C. & In entIer to hce vith ber. con" HesI h TidTaicDah couldntb hee elsterse, N .Yr agHfW s Graves' Diseuse the. Cause. Hessmhgd , ea h CarI Tobe . . YrdGan.[Itua laislearned that Graves' Dîsease is ufflc- te Occur Within the Last This short obituary migbt explain Near Death Sunday. '.Ira. Seois' alliment andI ber condition. age Few Months. the Passing of 'Charlie,' the quaint Waulregan. Dec. 21. whitent anoounc e toie roai crîti. al>' Mrs. Jeonie Van Dyke, 56 years oltI. meeting anti one loy of lite of fai- Alex Alphionse, foreman in charge cal, la sucb Ihat ber daugbîer, Mci. as et taa tth aeMAlie igvnrbl ine:c he track gang In the local yards tay e tofNorthiut streetci latbcseAN&t vi oAtU pasdaaye h J olstrigvfebopine:Ethe Nrisstr, alyinu- i: Ray oand LI Thâdf~~ bat bospital Wcdnesday nlght at 6:40 Chalcs Johnoen, wbo voulI have home in the yards. serlousi>' Ill front macçh conrernîed. The other daugliter, 8v naafmloeuelu.le lieu o'cloe3:. Deatin came white ihe wa been 82 years old next Feliruar>'. dIed the effecta et plomaine poison vhlch Miss Hazel. Is at the famil>' home li abnla teem vnl*lii ia a cematose condition. Cini> once Ibis aftcraoon at 3 o'clock at bis home lie sustaincd white eatIing a quantly Worcester where she vent a fcv WiuIhUs OUCI(ofa5 em* since lent Monta>' vhen ae@ vas 717 Grnd ovenue. Hc vas one of0f btledstaeithayMr. iln. vo ecis ago aftcr resignlng lber puai- au 10e i M base founci uncoasccous andi alane In bar the city's oldIest anid bout inovn rosi- cesîdes b oine of tbe company slin n aikgan scbols thc littIe home on Madion itreet dit sine dents. Mc. Jobinsoit had resiteti here bouses ai tbc yards, ate a beart>' din- Wluen MNi. Selsa vas vlsiting ta the regain conaniausaras suflltfentl>' te for ovor 40 years and aiw aysbd ner, Sunda>'. Includet lIntthe menu Waukegan a couple of moaths aga e tti recognîze the face et ber aliter, Ui.e madeis home on Grant avenue. Oid vas boiled bhim. A tev minutes attercodtnofhah sntvl b as J. F. Iteed of Cinicago, vho suoc b>' timers v*iii recal that up te about 25 feitII At fIrat be tih t fsi gh gond. In fart, ber relatives vere quite bas foe li.. mag *au,, the ber bedoide. Then Site lapsedttua >ears ago Mr. Jeoson vas engage-i attanii et blousineos but as he stesti- worried over ber. Hevever, Shte r.- unconsnlausiess andi ber condition la thc Seo busincss in iltcl>. lir. iy grcv worsc. the. fanl> begain tu turned home ant iimprovet for a ttme continuai toegrow veaker until Sa Johnson ,vas an oid soltier. andthn ear that the illnesa vas af a serious adt t lit asde dd om i th nature Dr. J. C. FoIer wvashasll' nra.vs ce nosut iret pl i~tvnget its va>' fromntuait local Iuot probly I TT i have charge summuncd. Before the Dh>'slnlan ce- speclaliet vbo recommendeti an op- ilamortal ieu. oI the fumerai services. Up ta about rived the mavas ta a Seripu on - eration. MAN Ur CTUN5ft . OU Mr&. VanDyke vas bora linDetroit aaetit ago Mr. Johinson bd labe aunditloun. Atter making a xarn t'fon UrMte Vr a. ~~ .mnis Idebuthal maie lier home la Wauiieganfairly goudi health but et tthattinne he wth fe hsiin traind taf thm Pceef tet And, In cennectinvt is eî' U55 W 5~ oi ever hne 1882. Si.aesl tva ie- hegan ta fait and ti.atb Came aftcr a B anepoioatun. lcknensandatoperattan it la Important lai tare, lire. Ileand Mm. Mary l.>' graduai bat perceptible tenline. lWth -rn - -ut> o.eaî ohr.lre u M O~IuI

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