bo mowlffl imb ioé. Mi ÙMoa sha mbétfore unt dom vfl fh i vlmpaéin tu cuaii bisfot i ma t to aflm Mtra mitlb .W 0 f'1 emi1 lum eatteyaiq bp casééédla ee a"0 1*tl reéCh té aué éss a bamamér M émanst la deià th" thé otimay musai.- et -um lad téliai-t Pmu4 aShas vw» b" dk U&li' se>' sed cnatles hevr wot *h9. Ths" atm"i thé a broihr $ talà@m ai YOuti hét ow ý v zA ourlei. w-n h l bwate t 5 bouea. f- iie hos*q Imm e* ll Én4gI la»ls*loOCMl buhsibim ta thé Aitou mi, nimd mislaAitur and'm so n"sa oe,6sit1slnait uippéf Vert of the, lomt a tlimé it MU iiafi $»Wsam hed ben tac- of thr e nIsad 0 iii. acc"eat 4,iutuu3w don. 0f thé tp,1 teatit& thbogbo6déPh sud oeu uo sie u bout O Asti-tqtanie sereinbas béenia&- mhàgwteýt » téyoum aim toPme lient lool.Jav f»M etting tu. Dr. Gooutedées 11*1 âtthe iurei arma vii -bé iidêd&-iil JuSt boy mnch. lie Maya, illa lnïpoésihiét. Mai«u attr -thé voeu hqà heafl iovri. Rétlnng shertS Ache. «fKecocha <feahm w lut o o gu l,i J viiâenstopimed ont or office Wei- nesday. Tus vsu a inct unusuai A ParticufrStr ltRY OUR "$ G0ri1" Speclalties Wi#11.mne-made Pork-Sausage afldMtlo' ety al ieFacil aaae SclTreatmmnt lIT OWLY. a "ues lwtSm bilia At thé*lUmé 0f thé incident hé says the car va. crovimi vlth people,'lias éétlmate Wlong 11*1 theré vers éigh- I l people en board. fMé qays le t. astled b daniage.té iwhicb lisamv k. vwas suhietei'*in fuil vie0 f ail the peffersr Mie allée furtlier that he vaitl fuithie sext car to cm» along ail ±al» teOflesu eet ferivas v%. tia"iutebd in ite.t ftbe far v j1 pbito. o TRIE aOOST 1 s ,matera.1m lahigher tibm ever. ilvery wo- m*ws'that ;Sd 'spodoms thé lucabenu vho gais lIe ibi. '*ove temilei vouxen t*an ever bai>'tlair cales, pas- màsiJtbe imp fotani s baker>. les chmpér aid Prim rémain thé asmn. Onr higli qnalily nover varies. RIRTY VILLE BÂKURRY -bave a nunibet ýo! r fk'nsfor s4ý in, EUke ~e rilog 10 . _tm' tè 0khe -hudèefréd S wie the 1hime b bî'y. Thlnk. thé matte« over ffl If Vois do sot bgrfe. W. banditimerovid sud opreved Lai. a&ad tity prépetiu b adthe attraoll'v el- àà t 10m o .tq~i nottMng too 0k ioier 6. d IV ya ad sestbing, b èsuit yon vW in r "4W list la Iuçre&Mlpg rapldly. Ipquirs ou *me and if lluby éMAfdýy 70Slm W#inb. oend t veus pmp-ty- lh uù"id àu IO4lon- treinoImunce lsài hie 7iode 1_elu oiléI 41W., spoàl~ bMeso« t ré Dcqe f 'a hulai carte l. bu As e = saitéultai la a*0UAW é MllvaukéecutrJe natrond W, luvaM Cumnlmghm. a msnlv bag t MitiChicago. la bis déclaration Cuatgsz thtougl i iiicounéel, Attoraqs John o 1'oge anidPter Zomgn»,seét forkth" aIon Jubé 29, 1#13, hé mwi bi, vite aui théir taro olldren. both otfivbona, te maye, are undér 1iysiru #4 ose, boarded a OblgmadMil- yankeeéleotrie nailiomi crst thé PhKttéthsht ta tIon.thé lutte- dmo bélog wthe w #o a 4bsa. Ise maye h.pelu the osaintéer Ut toaton cta-. Omt tatfr Ms.X self aad his e and hallftar e fr thé tNo Chlid-n, lotI nader thé tvslve Yser am limit. The ooaiincte*, hi allée». plaeed the moné" ln bis poolet a»i rang np tb. tares on the register, thé amaihoving on thé ilal. Thereponliého mye the comdïa- tor tnsistup aipn gi itonal Ove cents, otménutbtat mach of thé chiliren musat gay a Ilvb cent faise. Cunningham mse holiedecllnei 10 psy thé m i - ai" sl As a réénit lie myes tie conincior amsaltei hlm, forclbly drogaq. puahiais and kickiag hlm off the car am onte the. lavement. lHe says tut.s j tratmnént sturalid bli1mbe andoth MI etwM oima.P toni. lm SP0 Iy I" 1aQ& i té try, ont ihe plan ambs" a ufl1Ae ilai MILLION ON te, Ob ~ ê la pessed for ainder the T E LO~ E T T estots $&tte l.* the shériff la an- TM D N W T wahW er Libis prisocera and woffid have sinéOthimi to erpialax If they ts- caw. attr »hé laijet iii.. out ap-OVbmer ai New Year Meetînç on thoi éti or. iamn convlnced hov- Tefis Hii Petple What Ho eveithat the liais le fot far distant IHas Aooompllshed. viien .00 a lav vIl be vassd.1" 4ffl *4,, a all ndth an Cty. Ja. 2. -ee ide 4e 11t are.* hll an as i"Pl S-l*" amunthe barrai at vii.,"k. t.c nl ould h l toi- é*ft tmeeting ln SliiIC&tabe,éé lme bi z= 2=1malt. i~e sèysmaClé 4Mrs TlsdY ai@éb. UACh mu, that th* t "of<l or ,silnlar p». 'won«an ad Chili oppedil cotisa&M lehiment '*0M4 do nimm to keep 11* a'PU m on.> to théex'ent Of leverai Cty stia*,t théanythlig *Oise udddollars.. It ould flot bW off- vulol co«.W'b don.. laUlYle5ed today boy mucli monéy As anMaiéiiéet0f 1115 the adminis- IF'Vasan-P attht.i crscilo1fer- tration 0frfét.éz Mayor Flier la ré.I ng. csléd., Datte bis admninstrationi ma-~ DurIng the, meeting Voive, réviewed Yog 71ner ouus the lii. stonera to the PVOSiée f the. ZIi ioveéft vork onitmiMI, est on thé strets. dtiing thé put12 mouths. 1-e smttd Durtng tins. tives vagrants imduat up-to date the>' bai Psu out 1465,- trampe beosMie a rarity lni the City. $12, or ainrost liait a million on the A %ton estaté. Siaic Mardi 1, 1011, they bava sold $347,278 vorth et real estate - lai vé <of théelUniedStates. Thé>' bave estabuished branches in »MsVeI icitiesani are planning a big forvard! movemînt during the neit ig î aLT surs. Lusais igi, ea.Sot ao la and Ai. baina. On acouait of the Wawke<gan, Man. 4. éxtrerne cold lai the north and the -ÀU .êSton h o -io conducts a hardshipe met vlth lai bouse-to-house barber iop -on'pibè îatreet. jiat isitation. muima zéro veather, Voliva nortli cd thé Udmu"ilHotét, owes h i as vithirava isi.field vorkers froua itée te bis Pet d0g Who awakened hi thé nortli for the Wiater months, and ,CI a*< , M i <,fonln thenk. Iwl Band thé. ito Souther iedsi. Ocf uinie té- *@ee àdmtliin a ore vhich liaidlbaki, ont la hie flat luit over hl ieVmeof buteinm .Skermnai bai té çamtbrouth a rom. filid vîti flames to melit. émecpe. It vam rafler laIe vhén S«irmoai retired and tht. oea> bavé accountéd for the tact t ho slépt go0souni>'. 'At any rt ealtaIntinatton le had tht d 'gr thried near- va. ién uhlm subeustun brain liécaanq a v a re t a h d o t v a . b rl g . Slepli li Ogrmitbat the animasi wfil b9rklng M emmeone passlig cm thé vsk bgovw. gmabé te avaken .liesmaster nm tus Mmeér thé itillédog eemnéi te nov alme& t fatie. .lHo iéaped upon be tQdb.. a . tbe. bhA ..L.5L Durtng bis aidmsvoi« salithet ZMon Cty wa. an absèlute, neoewmt>', and thé day voeu eorné vbeaipeople vould elthér havé té taie refuge lai Mion City andi serve God or mlii ont- aide and go to bell vitli té ,crowd. "Théré névé, vas a trne vhen a Zion City' va. more of a neceSît>' than It le, nov.*' sald Vouia. "Thé cities of thé vorld are grovlis vworsé and vorsé éver>' day. Zloa," hé déclarei, "va. thé liégiainas of a aiév tngdom ai vh la to We establtshed on tue carh. ZMon vas thé ingia. cf Coi spokén of by thé proPliet Daniel as thé kungiom tuat vould overtlirow and smash ail other nation.. "Théethiée upon vbkclaChrist vili aiit aid rnis at Jérumsiai'l sai Vol.- out of thi. staté aud Servi icldWL béen sécured on hlm. ThéoArstI mm- j . tlonedisl Fred Towaier andi tbe lat, 11M- ter la W . 1D. <riffibli. lui sating thé euse to the Jury thé plaitif tht. af- Offéem o.a le.k. ternoon made t very chaur that Do L1SERTrYViILLE. verdict could hé returaied against etth- or of théenmen. BI W The ca.e datés back to 1902 vWhouI«f. V. ClIY,% thé défendants are allegsi tu balve M A tiSé«.6M &»mdas. purchaéed a smaillon of A. R. Thomp. Me>téLaoneaitA se<I5 son for the sua. of $1800, They save Om le inTI4w ue thé, nte for $800 eacb. Two Of LIBERTYVILLE, - L I those note, vers pald. The th" d as_______________ no« peuamadi h lsfor tht. one tuat im S Mr. amith, vho amye liepurcliased the MLYUL ILàrn note of Thonipeon lI good !aitb. t. À11 suin& u m. - él Baing. Odés Ihé defeaidant. charge that thel lesred after paylag thé e t tva______________ notés that Thompeon liai torged tlish namea ta Ihlrteén notes and hé.d doné thé vork very cleveri>' so thatlt ilas alamt Impossible to de- tect %thé forgeriez. For ibis reuon they refuaed té pay ou thé groi tiat the>' miglt le paying for one of thé tongi notes aidmiglit bWobliged to pay for al the othérs. la this particullar casé th*e ton.éd tht thé note upen vbleh Mr. SUmlth lesekigi a judjment la- oor eof the forgd noes. Mr. 3mSa, l taeid. will teétif>' that hé t.a oqualitei viSa thé sîgnaturé 0CfMesrs. Amée Ney«.~ Stéilin; mani Morse and liat hé là posi- tive that thé>' algned thé note vhkhb lie hod.. EDWARDS GETS DIVORCE. Mra. Sophia Dllas Borda Bigelov, whose récent divorce fr0, Nelson P. Bigelov, the vealtliy iumbermnia, stir- néd Lake Forest aociety, vas scret- 1>' marnaté iteliari m. pamdet0 New York on Momtav. b>' thé Ren. Hovad J. Johnson iu Stamniord, Conu. Tht. la Mr. Padelf nid' thiri yen- ture lotomatrirony. Thé Div Mrn. Padelford t. a dang1k- tg p fi t 5*1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~J hés-lebi~i aeo SMeccéeda M ue0"g théa r a , la George 0fter tl e of.r- OM0* Metr liMnh'@Ibisowlug Cii- émi Oftil. Oovérlu fronithé 'O& ZMon t. thé movement bora lai accord- j Smls~ehé t. étilléte1dam- eisiermon avoha lut at lu-t toit oaly &,,wih roheyand iemtiito me' et-US inuismallon %t thmacti o0f thé doit. n «mtinthé yordor Gela eon-P -,it. elflta rspftommén tg0< Thea hé béjasna aart a aungé bireld>' and thé lî z..u thé omaner V40 la austab«Ah- cliokias momatio. m4t --5raiChrist, lai fallment of prophécy, tee, Charles RIng ta' tryuInithse parcie iam. it hmthias Vas' labot- comem al ripé aliteraI throfeé 0800, dib&olid toa t'fIt VhOOIl 1it i. Itlretaiconolderablé effrt to ntght here on thé arth." tue the opaey Chargéea!itforeé&aotuse caMplétol>' té a imliation of VoUiva aioreviéved the grwofo for chulien btuM taté5m et rOve thé situation. théeZMon movement and rofoared th a a&M tvalve yéars that théetalé Pm, Thon he percélved tllat lie.'ooa thé tiret meeting -lub>' Dr. Dowle vide that the amunt of x all ait Allai vitha eoke whils ÏrOl during thé.vrld'» fair, on lIon>' le. rare nittend lai 6 or I. 'N'us Ifthée *née M Oolaicarné thé O0aiul iland avenue, Chicago. At Ihat Urnea vIole rée vire alteux cent. thé lt ci'ackie of burnint vood. - Otnlagglng, the average atténdance nurnlered but0 tare voni W tan cents lut hé as ont or W liti Borne digUelent>'forlie f1S pensons.a conintors ouint Change 2 4 as neariy overcome by' thé liéavy Thé meeting vas enlîvénai b>' mev- or 7 1-2 fast or an>' sIMilarahaunt. fumes, hé staggered to thé bei room oral séléctions frot. théeZMon entor If thé vbolé taré amOnnt. té tweaiîv iotiramd thrw uitopen. A aheét 01 orchestra, ZMon bond and ZMon white-- cents thé hait tare vol hé ton I&flm lépé l ité bis face sudiii érobai choir. cents. The case lé devaloplng Iteré- almmmed thé door ah ut. Howver, It iAtér thé adiresa s »zdliversi thé est aid tronindication. the aloi vas the 0.1>' means f or - ' Lrd'sa suppér vas partaléo of, and- neye for the plaiuidif-11v"Iiiiei timn o uvati l fcothli hé olo eitéênerai groétiiig and show that thé se Of the comidUCuofsig lié heuld it. ande"oVer bit. oies baud-ohshing. vas the enaitl ofracili rJudtci. aid mad ie a a>' tlrouoI the vall AÀrnoto cari for thé yéar 1915 vas 0f damea lai théeaiéxt roMa. Coing tributed to al Pesenit This vas to théedMmenn botl e turnai 4. a, prlntéd lu red and blackI lak vith a SlIE IFF RIFFN fre alarm. Tht. was recelved at quotation frona Nos. v4f: 30. "Let us go ~J& bout tvo-thlty o'caocls.1 up, t once and possees It (Mon City) FA V~1 b e dp&rtmieut respo"me and fýr for ve are veil ablé to do tt.'1 over 1w. hatsefouglir a 'vitntighl i Afttr tuéecarda yee sdstrliutei aid TuE IONOR YST %éTue Ames üir gatned #Muh a boa.the adloiarament vas maie for retrésh- W& tatitwa wthd5culty e ottepr53'er service vas renum- vera. étlnulshod. Shorpy altér rive. éd agalnaid suvreraI téatimomles to Says H. WouldUkl.t the 01101thé lasi 'vestige <resenIavtoialg.chnhgm ié- .4 0 avebeen aiting-uied tmii t WèreVetncb>' OIcérs -aid rem- Racine Plan Imb Effeot déeàtmit rtumeéd ru thé are .sta ' bers ofthé churcl. in This City. tion. About six Q'cioc' thés' recoin- I Thé service continuai tii idayiglit éd atiothér col t oLthe a"etobuilding 'WnIday moa'nimg menihsandreda of peo- shériff Eavin Griffe ai no elhir. vhere lb wos foeund taIthé ftre liadispie wédOd he vway homne thon attér or lui thé plan that has he pPut lut broken ont agaun uetwéén the vala., spendîng an ali-niglit wlth Coi ltaip-y- éfject lu thé cIL>' of Raciné, Win., TIl vas oxtIuguhshed lu short or or and pralse, vhicl inla nver> differ- wherefiu prisonere cormilttéi té Ihm der. ént mannér than Ihat adoptai b>' thou. count>' Jail are piacéd upon thoîr lion- Thé furnituré lni tte DUItat-asprat- soudm ln thé cLtea of thé vorli. or aud alloved la folow tlair régu- eicly desbroyoi b>' ilre' aid vêler. ijf lar empîcymont durins the day rimé Ths building at.o vue damiagai con- a AMO S ALLEtII.U but are ohflgei to rarai to thé eu:Il sdoabi>'. Water léaking hbrongli tueM éach nîglit. lHé maYa liéfel@s unr, 1oot- vionglt acmé dauagéto thé ME E that thé pla" îllif~ork out éuccems- Oxturos lu the barbershoi%n thé firat FRi3>N i fuli' aid vouldIlhé ta e It Put fOor. Thé vholedamage, viii nouait - BEING TRDIM RD lelo eféect li Wlguké<Sii.té &bout S800. Thé time la auppoae AA4 8558 "Thére are severai good foaturea to havé trtédoi au anovérheatéi - ho thé plan," hé naid.. la thé OtrmI atovepîpe. vritRtre nOtbr plaué 'itdons not déprlné a man oc f I IRIN COURT -OUM edctRfrndi O tbr empicymént sind permit. hlm te arm Belvéé naie and ten o1élock Sun-' New Trial Because 00nqof Mfori@laistnu>' vhié hé t. wvSérya;lt.daynaoraimg thé rire dépaa'tnant vas the Defendants Is Dead. sentence. Thon too thé average man j coa to 1 extingulali a sn* ire i that vwho la am a'etd heartil>' uorry, for ho4 brokén out bétvéén thé floots ot Wau'eegan. Jan. 5 tala offense *ad If ginen hait a cEhuce thé court bouse. On thé main floor Thé ramous case lavolving aliegéd woldle gai to neforin. Nothlng Io manr th enat ontrance Ili*a lm about forged notes lm again bélig trie4 lain gaaieib>' kespt.g a man lockel np lit a *4MraInchi lole i the Iloor. Papera, circuit court, thé jury laig beu -e. jli vhilé the cont> la oliged ho pS>' matches âmi other refuse ý*tter have curéd ehorîl>' hefore threé o'ciock tula for the support of bisi faily. dtopped iho tht. opénima%' Thé fré- aitérnoon. 'Undoaitediy Bornéet tte zrt.oai- moam t e téopinion tuat omsonee Thé case fat. laI ofRichard 11 vérs vho are placi upon thei honor Acoàjte#tay> droppi a lihktoi match Smithi o! Amealua Pné Graîha, et ai, la tht. manner veudbreak trust sdor'elpet stub througli thée.t,éuint aid-The othar défendants arp D. I. Amés, gt ma théir escape. If cap. tbtlov.rhd eti e re. tg, thé refusé C. H. Rails, H. W. C. Meyer. W. M. - 11e, coli l e iolai np luathé - stte. 00*eth aployed ta the ,-ilGrIftith, Fred Tovnéa-. Normai Ili- MUas" ami 11.sentence oM im maie « c mlty Clark BNed&" aatited lut'a"mitMrtin No. lot>' dlataéfl toe témi.-on ibé otl- fflulun ram fbé openg Théedad vas tr&ailu Octohur ai uit band f thée, id maPis 11.0& ée- à 5-su àlnsil- ft m6 At .1 ýbqttimeteu ejury étnlOda, net 64pé <le>' vM behégo»s taninthé,: lUi lSa scM i" Wo f«Ie, 4 6f0 » pt§Wo i*inUÈ-t ht - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ d *ft.ah bsxr mi'm a U e I ms.e ~. 8f*s* n s téh 0» aI oe 'et liUt vas eà-o *1 sýï" ter of Bugéné Borda, vho camneta, 'hileplia ?roux Franc.s.. lI lié suie théevite of Mr. Bigeiov on No*.. 23, 1893, aid for sevéral yeér livei ln tle lbrest. Diveroéd en Déé.ntioaCharfe. On reh. 13.1914, Dlgelov appitai for a divorce lth taeassit>' u»emt charging dessation. aHi immOlaig. llgelOv liai vmsan t la Us reami taklng vIdOs butaér t 111W item, Kidréd aMi Aieaia, . Artb ileekéer vu a vltuep for 8g~ ýhé divoré0asgrantélon> Oct.%S j1j[4ý b J.ndlvads at W.uksgeu. ioaisisirable socran>' attésiel1hde -M"t. Pédeliorianidfilathiti ri& *fi go 10 Palt m beach sosi"am> thé réanaier 0f thé vwinhér. ln gosslipvia canaed severmi postis et thé time Mr. ElgétovlId i2w 1 rce suit lay imsom et ioila fIab tâéy bai besat Palm Deesml At fie me tune. A telegram tromNa1ew Yor¶j sa$êthé ,onple éntérei io h bmyao et thé ýst. Res hotél. Office U 0". US. ek' PAUL àtAov ATroEnM *tv to-tLf:AlUSo Ou%" loeàm n194.s oe~ 'g PionNé ". I ' W W.PLU DIAMOND LAKE SANI &PzàA4 ILL Telspbpap itoaim 700 UAcpo,.o R.B P' o GRN&é lai ti ti t t r m ALL- Au lob No mi