Mr. mmlia.O. X. UWtaflor Wl-1 90CUpffl 117 Mr. Mueci, sd Wis ~ Y U4 nouai, Mnu., are vsilting wtb Mfr. B eeking to oust hlm fronil. 5Mr.,J ~ quSIKA j Botsford@s mter, %giss Auna Bots-luuneit wasrePreseutedl by Atforuey Beai bien. The jury evldeiitly thh The careleuaness or one Northi aide Fred Zoehier is back from Wod- S ucb hadl the better title tt: lad. , *~ E >A OJ fsllly lu allowlng a chi Id eufferiug of stock, comlng hetre to spend uda>-. wderi iriti A TI 6N L cltNIk511m 1phit* attend the Garfield Be ia a federal luhhector sd looks selAtorh7 &e3. 1f5!i'4ck«. apuer q ~ bas aneda nube o cse lIto <lie matter of dletlufectmng ctule ed lu circuit cmurt before htdge Claire. oufsmog He oherodt~Nto preven thie apread of foot and Fdwards. Ibis mrnrnt ng:daaked tisa: William Dlaun, a Libertyville 41e1laifendod the saine room and ilf, Wau1,iegn liosevives frobabir àJ mite lie r "dued e lis te Jde î'R aSsan w la said flai ies raqe.s are breaking bave to pai- 6 cents a lbaf for breald Ouitnv ed theie Braton Bne a Rsut oui a!ini.3ida1li usi bow miin:' within a few days unies@ tht- "be al week. This. Berry contended, lie tgimUI* - Wàuhogan, Jan. 13. cnet(-.4 ibi-re,-i- ai lie :%resot im e market draps conisiderali'y lu the abIle f0 îay. as lie deetares that bis, William Braun, -a Young mtan em. il; tot ktc>%n homai. e s riee , meantime. This las the predlctiou..inonthlY Incarne amounts ta but SB*po ye, a thes despase exist, are tiot placed w of ieading t'aters yesterda>- followr-.Afler istenlng to ail lte arguments plye a ràde %MlIling coinpany at quarantine and il is Impossibule fý ing a record pric-e of $3 Z-1 ta ihe court reduced the allmony ta $6 LlbettY'yllle. VaUqutte painfuliy injur- te healtîli dpartme-nt ta se-e il 7 1-2 for January wh,ýit. Te Te. 'a "eek. -d 1Tubdyttbut 1 gon when lie was mocli of a record of cases unless )h-lait price of lour, whicli ha§ dlinc-! J W Barwoîl bas îsurchased fro agtlsfk eta ahn i sideans volunteerthie Information. .oti to 40 cents a sack, mar allie lump 1ilim Wrg' te-f Wlbî-u as opla $111 leot 01at macwhieacl-e ed aiWilliamîo 17.50 a baerel aWrigh- The lrear-h betweeti Dr. andiNlrf,. soute more. Wholesale tiaitr fa q chne hopant sIe o th Iad nts ut li ds hot lte cfor Il.K. irsis ppers o lssebroen ance of ,) cents during tft4 fagi threeitbe barbor and runnlng from the 'Jl it lce1 aîtl- B 5o eu frbatdan op f ecnor four weeks. c s ai 10 Ithe roati whicb front.; telmpresufoa. howsever. that lits cnat ciliion seem o b10le ai an end. Ti Emil Shouss of Rondout was r-1the ciy dock. ýsieeve aight ln fthe beit fastonfug. was ii!iilaie-d ien Nf r,.Davi-s resieui Wedrieidav liY Officer Meyer 0f! The prire palti. Il lx uuderstooti, j. The nît fastani lie las Jerked off îîleXAirner Writigpr of <Chicago the E, J, & F,. diarg(-d i wth larceny.$,00 bis ffoot and vas wbssked foward the alpar-dlaforý t-Jilýe - du ards -i Il mas ciaimed I y the officer ihai lie ceilUg Wlt lt gliu-lîke speed. He Circut coiur-, andi matie à motion thai huid bt-en stealing flour, grain anti coal Vwas twitliâ about the shaf anti this the divorce procPeodngs t'-.t Mrs. Dia- froot cars of the compan>- at Rondout Ste of Illinois, County of Lake 99actoi ee oterbseob vin bal starteti against bar buabanti where ht- bas bis home. Taken before In th- CountY Court o! Lake Colli- 1f rees&=theUt beIt. He droppeti to hc ri-'nsadted.This. couplet] wtt hMagistralte Taylor, lie miaa grautetafi c at fIbastt f rn ;ste llaor la a semi-cotîsclous candI- tilic fact taion Satiîrtay lant \trs. i -<confiîîuance and released on Ci dot- -t-ti To (ChrlNs N o1 bhl, omn rceognizance peotiing a hear- ai. a.. o ars, Pavg al lerlislandareseduna «Cas-is , o li'te heirs ai law of safd D J .Tayloi vas sumnioneti andi t-hart-'- of ahandonmient, wouid mnd.ig l le,ntes lie sinie anything. i. found lte vîcîin suffering of two i-tef i iCOICiiito~ eiiti la 'Il <Mriez; Sotomon as fîrm-'r ieeaed.îeHitbonalunhis rlght arm. The gan resident. died it hS home. 'ti~ u are hereha uotified thaf on Mion- Soutîh Ariesia i<cu this inîoîîîîîg. day.telhda of Febrttary. 19151ape-,.,!ieartwa ioe tijifi f.,ur t:'the improv-ant itere wus a comPottnd fracture finii r<inaiic" as te ,ric ai.I .star letad Ieen L. slo i ~a u h ie f the bous lu tb\o owor arm. Itiniofbuln a rasa-td .>~~ awe-k îleif-a t awif i~dSu ioonf fsali' day. the undersignoti, I- 1 lienw. Br4n, amifttrato wituthe Not deslrng Iti wait until an nîhu- rilv :uiîiil ai t Ie regular meeting on r jîdren %n ;a, t, tînci o«'tIre 1awlli aonexed o! the estaiteof Frances lance coulti biesurnoned Dr. Taylor itndv ight. These ordinances j.teaN-itjnis r< 5-elan Bira ti~Cavis. deceased. wiil presont f0 the took young Braun Inbibs auîtomobille ,çr.(rgrdflc nfl o u i< t lm a(te Jne lcAtit Thert ord-ret-boardi nliieforisiîhh I alryHou. P. L..Persotis, Jtidge of Ithe (oun- and i o tiae tAi- ,'i;ixfrtiiriandlitail robbiltY iltv yCourt of t.e <' ounty,.Ilîlinois. listaer liospital wlth aal possible spot-il 11-4i jacs-tiai the ;îext meet4ng of lliple atslon pa'sed a r-slution granfing - - rpotanI-lut fbi ctî e attendedt h on a' n cotieji li otalc-at vlo ~ permission to Sui.erinteudent fnl eot niacon o i ct t t h yugma' n c-oevncTttal ri sh6t.oonvopemihte- llIn oiamoland doings as sucli Adinistrator.gskiiurieî aud ilion ttrned ihe patientý jroeniets I $12211S96.ily tiancpefrmi-eoing ofadoraluth-e, h ave fthe same approvedl. ta lie d aver ta Dr. Foley. A%: inientory sas fîil today In te Il ac o e et-rdr nt chargeti. andt tahave the estate of nid ;Inqtilry lat the bospîtai today' euoIsele Dr. Joseph M. ltIsher. lassembi>- voluof te Wasbington bogt it h ttmetta h clage ofnte tr-l-edh mnuto eoltecesseti declaretf fuUî settietid nd tfottesitmu ua h 'M net"lee h muto i. closeti. ai whIcl, tîme and Place you . YODemM e (111,1n9 as well as coutla persousi snd reaI propmsy owned by Jiidgit Edwarde îoday granteti a dl-I sa>- e present if you sec fit so tg do. lie esiiectei. tlie tete dentiat. Who met deaili lu tht- von-e in the- esseueof Claire H. Piug- flatet ibfis 14th day of Jaauarv, 19%.1 waýters of the barbor blt Summer. Thne rey against bis 'lfCora Pingrey.i ALBERT If. BROWN, Sevenîet resîiets of Lîbertyvile alItai of fhe appralsers was made al- boili of Hghland Park. A charge of'Amîisraor or- Ilatiated into fhe local Moo soe This gave flic value of bis lier desertion was made. wkly-.ïan-15thi ortier Tuendar night. In ail fifty Lîli Fe-at i ropert, ai $2145. Thue velue! A verdict lu lavor of Nfunch a% oryville resîdents now beloog 10 thi of bis s re state snd thse amonnt of returneti by a jury in circuit court Vasa Neve an Toit. .ixal order. Tl'ey are thînkîng o! lýWs ettadig nd îtIfe azracelaie flattera -im Johso Ms & a dow t fooa t9 ataI, rctua club bouse of thelr owu ai. Fums-, MoW, Mai f Price To Give Wonderf ul Values, thaf ',thé e iK t There are many occassions throughout the year, when we are able to offer wonderful values, but few in which we are able to do it on such a broad liberal s"ae as this great JAIIUARY CLFARANCE SALE. New $110-Mid Wimter Ceats fNew $4.9 Thesia coat.s represent a spe«ial pur-- ehase nt the "ery ipwpqt, full lengtb Ntw miii wtinter styles, plain models of Arrivais heavy ivéight boucle vt-lth, velvt euifs :uît. h gh roll stîon i] of blaek or1II bieI. mi , alet? lIinnlI)w - I-fandsome real $10 o<oats ... ............... $6.50 Ail Wled Serge Dresses New $3.98 A -greit sale of splendid diresses starts here *ofnorrow. Surplus stoks, that eoinîs to n8 et verýv exq-eptioiîal priees. Nat'y anîd hlaek ouly-aill t thein hni.l;îîniely triînned, al], exe-clit t 6.50values....t.... $3.98 Lingerie Waîsts. The Best Values ln Waulcigan $ 1 lites ve ebDesi lie 19 PeUa's .48 CLEARANCE ÔF NOTIONS "e12 1-2e 3 Cmretebsalg btaaebe rwe leaehed 12C u 5eMer. Eigbroldery Edging, boit 9c Ai' I nh cmae ebig s vn out.--that Is why Il Is Fl»e C Grad e 5C Facbed 9C th$i lessel MsImotn Cm Ex I vv lwie 5c Hookea aid Eyes (0 to 2 ases) - 2C Kmn)1anî7 ofters Yeulin îv.ry sec- met mprtll 1 CMP 1'xî ii tt lii ' u I Maîde ut hîgh-grade taf- Darnhng Cotton (White) 45 yd-.. c The stYle tii t.gît t per- l3îîtet s wul eli lmited te tthi ouwll eellor e drtyte the Globe. Canton tiatîni I wîtl fitas and messaiines. Al VnaT zle ape, 10c boita. 7c v liroti tion andiî< s tii 10>Xt<s iil t htt ton Yeuhlgi ef svthre 1iecl toa'i% fle(1 be. nwelm adbak aiaTw esTp-cyrsol'v e orowds.- h ii ti ll fi u a k ni ]0-l o'lieane t i b a i ar )iet (Invisbl) m ed iUM u ize, 2c CtilIeniei v pIlt P ilt 0on. <esirable gra cl f i tI1 E xtral 'ailI l01rive 50 BOX (5) Hair Plu 21packages5c Madetiell-ou'riigh5ct Boxm(yard Halr Po nss2 packages5cBae tadew (si»i thryo,îgh 2c t tt iiihant. bekt E xthi Wo'men's 3.50 I i gE*a -t~m i. -aauo~ aasver Ne w Sharp Reduéllene Maee fer Quick Di*posaI--Aet Prompily THIS SALE IS THE GREATEST CiLEmi-UP EVE-NT IN OURISTORY m -- - I mc IT MEANS ONE NIGHTY SWEEP Throughout T %hese Imm~ense Stocks ~Cea rance li 11113 m - l'Te greatî'st î'lî-a*- mitie grup l eiw v s*it i-r niai--- sglelot-t wîithluan i î t' i i itil 11it Itîw JIiCei. Itilà audîti cîipietî- dispots- ail f'it& e,titt 1î and 2.25 SUOES 1.59 (xuis -nietai 1) il t t o> n shoes w îtlîGuodî-ear iielts and sewed sls A deeîded money sav- ing te you. Iriere are me rces mat wiuuUust Ail KeadyntomWear Splendid Laie Styles la FubleM able Scores et Exclusive 51.4.1. irom Ure Conts toi, Wom.,ul U4 isetatUhe Store tIsai Exeels la Dr... Styles, are Now * Meut Umusual UadewptoelesEves' Ogieed Pwlee4 te Their Exirem Lrwes Our Hîghest Grade Coats 14.75 Smart Dresses, to $20 reg., 9.75 .1lti io ltf ahi uoats that sold for as imuch as $3() . This is a rînarkable elearance offeîîîîg, for the seleetion * Au t \ i ltli lition, tuu. uofemats that w e teaturei l aMielsîdes, as tse say , dresse s aetualis former pîuced at $20. * 25 a îîî uIt 'toîî lraîîî sts les showîî to tell <if here - Sik and tt oui nodelsisnflno end Iof harinîîg eininîations Coats Now 9.75 Coats Now 5375 Dresses at 5.75 Dresses at 3.85 the1 were op te W*e,.ps'toe 12.50 liii t i tffî'r yuiînany no- Dependabie coats brought values et 10.00 *rijinal price. tleli liht sitîî-aiIv <'u- within reach of any peewket- Silk and wool in unique Silk and wool dresses4,hài *îî ls A n1Xu -eîIei ranîge book. A splendid line, ans' models and the latest colors. sold for $6.98 and are notable,, o f sttSt * v lest i-ii- uîîif of wluîeli îv'i1 go at mîîch 1w- A splendid r'ange for early style examples. The best ealy îrl tiw haif. - hoosers. One of tihe best dress - bargains possible to -sale offerings. early choosers. *The Greatest Cot Valie at 3,85 .$ Sitscfclar style, 2,708 * i iîil it i iiîe posîlli- b'î ths sle s prfomnig sineThe circular skirt is a brand new model and the remark- sentsationIl mIvharaîî' is. <'iats that aetuaiiy bore' up to $10 able offeringe 'we make is notable. Blue and black ali-wooi priv i tîkits 1tare nuwj3.8;). s erges. M ade with yoke tops. SUITS 5087 . ~ ewi ~ ~ $0 Up t. 17.50 aï g$30, a thatsoltCor ForeldIR $25127 * A irp i cdueitioti to iii lui them nut- qsmtkly.- nei t. te big lot ineludes soine of the pretîs ole cm bae k <i ii twt ail-wooli serge. Long and short eoats'.'OniAl 8«CIka S odeis we - had. Poplin, manniali serge, broadeioths; Theu bitat suiît tvalueîs his s<iîson. al the leading jhades. Select eariy. ~UPrlced te Go euiius that actual- iy sold ifoir as mucli as $5 Orîgially. A table full. Inciudingo u r beat -t. :We are -deterý- ,mined to seli al quick- ly-thus- thiis low.« with. Il. "'p ii~I The OI*e-Wauhqa.s Premeut Stre iu~ _ ___________ StIOES 2.39 l"'Il - - -- ý -oý 77- 77 ý 1 -À IL- IL- 1 u a--r2v