CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 29 Jan 1915, p. 12

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~ é s h s a u e g s a u e o p e.0 0 é z p r e s a h eb j M s-. P o e r . d t e a l th m o r n n g n d p u t a ost o p bt non r.'Car0' In. he company was lncorPorted t the constable of the Kondike restar-ý Ofta a West Wah Sprngflel dtOday, these meli big the nt ta atify aimsa o a number of IK515, akes. incaspostass U3*aéii eredftmr. j3Êr Escrdha. returned ogtrs and B jamia Parmalee. Complet. exoneration vas accarded tsn a tht. ctty tram a wéeka "The Academy" (incarporated), cap, Wlliiii. (Bld> Mouiban, a voil known ~ wlt hi. on laMilvakée. ie at $25,000 Ia the nome af the Watukega Younlg Man vhec h. vas Oé& Oma and George Wilgbt have new campany which la fo es-oct ad arralgned ln Judge 4gverley-a court Wml troam a ten days trip '> operate the nev maving piture the- at- the Despialaispolice station an NOM ta Investigate same land ast.r an thé site of the oid -academy, 1FI-daY. Tbie charge vas dIàxminsi V Perchased ln that tte. 'Claytan and Genesee streets. when the plaintiff lu the cm asetled ta ýqa, unaday, January 17th. an 81I Md boy ta Mr. and Ms-s. John Statz A deiault judgment vas entés-éd byý put i an ADPM&nrsce. This action la a jury In circuit court today tu the lu lion withthMaentrueb Mss-W af Waukegan. nov réstdtnx cse a te iheînTieCapay atthtjimre'he van taken ln- against Wllinm E. Vatkrnan, proprié tcutd ea butnda.g. IN C. Sherry has a copy af The.ItltLt% 117 Citizen, a nevîpaper pubiahed tar af a garage at Antioch. The dam- Attatt e ho Ioas-d he vas in-, ait Vicksburg, Misa.. hursa. yages af $282.25 vos-e avasded ta the nccent af the charge oa sasauit pre- plalutiff. It was cbarged Vatkman got. iers-ed agintt hlm. He atided that hél y 2. 1863. vhich ia prtnted a aio nin ujet algalan'ten dis lslmPly defended hirnself uhen or. acnI gmnofgosadtedi- VOid vas received lu ibis clty ihisPose af them wthoul paying for1 the plaintif lnu the ease started aiter rmnga té etha M-s !a-thern. hlm with a héavy cane ald Bruck' ra.a o 1theuiadt B bro1.rn. Mar- Mrs.. Margaret Haurn, ihsougb bei1 him tvice acrase thé face vith it. A. orsadtai erhom, 'M toimy0f the buadreds ai dollars vort±sn flot street, ChIcs.ïo. on Mouday. cj sel A ti~ Arthus- Buikîey, vhves-att is -o &Morsiadt formerly livedsInt ibl day iheu a bll for divorce avalant ber , ell home and ta thé chus-ch Slatur- -Un a number af rétatives sur-:Iuhaau, William Haum. 8hé réctted dy u o- erotytépAos a. er.that ttiey vere mas-s-ed ln ChicagoIayes abut auseleméîey. the bIqea. 1Nov. 1, 1911, and lived tagether until Ir acn atecmtey h i in. îsie Hepe,- agel 69. pssd July 1. 1914. She charges ber busband h"ulk af thé havwers vere taken ta the ~éTburslay nigbt et 7: 15 o'clock 1j home af her daughter, Msa.; t' siseiug au habituai dsunkard audl1tva hospitals, and, ta variaus bornes Vue of238PoParstreet. Deatlia Bys that vîsile unIes- the influence ar tn the clty wheré persans were 111 arid élved a short lînes. Mns. Hupe Iquor he llttreats ber. ih he htfoesbIgwstK rus ely ane relative. ber laughter, I en ta them, thé Bas-véli auto being sToYges-. Hon husad. who vasl Raymoand Russell, 15 years al son uséd ta carry tbern about ta thé (1,f- »#M la théeIs-aylng business forai Chartes Rtussell, County Puperîn-lierenat Points. Tt i. underatoaui thal «rai yars, lied about aine yéars tendent aif GuaI Roads, vas tIns-rel d s.Breiylpoéda nevt léstnea uda itroa t L~ akie Forest Tuesday nigbt vhile thé carnetion aifI. ev humorneon g o. réatanatcur!on is. way bomre whéu hérau lu, Julien strect and llisety viii maya teren i Oav ,f ront or an automobile vblch hé hIid i to I It BtonceO hen t finishtael. ;s-. Ute"Minose ln ime beçause et a bouse aî Mss. liagile areta réside vith 111usa SID*B i tdu eo MLOb«tructel bis vtéw. The lad trilel s- lar èl asth re sn.3r IMM -Elvrd Nevweul, sifAbé;t 'stop but asitrned. (Oue aitheé lfiue lta théeuanghten of Mr. A. C.ý GOWé w ov ai tghland Park véeFvhééîa passed, oves- hie feet. A vom- Wlo iShndCra. i.Wl~ vio Wdaoly vellg i héan vas drlving thé car-. She stoppes! b lirsie Musl i1. a lra W ei thé brid'. .doter, lira. Som.n-ta ne Ifthé boy hâ-â béén huIt and eigs-voS rth 't 5'Alles-White, 90 Forest avenue Irové oen vhen hé eked hiniself np iavn W*,ite served ber ButOr I MR- land limped homeé. Today the InJury 1 ' et hanODr and the other attend. ta bis foot pained hiffi coniderably. iLOCAL FRIENDS SURPRISEI). er " MSuSUsau 'Mtl- R Bcousin W. J.- Anderson, vhillétaklng a bnal à* bride, a N. W. P. Ruiten ailofmOI ta Winthrop Has-basor rjoha- Announceménts have reachel Wou- S~UnaotIs. Glasgo GoodnOv son Spslth & Ca., ai Zion City met' booma télling ai thé marriage luni'lora. I se but Man for- is brother and vlth an accident that mlght hayé liéen Ill., O! Couni1Y Judge John Boytea ta '1umuI41r ai thé bride vers véry ses-ous, In gotng lova thé hi!! Mise Sas-ah Margaret Millen. iO. &MLW. sud1e alArtaur lneur thé Aiken tari, thé vaan e. Julgé Boytes la county judge of 1. lO Mi teeu l a graduai. ai gan oo lip and wvas sn béyond thé Clay county. Hé formesly livel lu 4iay coltnge vbuie Mr-. OOdu-avcontrai ai thé harles and tus-ning over Waukegazs viere hé vas émptoyel hy M fl ftroBoston TehnolOgy 111-fit' rotteldavon thé emb&n<mdttt Cooke, Isope ald Pope, maovlag avay .0k ""eY léft foi .JSukboafllle, Ithrangh a bas-b viré fénce dragging but about four years ago. 10%M etbey vIlT spéndthé vin- thé e MMbehinî Il. Anderson man.- Hé locatel ai Plana, engagedlnlathé PI»h5 aged ta, dodge tho falling vagon, but lav business, bécamne coaspicnus i r» IlIgt anutU&I'anquet af the vas throvn ta thé gfaund vlth igst Politics, ran for- thé republîcan -nom- â*81ily. 11.-C. . vas bll Tue».. force. Hé didI fot sustain serious in- Ination for coanty julgé, von fh sud .vPpIo A le no.os.IPaaned Jasles, bovever, and la nov beck at vas lécted judge luit taIt. Hé leadI 19191Mg Of a nev C#aWn gufe or sk agaiu. Thé tearn vas uninjurel, thé ticket ln aumbes-oai votes. ~fl vbeb 111be dlsocid b a attosuhthey ver. lraggéd mly 25 iikio0f fat- ug:TIýhéltest and thi. vaucestailya mont Thé Independent prlnto aMl the ncws beeffio bs- Ray L. Poviér, vii: reimarkable escape. thet 5 le OWs Yager has taken every splendid Hart, Schaff- M-ier & Marx Suit, (you know them ýif you",. eknoàwgood clothes) where there is but one and two left of -a pattern--and - cut the price ex- actly in haif. The total number makes about 200 suits that will be sold at haif value. - You know how they fit and'how handsome they are and how long they wýear. We' are, standing this great loss in- order to reduoe out stock. '30.00 flnest suits, 28.00 finest cuits, 25.00elegantsuits, 22.00 finest suits, sizes 34 to 48 sizes 34 to 4R sizes 34 to 48 miees 34 to 46 15.00 14,00 12.u50 11.00 2000 line suits, sizes 1800 fi e suit, aizes 1650 fi'ne suits, sizes 33 to 46 .~to 46 33 t.ô 46 .10,00 .900 Young Men's Suits, the- Finest Mi They fit-they wear and look the best.1 is but one or two of a kind we will cut -the1 makes about 150 suits that will be sacrificed. 25.00 Young Men's suits, 18.00 Young Mën'sj suits, 9.00 Ages 14 to 22.00 Young Men'si 15.00 Young Men's - 7.5Qd% Age YAGER'S lakes in'the, Co>urtry Every suit we have tbat there price exactly in haIf. This nuits, 20.00 Young-Men'a nuits, 15 to A000 Âg14 to ara 0.0 20years suits, 10.00 Young Men's nuits 14 to 5.00 As12t Mr@ 20 years "0OF COUR$L" WmuK«aaWs Grtat Store 119-131 Portk a...e Street Th.C re'You a, to Learn avoT cas ait CA S O 0POPULAR. W.? ' 'U ~ OMSECAR DINAND *ILL Se, brg io etr lpu "Ofii er. - Eratire njoyment of an autcmobile corne. thru a gond car kept by GOOD SERVICE. We deliver GOOD cars and our perpetual service SYSTEM goez with very car we ssii. IF you vant a car that givra you an entirely new ieslu motos- car satis- ýtcuon If you vant a capthat la always ready for use, corne and sea us-in Wau-. kegan or at th atm show. The 11, G. Gemmaili-Sales -CO. &ach Grarage W aukegau. Phinsu 1, 2,or 3-M Our reprsentatives vii Inb at thie HUDSN and DODGE exhibis at the :.bov which opens Saturday, Jauuary 23r4 ,ln Chicago Coliueu. Wabash and Take any South bound car on Wabash Ave. AUl çars stp at the Cobleum. Go to the Show, It's the Best Way to KNOW. H1 j - N CopeeyEqulped$1550. Clos ing out Ail Wihter, Shees et, a Sacrifice for .30 Days New Goind On Shoa ae glngup and Chamnpagne ia cuttini thrm down, Ai the' beat abats on the mearket; mâch maires as WelbreirsSi, Edicott tohnsons. You neyer wil get another chance to buy .Hlgh\ Grade Shoes at such low prices, especially Mlen'. and Boys' Work Shoes. Just read these prlce*, thdm come and lok at thise Shoes an4 compare wiîh what you can get elsewhere. We viii have lots af Ladies' Shats at 69c, 98r 1.39, 1.69, 1.89, 2.00'and 2.25. fe 6 ut1b, worth,$4.50 ......................... ...8.9 Men s 12 l. 1n, V Wdi $3.50 ....... ................L89 fen's GaNelShees, wordi $3.00 go $3.5Q9--------------.......2.59 Lot iX au'I sd Dress Shees, . 1 id; ........... ..........159 Lot ?Wus SMots, Smal Sizes . ............................. 1.I0 ............................................ ...............24 NIen's, 1é1< Sllppers ................................... .36 Dr. Sawyer s Cushion Sole Shoes, wonth $5.00........,.....,.......... 3.98 Every Shoe în the Store, Work or Dress', is Ieduced for this Sale. Lot of-Shees Wire -and smell ...... ................................$ .98 Yo Uh111 gb ToShoes,2.25 velue,........ . ...................16 Boys'1agbto ees,3.00. value .... i ...........................1.98 We have large assoriment Welnbrenner's Seiz and Edlcott Johnson's Beys' hard ' wearlgag soiWs. They ar ihe best wearlng Shoes made, willbe sold at this sale about the preset Vholesale cost. Lot et ifrI Shees ...................................................9&< -And ail-tIe',other shoes reduced for this sale. Raincoats 1-4 less than wholesale Prices. 'Rubbers and rubber Coods are cut away down; be sure an~d corne end. get - our prkes atd.'We wlll show you where you cèn save some money. Look et our priées In the Wtfow. 221 N.4eth Goaseé Street ChioegoBrgiIStore .Wauttn

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