CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 29 Jan 1915, p. 3

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I»15. Ja IL 3Otk PrIvilqo ~àt*.140oW ,nykmohiIof Corn £ ro.tsrat k ê aif ï hour?"- lit pPbJ-La aw ooFlow., tsi Pes.-lb. SsIdieu, 01 W. N"1. MineStephens' Ëýeeiuty- Parlors ing,Pacial Matiae & Scalp TsmntmeU DY APPOINTUfflT ONLY. M..Pontl 100 J The Pride ol Jennico bewJan. 3Q LYRIC Theatre etue DAM05. TmZFAMOW PLAYERS STOCK COWANY in the hsa.ul éus SATUROANY, JAN. 30 The Promiae oimuei.Aster MALCOLM WILLIAUS PmU.Uêd 67 DaudlFrebo»nas b aia b"h. d- the s-quno* IO NOAY. FSRUARY 1 ohm feAus.a.pv.dosesd livth Faom uaPlayenr mL Wh pic a9110" uspauad for hbioatC ab111W end Otro etea now t rg4m.wh deo immw fis aa enr o h re.atlc dey$s v h ai v. tiomMde àwui vas aa as bot fMied. 1h o MBULord of Ton»»" feu$li je lmve arusmway piluce, dlahleas a muid, wbeh yduge in hW <ast i.. 1h. tery à"& at. a einax ohu4Ubg lna. val q&Meau id>" a sluatis m ld peuduc. «The kmtO s a aos .i raamadopiethg a Ma ra lopb avor lbi itwf e'p love of se d d rmollIy -au nod «tory pv.smted ini a mcv Wey. ADMISSION . . 1 O TO ALL 00'"HE BRUTE" 0 ofFEth UfiBI!OX AT cIII6i IAIIINiS fROW, IME *IA~NITS? ?O uE AWS ASSERTS JNSULL (Coatluuod rom Page one) Ail Have Learned Lesson, It Is Reports an Inorease in Net of f .85 e pu W aa Said, and WflI Not Violate More Than 19 Per Cent Over b He repod: "Xothlng hoe Il; notbing Again in Future. Previous Year.n to it. Not lke thâtat SIV"t "1«Me village bout aInt nme village i ~*muýofl->a y to e Icfidual sa- HEAVY FINES ARE A BLOW. CONSIDERED FINE RECORD.a lea es?" »»d eahoreporter. I Nothing IIltaI t &WaIl" ho ta- b Then he anéba tid s:boWitStateti.Attorney Says He Re- Opinion of the Libertyville Man . lieron the ma hsthe O M 5rb t greta It To Saloonists se leI Taken as a Most Favor- q ttVlh a jIauh, lb. vllage preeldont Long to Uiiderstand. able Indication. IM: "Well. I dld't nanan ta May itI____ that way, but.Weil, dethé' lbla." Jll fo alu Xr... j ntbetces atent e Reforw'ed te Attorney. JdIgf 'vrosepesos Anoal nrseithnter.b in windlcg up ie. tatementn. the that have heem heard here and therd Iris.Of the Public Service ComPanYv cleal auggeel*d that th& e»rtr in- fi would appear htintNorth Chicago of Northero Illinois in 1914 in ro. iterview Attorney George ZKid Wau tho , ported hy Presîdent Samuel insulI, .kegan. vilflge ttoner ter P« le . saloonkepm have learned th fr - ich explaîns thie sualden actlvIty tir. Plad whon ubui aboutthie snmnoat-od he aed-a!ti opaysfrtan eudn Wo said! ho knew 'absolulaY uothi n . nShrWr&-te aedoftecmaystn n etdn about it, thst uhoiib" noebeer consuit- cîdeal, l lau nd, 'hiat the only safe 5 per oent bonde on the. Chicaga stock ad in a»Y .uelha &IL. course for thom'ta pursue In futuris Nxchange andl ta over-the-counter iAWtod vintlbe 50818of the ouer tu lata e KO dotb Places a! busIness deellngu. Mr. Insul made lhe tol- Camsew« hovie ffineMveto ad- MW O» ln "te OM , *10W cloacal lht onSOumdays andl Ie othor loslng statemont: tou ie et »dau w4 i 5*jgw9bways obel Ibe JBw. - "WhleAIalfigures «n earnlngs anal tbe 01etisu Aflânt M«-O4a. 111 Atiough saloonkeepers In Wauke- oxpenges or tb. company for the fiscal hiiie . 1Eýddr. Pllidal ditd ho bâd gan andl other parts o! the counlY, 76ar endoal Devember 31, 191,vi th pent autad ja h oeotably Fox lake anal viclnly,,havo net ho avallablo until the publicatIon W- prepar<ps the. pAPer. been bih ratiior bard In lhe vay of of lie annual report le Pebruary, I "Who lanshruete You teaappeal Scher- Prosoclution andl fines durlng thne.timato f rom current. moethly re- or'. case", vas Biked Mtr. Pied. fast ivo or lire. years it in safe to turns liaI net earalngs, atter payment Hfe reiflod 0h0 a commiltee of lhe salookeeper, Instructeal hi,> ta ap- ay that nonésof them have been bit of operating expenses,, maintenance Peel and when asked If the village palal ans' harder than the North Chicago and taxes will show approxlmately hlm the necessary retalner's fees. ho ssaloonkeeper&-aIprobahly not go liard, an lucres» o! more tian 18 per cent replled. 1 Up to withip the tast year tie sa- over the prevlous year; bond anal note "Who pald you the cecesisary f00 te oonepr fNrhCiaornI neet nIcez fls n1 take lie case up?" was asked Mr. 1akeeso ot hcg a aIneei ntces fls ie1 rieId. ýopen violation of the 1gw. When tie per cent, anal balance, a! 1er bond andl ,,Mr. George Koethe gave mep a per- irIld prosecullon and e~nforcement note leterest, an lpcrease of about sonal check covering the smme anal 1 causeal Waukegau saloonkeepers to 25 per cent. The net earnlngs will have Do reason ta hlleve tint il came c frun thie village ,fundasig nlmted.' ce their doors tight onl Sunday lheb"binl excesof tiîce ail bond and --Mr. Xoetie le a saloonkee pr and'se Norh Chicago slokeeirae oeltrs. a member cf the village hoard. HO a harveet for the mon who coulal not 9- .59 Pet. Divldeond Possible. - as net on tie commitee that author- e. udywn <> O h aî !tîuéoprsni ieal the appeal le Inte cherer cage. gNo ri ilcagro.natuaa omlnt nyhe ahuetis tfthscmPublic Uer-; The OCher Feport. ;ot hcg.Ntrlyae -enti yb sue httePbi e Mir. Field vaaas akea about lhe re- . wenl up fram the. Waukogan saloon-. vice Companys nets earnlngs for'lie e~rt that lie village isad ussil severulj keepers and Sttes Attornev Dady year were approximatels' $2,922,535, bundrel d6lars of village money for'look the malter In hanal. an lncreàse ol. $445,810 over 1913. advertlicg in Chicago papers and ih- guq pamphlet corerlng the village asu Ho bas fileal Information aKalnst This voulal leave a balance, after a jort. Ho hoplied: -- knovjnuth- mans' of the saloonkeepers tiere anal bond anal note leterest anal deprecia- ing of hia. 1 do know tint, nmre lime agaleul othiera ho lias secureal Indict- tion reserve. o! about $1,320,000, whih mgo rny aivice on tie bis for the ad- monts. In practlcally every instance aller deduction of the preferreal air- erUtilng and tie pamphlet vas akO e hnbe bet eueacni-Ienwudlae$6,2 vlal andl i gave il as my opinion tint the lehshe iet eur ovc1dnl ola ae$6.2 vlel vinlage legally coulal not ue village liOn. Son.of!thie saloonkeepers have for tie common stock. rooney ta pay auci tbls. Tint la the ie.n finoal several limes. Il seemeal This la equal to .59 per cent on luaI I have heard of the malter and tîat it too two or three doses before the $10,062,500 stock cutstandng, cern- anythins furilier tint you May havire me ene'irleo. paelwt189preterede ieurt. I known<iv D otili>Bthe 5mn eo! themnr eoneal a re t 1919pr3en aredI Thm. Fineal. Sm rteemnwr e at'1 'hil s l te PoxULee moonlatS iummer-again a short lime ago-j 'Pe total fundeal deit o!tih com- finh am it faI ta on t or the fndeandafn111 No rrceatîs' on Monday 1pany ana llis subuidiarles nov Out- eaci as.or It: byawwie i fn en Jualge filey Imposeal lie Max- standing 1e $29,137,300. John Corbett-497.60. (Pald.) imum> fines. 'Tie aggregate of tiese At the end o! 1913 Il vas $28.060,- (lo<lfrey Johuns-$97.60. (NôI yet fines bas been largo and has a severe 200. palal.) b -etesloasebtk John Joue-$87.I0 '<Nt VOL) vta t lqiedi alehnls 01bt h= e POorinaa Sta11l.8 (pal) t hvle iIteraru i IES O E polr Cla glon-$107. .ia i t sowt em irea r e rren o!the d IV S O K H Axol Huueby-$108.40 (Pai.) conviction va. col merely a roatter - le, tiache -41fl.EO(net ad) o!fr butitlestsatonyA 1! WS AuSo c&hre-U0fotpald) o oibt htteeat' tony SES DÀV131 P U Albert lioo-$IS1O (uOt palal.) resiiy Ineans busine.. and lategals te Theeenith eeMM. se. te îî liat the saloOnS lire op ta a kbures These men constitute the fembers lie ler cfrlte lmv. 'iiad mailer TO STA IT IIAU TI or tie Foi LAke village board. Prenuet--cOIou Oetzsnder fines been Imposea l ir.eIadY tlitas Treaturer--Oeorge W. K00theý lie effect voulal net haro hbeen so Clerk-WUUM a "IagL mre u I htalso b r yo elrsFo n Bud membere: Howard Scotl. Guas aba u o italmo a r yo elrsFo n Landryt John Sticoal. Fred Simlz, beon taugbt filal salal lia It l ill ho Mouth Inlution FRas De- ilarry Maypole. James Hayek. thie bardest tig in the world for an'. f eateci Disease War. Hanyek andl Koethe are saaiookeor' one la huy a drink lun a North Chi- er. Village la Stirreai. casa salcon on Sunday .ta future. Springfield,.I Il. Jan. 22.-StnIo Vol. Nover bas lie vilUae been tIlrred Irnrlan 0. 19. Dyson. *ho bas been gor ll ts aresie abt o er s bàaud UE ilecharge -of lhe atate's endlof!thie Reporte en g bout e onffect tial stL mcampnlgn agait 1he foot anal mouh -so e as i a I rteter etthf ater. nioe are belng eonul«derallY »Me peta 5~tyi jfffdh*eemakes the stalemofit that un- te sltart actions for malfauance in of- flJflLABOR SÀ*CKjIN leua lie authorities are releasealtram fice &Mtait the board, the Ininaion put upon their acllv- boon case anal the Pamphlet miter as Itab rcelg nKn onY a hasts for action. Tnt AITOiNI fAM J the shy poceIllini le liabl e onty The report vilci ordinnry village"~5L15dIesaeo!llnt uhbeblu canant rua dova. la that the board for-lils )ive stock market. mally acteal on uslng lbe moneor tprmetowp-hrd fth tie! the saloon cases, la a form&I meeting NeW Invention Whloh, It Is A rsn sotld !lemn.h cf tie board. but tain seuamo maner under federal quaranlîce on accouet lie exact slep thon taloen dm D Promised, Can Punip Tires o! lie dlaeso. No lnterstate shlp- show oh the records, and efforts tegel As Auto Is Spîniflfg. mente cen ho made froat lie <uara>-' village Officiais te explal4 <ealla bave tn________ hesnIar ffcii Thee wll c m nevè ndItr are aile to praceed with their waek. oîllag devicesata the automobile shov Dyson Resents Inlerferenc. FÀ&EDT TÀU I accessories Led fittings «Il design- "But for lie Interference witi, FAL DT A Eed t.omake lie modern automobile a work o! etoiginetdhrs CAREag 0F FATiIER; îuîfilenc anal Dr. Dysen sas's "Illinois voulal havb IN COIJImportantl;mong tlie U I teh the lime. We iad been maklng good pro- APPEAR INC U T atmtcir nflator, an tagonians gress anal In only a ew cf the caune Waukegan, Jan. 23, Walter Ludlow of Hlghwood was cited lutt ocounty courttht. morning on a petition filed hy State's Attorney Dady asklng that he take care of hie aged father. Patrick Ludlow, 73 yeerst nid, who et the prenent Urne ia living1 at the borne of a brother who la flot able to stand the added expense. fWalter. Ludlow anal a brother, hotb of wliom are sald to ho employed as. drivera for Carson, Fuie Scott Com-1 pany of Chilcago, appearea l n court,1 and testifleal that they are scarcely able to take care of themselvea. machi -legs take care of their father. Bàoth1 elaimed they bave had muob elcknesa1 tu their famille.. yThey deeiareal that another brother1 wbom they say lives in Chicago inakes a mucli larger salary than they do, but - bey say ho ha. refuseal 10 contribute anytbing to their father's support. The state'3 attorney auggested' tAnt .~ ~-they see him and 'urge him to belv ____________________________________________ ln taking cas ofo thelr parent - Both sons declaroal that sucb an eft Pr>oof of the Puxdding lm-in tht Eatiing." 'the Inde- fort wogild ho uselea.. bt'g Clasoified Ada have beAti'proven by hutdrtids of laUy aou f ohem agreed ta taxe his father lu hie home tonlght. Tii i oustomers. Ask as .ro hselt' was contluued pending Ibis acst. s n ~u:.~z:x a ton.-11i dovice iy vilci lie Ires of an auto- îles were liere ans' affecteal herds. mobile tony ho inflteletahanY tlme. Nov; hevever, lie disease lu ieleg vielier lie car la movtag or stand- permîtteal te apreal anal the condition ing mstol. lu; beconilng an aiarrnlng cee. Mean Savlng ln Tirebiliie. "Tie injuneîon lentos opinion, va. Sncb a device aaves tire bils, as iosîeal vîthout sufficlent cause. il la itires vilI laut two or tires limes as baseal on lie assumpîlon liaI lie dis- long If kept Infiatea toe iemxImum case tran be eradicated by seme means pressure for hilci they are builî. other lige is' lie destruction o! lie This bas heen quito Impossible te Infecteti bords. lie ordtaary driver. hocaue be ital Owners Want Catlle Deaircyal. 1nu adequale means o! pumInlg npitls i Ment o! the owvuers e! lefecleal tires vien tics' devolopeal a slow caIlle want them destros'ed. Even le lea't or puncture vile on thi. road. lie nelgiborbood viere opposItion With tliiiapplance onthie sur he bas lieeurged bis'agitatoms vo final ican hure on lie air anal rua home on a liaI cattiemen via knov vint lie Il tire, pumplng It ln et faut au il apread o! foot anal meti dluea.o sleaks out. At ans' time Wite drIvîng means vael lieelaugiler le continue. l lua nly noessars' te put a stoali "I ar n le!rred liat lavyers have rlever on thie dashoard. heen 'pasîng lie bat,' efforinegte pro- Whittle Ate ne Sufeiy Volve. leet oveers agaînsl lie sanilars' offt- t Ail ci teý tires tony hoi nfiatdai claie o! the state 'anal nation. These >one tlmè, or oeai a ti me.,aithie mon. fitappeurs. are tesponsîble for .pleagure of lie driver. 'l'hero lm a lie atontes liaI cattie are bing tpressure gauge on lie daaiiaara l sangilereal unnecessartls. pvwici may be set for "Yg Inflation "UTntil Ibis agitation hegan there doulrma and ne grenIer Pressaure dan vas no eppomîllon la the slaugilorlag l e put lelo lic tire, àau tâe. ecape o! Infocteul caIlle on lie part o! lie valv-e el. lie excessive p1esure out owneru." thirugia vitle. vilci M ves sas & SUia ta atap the pnnip Tht. ap- Independont'a amuit sale bring ris *pilaece appala vili ospeolaforce.ta iuite hocauma.ihey reach 15000Mre voln whq drive thlOlMesaunr. sont vOOkIY. IEUQENKS TEST- FOR ILLINOI 1 CIIICA4O'S 1MVE A Iaw requiring a piyslclnn's cor- tifleate a! health for hali bride anal brliegroom aI every veddtag la de- mandeai by lie healti committee of lie Chicago city councl. 'Tie commit- tee s'eslerday approveal a bll, modeleal afler thq ougeulcs -lavu o! Wlscocln, Oregon anal t'ensylvanla anal Il vili ho presented al ltle council oeil Mon- day nlghl. If pesseai Ibere . Il vill ho sent 10 lhe leglalature with tie me- queut liaI Il ie, enacleal mb law. Or. Young Approves Bill. Dr. George B. Yaung, cliy health commisoner af Cilcago, approves tie bbi. Bilefîs'. lie law contaies lieue pro- visions: Ai persoa applylng for a maT- niage license shall bave beau ex- aminal by a lconseal piqclan vWitin16 ays anal sha fIle a car- tifict. af suci pbYsiclan Gtat ey are free frorn Infections dlmease no far auslie can delermine "iv pbyslalexuanlnation andl i li application o! the rocogalusaldl>. Ical ana l ahoratory test" The examiner ihaîl ho aGI lea than 80 vears of age anal of good moral ciaracer. The !ee sinîl not exceed $10 andl thase vwbo cannot afford liat sum, rnay ho exnmtaed frme bs lie couin- Os' physlcin. State ho Make Teant Fres. le case of a dlengreemeel au ta lie findings of ans' medlcal ex- aminer, lie state laiaratcry «hall make a test free. Ans' aplcant who la refaîsedal certlllcale may file aMfdavit vh lie county clerk liaI ho ha. net had a fair examinatlon analthe Jualge of lie couety court ihaîl setîltie he aller vithout cosI 10 the" applicant. anal. If ho deetos besl, May' issue lie certlficate. Thie Penalty for golng outslde lie sIgle te ho marrled ta eccab the engenica 1gw lu 30 days la ce iyeam ie prison If lie partie. reture ta lte utale Inside a year. Thie Penalty' for a county cîerk wio Lu- sues a license unlawlfully ta tran, one ta five years In prison. Thie persan vho telle about miv exarnselon uhaîllho seul ta pris- on froin one ta IOve years. Thie Punliment o! a phyuicienvia maIes a faJse sttement, le bis cer- IfIcaLà luli te Ioas of bis Iloose anal llaiity ta prosecution for perjury. C. M U IOSN (iETS INMOS RACEAS ÀA18M. IDYMM Mor, A* LoM ene aeoRa Sitec Hom e mtio&. Office ln Kaiser Dlock. LIBER-TYVIL,LE. .IULINOI0. ELHAfAN V..COMJ Attorney-t-Law Money to Loan on Oood Approvied ied! Estate. Office in T4glmg Buiklilt. LIBERTYVILLE, - IluUNbOle LYELL IL NMI Libertyvill. - Illinois Lue Buflng. 11es.tPhone 112-R. Omee'PRoe 1a MAhRTIC DECKH IJItice Opp. lot> st. lectie atm"n 3fice Phone M8 vie. .PhonImOlm NORITH CHICAGO. ILLINOI8 PAUL MAC GUPPIE AITORNET AT LAW. DR .BorTyvilsiRol DR. E. V. SMITHI P'HYSICIAN AND SUROGEON Orne. over Ray i fnluM ore.. LIBEMTVILLl. UJS DR.I. 1,LTAYL]Rý Office in Fit National Bank BD.l4e *ous:-1 ta 3:.10 et ô to 1' m. Rmeuden.a 'in Broadway. oppoulte Pgv DIL GPLDMN HouceO8to 12 m.-l teS am.1 Ovor Plitt NationauM n DLIL M TI.I OMM.IW 3vo u *Y>081 oa-O te 22 . " md.1Iot 0~~* CHIAS. N. S1WPIIN1.M.D Congreesman Beoonies Pro- p~~~iW se gressive Candidateto Aid Pluma »Mo «er s. es s»w Fusion -Cause. Congressiste» chau"M. Tiommon of the T*nlb district. via.. reuidmes AN lis ln the Tweal'tIi ýM Word aet(Jbl- D. -W cage, andl via at Proentlla" 060co3, tle silaeenlativo ta cou""n. lea W nation for mayn o!fObloago, butlais - declaton te, enter lie ueo te duoego0107 ta a desire ta Initier the fualomicause, - Potions horing hiaename havoWle r.l ~ been circulnted b67thie mombers o! tif 80tt404 Progressive. coualy coimtteea>ho u URMaE et ., have aupportsd ho fulion smvmet anal they l vii oie ld Xedir vIL9-18A. U4 14 P -K. M Il-l othor Protresaiv petittS ofs inîg Siays thie amne, o!thie fu"Ion maldtes. Il vau oxplaineal iy mon ta u tioritY - le lthe Party Gt a tltsactionais te10pro- . JL, led thie igile a! lie mjorily lintlbe organisationl. ilIla 4xpected tho supremtoun i ii banal dowva anotier doclion. 41 the Av , . V .Alexander A. ticCurmiel c ibr _____________ the primarles on lie question oft hle ~ioe- ~ ~ neofaI acandidate appearing op-~ 411 more than one ticket. If the for mer J0 M . IJgay rulag miaulal ho affîrmeal. lien Jualge ACT I ONBI Oisoe's naine vilI appear on lie Fe- r RW.~ * publican ticket.. anal Congreoann àI iAm mm Thaoson viii stand a. lie candidate of tie conlrollag faction le lie Pro-.~ m< U T gressive organisation. hlo.. $lB ho pidl A Thomsion to Wthdrav. anction saléis ient heal lal ln lie event a! Mr. Thomson's nom- tng Rmea Inalien ever any olior Pragreumive baIl kfndasa oo vagu a. SEn candidate. anal lie nomination of li 0 80o ecag i I l~ Jualge Oison is' lie Repuiuicans. the HEN Y SINE congressman wll tidrnw, leaviag PISoS 148.or48 ziON Cwy'!,E lite field ta, the Jualge. If lie fusion DIAMOND LAKE SÀNlTAIRI .iovement sauti!llho defealoal Bt lie ~Uj,. 'PIlphono Noa91411W iprimarles. Mr. Thomson vilI continue bu atmDy*ipm .a"a ai lie Progressive candidate. Civonk DÎsUaeM reli LIkewise, If thie supreme court ,a-.h A. CRtANE. M. D.91 verges lîsoîf anal halali liaI lie naine________ of a candidate mas' appear on Ivo tickets, lien Mir. Thomsuon vM iivh- Tatking Machines At il kdraw anal Permit .ludge OIson In stand rn.GemnItinad 1ai lie Progressive candidate at ie Snal Language Ouets.. prirnarlea.-'Pie congresammnbas ir-vteWhu you ewa u ct ee uecs. l5 e hilsconsent t t iaarrangement.- or Ceutr@» W 0 JNSL LYQIff ____________________WestLake St.. Obio WU1SCONSI-: Farms aind F*tm "a WiseimsbDmlrY Le" A f ew Lake_____a RoeIDg 4wn :4' BE SURE TO REGISTER- aI the NEW VARIETY STORE anal gel your Vaughan's Seed Catalog lier.' Do il nov ah Libertyrilip or Ara& nemlm fer partiçulais or ail Four equest la. LUgwthyStores Làwtnwl ý-- - » . 1 ý 1

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