ýtLaIke County Indepenlent Waukegau Weekly Sun Office Teephone Number 1. LlbertyvIlie Exchange. ~~Ihtnab the Pootofice at Llhertyville, MI., as Seeond Clama Mail Matter offIciai Paper for Lake CountY. imue4 Svery Friday. Advertlulg Rates Made Known on Application. USGRIPTION PRICE, $1.60 PER VEAR STRICTLY IN AOVANCE W. J. SMITH ...... ..... ................. ..... ............................. Editor F.O0. SMITH ...... - .. . ................- ......................... Manager M. J WEBER ...............__.......... ....Resident Manager, Phone le -J MNE SOUTH (AN~D DEMOCRÂOY> INi THE SADDLE. During the fisral vear ended Junêe 30, 1914, the state of Illinois paîid into the federal treasury in corporation and individual income taxes the suni of $5,228,0W, while thc .Combined ainount paid by the states of Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas, Arkansas, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia and Alabamna wa.s only $3,131,100. The. total appropriation for Illinois in the river and harbor bill amounts to $734,000, while the appropriation for the states above enuxnerated amounts to $7,467,150, exclusive of the money given the Mfississippi river, which borders a number of thent- (Frorn the Chicago Tribune, Jan. 20, Now that we have the "lskuless skunk," and the "1quachies duck" we may expeot bo have the. "barkles do&," the. "rnewleas cat"' and thie "mooles 0W." W. al- reidy have the 1,"aleepless man," and the 11"dressies worn- That Fox Lake mum may not beas bad as it sells, but oIIcéls awho know such reports are floatmng could id it ..uvoeient to stretch a point, even over the telephone, in oriSer to set the public right. PACTS over the telephone are jttas clear and rellable as direct from the. moutii. In the. case of Dorf vs. White, the. question is: Is it tbre. Urnes and out? A disagreernent of tbree jures would indicate that the case either hasn't rnuch merit or that thie eldmnce ài hdeed 50 ulimpsy that even the slightest ver- dict camot b. obtained againat the defendant. It'a expen- niv for liii. county to have a Chicagoan forcing trial after tria on uucii a case when there seems no apparent possi- bJty of getting a verdict. [ullt to set jiles to agree on auto acident cases liluat a accidenta resulting frorn autos are seldom dkhsly tb. fault of any one party. lu many cases both *ivoe aadvicImcan bbl hared. for instance, lthe cars- Mt irve wbo ses.a mm awalk ifront of liii car 15 abso-, Inmgy beple.. BUT, tb. carees driver whog oea ahead su 1 tir~gta f thos ut .ail OULD be. irotaI. ASomIWrigy it's a bard malter to delermine in municana., J"uil ethe fhall lies. W. agm«U.aly adrntMd thal magy of th. .aUlr vil- INM Of .hsmU.utylu Lake Scoy spciUy, the board M ~ t. orgel JUET WHAT l thahe" ro"d=,j WbU tbe # uts. pariait ., i lbe. atr0fdo e m For imnIuie, hlaorne villa<e lu WCsenLu o tosUk.wwnfaMe *84 tarneafter lm e .boards have I&M *JBP tlieOY admitWo *Mrewaa no l4w 10 back tbm up ltbut "they juiltook a chaos." that uobody imuliS valse eponti aalsthern.It'. dag.rom ua-- The merchants of Ltber$y ville hlievlng the pret stm, o f dlilverhig tu ho lnadoquate and expeasve la that the sarne territor>' le covered by' wagons froin ail @tores man>' limes Oeil>': that It le a queition of ecoaomy s»d ltat btter service cam ho furalshsd to customeesUI the merchanta vould nuits and borin a central or coptieslera bsem. Ater everal meetings annty-nlne per "ent of tbe merchantu bave agrsed to support:raad have organitud the hier. chanta Delivering Comipany' of Uberi- ville. Ill., wÉicb company w illon Pcb. lot talle over ail the delivertng of the several stores eupportlng the companhl. The compan>' je modeled afler similar con- cerne uperatiag lu the late sbare towns wbere the>' have proven verv suceesbi both t0 merchante and 10o ustomeus. The coalpan>' will maintain a centrai office and harnse Inthe business section of the village wbere the sortIlng and routlag viii ho doue. The orders vil ho tolephoned to the stores au berto- fore. Drivers Win fot stop ateacil boue for orders, but orders viiihouaaept b>' driver@s e a>'dellvery madeat bouse or driver ina>' ho topped, snob orders wil ho delivered on neat regula deilver>' air muet ho ln vritinq dlrected te store and signed b>' cuetomer. ive dlilvorles vii, ho malle .daIly, costumer@ vili ho furnlee ochedlules wbea tbe dellverleà are to ho made. The eompany'e wagons vUi collect the mercbaadlse f rom -# stores and talle it to the central station vbore It wili ho sorted and >utsd and t rom libere sent on the differsat wagons to customers. Cutomers viii ho put 10 no uconveniecevbhazever but It vili ho the aim ut both inerchante and compan>' to furnish a btter 'andi more improved service. The compan>' vili deliver for an>' merchant in the village who dOMestg enter into cotract 'for îucbdoeiîverlng, thus inerchants flot aow deivoring enu serve their customers in a btter va>' and heip support the concern. The compan>' viillo Clck up percels. suit esm, etc., for cuetcmers and deliver saine ta depota. stores or residenrea lnide corporation for a ver>' nominal priS. Blileving tbe object of the concerfi a worthy:.one and deserving of eupport and a freat improvemeat on ti e old system the compan>' asti the bearty support and cooperation of both merchanta an<tcutomerg. NEW BOOKS AmE Te NSJUC INaIY Sevea hundred books for osne dollaui Wbee? Oo tothe PubUicUvar>, vble ha locatedjI b he otbvest rouon outhb second fluor of the village hall.fHome yon wB lU d boots of fiction, paste>', travel. bletorj and boos for te ehool chti»e. You ea» bave ltae priviiege of! readlug them ail forons dollar a >ear or1 te ent@a a eet. Below le a rut of new boots addsd to lb. colletion ver>' rerentI>'.1 Today's Daucher-liaacom. 1 Whben Max Came-Blrown.4 Kvabu-MWora#. Wbeeeaouathe Oregoa-8barp. nhe officiai ofFoxLue soud Courta juy -- Letere of e Vomnan Domesueadr- fdAh jug sas mué Maaybody eMe. If liiy HVU lOT JTite br a growuos. got'your iLll>m u indlh l maili, tbey aren tIled 10 bave ose of lb. boatintovemente lu LiberI>'- thd s*lrta hd; If TUTxiHÂVE ade lbhegievous Vile a e*Boom& M"" of mluahm ou&h lundi, henunbs ant expect jOPmn Tueuds>'asudMatrda>' atos 10 th e dme luo f IbaL hustlhmg 111e village claietieira.oitsud elntg. Coi. and -..tc lqu te lb.m' alt " idtbsy Co" bfl-M 6&b lsunder Y > 'on elttnesud mae&as WrkV. whfl tà»PSmO te*OI * ý. onilidr.pressaI t-frÎeDd or anme hbld vh. le U~UIS .~a~y sé lbmgs orne 10 how liumcoma der uOof Lb. beet recrealion llute wved, aIls. other liai l*0.law PM&auLÀ grand Jury quis wll some ogo d. cear up lb. mnatter wbiciihba becomte rathter odoiferous. When flhinos fOlks, incudinig residents of Waukegaa, IIPCI tWS ver poking fui at lb. engemcs Iaw wbicii Wlsemnl ehds-o, apluhat Y.ar, littl. did th"eyrealize liaI ere lb. year Tho Prsacbing Bervim aet Banda>, Puesed, Illiois would also b. consdidrng a law based on et Lbe M. E. cbnreb at lb. nmnailime. lb. stne MeideaS and plans as b. WWSlscla leI.the moraia t Il o'eloct MB. T. 9. USd117 Ia-am in iiprecb on b.e ijert: -wbere Tbt's wbat's brevinig nov aid, fr-olu what Du e es, il GAd Mets Ian."1 la ts oeveng at lnay b. put tiiroughin w Ilinois "bi year. And, after look- 7:30 îte vii ho esiteial maie b>' the hmg over th. situation and noting tlb. mlelle s iovi choir aud the -tof uhie usrmoa viii bycoplscOntemplating rmatrÎmony, il doms sentan> b- "Te viaoaIeaded ofte ail. rd ail, emScii a bw could brig rnuciigood in Illinois ju# T1bore viii ho se EpWonth Leagu. a8 vel as in WisconBi.Tii. turne isn't far diatant viien service 0o! AClai ntereel aBat Banda>' ail gIaIes will have sucii a law. lu lact, lîn im ay b., meulog et 645, Snbject, "Sienluge a waloual law vhicii goverus the matrimonilventure. 1Ait areecat n.TM" mi.. adolysogto. Aucree.rdllin vbed t,< attend. The L.Adle' Aîdndolt>' vîimuetsot ne. anouncement fron> the sdate audtor's office teb.k tTueud>' ff ub. 2.d a, effect lQUahereafter bankens are nstrucled le refuse t10 behome of mmr. fash>' ou Diwlme hoor cbecka wbich overdraw accountàs, yull W rcelved eaI'm' ir.F. g Ovoran, lmre:Jobs yttii ~ ~ b, diapllo t >yh-mon Who pracu tiei. Othen, jWlbaesulr..o..r"ilh *Ùos ~ Wh o and t id 1eitirnate hCUMe, vil MY It'S a Ti. touli>' meting .f b .Wfca ~Igbty ood c nhibankngmetbode. Too oten have board viii te beld usmon ods> ola lot on mdeia raticeof issuingebeeki regardliessaubltt________eao leoe of Uuei balnesw lb.hebankt, dpmmhg on lb. bauker NOT=O eurring hem untilmore Moneycornes hi. We volle 1%. t bimmaff. »W ou. oft Our o1i former employes IU b iougit itu 11.Of kms- uo. 1. Ibh.niîtla.limt, fi ~é o k a ai atan a o mit i aIv s lopyd av s e easo mmenUt No. 269»d b " i Io Ve tana l n t I * edidve oltd bbomcsfo eia~ a D e nvOsu»d paable at m>' o"sle i~~i1limre vs rnney i bi accunt 0 tue cas ofon>'i R. f.B. Bond, VillageColletor. ~ ~~IIIqa su th1W onlanc.I vlvok fanceand OMgm smai sd d.. le oe th 1l.e ployesIt wM *«van 11h.con. 101-' l ieia«myu Of t" businsma=9 uo 1vS h. laugiI 10do 1boe Pt> B"",>'hIO&O vWa #lmlthulr « -uad u e' aip ais ai Wm. Wels and fatali>'artmorlng Imb tbefr nov home> recontl>' completsd on Cook avenues, Tho Infant noî of 1Er. and lire. LcIil Andrews a -,orbodsdangeronsi>' lii 0f pnuonis. Wloer Whltusy returned front the fBaihuman ho*pitadlu CbOhiago ada>' vbor e hotot treoatmoals for a week. lire. lolisyt Spslman. Who nul@,r vont Oba ellceeul operction a ack Po Ws)duo@ÇaY la the UcAlliter bospîtal, Wentega, le convalesclng. lire. Osorg lCleveland and littie son Robert r. of Omaba, Nebr., are visltlng lir. lovolade prets, lr.and Ers. R. C. Eilggloe ad otber relatives. The Booet*,.defeaati ivanhoe Wed. ne&eda'venleng et tb.tova bal at baeteWbab msors of 36, to 6. T%, MM vas an luteretlag oas and muci harder uougit thua tb. score Indicae. MIs« Jà"ehlns Dcssborry. vho for. mon> lv*d bore, vas ou Touda>' natil ln mOrriagi l R. Gordon Chou.>', a minleng nglaeer of Colorado Opringe. Coi. Tb@ Matrra& entoo place aI the home of lb. bricio'< mother, Mre. Sarah Dusenberry, la ltcI>. via State Audltor Notifies Banks of State That It Is an Il- legal Practice. No more viiithero be lUting of checks la IllInola! THAT 16, provldlag the banke o! Uhinois .dlioro te tho ordor ent out b> te ate auditor la which ho do. claros the Prsntloe of overdrawiag bank ecCount sas lîlegaf and ordettag lie' Immédiate dlecontlnuance in the slaIe. To the Officers and irectors, Ail etato Banks ta eIof Ililnola: Oonbloon:-BoaSu»e l.practîce- of pallng citocla vbch overdrav ai> counns leailiega as voîl as out of bar- SiaPY vlth sound bltuaiesprinciplos, You aro boroby advsed thatiite future this pactice totho Oscontlîn. uad and Yeu yUl n Inforu Tour eus- tomora. This dePartmont la cooperatig vlth the Comptroiler of the Curren. c>' itiis movomeat and for your In- formation 1 boi t Caie thal that of- ficial basnlssuoOsimilar instructions ta National Baniks operatlngiImin.- 010. You viii ploase ueo to lb Ihat theu foregolng I1»tiýnctions are complied ver>' reapectfuliy, At toir ome n l. flvthon PJAMBS J. B8ADY, At Leiomon tFridawt Jann ar>'lSbAuditor Public Accounts. Mir. and lire. Aadew Etinger eolebrated la Genersl> Followsd. thei twety-ilthannierory, ve laInman>' camai the batiks honor ther veay-lfî anmvrsrya r> te checka vben tbey tnov 'te ons large number of relatives and friendi W vbo lesauod It la good for tbe amouat ing proeet te partidpate lu the celebra.' ion, et "et ighty gîteetà bing serve.' and vili tako care of lb later ; la ot- at lte vedding.dlansr at six o'rioek,' ît or cases the over-drava checks art hoein neatly nia. o'clock ln the evenlng flot rocognised but the ones vho pro- before gIl vere served. ent soimare tlid the accouaI la The home vas hoautifuiiy decorateti overdrea and they willi have to Nit wlth terne adO white carnations.Most untîl tbe accouaI bas been repienimh- ail tho guete arrivai carli'lathe alter-. d.Thun, the onse bolding the Dnu, mas>' of thein comiog b>' auto- checks, ofteutlmo cal aIelte han<c mobile. The Brandloetter orchetra of day afier day 10 is.o vhetber there tbree pecesfroin lrayslite foaished la omw e nougli te cash tb. check. momie for" ail lb.od-time dases, vhicb otO 01«bave had lte habit of do- vee. lthe order oft teevenlaeandgreatly log tiIs for reazuad many of Ibein enjovred b>' ad. The vocal and ingtrti. date thofr chtecksi advaace ln or- mental solom deliveret b>' Mise Carre der te tao ,te or0 pressing demande Chard 0f Llhertyville veto ver>'enerl-for Paymlft. talalag ýOn of thenmahr. whicb ,li Dut, te laIe bu nov tatou an ac- eaag vax compossd b>' ber. io i vhbhatesbave iooked for Deides thlb. e hildren of làir. and &"O hoed 'for for Tsars. lins. Efin&er aad a large aumber ot their J Kiltig 0of chtecks" muet ceaie tn fblendes &d no ois omLetblocifutures ad bateare te lho expocied vieiait>', thorae repremont Peopi0from tue&caryont the ordorua0f tbe itat, Milvant, eoBrilagon, Antioeh, CGrays.ln hi its regard. lats, Russell, Waueoada. Lhortyville, Waukefau sud Chicogo. It vas qulte Becauso the Waaconda ralîrcad la lots noit moralng hefore ail te gutsla tbo bande of a recelver, lbe anna bâildePorted. ÀA roat inu> beautifal meeting for electiot of oficers, etr-, nife we rcsied y te hst nd 10bahoon Poetponed frota Feb. 1 nabil gifLa v.reevdb'beht andadate lter namod b>'lho recelver. Mir. Bliuter bas a ver>' reepuaionp. To Whom lM> oien ettion vlLh Samuel lasni, the ek«crl Theoundersigasd vil ot ho reup<>naihie, figbt aad traction magnaât., beongtbe. for an>' accooaIs contractet b>' aoyons saperîstondent of the tbres thonmand other Iban mleeif. acr Elavtborn Partne, and le ver>'vieil Erasal Broya r tnov Lbrnghot te contv.Mn. ud bertsvlile. in., Ja..Io,.1915. c Mir@. Efopagere marrled on Jan. 15th, 1890, la the Fort Bill chnrch b>' 1ev. joeeph Owen, vho disO a fsv yse ago. Tbheave llveil on tlb.Havtbor Paru ever meh» Mr. Binger bhcame superla- tendent six >earmago. mrWSAINIUQTI SIOULDI3I SURJ Deapite Sad Injury He Sticks to His Job at Highwo od. Waukogan. Jan. 22. William Keror M0fBuffreot, vas gig te catch a sonth-bond lecle car at Washington otreet aad BOlson Court Tuostia>'nigit wviea he tIlpped on the ice and guslained a dliocalpd aboulder. KCerr tnew ho vas oxpected 10 b.est vork atIhlb ligbood pover plant OUrlag the nught, nlsbos of g.inz home and aendlag vord ltaI ho lad boon burt, iKerr plcked himnetofp, boarffl the car, sud dosplto gieet P&1la, b. rode te lMtOWOd. Thore ho reported 10 the ma In charge wvt al batppoaodbut, s bise nature of vomt là snc bt I is ss'vic.s coutl o st bha outl>OuI- ponaod vt t litIBlit. ho ulcysie0 tlits job. Tho foreuse gave hlm a uma te belp hbita0i lite sai vomt vitio Ker u euovlsoi Il.SU&thon ho rmmalsdaialu if. drectiaq L0 vout lbd ord nri'doma«Ch t. ap. ,Wedneiy ouse «M uI., ho ed, oOboete vaun'isgs as cousufflsdàadocor oulm hkm ehouldor vas dOlalosta t act vUhi Kom had fari miit t o nomUs Aoiwdsly, bis smn vePuaol a a caul sud ho wvii t e vsar 1 for âeme liss. The Wome'a s udd viii hold bat.?> esimet ain. Wbiroed'setoreoer'oltef laturda>' atrn.oes, comuolng lob. a. ISOTIOSR AU aeoconae Os it. Deoue Lamber Vompay oea bu puis lb. of. f be S.lmuit-MlleoeLam o0. (lb. oIt Somes Lembot Oc0 .f 0< UmvlMe We have a complete stock of "Stewart" and "Red Cross" Rangies, Cooks, Mlot Blasts and Base Burners Bit Stock-Rlght Price Schanck 1Bros. Libeftyville TEN DAYS' 41 You can try titis beau iful Vîctrol FREE în your owII boMe. D By nîakiîîg imaîl moithi> paymeuta yî>u viii scouon a Victrola- the grestest of ail muiczal instruments. And iî briege t0 you lte very beet o music of every id, sang sud played ini the very boat vay by the very best antistu. The ide- &[aipe te 10l'are, the nov da- ces in in the home and bore thte Victor is abslutel>' indis- pensable. 1'rieo $15 te $10>. Try the New Dance Records H. B. EG-R Wire Fenoing Cheaper Than Ever. BUT PRICIM ]KATG00UP. BUY 110W. AMERCÂN NIRE PENCE CO. PHONE 90 LIBERRTYVILi.U JOHN UIODGE DistrictMe.u. ARfA, SINOIS Plmoie-Re"sideac 296mlolg0fr.oe162-R. Agent; wanted. Moderato salary and commisaions AD VICE.TO THE UNINSURED: BEWARE OF WIDOWS- rspECIALLY YOURt OWN 1*1