OR s ýWhre i cn wb fer$I OfVthe tisat fhdenel apnte have cfet rugit Wmegn men aa0< et le <rue ollef *0a boe "~ -ssg"laean Gicla "F" eNn th« tio>eoeeed binq t Usmsuis ide msaias "drss.- the MoMe ulblèenad 6ooed wlth tihe mOiir tea thmé evesywo ili wllcome outM m csecs. of tis actulmreof ~l-pt h i ocitis eaa r e il s Mft nder fodcra Iinquisition. t Il19 fa ll.la onnueelaili a dm pomipeitail> b> n masnWho Camc te lestgo huI >ar and via gave l tise miime o Tyler. *Ne inhrestai John Ro4ding lu lieD 9118 Iaim nd su cJohn le alwa>s lu- tw~ la la"Admis, la ieSi Me - uai a102e0for l dsI mV e ogo aronith le >r sud la- * is4uc 'Wabagaath e hainger ~ iaspoueitte glvc promise el! f ra ortua-4a time. a tar>,scorila talocal M« wuvire approacisedit b>Mm asud »wb fiam W» c s su iins aleu 18 - 4 oes auit a Qibomn 'u Mpte mm, utlim a'.re.ts 4a c 0'083paa>. orD as tie Waters- Veil M011 cc-g atnt ats vI-is k edkt lisaitbutt dkseMr arc iu.te0boy là; Ui. t o gonerment. Tie govein- mo*vsimcli t1hem but I il i»ta Ni&ir..tie PIl h ii: Yon pur- &àM tW@ smeti of ailaut tram luasfor S nuitble on u omaouusd aud musep itte mie ain campand u, Ir meg quc il'on îonr lan, lien ion Led ýbe 14 rayalty secuet froua th? au. ,Ig tics.tudn ail on tielInud hue,. st tic end e<tire. rare you sutt>sr MItie10the lant ani"YMa> di *000 lComspany loueswvit Ilbée paît iW tie liaaa-vhiiciill bu mucis Wat ban i on pald lie govennent for SLb Sec bar Il varia' Nol After "Slg Fry." 'Thise piotIeis vere appas-cuti> ual atrthe -big tfi>" The men classait 111,thet unch, mon naose scrutin> lu lateetaints mgit be ver> keon rien Il cMme ta lihe pont a! sctsual> turu- Wg *ver maney ta saeeOt> ots, reft ûtua nkedtotado se. Tic> voe -'ffot ntTHEIR moue> ahold ho pet a» lo us rwanuithley 'oult ual uWaiter the.moue> unli lie demi. tot Ibutactuall> ver. tunndoiaver te l5egi suiTyFler gave aa ineit co- u" b wI b>mle ieproileitta foru- »4 une1 ta ed aunui. Be ~you sMm tise Mme? Theirn.-es 've niataci- *W*te o oatrweal iovigi binl lie> bai 0 uitvth le promohers mien bu Ofwy Ihie- .4 o «t tuiles!911W>ma- -W. flomave, liu'Dumes, ahàauta son ig te" rb vi unet kna* neyi4s je -cmsror(belimg 1eV ' enier pendiugarnu rivi!tic d!4>tloOEiItao sat, gâ l pu.âli.lb>p or iig a"oIhlb. teeda ».%,-vàvg lieu recfl er ai «Mep- jeareous ic epe bouedS Noves'Arrive. LA~ »IJ~TY D~DP~N3NT R~IÂ.J-ANUARY 2P, 1915. AfflCOMUISION ffRI 7,EK SLNE AS EXEMPLIFIED) Y TELLS Of TRAVELS NERE WON DEBATE Playing CaËdï in Waukesha Debaters at Methodist Church Jail, Aileged' Swindler Dis- Prove It Superior to the City TWON FMIL II~. OhNwILD3RcussesMonte Carlo. ManagerPlan. I ~NEVER "AU A FORTUNE.' DRING OUT GOOD POINTS.! DIE mI<JKViSdV ILUU WI! Dozen Difféenwt Off icers Wait Negative Side 'Wins on Show- MOT9UAAIl4EI OPRATON IIUS. in Wauketha Waiting to ing Resuits Accomplusàhed L.an4 on Beck. by New Form in City. Dr. Hersows4ç Chi. Wife of Had of Wilder-Man- Wuesha, Win., .Jan. 23.-A sphinx- The Commission fern of gov cru- cago ý D * $ * ning Tanno y Cofpa y Su - ke attitude maintained by ni ~ ent as exernlifed in Waukegan flt Adlem alegein 0 Amrics mot Id ald emanic form of government, 4&-succesul aide, iiehie arrest but it alis a uesuc perior te the SECOND CAtE Of THIE KIND? FOLLOWS MRS. BARWEILL. a week ago wvas -broken Saturday f a ger terof government adopteci of reay crdadothr~ ohernmaçsvas the. verdict of three iudse' who Jnt~ owm nusual Ciroumstaicooof DoathOfgeyca"ntr oh imç, paased upon- a debate heldgein the 0éf. te o .tiJe Firpt Hethodist chureh on Thursday J W n a m ay a s g w F a c 0 'Y u vould n't do that if yen w ere i lt OverJwfdIOton. ~ OrynUES Wse playing at Monte Carlo." lhe wax ie question debated was as foi- Norths Chicago te stirred again over j MRS. jos(IO-W. SARqW£LL- phaer eto ya nhbor's h"RBBOLVBD, That the city manager a case wherein ftla roported ftint the wif.o Pr< Ont01 Wlahford pae erlsoanlhir and. I plan of governusent la more effective ColO MNul fastory. Madiso e et '"Have you ever licon there ". was jthan the commission torm of govero- ilstence. ofdipitiea luit auttide (0< did et 12.» Tsmdynoche t tbe qui ck respoUie. meut." th Cty Ihua ebas eulted lI failuro home nJOHNb JE WUM "A clonuer gambline pI.i -ýnever AFTIIMATI'VK DL ATR .A to ptoperly ouamtin. thiebonses andi MR$. JOHN cdLi R-W exite. naIteoowatI'naltgand lProf. J. W. Bush. neMeirs te <> a mu1 . of0prosident of Wilds'Moanlng d n 1'n ha ' tlig NEIQAT"VEDEBATIIRS-Dr. W. H. tuannery c#mpany, WaU ter se«e about, youig mian," Adler laîîghed. Watterson and Fred C. Ward. Il in la thi* mliy cf Aidrw fret died et midnlgt Thumeis>' nlgM 'Dtd you ever pause te consitdp- Yby JUDOPEB-RoIcrt Smart, James mus, via ilv« s l . locis outaide lnu Evanston bcepitai. sucb n promnent gqbiing den t pr«Woodman and Iaverne Wells. th Cty on lotis stuiet. mittcd to Ilve. D4d you ever hea- ofPei nta S roiiht. Tro veuatdSMa i a lh e ti tm. The unusuni calacident of li, vives a person iieing ieecel of bia moue> On. of tie points. brougbt out iy ty dled trou dipilieria: Friday lut Of twoof aiWukeenl'suMont 12onl- a the affimative side. vastiat quick- anohe chlddie fom hesa et falosipredieseyig on ie i. yalMonte Catlo? No. and It'sor resuits ana b.oobtainod under the tuotierchil did frm le 55 ,= . ulted by lthe death al becauac gniubling ta cond'wtee on city manager plan iecaua* therela trouble, about midigit Thurudar in a hou-1the square" only one man te Malte decialons ville Tise father voeis nt the. fouudry. pilai ai evanateno on le. Iii. hat reyou lost yau- fir under the commission fomthc de-1 *0s, isept an vertugL.s. ccad.lng toWiId.ý, rie cf the predldent of the tn' iq ciO.cislon muet ho made b ovmn. reporta ibci e"aecto Dr. Watterson dr-ad 13«yCmantu"Ii lear eha e1puty John 8 Ii"vau, Th-Y, beld that for tbrlvl h and he«lti afficer Herschieder o ira. Brreli. vi, 01 Jahn E. Bar- berteConversation.7 tory. Nairli Chilcago. , el]. Prosident cf the Bltchford Ca» j The niegative debaters anarered Dr. Herahledcu odi stated tint MuaI Campany, Maiso tree, u I Ne'ver Mmd a Fortune Ibis by saying tlint mairy timen *lien Il as cae dIla to the cm tvo blocs north o h 0iener=y, d=ed _It'fi funnY bow oevei You fellr'ws 8sontethlng Important ceûmes up the I vs csesiilr o ne tn c0n about eleven bouim bofor.. or. 12:30 feu foer liat delecUive and newspaper maniager might lie out of the City or p some motis am w vbretn the lui'- Tliursay noon.uk rtre dlr evrbi could net lie lacatcd. ladiction of the cil> commlsloner over In enci cse, the husani ia very ui eotdAle. irsrbdn The affirmative aide defeuded their ihe town offuer camne ltoqb toi. realti>, 1Mr. Wilder iaving & pala- fortune and don't suppose I1cet-r wli position b> saylng tihat it la five limes Ho taestht iebolevi eggeceLiai -home aI Evanaton. In Mr. Bar- 1, tic> ieep me In hber"." as bard t10 Sud live men and gel them i. tats talbe elivenelignt wel'. ce ho ban the fine sommr; 'WeU. ve're golng te kee, yvou Ivre, togetier than iltla te locale one man. vas shown In ual quaraulluina * home on. North Sherfldan rosd an.1 The. affirmative aide declared that a house and lu persuttiug thse man to lhe beautiful place on .iulian street. " Ili rigbt. and.. v..n we gý- thrIkih City manager eau bie employesi at tram ontinue vorn. Thes matter was cll. Tial tbe vives of tic tvo fs.tory you wili have Do trouble finding a $2.000 te 84,000 a ycar vhich Il ras d la bis attention, lie states. rien a bead& siauli die on thsesami day bo".rCig boume for thei, r.rnaoder of contended la ebeapqr thon the pay of jeven thougai tiei dais occnrred In your life." Sullivan rojlsed. winklui; aethle mayor and commtsioners. selgbbor of lretzlauss complaiued ta dffernt cilles. ls neto aci coinciden-onofteterpiors In reply 10tiite he debaters for Dr. Watterson tint hoe ras afraid ta tlibut la mont patiietie isecause fi.Wo! ti,rothr thoes.le negative ponted out Iiat the clly wonk alangslde tise man, riere two oach case tiie roman liait verytlag j"el ' glait you prize me go manager requires employas under hlm deaths bsd occurrec lu his famliy 10 livo for. vealti, home. friends end highly," Adler reîurned with a eer. the same as under Commission form, s i igteti apramiangftur. 'hlat euili me Wissn a ma rea-ch- cexePt tint la bis cae it requires 'rom diptier1a0« F oliw pemsioti. es tho e f 64 andba sosen the more belpers liccausethe commis- Dr. Herabloder maye hoie qulred, 1lai tie Case ofr.». WUdIdr. l 5 1 sioners ame able la bandle muci 0f vent 1 te thebouseand tfound that a'tint Obeh id been iifor soie lime wrd as 1 have liconauhs.to lhe --t- lie wan ad tinsmyethie malrias bon of ilageilag powder liai been Mud an OpeaonvW" crdsse! lIe lstled teoremain quiet mnatil the end. of nme employes nodeit under the loftwit th feour itbin" Tholdg- Sh 'm t6« t th ho$ I he oar lafsfýi bre and the b.d eft> lOUanaePlan. attrii t5 ainl>'vis uOiOm uspitli vere Il vas. peroru.d but alle isn'î hait." The Affirmativeblde.. 10 om 10-e u .tmiae lie place. H. ver reçovered fie n thse ubeequeuti îe otne a eits îr ! The.debaters for thie aftrmablve says thecm w« ve r .'opeaeit anid hlie ilociand «c" juat bofetdO iidil. iAlr otne t elte tr fpointed to he eeten a!orCommis- losbructei thti tovn e flicers of Wau- Mye. WiUder leavesi tour cldren hi, travelo, saylug that lie hadl alked' sien fomn, cOnlrsstinglt vilS the aid kom te tht ~ end tod testeanddlber iqsband. l MOvas about 49 L he i.sliadowa ofthe cpyramide, bad ferai of gavernaient 55 aau IM nt loga 1 liI e~ctsudlai tini 0 îa old; Mn.. Barveli rwa 50. vlslted tbe orient, Austrisand ii on- lils fav<>Z. Au anc exaemple tic> poInt- icI bus>anditfumigate ah once or lbe U<a eMr. Barrel, Mr. Wilder lan dol- esai ers va tteheiearyiomp î 0 tic G tanavepue sud vouli do »an hmlmesfmout prosluate< b>li tesaflctiondo.H »IPal stelis cy "'in golmg ta take t nip vitii thie vicli bas6coman hlm.Lii Mr.thi the vor nthle Emernld fie was OWarhluzlitu te G paveend i Darveli. prmornin oinds auc ton- lie mont pîcturesque. former bciug union th i o m an or ban or beaiti." sait Dr. Heraileder, derligMr. Wdter the mentut e i okt isn oeeu u i v atrui bepld l W a ' prit l ar.ut e doend. a4smai>vlil. Over tiare," bie saldt, "lhey are thc e r Orm.' Ticy declarcit a cil> ~a pacs~faJeped>lalus aner" .a Wex is ogiedmMsaaer ould Dot have succeedelul Né Danger et Ail. M. id, arcanse -sque or slepping on eacb other's tien and aJIlputlng lu aDY marc saatactory paye. Dr. oUe lathedoctr vsehan lic thealtlbt an sd Mnt proinoui.t oyez are contatly iookilug teAmern- monts. reel«ts f Ba»tu Mr BareliThe strongest point scoret lii lie the cases la question. H. vas aaked halda a simlar distinction lu Wsuio-sfrreif adcahWlsne ahout the statue of the situation and gan. Wcabiu ton> tiey wlll gel il," lie ad- negatIead a h aigta a g beau, mate under tic commission faim »id: I'Tiare le no danser, fon, yve Mr. Wlder's on marriet a taughter ded. o! governuent lau uiga. Fos' c. di! thi. .best of aiJames A. Patten. tlietisai 51 .Assoit malIli e expetd te1f re ample It'vas pointi Ont thin t uti lic bue 'iCre are ontsu Tie yonnger M.Widr la 00*Of Lb. himoli trou the suaire intp vbichli e rater depiatuut alon.thier. bhs mouse wniscbthe taml> uses and, ve md atepped, lhe caimly repliai "Ern- the Commission tfai o! gaverument couldn'lt vey 'vel et lieu out luIn lt ~est MorIon la,'my atOre>; ami 1 e- au com»Pared te, tie aId tfaim aigav. theiSl ea ue ofumigaMetas test aIi~EIE pecttulyy reter ynu te hlm." ornament, te marc Ibm lIa> lie salI- r. conît. Recause ofai e crortet - ..Do Tou positivel> deny tuaI you les of ail the cama onerg. Il raWpLB6uleteil talaa btint ile Condition. îIlvwu ie.pott0lhle te us e T L S~ A'~ are John Klne, allas John Hoover, lb. commission feai iua lroyndifI. farmalteiiyde and v. liaitte use tier TVL S GPO , .M. Beck. Albright and atliers?" serfft10lb. a strouf suceas lu wan- diasfectants. 1 can't sec bar thire -F1, "Hve denied enythiug? Have 1 kegan uaiaIuInscoren of other ci- Io reason for anyiady t0 rais, a cou- F MR a4 L LIO0N S aI atinte osWuea,~aav> u " ia n plaint. The bleachlng pa'vder >011 luoui> lesdtb e mal rit> o!t noter ta ras cirolin. f fnile 'vbich 1 Teacher Barred From Public Il. Racine, flsa.; Fremont, Mcii., andri rici are suall rhere Il t, diffteiut t loft or. ne b the amUy" lier places. dlaim 10e bave Ideulified determine nietier or. Dot il la super- Ict fr seb>li fsula."S<hot'I1 Years Says Rela- yuas tihe poison wiio svlntledt herafor. te thse commission foru. la tWesWan He Pr"dy, ou ofthosand ofilolarL»closing lie> teclarci htinthle com- _______mission torn»isaefficient and t, gel- "'Tie> oui> imagine liaI lie> have nrresulte viierever Iried ent liat F.AC S À 09TE PT Aplot ou tise part o! -relatives 1t> Idetilied me. Supposing foui other ItTs beut 10 loave veil enougli alone ma>rinn lotich millions sud vbich men o! my description 'ver. vith me eut not experiment vils sou. un- " e n F U DT invalve rosi estale near Wbscling, liemt' couldthtey pici me from the Tii e decio Ill., sud lu lie Chicago loop lies bie- bunciL" negetive side bat won seemco t 11hàm , LAOR indthticeleven->ear bnn O ien The> dlaim te know you by sars ieet miti populan epprovel o! 550,0 Anna Harrieî Schneider as a Chicago school teacher. accordilng te cate. on your arma end mioles on yaur face Steve Karasek of North Chica- slatementi olie made liursity. liluadmut I in'tl ikely Ihat four Otiier men "Made lu Ken'h1-a County" !s to be n qSchneider vas only recenîl> vintl- vould be marked correspoudingly, le lie slogan o! az ent Kerosha cwt go _as Haled loto Court To- cateit ai charges maode againsî e xii t lieKeiohecopean o day on a Caias. tnh e itiug olu boe tsharga e tam Adler ras arrested on Saluiday. Nfarch 11, 12 areo 1, turing tihe big ago. Jil'vas chargoitsie talsilleit J&I. 16, aftçn bie bad aimost suiccess- Instîtute noundup Ir. KenoshisanS lis Waukegnn. - .an. 22. records In lier report, and liait"lu- fulI> maniplatat a $3.000 boan 'on al tealure prominseg teoli. tir b1g4cest Foi falure te par bis vte $18 e sane nations." $000trnviblecamtvs'etr vnaeîgdb ;eRti monti alumon> as orsiereit b> lie court Miss Schneider bas nover mate pub- $000triw bb diO a etr vr ragdb ,eRti Whous bih iit s VIE Ugasute a divorce lic lie reasen for lie alleged plot ta bis sud presenled an apparentil pop- ers' association of Kenosia. 'ý ha ex- tram hlm hat Mardi. Stepien Kamaek have lber ailudge It nsane. @Sie de- Orl> executet deed te conlu'm lii, ibitlaisgaing z)'t-iclute arri lrod- et Notih loe, v»rua Injetto, Ci- claies lie time liasneveu' beeu "ripe" slatcmeut. Jucîs, faim m'srhi'scny ant c'rso. cuit court tha uflon eunacOënlemltand tint oie va. retarded tar years I bu'r K Of court Charge and vaï aidered te lie delgration b> a Promise ma. 10 Min> Want PrIsasser. hbute o! ail kints antd aua ir gvé satistis orsaewmAi> ol ioîber molier, Mis. George Schneider, Itl laeviient tiet "Adier" rilI fnot and reaeilera Iu Kenosia are enîerlng ual be punisheit. on lier teathiet la 1904. gel ont of lie clutchesi of lie law et fuielb. spir-l o! lie affain nithian Karaseis teciiedthtin"aie. tie di- The pramise vas miade, Mis. Scinel- thie Mnerai SprIng Cil>, for lic ras enthulau m ilci guaranîcea Ils sbc- vbzoeà v ksawtd »Y&lias bas bthe an iit uier saiee rvli.becau» er .' laitothle circuit court fer trial, bis cess. Il la going taeblie efinal "Made Ilixcem dais'oMt119a4ham'vstle, oter bfMeleedrelatives o! tc e.bond being ftxed in lie sum. i 25,0oIn Kenosha Conunîr'euhiitîever belt aumon> 10 1lm vit. every Mçstb. al- nrtliber chan u i lci ucli'va, a the amounult eing ralsed trom $6.000 1andti tere t la oui..t ut tint Ilb Il V»u "h M o tva ' o tmed vo nsiliacirý, lie- maie>sud tnta Mount. become an annual affai. MMý.- propeit t>as I nvoIving llthe R d At Waukesia liere are repicuenla- ._ __ Ub-inttet inving »Mla plfeo e a id £ceriwusO f B840P J J Usior 'ie r- aele acsaleacmsie oel ogn 8nv p ret> r M$..but ate Mtit of thie Elvangellol Pr)testant burci. 1 17 oeto j ils ccmlcJsp egn anwI o bsihipoli - tde on Bichop Bai.' hans been test soveral alila ux io agel h.ld 0f Aler, 'but Nebraska sate prison. *ItobcO' fa Iraou> y«»r. Racine ha# the firsI Cal. -ctl aims a have Itentlfied Ad- to 0ii afgsd bu *mpep$ " t for, Mina Schneider nov hnaOu suit Bie«rfW. (C. CouItlof 3reM on.1rpstvl sa livig ~ -, cniiuigaganatsixeenpsons, via. N.i,. dlaeta bave tinoci Adlei's Amuong lie WitDO5es ieard aI lie Y1uise Rivais!,listssatulaisex- mie icclarea, bave qall e Ici nM&e ils p ieyas ulgvuSpella>eaiainvr er plesiç sd ii sAt w eliglrcpfhuarce aieon b halccitabae ea sje Lcne m Cl ays. din u lbey confronted lBeS and lie attena BECK HADAÀN declaredt la t hesignature 'vast « Ihl o!li fainr va asSu"Pgeeei to ha ave signet! h. ACCOMRPLICE IN , ,te am "WhY. yes Ilti," Bock repiied 'vIt aIlo! his coolns sud 'auvIt>. *ù SWINDLINGi PEOPLE prove it 10 you. 1 sar M. - at towts an iltîe hil egai eut iFact That Stranger Cîaimed aabttii cn 0' lilas Ieagai adn" Suitcase Containing Papers "We'il go with I ou." chorusedtlt Indicates It Beyond Any Ote"'etOs 0e aosvir' QuLstion of Doubt. several of tise men hegan lu bey drinks. Bock look but ou. drink, peý LOCAL AUTHORITIES FAIL IbId> retusîng tenders o! mare. A tep- TO BRING HlM BACK HERE. il> elierlif heppeuedto10heiln theraoonl. fi-e was given e knowing wink an4 ýidentification Made Certain by joint-tlie Party, boing tippeit off to Henry Wedge and W. C. Par- kt-p a wetcb on Beck. ker-Further Details of His a ffromIt ic> etfaher l lu Capte Made Known. '..ent Into tebro tie."top ped 1 ito a malen cloSet. One aoftic' Wiaukcgant Jan. 21. men i l. at er i.sui ~ Tiat Jobn Bock, far» forger Set l n theiartyra te san<ae au accOmPlice aI Wauicmla andt laI vent 10 lhe court bouse viceglia lur. hikel> an acconiPhice basn'varkeait liyen asked Bock ta jet hlm gsc li, d"L blu lu ever> Cil> viene lie las op-.ain. anatlocl u elief Wo He>wofeit «I "gave il 10 yon ba'fore vc start eut oca iancer vi Sue o!licont." Beck repliai. clrcumstances sunrouning thc Wau- The lawYon Suer bottar and BecWe kegan taie. arrest, look place Immediatel. Neilt'" la Wauieolia, fgor Instance, rien lise tetd or a scrap oi lncrlmlnating tb, detectives vent afler Beci's paper ram fount on is persan. Word saîchel aI lie hotel tise> vere lu- mes bastil> teleplionedte10 lie bole t iormed liat a short. Ibici seltnmen have lie semer stoppai np. Plomubera bat called tei Il a short lime be- wre tMen seuret and sitar comalito fore. - %ble effort opeuedt1h. catch issl.s»i Tic> a]8o more &Ivan initier arsgu- liet out ncnaps aofisaper 'vici, rienl meut of lic accomplice fentur. mhen. Iaieced logetier, Matee mleg mithoul au> wrd iaflng ibeen sn1ts n ctiha ii e, atugi aoven lie 'vires tootier dîttes, au ah- forged. tonne> aPPeanet at Wauiegha e____à_____ couple o! hours aller Beck'. arrmat. lH. adulteci hoe baibeon rOtaine In D~ KJEFT lilvanea a nPresent Beck. Al O! mici indicated t ttBeci's accolm. Plice bad t o n e tu r.ha!ning À ,LE ,.1SfL ATS hlm te, reprissent ils &tend Bock ia Whou .-fl5 ras g lule10. ion of a mieclali soc*o <tr, i Wed e ls!ta tee Hlm. (Ma>be) for moeoraitisa staholte p8 "Ir- W selu pdgaiOfsoolng va auunceit lai.> h hiBol f eDck, mal t LSreport. Flai>F.>1 !li flni r btth-:rew» no question about tivcae renc:M i1re hi- helug one and lie same mon. A Thse pmn tastriet ont Imest slight cai BecS lait On bis chocS Dàweson former StaIleS ram one ueaun aorsnakings itdI»ty Nioe sjuiCliecgs aeama5 S certain lu thcemila of 3(. *ige. mu raftisg. Tiefr4t UWnelg W0,0 11r. Wetge toIt boy n deloohiv e d ncoosestl. Md arraopeàus t asiet Beck la rail np bie sysv Mdntmade ta oIt aý«obUcli me O "ks soe If a ecar wvici lie uuci.etWesday «Wett daen 'U'i1g man mas anppM ose 1 bve. mas on is sien. Amaig tli , i vl!<*» amu. 'Natunaîl> Booci lusunp Idst actons et ticcobool vlmot -. leit aleeve. Prealdent UdmeIt jaime Turaupthe 01cr one." id the lUniversur ocf- Diols; CUU dtechive. BecS dit no a"i lier.vats nomo :- tIse scar lhe ofker ras lpcking fat nu.cutnutR.rsi Bey Ho CSeuseeo. Vii Obansan saS NVaS> The Waeicsin icbctive. an> tIi.> beR have sevenai nitot ophtt aiu b s dt tt elias uses .1.nt 6M0 aiaa;m Tise contéelsin quotaés lie iaiisoae< as followea* 'l maithe mim >ois i 9sauÊhbt iftom ican.ilfam cli "di, panuless nowvandit 4n Oi o mcvu' 1 am rond> tu10kie mm eloMhO." Olises' Slslu lufatW.. One aiflb.e sxiiiot etftlic adW#ls wae attempted fa ItaphmnsanCount>, Illinoi% rien a lIMa vas 505111 o a fa"mbclonsing tu Mfto Munis>. But for the. tact tint tic manager c« lie boan coupau> ciauceýt l oo Ms', gura> lu Yreeport on the day li ras to close tl ai aud spoi.te hlm about bavlng soIt isfarm, l l liiel> Il rouit bave provin succua- fui. AIbigit on BecS vas isioru un- ien nunibenheas naine, belug besh kuomu la Iova as John Bulles'. Tiar i. vaniot bis sviudle ln a nuuber o! counUle., vbhil tla believedthlera, are fer sates In li, union, vicie ho lieni ntopeiat. Mel latent avlndlt ts. believot3 te bava boum uring li« pat yean at Ann Anaor. Micli mien hic secred in the neiglâboriood of $6.000 and cliculars o1 tuas are among Ibaseoan fil. lu the local departmcu4. Accos'tlug ta Information an fIle, in lie Joliet tetective bureau lie serveti a Imo year tenu lu the Mia- souri stato penltentlan> trou Dec. 1e, 1898 tu June 10, 1900. It lasait one o! lie 'vorsl featusres o! tic aminile vas the tact tint Join M. Becimiti. a min resembling tic sriutler mas arreatet lu 1904 ont sentencedtut a terni bu pisan. Wlieu able ho gain hils fneeom i. establiai- et au alibi. The abave press diopaîcl ibnnga in memon> of Joliet people lie arlutle Perpetnated on lie ale Capt. 8. A. Oliver a fer years ago in . vieS $4,0 0 as ecuret, andtfi la coanait ered certaintint Alîbrigit tthe sane Part> vbo morket in thlm section, la tact liera are fer sections la tise country > re. le 1snu snet aperat- ed lu the lest Iront>yeoam. Seomire Mono Delalla Tise Waukeian Part> upon tlii trip 10 Waukecha learuet mon> of lia te- halls 'vieS bave ual beau ver> dlean>y knomu lier. up in lie pressatlime. Oue of tie thinga iicovcrei vas tint BecS exibled thIe hreabest coaluess wIehn ho fteeit ansI 'vile meiug to put tirougi one oflbis teos. The rosi tâtate Man dui namquetion the i.s- aatutp cf tisa notas>, but simpl> to as- sOrs,1 floi c ent lotoasaothen "Ac- esud ne tu e cnotas> Who deait Se W aitoLagessthle tramac- lt?" To sais. sure thse PMnemila.mmu enlait MD l iviwer lla ieese aMi h% to0, oelffop thle e o6w. Tie that neyer eh only tbe 'o wok l dome wh.n y.ur. hè. 1 From i hecamemack- cia liat sussuir età rutI for ligie, por ealbe takenit* opor5- aIe lth î a! of xk*s tubcaI Appliancenth*% hake qvr the Saisila boa' o!f tébouse sma inorease ite aaufortm. la Ytmr HOUa. Win W wifl ô.doq uâ' upvnq the ovis'24mnontha& Pal Sn'« a1 w"bhsmIMol F. BAIRSTOI MANUVACTURRN 0> Marble and Grço Cemetoey Wqrk ~ Dw- ý Pl ri