Y 5, 1915. ___________________________________ [5r~~s/ak: £~lee4byF.il*SUCU, Pimone Il feeiD* Werk, Poo iïmso treameeisdbasins..lu GiiýpggOSatrday. Bt ], loierle entetalag hie .doter hOuMlton Joueo". lasSerDans le speudînha',feu dais wWbth ie brothera lu mIon. DWi âtfcsrt the. Flreman' blg mani bupPrlder,,Pub. 581%.. Klgt primes te Ae 0v511sway. llanostan rapslae We on e kOrage bas maP ii apoci. flop as theOMoS fJomepb s lomsir. Sr.'a.d MM iWIIliiBilewe Ubeego ST.Ijevelailitransacted bueine..ta Oleego Tesapesdiai th. .velng uim frisaisou tii. sorti baoe.. laveraiof uMe Ma.c.iibrotboe sattend. cd a luta,. ai BIilcas Park Buaday. ParsCestoa p15ea pouud at th. Boxai tor-Drue. Drug- o.- Mat>' .ar'.naw parer brougit 'loisomni c l. ria. mouei from tii. hwia on Round Lake gaturday. Ittri i.e Dahn.nanhoapital lest Wed. moedy. Ber usu>' friand, are pleuae ta have bei boumea*Wu.. Mr. amd Mm Ja>' Graham and famlly raturs.d Monda> alter spendîng several dc>'. lti friande St Long Lake. Tb@. OnajstaS. hasket bal] teanm enti dous la dett a&gan Batunuiay nigit uhen lb.>' pinyoi ths Elgin teain, tha saurs elng 44 te 22. Tiare til h ne game tuie aturdaày. ,Tb. hbeavy Ickorm beasdone a grati déalot damai. eta tha ire. and tals., phome poles. also creatiDnosiiturb.1 amas ii the elatrie igaitu. 1It l a li ta b hei. saltles sform the s vlcitj bas b"i fori mnu>' re., Jep Thomnson te ciel t honàe sorti of tous. 9. B. tlodfrey at.uiad eervie. as tbe UglaooW churc inlai Luerfy ville lest Bond"y. Dis, Joseph Sebimesr wun.&Chicago vister Ia6 wesk. Mins Dort"Bo ock bas realgu.d ber posltion ai J. Sehlomse's. Dr. l'ahmer, ubo baa beeu Mel ulit lagrppe la aile ta b. out Mgal,. OM yen msk for thuylMreman'a dances ai the. liiail taré..Druce Drng Co. Attomey WiMam Fabry Inti- mates Hie May Act Againsi ZMon City Offlolals. £toU.my Willim Fir,, LUrene Moiut ami A. G. Fýraier. threalion Chr re.idents appearci lu Justice maw'. curt. Wanteaau ArUay ta respoàm to summona. 14 mamer the cir, cf havlng vlolatei the . Det Zin City oedimance mith, regard to ambIlas, A.- Chamxieofvenue was ti«te Justice Bab'@ court whera the sotlon W«as lenled by Attorney W. IP.Wl.e who reprsuted the. clty of'21on. Mr. Welzi declared tint one of Ale wtuee.e could not i. reached àr. Fuar delared @h.sly after tha trWal fat lt la uothilg short of per- mccutm ad fals. a&met to have ZMon reeica summoucdi lto court bore repeatedly t anasvmata 'arokilg chargfe.Ha di not nesitata ta de- daTe btintheUicZon Cty amolia ordin. ane.slvalisud h. ltlrnated thst hoivould file a Petitlon before thec aupesme court asklng that the Vtou CiofàçWaland others uho hare under the. erdnauce tetei ta ap- pear aid anmer uly iay .hould b. iuàfaled for couternpt of court. H hblo athat Uic uew grnoke ordilance laU in, muile vorded someuhat dit- ferest lh practicafly the, same ae Uic o0»e mAch the Supreme court hald WaU IPeail. On ths grouuulha charg- émes tltt la ln omtcmpt of court.1 Â ttmcy16. V. Orvi. uho represent. .6 rabr, ad auriurt decl there la an question lu hi. mnaibut tint thé odjanca te tuvali and uncon- Tt WU raponici today thtithei àtafe!..attorney han tirestatesite ttie *ctmlan lucaeea.Ucpracticaof sumemoinlg lion realdensaAe ta a eracharge of smoking la not stpe.The report, ol nett e' Nwis the Time t. sd Stock and Foultry Food.1 We carry Hemeas, International aud Pruemn-isul reliable and gauran. te@& Now ie the tino te cane for With eg"m t su,,h high prie. You 0& ou't offord not to try a package of af'o" eac grower. We are giving ~45o a daicu for eggs in trad c f ail Poulty foode. Drus DU V. Graylake K4piiifl400*i the. boe rac. at UM moele Muqrpl>y wm home o van Csteda> cwd Sanda>'. & Da F r o L ~- j 8 < 0 5 i s . A i l o l . M r t I a I W I J J , A J I A . R O S I N O KueberOsesIa cam ', 1rv aieIOoiresoiid aut . Agént ami Swaodblp.acettesded tlieteacbcr PMtNE 22-W 'ilgturbes% Wankeffu, Filda and A Imm scroi 09 Our Young pociple a a u ymour epsst Scandai ma and o ait ber home bome. À large crwfroàiista eudod itii. hors. ramce Round Laie le"stetr- day. 1Mr. Crabtine, O., bai thse mlfortuD. te fou1 on the lq siaha imonda> momlsg ami dmcat.d bip. Have Ion pilisi te attend tihe Furmre lestitt. ela urVillage naît W.dueed*yt Tule mtW brainIntitut. afti htbld e,.r b.id br.m anlteus letérosc le ýb@Weg calf*tdlua t. Thse rmcrag eelem *ii b. li ast the' villag hll i i10-»O 'oek. Oood spiabre wllbh.preestteadaur. the auedience. Tbi. alteroou ..eon ll bogli as 1 o'eloek mdithespaclalIldien meetng wilbebid lu tie M. W. A hall sas wbich Mot. [ce. tpiesou Maau» sud lirs. Hardlug wulli spouondomestie scienc. Tii...'. ue.UuwW h. h.ld as the villagaball andi thefollouiug socaere Uilte pissent: Bars Thomas~ of orenwooj, le..Who wull Salk oui daylg toa profit on a 20 mce farîn liha c ow taeaa acre. D.James. cf Wood.tock,L Win uitalk on ialnylog sud Frauk 1. Menuof i lînan. lu., Wli tali ounoil ud eiope. * luth. svsulng aun lletrated lorture by tie lIste Righ. way CommissIon ulili ha giron. Eyery. nue ahould plan te attend, as the Insttut. la upportci by lbe taxpaer sud ilae wloome. The aiset clora ou Monday brote down bath th.e oecie sud telapiione wlres and our village w..lu darkuse on Mondai sud'Tuesdaî c.unge..Nearly e.rybody lu tou bineelecirie ialt sud mb.u tii>' bai ta returu tote eoseue lampe it seemed qut. a bardshlp. RUSSELL t Souday aMd mondai w4w te wort etorm la tii..yers tesIn sléet aMd puttieu tul.pbom. mires out of commissiona. Thuraisy. Jan. 28, wmaitiie coli da&Y 01 tAi ebru,. m eMr01080019gl 26 b.low sm. Tb@. Ladies Aid noclsty st Mr@. A. C. Corria wa sot largly attended on "cMontiof tii.cou. 1 Mr. and Mr*. B. J. Murri. mer, K.uoeha vsitera o.. dey tant week. Mm irMrtils im"spmut a couple 01 deys wlthhei.home gbu.. Mm 0 . A. Siver tlquite poanly. Mre. Aile. Mervills la geluiDg @Io wly. Allen Dîxon teabal, te be out agalu with the aid of crutcbe.. r_ V-1jaDSRTH. F'rank 8h.. aud à. B. Lux attend@d th. auto show laut Tue.day. Th@ card party given ait tc reeldence et George Ca.hâmore on Tueeday evsnlng wa. quit. a sucom.. Tb@. play giveu by hom, talent last Thuwsday eveig and followed, by a danace, wn. ell attended. Ml.. Vande Clark le qut.e elously il. Arthur Lux and .1.er, Mine Edus wer. vlsltlug relatives ln Autloch Saturday and Suaday. v ould 1k tu lbai #10,000.0 or hm. ounsu Improvid tarmin luAvon or aat Iownshlp.Aur... "C." cas ai Lake CountY lud.pcudont. 19e4 Utto Scholder bd hade .mleortun. of loel.ghil@home os mondal eviau lire whlch start.d frn sau over-hesi stove;Tic volunteer - Ors ispartuent tun.d ont ani eavedl a part of the. box car. I. laprctlcally a wreek. eidar te in op" that C.M. & Bt. P. uilî fur. sleh hlm miii a uew box car lu the. near future.1 1WAMER WEATIR _____ ____ ___ UE? fie H. SAYS SO Conniy Oupt. of Behoole T. A. Snpson akgn e.2 visîlsi aur sebeol Aube Wdnesday. 1 -- - -, Mir. and Lire. Fred Hamnlln entertained sl twfrimna ati ner Seta'rday evsning a&Z pleasant turne ma@ spent in cards. Mm . 01. arnatable returned a lew dowesun ironsatwo uuonths visit witb fber sisters lu Oregon and Tie Mmrs. O.R. Manuseand tirs. fSheridan DfIlurnettbavre bci aufferlugfrom n a attaek of thi. grippe the puat week. ofR. A. Eduugam apent Saturday and y unday 4t hie haine bers d Frank Sberwood and AMr. Denule tattendci the Tehens Instituts at 1Waukegau Saturdal. Ou0.,toeahr., 1iss. Shith, Doolîtl. ,and Matheuse, att.nded the Teaehers ,Institute at Wategan Fridey and ilaturday. The home talant play at the opera Mr. sud Mrs. Jo. Eberler of Chicago, hans tBturday cveplng wan ucli at-I vlelted over Sonar et the Lonard tended sud the pla Wa@ a great suacest. 1horne. 1 Tn.î aie talklng oai etagflug If agifilu ln ra. Anirsu Lynch et Antioci. spent n.ar future. lest Fi.>' allng aUC nLake Ville Irenis. Alla. Meleene', D. Y. IM. cf the IMysie K ra.. RusaFarrovr, ubo bas beau Workers, speni Tinrada>' avenlng lirs. vistlng ber inugiter, Mne. Joe Pester Bbc mas eurPrlssd at the large attend. sud other relative. iere for the pont »Sc aettisaMymîle meelugi out of 124 mcnth oansa ince ber arrivai haro frnt nimber.. oui>' slgbt were praot. behebains in Seatte ulti ber huebaaid'a Mrs. S. C. Uitwillr. ubo bas beau 111, Io body for hurlai, started flot ber western able tu ha out sagali. home early lu the wsek. P. B. Fenierison. superlutendout of lhe P. Rl. Aveny treîacted bus-iness li Armantr les boume, uho boas een III wltfaChicago thea Bret of 16. week. pueumionia, fur four wpoes. ha. suffici- John PhillîppI aftAded the auto show entiy reeovered toa o roucid again. lait week. c. w. Bath, agent at the St. Paul de- p u rri.s sud John Nadr attenisi pot bore, bas aceapt.d a Position ai the race a Round Leke lstr Satunday. travellug auditar for that railont- of Miwaukee and iii stant bis neý du.-ý- -- tln &u bout Iso weeks. We @cura do.M L U ' bat. ta me. il. go, as ha ha. madeoaalot of frienuébae. The Autl.saloou Lague will have a opeaker h.ne .2udar morning ai iL. DêGLEBIDE churcb, Feb. 7o to prent the work wth apecll relrane t te situation at Jae.uary iifth littie Juleen K lemn ela-. Sprlugfiled eCommunionP se r Vice. uilîlbe bratai her sîti hlrtbday uitb e party. , postponed ountil thsa following Suuiay, af reaahments mere served end tic Il tit e eb14. f1-1-- --d--a fine re.Ths Mîisees Anale MeCredie, Ilergaret Mr. Chas. Lutz wan called to acellus, Gilbert, Pearl Ceveland end othar 111., f0 &tien 'd the funerai of ber @top-tenl.ra cf tii. vlieiity ett@ndai tihe motion, Ars. R. hlolden, uho died Tenchert. istitut. Fnisay and Seturday. Pnldey, .Jan. 2ffl. lHa fatiier insoimaThe. sebool chliren hed a iolisay v.ry ill . Friday on account of the instituots. The rasirbail won a grand.ncs» Uma.Un& Mint at.nded tiie executlvs eveai though meathar un very- storm.'.meeting of the Laie reunt>' Bouder Dr.. L. ltusbmore bas beau qut. il, achool heu ati Hlland Park Frdai. wlth a COU.~ A surprise partyiras. given Un. sud A. D. Hartimy te spendinsa afeu day. Mnre. W. M. Sonen#air Inhome Thora. le Iowa. deay svi»g. ,Aà-ýsptr soppsr uie Friday. Jan. 221h, John Bylaceki, ags ,aervod and a plsamad«ime cajoci.1 die. wes ruan crn hialfo f bai wiUé lêimer Curry, aur iStercarrier. wtW ai play in 1h. moad itltio othar litte bave 1.6 bave Su opratilo. socnfor an boy., ou. whel pamaîng over is Ochet absese liai ha. gaberei on île Sng aid erush.d hlm'su tint hb. ild bilte ter.hr emt evri- l h.lp caqid racbhlm. I h etirprî.srrleeg Soade miii go te Ant loch fram thii viciit>' LI3NSE TU4S BER% ISSUED BN SECTY. 0F STATE Fit teen Days' Grace Allowed Has Exp'red and Officiais Are Beginning Tour. HAS MANY__APPLICATIONS New Number Plates Are Dis- tributed by the Secre- taryof State. if you h47e net sîreni>' raeved youn automobile lîcouse, you bai bol- ton attend le tth ensIler before the al- Ouroebolteabe, Um ile, tted.nual vieil of the etate autioritte. Ourthe sitoutsac1«,%Mim Rlyttndwhon it la îîiaeto cest yau an ai- ea l. inîltte m Fniay.ilîlonal $25. The 1914 automobile Miss Aile. Sîer sput Sundav et lîcenias expirai at midnlght Dec. 31 Buseill with tho homne folks. however, théeshtao deP&rt;uent allouai C. A. sud UmssEmma Reyecken are 15 deys 10 elapee toe, ingina entertalning their sisten. lMr». Mary charges agaînat driver. et automo-« Short of CooI City'. hiles for oporating wlîhout thilr naw Ths YounngLadIes club more éntrtalu. lcenseatage. el Saturjay ovenlng at lbe home ai tie Justice cf the Peete Carl Kuehl has Mimces Dora sud Clam. Meer@. b eon kapt busy durlng die a su few isys flling out application papers for lie neu licensa caria sud platem. JAIFè.YN MOT PRxS Isuelu>' 10 days elapsas betucan lie lime the application la led ulithdia IDE Of FOUscretan>' of stata and lia lIma the IDENT F LK. O EST licence cariseaind nienare m. Scelvai b>' the applîcants. tAla lime IST NATIONAJ, D INf tsaîug necessary oa count cf thUicat liat oaci plat. anA cari lancaete orier A>' lis cat. offilseat Bpring. Tua changealln AieForet bmliii Sli. are naarlted ai having taiez, place Stevenson New Offtia. remetly. F'oloulng tha suicide of Secreter>' D. H. Jackson uho hi eauee preai- cf State Ranr Wooda sevenal menthe dent of lia Int National bsnk of aga, Louis , Stevenson, a former as- that cIl>' ince. l u usaognlehod me datant to Mn. Wooda vas appeated ye..re a&M la no lohga bead of thp as iead of dia automobile deartmejiî bank. iaving retined en January lut, sud each aidaver, application fan a Pnank B. Warren, cuahier of the state lcause nuit pas. tirough Mr. StaI. hank of [cie Forest., th reigu. Stevensonbaneiabttore Il eau be le- ai. bis ncelgnation to aksic eect Bat- smoi. Tic rate. for - varîcus honse ure>', Tab. 6. Mn. Warren ulievg pouerai automobilles are as followus: at once ton New York City'. uher o ha516horso-power andei, $4; 35 borne uill assume lie position cf treasum powér cr las. $6; 50 horse pouer or o! tie Spe-i> & Hutchlnso, Company, less, $8. Mcre than 50 icneepouan, the agest trdug atcm ancerlu $10; alectrilemelon vahiles, $5; ma- tie variA. Ie uocemer lu the bani torcycles, $4. Ciiauffeu's licaue ara bai not au yctýi heesi appolite@& linai follovlng an exainus±on aud j ldiiadat geA-4,Mi ly 15,00 lcansa ranevals are lesuei for $3. far aucuier ipéiluabe.. Jame Taylor of Taylorvile, ]ILI, aitsudei ths fuerai oa is ismlter, AMre. iMaryBbter. Memure. James, John and Samusl Lou 0f Chicago vîcînit>', Wm. Wandio sud malien et Waukegen, Air. and lire. L. W. Wakeffoid of Gurne., sud me»>' frtnsdeattenisi the Inneral linnis>'of Dr.. Baher. Mn.. Mary Taylor gater died et the bons of ber daughter, Mns. C. E. Eneden, ln Marne, Ioua. Thursia>'. Jen. 28. Thé remamna mare brougiii beres Rnds>' fbr hurilist MSliburn cemtery. Ars. liaten mes 83 yearq of age. Bis leave. ue deughter, ire grand ebildron and oue greantgrand child to montra bar tem. Tub daugiâter., lisre . .Cannon sud Idre. W.. Wandle sud ber busani dîsi souimme ago. Une. Bafer made her home in ibis vîcinity minu>' ear. until s$m &ergo ahe went ta live wuhl ber isuighter lu Manne, loua. She mas bore lu Scotland. SPANISI WAR-RES INSTALL OFFICERS The Spanieh-Amertcan War Vet- erans o! Waukagan held a joint Instal- lation at Hlaiwood wllh the Fort Sien- lieu lodga. About ftty atteniai, and ýhese officeno vera lnstalted: Commander-F. R. Hamberger. Sautoir vlc&commner-John Goni. nlnger. Junior vce-coinnander-K . Bind- ert. Offîcan of lie day-R. W. Marshall. OMeier of the guard-C. B. MenittI. Âdjatant-C. Huttlestcu. Quarterlamter--C. E. Balretou. Chaplaiu-4*. B. Olsan. SurgaonL-Dr. C. T. Danièei. Berj. Maor-T, W. Snelng.' *Colon Sergeate-W. J. Brown and C. H. Neleon. Patriotte Instictor-M. D. Baker. Hhtol'in-C. O. Arma. .1 TA. stata officaro ected as luetail- ina oficens. C. B. Danteli-Dept. Commander. Geo. Loa-Jn. Vice Dept Ca.. R. H. Ccofield-Delat. Q. M. Pater C. Wrcks-Dept. Inspactor. 1.Weut, For Bila, etc ad@ ln the. UN. DEPENDIENT rsîch 15,00 persona weekly. Tisas t ground-hog day and Mr. G. H.. If be came out. did not see hie shadaw, for the day proved one of tliose gay, dreary days. with oe- flurriesapravalllng meet cf the Urne. The oldaaYlug la, that If tic grouud- hos eaw hie shadow, as told lu the NOT NY LOANS 1 DURIN4I THE WEEK; IS MUCII ACTIVITYI Absence of Loans Made Up by Transfer of Academny Site, Herman Deal, Etc. Buaineas et dia recordera office for ram, n imeditel wold aCrt Usukthe waak audlng Jan. 30, 1915. -lot bilsbale sud rsmalu tiare six Nme ftases 4 [uneka, pendlng arrivai of warmer N~brc iintr.M weathar. Numier of boans. 21. Howaver. the tact that today ha di Total number of instrumentafilled, not Se ils aadow and theretora took 106. bis imeabot rnnig bck ntobis Total amaunt ot boans, $27821.69. hafle. ludîcates that Sprlng ahi arrive B sesbas been quiet dunlng the eu ller thîs yaar than lat year. for week and boans were aay hslow the a year aga M*r. G. H. saw bis shadow. average. Waukegan Property moved a IlttIe, The traditions] annuel exil of the the chiot Items ot Interest balng thxe ground-hog ou Feb. 2 to forecast thé ilng of the deei trom Conrad & Hart we%ther for the uaxt six weks, la ta George K. Spoor cf Uia aId acad. oue of the lait cf the pretty and pic. j My lot at Cayton sud Gcnuea tureuqUs aid Superstitions. It datas streuts the Sale iy George. romau bock fron a Urne uben the amther! and mife to Robert L. L, Eldidlge for mas -one af the largest suiuects oftj $15.000 of 198 test on South Utica humn Iterst Itineel sevesasatreet ietue.n Ravine avenue snd huan leraIustraItioenaster-asSouth avenue, tha lots havlig a front- toonat ues I Iod>'. ge On both Utica Street sud Oak Looiftes Uic atm. cuty s treet, the trenatar of the. old Beck. passive, PhlloocPhlc snd coutemplet. j wlth place on the South side o! Conter Ive. Inthe comon slng phr s1Street, near Couuty, front T. B. Glhave there wusa"nothing iolng.'" Iu the I nd wlfe tO Elizabeth M. Woodmau; skY. tiongi. thora uwere thrllllng bat Îles betwean conflictiug force. of sun- shine and storm. II mai naturaltint tc the people of the more nemete 'coiiatry, thaso fcrned au absonilng 'subject, like bal games and poltIe. tcdaX, The oli lime countryman was sklU.1 fui ln reading the ieaes. But bis foracaiti mare of short rangs,.flanc. It; was naturel thal rural ulcoacres have trici ta Predlet weather iy hun. inede et traditlonal Indications, of uicbhah graund-bog clan la poasibl>' tha hast kueun. In the houn lite cf to<lay the weatb- er le of minon Importance. Ils île- coinforts are Inlunlrazd by sultahie clothing sud gond vaiks. Most people thlnk of the ueatmen enly as a iensn of personal confort or dlscomfort; a grouud-heg vouli bave a tins te suit eveyone. The allaganlcal around-bog la a misa litte beat-in$oscf us bav, neyer aven sean une, but wva knou ha seeks hlm boa vian trouble insus. We ho. haeve lu hI. asi vo bellave lu Sauta Claus. Va S. BARS STOCK SIUINTS FR01 PU-EMaLEZONE Prohibits Expori From Radius Around Eaoh Illinois Locality Under Surveillance. LAKE COUNTY INCLUDED. A uew Quarantina ordar elmed di- rectlY et Illinois mas lasuod hy the Dapartrnent et Agriculture lu Wasi- ington S4tunday. The provocation le thie dissensioan etwaen certain farm. ers sud state ofliSelas hici result.d lu Judgc Cluhon Iruln' lesitan s inJunctlOn ah Geneva sevenal uceks ago restnalniug altier goveaumant or Mate OMiala trom saughtenlng an>' live stock effacteai iy tic plsgue. The nam ordar fonbids ail ahlpmnent of lva atock tram t.nnltory mithin five miles cf aroas under gaverment quaantine hacause affIct aud mouth isesa nd 18effective tororrow mrnmnng. Thia ulîl cul off 16 in 20 per cent of tie sipmeus ut et Chicago vin fumigation of the "free" division la completei anditI la racpeued far trade. The order affects tarrltery uldhil live mîles cf infectai promises lu dia tolbovlug countias: Boone, McHenry, Lake, Knox, Cook, Keudall. Henry, Gruini>, Pnlinan, Marshall, IUvtnastôn, Wocdfand, Hen- icnion, Iroquois, Ford, McLen, Tub. ton, Aconougi. Hancock, Varmilîcu. Ciampalgn. DeWltt. ,ogan, AdmsI, Casa, Macon, Plat. Sauganon. Mor- gan, MoulInée, Douglas, Eigur sud Colts. lu addition the * counUes of Wnnehago, Rock Island, KaukaWu'e Stark, Peoona,. Tazaveli, Magon, Scinybar and Shliy are adai to the modifiai ara. The loua senate Saturday adoptei e resoluf Ion asklug Oongrcsa ho Inveu. liante the Chicago Union Stock Yarda and thé orîgin of lie font snd mauti apideanlc. Princeton, Ill., votera have declded ta adopt thie commission form of mu- nicipal govarument. lu a spaclal elec. tien yoterdey the proposition usa successtul b>' a mejonit>' cf 429 votes. The 1ev. Heur>' L. Martin, for 60 yea.rs lu lhe Rockford Methodicî dis- trict, sud Ivîce preldilg eldor, dila iu Roebtond Wadnesday. aged 88. the sale cf a lot on Measena avenue near Poplar street, fro., Thiodona J. Stabi tb Albert C. Jackson for $2.,00; sud the transter cf a lot-on Jackson aftreet near Belvidare 'frein Tisadone H. Durst te Mary E. aid lmer A. Metcaif for a ncminal considératIon. In Lake Forest, dia tranafer of the Babceck place ou the GrueaI te Lucy W. Armour'for a flmdS* sîderation. although It la un4e0 thet the sale ueared the. $1ê<A*il The culy farm dealà cf lutereati the sale of 20 acre. on the Mu= road. Waukegau. la section 7, John C. Walker to eolld. K1UI, gler and Anna L. Knygier. fer 000; the sale of 29% aas lafhà* southwast quarter cf sectoa township, froin Peini-Ceal ~ I Oarrett sud Le»Ian gaager go1: aima helie leOf 14 ae. 14 * southeuat quarter of section MYI - non township, f nom Christian Itcsi* to Orman 1. Rocienbaci sud JUR" Iteimera for 1$83l.50.1 The Merchante' Dellveriug cnhaiqs ef Lhbertyvllle, wutt a Capital sto«, et $5,000. and Maher Dauufacturlng csiý pany of îbartYvllle, ulti a Miatëu stock of $50.000. lièd thelr cartl$cteîa of lncorporatlou dminthti e ek.L Marbie a&WGrai Monuments Cemetory' Work et Evury D«cription Corrempondence sllt,«, Fa r me rs' Institu Prairie View, Thursclay, Febury il PROGRAM 9:30 a. m.-Inspection of Corn at the Hall. 10:30 -Musical Selection. . . .. ........ Invocation............Rev. E. X.Uniti Address of Welcorne,................. A. O Méa Stefeopticon Lecture-Cernent on the Farm., Musical Selecion Profitable Dairying........ ............ . lac Dinner-Served m Churctltt1nî by Ladies' Aid Socipty. 1:15 p. r.-Awarding of Premiums by Corn Judges. Musical .Selection................... Q Permanent Soil Fertilhty................ Frank~ L AW Discussion led by R. BR Swi fi F. Beach, A. 0. RoâeW MusicalSeecimný. Household Science .............. Mm .Fmu L 1 Are Wein Need of aCounty Adiser? ......Fvank DOW Discussion led by D. L James. Supper in Church Basernent. 7:30 p. r.-"llinois" ............................ Male (os Monologue of a Dressmaker>........ EstherRokq The Mule .. ....................... Lù Recitation ..................... ..... Lagý Forty Years Ago .......................Lilk, Recitation ... ........................ D" oi C Song by Raymnond, Freddie and Caroline Busch..1' My Experiences at thre State Fair School ý..Victor lHg Stereopticon Views....... State Highway Céot"luI Good Roads . .......... ....... Supt Chas. Rlàl "Arnerica', .......................... Suitable Premiums wiIl be given bythie local qiaagement for Jeli1 five éars of yellow or white corn raised in Vern townsp. By Order of tie CoMMIMnug Thos. P. Wialh sud Tiwar. Phabi. He.i% liaim paatew 0814 Vesaliie Théodore M. Durst. Prealdiàt. W. a. 8mt4 Vice Promis F. W. C»bhurcl. Socrotary sud Mens. Ifon. DeW4t IL. Jons, Gan. Counue TELEPHONE 8 1 SECURITY TIWE & rRUST C< ABSI1tAM O F TITLE TTLE GUARANIM Capital $ 125,0000 WALIKEGAN - - IL I.- AP -i r la , - i 11