MX flTWe TDPmlMT PTÂY EBMAY5.93.PapRme n-t- A",ÀfflTrY $ TO CONTINUE. Mny iosdset , aulle. t-Wagkegep Fb.1 ~ As fooetod la the. SUD ?rldéY. the eftiihe A. 0. & W. OOMPay ver, oint on an addltiona force thi au aoueit et rweet of or- tWeet a Judtytke. roeng àa *à>ýbait Us departiment vblcb cd ahut dovu n ine time ad tii. operatUon of the vireaUlU vith additionsl bande sufflentt euaIt 60 per cent of the. nlgit force, 44 wonl au the.. dY force. à Ibe bale tie siait, up vlth a acbolp 7,016 of vithin 60 per cent of double n~Te excepUionaily baid veauher sire- Y*tod Maur men appearlng aitheIi ~eto get Ivok-ibis mornng but E~nvaa afflent number viio Ud amd n the. SUD of the proposd bi 0f roperations. t a it thc Ploc- US, the mom bavlng arrtcd carl>' la thé béa,>' dovuiiour of rmin and avait- rý4 arerin foremnen to -coma on ~ Ib. reneved actîvit>' aitheiiplant ý,,tuially canai geat satsfaction OMMW employez of the. plant and *Mog buainess mon of Waukegnan s ',NP Wbo feel that ih way ho the.foret riamnof gonerally better Urne, txmug1t ui hecoountry. Yhaf the renowed acttylty ln the. WuuiiecaaPlant le merci>' a part .ot peMa"a activlt>' ln the steel corpora- tie la lndicated b>' thie reference to Ui tuatio n a Cllcogo paper ta-j I-Ib b.steel Corporation'. Mutiaren *owb *ocatn bout 50 par cent of caps-t ,1oItY. conpUrci lth not more than 35 P«r cet la Dmember. Thie nev year bu tauwtaivii ome sain. à ecadtio e, bb»eM» tub. aveu- lIo~lIotbsttheicStel Corporation lan#iM.PMut bec uere bu becu ne- o.v.17 tromna pertod ,or deprosslon "b aloof bailn boolklng a large. lweasand laad. the muetet TUze econdition may ' nlaly 't. do esctent. andS tiioeiWrmson 't* botevlug UIUL& dm w'hen one , fflathat a. ummer of Indepon- p,.4«4 Meel coeupontea. excladlng Uic - Ultbat amemablng a apeclt>' of WU o.Mera, ane operatlug on à boast of 00 la 96 par tout of caplty. Hn*,ed8 of Pales Down. to the NMu1h and S"ut of Wauke. gan Over MAonday. Tetarapkasd telepiione ples be- tveen Lake ftreat and North Chicago vere r4soi by thc alest aorm 0f Mon- dar and huindreds of Uiem are ceeuj L7f<ln teUicdteb along the. North- refftern and electrie tracka. IlUn thceUey are Gava lu a contlnuous rinvlala thers Uicre aie a few do" boe 5andS there. Tb ame la truc uorth of Wauke- gwan prlucgtialy between Bosch and Wntbrosi-Harbor. MHnireds 0f polea am armmc lu tii. dltcb. > "A dame doue ta thc telegraph wince betveeu bare andS Chicago va. as ea«t that Uic telepiione operators to#y oirwld not future votting méc. cages thrqugii at any apeci that mei. 7bieteleplion e arvice Into tUic dl? wae mot luterruptedmmciuic a heu#e pc ou tlimésuea avlng overcoee Wl m9an* viicli prevlouu torme have Ê- a a 4-pvut. Treeg suiftr Muah. 410 ret men>' aaiuale Ibbm tr4 btbe 09* WlSffepa lv* iptau as ite bàlW* la tUt. ee ewt. Liýmbs oc uuna se are te auto la04, PU4 ut e Our at. - go bwre har hacli Iba - imtas4it wm*vWmu uh tie grat- , 31 Codst WOpt of the Yeg, 12 BELOW SEENS REgLIABLE. Estkîmate,and Showinge of thie WiiNfegen. Jeu, 28.ý *How cold w'au It durlng tiie nigait?" au'icd a volce oyer the. phone thia mmueli jut afin theami offe "Wall. ve unduwtamd if 'au il; lu"aiSarelorter. '*Well. Itva, vorethan that. oui Uiermoeeunsi 7 oclock tuas mon- ltg, shovod 26 below aud It va, a nev tiemmometer-vwe bougbt It laut nigit co 1 guela lu ta riait."1 "*TventY-fIVe belOW!" exclaimed tiie reporter, "I didnt 1hmov ve had iS r- ct Phione connections 'euh tiie norti Polo or Uic aictie circle. Wlmo are You, viiere are you." b. Inaiated a, isi cura Unged vlth the. colS at lb. tliought of 25 below. "Why 1 lve oui bore lnuicheOak- landS subdivision, nov the. Douglas alzrary," "Ild thc volce over the. phone. Purther aigument falîci to convince hlm iliat ~oohing muet hiave bean vrong viti hia thermomu- 1er-be uised it vas 25 belov. Tii, Sun ,rfeeved reportaà vhtci varted aIl the wayýfram ¶4> bqlov to the Uac of 25. Noue daroi venture anY figure lover thu that. Bat, It le gcncrally conceded that It va, 18 andS 20 belov ln varlou i parts- of the cit>' durlng the, nigbt anS car- 1>' morulng. 1 Wbetiier it va,14 belov. viiother i va, 18 or viiether il ua 20 ma-. tored Dlot.- It va, coliS, just coliS. coliS! Wheels of 'eqona creakeda tic>' neyer have bat ore liii. vinter; auto. aPuttered au never before, andS, as Uic day vore on, everybody con. oeded that Waakegal haS the coldest nilbt ettiihe amon, prevom areporta balIsa Peau 9 beIow unih ticbaeft c atimator at that time veutum-ed 12 as aguinut th iilia one nov at 25. J7. C. James, 0f Ântio:4. official veitiir recorder for Laie tounty a&- uoeted todaY MAl Ice eldeat potu r.eselcd dnrtog the. night va, 22 Wd- 1'%wZero. Hi I, flgnrW"l'ai are sent jute the odkalai eather bu. resu. Froin UiluIt voald appear that thc -1081YgI exgamted reporte mdelu Waukeman ere not fa- <rm I. J. Smi. au engincor living nu Sheridan aiai Jut Pcof th Ue bridge deniar«a h bau a tiemometer that bas bem tntaliaMdSbau bean foand ta reglater cczteir. ElIa saye hi, thormometer ruerei 15 labelov MATo at 7:30 o'clock tii, momnlng. Tiioge vho viewed the tboemosnetor Mt IIOlsteina,corner, Weublngtoei a.,i Coant>' Street&, su>' that ery iis moralng It regletered 20 iielow ze,n. Charte, Wallace, driver for 'Schnq.- dores baker>' declared that early thîs marniug the thermomnetor eaitthe bak- or>' regiatered 23 below zero. 'MallCarrlors declare tiat thermo- metersa t varfoua points la thie cît>' relotored from 14 ta 20 degrees be- loy. A Grayalako voman. talhlng to ber jaiter ln Wauliegan thle morning sal *.Everythlag va. froxon np iSurlng the. nlght-, ltva. 25 below." T'Me mercur>' atarteS dovnvard et 93:30,Wedncaday afternoon. and, lu a hait hour It dropped tva iSegrees at the. Sun office. AndS, tram reports, il 1kpt on golng dovu at about thée ame .ratlâm ailtniglt.' At oeven o'clack at IHoil.ateln'a drug store corner. the thernotnçter'en the. atelegrapii pole, fuli>' expouemi, soed a20 beloff. > More than hiurty tovue ln the. %northv.stern atate, and-Çanadu ver. reglstered -In the. officiai govorument Ireport vlti temperatures of zero anS rbelow. QuAppelle, 'eitii42 belov, vas the :coldest imeutioned. Wlllltou anS bhLlnucdoca eet40 tielov IM~4 j)y. n'a -Laits aniS EttletoniS icobed 38 belev. Abterdeen, lmniap an, Md oeïoalotlacrs rclittrei 30 or 0 effl.beiov. net »Wut lt 4bumplnathàêfr beadu cu t4ha ibroeoos bai la aft parftet'tibtW aièm , sCR o ng on mhua IWaS ttth s mm~..o tedàlalWr, tck tuw M>% M M M M M5~Ç$Ç MÇ and *t You would und6ne the ITIIEt 'idi you do if the Hoof hD E~se broke out on ib or's f arm tomorrow? 1probably do a hundred thinga and leave 3hings that are of the most impotance i mli (ECOUNTY Wiil hold a series of meeings beghmmng Tuesday, ýFeb,,9, at North Prairie Wed., Feb." îo, at Lake Villa Thur., Feb. ii, at Prairie View Fr1., Feb. 12, at Wauconda And Closing with a Grand Roundup at Ltbertyvill1e, F'elrU'ary i* Vital questions wilI be discéussed at ail these meetings by world's leadling experts. The program for Libertyvile opens at il a. in. with a discussion on 'lHow we Need a Couxty Ad.viser." Corne and let's!di8cuL&s this question. At 1 p. m. business meet- ing for the eleetion of oficers and at 1.30 the Hon. Frank I. Mann wiIl open the discussion on 1 SoiI Improvement. " At 3 P. rn4Hon. J. P. Maeon, president of the State Dairyrnen's As- sociation, will open the discussion on "Dairylng for Profit." Leading men from aliover* the State wii be ini Libertyville to participate in the these discussions. Will yon. putter about the farm that day or will you lioten to sornething that înay save your, herd of cows -that will make tliem mnors profitable? For the Women. .A meeting is ta be held at the church at which Mre. Flrank L. Mann wiIl talk and deinonstrate. Start with your fainily in the morning, brlug ygur dinner and supper. The halls will remalu open ail day. The Eveinmg -Meeting is to be devoted toa'a discussion of conta- gions and, infections animal diseases. Over *200,000,000.00 a ye'r is the burden of disease on the live stock industr y, three. fourths of which is preventable. Outof a feeling of the deepest interest for the mans on the farin, a mnan has promised to addresà this meeting who is a world's authority on gern diseas. He is a noted philanthro- pist, tuie owner of a high-cIass farin and herd of pare-bred cattie and when he lectures for pay, $200.00 is blis ternis.He cornes here becauLie ot his great Interest in the man on the fam. We' want every man in the cornrnunity to crowd the hall to listen to Dr. Henry B. Favili of Milford Meadows Stock Farrn and one of the celebrated phy. sicians of Chicago. Ho wiIl tell us what to do te prevent the spread of disease. Do you, hink, you are too busy to top work t pick up a, twenty dofla god pWee?- If not, you wîII be --on hand. Cornmittee for -Liberyville-Andrew Einger and Xi: IL Swift UMAY, FEBRUARY 5,191-5. PaRe Senm