CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 12 Feb 1915, p. 12

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~Kae Countv 1nibe&cenbent STR.. MAYMVO Sbcrtary of State Bryan's absence from meetigs f Tf C O FI the cabinet lias bicorne a habit, in fact so mucli of a habit thalt it is geneal conclded that President WilsonsLite oa Plw IsWy actng s us wn ecetayof sate. But it is to be noted Througf Ten Fe of 10e tatata recent meeting, when serious questions were at . fora Mile and a Hait. stake, Mr. Lanuing, solicitor for the department of state, sat in Bryan's chair. CARRIED 250 TONS FREIGHT Why not submit fthe election of a speaker for the li- Waukegan, Feb. 6. nais legfialature t0 the people? Lsooks asi f a dozeu ii lc- The Hill steaâiboat company Steam. tions b1 the people could b. held in the s4me anwrnut of er "MIaYwood'- ipIinq between wauk.i taken by 1h. legllators ln accomplishing the feat- ge' Kenasha, Racine and Chieugo.. lime which bas been held for severai day*, for, the lection of a speaker la surily comng to be a i at ber docks in Chicago on accountý "fiat" of unusual nature. .And the expinse of havlng the f the Mrat fildts of le In the lake poldothe job wouldn't be much more than via the leg- Just outaide af Chicago, vas the titt, islaurepla, jdgi o-ms-boat ta lif tRoceor when the warm «from the prisent effort. 8 1- rIl augied tbe Ice fields ta breakc up tomed have thei people of the griat state of Mlinois bicorne PYrtîy marnlng. to a perverse and recalcitrant legisiature that the prisent Th, Maywood steamed out1 oi the deadlock over the speakership no longer causes much com- Chicago banbor digbting her way meut or discussion. The'fact that the members, of thtb'ugb the tee lust ater 7 oclock notorlous o have bien down there fer some SXsIx eek "lday mornlng. 8he 'Was 'teeted wlthout even hving accomplished thei organisatioii of the widBan efthueigstie ?arewell as 5h. oedber nouse out into the fild of lower house is accepted as a matter of course. The news- ie which Yestirda i dbrought -behj papers have scolded some but it ln no longer a live matter sinking of the Iowa or the aadricb and they have çther serious questions 10 discuss. Yet il line. Coditions wore so mach im- 18 astrngestat ofaffira,10 ay he laitant la orty lroved tbat tbeyr exlected tbat the is astrage sate f afairs tô ay te let an is ort y awood would maite thA trip»frram more attention by the people and vigorous protest as weil. chicago ta Kenosha withaut serlous + diffIculty. TIM NEW HOSPIT.AI. Hawever, they did flot figure jubt wbt the littie steamer vas ta go up In the dedication of thi new Lake County Gîieral hos- aganst In makîng tbe trip ta Wauke- pil Iak county reaches a milestone in Ls carier'ilu Ci- gan. When one considers 'that she ngfor theneedy in a suitable mnannier, a mannier intirely left Chicago at 7 o'clack ani Sot off 'consistent with the progress of an up-Wo-date and e<>ly Waii'<egan about 3 In tbe af-.ýrnon, it condcilld conty.prop laeasee 'wbat a ifigbt she bad up the cOuiUctti oUn~y.laie shore route. ,>h.$ steker ar- Whon, manuy montha ago, the idea was iuggisted that. ived OPOosIte Waulteglan at 3:3tl but, Lîke colmty purcluase the old ILAke Breezi sanitarium again, it faced a ligbt to get into Wa,,- may eron ad ee oespevsr ilttdbcu kegan harbor and lt vas 10:30 bef<,re 'af t equesi n be p a tc b u y ofTi l n o e e, hen, she eft for Kenoaa and Ra-t Kb.dea1 wàn bogusdbreltl h ony5 it cine and vas expected ta arrive back plat";but, they su ht nndael r .E rvroute ta Cicago. 1h cuty physicatohot0ftebsnsafar of Hd UIg Cargo. th oolony, it wau shapefl imb a formi where it coulti be The steamer carried a big cargo out operated to ativantage as a county institution and flot only 0i Chicaga, about 250 tons ai mer- muits expinus but lessen th.expWenses of providing deck:.îebngnbrhodadn hospital accommodations for nîidy patients.. Hard Fight More. J Forthwlth it bicaini apparent that ail the institute 'Arrivait opposite Wlaukegan, the t Ueeded wus close busins-Uke attention, and Dr. Brown boat ran againwt ie that .as 10 fet' rocieded to Çvi It that at once. The comiittie nameci tblck, and, according ta ber captain, chb. iaugbt througb afield aifie fulih- chaiulm lchto b inchare o theinaitut, I. 0. that thlck for a mile and a haIt be-*D Noyer of Premonti, James b of Lake Poreut and fore getting bIta Waukegan barber.J John 2=01Won of Waukegan, imdaey bigan W co-op- Imagine plaving tbrouh e 10 feet in barmony cntioswui.iW ln end a mre b.Th in, workmng t ooan Ibojlta1 wu needed where a&U kinds of cases, othera- as WeilM as tubercular, couid be ae for, tàe idea at finIt being TEE prlu*iy 10 car for county patients only. Bo, plans were T QEZSe. directeti along that lime.Anth ouy board authorized P.RO ~ the apr priation necessarytW gît the building tre M NN R O a0r committewreou talfra most modernM ONB E O boSpital. 1AST Q . 9111r changes then were suggisted which would maice Bi it possible W finish u1P the structure as a "general hospi- Llgbtnlng, It le said, neyer strikes si, twice Ia tbe same place, but burgiars NW taV "oni which would hi availabli and usable for al l hs- are nlt so particular, as lndicated by pitl purposes, availble to anybody who cared Wo obtain tbe ifut that 3'niday night thieves sucl services, andi not excluslvely for dicouaty patients" again looted the Yeger and Hamlat iW as wuaa fnit intended. Thus, the changes were made andi store at North Chicago, taking goads nMw, ater the committie andi Dr. Brown worked ont the to a value ai samethlng over $100. It Hi vas but a iew menthe sgo wben rab. Cfi dtails a>d sa-w 10 the busines-hilce construction of the bers braite Into tbe sagne store and: bandoome lnqttution, Laki county hias a hospital builti- escared wlth a quanUtY ai merchan- Fr 4- uMd equlpmeOnt Of wlilch it may well b. proud and dise. The Police have heén notifiedg whhwil comparei favorabbly vith any of itasisue in the but as yet bave been able ta securi It pevies aplae fý anbog Wh wi8ý0 osna clev ta the ld.ntity ai the. thleves. th: oeuury.It rovdes plce ouranyody ho ishs les-one thîng te itnawn-4the hhier la pli vces te gî t eibum;it provides a pla~r 1h. poor; tii case was ether a boy'q a very f t-provldeg a place for i t svi.Itapa.h r n stmnfor be sque.zed between1 anl patients are on1 a level whether they are county cbarges 1BeaVY iran bars that were bareiy six Jr. or paiti patienlts, that 1, so fan as hospital accommodations Inche a aart. Tbese hait been ilaced G. on th. rear vingdow ai tbe stare fol. 90o> And, while prinuarlly planned, as a cut hospital, lowtg tbe lest robbery.1 the sope of the institution thug lias bien broadend until mrHuaiet discavered the robhery Jur il truly can assume the nane of "The Lake County Gun- wben he olened the star. ibis marn. bai iraI hospital." Ing. He bu nat yet mnade a camplete J-1 To Dr. Brown and the committee, Mesrs. Meyr, K Iinventai,' but te follaving articles Gel ]Ugare knavn In bave bean taken: ' Pei and Emmons, 18 due mnuch credit for the close -ttOUtin 6 blue suite, aises ranging from 36 HO: they have paid Wo the construction of 1h18 institution andt ta88 valued at $15 Bach. Ci te fitting it ont; to them lu years to come as the hospltails 3lPairs ai shoe$. valued et $3 and W. 1" service comtes to b. appreciated, by the pbcaIl 83.50 Derlpair. jodt1.5 a b tb. more, people of the county wll give credit sud more 2 suit e es . Wie 2.0eah creit.Otheir articles nia, bave bean taken Au' We lieve Lake county las done a fiue thing in eneCt- but the. tact baasnat ,'et been discaver. M'i il tiS ineinstitution for its people; vi are im in the acd. Tbe belief tu that the robber or JaB bietht1.ctofmitnniineer .suhthtcrry ru took the. tvo suit cases ta Wk bO ftha th cos ofmaitennce M nv« e suh et crrytheir other lent. on. ai tbe Hag il will hi noticiti, for, by being conducteti on consrvatve robbers cbansed his shaes wbIie In JaR Mdt careful,,linos as ail countY boardi comumittees vii ex. the plae. leving bis old sgoes there. Ja, pect IL to hi conducted and as the prisent counîy 1 .V Tbe fin naie Inutide of theni la Kir- Wu cln bas shoffu heisl capable o! conducting 1., it will lu aill Kendai &COC. Mr. liailet bas con- E. -susainng ad Yt tidM moernsulted e Chicago diectory but bas Iez PrObablttY hi self -utligat e unauamdm faii.d te fin<1 listaid there. Hom Place for the poorer patients of Ibis important couaty. Thiscauses hing tta ibni thst possibly J J the shaes vere Purciiss.l nMlwen. Jo ree. 7hc ýThe sate i8 in the, irontnPMt I fthe 'T New Dsoovery WiiI Register ColorandItls Intmnsity for £ye HthetoUseiue. PROOF AGAINST BUROLARS. Eleotio Thief Catcher Wull Shoot Burgimar Automnatioaily and Take Nus Picture. 't 10 the latent thlng lu Science. and hors arenos ofaithe thlngs viiicb cau lie accnplilsbed tbrough Its use, au Proved b,' experinients -ai Johunla>'s naies fting, Lake Forest. J. T. Emmons, Waukègan. j Hamnin d. B. P'. Meisaner, Dr. Aezan. SPR der Graham Bell, sud a dosen Nnglisb, enSV) J. 0. WELCH. Aboie are- shovu tvo ai the ram. mucix tîme nd effort In th errange Genman and French scientiste: Wogv trfgsrne h aÇ iltvlà ibas had charge ai the ment af the rpnt'aWhoae an I prtea leti ttfcece e u esopi hursintsiheoake ei bptIa lienvLk on e yto ~ovr lest yesr and. vlth the 1 whih vill automatîcal,' shoot lbhei tenderisg t* lnutit4aton ta the Po> enai~~~ bq~tl atdedicated a et lad ai Côuaty Doctar Brown, lb.,' la- burgiar. talle bis-Pîcture b,' fiahllgbt Pi@ iteoM tho hird. site ni Waukegan. The third boret! bard In the planning sud erec. and send lna aStrm ta the coroner. ,membe, of the cainuntte, la H. W. V. tion or tbe 0ev general basptl. The police department aud the ouhier ail -Me,'erq or Fremant tawnship. T'y as supsrvisors, necogntilng thel shlit,' the robbed establishment.I It niiglit.I(lie paper vas unabie ta get aud sinccnity In tbe Institution and 2. Transmit pîctures sud actual CD UNTY BOARD CHAIRMAN' ýa pîcture of Mn. Mey'er vho sald be Its vor«ý, lent them i al the necessary @celles b,' wtre. no that a 1rs ib~WH badnt "uat" for tventy-fiye years. aid ta accamplish bei.dcslred euh sud th Reno Meay be shovu ounaànioving WH WOviE BROAD SMILE Mesar e er chrmngasereslLkeCut'toa'h.pîcture screeu In Chipago, or a bottie AT HOS81TAL DEDICATION and Emunan, as the cammîttee on ane of the. fiuest general basptalsof! ou tb, Thanies portra,'cd ta a neutral , the Lake Caunt,' sanilarluni, devoted auy count,' lu the Ble,,!audience In New York. 3. ContraI e boat or torpedoaet ses Krkise, ientri;Geo.Hocony an alrship vithout havIng e buan i<raiae, enton Oea Ho n!Aul-1 operelor In the boat or aIr crait. LiS I 0F AuxORS ochb Simon Galagher. Itichard Briggs,J 4. Preyenî future rallroad w*-eks Cake Villa- GffardWhte, Avon; Bert b,' maklng It Impossible for traýs ta E'ddy, John Jaci<evay, J. T. Emnionu, couic wlthln a regulatee i dstanoe ira Dl IRIIC. F. Buctk, Carl Bork, Mari,' Ba ifg.ecbother. Ibroughba systes 0 aillsha T. J. Merchant, Pbilip Br4nd, Jr. Vau jcotroIl.d, b,' seleniuà rcelIle. Cruultcourt Jutons drawu fon the kegen; Wllard Curtis. a nes Ander-f 5. Malle the bUnd «s«» 1,' ieviag March tern ai court fallow sou, Jr., Paul Sitz, Geo. Wenban, tumesunlgpaea1slnui Marc# »t, lirst panel: Shields; Frankt Canin. Libertyvtl!e; 1wblcb viliiregisien color and lis lu. Bentan:, C. D. Chappell, W. M. Col- Heury' Clii,, Arthur Je,'nes, Cuba;1 tensiiy. b, SeantelCale, Rl. B. Griffin, P. B. Fned Lemker, Fred %Kna»p, George! Johnsan. licbman, Fred Gnimm, -E; G. B. Antioéii: >kalpia Field, Fned Harden, Umbdlenstoclc.Jas e menlch. Vernal,; DIES A MARTYR TO THE PA8T. Otto Lent,. Fred SelIg a.mues Maliield, Leslie Joliet, Ill., Feb. g.-Miss Mary Com Grant- Rd ?iebter. Brand, Nilk Redmoud, 0. 1. Rocken- stock, 82 years aid. e pioneer ai ibisue Lake-VfIII:- ýJohn DeIziel. bacb. West l)eenfield; Jas, Watson, E. clty, vas burned ta destb lu ber ho.. Warenen: William Deiziel. Parka, Uebl. Oneenelade, Deenileld. ai 306 Henkîmfer streel. Bih. bad Waikegan: J. C. Arthxur, H. Hat- 1 ------------ j y o> f moucy, but used candles ta isiord. F. E. Clark, John Drlnkwiue, Keep Samny. 1llgbt ber home. She fell asieep wblle........... S,' Eddy, P. J. Gallowsy, Emil Cus- Store a UilIte sunshin, In Tour heart 1 neadlng a Bible lest nlght. The wlek Chi an .G. ech and the gray' days wiU be cagter.-.43> facni elan g0. h e- ChimnJ .W lh latsou, Charles Harter, Meyer Kubei- lumbia Statý~Jcohs u lndtebd Shid. H en L rynVj i acanie eu (0f Newponi> LIbertvIlle: Hernie Davis, Heury' >obler. FPrank Wright, Jr. iE:a. R. Flieke. W. H. Knueger, John HL Mey'er. Vernom : R4. Brehin, Andnew Fin. bacb, I.M. X XiPf, Dan Merachbengen. West peerfeId: John Yane. Deerâi«d: SaRbert W. Lant, w. j. MeNaniy, W. Wilsoe. Maroli lbth, second panci Bentoit: WimpCale, Fred Engiv. eren, B. t. Hanke, B. J. Hopkins, H. P.Mansfield. I Nevport: -LeroY' Alcocit. Grant: Leslie Paddock, Joe Saupe. Warren: Robert Dad,'.j Weukegan: John Asmus, John j1 Burke. Thomas Grad,, Conrad Mall:f tein W. A. MiladY, Percival Pearce, V. R. White. Sixte : BlLdl7fi. fi.RaIpt«fsouB Shields: H. J. Finie,', John O'Keefe, Nilliem Stecle. Ltbertyville: Bert Brashen, Fred chler, Charie,' Kieni, Frnk McCioud, ,harley Smalc. l'remont: Banne,' Aman, Frank Predenicit. Cuba: M. A. Bennett. E: August Fraeiicb, Dan Mecar- hy. Vernon: J. P. Anderson, John Me- saughlln. Dcerfieid: P. M. Bard. William C., .John Freberg, W. C. MeKeuzie, C. Folloving la e Îlst of the grand rors for the Marcb tenm, the list aving, been -dreanioda,': R. Fosolnd ...............uetonL eO. Kirk..................enton eti Gleeson ..............eport Omen Wieuke...........ntioeb as. MeCuirs............ntiocb rK. Kimbail . ......Grant J'au Tain .............. ke Villa Y. y- 3xes... .............. Avou r. Baratable............nren stlin H-utton ............ ukegan lilip Blrand Jr .......... ukegn 'ePh Broc1980In.........aukgau liter Huntoon........... iedg rve,' Hy'de............... ieldg L.Mecit....,.......... ertyville ie Hertel............ eiont 'M. C. Dillon ...........waucnda '1Martin............. ube ern L , A. Pehft -.W.... .Deerfield 'hu 0'Keefe.......... ...Deerfield, ous, Montis...........,De erfeld Two Juries wne dran, Ibis niOAli 9, one for the - cireuit court for the arcb terni and anc for the April. mi ai the canal, court. The, count,' lut Sis oas l'alovm: e bar fro. the jInade o f the. beiJ or, attemptîlua ta bave kla am., J rbut, iound the. door loclted. Tiie ffluee hi*. way ont- between. the. Soi Our Wlndow Display AMiI A Special Purchase of 500New Spring Waists j ' that never sell D~ " ,for less than 1.50 and 2.00, in a great sale uq e Without doubt these waists at the remarkabiy low price of 98e will create a stir in and about Waukegan, for each beautiful Waist bas neyer been sold before at such a price. Included in the large assort- iet Se Our Window Dlsplay t$Sale a" -a Lgerie Waists Madras Waists il These waists are made in the latest high or conve abeneck style, have ful lengeth eleeves and-are shown ini a lot o! eutfl pat- terus. Al<izei the various styles. Crepe Waijsts 1 VIN jFýwjW N lyý à JO ta sk il

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