,uun~yq ~ &Ire. I to et ciWmtuea,lateltkmg Rai rak tnuemmast bus isla Phgip8debuefer utimg bis aliter ai - Joliet a loer veshe. MT.F. SWAN Ob". l c f Pakatise, presseda Correspondetend Agent francIeseo mtre lvleagaboard astheU c uîuthlp meeting ofer an eléocrleiv abi compa.t op tmruci héir linmes ilimg Cha.. bah of Wadevortb. le visilng Out vjl« loag n <«m . .Z W.R.R vibh J. L.lrvbng. VThe board bass alen te.franehîse under OscarPenny of Cicago. speat Suaday consideration. Wlir Me. Wa. Cropiep. Ut. uraan, Who ie8 a caille onut J.J. bar ot s oacne, @pont the veek- oant of lova n .tbe Palatimo dd, hél ed4 lied mdlr. lBertSwan. an aciion iaînvdap mand viii mnov* te Mr 10. .WIls vs iii a ev dey@ I Luetana vttb bisIaitp1, verehbai whevii aeeveecold. le etin flmimdvi 1%e LadIe' Aid yull meet viih )dra IL P. Rmusou Wedestiap, Feb. 17. Mr. Mmd Its. 8. 8. Wood@t n mday vlttbihir soe mmd famiip ai Hbbhatds Woodm. . G.'apne, vbo ha.heein qute ick lasagain aile to b. ont. .liLs.J. L. Irving apnt a fsv dopis vSk vlth lier parents at Watiivorlh. A ehsigia bai frou hmere a.ta Graya- lab" AaSV.odm euming m»d apemt capkeemmevoming ai the home of inr. Mrt. m&" Mi B . I..Trpp aurenodiag a levdmasthie vcok la Chicago wvisa lir. Tripp le témding the Lumbermnimm' momuaa i s heffaa hôtel. Thé Ladies Aid yul gire an oysee sepffl le lie churci parnots Tburedap e veulog. Foi. 18. O. A. King lias ecai homo for th@ peut Weusi vith an att&A o f tie grippe, but àeluéhti bittaip ts lriimg. P. C.Sliaddle took aslelgi boai b Loibryviole Suday attetîcoon where ilbe as mtended Vepersesrvice. Rap Wollo mmd faamip @peut ïBanda>' ai thme J. B. VeW" home. Rair. Ramof Libmrtville,vwu la lova ?mssi a mu on aumerona frlcmds W". .Vol maie an overlami trip <o Çacale aeou Tuu.dap cf ibis vssk. laSlabsipolpitlelnt Snuday umwa d émla" amaerge ana. ugbosiit amibe , Fw"-A l"oP.m" a fanald iS î b.gimet aIelieli. . QAWNbâb, lâ4rtjVI4le on Frkduy i. ' vnrylîh. cl vsaChicago ugito c Dlo; pent V ~ s ep~4l.mldovtuns <o -Va e bama Amosaluen - Item UsIe to. <byreach 16M 0pet Aniury&Lance mICU otartIfarmlag ou a larger anale. He ha. rmtei de Sisn. 1W.. Haphe, who vill Move on Il. Match lot. lit.ad Mm. fRoy oncung visite d the formet'a parente ai Crystai Lake Bun. C«i. Kohl va. a Chicago viotor The Ttiepbome Co. has many mme About this oomlunlt repalrlng ibm daîýnguscacoed by the tr.. 1 will b. at Lake Zurich every Wedne. dey and Satutday up tb Marbtch îto receive pour taroe, andi Tburaday, Psb. 10h1 Iviiib. nt Ollmer. H. C. Meyer, Tax Colleior. 21e1 '*Wanted- .VODmpanion" a fardai entertlinmen L viii be gi Von at the M. 9. GpnDiuoni, Libertyvilie, on Friday oveicg. Pebhmary 121h. . el Mm.. A. Rouese as a Waukegan viitor luit week. The Ladie' Aid wii meet witb Mr@. Water Leniker, Thuroday afternoon, Feb. 18..1 Ut. Simansan hu been siek the paut veek. M.-Â. Woodln and B. A. Mille were Cicago risiturs 8atuidap. lits Neaili la @pouding the voek ln Ch="g. lira. Ka"e Wa* a vietil of a surprisei Party Frway evenag. About 85i yen proesa. Cards mnd old feuhlond game ers mussments. A ggood lime vea sujopsi. Thé svmt vms luhonarof Uts Kam'e birihdap. lire.ReurpTekamps e 1 poadimg a leur daja wlsta ber daugbter, lire.Clark in Mri. anmir.Fred Thomms»md fily, lir. d un,. Fred Nordmuen md baby lit. am Fmre. 7 wo** s, f e1t Smaiar miiernoon ai ithe borneof Frank lin. andln . .W. Thomm. mnd fih., lv. aud lire.Fred Norsper ami dabghter'opsmi Saitdp senag a *@ bosse of Chae. Nouimeyes. Sbbaimg bis S1tb blwbday. *SIemcied a arni of onmbe. bleken euppor vosmssed %me Taie Attorney' Alec Dmabtsa r»Promet- i lug car W. Weeisrf.li oder pet' iod a mm'ppealle exspreocourt of both tleie resi uni luberltancej ta i malterala vbiob tullng aiiarae1 ta: Mr., Wetercift orm alursbyi Circuit Imige'Prou. haAuapped bondi ef 88&000 va, led il a salicase ami the bill of exceptions aIma vas led. Tila actiombe lie cm,.ont of th. circuit court ami lie net *tep viii ta'Le Il bcfore lie iupreme court. Il la lie belief liaI the auprome court ,Wi vp aas upamitIbm caio adÎ' lie Aun tecm. The antount 0f money vicb Judge Prost beli lMr. Wetrfieli jmust tom aoven le about $15,000. LINCOLN Whose brithday we celebrate on February 12th was oeie cf Amerîca's strongest advocat.ei of oaing., His "Teachieconomy Ihat isione ofthe fit virtuee. Ittbéginï§ witb aavlmîg mone;y is known to ait. Now is the tirne t.o ro ow big toachings. OPEN A SAVINGS ACCOUINT 3% Interest 3% TH-E CITIZrNS' BAI< esilhke Iis Bank Your Boul e I1om, BAFE DEPO IT BOXES Pq)ft SENT Uic. Dalus ilet Mmd bem< Ibes. Misé Dreova. bave 00WuoS &WR4iw maco andi lire. H. C. CbasSeWiT*pior WCitThorai. day for Au$nele5, tue Join lMr. ChalâidToyior M aiml ititsprlug vben ebe viii teintiake r osai. Vin. audiea, Jr, vasai hbolpe ito InlitinoisUnvratr loi a 4w de@s 1ma Ut..maidlireJomme WariThur» bhave Om Il ovoida, vhcss &by vililis a4" gïssis of lir. aMdi lr@ tanrance Aimant on thei houes boa&. lit, anti Uns fouthvick .1 Cicego. arne vilimg at the home of theit dao»h. *ot re.mFrank Rend. lir. amndlire. D. Mark Conmimpe vi give a tilamer dance lionday sveimg, Puèb. 15, ai lhe CasInu Club labohor of Mir. anmr. Franklin Remington. lira. Bugli C. 8.11h enteransi ai carda Tbeasdap ailcrmoon. i The. dam oe es la Andumaone hall Vmdaudas eveulug bz -Tb. V" club vms injoputi bi &largaesimer of people. licmManion Lamber% enertalusi the .etonstet Gailti Circie et a potrlatie part' i t bhoume Thoasyvenlag. Miss Fraànes Kemnp I4viilag wvîl triennseut Keane, IL SCHOOL NOTES On Jan. 29ti Claton W. Lunbani, vho ts a papli of tbe fancona opera star Rafla, gave a splendid reilinla onjant. lion viwita.m Love aitihe Waniogae Consrvatory of Mlunic The falavlng MiutiY b. sang a groum is onge for ihe studente of lbthe mrfiled-8hlMed %bg sebool vith Ut. lileici a. Maccol panist. lioaday evenlng, Feb. 1* hob viii sing a gronp of sangs for theo Lae Fuorent Woaten'a lub, tihe uccampouist for lb. occaion being Mdiss Klng. Thé gymnasinaiof telie h<i sema vers openedtifor cdansa ork un WVotas,. The ho.. coming ofnie lb.Aimna. of tii. Dertieid-Shielde Rlgh cehoo vii b. celebrated at, thes higli sehool friay ovcuag.1 The Parente sud Tomcber@ Aouocation heud tboiit relar monthlp meeting ou LmessTManThmesMinusWas, Coesmqd ~eoeIhgFull Panel Of lume Wld*kegau, Feli. 5. AftorMe t< e o ms9f Citrilan "s Ecaibea l in ici M. ChuWlusa l aulag s-Mgg iabn mi rota.,of a «mumor jeN"t ai goumi 1.411efer fi150pic roui vbb e cialma agrewi <o pMyfer lte roui of a cet- tage M am aab clg'ob«r, m. tlbliisbeiareord la sccutlo a Jury vbele ibey muuren eaus at n ael cf l;reive "lutopla coalierbty lbu lima ltres l meaualaie Tiar"sea'a. ter,0e92 Tbo* ut>' aIn estion bai mest dom.. pltai'. cameau&It il va éirai liaIa u, I1111e lime ac poasIblo lie lest la sccnlag a jury la tie Chilsllaa vs Reumeuea. Attorney CburdiUI iof Grayalake maota, istweuv Jqrnm If lio vo amyo etlime InieresodIni thl, e aMd te#^ te algufythà. at iy ,e lm<x theïr baml. N0l a baud ami&d nFemho be me tIn %o aguty tu lie namas mammer If liey maev of auy tam- amur vby ecouldi ne try lime case fain>' anmilmpmrtilliiy>Agala not a lian ovai. "1I accept lis Ivelve." he anaoaac- cd. ."Tan iavew'i anpling on me- almo accmpt them," Atorney Welas de- clarsi vlihout amy prollmlnar>'que,- tions. The case proceeded imasiibo. 17. it »ema liaI 7.. Clritia ownsaa six acre tract of lam" improi viliw a amail boume. Thisla bocaiedon Ibe boba sof Rouai a. ýGeorgeRemis bum emflaiup Mr. stim e b.ment tor Mie.Chita4atin a si about remblant ho Placé for aàpar oau litiho couii nis vegtabla. Ibere* o ap Mir. triasaM thelb.ntrouyogiS ha sis pr e r aMidltai i. imu.lalee anumccOulaihbe ouMaccept lhe oseor. .Wblwm u <by o lgisr le drav up libase it M. REesbamidi li mmi<boa besaus li t Uing dli ual haie %bé uese «.basy, voi li hsasee en, f-"bleu pslB@, bo ea,, loe pao the ala l.point <atien e ramI vu, toeh -01 a ydmr, payable seul. annualley. no mineliant vies lI *Mte a cheekbtuoieni. drt sMx umnbarcu< liaI Sbmug iftbrai uehlmbetut, valto e. h 81 O eroms. unv. Dm.. han pintei& te lhe lemeMAmi"m i f si)obe for useR.b &MO iotelot u liai liv. nomas "ba u he givecaa COPY 0 ellsse. 1l'h. hidpuini . wriouin, rob. i. Psy Labào tstea heu v Alter da.' an lgi melonm, trllt ow qt O gVÏ ptgihg Mx agenuot W.iauday ait Mai lime Xi ormailla emp»atc*' imtlg w* l iei o-ciook iis avnmg0rRb, lthéaMW laloi olu eclcii w tw 1 ji lt 4 cng é e " o e f B lckso i vu _dou mdu l&a t aiu tom ber« xnov i BielëetA O mrelurnei a verdict "'On, aïesiobw -gRadece Mticaej 8111000 damage. Tii. verdict vue ham té<oNàiuàl for lBest reciiomlymter a pltchei uat4oise theii tratIgpad i miniulon tla igmi immedlalely aller the dcrdfg <tu Cnaity deuiantmtde JurY st nt o ir tom. uati lihevqr. A. Simpson. Ut. Simpson uli dict il va remoae about 9: 30 o'clock llraclioguy SailLabo couuty tolle t"1 Me0619g. 'Ilrequirmi 23 ballots vibave mot pet the normai roq tu Arrve t.ei&averdict. The lovatit mmté iilhave pleaty c 01 tt verdict anqgaed ise aa8500 the igi.quire tis b>' Aussithe ami est ielug MM00. samiomuo e n ormal uchool. Te IMtiel almter rotlring tu Iboir eséap lïié tour pyu" on a Jury Musa liaJury <00k a balot as leugad et ls afmter tbm lav, Me SMGior lumcente of lia déot, ô# a Nst ieluY 1,4914. sent& . h'Fiuoo e hejury vas Tbée m Wa ilcumsiaii unnfmomi zfer toit. Then begam tho eigithelb.Oounty Umrlau battie s mutaeIbmeamont oft Ibedans. convection at Normal InUarp ages. For a lime the jury remalmedsîuerntendant Simpson Mi 80 tlghtip idiorked liai v*as jpriicainjo il th# uuporintendemti fiaredtilaI a dIsagreemeat algit ou- proyii cf the w a wu. Il la- Bue. j liai lhe lay viii vork 11111e ha:1 Wlmen tbe Jury vsai, for 111011rexcept la tis southeirn part af breakfast this înorning at 7 'clook gute., they ceeorni 11111 nearer a ver'dictl CiI> Touchers Up to Grade.* than théy vers viien lie>'tat atart. A great malorlty o!lith e ta ed. The mattor va. g"ne 01K« la lake county.achoolis hav.4airl thoroughiy hovever, and rtuer thau had nmne normai vor.*i,»Ê uporir have a iuagroment tie jurona whc' dent Siampson sald. Tii. clIp te beid out fer a large -verdict aont ers have mi a eue amear't noc those via vanted a smaller verdict and ment of tbm rural tecbera comPromiseil and gradually bit the 111lu grade certificates veve afo hcappymediunm. tu pracîlcmîiy aol teaciers Who Oue cf the thIlgi vilch tie jury tught for fit. yearsmuier a bomi wismedti t imprese upon tie court. the sincation or a boari af directorr attorneys and tie defendanls as a.litheIbmtime liaI the 1mw ventfiate in teîr mini tie plaintif vwa, en. teà lutmi uly. filedti o nlY la actual damages but Tie rs bave besa many coînpit 10 Punitive damages masvoi. Thu . by tle achemi, speclaliy aithte à their verdict rend liaItbptouai ndthe. oouvention at Sprlagfleid lan3et defeadani, guilt>' aad asseuaed $1,600 ber, liai lie la mint bacau as actuluai"Aagenad$600 au puni-. <ti whvie ai Soou oNormal for tve damnagea. Tiey diatrlbuted ii eartasud wio bat absoluteipy noV as follovs: ticaierpeu e ea u hboIbeter q $750 for John Waiiéaier. IfidacCording te tie mev Iav lii $750 for Martimi svote. isacher of 10 peau' exporlance $500 for Mns. Svete. fusilmot vou e Normal. lit vu, p James Dnfy cf Highland Park,* c-.ed outt liaI a teacier vbo bau ta, lag a, tonreau of tiie Jury, hanici tour peuseut.acb six yoaa thii verdict tu tie clerk mand Il vas (rom m ai July betoreshe is v beh Passed ta lis court. Hmevaa4 ilfi réi because cor lait et Normai tirougi canetully adthon after a QUIremmula consultation viii th. attornapa la tic ceao, lstreclie hejury liat ilHCorde on 1the Table coulinOct Oi a verdict for severai Amusing la tbe. rsquent cf a m amout, aid bat <lie verdict, If acy. cmr preparationan r for a lady ansi be lna alump oim su mai gmîa aady bau, "eaultui long 181 ail thb. defemdanta foumi gulil>'. Re Mais," te vi e bU; 'hl erlu orderes helin l'retire in timir Inury are foradIl if s 1111vis hapil roous sud prepram tier verdict. taDedfer idiertisemiemi muarp Il;wasbuta tw mThor* lu a framknemu élmal 1111e Ilva bt fv Inuties later 1îibe. Firalgotthbelady, tlienp vhoa lie Jury rtoapple tei v he bybar pitoreg boy grimesai&part toilovlag verdict:.ireimlaiams pisyed la mahn «WalieeJury. lad lie dofendants vial shetllTlis la layin the ci guilly and aa lesseplaintif du-maes a ou tlildeM.-Tbe Spleersi la lie simuofai8,000. Tic Jury va, masie op a. foiiows: Y«ca ri h15000 perona w Jamnes H. Duit>'. toreman; Harrison 1>' ibveugo the ludeppde.t. fibur, Charlsa ONeili, Frank Cater ______________ W. il. Dalziel. O. Svan-, loin Hart, m. Shafr.,Guny'Clark, Abert KielalPoN NW 0 Charles licOuire mand George Holal. dui a case wherg punitive damnagesI*A aire returned l sbovs liai lie jury Peopie laU Ibistov" viii h glu menait to shov liai lie> toit tie de- hmar b t hO miturecf m"Pl@e i fondants bail aboya a vîlful dusre- ilote bari ist s. ie., beo gor ofthelaw 44«4g44Mmrd'b s u. b ialiuliet gond f ti davrs. be "Pl$ remedy bois Peler Ertc'inon tiRai ratior uide-a- famous i r ug appeuOgolena 1>' about Ivo por. ugo. l'h. cor- abu s omi liai JXST AÀSIN ,ont's Jury louni itat ho came b ils JIU» elsem mm s tieci. vu doai troni acololl poaoaag.STAIMI LTbossass. Il trains offa Mrs. Caroline Urlckaoa slaited suit la uurprlelng aumouat 0o oii1 AgaluaulJohn Wafltenter and Martin tw AijS lg fiveta. tva saloombespers, tlctber UROCER deSC.ND. Oruggiati witi thel vive,, tonr $10.000. Mns.______________ part>' b the suit. lire. Briebsan vsW..ft reprevoateti b>'Attorneys R. J. Dai>dy Iî 11 and A. V. Smith. Bolh aipressed .lJiJ 5 J. SALI themaclves pleasai viti lie verdict. The defeniants vetorprourentod by Ail auction oai,îlputO4ished in Attomrneys George IFlo f Waukegan. Independoni t.echargedfor ait M artin Docker of North Chicago and rats af 8 cents a lino whon an ort 0.'B. Goocb of igivooi. for auctiimnilla accompenies Waiienter denied bavlng sli liquot notice, otherwise <ha regular ri tu Eriebsonwitie Avete osalhii un. of 10 conte pet Un, ibe chargi piy bai mol bil a a ackles vortit or a dinie's vorti of béer gr Kilkey La Havlas solti hie fanibrhe untital a poilioccaionaaly. JHe ienliedbey- vîlil MIs i bccauetlion on thec lag aold liquor cicr the ba.r to im.' novu aà the He-ramon Piqhet fmi Tic dofense rougit tu shov liaI Mrs. Mlses od f Arma, 4 mil" s as Eriçkgoa olten baiý purchase i iquoir Wamiantia. 2% miles aorth.qaa of fil for ber huobani. The. plaintlff ea* mMd 5 Piles north of Lait, Zurich, ci pimlaci lie pont bat gtlckom bai T1IUBIIAY. VBIIRU % iT 18 disi as a rosait orlilquor pnrebsl ncdlatomeneng'al 10 a. m. tlicefolo tlo Ivo saloons "4 ibat iboreithIemproPerty: 22 heeatti-18tmiceo salnomikeoimers wvire tiiy. frssb Mallier andtI s.lw.p .p, lugeso.m Il la said Iha 4eteffl viii1 argue for bl r ii t>kbl 0,,,.i a nov triai anditla cacIb tis le daniai S heifmrccllv,,8 i111- 8l..c b. a M" ta'<e amin uai. pois) rha> tere, 12 ypro ol.l w 1 blecbfamfI.,h-....il)i r..,. bj ope-klig af La.4wVilla. financi ai iket-it, eneiicîcu 4 cr. cd, -1«. troubles the GUIsysabTImies sai lua orOlol tli. liec..'.t ar:"Thon lu ouidy smo Iblag li aîrhluth,,-l..c ~o vIbib lie lbosMc evrl .mamg ht o 15..Y ;u,.r :,« miel showvMd um dgolu t. lh mi 2.Io.c75 2 ; o_ 4. ,-ulit âcella o, 2 b ore AWýlal4u as go sésicorp.», be. ivbat sliow ap4 moid ' o fihpeedl, aSuaete hair? oit bauge.. i0 le bavitsa, lot exçw raim é~loi ,of lt T. eâoeeolieàt endi huie, 150 Pluaou* I tai We R ck o hes,4 dmbr, ta t sois eri tsbsie6cais nuire. muph "»de, 079oWur cou to a» ueoa1 aale =mer ljeuallva,.Frelunch aimoo. rellih. H. L.FlbPr. eoud Wm. Pette., Aucilonee. veet X. G. Sehv.em, 0.1k. îeimîu 1Savlng deeldui to quita farmlup' 1 *11, tiai Wffl of Uberbyvlsumd 4 allai aoew, . ct ap: eil <tir meleSeanid 2 uulies morfia ut ,-"aid Allaai net s uuimlk station lia îs@hmip BÂTUIuAT, FEBSUARY 20,49>15 aith e 10 o'clnek ebarp The tolion de. seribed properti: 24 choies nova, ali tuberculse tbees; 10 apringerur, aleur, w misful cave; m1011hlond Holutin bull, 89 Weady cuir«., 10 hores, brown hruS, 5 yr oid, Inten- vi; 1500; blaek baýr@e, <ù pr oid. wvs4250;1 taci. ire* hures. 4 yr ni, wut 1200; blaci 02 llorse, lWpr nid, wl 1400j, bay hors. S mîso. sr oiti, v 1300; Islack home, à yr nId, esued wt 1800; broya mare, dl prold, vi 1400, > ailu alsi ift koree; grey hors. 7 ypr nli.i vi f t1150, ilu10al Perry hors.; 2 uarllng tti e cfult. 9 brood uowa, 4 fail #hoat»,. 1501 naieblekens, i6 fuil blondi MuSovp docks. ie-250s@bocks cortn, quantillpofibha,10ý hotuse Poaer Portable gaseuegine, 16 luch laflts Freetean alla fIier anti carrier, 60 It of stltec6 emieis bslotlng, Dain hay loadér, eern« Dering mu vs?, Gai sulky pinte, vait. us Il fagplov, 2 Om cultivatavu. 5 toolli bywoecultivator, Diu puiveriser. Acus powesr!. p aost, Emston cota plater vitlireît, sn a bob u"lbi, top buggy, mllk veaou, Who rond vugon, ermâ oparmior, chute,, P l u cunbatar, à asti double emnise, 2 us*s migilelaishapes. 20 m11k eue, kitebse mureicve, tnamîliy hon.shold goutte, rovbe.-» 1'O* himaktef, forke, pik, chorais, sddls d - ani 1001 smHatIle. luaterme. Plenmlp b @al ai 0om. 9. EL. DavasaPrap. Col., L L. Dowpes, Ancioum. maxi, a Rofu, IL D. Weltll Clatie. 2 v ho Brler- OIANCERY NOTICU. *ùto. Blute 0f Illmolu. Coumty oflake. nM me. Circut Court 01 Labo Couy, Marté ld TOMi, A. D. 1o15. uiCv Laum . Clark va. Chxarles W, Clark, 'tOur la ýCbsMoy. Ne.711N. r SThe requiulle &Mfdavit havinsbeam ou moi la tbhe fCem of the Clark et said 14court notice la tkuONereberebr gfve to ibe gatiChartesW. omit, dw"si m at aovemd.làbat hea aboie saMa es.Coaplutuani berubofos' eduhq, Dli orf-CoMpilu aMmid court en lb. ChuMcosyBide Ith~.f Mid tbat a ema- mm t hevexpo. ausi pot à Msu Court, $aiu"the b w a vèMmmd do- tdmt-retuwo almi. ou <à. aM r y th <e tesn"f Ithe Circuit cus«Imm Lb SCoaty. té hu boiS aet ti court moume ad in la Waukegsla l id Labo *Cofluyou bMt the fanit M ndar or march, A. D. 1915. m as aula by lmw toqiiired, andm i iihsuit SO.r le mtliiPouding. zine LEWIS 0. BROCKWÂ,y1 MLM Waukgau. I., lau. 15h A. El. 191 e n J. K. Ori s, Coaplaml'a B oilcton. Ix4. vklY Jeu 22 29 Vb 1 M. 1-1 Ir th: rde,' thé etd. es ut lmer 100 . 0141 l0- ro0 Get pour ealalot fro m »4Bond .&H your orders to- ne, eltber alLlhsrtyvil or Areo., oS fou. Write dr phon 1Ouor order lu or cait.Vi l e muouris to xppnbp parceli p"t If dilred. Suherrloiome timufor unaifl g aImes or geM <hum e*"Lmun eta la UetyvileitMM& Lagothy Stores vvaii r~p~r Usa -i. ADololhaW '.- Va! Pipame isai ~eiInlûsseisadim0 usa mai' gis 1t?~~<' - d1atjmq~qa apibe Splsêàamdee v~ -~ heU. a ejugas, ioewr~ SIS~MAN Palulma ami Duesimases Pheae 304-J PUHEFIELD WaiI ehurci a man hai' a ba on-iei vu lai 'up laà 0114 "it liai Iwaa prise 1 kepl. i ha'it bWdil bel lu mIbo 01 in. e hovco the ex imae ofthei anidai te taà haitni ltho icola to ik caor t as be tN. basla a do bol SP CI1A'L' ALËi* OF GOODS SIHTLY DAMAGEO DtY FIRE m AND0 WATER, ,O AND AF17ER LRB. 15th we wil oLfr Men's Wormin'maend Chidren'. 8hoes, Sveater coams. ouling FIa$*. nie, remnante of prinis on' Calioos and Wash Goode, Sioèhinsu, Corsets and many odd items of overv ilay nuse. Thoue goodo viii lie coffrai ai pricea ihat wvi appeal le anyone havins any pomble emnw for. 1ihaîn. Wi ligie always givec our customtere a square deal au£ will do Goain tisainstance. OUR NICW (.*OCKCRY 8100K 18 low practMicay. complote. Nev .-oods in allier lUnes ar tivipg daily, amcd wv ag making ovry effort 10 cupply the needs of the onzmuniy - promplitunea possible. iy for oue. W f, eb. 15.20. w w 80to* ZC lb. ff on à#- 0'owr ,COff!r m4king gn ii, 15a lb. taa"Saa to1, oui Spevial 24 UcyPoalurry 25o, 8peoial Blend 280. r 8d 01h01 baigaima. 1