CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 12 Feb 1915, p. 7

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L~K~QU~TYIND1EPCNENT,. P2flAy, FEBRUARY 12. 1915. fJtYTENJOIFU~ I AL FORQCTY UTUp T» N3RALOFI.p VOM . U1MER AN UNJSUAL AL ALAIt IA, WE(W q W . . BUSINESSMETlIOD a oft hie wrone Chui-h (Ccntinueti Front Pue One) Rev. Harry Baohtell, '111e Boy aând- oaPw n ep uieDnei'a- W-stock, îa>'îng Evangelist,' Wants Wauke- Nis'd on HiI'Head. thé situation beforo him. Over jt J gan People to 'Try Hlm.' wolmutoARE 1 INFERS THAT SOME OF CONGREGATION O I DURINO SERMON-FULLY FIFTEEN HURRY TO PRO3Ii% INTER= EXPLAIN TO THE PASTOR THAT IT 'WASN'T ME.' Waukegan. lFeb. 9. erwisbutshe ikPed to thtnk that they NATIONAL P E A C E IT REMINDS US of a @tory:' were sousoothinzg ta hycue Onc a initerannounced te hie nome 10 sltimber. llowever. he men- Icongrogation that, on the prevlous ,iioned the fa(t that the average per- Petitions Are Seing Circulated bunday, somnebody had IlIftod" non likes to spoak te peop'le who are Among Members of the Dif- hie umbrella as they loft tho loçbking at hlm rather than te the un- ferent Organizations. OiflWCh, addlng that, union* they Indful. _____retumoed the urnbreila andf put I Like the Umbrella Incident. ln the church entranc, the next And, It was atter service thar Mr. D ECIDED MOVE SATURDAY. Sunday, ho would exposa themn Waterbury encountered an eoperience - rgmthe puipit at the evening somewhat similar t0 the miniter who MissHuthin, Prsidnt f t e rvice.Sunday rnorninq asthe apoke ut the umbreilas. As he went MissHutbin, Pesientof he initer tared e laveta',.,ediýtothe front of the church to shae Waukegao Womnan's Club, fkoaftr the morning service, 'ie lbands with his people, fIt-st one, then Presented the Matter. Gouid hardly squeeze lhrough the another and then another came up te entrace-It was almoat filird ihim and expressiy emphaslzed the 1 Te FoemtoratO f Wot-len'x Clubs 1with umbrellas. lield its regular meeting ln thp T1 - longdiaanc teepboe'JdgeDonel-perance Temple Saturday atternoon.I Suuday Rev ..Mr. Watérbury of the ~ ~N'T HE NOW BETER?1>'ta sit tahav delarti hatho F LKED THN H IS Miss Hutchins, président of the Wau- Cougregattonai church, tl'ie inany si MflhoI IKD TE E SvoYHuKO ETE? ltilàaol up hat dar lu Chaucr' RAD EL EIA.kégnWoman's Club, appeared belotéeor mînisters of thée i> (o b Whe woldcal u MoterluChacey RA __FOREL____ AL thé fédéeration and otllineti the Inter- hasnt bad simitar expériences whiii. v Ue tnusual Incident Wh e ydeeler and Inataut him flot to national peace motremeot wt.lih i hé- delIvering bis sermon, saw one. tan Epnt-aton pakeChrGoto n- atie auch an injaten.InJun théUnsalBuies1 M tod Iîng laiton up by wome's organizations three pet-sous with théir éycs close e ~cpICu-h. matm lsum t nucinai- nounced by Advanoe Agent aI lover thé country. As a reittît of andti teir beatis drnoping. He! :ook ________ rend>' hout brou grinted but was nI fYut lPrahr the statément by Mime Hutettins a res- occasion to joculari>' make th,, r'- iasued. of ________rachr. olutIon won passodl andi copis-s o! Ibis mark ln coucludlng bis tlk, that lie~ Wakgn Fb . lu view o! tige tact that thé gravé laatgteFe being rirculated among the, varl- itisi couidu't figure out whéîber ut-. Walking tai Christ Epîscopal hait been dug andi every PreParatîon aegn b.9 oua organIsations which beiong te the words hadt a "pléaaing éfect" or oth- ehurch Sunda>' evening at 7 o'clock, hat brou made for the holding of thé Thèse are duli limes' federation Wisou these petitions have a mn wth la atreaingon ifuneral the eleventhbhour tacitecs ou Théy're duti al over! iseén tiled thé>' wiil be prssentped et baumas flt bisatfhérengonthiethe psrt or Meusr. Lewis sud Rose. Sa, people are lurning ta ait kînda thé mediation meeting cîsirît l a 1ELO>EMENT IERE dooswaleddow te minalse reatéd qulte a stir in ZMon, o! méans of making a iivélilood. hé heid in Washington, i. C. The plan p mb 'thé own he minearlhé@ flouson for Outlai There. S0, why lsn't évangelîziug mst 'as 11s an effort ta stop thé great w ar a hich ".4 p Ito'he hancl ntertheal- Thé Sun Iearued why thé burtat wu@ légtimete a way o! making monèy as is decimatiug Europe-.N S I U W U IOBmer was preparing for thé hé . lnDol's ENgina reeinMIL WAU:, big Srvice wih began et ev7:30 tane lITmnedic ~an> tion htacranYhu athe F olio n o therca: ' KEE POLICE COURT hoprviedtht .14qeroeg f ierévivallat bas lue ptebuies-I great grief et thé pt-e.-nt terrible la thtthé Chn~lau ch rh"church andtheisir familles. wéré tab h- pt-î.csiîlon o! évaogéîîzîng on bis crisis nofa'arfere fiuongte tîs asnud adUica thaer, gilI kpn g bih buiéd n IYoung Wife Testifies That Hus- bat on au hé addressédl thé réctor Who fo Itr1l Zo1 u ut.bnd She Wedded Here De- va. ta bis cyoci antiharvelbé.n buéribé t but,. vance r 10The motitèrîooti of te aurit muet serted Her Soon After. *Ne," maid the reclor as hé glaucetité'sol aébenbré br.vnérpreseutative: imp ln surprise 10 ose. a man standing iThé>' now rest ln Lalte Manund cémé '"Thé Rev. Hart-y Bacbtll, Cam- derlaed andi ohiain for our uidren a Aohrisac br neoe "oat tisere b>' lhe sitar with bis batto1ry,. the aoid Benton cemétery. bt-ta Bey evangeliat wbo wîîî cou- world wltet- lire, fréedoni sud the Aohrintce l.eanep- oM 1 "itis te Eptecoptal ch'u-ch."* "Temple site le wheré thé overeeérs duct thé revival services eithtie putsuit o! beppinéas are naienahle ment ta Waukegan wlilt thé subsé- "timp,' nd hé îrugr oot-and their milles sboutdirtesud in at-mot-y next Suinday vas ordain rlass uet etnage, d not trn boktjuat Jet about, et thé hésutiful appo int- case the (nunction h ad goné toah damitra thag ctiev ~ Wr i eî at étrcsr: ec s théy alwasdo ln sMilwabk. bhe meott. tu thé chut-ch, "t diint tblnlt point o! argument, we vonld have years; and wasno doubt thé onli>' sef and coustruction. utdvoiéil .lwue.Th Itl waa tise Christian chut-ch aithough proveti that -.1 vas riginali>' planued pet-san ever lothéd with eueh Ig- i Leonta vt-y wcae nkea tend e Y ov oe wco néied th ie ea 1vas disffeteboe.-" ta but-y Nitsl'olive andi an>'others nil>'ut sncb an ageoo.nbii astéti pa u hi oé a nvnBt e- 'of n oéra1 er'sfamly ho igh "Lke hrit'sfisermn h le work tb creste thé spirit ofsuiversal émployeti lu a moviug picture theeter. ",Won," »Id Mr. Ganster, "it look% o!a oe-sea1aiy pougcel.eCrstsfiieré h aThé buidinug romance lu thé Ibea- IN# à chus-ch. doesn't lt' 'bis sur--de"o1h ush e la u aa Prove ynut- ellegiance tste cause ter. the elopément, thé mat-nagé, té- prie eii cntnuti s hémanst1i Thlni<il 'Contemptlbie." jrw r rtigbbéousnesanti bas prise- hbond e réti. dante a thé Th gnra fein lZo vén be ontful> lse bof a ut-idie peace hy signiug Ibis tut-n to Milwauke, thé startiug o! 0lauJ aing aout hlm a i The word ra eliI i tér tatS wt b ee vorlt. , . sd n hi; resolution, anti by prompti'securing houselteéplug. bhe inévitable quart-el, the ordreahe(lthee tattt wrt hd wrk.thé signatures or ail vomen for a mon- sudfiluali>' a scené staged - iu court stranger lurned about and walked wbeenaltéd for vaibati té cio H a ow2 yar I $at er ptition to hé useti lu time of me- ln which tise fugitive busauti la et-- tiaatly ramthé hut-h.eno'opegnemîtyfetie" a bae- lsdévoe bilf tehéevné- <ation, voiclng thé Witt of the womén raigneti - ail thèse go t malté up 4tectos- Ganstet- didn't etimoutli lsît P eoptgénéaire fét iba s a gnîvn nI mpor ltantpart o! thé set-' o! thé Unitd Statea tîtat ailInter- icoes for what woutti undoubtedly hjntor fallurêt- e m t- hie blats-. ous mîuetak e la sn a s bép. v i e "Andpant naltional controversiez hé adjusted b>' ma'e an lnterestlng photopla>'. héflIU uîi anthr wrd thnlnee iteuls vêt-eita du. Ifsoph-icle na 'leboe th mlc, a ribunal of erbitrablon. A dlspatcb from 1Nilwaultee says of Qu~taiabove, but. vheu the stranger elievtihitthé prper tingebdo. Ifpossileia arge corusit:'-h toi hl bien vawu tu tidremeauananti- Tisé Volîva people dId net plan ig- providesi. Aiexauder's Gospel allieréhtiosta lon th umn t ah émiairi oe ry lh roetdu ~m~nmeeting ln the Chrîstisunnring thé InJontction ln casé It la- sangs visicis havé brou useti b>' titis a orît-i-vde Peacé orufade.- ,thé "-cén" o!flise record lu Muni- çbuchErGusbern~trsîy cn ueti, Thé>' would obe>' the law ai- Dr. Cbapman lu bis meetings ail IVOMEN'S PEACE COMMITTEE of cîpal court vhen Walter 'Klein, 21 - .Idti that ho vsu a inlaier aaalgn.uiOî h> eIts> at rugoa1vrIi cuby svi sl hé Chicago Political Equalit>' Longue. yeat- aoi, is arraiguét for trial hbolrat "04 lu thse leiti-da>'programs boleti ly afronted ai a moat ubimél>' arca- Australie anti England, vili b _______t___Judge Beeltus ou e chargé nf ahandon- tbrôsuchout bise couiny Suntis> even-so. - lior I fots ul-fetgei leey C Baunes W&* Pt-eonet. "This evangélît bas stdotted a slIs.svv ng bis wife, Aima, 19 years nid, 636 mati o. Inert fledein hé o- C.-P. Borties, Vollva's cnunsei. buap- navet va>' ni introduction. Hée a À RI rcaasret mub on chut re asufed n thextrentht péued bo hé lu Zion paying i, rs'- renta bis ovu building, pays bis 1 Surs >D P Walter and Aima elopedta bWauké- the couiti cotaatmusle elizet i spects ta Voilva vheu vgrti camé that ovu expensés, boleta thé lthron : E Y~ RAISE gan sud vêt-e marriét ou Oct, 21.1 lbe writ hati brou applied for. lite srie,5 ecnh ugdVi VTérrmtc a ia famv the exPortait i gn o! revereuce ta thée tocecoébt1î sfvbhloi e ronviseis, Ioth é Can h abiapicture operatur anti a tink chéekéti chus-ch b>' removlng bis bal, W. T. ;ut oce VlsticketmseseiierVoo!vaan bouthr aidéf hehCaisti. Mevattn van acheduledta hé thé and ti l as from bis roome that NIr Peopsle o! Waultegan aeeImpréss- of f s A À Y tce elro ot ietetr speaker St the Christian chttrcb lstiBernés caliéti Jutigé Douneli> andsl et i wtb bis abilît>' aud power Returulng ta Milwaultee thé>' Ilveti evening, hle theme being: 'Tise TratIikéitémle rtishlm. utodér the Bol>' Spirît hé yull héo Reported 'Census May Be Ta- moutis. Thén Waltèr's love grew o! thse Serpent." roncétnth Mr. Bernes sati that, o! course if teasiv t0 accepb, an In',ltation ta ken There Before the Com- cuot, according ta0 bis wifé, andi hé Mfr. Canoter madie rfrnet h thé writ bsueti, the>' voulti not Cor, rensaluanti carry ou thé vor*. taednb als-lubi rma's l tsepose thé court action. Il la noticeti that lise Young évan- ing Primary in March. ltoieclty.o!amnh rou-t evenlng, lu tact, hé used thé Incident no nwr am htté rtht geitst la cotdutcing thé propoBeéte r- -warrant chargIng abandonmént. Il for a greater part of bis siabJect, ln flt béén bsuéti. évt-ybody fait gréat- vivat1 on bis own book. lu othèr vords. Theré aPpeers ta te a strong pro- asevdoStuaypnKln' en«vrig:tashw owcetan x-lyréllévetianti plans vent abouti for h's e freelance, itling thé chips beblit>' that a cenusswilll ho taen r w a te i Sture' tnKil prsioso!rveec~ boli éthé but-taI service. flluwhére they ma>' anti uot eskiug béfore thé siprlsg prlntarlès lu Mat-ch reutn DisthctioutonM.,Kli prsin frvrnosol o ayPsy Respects. tlu Distriocth ely acourt ou -u tostonda ae s.eiMKItels ahovu wben lu the bouse o! God. si H i ' cr t Iv>'t i HieMatat t t Ithe Epîscopel chut-ch iThée Itman vhn suteret iovin ci)enses ibut bing wiling tb také Parties Who at-e ssid ta ha agiatle g siih iu aét iew i bas~~~~ noHwgvrig e oolgiome toaî.ay respects bo lire. Votive, hin chances at gttîng au audience aach s move. . wifé, although Aima was pérfecti>' hhenrnhlaw vise u the chut-ch but according toa aguard, vas an ludepén adtésbéqetepuesdpo- Tissla s result o! thé fact tisat 1a rééable ta résning houselteeping. addd tat he verge onsuroun s jdent, showing that factonilfeling its-for, hé expecîs ta malte more Highlaud Pst- lassoon to Insalllits 1,Elein vas bounetiovér ta Municipal éd b> thie environmeubs ho éncaunters ýdIsappearedtia1 a certain éxténtton than a living as ail évangeilats do. firtsbioard of commiasioners under cut we neigacuhoftalaithia moi occasion. i Thé ativancèman statés that thé th@ nov fat-m o! govérumout. Thée. vbnconelu1 ertng a hut-cho! at fàltn, Staodlng close ta the doro!f theYoung evangeîîsî bas adoptéti a novel saler>' alloweti commissionérs aud thé SPENT THE NIGHT IN JAIL. He eplauet tuI itis - csîo hluie]ot vête séveral unîfot-meti guartis va>'o! introducing blmsel! anti, thé maYor lu HighliandiParkunudér thée ltse Rmuan-Catholle church fot- a man n Vi~.Arlig tlibdaP0' Sun agreés with hlm, hé bas! Un- li"sent Population of Ihat cit>' la not Miss Frances Zitko Swore Out - 10 tiebisbatoi béoreenet-ug hésage va>' ta the uppèr floot-s whére likf othér evangeliits, hé comés ta suffIchent ta make the position mucb arn M naiorArs talite dis-.baoflteen elg ithonthé bodiy is>'in state ou froun niné ionuanti trusts to fis ovu abilit>' ta o! an Inducemeul Iroin a saler>' basîs W ratMndyfrArs te thé u ter aîven .Théaemé Itn oie Iathlamorqnug anti Il la saitrvc-ot annté ors éSd Ibisa to correct this lisat th.matý of Joe Voilencic. wlie Inleaingthechurh-te lnd ths ouo nrando! audthestriés out thé lovu u sonv u h ock ter o'f taling a census la belug agi- WueaFb btesu e vi ugthn hut-h-théantieir tsport l nt éi th tbttremeetings anti, If thé public taled.I lau en e.9 batmuI otb. utonunil hénoerbeautifuil>' arranged hbier whére thé>' toéan't bblnk hbéa made gondi, hé Undér the commisason form of gov- Joe Volenclc tovedte rett>' lttié door la passeti. tooklt losokicut a voman thé>' aitt aé n tépht hush aettmn iecmitoésl isFrances Zitko. In ber rusîful and ln- churchsnece prevthtnuailsl othet-loveti. Thé floral tributea vere ex- needtta continue evangélizing the under 5,000 popuîlation tare alloveti forent w5>' she returneti thé affection man unconsclousî>' Ilfts i bal wbén tensive aund heautiful. Man>' camé comm1untit',then hésirs thé public ta !100 a >ear anti thé mayor la allovéti antimatie no effort to coucoal tisé tact entrin th chrchquie nturllyfrom distant ecibes,,many frt r ienda maloé it an inducémént 10 romain. $2510. With a Poîsuirsiion o! 5,000 or front him. In feet, accot-ding tbber asuct eu U .h ut-c qute la urain. it Zion an ti W au ega uý Sn fat- as k ow , th é Rev. M . Bach- a Ilttle over tie salitv o ! the m ayor ow u stalém ent, he oved not w sei>' ase peelewtieowl sndd hhl nul headanedte$6ugad ahehomto Wi. I[N. .-Perbap9' this anîî-saîoon Téwu pl h ivî'vuet hi-tell hasn't confèrrét i vth an>' o!thée ol eaivnéi1 60 u gh té u 0 él luiw.y paut Mrs. VotIves ier Inclutiet local oinistérs regartiiug bis ment- commîssionérs ta $40h5. Thlnmatesn She sa>'s thal Joe tool ativeutae apeaker la auitnrequositvisiter t aait classés who lve in Zion. Théré ns éhan act it -lgosqule BdIffrence and thOfié wbo as- o! ber confidence. That vhén shé chus-ch and i ddut lno* an>'botter; eecppeteewr eyodIg;b anttlidwt egluPiet esofieadllaslitletahmbutaraesteas perbapa -bis antt-saboou von bas vrlcepad.ersévê- vr> ot etadr a aîbes ut alln fIu ir l hèe ffcsaniIllasis tîet t hmahtî atnaesh sy bson tsncb tisatIt ltaltos hlm b a- mouanti vomen, liseré ver. babés lu et Weotkegan anti trusttng ta iuclt. the>' aie thé ones vhs, favor tallng a hé Htai-t ieughed, anti thén spurnéti taos l rfosm lrlier- sa- enarma. Ai séemedtato nalize thé sac- Nlrl> ub arvvlvl énéw <'naus Immediatel>'. are o! thé ber. Goadedta 1dtesiierallon she vent lon a'rfoi rnee--nmnretinssanti aorrov o! the occasion. vatchéti with autret lvth)déiré 10oplints a eai o wouidti10thé police station on Monda>' af- do ot iltther hla a maou.) Ver>' fée>'éa vere du-y as thé>' feft see boy it Warkas out, show tise Population of Highlandi Park térnoon anti svoré out a warrant for thé corridor whére thé mostai romains__________ consIdérable over bIse 5000 ,_tn is i arrest on a serilons charge. A po- JOIItI ELLIinTla>' lu staté anti êeevievoti b>'per- swh- a ile tise lent census thoveti Ilta hélitreman vent tb thé viré mill vhéré M E LO Thapa fout- thousanti parisona. DIEssuJthon lsa bata. Whtesr sunis s cén- Voltenclc vas émPloyeti andti t lbm h lE Thé mont-net-s vho foloveti thé t-e-DIS U DE L suscoulti bc taltép ai thé proeuet tinte to théerpolice station. VoBlencie stiént D94SAT S 101« matas ta thé restlng place ta Temple ban uDt 1eoen scéi-éîinètfiottvel>' thé nigbt In a collt.. site, lnciudéd man>' from,ealler eciesOfP E M NI but tisé bao!t f ihose who are urging Titis mortttng Miss Zitlto. accompan- Wakean Fis~ who hat come ta pay thelr respects Klaus Kienen viso résidles on tise It are that Il coulti te talton. Thé>' ted b>' a friénti vbo actéti as Inbérpré-1 JonElotaotes ea, b.5. ta theis- overseer ant ie is ie. Mlwaukeroati néar Tventy tirai think thal pot-apsa a choat cousus1ter for ber for. sbe vas unabi ta10 Jbhn aflesnon aed et 130O'!OC te Tise short ,private service, atteudeti stréot ln ZIon City', titetiluthé Jane coulti bc taliou. Wbether Ibis vottiti spéak a word o! Englisis, appearé i a roole aemo bsaia13oto Met thn b>' tisé immédiate mot-norua a.beltiMcAlIstét- hospital Wednéstiay nîgist ho msclont or viether tise populo thé policé station. Vollenttc as ltk-i reldugér o!fE7hie s sîhtr, MW1. JEl-sjeatwIo 'ctoclt uptairs. The bti>' or pueumonia. Il vas discovéroti :n lion laibaud ion tise ftderaî cousus ît en front bis colt. Tbéré vas no glati Maeo lAh tetM.Ethen vas taiou 1a tbe loyer corsridas- Manda>' liat Mienou vas ver>' îliti ad etnown. Mryof recognition. Tisé>'dît not fi>'1 t a 1be 1 nfor tr« ay viS eré a short public service vas heiti. Dr. Bitoyer of Zian wvisa ss attend- As t.e pi-Imaies epproaci thinlu Into éacb othér's emibracé. Not et béfr thatt ilsease. Hé for- 1owned iaI a. ukuovu as îthé Saverai amati floyer girls precodet iing recommouio ied t h hé he rougiot tes-it lunHighland Park la lncreasing ait. Misa Zitico look a sat ln one dM 111 f* at a akgs the casket as thé pull béat-et-s bore It ta thé Mckîister hospital. This vas perceptIbly anti Il Is saidti Iat soon corner o! thé roont anti Volencie set dlI baiM#U il u lii anort ofor u davulon 1ris. doué but lu spite of evertbing lis a canalderable Üulnber o! candidates ln the opposite corner. Hoha »Me hu, is hanse lu Waniogmaa ouditan asev vas-se rapidi>'. Ilsla il bc ta tisé ld. t! il vos-opas.e- Thé court Informeti Coléunclc o! thé fertheÙ4 re rffl 11% émiduetSoiswtling te Fosg.t romaine vore taken te bis home le- cibIe 1te hcrmebthé sainsleso!ofthe set-tons chargé thatbath beau pt-e- foUêI5~~ >OOS'1~nIuiS W Tise mmsWvo kuov5 a1iabouttday. Funeral Satus-ta>' aflerneon et posittous b>' ahowlug thé population t-et-td galust .him sdud ihati Mgw 4D-wemi eheatt4 torget lit Ilflho vabu.2 oolock at the houa. Intermoeut 'n ta ho oves- 5,000lit la saliti«sr.onîti restltutlnîne Wîsuoéd-o 10nite to the ' ~ 10É. qsv*iwod umoter>'. hbceUh mes- eaddatos la t» lti. youitg voman - 'I-ag a",a M. E. MEAI> TARES A BI4i POSITION IN N. Y. WITII CIAFLIN Waukegan Man Becomes SU- perintendent of Re-Organtz- ed Wholesale Company. FAMILY IS TO LEAVE HERE. Meads Have Lived in the City Most of Their Lives-Ar~ of OId-Time- Stock. tact: "You couidnît have meant me Waukogan friends wiIi hé iutereated for 1 was awake ail the time you in hearixsg that M.. E. Mead, Sheridan spoke: 1 had my eees opén ail the rond and (;illette avenue, bas laken a lime and beard every word you said' vcry Important position Iu New York was the coimmon expianation. 'Now, look here- said Mr. Watter- and tbat the family plans removing h..ry laugbingly et lest, tI sîatd plain- tere in the ner future. ly thet I saw ont>' three nodding and Mr. Mead bas become superIntend- here You're theé i¶teenth wbo bas foi- eut of the rporganized H. B. Chaffff "les'wd me wltl. tie laet that you, corporation, a big whoiesale botts mere awake. There were oni>' three which bas been orgauized after the -jusi ti.ree. nett itteen. BUT, dont Company' whtch owned thé big string ever lt t happen again" o! stores, bas wound up ils recelver- sblp. The corporation la now ta devote LEW JIENDEIS estséffora tsto thé twllcotiu FIRST TO PAY luS FilIthConr.M.ea,! TAXES THiIS VEAR -psto ih ndrtepetln ln, recognized. Town Collector Clayton Rutt The l'bailln comiiauy lifted the rf Has pene an ffic in a. eivership 'la December anld reorg&ný Has pend anOffce i Na izd ai once. Mr. Mead was ten4ora4 tional Bank Buildinq. t'lhé Position and, as thé Buroisesu w changed the statua of! lb. im ofo! .11 Wau'iegau, F'eb. ', malerq hé bad represeuted ln Ch!-ý Town Collector Ciaylon lintt bas cago many Yé5X5. be wasa i otti oioéned an office on the second fluor of t0 accept the easteru cfer. For yeata thé Waulkegsn National henk building ho had been Chicago manager of Pat- aud la busiiy engaged in rollectlng kIm. Van Berger ofjNew York, a taxes. At the presént time hé insbc 1Prencb Company' which malis sid* ing asststed by Mrs. Ruit, one as-1 gooda In France. The war mande thelir sistant wii! prove aufficient untîl thse shipments impossible houce the bus- taxesbegi ta ome n moe ra iney fss came bta a tandatill. As a rule the tiret ton day. are not Hr Lr1 ver>' husy unes but aller that thse1 The Mead fantily bas lived In UI# taxes begin te flow in morestqna 1 .ity for yeirs. -lire. Mead a-I om,Y ently. .érl>' Miss Belle Pitt@ andi ber-marriago Mr. Rutt opened thé town books on t0aSMr. Meadi oceurreti about tweuty Mfonda>' aud thé city booksa on Tues- yeare ago. Tlhe fansil> lved i lu Wu- day afternoon. Te Count>' Clerk Lew ý*eg meut of Ibis time»a emplie A. 'Rende goes the honor this yesr Of years ago Mr. Meadst rctsd tt& o! being thse fit-st ta psy maist&xe3. heautiful home on SherUlia« bd Thare are a few each year wh l whicb In todas a Sn la offerel fer ways attbe ta be the. first ones ta pay sale. R le thq hope o! thé IMUatir, Mr. Rutt declares that thîs yeur all move ta New York about Marel IaM, thé Personal taxes muet b. order ta be wlth Mr. Meai. fore the firet o!fVcrb. Thse lents il Miss Ruth Med la a digýectreus la March i0 the lime wben al l te bocks St. %Margaret's Geld, Chriat e cho are supposedta 1 be closed and turned and ber Mat1er Ether hu a alowbee over ta the count>'treasurer. active luntework of the lSilI. The latter officialIolanflt obligeti ta accePt books from any town coîlectors Conflrmed. unles al o th perona taes ave "Freak fashions are paamiug," emWl uenesal0fand Iersact te ha e ment% ths Cleveland Plain Dealer. We seetrid andeclulectrthé la la onomaut looked 0ont, the windowt a»&. b7. strct ha th clleto reu> labonti Jove, you're right-Botton Tv.u.ot. ta collect ail O! tbe personal ft b,,é fore thse date set above. There have been yéars when colléctors were flot obllgéd to 'bc an careful about colleet- r.~to*ry1 aeu- ing each Item but Mr. Rutt doclares il o o ayt aciv- 19 morel>' a malter o! observIng the plansa for iIpIOVefOUS law. In cases where be Cau give a réa- soueble excuse sd stéfc ia If they oimnltIa thé Party ma>' have dieti or moved creas~t m efficiency, colin. awajr hé 18 éxcused traim thé matter fort and conveW"e o! colleetiug and his booksa Con be aC- of cour" e y do, tb.y cépteti. It is not a mattér»tat le lefIt t hudlald h thé discrétion or thé collecter or county treasurer-thé law ta plan sud thé>' simPlY have ta fulilîl théir duty. Vliring of Y u the>' declare. e i91L u Nous. for LoW~ Liïht W"aiim«arns l Household Power Iliat will operate many tabor-saving donic.., ail smali usera of cunrent. We sre houae. andlapread h.cot iuta 24 mouhy pyuoMnd <«uR momp of 1h...appiances on Public Serviceg. of Northem lUijua F. BAIRSTOW M AN U FACTU fEROF Marbie and Granite' Monuments Ccmetery Work ot Ewv.r Description Correspondence 35<icted Waukegen, Feb. 6. .Nt-a. lIattié Kititi through Attorney' Rav F'ovtér Ibis alternoon ln circuit courl t iletia Mil for divorcé agaluat ber isbanti, James Kitit. Amon4 other tl.ings abe chaerges that héoet- témîttecl 10 ta'ié hér lire e fev mouIse ago andttitiat hé vas preventéti ftom doing saoni>' b>' timely Iterferénce. Sinéc that limé shé hati nat béen liv- ing witb hlm. MIts. Kititirelaes thal ahé anti ber hîtsband véré marriéti at Nééuah, Wis., lunt1904. Thé>' bati ivéti ln Wau- ikegan a large part o! thé timé anti are quite véli ltnovn herp. Shortl>' aller théir merrtage, sise assérta, ber hiuabanti began thé usé o! lnloxlcaling liquor anti becamé an habituelitirunk- arti White sîntir thé Infiluence o! Il- qîtor sbé says hé ofien was ver>' cruel bo ber. ,TiIs cîîtmlrted asé seys, vhéu ho tirew a gun on ber anti voulti have taltén ber lire hat il nol béen tor ln- terferettce. AI thé tune Kititi as at-resteti anti tatei to10thé Polilestation. Thé>'titi not livé togethét- aftért' Uat anti MIi. tUidvas obltgedto10senti thoîr three chiltirén to thé Laie Bluff orphauagé whéré thé>'at-e belng képI at lise preseul timé. Ht-s. Kiddt prays for a vrit o! ln- Junction restrainiug bor buabanti lt-m tisposlug o! thé bouséholti furnîturé as BaYshé bas tbréaténedti 10do sud ase alsoo sas that ho hé reabraineti from lu an>' va>'Interférlug vilo ber or tbo citdren. r~tubs - .5 - n paup CL

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