LAKE CO'JN.TY INDEPENDENT SWAUK'EGANI 'WEEKLY SUN VOL. XXIL -NO. 21. fParT TWiO. LIBERTYVILLE. 1ML.. FREDAY. FIBRUARIY 12,191)5FOUR1PA0S. Ê EAR EN ADÏIMII AKKLMT LAU CW. MAE NO'REPLY TO MAN WRJI ESERT. R. R. FRANCIISE;1S El> FROM THE ARMY IT NOT ACCEPTABLE Arthur H. Rowling Arrested at Lake Villa Tuesday Night by Sheriff Griffin. DESERTED IN YEAR 1911. Since That Time It Is Said He Has Travelled Al Over the Country. Arthtur H. RowlIng, s former veil known residoat of Waukcgaa, vas ar- resteai Tocade>' aght ai LaesVilla b>' Sheriff GriMa andi Depul>' Sheriff Green on a charge cf bavhng deserteai frôm lbe Unitedi States army ln the year 1911. H. vili be turneai over to lb. suthanîf les ai Fort Rberidai tot- morov. Thore la a revard of $50 for ie capture. Bowling le qulée vel! kitova la Wauk£egan. H% foloved the tînners trad.. Fe learnesi the trade ber. andi ftsiiovea Il for somc 1111e lIme. Hie fstber, John N. Rovllng lîvesai aI .ke vola. In 1911 he deserleai tramtht' army et the Prealailo of Montere>', Clîfor- nia. and fllbough diligent searcb vas made. for hlm bc manageai 10 evade capture. ?Notices the% heh ailescapeai tagether vith thle statement that s revard vould ho pelai for bis appre- bension havaeiteen reccivod ber. b>' the athartîes Irons lime le lime. A short limneao yard vas recelv- ed et te eherlfa ofce Ibal Rowllng lsd iteen seen et Gra>'leke, evîdenîl>' thinklng Ibal the search for hlm bail blova over. Làter lvas learnc<l he bai le! I thare. Ia Tue»da>' thé abeér- t19 ansi bis deput>' vers calleai ta Fox Les on business ad decidesi ta keep a look ouI for Roviing. 'lh">'met hlm la the roai as te>'ver. drvlag loverai home after demi. IRe dia net Ir>' la gel ava>' but protealasi bis la- nocence. He vas brought here andi loeei op la the coaI>' jail. Ho bad bomestaylng et Lake Vle, Thte aber- lE bas Itshe u»o! othor deserters fimlo aie coonty andi la keepîag a vatcit for thelr retuna. LAKI3 FOREST OP- POSUl> TO SUNDAI SHOW; VOTEl> DOWNi Five Aldermen Oppose, and But One Votes in Favor of Sunday Mpvies. Attendance at Sunda>' evening church services In Lae.Ftorest In 10 romain vithout conpelltion fnom mundana entertainere for lhe inhabl- tante. The cil>' couacil lait night turneai own a petition for s permît for oPenlng the taw's motion pîclure Iheates' on Soundoya. The resuit or lte posteard, blloing vas paraloxl. cal. 0f te 1.200Carda senont, 700 were returneai, the "caysa" having a majority of about 100. On the alter band, itundreds cf persoas,unawilling té trustaIthe expression cf Iheir senti- ments 10 "yes" and "no" wrote letters. On lte vhale, City' Cerk King esti- matssi liat te vote was about eveul>' dividedi, WIJCNDA MAN DIES FROM FALL Word 19 recelveai of the death cf William Crabtree, an olai lIme resient et Waucanda, et 1:30 Bunda>' atler- noon 4w a result cf injuries recolveda week &go It a faîll.He vas 88 years old. Mus. Frank 8hales, 669 Raymond street, Elgin, le a daugbten. lie la auralveai also b>' four sons, Guy U. of Crytil laits, Glen of Cliaton Juuc- tion, Win., George of St. Charles snd Ais af Wauconda, at vhose home ho diesi. OtMer relatives neside la Elgin. 4w Marae iceaies have been Issuesi In Chicago ta Ldeon Wells, ageai 22, of Ik a aIandi Mis Anale Cote, 26, M ighland Park, John J. Easing, 38, aingleaide and ines Pauline Appel, 29, Committee ofIllinois Industrial Association Wonder Why lahnr.n nli SOdànlo DEDICAJE IHOSPITAL TMURSDAY FINE PROURAM WAS PRESENIED IN~STITUTION A CREDIT JO: COUNTY i"rnuu..MIII1 nep1. Wau'iegan, Feb. il. 34Mr. Mleyer and Mr. Enîmons IfU3f Lake ('ounfys fine general hospital have Possessed to have îlanned wlth 'SUBMITTED 3 MONTHS AGO. was formally dedlcaed this afterno. Dr. Btrown this magnificent building the dedlcatory speech belng made h>' ;and to have brouglit il to ite tîresent rye NoAckowldgeentofSuPervisor James G. Welch of Wauke- high grade of develoPment. 1 amn ln- YtN knw gmn ofgan. I well chosen words Mr. Welch tormed that Lake County I tela l It emp W s M IUIITalk oIlà,,dpd hose who have dlrected .f county ln Illinois outalde of Cook ofs Reoeiyt Buses. th construction of the splendid tuiti.-caunty that Itosseses a General Hoa- tution and then tendere. iit to the Vitli milar to tiIs. And, entirely Three months ago the committee of, People of thi county from the board ' divorced front It but managed Jointly the Norhera Illinois Industrial Asso- lot supervisors. The dediîlo took with Il, we have a tubercutoals colonv ciation liubmllted tn Recelver John-. place ln the hospital building wblch'la that vies wlth the hest !n'the country son of the C. & NI. Electrie a franchise- lIocatéd on Grand avenue just West Of An equlpmient, management and re- ordinance ccverlng their rights ln theWaukegan.nis Cit o Wdevelos a. t atno Members of lte board were served . .Att credit to tItis comnitec tiat Iln dvlp ht odtnta fine dInner at the institution ai have worked nnceasingty and courage- word lias been heard froni fhei coi-minen The program starfed at two o usly to construct Ibis building sud ter. ohr ws the recelver b t alto'clock. The speeches of acceptance we trust that il may lie a iftng bac ( ontepaterte.oîl fth aa ground to the splendid work belng even, f0 date, It le learaed. recognized ly vere made by Attorneys Charles oeb u onypyîin lh recelpt of te meacure submnttfed tonRIng and BenJamin 'Mller, the former In theu3e watts the' unforfunaf e o! ake hl.rePresenllng the people In lte eastern' county wltl recelve more skîlîful treat; The' nafural conclusion 0f thte com- part of the county and the latternittta mavofte Wtth't mitels htte eevr astthose ln the western part. Rev. DR. A. E. BROWN. men of ibis country were able tu coin- mlaedoee la ta fi e wlve pro- Gauster gave a lifting address on the0~ mand a decaje ago. Thte nced cf ia viseieorns e atsoefwt the prO- s ad id'tlubJect. "The Relationablît of the out physician who has zealously Itospital xantalned by Lake ccunty vIson cfth orînnc an ddn'IH 10th Curc' r. lfed watched construction of La ke Cou-ýim self eviden' tModer-n Industrial conalder Il of suficlent value le, caI '.Hae f ik Frat h 1cd tys new generai hospital and who, conditions have reduced the chance a cnfreceonIt au cotant>' physîcian, has charge of for a poor moan tu Bave and ait he Or, poKasîi>' he desried 10 let the practlclng physician in the county: the new Institution.'mnete crailtehnefo .natter drag along untJi aller the gave an address on the subjeci, 'Th,,vnetnelceae h'cac o Spigeeto.Value cf a Hosptital tu a Communlîy i _____- iniury aud disease to dîsable thie work- Thprlngmta elemrktior m.e'o 1ingmàtan ad his fantlly. As te franchise of te eiectric com- TheuprellmlarremarG. s were mad',le tl Gettysburg ttcemai hTi,'world Pany lias but about a year longer tu YSpevsrJ.GWlc fNwPorl,,will little note nor logrittenîter 1 We are justly proud ofthIimstsrur'- run It !é seen that action musita- ~chaîrman of the board. Rev. Chidea- what wpe ay here. but t ait anover,; ture, oh lits equltuient and of te per- ken ere long If the saaus of the rail.1fer gave the ;nvocatlon. Mlusical num-,forget what thcy did iieu'aîdso no sotiallty of those who are to conduct road li to in esectîleal delitely. ibers were rendered by the' Waukegan onc wlll long rememhcr an%, tlîug that il. and we are tudeca proud to bc 'Jitney" *usses Talked Of. . ladIes Quartet and b>' MIss Jane le said hére Ioda>-, but througît ycarijre.videnta of a retint>' whicl out of And because of the' unssihilit, of tha company and te people oct getflng fOgether On a satiefaclor>' hashs and lte expiration cf their franchise rlghtsj thus belng a bare possîblut> whlclî would resultlub cseallon of otterationa. talk la heard about Iown to Ihe ef- tect taIthe 'jItney bue lever bas hîf lte cil>'lu a sierloue manne,'. Other cties where treet cars are unsatls- lactor>' and wlîere franchises have ex- pîreal, are lntroduclng the' busses il, queston., gasolîne power, ana tigeles fllow reguler roules and charge 5-ceqt lares. They are sald ho work $MW1. factorl> and make money for the ln- vestors. Whetlter te> would pa>' la a cltY the sîze of Waukegan remaîns to be seen. But faik le beard that cer- laIe men have their eyee on such a scîteme in case fthe franchise automati- cati>' ceaies here. THIOMAS TAYLOR, OLD RESIDENT 0f CO., PASSES AWAY Purchased Farm Near Wads- worth 48 Years Ago-Had Lived in County Since. Waukegan, Fob. 10. Thomas Taylor. egeai 73 yeara. an olai reaient of Weuketan andI Lake Count>', diesi this momang ai two 'clock et the home cf bis son. A]- fred G. Taylor, a uortb aide grocer. Death fllîowed a rat ber lngerlug Ilk- naas whlch hasi growa vor#e rapîdl>' durnug the fqait elght weeks. For some 1111e lime bis condition lied grown veaker dally andi Il vas inown that ho cculd not survive. Therefore bis relatives hai beon expectlng hîs death. Mr. Taylor had suffereai a com- plote breakdowu. due largel>' Il la be- Ileveai, to kiaine>' trouble. The deceased vas bora la Lec- sbire, Englaud, and wheu aine yeara al age came ta Amerlca with bis -par- ents. The>' moveai fint ta Wlscanslu where the>' llved somne 11111e lime. About forty-eight yasrs ago Mn. Tay- lor purcbasod a fnue serge fana anear Wadawortb which ho -worked success- fltI> for man>' yeers. About elgbteen yeers ega ho left the fana, andi came 10 Waukegen, retng from active lire. For satae lime ho had made bis home wlth bis son Alfredi, bis vile baving dlesi several yeaeaega. 'DeIdes a Blter, Mrs. John Shea of Wadsvortit ho leaves lte follavlug eilîdren: C>rlea T. cf Marlon, Ind., tIrs. C. P. Higley of Congress Park, WIllIamn A. o! Wsukegen, Mus. P. D. Petty 'o!Kaus'as Cty, Mo., and A. fred G. of Waukegan. Funenel- Friday-marnlng et ton o'clock, .Rev. C. G.-Brelon o! the PlIut Chirstian church presiding, Thmee ta Mlîbara cemeter>' for'titerlneut, NEW LAK<E (OIINII GEMERAL 90IoI1A Hani»leme Insttuton Added I. Lake County's Holdings Wblcb W89 Dedlcated ut 919 Ceremomies en Thuisday Afternoeu. of aervice, Lake (cent>' yul appre- ifs îîblanthropy, generosit>' and hlgb diate tht' efforts o! surgeon, physicien ideais bas bulîded su welt our hospi- and nurse ln titis beautitul edifice. tel1. il lsaltogether fitin ig and proper -fnrther ta paraphrase àir. Linconas Bought Vear Ago. speech-to remember whiat thîs buitd- The' propttrty on whîch tht' ,ew boa- ing bas ceosinl thouglt andi labor pîtal stands was purchasea b>' the upon the part o!rlth- cotinittet' of tht' coîlît> one' year ago. Slace thal lime Board o! Sultervisors. tDr. Brown, aud constant changes have been golng ou, aIt others connccted wîth lse plansa these belng accessan>' ta put the andi development. (tut o! the 102 propt'rt>' ln a thorongh uuable condi- countes o! Illinois, eleven have accu lion, it 1a adohtt tht' commission form o! Supcrinlendet'iiBlrown dîscovereai count>' goverament, ltat la three com- carl>' ha the' gante thal il vas plauei. miselonera take te place oI tht' board bie 10 comnea the cane of general boa- of supervilsors, slmilar ta the board plital patients wîth the' tuhercular vhîch we have lantLake Count>'. We work, as thte buIldinegs were sa sit- otten bear the adopîton cf sucb a forro ualed taI thîs coulai ht done wllhout of goverament dlecussed but I betieve cubher branch of tht' vork comlng l will be man>' years hoforo Lake lo contact wlth tht' other, andi 10 County wyul Ir> surit an Innovation, tIIs endi the tubercular collages and 1 For decadea ncprcseîîtaîive mon trot porches were moveai furtber hacit on1 tht' varions lowns ot Lake Count>' the lot and separale entîrcl>' frons the have corne fa the court boune tour other work. A separate nurse was limes a >'ear, glving thein lime, Iheir !,i» ot ven ho this wori'. She con. onerg>' anai their exp)erleucetela the, fines herseif enliret>' 1a the rare of work o! count>' governontutand vhen lubercuier patienti. I became a member of the board cf supervisons, I1ltte realzed the bilah Conîehved New Hospital. tYPeofo!menit itIcontîlute tat 1*td>'The cane cf genenal sîcknass work.1 tram yean b yeer end when We'rocati d t'a c no ulcel>'ltaI l wadeemes i Ce~ nominal compensation receive-i asvisable 10 erect nome more huilai.1 b>' momiers of the board af aupenvi. legs or e new genorsi bospital. Plroma sors -we are douhi>' avakenesi ta the thia ides bas developeai the building1 layait>' andi shîlit>' cf the sturd>' mon and equlpplng of titis splendid itospl.. tf Lake County. tIÎ geneûra c onceaisi te have been Consîder for a moment te- waith ou. of the mont comlnenable p"cs ef ImaygInation, earaeatneas-of pur. of legisiallon tahs'as beena don. pose end atbeutom, ta deta5i bat the ~ieiesof oas' commlle,'M. Mont, (Co.tlaMusdon psebeIre. Plane>'. A numberfrm Wuea were itresent et the dedîctory' cr- moules and tht'> proved tu ht' ver>' Impresaive. Tht' progr ici for the' ah- terncon: OPenlag Remarks-Chalrman J. G. Welch. M usicat Numhtr-Waukegan Ladies. Quartet. Invocation - Rt'v. Samuel WiIlis Chîdester. Supervisor James G. Wetcb of Wau. 7egan viii thon formail>' tender the 1 hospîfel ta tht' people front the' board. Atorne>' Charles H. KIutg, wilI then accept the hospital on hehaît of the people in the eastern hait of the doua- t>'. Solo-MIss Jane Plane>', Accoîtance of bosptal-Atty. tto:îj. P. Miller of Libertyville. Address-"'Relationship of l~Hs pliait 10 fhe Churcb"-Rev. Ganster. Address-Dr. Alfred G. H-aven or Lakre Foret-Subject: "The Value of a Hospital to a Communil>'." Follovîng lg the dedIcator>' adares or Mr. Welcb cf Weukegaa:,i Trhe Tolk. Without douht the greatesî classic slong the lIneofe dedicatory speeches la the Gettysburg oration cf Llncoin. Strange asil tme>' seens, Ibis simple American bai given te, Engllsl-MTt eralure lse purent spedImen la Ibis masterplece and parhaps anc of the rmt lotr'dng thînga &bout l Ils brevlty'. Re!errlng to the baîlloield CLOUDS 0f SIOE ! MII PRODUCRS' BUT NO FIRE AT GURNEE HOME MON. Pire Alarm Spreads Out Over. the Farmers' L:ne and Peo- ple Rush toVillage. OLD ADAGE IS KNOCKED OUT Claim That Where There Is Smoke There ls Sure to Be Pire Is Disproved. COMITIEFS FOR YEAR ARE NAMI Lake County Men Get Plaie on Important Committees in New Arrangement. FARMERS PLEDGE AID. Promise to Help Reimburse an Algonquin Farmer for Lous of His Cattie. WVhen a tire occutrs any~ place h1. At the' annuel meeting of 1he 0fr. Warren townsip, a signal la3 seiti tO ectors of the Mil*( Producers' ansscIa- the' central telephone operator who inhedlCicgM da o- thnfashng te ordIn every'mteswr pone o h er bouse ln the' township where thete le teswr pone o h ér a fermers' phone. The farmers thon The mllk board was organlaed sd are exppcled to rush 10o the assistance adjournedl 10 meet at the calI of the. of lte one being affected-and lb.>' ai- chairman. H. A. Hswley of BarrIngtast waye tom out ln force 10 assist the wllhln a iew osys. ai wblch lime the one ln trouble. Such an alarm came ln over te price 10 ho demandéd for sommer mi1k wlres late Monday aliernoon when 1i11 be decîded upon. te %tirt came ltaItte hume of Mra. The tollowtng commillees were &x> John McCîtîre lit Gurnet' wai on lire. lccted for the year: Accordlngly men and women ruehed Publication, salaries and finance- 10 t!îp McClure home ln an effort 10 P. H. iteese, Dundee-. George Browu, assiat the unfortunate reeldenl and, as Sycamore; W. A' Goodwin, tIrystal tiîey drew near the place, they eaw l.ake. buge cloudi or emoke rlslng and ail Nîîlk board-P. A. Hawley. Barrins. fIt ltaI, sure enough there waei a Ion; I. C. Denhart: Itases; J. J. Mur- very bad lire ln progressaoh>'. Waukegan; John Rendi, Lily Much ilmoke; No Fîre. Lake; R. Nt. Oman, Huistle>'. The old ieaying ltaI "where tîteres amoke there's aurely some lire," was Campalgn cotmlittee-lt. M. Oman. discredltôd by aubsequent develop- Huntley; William Krutafus, Baerri"g- inents. ton: Roy Lewis, Wheston; W., C la fact, the myster>' la sf11 lunsolveal Owen. Moneka; C. G. SmaIl, Area, as tu whtat cauaed the honse 10 bc George R. Fox. H4mashre; R. S. Tut- lilled wlf h amoke whlch oozed ouf lnîLie, Popiar Grove;ý A. J. Bunhosa, li- great clouda fro thlIe doors and wlît- hart, lad.; D. R. imbal, Genoe Juna- dows. lion, Win. To date Il has not heen determîneai wlîaf cansed thle ainoke whlch Mra. MecClnre foîînd comlng f rom lte-koude when ahe returned from a aelghbor's. Sc dense was the amoke Ihat cote could 001 see acrosa lte routa. Not a spark o! ire was disccvered aad no dAnsage tg the house resulted exceptlng tram stoke. It developeai that earller ln the day Mrs. McClure itad Ileen *"renderlng lard" and some hal splleai out upon lte alove and flocr but Il had heen wlped up care- bal>' bene low sucht a volume of nioke coulai coupe tram that source eeemed itexplaînable. CLOT1IING CAUGIIT FIRE FROM FLAME; IS BADLYBURNED Mrs. Leo Briggs, Formneryîàm- ily Milis, Lies in Critical Con. dition in Chicago. ' .Nlre. Lec Briga, whc before ber inarriage a few moaths ago was %iisa EmiI>' Mille. a weil known Waukegan Young wcman, was sèriousl>'. perhaps fatailly burned when ber cclhlng canght lire tram a gas stove a few deys ago tn ber home ln Chicago. ac- cording le word Just recelveai here. Atîreainli a kimona of nome flnffy aud Inflammable materlal. MVre. Brlgas was leaalag aver lte g»astslve pro-« Parlag; breakfast, h laaisi uhen lte goas of the germent lgiaIfftram the diame anai a few seconda leter ahe was ablaze frcm head to foot. Lîke a human torch ao rushed Itl the next room a here Il la said ber husbanai was slttlng. As hast il>' as passible the dlames were extingulshed but not untllbtheYoung wnmeu'a" Clatitlag wu praclîcaîl>' burnea f rom ber body' anai ahe was badl>' buraed. The physicien suggesled that site be removeai b the' hospîtal but Mus. Brlgge preterreai ta remala aI home. A traîneai nurse waa aummanedandCa la stîi ll attendance. The condition cf the vîctim lal I tao ecritîcal. Air. Brlggs, or ratiter Misa Mille as she vas known bore before she got married andl moveai ta Chicago, le esi as5 a veltresla soveral cf lite -b- route ftram Chicago tu, cal restaurants, Her last position craibed ituo the station& bOe. v a the loandike. Biggs Ileft lte track ansi 22.01 formerl>' vas statloned at lbe naval jandi vere buiresi. Mucit à rstation'at North Cicago but after urali>' nesolted. iervit out bis enlialmont acceptedai lMqtgom la tIIe nt -Alintathe injurei t la a large manufacturlng Fred Zoebler basu îju ln Cblesia. M. Bnlgg's mo- lWoodilock for a teuW',U Slinotype opertor candbas jauming bis vorku tOmi.mloyesi b> both local pipera, Industr>' O.patmoqt. Audltlng-A. J. Schalfer, Beivd«ee P. Hi. Reese, Dundee; 9. R. ICenail, Byron. Legllaive-C. H. Patter, Bigla; P. A. Mewley, Barrîngton a Oea. Brbwu ilycamore. John Dvorak, one of the poeuet membefa of 1he bossa, tlb.u « , directors of lhe manne la uaimh»s. @talc vetadrinejsalangtetedui.bW catI le near Algoqiln. 1'Héali Ibm &aiied theut att $90 a bernai ami bm tnade a second appralseaeitw": iee halieved was $75 a hesO. They went ta hie fana la hia absence and kilim hl& caitle. The day aller they woe kif led b. recelved a notice te kil thmuo wblcb was deteai the day befois thé iilling, at Springleld. He sl idtaI he was aow Informed that h. would 001 recelve an>' psy for bis caIlle, b&- cause he reluseai to give fils couset to the kîllîng. Dr. Gleshe cf Barrîngton. the. loa veterînarlan of that district. nWede ho take any part lanlte killng. wbjcb was done b>' twelve veterinartaas ail of whom were non.reeideuta. President H. A. Banc>' of lteas soclatlon promised Mr. Dvorak that. If lte state and goverament did onot est- le wllh hlm la the &me mamne. as wltb altera, that the pr9ducoW m as> dlait ,would make l 1ho1, bueale ta ses that he racelved Justice et the, bande of the authoritiez and wouhd figbt his baIlle 1or hlm. INSULL RETURNS TO #U. 8. New York, Pcb. 1.-Bamuel muli returneai from Europe Ioda>' on the sleamnshlp Orduna and lof t ai once on the Twentleth Century UAmited fer Chicago. tMr. meulldectined 10 dis. cues conditions ln Europe. Charles Itussei, count>' superlalea. dent of roads la Lake count> bas le. turned 10 Waukegan afler sttendung the cemnent show la Chicago Whils ter. ho recelveal several helpfnl biais on how ta put ln coacrtte rosis uni ho wlll re Ibis Information la rosA work wbtuh la 'to ho put la titis Spuhg and Summer. Tuesaa ni.ght et Il o'eloàk a Mdl wreck occurred on the St. PanulrusA at Oakwood, VWle., 1 lles ometn Milwaukee. It'eight number V ab Mu * o i9 canot> - mUrq- _q s p ri j