- y BT. F. SWAN J. L. Itvlxg ailsded tbe ement show la lJbicsg ouea.. UttisTgtmysAboa been ou the lck bon: X-uàtedat the Tho@. Russeli 4ttbAsweek. Ku;;,tlWii mrmer of Hghland Park, si'oot uaday wmlîhiseorsdpareaîe. Ur. sud Mrs. S. A. Kramer. Mn. D. A. Ayueley sud son Floyd of Higlansd Park, more visitor di the J. B. Aynsilsy home a loir dsys this eesS. Thffren ae eiue ptlonsl bargalape la hadmadeharass, blaukols and lap rëb.. belug offed a i e a bernes. *hop tits esk.. 111S. Tho$. Russell etortalned ber ana, Louis Kinçdon of Elpaso, Ili., lent wesk. J. W. Cooper aud family oi Lelîbton, spont Sonday mtb Mr. and Mmr. J. a. Roues., P. C. Knjm ansd lamily of Ivanhoe, aet us uday et the . A. Krsmer bomne. A « 1ma ascloeed Iset week mheeeby Be à4Usteou acquired the Langworthy Novliy store au Morris avenuue. Benjamin Brodhod passed aay Bai. urday Midenlg, Feb. 13, ut the borne or *oifs aoi; Pullmn. - Tb*demisesoceurred alter a ebýt filumsi pneurnui., -Mre. Wiliam Wood wm hom n lWl Town, bon Vlsted the paëtt So o e sS this homo of Mr. sud lMn. Edward Cýudrey. MrtsuMn. 8S. L. Tripp aîteundod the fualtal of iheir cousin. Roe Richards, 'W* ai esklli by a train et MadiShu, Wis., l1st Uturdosy ,Vaalug sd burled 64 0»900, Wls&, ah. esSThnredsj'. 04t0.PROCUoîwaGS. ùitb bord 0 n rM -WutA*6 1~~Ahp BWuhevdlllsjqbail tm.u ~~19115. A*~uadfru '-bWçýceth wvima moe bie, Wpa ier0Weifo KgIriogUd wVoile s "tm rifUegfr tair sor abaoÎlei ~~~spewad s m» *im" W * T. F.BmagaCreS I~~~ ~ * 1 1 et î e r e b a e e y S i Vgi ** sud as so tians soeter Margaret licbonamd-émept is+ê end wltb ber rnotberla Cl4cs«o. A. 0. Usether and1 Dr. -Roker atteaded the dodicatlon cf the new bospitm i Waukegau Thursdoy. Berman Aibright bs etarted ta bauld hie new boum. .Dan R.rscbbsrger and A. Weosr>elg are golng te baud uw boumw la éomn tii sprtng. Lloyd lisether wae a Cicugo iltor Bail Eddy *petit the ,week.end Wltli hie pargaté, lire.B. A. Knopf bas been u te slck The Ladies' Verm non e sitaT o clety mUtI meot wtb lin. P. Miteoll ce Tbursday afteruoon, Feb. 25th. Mr@. Chester Gilamua sad children are vlelttng ber sster et Wbeling. Mir. aud lMre. Obhs. Srwhbbrgéreuter- tsiued ber parenté front liicb:gau a lew dayie stl msk. lit. sud Mns. E. M. Umhach bad a thair gueste act s msk MId sud Mrs Chat Sandlon of lHacaor, Caada. The Farmere Instituts mas a decided suceSe. The evealug program ivea by the eilîdren aud ilisie Partet wm greatly sppreciated. Cors Hodgkin@ bas been rlstung lu Chicago. Mr. Coon of Chicago, speut the tiret of the week witb Walace Lockbead. IVANHOE j lira., C. F. Becitk.-of 'Graîesak, vislted ber daughter, Édit. Mason Çolby part c4 tuât wwk sud sttendeÇ the rneing of the Ladies' Cetutery solety nt lire. VsuPlew's Thureday. The. uneral service cil Fred Mucher, wba dled lu Chiagq Thuraday morulag, 'mas bsld lu the 8,ud..$lrys chureh at Prernont listurdsy. ils deatb mas caussd hi cousumptiai, he bsvlng been aufsriug witb.lt for mazly months. Hs lesves a wldow, four sons end Smo daughtes ta monre Ibeir las. and tbey have tbe sympethi of &Il. Mr. snd Uis. Wlter sud daoghter Elle of Chicago, were entsrtabsd na, the VlckM yhauieSturdeanà sueudsy. Mises Oboru af Colorado, won tbi guet pitMisses uebker the bret e1 b. IoMWqk Mnré enry VY"aPlem r reslved word of tie d"th* oi bât brotbr.lnlaw, Nt. Clapbm nof (GagesLaits, Buuday sitse- Ii. choit, As pluauins for su ster supper at théeoburch tom ansd are aise prqa$ug & pisy te b. Oliet.n euetlms :"r. L IL Weod spdéhidren returasd logt ws« frtta a sVIsAI mIh âr mothir &M . Oiby aPteS Part lA l luswssk Mt Aren, *I1»r sber tdi, Mss.Wit eas. limot"aspoet Stuidsea d dus- du, làVblcsgo ý: . Hua m enS te (3icspo Monuds te Ilohk p 5h. prospel of sibm stétls red 9ltmaa pumaniuda lot lu île ilimmu ebdiWlu u el ate* i o Mn. sud Mlits Ltolf slrhld.. Iatel telativo'as Chieffo aisa dedorslai John Maeyer. on of P. . Myer,li. ncootl~ soml Itu aserIons sttack oj bood splseinlalu i.mibond. *ýti ë%e.. V lebo wt."sWMUle.d 'o. s reputmslon among Sh. bWu ses meOf3 thi5 comuitly sud Chiem otoi0o0e0" lng bai bille, la -týklng up anotb*r colectlic coure etchleffl. The caseof the ts cof cilgbwcod iSpi J. L Bhpbpr, Cllecar/vs the Chicago sud Milmauktee siso- _________________ rý tric ratlreed compas> mss ubmtted IAdepudmt: Mo re aOors tua ail on bees belon the stale auPreme cmet, meuIle emhtasd.cours Monday. 13VSTOCK INYQURSf 1! Why dîîn't you incorporate lyourself for $1,000.00 and tbeîîig.iivosi $)I0 (0ii) 3cuî (sj ti Ft1ok eseh month by depositing that amnount i ont avings Department. Yeu iii oon. have a paid up Capital and wml in tii. meantime have pald yoursolf 3% AnnuelDivdends 3% TH1E CITIZEIIS' BANI( eUs"Tm$ s*k os'Bu es mHOe SAPE OEPO*fT OXKBS19911REFIT Ar itu . t.M ht4 i ao k im. ,tkoed .3fromu h.nie sud Mm sudr bave prom aetlr hn Aîur Mi. e* tirs WwîA7rThe rv. ldeaie Usk *M-bag bn blov Êulit b p luth. lit, ud M. O ark Cmamîge pve aibga lniet~.ncifade Mvdnug i. M. sà «mes. Mrskln BsrlqpnaéI %*a TorS CAs. ,lits, OIft; ernid gavea sdînner saturdel plghî for tourte»sa uts st the iiiackstoue Bobet. lire. J P KMWy dl.d îber bômela îl lî k&e.Vuea mslad5 Braentif~sda, fn. lIôdy mas a1 dmeter 0 itm. iRicard Kennedy' and J. J. Birkis of evrets. SOWOOL NOTES The P. T. A. meting mas areutly eujoyed at the high echool Thuréday atternaoo, the Grman sud Latin clases Bnlsbiug th program .The lBruS dance ever Med lu the usw çLvuiosum mas thst given Thuraday ai ternoot%. The Alumuse holue cmlulg wassujoyed by a large number ofi old classinated Frldsy. On Friday eveiag there mil be a basket bhl garne lu the Lake Fat-et gymnuasium bespreou Lake Fareit aud Monumouth. Everyaub melcoine. IDJAMOrND LAKE J. E. Hutchîngu 0,ai Mlwaukee, apet the week-esud illii. brother, J. W. flutelilugo sud family af Diaiuoad lAbo. lire. ueo. ltucei spsut eeral days le Chicago t the home 0f 1er aliter, lire. H. &obi. FI. Brckn n d fsrnlly speus iiuuday at pgelrla Vlom. Mis.GSo. 1Bey sud Pearl mere Wsuko. 8"m INO vilut IaSTuesay. Genevieve Kano b»s boee very slck mît> su stfck of pusuinoula sud lu euhl undet the cmi. of a trelued ourse, EverY. oua hope. for au eariy itâovery. MUn. (et.B., ne. reuned bomne iter epeadbg cesveral eseeIn Chflagmih a. Euh sudcfsmally. Mm. A. Roues mnd Uis. Grejir mer, Cîlcagu vimtomelds"y. lir. B3. Brokaum musplewntfy sut- prflfd rdsVg$lu WhmIa s susero0# frid"hsWW doslarata bwwmomIay Ail esjoyed s plsasaa#euulg â". wis gmu Brocibiasmey mm.tbsppr blil-F Msfs iianu« et thé msek-ehd at Ir b on» ab Lahe £W"o. X lcego miSI les da" ineu 'me. and lirE. Ruila"steproul permte c mie mbatlvd Pb. 7. Sl.oueso*l"sd s a cmt et 4skpohiw.auud. we re I115 BIs abDio Chlsitcgaes if fa AullcI, Ibe-goekemof, Weuiteus *u~i'oji a~l'pw pi1.e pot-,#. lirei. 8. pow*abn- WsedpIy lb. boni.91 péark Brilet st Libertt- fuil. Mr. sud Un. 0. -W.brubert mao Bud"i asWm. (iwnem'e. Ubelse urs oGawlllst speur s am daygi lst eeS ai bIt bomne luLon« ni tubell '01 Chicago, speai the Theii. FN.C. mIW =metl mitllIUianl RousestaSAres Wednoeday af;ernoou. Pcb. 24. lit. and Mm.. Bs n amnd lir. sud Mn. Quon. itchll mare Chicago vieltore Moude.. Choir pracllcemmebld &R $ebrodtrs Mods, evealiig. Eletian iut aiSeffl ms led. Au enio7able @veulut #peut! by &Il .iuiligtiu, t., leb. 1.CilW., UlSh Ait, airallrd c 01 sa tfthé pue biawnflon .orgm tWes itt le lge t lare uehttari 4tSi be. ud tbMs*bd Se laot M'U7-i f , S ho «rhighteaedbubis lp Utt1* lits to -uelp dedlcata te Wehilu W .1. bigbM4) juiS s ut as wolmoa5, oe A 110» ShrIsuabw»àte Im 1l bora body.s Tb*Us ii4a eption ai tb*hospi.troMA a match vIrw ch làela troci tai %e meut LardIsA, utUter, M Ote liaIt & 1Oê' A mousut aiW bh- dotes, luete sd 1.11cm Ptiaste mw« a iumoret - lime ail Um tie groet te littie feibv* TIe gocidea t happed nratearly sud bIs leis oaI&lgg.debotsd b i 5, lboriig. wesear, aooodlg te phiM u t ehabotrbustomod ulen te lutonnatlon resohia be .hsd bus 5Mý the-Rt boni at the meguiflest soaght to $Poge ouff a spoisa fOcu nom oqtuty hompital. bis clotlilnSg. H.euasd gaOwlie tdo nùxbbs jila dedlttry .aarcissgtâtis sud vidsutly ussi more bas mag heidi*~ e Tureday the UA<lng ncesar'. Wbeu hb U "d ope e 0f MI* i*' ains eub. u ek is merS bu114put ils Oatt ou aâbaud. et.4 70e h I itry exyscted but',I;tbtho1 strock the match.. Xatsutibo le thaulsît]>or dld uot vili tutitrudeOously thtre *ma a lasas tse Vepr sud Cauéa"Y Iihln the ProtMM, fIthie lbighet volatile ail iigitted. au Il bba inaniaubeed, heuco lits Wagner di floeous k ead la the delaY t*oaety-four hauts. excitement and beçause tboere mas n DliPeiitedent Dr. A. E, Bromn watgr at band dtopped ta the. 10cr whbet quetlonod dl d neia amow ex-sud roiled back sud forth. finally ex- actly the uine lhe aew hasitai'bay. tluguiahing the Uines but niat until mill bu cîthorbtessed ar bandtc"Iped they bsad saten their may tîtangli bls mitit. loîhlug sud hurned bis body sers. Whoau a pesi? Wll l te fine Utie iy. fe11cm bu callsd Genera i Hospital Rallroad uffiels eeenotifled 'al Spssrs or Dr. Brown Speats? , bl i lglitsud au englue, attacbed te a câboose mas ruabed tie tbe scepe. He mas llfted lnslde-sud masbrouglât ores Nu TLON ita Wau<iegan wtmltb oll"ed Woard had been seut hrs that ho mas Affl ERSISER- an bis way and 11,5 Conrad sud Hart ambualance mas malting ai the Water A1 I ¶ lER treet crasling mhen the specil a %jIj4 11E jjl rlved. eThe lnJured man vras taiten ta Mrs.WilIhm uilI. 23 Pooîlthe Joue McAlter haspital mith ail arnue Wa*ëgn, iedet3:30 un possible »pend. Dr. Kuiglit mas sai. avene, ankeaa.dledat un-Monéd sud cared fat hlmc. Wagaer's day inorugna aed 62. bw.db are sIlà ta ho quite serions. By ber desili. Ije lent ane of the Not Serlausiy Ournod. O., M. Aiillerd famlly, et oesliit, Or. frouonS C. Enlglit mbo ln at- promtnent la Benîcu tomnsbip, ine- te- dn anrdcae beatr moved. The only aurvirlug membertedu Wgetdcae h5alr noan that lu hie opinion the victlmi la Mrs. Aniram Nelson.,220 Beal.y mas serlouely bute nsd d hile the It a osiega n Fb 2ta e. Winuti are voty painful ho tbinku be il ms si> a Fe. lth tt Tuu. li be aleata bc out butots long. Mulin. mite lylus Ail on the couch wge a ebeyui elwa ln hr hine "I taherài@er:-Wel. aies bis ptadlcainsnt lui quite a mat- t'. lus£va yease&go tomorrom ttr f tact may. Heoilagaime and (tii. 13ti) lIaI mother dled." And.' os eteml nmach. ta thînk thlai sthe tllomed su ciosaly, _______ by lunesthon M boeur. o» the sunt veteat> f - bu s-itbmV deisslue, idda Ie fl E i ota tbler eng asmay. 8iU# .,«SJ AU M PPI Goura. Ian, i l. ' bbrother. diedas T tquiw , tioS plant 1Ln.Waukeman. isu about Mr. and Mm,'Iiad parents 'oi Mmre Mailla, ceiehss*ad heuoir ade& me4ddiug anlvèrsany about tventY Ti oeel nlevDffr re flunBoutou but ik mas not e*t- ;r lpg attermurde fiat tho buaand ics'E vadual madame Isj re by the 1%tfaIt onî>lauot MiSS JOHt$NSN., TEACHER.. Augul, ier otiier uster, Mr@. Nellie CumsmInge, a voliit uomn- resldant,1 If proent plans mnatertailltoe peaidamay. it- la tua»san tuat viii on h. a domestlc science ca dsothe-have struci thetii.hard tam-.for boys an mell se girls aithtlqWou- il> mîit unualezu a m usiiy. keanToeshi lp s ahool.' Mile Mrs. Moulalu hskbealcit for soms31= 1T0n.the- amie" «cimsls e I- tima mithu sck0elarbeuttatiom sudil: struet , la back of tsemore aud aI- la declared tbtê 4t si ciii d y hasrecoivedanceu - bot demies, sehoa"I ing balslub.dcoeurage ment ta caus er atto caclado sAuce Octabet, Xrf. Mill a ese.o ihat thte pions M i oli Yout s*Base- ctlldreu. ber iùâiisu*# bela tii. ouiY fuliy. At the trusent ttimp mhele1 se- member of ber immàe. ltfUllY. He curing a list of teboys mIe mould- fomnirly mot'ejrqmtathie uni atraining, b. desiruofetjoluit muait s clans. station,.j'the. course muid lie oonuldetabiy Sutii at2 1octoc Tius4 m tifomai flthsiaï ,taeUgii.tbo mIl Interment ln Lait Round ceeutsrY, The boys moule not ba shows boyw te Ben>on haitpaetry sud- ail t te trille ofth eli aat>art. OBci inomladge $HE CHARMl CRUELTY. mould neyer 4 ofaimach adr»aise - 1 ita Îhem. Inatead the> viiihotauglit Is Seeklng Sqpargte fainten- hom ta do pln cookIig tse Slnd lIaI ancsBt fWowtRetan r'ld be la demmd en AituMn, sale ç laPIi. splinhed ta ta the ésowt W PSIpol. 13. moud, their own claties, sa accom- >Considerablé, aacrecy iiimitd te pisbwent vich tem mon poi8sss grantluig today ai an Wnuneilanagains Ust butsnelo sut they mIli, ho tauglit JohnuCCandi, mB kiemu sud wmth iret WteS a te e urud. Theymiii b. hatel keepel' of Foi 1.5e. The 1uns ah"m1i mut te do lu case ot ani ap- oti njunction mal 'sed by his is, paretdromnlng or lnicose à collirde Mr$. Minnle C btt, mit e Assulg hlm 15la MgUod la s"me maunet. Kàom- for separte mkte<msoo. Imita aofmimaSt tedo imbllu,*aislnfot The ieatlng tçW lagilpebelote Judge a iauiloibu a md mua> lires. ail ds lan boxafta in sf rt lIinstruction mhch Mbises John. lieen te allai tD1 eiiilsiublc vice ta any boy and ivould tome Id beuse tlie, ff 0 mOU omu *etbaudy mny tienos. <s moul b.oos- Mox Lste sud. IM*i Mii. <ieii ttp.claIy fine for tOôso mie beloug to ms" represétt. y Attagp*« V. be sBp> 8000 e r lutih i titrauaps Orylo, Jndge IWO.i'pe ssiu t l. 1ii: a Sbtth giii. Us et, thby >bnuian itSh5 udWsl.*nosam wold faO sud lalonmaon vrt, rai P«eMiAd b» a~~wul4 f~ Indet to pré«llhnS eqnditko thle teriane. '-"tfpl aoumia uI-*%laiMes John. >7la ber bW Mlk- Ooi1 ,Ste fOrth ' -Ind bsle h» p ti iis~ l thât ber itubauê *» lu the lboutit ai -M' ioui? fie bos, t le thee drlukiag taeem $o ppd <l wu ruel ' -"oi-in'mlll b. abs tea pli la:à bue mjý sotu tmri'Att mea 'imsftaoSr trne mie usyp Ibk *#acebd bWe'rig . i qqufart-au a ms fi 4 lIt Ut l ard ltautil tbse ie U S suâd blneo Ptht K50*a cow ur. sboeau 0f. 'u anotbt e e.e stle déemtel In 'à a i igi cielan4 lIteboyn hfertoime.. "'bntnthe zaottos-ib .spuul *Corbef I li#s 1000140,0 6itel -1-4., " bur.el spmo meo uia f.m -ta» tu- offptl 4»06 ime çad IF -"issble u tib riorem ;,nomi roh*4f tAS psqp$t, ' -su laeth 19mr Mstg. fius~sbe~q* rspsoIriOce Iuté u ftom qust lmpir lP. lagir uMW imsa l 0""1 '<lTai ner of lumiruieSeIPut, TâtgIaaote ase PS îlunY sife. lehe n ult duilp'omil sre res fr07u.'g lba« Tme demiss aI t npsrur . web a*rao ad e uB. 1oee.t, B usW souminsof tcae Mopue fifr aCOt Ii cf sieton 1 uOre s aold to01Robeft 73.5W su$8,1iohete M. iiA ld t aeue. rm,&1. Ssilka aédt issu am Y.on'rte W a M01s,10,s tral onsldettlou. lotlo ýg Hu Rlgliiavnue aLnisoward M", sl te ueta. to Alreanfr Venis fM. Hilotfou $2448 e son igut mt nveduotlHighanu.; rk A he sThe e Wli ot ales Aionsf mora uOha tuai theonsorof ta GOfoot ip" Hf 60oad avnusecstdion 9 md a ltowsi et olRotelr 8. sud e la cavenue ,300lg and Emar Rutk.l Th oerolyt -RotesacIrtan e. mion30ibetsfeow h nsip r l,- 403.40. lu Lîbertyville .losepbý Deihaye sold ta William J. Fendlck for $2.50 a lot ln Parkhurst & Cunningham% saubdl- vision. Iu Waukegan Oscar Soutien sold ta A. P. ileaublou for $2,500 two lots ln Orvis' subdivision an the West Bide. The Harbaugti.Mlller Lumber Coin. pany filed thoîr certificat@ of Incorplor- ation, sbowtnz a capital stock of $15.- '000. NMartimer H. Miller, late clty en. gineer, b.lng a principal stockholder sud hlaI.te bondie thoir businssalu Ldbeftyvile.' AUCIIONSALES Ail auctiensles9publishod lu the Independent or* chargodIfor et the rate of 5 conte a lins mIen an eider for auction bille. accompsles the notice. atliei'wlse the regulai tate of 10 cents par lino mili e ches"e. Thée uudenligued wmlii ssiit pulIc Ouellan os 51 fiwm kQOou a.tbêe13«77 Morse fart talaSGilmer % miksoutthmest 01 Damead Lake, on MONDAY. FRBBUARY 22. 1915 Commencng et 10 olock, s.m.. sharp 5h. fulowlsg propertyr: l6ceo.r.. ford bull, à ji. old, 4 mork hoft.. spa blaci liorgiacolte, saniionà sud 4. $bel ore dwndie; heood m, 175 beu. 4M0 bu. back otite, bey. about »0 bu. lbrley. rn stska, f800 bu. mill a.is. fodder corn, ec&u la euh. 50 grain es, uber wagon. 2-setion droit. 14lc.tire tuck. pnlveizsri ".priait milk wà&op su.de..top buggy, pid se nWOm etgblnder, born ek*.sBoum«e sulky plem, sy roecota- plashi, uearil newm; UCornilk umsr, sulky calllvaler;;esiy'nm, iananiumlipair bobsleigh, B sotS double bamatté. singi h îemi asrdl.oga ioe .cablet ad msy oSIer artice. Fret lunch set noon. CUsi terme. * Martin lasnîhaler. Prop 19,îlppIey. Apctlouer. A. 0. Bcbmermaâ. Clrk. Havlug dscided la quis fsmmlug 1iwmlii oeil on the premielseIocted il esarth. mess of tertyrlile sud 4 mil@@s o* oeu% oi (irayaske spd 2 miles narthIl Ô& Areàst Riendes milS sitan ou SATUBAIKYA, FEBRUA IY 20. t15 si 10o&el ocks harp The lullowing de.> sctlh.d preperty: 24 choie doms, &Il, tubetcnlin ismi; 10 eiprîppore; balance 'full doms; fail blood fSolatol bull, a ceiras 10 horess, bru wn horsé, 5 yr old, wtm 1500; blackbhes. 6 yr oid. ms 12ibO. 'gray boras, 4 yr oId, mgit 124)0; blecS huts, 10 yr nId, mt 1400; bey berme, q, yranid, wIW80; biseSboras. 5 vr eld wt 18001 brama mare, 6. rold. w & 400.' la foi.I Swift borne; groy homses, 7 yr lolel Wb 1150, lu a41Per., hurs; 2 yr«&ng colts, 9 broiàd omew,>4 mli ohoa t«. 150 chbickens, 6 full bînod %'luscovy cli, 250 stuock4 corn, quanîi t Iai, MI hans poser PorOmble gus ..ngtup)16 In* Fresn iile. a udcrier.60 fi of, ffahendl«es hiSIO. Distu ba* 1oedeti Drtgmer, Omis mioIS> lt)m. maS- leu plos, 2t'sors uiee,.sSral gai- Emears 6 ci plantp e leh mrire ,, 3..eetion due ,sesder. trucSk-ares. pair bob olelabdi top bhuot,,milS mepOti, rosd magot., siss eoeréérîîr, bcht,li bmier. à1otffl tdoublp bamrsMesse lot i#ào. béemléis.20,'milii casi. kitchMsp blankete, forts, pisSe.a, ae.. adis xesaI buria, PIlèe S nmt îaI iioo aSIL.bDemies, Piop., col. e Deomua.AuS fflr.. . i 1-i takeo pay u ttw wowkftW".- Mrm'-the Bam ."0*g~ Otat-"mpy ouW.at hepow«s oui b. elutritil £ppiahdlm tale ovr the bard of thbule*nssud inSrue its oemforte. W.e eap.cie.1tbsus ens et Mur Disply mo. Publ e rvU«£0 Wall Pape r- £ mail 'Wsue r o No 3,11.dete ad mM beae.t. *~,i uis 'a *N Ou i KR thmslm e sieados, Gp our fest alog!mma auesd moud AU your ordors WU§ cAelr a LiberS> ville or Ar,- os »mrne osidi iî,oas lven -lu ca"a. goz Wmîî.. or phono ,rourord«.' le- or eail W4-mlii sud youÉesede. to yau b% rpare el Imtf delred. diam or sthou.dummail Langwýrthv'sStore. ObOce ~ dstew -mt WUceih tou ou Ir.eP. mi O wreceY( flcon eitreY Tleo In lp Inlora" mrie c ard Y< cau Mar ies iU tn sudé fileabs deni flanc 0f1 ot tmeflt !!lu., SI nuisth denled ain 1 -