LA*2 »tNTY LN)PNET. RDY FEBRUARY 19. 1915. WIIN3 UMAR- 'KEEFE CHAROES CATIIOLICS 0f TUE Tleiussio:n proeti t. lelt PIEI~A »UIL BE A CONSPIRACY TO CITY IIEARD LENTE N tesisea ____ s _ _laeloalpyzr-as a Y8 A~~ SPEfY AFFAIR BREAKUP HOME JU LES ON SUNDAY useigttaj'n -he Sun ieev« a Copy Of the 'Swears Out Warrants for Ar- Fast to Be Observed Ail Days dîtne 10 flot yet ripe for physiciansc aite Sthng En ted States to use the dnig e i Patnt Shwmg Etire rests Of Burkholder and . ..Excepr Sunclays, Reginning tlenieybcueisuei on a OED THE OME. ,LM3GNYWoknso ot Knapp, Morris' Friends.exdnsa. rnay flot be attended by good rsl N R.EWRYRTOVER HS E_-___ 15 TYPE. IatGe a oand the Investigation bas flot lproceei AT HnyWauk.gau, Veb.16. JUDICIAIL PM AI 'MR>prnters, was arresteilai hs .act 11w lover F~~~~~~~~~~~ýhi eaitrs AIaiec to doki hl oief ri. o , ,lies, ohr, oketorelcl hscan h ME~IInaê lnsapr i tnoeloZ CIEPSE? Pemt tt okinhMn'eareI li-. Exemptions in Fa or:of Sick, e( ae feP1cs aveue Sh h bftiMe 1'Kefe screar, reasurer and bak aviezde dropuicat cnditiHncIrCUJtEced As-u1egan, P eb. 1i. pnrlmnae fteiaodm n t he Waukegan Roman Cathollc ions rai.-,nd was that the drug se*n àt w Syseesecivd sniyr irdetails ot the new typie çut horne at -ighlaod Park. 'Allw '1Mrs. Rover waz about 50 years o!d rnc t WilI Be Done. !iubmarlne boat whicli bas Just been1 Warrants were aiso issued fo thie churches Sunday, the varions lîrIeste to bav e a tendency ta reduce the r Are age. aforra te eabountfr ei blhpiratlon. in cases of operatlons it wa DeasAeadha l. aWukfnfraotPstented by P'red Ilrown Whitney of arrest of E. P. Knapp and Edwvari1amte htte rgmgtb s - - @ -É " n twencv yeara. Plie lealvesbier bus- LAAC noi ...C-. . ol..o D 1 l. .iiker.nware sent outd Inaa r-tvvlni RArflînilarhnnP. . werteent oat Sherddrug yiight be us WD ITES AE NM . A PRMSSO UPRT. vimegg, areC ntuvd.In..a t;uPY otf BrldU fUHrighland Prark andu EUH ~L~ flL 'M~a bad bu no btîren.A siter ICe riimi~~ -* urr th Ie patent wblcb the ESun lias received G~eorge E. West ef Chicago on simiiar 4 ftt FunralTbaads atZ~3 ocockis onfden ofVicorya Ps-fronti .%ercer D. Blondel, solicitor o! charges. 0. .Jusl he lnra hr y i ,0 'lc g ofdnto i .oy aP patents, located at Bridgeport, Conn. 1ACCordIng tp O'Keefe's statement ta le tram the cbnrcb 0! ibe ofiliflicuilata Atunched tath o lb o~0f the patlent are tIse Cbicsgo police the aura involve't tdo BengArrngd. Coirptinon by Peitioni. drawIngs sbowing th. confleté work- wu $23.60, but O'Keefe charged, tIse lng partis of tbe niait. comipracy "aied atisbreskIng up the, WLskegan. Feb. 11, - ~~~~circuit .ludge Claire C. Edwards. olwn r on c u ulii oe ~Tâe 'tient tate convention tever Yt .,t C iIL ~ wohaciate 1 re-estockln etfilleswhieh Mr, Wlstney bas incorpor- TIsa Sun aadeavored to secure Mi. slogn fr te W.C. . P jua, tkealitla ari th qu te ttfdinte bis patent and whiuh dit- O'Keefa on the telephone for a more ,od e te o o helaWukC.aT. U. general belief bere and esewbere that ferentates It front other types of su:i- coniplehe atateanent but was iînaIble 2-.,,tmmt Ot otoKUi Ra. h the priniaries wl ehabeld under tIse marines now la une: ta do so hecause Isoth ha and bie wife ~1.21h a ctli c tus ea, hklî convention plan as a reanît of tIse 1 Shalloyw draft. This lermits tIsa wera ln Chicago lnathbI ntereats of rmno! thse loal cominittees met E "A IJ A 4U Trligo h rm ort witb ra- boatthoba operated la mucIs shailow- the case. tIse regilar meeting. The day s a o he brnary lw d asane-er wtar than the Ordlnary submarine It la kaown liowever, that this ac- e!t the convention wîîî lie Many Business Mon at Wash- wrsay a a eavd suac bcb usually hi of a Ielgbt of th! rty- lion haetIsa cutgrowth cf tIsa case trhed tIs laptstbur t Hep a on toad autboriby that s bill han been Ice foot. This la aceonipîislsed Iuy a ln circuit court bora a few nionthis ago th Bptgtchrc wt con- u Hotel oHl Starn Bil repàred and willibe subnuittedt for double shahl or superstructure on tIse wharaia iGeorge IL. Morris of Higli- IsZla1ther churchea. TIsaloaven- Rolling in New Move. passage as sen as tIse leglalature or- adso b rf.lalgacmai adPr a hra yOKea ~bePri avnlg wll ie alomaMCKNNE <ganîxes, whicb will. provide a non- ment on eter side of tIse craft. Wban wltb criminali lbel la cçnnection with whý teen cling wli bava an KINE ( PRESIDENT. partisan priniarv for circuit indges.t liseIsoat ls operatlng on tue3 surface certain pririted statenents made by -- lII itznswilhae nHa isys ha Islieves Ibis Iaw- wlll ihoesecm iet r sd frMri.Ts uydsgedadts 10111tunity o! meeting spjeakiers and Various Renarlcs Tended to passed ln tusse ta cfect tIse elactlon lele p uartffes oarte ucm-w fbutMcas h he-r ise a endearf #IdeMtesat a banquetea i the armory. Prove That Association Be- ,titis sprIng. slepng i t dsrdo ute rg btse ae t er-re ntena u JradPersan Hobson w-tII e ha Ie in oxîaining how tIe rosed Iawra LoIWa speaker for the evening of 0 gins With Enthusîasmn. wudwPkotJug d d e ,IO rft are nsed for water ballast. Dîtring the casa E. P. Knapp, a tlwiSOt. A diassoad niel contait. oi o1etJug dad e , TwIn eangines, Te attein great- wealthy residenit of Hi-zhland Park, ecfl ted by lira. Adelia Carma ,Waukegan, Feb. 13. clares tbst t lll provIda that as er peied these anginses mayIlue uaed and Edward llnrkholder, a former la- xtÙ land worlds sUiPriteadent :If The Waukagan commercial associa- many candidates as desire may go on In conjunction for drivlag the two mats, oftise railrosd mens home, tUtOia ien was launched tn splendid style tha prinsary ballot. hn aacb ftepoelr;o n of tIsea i er .Iri' he insss ntc lbmt s waorli,' and an evang Friday erantug ai tIsa Hotel Wash- fouir ceuntes ha asays the votera wll sed for clsarging thse celi batter- Burkhoîder was bte rosI star wltnesa * WUb 4h wortd's W. C. T, U., a chid- humstwbere tIse conînittea Isad ar- cast Iheir votes for thmee candidatesla: o in e rgcy lsI ofnd asntsewtss tnd Is zqea prombra s an i degs e good asrangad a "geltotgether dinner.11 and tise Ilrea winnlne lIse grestesit ten niay bha unad forlIse latter hur-, greater part of lIsetimte. lb ta sale Au» ordn ae sineof he ood It li doubtfuliIf a dinner 'pronieted nuosbar o! ballots ta the four counties pose.Thea enginea are placeul in tIse toa ay tIsatIit waî Burkhoîdor's tes- thngsaready arrsngad for. iycohaca ntrst nWau'iagan wyulliha aeecteias tIse repullican cars- xrm'bto ofherttgvn ioy oeta ntigel, Ift wm a te leut f he%"r-1in tIsa Pas t bas -ever heoisparhlchpsi.ed didatea uet theeregular electIon. B-grH rsa-blt n d tIe maf h.g ln i tmiony, ltd nie then atg Iet fous ommsittees are as foîîows: lan by go maie- reîîresentative business calse the denocratir Party' lsgo niuch large neasure the vibration wbicbh la Wbether tIsa preseat action bas te O- G emcmnittee ira. C. J. Just. men as tbis liarticular one, tIsera ha- ln tIse rynority it la takea for granbad hbet ws f h rple bft.d II xcl Iesnefrao ~ersIn en-Mr. ran Jmes. ng aightyfive present and ail sarved bIat the tbrea Republican nominaqs Vihsune-1Mr. NIf. R, Sodgv tri. .. Thse speed. The boat la con- wbaiher there are new deveîcpnients Recptin-lrs JUa Srin. wittba good autstantîsi meal, s meal will lie eiected by a big niajority. truî-îed Mith as day ta îpeed andSMr. It IlaImnposible to eay but tIse action fl.corton-PubiicJuldirngs andfoitIsparnmer e Injoe ho tIs Sp- e EdWsrde asvihabas recebv- Whitney clamai that ita' sjeed undor wbicb lais elng takan hy Mr. OKeafa siorâ-Mrs. Henry Arnmtrong. franbrsssurh ee y a on c nrm ine hat to. hctn- ater or on the surface sîli gceatiy ai ti inbe la highIy iuterestlng la ÇWomaton fr emhrslpwhth ar ranndBoneCehtis ba wlbot xceed ibat cf othar typues of suh- vlew of whst bas gene belore and it *-ù's Chas. Clistîsa. pasied arounid dtrectly aflar bIsa din- tIse slghtest doulit ha yl lie nomn- marinses. In tact ils linos sera con- wouîd sean that oae wouîd net lie Muîc-vs JmesMoro. er was ierved. atod, tegether witb Judges Proit and strîîcted largely wita view 'ta speed, far wrong la assunilng that tiisla ~aqe-NrMr ae m.T The soIto tro u e only u ug dUisala made possible by tIs acfat an outgrowth o! tIse old casea, espe- mon ClasUa, vau ic he a ndime cfebusInes s intatIshe nyat cnidt.that tbis crait la longer and more ta- cilly since botb Burliholder and Badgai-Mhi Wlnnefred er. clous o!frfiiday nigbt's rasuit, lAssurances froin i nr'ebago couniy boat, Pages and ailier-Misr. E. D. Tou it, tIsa nunihor who signed t] itbe declare that thora 13 no chance of Wtrh dnbe oteblatB R H L E siMay ovntirasi meetings and at lait nlgbt's han- Lake county being left out la tIse cold eonipartments by oseang o!fa band Rush e«root-Mrs. Mary Armstrong ue h oa UAe o inila e inbg hncnee ht aewcmrse Iifratos--.nViola Burge. - utts oa ubrRWsge sfo inbg a ocddta aeweel and la expelied by cmraa Worito-drs hm cls eninbers of Waukegan's 1rert real la entitled tea ofbsatbtetree îudgea, air whichblis contaiaed ln large bottles BE N S RT D OF Ir .B n .T L ?frne-lully fonhy nore buIsssmon who couthes.adtIetarqupintfsniae V U vtlmhtis ofarenraandathand second our »i emNaRures>e lilas oIs Shpard.bave aignlfled thaîr Intention of be-' Judge Edwards says lis friands smlr ot'I on i b rn conlng members, bave assured hlm that aven If tIse odaId sbaie he mn lii ward Yoeman.Thun, vtIsa large majority f 1Wu-convention plan o! lectng, delegatesa sry suMr.itn Te ia a ms vo--YH S IMN CUjdren's prograi-UmraL. C. egn h usness mnnenrolled. thea ta uîed this spriag, and ha dossflot naeb l'.Winyaemahrvl If This Is Done It Wiii Be Re- WWs, M& Eles»or Young. kucseo h soito emr hntikI Ilbta hr ntte ans umalous but these gis on aboya eai-m Started as Soon as Burk - sucai 0ftIe asoiatonismor tssathnhuilwil letba tser i ne tseprise aieao!flthe noistimportant feu- hle un p Th.etrilsln adrcpîa assurad, lightest chance o! lis defeat.. tures. hle un p - consmtta vll hold theîr tiret trioet- Any man lsa ligie ta memiberahip Acrordhng ta Judge Edwsrds thes__________ Ing Mari liiiat Temperance Temple wbo u thie oommarcilinhtarrsiof proposeil îaw fora judIci prîmary, hat bas hecone or Edvard Buri- subes Ëeywluboes p»s or ecev-Waukagan ha mtnd. Tbey do not ne-, vilI bave te le passsedy a tvo-thiîrds odr In ad ntrllnng tu aaa es rasnnhy need to ha ta buiness. TIse vota la order for it toalia effective li-e .nlf~,~~ Has ho been spirited svay by bis tact la thut you, Mr. Workingmnan, you medlately as ail laya becomne effec. AffDtD1î'~x fricnda wbo wlsb tea prevent. bi. Mîr. Buinessma-nlie you doctor. law- tive July lit unless thay are orner- IARPRFE IN Il arreat by John O'Keefe, genaral nian- SUP~ C(M~T yar. manufacturer, marchant or aven genry measures such as the oue pro- a ~r s~ ager eftIshe raiiroad mens booeai neaipaper man, If you-have W.%uke- posed. TIse judga admit. 'hovever, HighlandIK Park, on a charge o! con- -- M gan'aInhterniat ai ut. are elîigibla. tIsaI thara ha -no vuy of telling whaa M YH LLF E shîîrary? Ih i' The hatereste are ha camon, for tIse presient deadlock wvlll laelroken M.adMs m hrs h Thase are questions whlch h las i DÂ StIse betarmant o! our communiby 80 permhtbing tIsa organlxation0of 'the les- M.adMr.Ws he ,te ald Mr. O'Keefa ha tryîng teaisav le2 U I1ts al get lnanud ha a part o! Wauio- isabure but I is Judgment tbat tiIs Gtiests at Home of Mrs. C. A. but as yet bus recebvert no satisacn Thb is Ol Objeoorsto WBS'gs'sbi commsercilvl oJet ii occur ganeslime titis veai. ' Rover, Mourn Big koss, tion, TIse warrant for Burkholders ington Street Paving More Mayor Smorit cf Evanaton snd M. lia sas-s lie bas coantad wth sev- arre'0t vas lssued IWO or three days Time in Whi, ohf File. Bovman proprhetos' o! bbe Evanabcaon ral aubliorihîes vbo ara o! the opin- 1fr. and Mrs, Wn. Ahres vaude. ago but bais ual yel Iseen served. Mir Dufly News vere lnvIted guite and hon that aven If tbis law should net ha ville artiste o! renouan inii tse United OKeefe issuief warrants for f.sur mseni, Spritfield, III,, Fab Isl,--Tbe Su- ecdIsspoie on thse grsatilenefits and psssed that tIsera vii hae no nomina- Blutes, smo vislting lise ltter'. nilter lnciuding Buribolder. TIse n'ntes of aanama court today ln tIse case o! tIse good vorn doue by tIse Evaasston rom- tions undar the old convention plan, Mia, C. A, Rover, 222 Fairvtew Place. those wbo bave bacc. served are: E. ity of Waukegan, appellea. va 0.0, marchai association. Thei remaria Tbey thîni tirai auch of tIse candi- Waukegan provhous ho golng te as n-,P. Knapp e! Highland Park an-I liens- "Burnett, et aI, acting upon tIse me- elhcted mach applauseanad ahowad datas wIlI file a pelîtion vith ltsa re- sasCiy IseratIses- are ta open an an- yh.LStcCuay ansd George E. W',est bat1h ltons o!fbise appellanus for an extension paialy tIse good tilga surIs an argon- qiisite nunihar cf signatures and vili gagemient about h.%ardi i 15h.o!f(Cbicago. oftventy- day.t Urne teafle abstrapts xatIon can do for a cIty., g on tIse ballet ah tIse regular alec- Oaa o! tIse nain iltuisg occupylog TIse aluns iInvolved la $33.6,aco- sud bistol, alowed sainie sud tise L. J. Yeoman axplihned ta thosepro- tion vithout bIse prelîiinary primais-, their attention vwhite s itIbin atheIseig ho the saternent o! 'Mr. Oltepke causaevas continuod. sent boy tIsa association bas coma Thon the thcee getthng tise bîgheat city la that o'f reApeisihing tIsaI verd- nmode to thie Chiicago Psolice. At the Bs- Iis action tbIs upreme court Into lifeansd vhile It hi sald titis vas voentha ie four couaias viii lie de- roba whihiswas rsiinel athtie Ara lony iv ue lhtcrboider waa expellhed fs-ns gives thse ohJaclors bta eWusbîug- '.%r. Teomans maîdan speech bis e- clared electod. This opinion is baiod of Music tire In Cliiuvcgo TIsw'sday thue caicoad rmens nome for al'euseu ton street paveme nt furtbar lisse ta marks vere btiste point ahdit eft no on tIsefart tIsai thora la et presant ne atghtlIsat, 11r. and Sica. Aborna liaditisubuordination tise board of trustres file abstracts and briefé in support eo! conenti3lons tises-hava made. On Wad- noUdas-of! iIs wek the suprema rcouitt dealed fcmoin !tIse appeilants fora n xeso f tîme but titin t*kOn Tburadoy aflemnoon vouit hudicate tIsaIlise supreme court liad3 chAuged lin mmId. Juol whul tIse resuli or lb. contan- usuce vlUli e hl al itnova but Itlal oixlted tIsaI shorts- 5*er tIse clapse oetlts. Iveuts- duys -tIse supreme court vlI-gheadaction ontheCcam~ AI;thtilme tisa Washngton treet1 lmPo$qeat vas contrmsed by tIse coousl copurt tier. vere a fowv ~u Jeetdls. lesded by George H. Elsnetl. vie' to* sau uppeal frbr tise confits .opuit t&U Pfflonted t te thse suprom a tI"c au e ot w ugvey of thse Wublngbon itot.rc-ý the"taIire t. aflr ott iyor L-- ' Io eM, su 1«cta*isM -sww hotI 4ggaI~ p oen ladoulit as 1n the gS obehade- Jndhchal conittee to ral s convention s nls-ed trom a reai commerci associa- as tlîia connitîtea was aliolished sev-d thon snch as this Oaa la houai tto ha. ral years ago. f A set o! bs-lava va?.rs asd sud In tIse opinion o! those who are ha adopted and tbe tollovlag board à! a position ta i>ov tIse mator asm- ' dîractors vare allacltho serve oaaeniera down te on. o! the follovlngA year: plans: W. 0., .%cKnnes-Pres. EltIser the laglatture vhlI pais bbc L, J, Yeoman-Vice Pesdent. spechal prhisars lav, or tIse candidats C. H. Bunet-Treasurer. Wvll go on liy peltton vîthout s con-u M. Husses-. W, 1. Lyon-.tvo yehrs. venîlon or prIis-,y t Thco. H.- Durit, D, T. Webb, Chas,. -_-___8,_ M. Pairstov, A,' J. Jovimp, Dr. J. C. 1 AIl Catholîrs o! the olty aud o! lb. Foes-Tir. irms 1.. Ilîlinois diocbse Ia compliance vllb bIe0 1 ium L.. Claxpit, N. Reutau. AI Car- expressed desinas o! tiseir bbimop ad »es. Cha».il onItou. FluiX Bue, lthe foverelga Pope Bonedîi tXV, asi!l observe on Sunda", Moish 21, the see. sagecf ti. ~pnd i'eace Sunis, accordigto s no'-A w. omwg,« Q sil tioe received lis-tshocat MIpastoms ttmsg4 kpt lis- a ."n'eUuà=» Pias-r ig i' b.oeet up bth Ëe oea appuiý On& iomiAib.X -l - b Prince of Psese M>tiiday ta laiter- I u»pMw lesînaI gr OO Misp ftSy t1bfý msVéée lis the tcril '«il lt li vlà fphà b ~~e wt' lI. '~$< il '*~ u'atbonu ôé bousm * <seca dffy i aa1f tid ai bo thiIUei anti s dpaes91 Au ng ils WUMY-4W» t uss~soaotsaac torefi thair Ironie iilIste plIce Ilexti istrucled tIse mnager ho ;ay Buirk- door 1tIshe academny aud, visen tIse oluleca face, ho bis home bn Satida. tire broie out, anscie and 'vater per- Colorado. Tiie tare, lnclîudhng a Pui-.î meated thse building and, lisa hch, catme te $33.60, tIsetire when the tire vas uisuer contrai, theItse iif hehng $2760. Ahernn fournd tbat tluelr expansive In bis chsargesa 5fr. -OKeefe allegeul wardnobe Isaf been couispetais- rul'ued. Iluat Buurkhoîder Isad dlepeaed ofthtIe Mr. Aflse'i estîmates the losat ticket and that thse etbor tbree mna $1,000 or over. NlunIso! tIse vurdrobe bed consplred wltIs hics te, do i. tIc. u8ed lu their art vas iandràa4c nia- OKeefe took bIse natter up vilshuai terlil wblch Mis. Aberni had pier- assistant aate's attorney- In Chicago sonuhls mad esnce thIs i1 far lie- 'but Inatead e! taking il before thc Yossits bIntrinsic value. TIse etimale 'gand Jury at once ho wsas advlssl Of 81,000 I. cousarvative, Uçfctlng tu toaair thea charges lu a munnicipal Mv. Abeor. No hsurance Id Crniad court. Isanê, tise lois be complets. . 1Tbe Iearing vas set for tiIs nnom- Mr. 6"itMrs. Alserna do a veAudevulle log St nîne ociock lut Iecause Burk- A« IW alled Iffe unan WRhoeoll an ar--Iseider had not been spprehended anà 1-ba#o-o ti s Wevhlc.l a s4& blas liecatise tIsera easacertain avllenco, Wate à'ist la ÏIl parta a! tIseïeuniry. !wbbcb Mr. O'Keef a cou': d net sare haI The -m ae omtit elabcstely. la -tIe l lhowed, it vas meportata thi $tc O ittig bus prved a teS- ha would asa< ho bave tIse malter dis- ïtus. ot thel ot. nissaad S ti iIme seubIsat hi an Tis- er. bdoked 10 appear ai Kan. Issue nov warrante la tIs a u future. 00s41 t on maes4 ' laItiabutmy ,tises This ruse la an echo of the casa la yul bave to dclisy Iseur eXèe1lU wicvhiOieeté oued (Icorgi M. Mouris santl *0 lits. id.lnth Ie th ê'c o! Hihland Pari for crAMnas! lbl. biss-vPveklg ard tb ?à weigAt the trial Buriliolder proved te lie v$daobe~ Morris' star viticea. - Quigley of the hicago diocese. The to advantage after it has become si order accompanying the latter sait! lirientiy Mcii known to render It pi that the rules be givex ont distinctly fectly safe on ail occasions but t go that everYne wiii lie properly ad-.însjority of local physicie'a s eem vised what are (lie regulations of the bie skeptlcal about lis use in obstcti ('alhoic churcb îînder the present cases. Pope flenedict XV. for lent. Lent be-. Physiclans in Germany where t gins next Wednesds' y, wtîlch ls known ldrug lasRaid 10 have' been inventi as Ash Wednesday. seeni ho have iiad excellent resu] Foliowlng lathe text oh tie officiaI with tise drug but tihe tact that it b regulshions: not cornean general use lInlIhe Un Ail days of Lent from Asb Wednes- cd States causes soine local physicia daY 10 Enster Sundav. Aprîl 4, un to feel tbat theY should ha rather sic das , x-ei)ted, are fast days of Ob about uslng ht.> ligation for ail the faithfui who bave httained their 2lat year aind are Dlot otherwlse iswfîilly dispenrsed. The SIck and Poor Exempted. Tbe sic<, tIsE, ery poor, wonien in- delicate IsealtIs, those Mtrsing Infants and ln general, ail who hecause of aid sga, sveakly constitutions or bard la bor cannt fast without detrinient t. their health. are exanipted froni fast- Ing. Those exenipted froni fastlng are ot restricted to tIse une of meat on days wben It ls alîcwed by dispensa tion et thse principal 'ineal. Those obllgated In fast are restrlct- ed tu One u llMesaliIn thse day, whicb should not ordinarily lie talion before nooii. sud ta a collation flot axceedlng the fourth part of an ordinary meal in tbe evening though the use cf soie warmi drink, sncb ait test, coffee or chsocolats, wlth a amniîl pece ôf bread ln thse norning la authorlzad. Abstinence front flash meat implied lu this precept of fasting le. la thus diocese dtspensed wlth on Bundays wlthout restriction, and et thse princi- pal niesl on ail other days. except Wednesdays and P'rdays ansd thea Bat- urfisys ln anIser waek and hoîy week. Tbe usa of flsb witb flash meat la forbidden St the anie meal aven on Sundays ln Lent. Une of Lard Permltted. Lard. tbe fat randered froni any klnd of meat, niay ba used ln prepar- lng food on al days durlng Lent ad on al Idays of fait and abstinence througisout the yaar. The aboya dîspenstions froni the genaral laws was granted by an in- duit of the apostolic ses Aug. 3, 1887, subsequently renewed. You will pisesa explain to your, people tbe dispenstion also ftôm tihe lsw o! azatinence la favor of wor'slng- men, granted ln and Induit of tbe boly se. Mtarcb 16, 1896 and renewed Feb. 25. 1905. By virtua of this induit workintmen and their' f&lllei are permitted to use flasb meat once a day on ail fast days and abatinence days throughout tiie year, axcept Prldas, Aili Wednesday. %Vednesday and Saturday ln - boly week, and the vigil of Christmas. Workingmen 'band thelr familles availlng themielvea of tht. Induit ane mot ailowed to use fiaIs and flash meat 1 et thse sanie meal, and lb latthe earn- est desira of tIsa boly ses, snd ours as well, ibat tbey parforni sonie athar act of mortification, such as abstalnîng frons lntoxlcablng liquors. 'TWILIGIIT SLEEP' UNDER DISCUSSION BY LOCAL DOCTORS Dr. F. L. Gouriey Read an In- teresting Paper on the Mat- ter at ClinicalMeeting. FOLLOWED BYDISCUSSION, Develops That. Local Doctors Ail Are Watching Resuits At- tained by the New Drug. Tbe subject of 'twillght sleep." the drug which.ha being dlscussed conald- erably St the preseut tima owlng to the daclsration cf Borne physiciens that lts use ln obstenilc cases tIn vluable, wss tIse subjeet of s discussion befora the Claical Club o! the Waukegan Siedical Society linbIse offices cf Dr. U. H. Tombaugb on Mondsy night. This discussion followad tIsa resdlng of a paper on the subject by Dr. F'. L. Gourley.1 Dr. Gourley discussed the .drug la a vers' comprebenslve mnsner, telltag wbat la olalmed for It by tiiosa who bava uaed it and pointing out tisat au fyet Germu aa th ie ouly'eonntry visicl rom Mie Ave hen sen. tha 5 f ex- aes uls 'ut ln ace ey ect- $ns was sed But- aer- tha rtc lie has nIt- Éns l1w W........ gier. aft dla mot et i m Id c Avu tuae i F. BAIRSTOW Meuble end (jusoie, Cemetey Work of Ewee Correupondeeco oiIçt«*' l6Geuwsoem isu4 rd".' seds Mi Il. - Fe kl ýq . 'Pu imb