(COUNTy i NDEPENDEN WAUKEGANWEEKLYSUN ____ V OL. XXIL-NO. 23. TWULVE PAGES LIBERTYVILLE, LAXE CO1INTY, II&., FRIDAY, FEBRLFARY 26, 1915. 0»1 TO EIGHT $1.50 PER YEAB IN ADVANChE CATLE iUAD ONOR-FORMFOX'ERIFÀR14ERS ILEITED IMft~O~ m iof the former Ovnerof the BroPhYi TWO DELFAiATETO FR~ TORI3CUEa c&OO pr »y»:STAI3MONTION Lttle Mary -ihalie Gts Feet' Dental collage, and toneu minent den- J. E. Barrett, Prosident of the Y Caught in Catti Guard tel surgeons vers bonored by the dle- Farmers' Instituto, and Geo. at North Chicago. fr a fdctronasciene str o the White Are Seleoted. NIUniversity of Ponusylvania thiiafter- GIRL F,.1Et4 UNBIJTTONS noo.'MEETING HELD WEDNESDAY HER SHOES-SAVE LIFE. Justas he ulId Hr Fot L KI3FOR ST OPS Several Matters of Business Justas he ulie He Fet A« ST »PSTaken Up at Meeting HeId From the Shoos a Umlitod TO LOSeJO S; DIDl in Libertyville. Train Runs 0%er Thern. Llbertyvilie. Pcb. 17. A Iltti. act of beroilm vorthy of TIIY DRINK 80 Z13 lho n.viy elected fIceso h mention liappened at fb. North Chii. Lakre Couuty Famrers institut. and aJ 'cago north mobool Tbursday. . .number af othere Interseiel lu th. Several litti. igirls iitd vanderuil up- OId TînM Officer Walker Sayles movemnent met in Iaiertyville on Wed- ,on tic treet car tracksu, cotrsry te, 1 Slatod 10 GOt With Oth- needay afternoon for the purpome of the nl.. or the, .eiooi sud oeeMiary ors of Force. organisation aud aima ta tminact sec- Pibalie hy mnte/bapp.ned ta get lber endralmotters of business tht camne tet cauglit lu the. cattle gmi'<Ie* CHIEF IS ALSO UNDERI BAN? bI>OOI the metin- Ose oLt tl At tlist moment tii. ebtîdren loaked thii5i don, Wus the. ,i.ction af tvo up andlawthe. liriteil car cou4qg Rpil reTa elegat.. fronLake counttau tii On, of the. lttI. girls rau ta tell Rprs r ht @W11e ofthe State Psrmn.r'Institut. ta b, li.M Inlu the. teucher but the. otiier, Prances Trouble Date From 'Holdup' Harrisburg,.Int. Tebrsmry 23, 24 and Raberlianî'iliai soumclent proneuce of PIaflfId on Chief. 25. Tii. twa ,lected ver.: mind ta quIckly aunutton thei, oeJ E. BÂRg- of Prairie Vi.v. of the. imPrisand chilfi and bld ber Thre, or four of Lake Forest'. lPo- presideut af the c Isttut.. 'fron the. truck lufft lu time for the licemen are under officiai dipleasur.. GEORGE WHT-Of Antiocli. oe liaited ta go by. 1 One vas oust.d Manday, anotiier i. of Uic vice preideut of the. lustitute. The children, irsutic lu their effort goiug acon, and the. chief, Afred Hop- Tii. tht'.. deys' session promise. to ta Vet the shos unbuttaned. vonked Imua. ha& becu mustione s a can- be a mont Instructive oan nnilitji lunhaste aud the, second the, lait but- diat, for the, officialIail. beiteved tii, delegat.c frous La. ton vas rIrnied off, the. aleriiuki Otto Durment vau droppeil MondaY Cauuty viii returu vitii rnmijgaod chilI beipel the i.ltes Jerk hbt' faut ou the.charge of hing caDuuuedI d.as whicii they viiiho ble ltaputt froM thfe fot-vear and elle leaPsi evidence to b. coliected against llind lito practical ,ffect. Borne of the, hast "5de. pige veut oi Highlaud Park. Water speakers lu the. mate arc on Li&' pro- Au tuilant Inter the fantsi iiited mGurc, Ountil a fv days.aga a petby grams vhich vil bc givu. dashed peut, runnnng over andl cruii- offcr of thie uavy at the, Great Laikca Foliowîug arcmarnme 0 the. subjects tug ibe. ibees vhlcli remained fuston- Traiuing Station, vos given Drmeurst'.uat vini h. treats<l at the. couvent":l ad l inte 94siEL Plb-e,"i!ov te '1reet IllinoisSalis," ft10-i Tic U@t0t55f téc ar e »5 5w theI Wauker Sales. the. oui,' neffl o-9< iu Betveeu obture "d iLlle Cuill- cIU&m S a be . cUe&- but Ofim necis leman ou the oiththore. and hefie n-rCD--hr rae- x didno rutneth pýuI=i iP5 orOtt lset niheperience lu Dalmylug,". "Poultry clul-1 one ÇM wuviila as umrli,'C1. b=uip gaffair, lc iiateil for renoval, ture sud ls Poublltte," "TiiNew cluded tboy wvoet 0 ar al inie it lesalI. 1Blucation for Boys sud Guru." "Wrm as lic blew ibu viitie. beoucs odi Sayles lbas been on the farce mflIuuffagment af Bvtne," ýPator. lu not ilscken the. spe$ of0f0 carU. y.ars. Iu tacthlta anc of thc oldet Stock l"eedtug," "Home Growu Pondu AeedIngI,. bal met little ]Pt-ui policernen ln pint Of' service abus inlaB..! Production," "Opportunitl.. siiova fie unisLR 811OPr-0f uiilid the. north shars. The tact tiat h. la~ for Sii.ep R#iiing la Soutieru tlla.- obe did. the oier cuill Do daubt coiored oftestimescoeil proteste tol018, "Malins Moncy &Mfrei a'rm1 vol bv. been Tou lva bYtheat bcf51 mie" by outilder.svlia r.euted HI g,,"Silo8sud Emillg" "Per-. mavlnt car. betug arrestel by a clorel tian, bt mnant and Bantary Fai m rure.i The children, much frghtene al. If hvas alvate pointed out that SaYtîse or Concret, on the. fam" 'Agrtcultu. back ta sii00, ltheaoie little iti vas a goal afflc.r sud efforts to have riEoonc" "oalniEua belng bmreooted sud UatumaIY " id5'hm outed faled. Nov, however. the rt on" mi (Jr oav i m sud M arkeIn 1 ed te dsstlL» lu tic m.sntrn, th repart szooms ta indicate that h', "îus.ct Pentu. snd their ContreI," cli.? cill bai calel thctescber viio about ta go. "Ronde sud Bridgee -~Alalfa, Boy vas ruuiing to tice sonn but ber a- Chef Hopman vas rcceubly hcid up Beans. Cov peus, Clovcr and Sweet sistance vasu$ neB-ed.thaluk5 10asd robiied by nmne proctical Jokcrs.'Cîovr." the, quicli var', of the ffabcrIuu@kt Proninenl cltlzcnî frequenttly have aiT1 evi Iah uicao a chil. iudcd to ther contabulart as "aru-terest for the vonien'. nuxillary, er," ansd havesasked for liciter lino].say ceabers aofviiich viii attend. sur.'tectton. Same af the, aujects tn'ien up yl SAYSNAM Mbc "How 1 Beneitted troin the, Clubi enun V~Ini PE PLE 'onk" "Home Canning of Prultq and M 66TTO OLIf PE IF 1L Negetables," "Dressing for Health," uurvr 'f'fIî~ "Home Building and Decorat:ou1' [IN M I INSANE] WIN SCiJOO Rin S. "The. Planning of NMeais," "The P'lrc- lu leu. Cocker,"' etc. Heuy . Sya 3 yersol, are-1 TEE IN À IBOT FIGNIT Amoug oUi., titgs that vîi i. Heur R.Beys 39year aI. a es-takn up viii c he i. election of ident of Zion Cty, vas tried for hie By 114 Votes, the Voliva Can- mspeakrs for next year's prograrn. Tii, sauity la the countcourt Mandatte eeto foBes lowl aepae moruing and after heartng thc ,vî- didate Is Eleoted Over the hcton fi'a xloita lace.mt doenluthe, case the. ver , ict Of the. 'Antis' at Zion et Làbertyvîlie on Weduesday suo Jur vs. that: Sey.m le mnn. The mad, place for the vork of the cous- charge againsti im vas. dîsuisil liijZon Cty, Feh. 22. - The, achoollog year. Constderah>e progress le the court. Beys claimed a deilberafe e cton of aturday provel ta, hoa ,rportedI. attempt on the panrtfaie its oii. a ery itcrstung one. Every effort ________ iidlirad him ta tie insane esYlullivas made by lialitiiheîndepndent 1$600,000 Increase in Net In- 3iru. Beys liai ciargel tiat lier hi- 'sud Tlieocratlc parties to eiect their band vas insane as a resuitaof i- andIdates, The. election wu cailed con FrmOeaigV - glous fervency. tht lerit i au' vacancy iluthe bor o eucn- DUS Electie OLight COS. bas manifetai stuiptanus of lnsantty ApoOtle ROaej for Chin", A remarkahle lucrease In net prof- ever aiesceemarried ilm. She Baye As scu as the poila' ver, open ou lte lue hovu ln the aunual report ai ,Abat at limes lie becarenoma rougbt -Baturlay mornlng large unubers of the. Public Brytcs Campant af Norti- up aver religion fiat e lldD ot con- votera bealln ta file lu, Rlgs sud au- (eru Iliilasejued Baturday., The ider lit ai etab. nsar hlm. tamaies veresiinitling lu ail parts balance avatOilie for dividends ou the. 'tabhc ngged me contnull-ti I aitii, cty. Tie Indepeudeut party $10,062,600 camman stock uos squai becaine vrouglit up at timsn If vas put forth cvery effort ta ecore voles to 10.76 per cent, compared vith 5.89 umaliivonder. Sors i n l* i teki sud lu <ing io, nmre aitiie votera per cent lu 1913. Preaidut Samuel timony.', "he neyer Cave me sut 1vere said ta be doulifful ae to their Insuil sutid: peace-mov sic bas endel iy preer. legaiity and vere fomhliith iciiaiieng- "Tii, total operatlug revenue ai ring a charge ofI lsaulty asalnst mne," jed. Riglit up ta four o'eiock tiere 1$5,938,333 vas $601,766 lu excess oi VOIn liti vbor Boys vorkel n a vas'- almoat a coustan stem an sd i e operatiug revenue for 1913, vhitle *arpentert' tstifid fiat tie,' bave luit ett laIant' urtiere vas a big the Incresei operatlng cost vas only kuovu hlm fer the, tesftvaw or tirée surprise sprlng on thie Indepeudentsi $51 985 This Incroesofa net operat.- testsasd neyer av cne signe p Inl- b>' Voive.,0O Pidat evenlag lie eall-bIng revenue bas been mAaaitdue ta manlty. During tie course of the, .1 a spoctai meeting et tie Zion connecting electricai generating it%. biemng Bey$ mt lu lhe cowrt rocu. Hfome'sud »oday but tiose l ii. leions lu 'differeut opersttug districts bolllns 0oecf hl@itsttlse flihrenon,meeting cauld forai any Ides vwhat tt1 it long-dIstance transmission lines, hicls.a, rom jia .tatrne he fonlialwuvan ilabout, .Hovover. pramptit ai,, hlereby euablIng tii. cpupsuy tao- it tendent. ' 1four o'clock gaverai perumnsbegan to Inca 73 pet' cent oi Its'entire output Aflèr tie iiearng and lite disminsa. file out. af lie front loor of lie Stan ai elecîricai eutergy lu ito largest aud. BSslioved mucli bittemnes gajist Home. They vere isaled br Apitie mnt ecanamicai station at Biqe là-' hie vite. 'Whon uicuemgstic mat-ICciey, Derme sud Peçobsu. ?'.en land, sud.an aditiouid 20 pet' cent ter lu the beuqs oobp4e io leelrel ,folove l EIder Ru»tou.ý Evau inlisu temodem eoonSnIcaý,'s*tm tona tiat b. voitumnover tii. "tmsd humaier, lv*neat oenniulham Waukegau. It vini tins blie senu fat un1 l ia aInta lii vt 13oeandEvangellt Stiailmock. Oa sud on lie oompsuy vas able ta produce oves sal I aie b.t i.mhou te opqovlde thet came. As tiey kept OBI$g out, 90 prent of oie> 8t«Wotlel oiat- toer t* support ai bhm vii. sd *007 iy t tetidoor aifieZion Nom. Il pet etthèsce. tvastations. vidol ir omot bo »q o'gn gped aaobupIo~ iIf tioe wu vas a nlieu ' ai luargmiAnsd of realt ec g THE DANGEI< 0F LEAVINt -, HOME;» ESPIALLY Z109. lwaukee, Pcb. 18S.-While George à5parks, a Dolette» vas gaziag St the sparkling liguas, Wqedneeday aighi at Pourtb etreet, ~ erbnvlng .tayed lu Zio City contameuiiy for tveivc ues, a noegmabelis suit ces», s'iich vas standing an the, sidewsik, and jSatel avW w ith Iit. Tiisuit case belu M1MdBal oties. 10- wuL60OTO AUTO WINS WILD 14M16NUIT RAÀC E AIANST DR. STORK Mrs. Stephen Couuzinsky of Libertyville Is Rushed Here n an Automobile. CHILI) WAS BORN AT 5 A. M. This Is the Second Birth That Has Taken Place at Lake Co. GeneralKospitai. Waukegsu. Pcb. mf Jury Out Ome n Hours Con- Aet oIfttbemt insu>,k sidoring EvWnce inl Con- 1sudLsan"rted noethb Dspfethugb neotioS WthWrecking of couftr roadi bstvem Lubtyvllie Providèno, R. I1, Bank. sud Waukegau the. driver openel the throttle vleate 'icarmne JOHN DE KAY MOT YET tirougi the~ dat'oees at tetrlific epee, Aud, vetil iludigiit for il vas rseiug TAKEN ITO CUSTODY.agttlustan ntagonlt evil vortit ai HowoeYepoDKayWorivailun the me. ~ 1 a h Aan'edWakgan Girl, lanceantr:tealveultiic r rts h F ndGUynine Cunts et' Dr. Stark vas claie lieilnd u Proferrd b U. . Oficrs.holding au persietealtit, Tic lbattis vae opefl a little vider-gtiIl Dr. Edward P. Mettef, former P,',,. Stark bld hiei distance, Oecasionsfl dent of th. Attantle National Bank, i. quickeued tie pace of bis long legs was found pull>' ltatthe United Statue sud ieerned ta gain upan bis alver- DitrictCourt ut Providence, Rhode sary, lu the t'east'at <of tii. autarno- I*liulon aiftonm ceunti of the indlot. aile mt a vaman. She vas bundiel ment oharogie honm wiih misapplilc- up lu varm cioîhing. Blie vae aue oi tien of fuedi ef the Institution, lie rnast Itereseolparties lu lie race Hent'> E. 0.1Cm,. (formeri> asolant-, Iler name vas Uns. Stepiien Cauiit- md wlth hi.e olise John W. anld Lou eky. lier huabaudlai employai on the. lne 1 idWs.icgcn Gaxe$.tRoue- meulifarm. Wien the. ctot'k kock. tir) oharged laIbotsuame Indlctmcnt ed at lier Ion,' siortit hefore eleven wllh aiding, sud o*sttng Mtcali, vw» o'clock Isat niglit Il vas lecIled 1h51 fbmdoWNYen M ofth* eeuata. 1 ia sbond lieltougil ta tfelclke th. eiltUiMuhc '=peifual *W*e j. trkoe vhs"*lct at pede- fer U38,0ô0. I terminel not ta bc oulditaucel. Tbes Mr'. DeetlCived ln W»ukffmn mmW 'machine arrivai at the local boepital ,'.st. He'becam»ee@@ eg U l ,ms ortit before midmtht. Calle BReynods wville Mng boe sand Drs. Stark ldbain outditanced tater returned te the ait, MW marisd but b, arrivai about live ocloci tlt her. Tue, have Ive eMffdron. The mrnrulg. He brosght vitli hlm a ismil,', à few Ysers 1111» afte.'the'Ueuc'bouncing baby boy. foin peekinq coneny Wat lIe li te This la the second véit lie clark handeoe- a reosiver Piges.','DOK8Ya, na pal ta the Bmcvte.Canat Go- vas remaveo'> cment the iunmser In eai boils. Wukews, Mr. Défiait viclting hcre part of the lime, .,. - - .à l à .M--w- The. verdict of the jury was reacheil1 &ffier tic12 men. incllàtin: o. hoi wa.s se 111 that he hs.dtolena coucii durlng mont of the procoedinge ln thie Jury room. had had the case for nealy 11 heurs. After the, verdict hail heen given Henry A. vfield, foreman tif the jury, addressed Judge Arthur U. Ërown, and said that It was the unanlmous r.- quost of the Jurors that "au rnuch cIe- mency asa possible" h. sliown by the Court tu aentencing the prisoner.. Juilge Brown said he would note the requeit. Tii. Jurors refused to maké any statement ln regard te the. nunuber ai ballots that had been taken, beyond saying thlt 'there were aeveral." Watr H. Barney, counsel !for Mr. Metcaif, requested that. owing te the rsati; enth of the case and the. trans- cript of the. testrnony, 30 daya be al- lowedIn l which to examine the evi- dence and prepare an aPpeal If It la desired. Judge lBrown urmateil the request. This la an extension of the Pertoil of 21 days n.ually allowed for Illing notices of appeal. Both Messre Metcaif andl DeKay continue et liberty under the samne bail that tiicy iad pretolàly furnlah- ed fte th court, $26.000 sd $20,000, respecttvely. Thts conttilqe.lu force until tiiey cdaim an appeui, If tiey no desire, or corne fmb court te receive sentence. Affer tiie verdict hail been returned laut eveulug Mr. Barney stated that tiie matter of an appeal wvas ubjeet about whlcb nothiug could b. nid at Present. H3e .ald tiiat lit vould lie neceeary, te go over thie evidence be- lore fie matter coulil io dellniteiy decided. Mie added that tho aeybi been tfren 80 days for thii. Iquai.. .3 Jmai W. Osborne, 'iSot couneel for Mfr. DeKay. vas fou4 iter at bisi b1otel and asked regrding an appeal for iei client. Mr. Oabffle tated tbat lhe iad nothing ta sey. '?rhe matter I. ent4ely ln Mr. Bar- ner. bands at present,5 ait!iie, ln 4ooludiug the. Interview. Attonn.ys for the. proftuflen were mgiteila lriang that. la the&r opinion (coutlaneti ou gaga lima' IVE NLAI< LIFITAi IATION WRIEN fiAS LEAKS FROMR STêVE NEW DRUG LAW HITS LAKE COUNTY HOSPITALS. Waukgau sud La*k, couuty haspi. lais viii he affected by the new dnug 10v under an interpretatIon giren b3 Washiugtan catioriles yesterday. Hoopitals arc taelie trcated as.indivi- duais under the Harrison drug law whicla prahibtta the usa or sale ai any drug cantatuiug more tisu 2 grain. opium,. oue-fourth granof morphine or on-egti grain or hârta . ithaut raierai regletration. PITIABLE SIiIIT AS 4 DEPENDEMT WERGO ITE Father Has Little Work and the Mother la 111 of Tuberculosis at Sanltori'um. OLDEST CHILD IS BUT TEN. Tries in Vain t0 Comnfort the Youngest, Who Is But Two Years Od-Sent Away. Ou, cf the' Most patielic alZbis seu n luaty court lu man>' a day vae vîtuesiel vien, tlis mamnftg t four Uitie chiure. hotevu 2 and 8 yeam. ai agi ver, eut av'pas elllm queuts wvil eilfather lookel one heIpiess, beeaus e h. bau eoutIor vork 80 long. t But, hracing up, lie tallie court 1 tint. aes aon as lie canl. le voulI gel ,uMlent moue>' 10 brins 1cem back liome agalu. He sesmed eernst, And, ta makre the situation lie mars,* iutbelc, lie buabsul tol tic court I tint bis vif, vas lngla the, laà» ob»W sfen - - Ibat e*. hadllno Cbance-et iOoveln Tie father' s mne la Frank Vrai-. u*t, lte chIldren vers: George, ,aged 110.b Peter, and a. Pt'sncee. agil 6. Prauk. aMil 2. q The court board lie evilence vilci -abowel the laotien tualb, ver,'fiIl the istier explanedliliedahno vorkY a1 late, au accaelonal ,'yboila l li. ouldI gel. He said lie regrattaIt 'gretlyto a ve 10 aok fiat bm hie b i t'en b.e cared for but al bo vould brIns tbern home as soon» sesible. lHe mltlie viehed tiet coulgo ta, La'ce Bluff. Are Full Thore. But. Inqult'y choved t1sfthlLaie Bluff aplianage I leiWandth e quai: tet cnuld mot h leke n. t.. fi. boucsh 9 Waukegan, Ill., Feti. 23, 1915. - - «.----------------- ounc the. judge sent tiinta Lyle,# ni., Five people eBeaped usphyxiation vhere tii,>' ili h. kepý. jindins lie v.'ry narnowly on Saturday niglîl vien fatier's abilit>' ta provîde a borne for coul gag. ,ucaping ironu n tove, <ilied them. thé house lu 'hicli tiiey er. usleep- A Pathetîn Slde-Llght. ing. Tlîey e-e'.s.ved hy the. prompt The children vere laIe,' taken ta 1 use of the. luogmn1otar which vas rush- Elaies Attorney Dadys omfce viiemo - .d t 0 tîem t ram the. Conrnd & Hurt they est pcucitng algutus of pipers, establishment. etc. It vas there tint a patieeIc c- Tii, naine, of the victime: dent ccurred. The UtIle dliil, aged JOHN LINDBERG-Who discovened 'tva. began ta vhIimper as lie reailsel the-condition uni ,ummoned aId. eomethlng "avfui" vas happening snd MRS. JOHN I.INDBERG-His wvue. vas laid ho va, 10 leave hle fathet'.1 lltte George, aged ton, ieaued ove,, BABY LINt>BERG-Etght mouthu patteil Master Prank gentiy on liea oid child. bond nud trled ta eaoti hlm but lie TWb OIRo)19S-Numes unkuava. bay vhîrnperei the, mot',. Then lihe Wtîen the family rbired Saturdat eider ai thie tva reachel ove,', pIck- nigbt itie veatiien vas ua warm that ai Up the balie-a, piacinus bim an lit tiiey ciosed' ail lie drafts on the coal lap, tlkeil quleti>' ta bin aud soon stove. Titis cuused the. gas ta escape hal hlm composd. Tiuc lthe quartet1 and the. house Bon vas lied viti lhe at avaliug until liey vere taken ln poisanous fumes. char'ge b>' the. sleriff sueà tien emov- Llndbeng awoke about 8 o'ciock Sun- ai ta Lyle. 111. WIth itsars lu their day maruing. H. vas cousclous ai a eyes sud albiitg gentithe lie 1111 apittlng heudaclie and a feeling ai tn- famlly broke up as tii. fatier loft ertia. He tried tg gel up but vas antliem tu go ont anul try>'ta inasjob stck ta liie atomnaclithat lie coutlinot vhicli voul permit hlm ta mav, Mon- stand. He mamaged 10 crawl ta a e>' and brnth lIlttie 1Bock tagelier wlndow 'shicli he openeil. Tiien ho again. opened un nubsîde doar. Tis permit. ted hlm ta umeil the gaisud bouton* y~g iug scrons.the treet, lie telepiionai MMIEFOF POLIR for Dr. Cisebo,, mhe physicien ias- tenai to tligueshanesd iurri,îîy apen- ed the. vindave and donne. Then h. S P O C eummaued the, luagmotor frou Caon- rad & Hart's. In the meaulime h. adl. John Reckteuv.id, chef of police ininistered stimulants, ai NorthiChicago. Inlay' tirough iei One oi the roomers semd ta have attorney, R. 31. Dadt. filai a bill for been affecteit more than siut ai lie divorce &laint lits vif,, cbarglng lber otiiers, aud, strangel>' enangli, lie baby vithi lsertian. Mfr. Recktenwaid re- appeared ta be the. leant affecte& Soai laies that lu 1904 h. marrld Us of those 'sho lbal heen overcorne vers Kirchner sud livel vîihber unlil ahie toait1 up site,' theiugmotor bal Mardi, 191.2. Durius their entîme mer- heen usai for tire, ar font' bourg, but ied lfi., lie sys, lie alwnys treated one o! lhe roamers remainedlnluho& bar cousîderteit and caplucted hlm- ait -dat long&.'gssi as a kind sud Indulgent huaband. Dr. Cîsebo, tliiaiternoan declafflInaspîte of the, tact he sail! she de- liat wyile.the , iiitbah bai a re- exteh hlm and had continuel tauaeh- îuarkably close oeil lie bouglt aIl I, cetnt barrir tram blrn co.MareS, liem are nov out ai langer. , lois. As seves vithi tien1 viti outh linmi aour v relua tif>' i actuat them son 0 ai, V Urne Tiq t t t th, lauth NORTH CIIMiO'S*1 'lIAMER MIN' 1 NOW IN TuITORLS Anthony Moran Who Bèat Wifê. Over the Head WVith a Mam-" mer, Is Now in Jail. WIFE'S CONDITION GRAVrzý Moran ToId the North Chap' Police Ho Was Jealous of His Own Brother. waukgan, rabi. 20. sthe, remuit ai ctriiing bts vi* 'ir trrfih blove ou the bush ka heavy rtvelttg bammér M&l leaptus upan ber pmostsrte bOls' Liboth feet la au effort ta stap hem Hf.;. Anthony Mmn Who a n Tveuty-secoud stceet, jUM ie lie veit oit>' ittlof NOME~ mgo, t. unler armeit tu .?fortb1." witii itent ta ]kl. wvIii icpraqi agaiust hlm. Moran eeks tl hie action by clalming fiat lie I ated lit lasy. Ilessatib.ê> ed because ie brother liWvil W1 a ad lie f esed iie vaMaing f*; In ta bulitsve. muun Moran, a tiirteen testou,' of tie us, via bus beeunh0iw" praveil hirli li te barn et talon.H 13e muel hies motif ., b c av, lier lie sud aa so vg evdal sblov over hie ova i& the. bamme. he eouplae' detaila bave »« U bofhléIsrmiel. Umm. a c oe stalemilit 0f is v, lis. Ïiý 'e, ha>it Gi ce ta, To '» *rv a l ft ceisI l w *d hdIt tlalutle bopi visarb M* - tinvitbout 1af--ès vwk- qwmrel set~ sisa m o i»"uep w beavy bhumer »Mss. rfl yrt vuiixMotalI ieS be esucbt op, te iciho the bio dli iib.fm Mefl ber. Ts bl tug on tie grenaI, liera, bla», bave tumpel ea ber, at thfpsse tm atnlkwg ber Ivice more eos f bI4 wIth lic hasamer.- mertinbal tovil dbis p*30l Imam ffl boue sud bintgmî,ý woon as h. coutl, lMe* gss ,I- setng bis father sud fdipte'- gaoua s a-e te resala be and taklug ber lauge Mqaty of sM#ý t'en. Iturrled ava> tu lie boue 0f"i J. Hcuiton, ab ont a block *aW. Tlhey ver, ont aor uecwi vbs li an a Âued lét test but b, urbww* s the, boy ttibitle héamer, indIetba- sever, voa n uhie scalp. Aftler W Morau vent tatafihebons, ami W 1>' iackel lie doot'. Betor.«« um ai lie baltinformel ou i b sotimml*gr, lie lutended ta eul bis thast vii' Chier ai police Join BscktcavcM.c Norh Cieapoas natiSel al >1ý lisetenedtu te iboumse. '. MM,), sud roeelvbg »nerept leciltd -I Maman bal cartel bis tiamt 1 eféecIHo M. emsdo,»hava le lp aMd gctng iMuth le b.dmocsiomeo Tihe "ov offerelDn o nesee p vs&tel out f 0theb.ouse viticte >% lie«. Tien for tie fRit lime bhoIW, quired About bis vifs. "Se's badit liurt-I guec e's"&ý teg to die," »Icilth liefjt "1 te« Miglt I=Las vel ldie to, *tU< Mran at blrst balkei at eu~ lutath iettc itm it. vtthout fiat serval diha varrant but fialm O p nions pescebt As caan sasMr.Moranars4 th, Hamîlton bouse Il wuWMi iii. vas cerlual>' hurt and Dr. 1011e>' vas cummouel >8 e%"' uz~ scalp eut lu séverai placés., ý clarel toay liaI ber Oos4tbw' ver>' serions but b. bas Mety«ê ahi. to determin.- -poeluý viether lier skull bui becsg-- 1 1 ADMITSMAKM.Ak ÀI AthoatMre.9ft "limmer usa" *vus pIqoý et thé North~QIic*~ 1 - - -A - ï - - 9 -1