CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 26 Feb 1915, p. 2

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FREE A 15 cent EMDROIDERY PATTERN4 cithe lateat exclusive desin a bsolutely ires MAt evexy 25 cents worth o alvasIVIi Soa& 'le Famosis Easy Washer." Yoir cisoice ci 20 designa. Tlsrnk ci Att Ne Irappers te I -e You set y-urpattmeasulen %Fp-schasixsg the Soaap * ' By spela arrangemnent witts the e . j obamon Sm oari Cm. * ~mufacturera af thse FAMOUS GALVANIC SOAP we are eaabled te gin Our customaeresi" extra. ardlnarp offer for a short Urne anly. * lw piais tte=nhar e tishe lateet designu consitlng of waIste, cailar dpgii. et&. and are cpyrkhted by thse IL . Johnson S-oa. a i=c Yau know thse qnsity ci Gatv"ac Sma »due vemJust vecelve ias py of 'flRGGS & TA-OR Ieatsaàsd Grocert tiats and (Iloves for Spring Weair -Maybe apring bu~ not yet arrived to itay but it ils a ~'4~hthat old Winter's backbone haLÀ a serious -frncturt,. At any rate it irm tine to think of spring 0 &tre becanse Nature will'soon be starting lier an- i ~4ua1 drez-sing aud we don't Nvant to be heaten bo it. ~, Ounr ine oft bats for met will incet with un ail- '~proval and we Nwuuil dc*iglit in ,;Ijûwing yoir the nr '~ styler. No uarr.rr in eý-hac waîy vo'rr taste lies 'vrrî will be able Io saUix jr Aer*é. W 'also a fîil fine of nobby drcr.e gloi e.î for vear ln auv oceassioni. Ounr pi-iee are rhalod to giv.', you rAie biggest poso z Ilible return fer 'y unr mney orv(oiii sud look therr over. J. B. Morse & Co. Everythlng for Men LIBEITYVUE, 11. PJ7HE best way in the world eo ut down your Coal Bill cal Up Numnber 47- or- der some of that Hard Wood AUI lengthig yuil1 Lumber Company ma tIbo e i pesoathoa8 ns ~I,& ihop, Mur. ~xxxx~ Ta insuro publimaton In thea Indeou- dent. capv muet be ln the Oo*ie.nhteto than 1ruesdy of escl- weji. Adver- tisera, especillty are aaic.d to aie particular notice te tits offgert. (Addtlonai Loa eNws on Pàge 4) llarrY Kaiser @enat tatUrdey vîtis rinonde n Wmueonds. Tise Llbrtyville scbQol vas eloaed on Monday, Wahngton'e Birthdoy. Robert Wood bas accepted a positio n witis the lierehauts' Dellverlng Co. Cheeter H. DîbisIe epent Saturday and Sunday witis hie parents n Kenosha. Jullus Orueuleid and Albert Joisnke of Chicage, vtlted et tise haone of Vies Mahal Blles. Mir. a»dlire E. à. Brown. and daigis. ter Lilais of Round Lake, vited relatives and friends bore Tnesday. tirs. Wayne Colisy and Mme W. 1. Coltina attended tise Symsphony Orchestra -Jtem s- B" Eeegm 4uaelled te Barleg tonThur&4"to.ofllcate et thse foneraI serviegfflâ Mus1. Frank Waternsanof tisaI elace. formnerly eerved a t5ve YOar paaari la BArrnsgtoa. R- W- BtlbI,$ viso w»c elected, aaees.or at ftst slpnilge eleetton, bias resgifflii a 0" and thre town boardl hma puiltti W. E. Devis teo 51 tise v-0a1oy casoibY TAr. Bulkley's esigna. tion. lir. Devis' erm of cfclice vill b. for abb" ra easthes aoseseor te ho eloctedtisaeouing spring wiii taks over t'le 01299 Dusit year. Mir. and tirs., yron Colby epent Son. day la W$nksen vitis tieir danghtar, MIs T.- Àtsr SlunPson and fanstly, this occasion beaua joint elebratlan of thse blrtiay ohulvarserles of Connty Sapi. of $eh" e.'t' A.,fimpeon visich, vas EstanlaF,»é se tfIg ftr. Colby whleh, W"s an tondaoe, tie famlly eboolng thse day hoetk for tise joint celebratlan. SLieutenant C"$ne& W. H. Wblga'M. of ih lta cavlrY Illinois National guard, a son a! W. Whtwam of Lbertyvitte. le Lait lrf e IsL. U. .A~so tioâaa w toeurs tto srs. teiaz thons. Tfeé& apdo cean"hoau eolor Ylitom wi t fate go uottie ou1d Yoou as ùiêA lua te t 0i"s snegtam. 1seom4bwar*d: aRusist Fi g o. fead bogo* r vr awef :tOkiï PtereS- acd 1Rage GotU, iWi reaiveti thea oficiai esve. r irei Isonors castiet of ibo oiSeai W eWto .tnlýa»on»d vils risth elaI "L" 'Tbi banar Wbs awardsd tg Artbiar QUoir woÇd,Hl- orStradrug (harle.Marris sud Data (alUns.,£t later atiplyed ti I molevory ganle jlsyod t:lé mueon. vit" a0f theEl. 8. girls ,Woets awarded Officiali*IL@'*, an reogaltlon of tissA wor# -Alubasket >ball. TiAs onor vae awarded ta Doris Fredricis., Elimalsth geb&nck, BHeen UPats, Harrisi Beasi M*ry R-an, Idarton Taylor, Lissiq abora,' Lots Austtn, "dtis uds haeMu* rei, IMyruesnabi m d, k HvAtuo,tt, Rmeat.te de. a"à By a vsry gourous actof tbe, esocl: doa ouf, bail 01 their satire net prao"s bave been doatsed toward the ftg -bho1 libraY, tise ottier hall vîlA b e lf cunera n rxcao sau rISJ. tise autisar of. a very extensive ansd- Duraud & Durand bave eold for Mat lateresttng article on tise strengtbad Leut Brida., niabt tiser. voue two Plnkorton a lot on Park avenue, eout of efficlenc> o! thse naton@earxuy viicis VO gante. 01 basket bail la tise tawa ball, Miwaukee avenue, ta Ei Kanke. ' pubiteheti ta tise January nuasier of, tise aMd net ery maay people tiser. ta sms Mie Enity Bush, visase lisaltis la Journial o! tk*. U. B- Cavalry Assoltloa. tris.» Hovevor, ur boy@ won bath reported aso very ponr, lae pendlng nme tir. Wbiala a ue eool teaeiser and ire.gase, andi pîaied far botter bail tboa line et tise Sacred Heuant Saitarinsa at lu Chictago. Rie ae ae m a bi er Milvuke, Wl. - Tuosday evenlaz tise Mystie Workers Ou lglisI vlght teaux defeated tise Clias. D. Proctor bas openeti au la. gavea isord tire party Satisbeir ball, ll«lut veigisi bansirons lvauoe vitis surance office in tise Proetor building la wiltiis vasMrey atteadeti. Tise tise eorse ai17 te 13.Tis Asa a cle.a tise roons fQrnsrly occnpied by tise J. E. costumens 0f thiss vio ecme "dreadSudi anaatersstlng gainse tran &tari- ci Merediths contera. UP" ver. e, . tira. Scisanis recetved ii, and thse audience dld not boitats tise prtse for Mas otale due.., and Mi, about expresstag -their epiiroval. «. ira. Aldea Webb o! laiasstee, Mc., Sturms receivei thse gentlensan's pries. ÀA bvesanse ratherpromnssagnev inaterlat andi Mrs. Henry Jewett of Wlnnetka, musical protmies aa gIveri, followed by for tbe sit year's Isaus. vere geceofaiMrs. àMary Browna nd dancing. "Rerd time" refresismonts Our regular teamn defeated tise Area famlly for several days.. ere serveti.- tenue. Tise ganse vas open andi fast and *Paul Ray bas a hall-page advertlee- Tise Amici Ladites' Nîgist proved tu, e bath ies raraly mueiet trov ehen ment in tiis lsue of tise Independeat. tise niceet dansce giean by tisai club ibis tbey huit t. This was tise tint ganse of ieý la quotlng redusceti price for hbis vnter, the ffai, vbîeis vas dst t e aman vier. our boy@ shoved tisai sIlecial sale of furniture, etc. Tbureday evealng. belng a George ttasy c-tsd play togetiser and follow up tirs. Cbas. Babcock of Mlwaukee, Washington party. Tise hall vas de. tiseir signais.Oui 5r e leads dmtsed lister oi Jas. H..and E. F. Swan, vbo corated witis ced. visite and bine crepe a treat. TisRe g a e a r.etl delayed1 undervent an opration in a Chicago paper. Rage and buuting, vîtis a large owilua ta tise tact tisai Are* vlised ta, isospital two veekea ago, la getilng &long picture o! Wast'ngtan aItishe veat end uJe e player frons Highland Park. This: niey. o! tisebaillesl croûa, cakes and eandieu trck bas been played on uet almoit veesr-d by the ladlee.- every ganse we bave played andi out- tir. and lire. Henry Patrick of Chiscago. wr aeboys are dlsgusted witis sei proeged. spent Snnday vitis tre. Augusta Loveil Tise Adame Express Co. bas been asked luge. Tisa gase vas inally ptayed ln arnd childronu KessuetirLeic Mil. hY several Leike ecunty manufacturing order nos to disappoînt the audience. %uuner, alec spcnit uiay vith, bise planta. inludiz« 'et fouet one frOns Tisascore vas 48 tu 40. moirer. * Libertyvllte, for an exprese route aoier The lino Up: lise Lbertyviile branci o! tise C. & M. A daugier arrtved at tireharome of aL. H. S A -p Mr n r.Jh ln fParel)eetric ine. Beon. tise United Sitate rs Mn.w ed tins. John Hanlon c aire Express Go. wuèt ont of business tiaS IMli...e. ........ L F .... ........... Fry coin. Feir.liedis. Tire flanlop'tronagd Colline...... ......... Jbhnt;,, from irere ru LPrairie View about a bcol utny idconheideraje copoaton 1ge 1ýýý,,,-. ........B ti irpre botos rice tiserAdam cor..ra. onfg K. r .............p. lone nsontf4ago. acqrired tire express routeo ni rtheod . ' . P itu., The Tiria tliwit'el ie-t witlî trs. Suae. 'rrparr iy t0re ei.cbts e I. ui dProtimr.. ......... ........... %l'il[ Decher ne, r n ek Tneeilda.yv'rîeing. itîrîr rd to ttr li îinacoî i e' î'.iel Maredi 2. Instend 01othriscg'Miir road. leavrig Lilc'ryveille ,rvrtircîrrsi; War Secretary Killea atS ic. th ierîn'rmarr e, rii~ ie,) e'w foi. l,;lîtcet routei th' , S, urt l liie tS'en' . It !iv nome .5 Ira . i' rkairii' r 'tirthe 0Uia ii îticute ofril uTiw %Wclle ta rgo hbasua zood srer, ,iut fIritrt li o.cirr f 'ver W. T4 ort Anerwu uiu wii g% ee6th 'irri la . tLir, directrli'ri.. tirthClarke. s' ne :ýlied iu a nu, - v1al toti. 'lurailaS3 nriilirii n ','iev rîrlisho-re titsud towrie lJî-r ni 11h uni- <r roeof a te'"itary oveunrg, March 2, et tirc Ni.W . hal. î~stcoe i rer.sutotlî accjlern idInrLerdc,ofvIi - a l.'lr i'r' ,tii Se'lots uf fun fori ve r3body. T'l'Aie'li idaýii ry. sisn'i rie' lii a bemnarle ro srirain in 0, tiand n'as kiiled Tsenty-tive 'ents adnmission ailire Tista lape ioi rie Ni. E. Sonrday crehol ar 1 nc1. flAs olliclal salaczy was et chargeiL. lu tbhe gynS i ftir e ureir Mîiiday Q, !Srst $2.50, and errbscquently $53Ea day, M. and Mr@. J. T. Eoberton returncd ingc, wae 'i're ofthrie mo;st ouuciemssul out of which Ae paid iis clerks. Tirnday esening of laat weck rum oevents irld there Suis winter. l're rouai tionroeo, lad.. viser. tirey liead one toeac decorated nstA r eergneen and piaît The Indeperident le thre cauity'e un- attnd he eddng f te frme'@ iatrhnrysanthemurrr, nsakung a prctty back ly 12-page weeçly-that's h vey aen WdtAeddiugcf M re omra a sisor gound for tire varions numbere of thebeidy talc.5it. wyeey (ansiAn, Sire newlyvede, acompanied given in.Ealienerrsnmth,othnelrg a thons te t.iberryviile for a <aya rOisit. gvni betranet n olwD tise tirer as tlicy ver,, turned oven by TAre Mechante' Delivenlnig Co, ires Fatiser Time. Tire vlading of thee Mai' CHAS. D. PROCTOR. Purebassd a team Ofh ieavY irorsea fnom polo by tiny pirrary toteof thtie Subday Win ' ONeal, wvih icir iiie used tantiseir ecisooi, proved te lie tAre soit Intcresting deiverîug Abusiness. Tire company je featune ni tire lrognans. Lunch vas anxlonsly avaiting tise arrivai of their eerved by tirs 3iuug ladies of thse eoeiety. IN U A C nov panel-top wagons. wiciswero to Tire bitirday eerk contributlone nettedr have arrived n Libertyville Febnnary tire orgaulation sixty-.Svl'dollars. viiir IR, TORNADO, LIFE iret. th. gv e ieSunday scirool piedge H. D. Boyd etnrned tinadai' fron te tise cisunrbuilding flad. POf Taylor rounty, Win., visere lho spoat a- The nsir*srien Ladies@'Aidvil give IE YUL M UO veektul conspaay vitis P. C. Lalor of tiseir annual hot meai suppor neit veek tisia townsip and wiso baspurciseeuld Tsnraay v eniîng, Martis 4ti.lan tisae en 80-acre tarin 3% miles frons tedford. Mir. Lalor renined on bis newiy acquired faimu, viicis la parbI' lmprcved. tir. Boyd umade the sale for tise Loeb.Hansnsl Roal'y Co. The speaker at tisa Frid venlug service ai St Lavrone EpIStopal cisurci 1 inl be Rer. B. J. M. Nttei 0o! S.1Jolma cbuhorat Iving Park. The. servies bgai; eagit a'ck. un lie eveolu of Marais Sthistise Vul %Ev. licou Pond, the eneeseor to DosanSamnar, vil l ties okr. Tha fourti sunmber of tise mtertal- uns nos as givea ai the Lyrtc TheateTeea volgby"Ts atmutal ativo àd uos, muloa huMO;nIs@Moogu mad aieoaeýe bapsaouatloas. 1'beewuva as aW Jas. 1.LSvndave blisb i mdsi sterdt hmiiihem -e oumiwau wvas us*s ead ga". vava l erola'aajznee mtbeogis lisebop birâday ouka ve iseotolatA *oty.aoseiles whstsea 000.e- staU bb tgnon o*sby liom bot1 kaolu laiMaUv w u esni cisnrch parlons;, boginning et r P. ns. ountil ail are senved: MENU Rosist Boof Bouti Park 1 basired Potatoes Vegotables Salade Banue baks Pickles Ta CB»Chefse Prias 8BU SUN AVAIÀLADL MuL S"Aause *f numerffrffloqesta fer C.oplga of the Dally *un ,at L"-~ vIlle ach day. we h&v asuprt" to have copies sont toi»ýt mîegvIi o4rpeerwho doa@ ~the piWk, ttse'su btho mail Ü sswvlvs,îst olh ayccasIo -0 #qtagt ssIi.ectoCk ai the 'uhpre. We visi Ita thaak oua *Wobre ai tlilsor li e k-.i s -bae -g-vo for'* tiesympathy tesi'lara beroVement; aa otise aluusseU4 coatributon. Betweeon uow and the _time ypi will pay your -taxes agin, you c lorestair i hat taprbe-uc'o uro ta ti, TIdT5x uaJachweek wilil met th No'RtiO. N» Red Tape. No D"aw Baok. Cemasinam et tel ekl yes abou tAt Lake Couuty Matioal Bonk capitW, surplus And Profits,. po>ooo Total E.souroeu 1-'4j>OO WAUKEOGAN liard and SoitCoal. Orders Dellvered Promptly ~ OYou can't go wrong il you buy feed here HaJBUHMLR LUMER COMPANY ]Phone 50 CHOICE GROCERIES, MEÂTS, VEGETABLES AND FRU"IS. CORLETT & FREDERICKS Phono 30. IBERTYVILLE, ILL. THE COST 0 F cake inattrials is hsigler than ever. JMvery wo. man krows that, and mo duoüs the buaband wsho gets the bill. That'a why more sensible womer than ever buy their cýakesi, pas-- try, bread sud other thingm from thig bakery. ht's cheaper and no bother. Prices rensain thse saine. Our bîgh, q.uaiity neyer varite@ LIBERTYVILLE BÂKEIRY FRED JOCEHEIN, Prop. A VERY SPECIAL SALE 0F 4SJLK Llosiery HEAVY BILK BOOT 90O8B, bWak, tan -and white, usually sold 3 at 50c, special for this sale~, 3 pair for $1.00 or per pair..... t l ¶ Theze are fine valueo and the sale cornes. At an opportune time. Buy them now for Baoter u wells for prement wear. The quantity ifa Umnted. WW. CA RROLL & SONS COMPANYL Nort ~i. has 3.IWQ 1tE s. 777 -7 ýOý

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