CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 26 Feb 1915, p. 3

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À. Photoplay of thé faaoînsting st.oryby Midinm N1bol»e-a Cmdy Drama derîved front the adventnre. of a gIrl, product of the. undeworld. Producsd by the Fainous Player., featuring MA R Y PICKFÙI'knD LMUIO, SÂTURDY, wÈK.27th COMIN(, THURSAY. MARCH 4, at the LYIC .Cyru lSctt. In a Famous Playern' production of Louis Joseph Vance's 71101M DAY OFlcDAYS" Watch'for The Rawleigli Wagon My Stock of Rawleigh Produet 1isfresh and complee- Modicinesi for PerBonal use, Extracts, Spices, l'or- fume@, Tollet Articlei&, Soapso,, Poliohes, Stock and eoulty Supplies, Dip and Disinfectant, Etc. WAIT FOR ME. Leonaèd Disney, - The Ravwleigh Man pbm. 156'ýR 1 « & Oschard Ste., UbertUvle Me. A Stephens' Beauty -Parlors ' OVRGSOVYCE LI8KETYVILLE Manicuring, Shampooing, Hair Dress- ing, Facial Massage & Scalp Treatment BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. Phone 100 OF ALL Wmnter Ioffiing and Underwear MOD OTEM WITER CODS AT T. A. Reynolds' Clothing Store éTMd& Same WI Continue Until bMarch 15 Qur stock in large and comuplete in ail lines. Thanhing out patrons for liberal patronage in the pust, we reinain Yours truly. T. A. RF3VNOLD$ y tE OMf or INDIVIDUALIÎY Mahier Manufacturin 0. LtcO I< Deigners s"d aken o 9s'TEN Gas, Electric and Semi-ladirect WE à.0 RLVINISK11>. RDBFSSILVER- WAM ,NICKLEWAM ,AUTOMOBILE TRIN- NMIGS ETC. (îT OUR ES T 1MA T ES An lnsiaIat «bgus e OIIS tueverg Itest in. Ufixure Design. 'IJAflIMift rA'IS B1eR15PLAN= NOW' IN TUE TOILS NUlIOWN LUNE (conlinued Prom Page Oie.) fors Police MagIstrale Noabaus ibis morniSi sud upon bis apisaestfgil le thé, charge of assanl ithlUtasdea d- 17 vapon UPont e rsons Of bis v.aa smaU son, Martin, Leè won 41o1nd Over te thé grand Jury lu bonds -Ot'i$3,M0. Au order of eomaiitlment tote counly laIl waa made ont sud I asald It ilil ho an i.poeabillty 1«~ Ioran 1 soecurs a bondsman. Tit facts lnlte case were laid be- ré te court , i l as ld iow M e r- i ,had returned te bis htomie ast F1- y nigitl and tuen mthoul apparentj Prévocation esImd bies mueenolai ,é1ilcbiown over te bond mit a1 h~y rlveting bammér and itow eite lIUaly eécaPed death t 51hIs bauds odiv mhen ber tiîrteen year nid son bkrtln Interfered -and engagod the at-j tOation of hl»ater long onougit for, iti.- mothor and thé other citildron to eupe te Uts home O! a nélgitior. il U~related ton liom Moran bild truck 1 itta son over théeitead withth ie hami-1 'Xorait mas placed on thé stand. HIe nWle ne effort10 deuy ltaI ho lied made tse attack, Hia oui ydéiense mat tat hé abaieen drlnklng and1 tht hé dos net kow mbj ite madeé lte attack, Hé said!lihe affir bas taugit hhn aa bison and ltaI h. ilii1 never toucit another drop of h îucr. as lie live.. "Tou may neyer gel a chance." te court said. Martin Moran, tesounmitemas te haro of te afaîr lait friday night I wam préslent In the court roorn but dld neot tealffy. Dr. L. B. Joliey, tse physicien mito mwas called tb attend Mrs. Moran sitortly aller ltée attacit took ltet stand sud told o! baving beeu calied lu ou the case. Ho sald titat Mrs. Moran's condition In very eions and tht hé caunol tell as yet mither site wiii recover. Ife sald that complies-1 lons rnsy set lu chich wmlii make ber succumb to te attacl. independen'a @mail i d brlng r.- suift becaum th.y reach 115.00 per- sousi wskly. F. A. Surdns, - Prp. Four Reel. of the B"t ~ ue Friday, Feb, 26 iei Deareit Fou. 2-r Efsqay . étory 1mi unsey's Magazine 01»New Partnnai.. Edîson Dra 0!mulmRtio of Pordai ...lita. Coa i.esturlng Billy Quirti Saturday. Feb 27 Tih. Soceans... 2 r Lubin Dratua Mmn in the.Vauit ...Kaleai Drama Shipgsry Si & The laîpersonator t t seanay Wlesteru Uumedyd Sunday, Feb. 2éc ln the Land of Arcadia 2r rana Ch&.Kent and Lillian Il ker Lovae .Tiuaqà......LuinDraai A Regular Rip Getting the. Sack t Biograpb lSplit Reel ouiedy Couing-Sweed. ie et thePair Picture made at Lberty ville'Pair 5 J . , . " U '. R i"oa - P r p 'e o FOUR;REELS EVERY NIGHT The. Myst.ry Woman.2-r Bison 0100 iMadison and Jo. King 1%0. Widow's laut... Nestor 1rarna Peaturing Murdoeh M'Quf#rrle LoveDiagimd.Joker Cornedy Pauhni'. Wekiy ..Current Eventi -SATURDAY- li the Bishop's Carrage Featuring Mary Pickford es ad on DAIs page --SUNDAY- H. .ae2-r Rez Melodram Paulne nsd Lou C=Iti The. Outoo..Irnp Weit'n Brama Featurlug Mary Pickford The Rural Dia..s.... L-Co Coaiedy The Master Key Redii E vmry TnuedY NIew FOIIÉR AUKEiANARRANGEÊMENT FOR MAN WILL GO TO JUDICIAL PRIMAR- PRISON IN T1113EAST lES ARE COMPLE tidal houer couferred upon, hl= on Mouday, miton be mas elecled te first preideul o!rlte new1y format licHen- ryClounty Bar Association. Thte as- sootIon mas organized l ints court roéË preceding lte openIug of court. Atbruaeys B. P .Manley, D. X Joulyn. i4 $ FP. casgy, a commtle,appolnt- ed to, prepare and Preseul lhiteces- unrp Constlutign sud b)p-lama, made thetr reporttrougit Mr. Mautey. head of ltse.commilîse. Tite aooclation tLUa lormed la one general amqng tam. Yen of lte varions counlisa. lirmigh- Ot te state and its purpout Io tu inalttat lte itegrlty, itonoe aud dig- UiY of lte légal resia10ul tinite. sociali ntercourse tomg Ibm moPtiera and 10 lucrease Uli uefu- ne«a iy pronoting a higiter sens.of Justice lu the administration of ltse laW-Iiarvard Eeraid. bilg msil-INDMPUDUNT..I Men Sooîaly -Promninent Along (continue,' From- Pagea0One.) - 'Chairmen of Four Central Corn- North Shore Are Forming the record of the case was clear from mittees HeId Meetings in a Fieldflattery. mnY fenture te whicb exceptions couid Rockford ontSaturday. PLAN ANARMORY E LUXE.verdict of the Jury wouid stand. CNETO ON PRL8H PLAN AN AR ORY DE LUX. Whon theJury tiret went out boît of CNETO ONARL8H i. awrnoeHoghtlin E tse défendants, wlh' their counsel, Cont J. Lwrene HughtlingEx-went 10 the office of flsrney Ain! rmmary Date for Lake Cut pected to Be Captain and Jo- the Industriei Trust building, whern to Be Fixed-Delegates ta seph Husband Lieutenant. theY remaained walting for word fromnB ntutd the court that the jury had been Be_________d laeard froni. FOI trots and Polo are glving way 1 Arrangements for the holding of a along te Northt Shore to "ieft-right- HOW CASE SuARTEO. jdialcneto rtesecio iuf-riht tup itp! up!Fortlire Providence, R. I., Feb. 20-The trial iofthlree circuit juâges for this, the la formlug ainong thte socialy prom-, or Meteaif and DeKay marks one mlore 117th judicial district. were made Sat. itent theré a battery of fleld artil- step loward the final wiud-up c( thq ra fenoFera,2,I h lery., affaira of the Atlantic National ban,<. Nelson bouse af Rockford when the 'Battery "Is li te naome jnder 1Ot the accounts mentioned fluftle chairmen nf the colunty centrai com- which It wil operate St tirst. lAter, Indicîrnent i lu bisae, ail of the mîttees assembîed. wbeu orne Mau fl weaith bas pro- drafts wblch figured, te six \tfexican i La , ieCOUntY Was represented by souted the batsry wlth equipmeuî, îî1 NatIonal Pscking Company, Ltd., sud W.1B. Smilth, chairman ofte county wlli be nanted efter hlm, te perpetu- titree Walpole drafts, bave been paid. ýcentral cormlittee. Peter J. Ander- ate the aienory ef bis geueroslty. Thte Mexîcan drafts wore pald out of !son, chaîrman of lb. W Iunebago coun- l ln the hope of lte promoters tital Uts proceede o!flte Henry E. DeKay 1 y centraf cornuriîee was there also, before theo application for acceptauce note for $35,000, and lte Walpole pa- las were A. H. Ramer, vice chairnian le made to Governor Danne there ii par hy John W. DeKay aller the or- of the Mliénry county central corn- bave been snlisted a complele rester. limai Indictunents were found. mittee and Frank R. Covey from Thereaiter admIttance mlii be hy vote On the DeKay note. enough bas beon Boone county. Judge Prost, aud M. F. of otber aembers. ai d 10 reduces il b a littie more than Walsh, editor of lte Harvard Herald. Great secrecy la obiervedl concerl. $19,000, sud the lime for paymeut together witb a few others more ire- lng ail delatis of organlzation, mem- bas been exlsnded ity iecelver Cur- seul. beraitip and oter data. NeverthelesIs. Thtis doua fot corne due unit! The followlug ronolution mas pro- Il bas been mhisperid &boult Highlantd juîy 15. 1915, and the Internat bas sented and pansed: Park titat . .Lawrence ogtln beau pald until Feb. 21. Iu Ibis way Wbereas, lhree judges o! tbe cir- lii bf cHiahla nd Pak, eer tiretndthe itank bas not. according tu evi- 1 çult court of lte ITtit udicial circuit letoat oHgiltdPrs-ir ia'dence put In by lihs defence durlng theo are to be elected on the first Nlday lieutnanttrial, suffered. any'loss irorn thte tran.- of June next. snd 8om. who are Interested. action, anslte reniainder oàiâe note la Whereas, the direct prlrnary lam Pleitged members and prospective flot yet due, do. not apply te nominations titere- Irnemitera alike keep teir names s- StIll another lndictrnent rernains, for, sud ceret. However, North Shore residents homever, wblcb involves the alloged Wheress. there la no republican lu- f rom Glencos 10 Lake Forest,. h mito mpbîicaîion of $140.200 of te fundg dîciai comnrittee In Ibis circuit, and have heard of lbe batlery. name te (lte bank. No slatement bas bteau mieroas tite chairmen of the repuit- followlug among those lnteresled In mode as to wbether thîs ban beau lican central commutte0 In lte cisun- the project: pl r e.tien comprielug tii circuit bav'. con- Julan aso. Abroe Came, a-j The boans, notes, etc as lssued.Srorn vemied for the purpose of calling a vld Forgan Jr., Abert Farwell, Frred lb.eitan'i becarne more and more com. Republican convention to nominale McLagblu, arr Ro!. rliur ,1 piex lunteir nature and at last stock- candidates for snchb lffce, hie, William D. Davis, George 014: itoldsrs of lte bank calledt meetings Titerefore, be It resolv.d hhat a Ré- Robtert Gardner, Frederlck Ackerl. suad began In investîgate matters per. publîcan delegato couyontIon for te Gerald Butler, Hazold Amberg, Em- 'talnng b these questionable trans. Purpoee of norntlÙutitrée candi- mono Blaine, R. R. McCormlck. lKent actions, dates for mudg of te circuit 'court CIow.j Bauk Examiner Josepit Balch was ni the .l7th Judictal district @hall b. Included In lte maibesiip will be called and basteued 10 lite bania. N0f teid In lte circuit court roont lu the youug men front familles lu Highland a whlsper of tse mpendlng action bad court bouse lu Rock<ord, ou Thuu-mday. Park Lae Frei. 17ke luf, Wl-1 leaked out and lte business and ban.. Aprll 8.115,, aI one oeclock P. ai. mette. Wiunetka. Keullorth and Ev- iug circies of the city mers dlatlnctly The number of delogabes tomiticit auiton. sitocked t0 find lte followiug notice eatit couuiy la entitlld being one del. Tentative plan, are sald to incinde posted on tse door aItte beginulng seate for eaçh 200 vote% or major frac. te organisation of a gun section lauc g adaau-',se tlion tereof of Republican votes cent ecit o!fltse principal uortb sitore ci- "At the roqent lofte board of &W for State 'Pressurer at it e lIsB Novein- tics sud villages. Thte main armory, éclora 1 bave Wa'en charge oftis bank be; election. suggestions for mici bave beei re- and have closed _lls douos, acting un. Furtiter resoived liaI Lite Rèpubil- elved by te promoters. would be 10- der te autborlly and direction of th.e au central committein eacit co)mty cated silter in Highland Park or Win- Cornptroîler oftse Currency." be reqnssted to act hireutder Iunlte ne<ka. Il mould equal In appontments Rurnora o! crirninal procoedings t0 sélectIon Of delégates as sald countyf deslgned for ntembers' condort aud ite brougitt continuait front the lUme Szatttt Biait delêltIne. for a iiattery's COnPleleuneaa nytlng ofte close o!fte bank until Oct. 1. Porther reeo=nWlfded tht la came Ilt. Uulited States, Ifit t Ilte mug- wmitilbecame kuown that Wrmisy sucit e.itral coinaitte. miait desm.lit guttio already offered. BËrown, sPécial assistant 10 the Altor. hest 10 hoi4 aà convsution for purpose "&y tUse Fort Sheridan. n ey General. bad beau sent 10 proent of selectiug delegats. 10 nIld Judicial 'Application to thte United States ltecaste before tse grand jury wiîcl conventiontalt sald couuty convsn-' Wâr deparlaient for permission te use, met lu speclal session on Oct. 2. Juil lion ho beld on Salurday, Marcit 27t, Port Sheridan'a parade grournds and one week later It relurued a secret 1915. angemitly hall until the battery's own Iludictrnent sud lte nuit day Melcaif Iltlasid ltaI Judges, Donnelly and afnnry la cornpleted bas been nsug- gave himnel! up on the charge of al. Prost mliibeunuopposod it their coon- getted. bagad mîsapplication ni 8219,785 of tselies. Titerefore te chances areltaI Thte battery wiii be enllnted an part fuudsetflthé bauk. Rie mas èeld lun no primaries mili hield thsrs sud o!, teIlinois- National Guard. Il mut '1$50,060 ou bis pies of not guily for a lte delgales mliib. inslruced for ho, subject to ail colis for national or hearing on Oct. 20. tem by lte counly central commit- state defense. Il will he subJecl btI The grand Jury meut again loto es-leec. This course uudoubtedly miii be the aunual order for nîobilatlon asuiou aeI on Oct. 17 returnPfl f lre.. n..w-taken lu Lakte Oouuty Il lu sald, If drlli at Springfield during a ton day's Indiatiueuts againsl Mr. Melcaif, titere lis no opposition 10 Judge1 Ed- tour of duty. John W. sud Henry E. 'betCay, James 1,ards but lu case Ibis opposition de- IPolo enthuelants ofthîIe nortit shore F. Allen sud Orlon R. Foarmer, lte velopa a counly priaiary- viii itare tu al said tô have tlken coualdurable new prenentments supersedlug the be tei'd nmre lime itefore March 27. finteit Ini lte onterprise. and one of proen ne.. Lalér ail but John W. At thé prliary eacit precinet iilb. litentlt regardeil as a possible'donor DeKay mere appreheuded sud brougbt Slotted one or more delegates. Thesei ot lte necesnai-y guns.- bere for arralgnrneul. wlii hé lustructed for a certain can- SMITH IN CHARGE. Forty-tbree mou mere oalied luali! didate, titis heiug detsrmined by In case Ibla new balîery la formed. before tite Jury mas finally compieled. wmiic candidate receives lte mont IL; mtII comae nuder control and direc- After te jury had beau nelected lte votes. Thos deloegates, no Inslrucbed,' tion of Major A. V. Smith, mito as defence flusd dernurrers 10 lte Iudict- Ilii then attend lte eounty conven- major of the state arlillery lu thé bat- monts sud these were overruied by lion In IàbertyviU e on Marcit 27 aI taillonu ow exisiting, would noces- Judge Brown. Tien the Ibree. indict- mhItcitlime the delegates Ilii vote ~sasily be placed over the nsm organi- mente more cousolidsted, lte defen- for thé candidate for mhom titey zattn fdents piéaded 'not gniity" aud lte more lnsbructed. Thte candidate ré. trial hegan. Six counîs lunlte indlct- ceivIng the bigitest nuurer of votes meua were ni prossed ity thé gov- miii Ihén hé thé candidate trom Lakre Jiwut D NNE LY rumeut because of duplication. collty. The next day George H. Huddy, Jr.. Ounte bonis o! one déléggte tu eav- liu4 n~ AR SSN special counsel for te United States éry 200 votes cast 51 te ast Novem- HEU BA "SS O e ltis case, began bis openlng ad- ber, eiection Il la said liat Lake dress, sud, at ils conclusion, lte ir.I Couty muld bave about tweuty-oue .Tadge C.H. Dounelit- had an addt- wituesses more colled]. Fromn thon as delegalés 1tte Judiclal convention in Fermsa ad Fam ,Lma& WisoeànslnDmiry La.d A f ew Lake Co., I16, Farin Hl. D. BOYD steady stream of wtuesses 'folioméd Rockford on Aprii S. Thes delegatéB Libertytll. Minoius escit otiter on thé stand, lucluding miii all ho lnstructed 10 vote for te George H. CaPron, fôrmerlp assistant Laite counly dologaté. casitier of lte hank, mito mas i te Chirman W. B. Smlit1 1l a u a > o uoas chair for two days sud a hait;ý Mrs. meeting etflité centrai commlltee lu Berthta M. Riker, etenographer in lte tiiet near future aI mitîchtltme il mil NAIES A STATINENT DélIsys' Nem York offfce. mitotdres, be deIeid djuil mitaI course iliali be te drafts miticit figuiréd Iu most of taken lu Lalce County. If Il la found We aimnys advlse people mito have the counîs, and Trauk W. Péabody, theré are 10 ho no more candidat«e. lb. Bu lonc t o hoe Ir oo t V former casitier of lte banit. plan ,probaitly wml beito bhave lte CoM.- bdo thl to UtollS mho d*6 O ne v Perey W. Gardner, successor 10 Mr. milles select lte debugates but If ture of sImple hucktitoru bek.Èt Metcaif as prese of! t.e bauk. mas Ibère la opposition Ihis miii be dons conine, etc., kuomu as Adio"Ikb,1m on lte stand on te Dli, and be mas ,by Primery. simple nom rernedy la a r ltaI JUST OE101 mrmisu foliowed by praclically evsry dirèctor stomacit, gas on te adoum" *à& di and saerél former directors. Tmo HernY LU Duiuig, knomu*as lte stipatton INSTANTLY. PegQle u9* days more taken mîit teir leslimony, caIlle 'iltgof Hébiron, McHenry comu- try Adler-l-ka arà auiWl - at M Titis comploteS lte tovoramenl'a ty. bas been !orced tb the msli by ad- QUICK action.. direct cane ou Déet. 16 %fler 40 mItness verse ï1nanclal conditions, occasioued DECKE R 4É bg;V#p, DIugglaîs ès itad tesifléd on 13 court days aud tIlmI claimd b? 1the advenl of the hoot more titan 700 exiîits bail been put &Ud Uou*u dioeammas, ich found hlm Banik of Hebven dM* < lbe ln. lu addition severalthousand more Wj*IMM so tbla M$ eq@teo «M nd mission biorou e lïte tnp- . # letters wsre roady 10 be onloréd If né. and Iuajfflty t6 dispose of teom. àft. Creditrs "le," b ieé ae cusary, itavlng bhesutdéntllfed hy Dunnnng appsaed on a Tory large slgiti5ent. is ~*mw68Ebblue mltnesses. msealuthé tive stock btsins. The Ston$.-WmjarS femmWON" D 0 ý t CLEAN M MKIMAS, A FULL 5.AI.IT'IluIlA&i ýi . 1 - à - wqs tofflery. j DYMOMD t~ f~q L oans, Insurance, Rial Estati usé Hause Renting. Office in Kaiser elock. LIBERTYVILLE, - ILLINOIS. ELHANAN W. COLBY Attorney-at-Law Mlouc t. Loan on Good Approved Real F.state. Office in Triggs Building. LIBERTYVILLE, - ILLINOIS. LYELL H. MORRIS ATTOREY-AT-LAW Libertyvilie - Illinois Luice Bipildinz Re..IPlione 152-Rl. Ofilce'Pakone 15 MLARTIN C. DECKE .4TTOE'IY-AT-LAW Offce opp. l8tii St, Electrlc BlaSon iltice Phone 848 Re&. phono 136011 NOUiTH CBICAGO. ILLINOIB PAUJL MAC GUFFI. ATTORNEY AT LAW. UÀbertyvll, IlflnoI. DRL . O. F. IMTERLD., VETERINABY SURGEON &oUISAN? $TA" E YBINAA. Libortywlle. flhnol. DR. E. V. SMITHI PHYSICIAN AND SURGION dour8toliL. . IOtmd7tO8D.M Oecrou "Yaay urB.s tms. 1 LIBERTYVILLE. ILLINOIS DIP. 1.LL TAYLOS Officein FlwoiNU&"a. DnBIldWine nouna:-! te0 3:30 *Bd 10 8 M. £hsideos 'i Bma ayoppouho From bier tls.Aidaifi DR. COLDINO Ovr Flrst NaltouM Dek Office Phois 19-J. " 157-J. UhoeIvIll. IflMol DR .IL L M IMM 3Y85 LAKA O01NY bAVIONAL »&M. eoM-8 Ic 19 aa.m Md 1*0 SagV. a DAII. CHAS. N. STEPtENS. M. D. phios 100 Office eai Os Ce. VL VIÇTM.C. I$Olîm OSTEOPATHIC 1PNY1MAN Stmuais by adimmàO J. L. REDOINGD1vN. Oarc- -Omage Vet ol Ave.plame 1210-W. ... ftelepbon.155a e..mee. s MY expeqe. *oi osn o J. M. Graves AUCTIONIBER 144 Elmwoed AVe., Wmb««é 011111111 Se. e l dmm u r. 41 PUBLIC ACIHotN cloaet uittanton pald t0arègg auction saittand bot resuit. a h ing4lame. Au kinds of bora., wagnM» » barmes. for sale or sachaffe .&11 Utinte. HEJf4Ry SIE Plume.148mv-4S ZIOU Crry aEl WISCONSIN'

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