rARY 26, 1915. S dlted by F d ORUOL .Ph*. l 1~hra Ta~ Orb Worlt. Mm lie.Hury g Kue uirad ber rnotbe, gr. Vilmot of Waukgan, were visitars baers Monda>i. Jean Longbaugh trensactsd busin... aCbWag Touadaju. lire E. C. Boak *peut Tacada>' ln Chicaego. Mies. Cortney edoseri ber dancing vehoot ciase lait Mondai' etening. M lr@. Stores asuaaiorChîcqo, spent a* ew dkya Ltthe.Tallor butai. lira. Joseph Turner and lira. Gardinler r.turned Mondai' evealaj front snierai d>uvislt witb relatives in Chicago. At a b"nesa meeting of tbs Minasi ,lUb Manda>' ecaung ltta@ dsctdadAbt >**e lub vautd giranather pilay. A j.Pmvote" altraîner ln Ahi. work bai lhat aseured and h. club ailf bave suo lIInggoori ta promut tu, be publle i ban tharet ia ek in April or diracti>' altar Buster. A more defiit. date il appear lâar. D. G0. Whit tranaacted buinss ln ifaukegan Tueida. Fred Sheriman and wtt. uf Wiimot, semen a tourddelà tbe pait week with Y.P. Sarinan and famlti>. lIdfu Editb Barbi epettiaturday witb beWandt.tber. lir. han> of .Anttucb. lir. Can>ot ofIowa. spentweveral days et lait wsek LA th Joseph Turner haine. Red Cadaer Compand ila u@of tii. beet maaseliguera for gaarding agaanith. r,*wse of matb. Nt Injurions t are or labries..Dai an sgreatble ador. !.oât oct>' Uc a paund package ae the Boxait Dtug store. [)rues Drug Ca. 23-2 Mire. D. G. White entert.mtned aeverai of Abs voung frenda of ber daughter. Min Aletha. at a iinner part>' tait Frida>' eveng. The part>' wa gtven ta honor et lise. Althas szteenth birthday. Amabie Moore la agatu emploseri bv th Publie Service Co. iHs lae tationed at Wankegan. Beverai ai the boys attended tbe mathk bail at Antioeb lait Mondai' svenlng. Ch" ..Tueker retuan.d muni Chicago Tuendo alter spendlag »serai dai@ wittàbhe dangbter bers. WaDsr ima, ao I.smloî t tii. coadicmia faetor>', van quite hadi>' buand ltstThuraday wabus haadling a steare pipe. Last year we cairi we Lad tihe het work saoelu toma because w. tbougi su. No a w.ys>'letbecaum ore kaow It hi tst Tri a pair. S. L. Cardald & CO. c28tf Theouetertaiimnt given Dy h. Wouma'a Club lait Frida>' sventng st th. C*gregational cirre, wai ver>' i ait.nted.d. Tao fi hebs tbasket bail gaineof tiie seasn wanptayid lait Satarda>' latghti etson thRihmond Hlgb ocbool Mmd Orayake igh scbaai and ths Rlichmond big teain aéalast thé. raielke Relais.Tbefrsag&mansa won by>'tii Richmnad teama b>' mo potlai easmore o 14 toi16. Thelt gainemaiwon b> th bomne tam tna mconeoS16 ta 7. Th. arakeatbellames aves basana thirlcbhmand and (Graia- lakeRegniare. Richmond delaating etrammlai i helnBrutigamhosn. lt le bhopdlbst tre fanment if wllb. abl. ta gw Mothar gaine mii haino. Aven Cnta re iya the Utah irboot teara nazI esteilloievadffl. .FOUND-The place wbee y«cea be> mrazuo binga for $1.00 than ion *averIlithtofAagetini aMd satiafaction with t6b gooda. S. L. Carfield Co. e2âtf Tex Colectar 1 Mi b. Lt Round .kevery 'Ineda>' L~a Qaûike eWednedaî and baturda>'. John ximio. 21c4 Wlat fa probabi>' the ou case on record of a pration on a 9 bour nid lainaI1 Bottins Zay W.St of Carnelk Il], occurred r.c.atiy sA Se. Mary. hopitai fn Streator, ni. il; tnvoiced tba eéwiag togellier af th. e itonla tisaU 1.tetIwo fescla and h.nmas- cafar tWaue wblch bail falit tu, natte and faim h. abdominal Wall. On. bundrdd hfartytao aAicb.u ve t*ait«eIomoka theoperatiocomplets.. '?eb rv as takou fbous CornRo qtsttr h>'. honrsafater birAh. N<ôw-is the Time ttuilStock andi Poultry Foodi. W. oarry Hessu, International Mdt PrueiI.-all rellble and ganran.c teoti.1ýNoa in tire tinete ta far e Withégge t such high puce. YOZa oan'%otorduano try a package crfou»g rewr.W.are giving ibOc easn for egga u n ta f a& Drue.Diva 0.Grayelake Tb@ regalar meeting of the. Parents- Teaeher aooclaton o! Deerfield .wili bo hald in th. «bool asemmbi> hail Felda>' ahloar, Tebruar>'28, at 2:80.,lirs. F. b.. fIlson wilI speek on the aubject "«Tecbing Cidien aow ta Bav."l Evgome tle<ardl>' lavlted. 1 1 lira. Rniolph Zoehler, -daagbter Florence and son Uravi are the.weekend, gont. of lira. B. Sebrock of Lhbrtyville. tiu ur of beraakfrIende Satrrrday @venins. Two sud one hait bars otf fn ma>' Le look.d for at the mnrtrei show Butor- dey evei.ntgFeb. 27. Mis...Mabet sud RIda Borpnberger wce the.weekend ganta of Miss Marie "oder ai Chicago. lire.Jacob Antes. Jr., entertainsd et a chieken dinner la honor of ber birthday 13turday -evening. The out-o-town gent. were Meeda... HBeine., Fluber, Siongb, Kortb. VmantsBollard. Seonda. Wabeg aud Sebunkel of Cbfragu. lire. A. Sehepp of GlencS, asd' r. Browder of liorton Grave. Um Marie Krm la viiting Misa glizabeth Clark of Irving Park, thi Wook. litis.Marte. LurtteanLd Batb Krees ent.rtained et car4s Taseda> eventrrg. Tb@ prias winners wore lilm ludre.d Whittng sud Laits isanger. The Ladies Aid ai the St. Pau's Evangeiical chbwil nàasA with lir@. Bd Biin.hi Tburaday, liareb 4tb. il. A. Bolale tit Tuoa>'for Caifornia abers . ho ii rinai. forauandettalte tira.. lira. Christ AnA.. entertalned ëanda>' eveing té honor of ber birtbia>. - John gcbniedr of Chicago, vhmsted frieode boesMandai'. lils Fatth Riiebeit entertained Satar- day aiternoon for Dorotby Riecheit lu hanor ut ber btrthday.- lirs. J. C. Woff willentrta the Ater and Rosary aoclty of the Boi>' Cross charch Wededay aiternun. lira. Aagaeh ticbpp uof(Jiencoe, waa tir. week-enrd gueat of ber motber, ire. JaeOFr Ani.. The Deernled Camp . S. A. aurvprseod Mir. and Mira. Mentzer of Sherrnerviiie, Wdns.da evening. The Bk. Paul'a Evangelucal cbureb ai have servies. Sonda>' evening duran lent. Une. Cari Lange gave a blfbday part>' for ber mth.r,, lre. ia.gdaline Antes Toeedaî. lir@. Bert Kre.. entertained the 'U00" cub Tweuda>' tteron. Mms Fred Bsggtswan iret prise, the second b>' lire. Omcar Beechamn and tbird by Ums Jou.le Wnopdman. Frîda>' uorniag at il o'elock Donad Landan, aged fite yearp, eigbt montirs, tweni>'-one dais, pameserway alter a brief lims.. lir. and Ar. B. Willamus pent several day. i. Chicago laet as.k. lire. Wra. Fendick of Libertyilie, vlalted ber parante.,lin. and lire. T, Straag lait Teda>'. Thoms on h. uct liai anelira. Broan, Mdrp. Margaret Bill and aur mail carrier ElreCarr>. Mme J. B. Lui vana Waukegan rii lait Tbueeiq. lira F. . Datareyer vlel toiveral dais lu Chicago lait msek. Umie.Pearl Hall aI Chicag, san h. sent of hMr:an&0 lirm.Tain Cwaaa over Sunda>'. idre. J. R. Porta, aid daughter Miese Dora mers Chicago vietom -,Meey a>int asek. lire. Miute Laxs an a Wautegaa vilior o adiy lait met. Mr. and lire. A. G. Taylor ad lr. and idre. W. A. Taylor of Waukegaa, mers goutat theAbshome et B. V. Lunx lat les Shermori haiaeepted a pîion à lu a Chicago garage and aent to work Ai WILIÂM . AL ROSINO Ithe tiret of h. asek. wW Correspondent - Agent IL B. Sberwood sud arts pent a rew goz PHONE 22-W days in Chicago recenti>'.A t Ar. and lira. Frank flarlin were lna ar ________ Ah.CiAty lait aeek ad prrchased trire M - C.W. ushkit oun bas Ibt Wd- urniebtage fur th. nea bungalow whirh n Bu@hlef Rond ske"stWedle Leant>' compieted.. neoda>'for Mluaakee tao tart aark as gml r Jitdbsiesl a traveling auditor for the C. IM. & 8t. P. C..Ralitrnte bsiesnAr W. ats b hm anciesa la bis nea venture. 1Chicago laët Thuradai. Ahe Mrv. Penn Came bere tram Grayelake on Fred Gunatoue bad! au auctiiOnsais thi Tadayu be AMr. BuL'wosuccesor a, Monda>' and expcta'Ao gir Au Canada R local e)gent. soon witb a visa ta Luyirai land and and Tbeoun soialgîvn a ti. ocating thora. L'ls faiti>will 01-CUPY M Mb ontd sa> vdiat teopera bc Hamlin, fast abats the hardware inu bous. 1eyws elatedtd .tore for h. sommet. Wednesday eveniag, Marecb3. theneThComrilcuha vnpit miii bu a beaiet soctat atAbe oppraioues iterCommercilca. Ls rn pieSta gi 'ven b>' M. W. W. and M. W. A. Th ai ke t uartea ede h ho Brama & SmitAh are building an ad. bTe briakenta efdorth buoit of l i dition ta Atheir gare bouse. ILou i ray ea enînartre ireresudot Id W. -A ..uR ll wai a Chicagu vlistor brouuht ln about $95. Thtiraktea e Wadneeday. I eret ntuma,.îta ,.etty and rli el tA j aplendld prograru vu rendered b>' the INGUMIDE papie and a maie quartette. The reniaini of lira. A. D. Hartie>', Alred Richarde, ahu hae hieen ver>' iii aho dWedbandai, FiL. 14. acre sent taej ath pneamaonia, la reported as being on Chicago Au h. homes of ber mother, lire. Abe gain. J. E. licCormick, Tueéday moraing fremnArs. A. A. Gr-Lndy ni LiLrtyville, @pont wrbere Abs>' mere taken ta the rentiug I iat Tharada>' aiti ber triend. %Ina. Paut place, Forest Houie caqueter>'. Wedne-' Avey. dey'. Wîîî and George Richards o! Shel Rd Larson ot Zian CiAty, tagetirar muhR ock, leva, are apeuntg a short ira. hit brotber.ln.lIaw, J. G. Pouiton ci mlth bat. Villa relatives. EuA Foxuk at. visiteri aith Abir siater, Jobs Fish and brother WilI are vacat- MieseAiles LamatrreeentI>.. -iag Ath. M. Kapple!ovm, the former rnoit The Iamerai otflira. Robert lieNeil waai Authe Cnb fai m oi tiroftoma and he beid ai h. haine FeL. 18tb, tramn wbere latter te h. Wiltens faima wbic beh the wa. ak.en to Grant cemeter>', abere recenîl> purebaied. A . Nelson mutl ber aged motber mai Larted asbort iras ocupy the Koppi. tain for- a terra aI ago. Z.,ars. Ababy girl arrived at the home ofId..r. Jes Pester nd lire. Ed Chriten- J. Cralg, a»raigeof F. J. Rab teCo., sen vitltsd ln Atieoana day recenti>'. Thurasa>, Feb. , lir&e Bia Tadbott andidise Vera lins. P. Johnson of the Lippincott Taibot meresahapping ln CicagoSatur- hut. waa taten Au tbe cit>' Tharada> day. adlire. Talbott remaining for a for an appration. At iat reporteliLs. e, wedais convalescent. Are. John Mitchell #peuit sunda>' in W. K. Kirabail and fanri>'y autoed to janeilie. Meilear> Sunde.v. Oso. Mitchell anluadeci a canif Iteos" Air. and Mrs. R. Thayer oI Lake Ville, lfanday. He ih agent for theru. acre visitera LA J. Craigs undaC,. W..Miler, iaxeolletor!)r the tua. fi. Hendricki. aile anid son Meredith cf Lake Villa, ii be et Ahe Lake Villa ate dinner with Mr@.. endrintas mother, Truat & Savlngs Bank suer>' Tueeday lire. B. S..LSerwood of baks Villa, and Saturda>'. Sanda>'. 21C8 W. R. Miler, Tai Collector. Win. Watson oflas eVilla, la tonupar- arv itng car. of h. Chai. Rarhaugh RESOLUTIONS 0F RESPECT Lumber Yard, lAt bavlng been tlb. mlii of Our Heavenli G. Pastoloup ai Foi bake, wan a Faiber in hi. inf als tà.omn- ta rani)ve visitor berfitardai nlght. frama ber eetbhon boa.unr beloeved Chas. Harbaagh. preeident of tbs Neghboî Ida Stick les.aud AbereL>' eaut a Harbaugh t.uauer Company, transacted 'badow of sorrow over tLe homo, bers- ..,4.. nt lielmide Mu....av..fore b. It-1 NiJasDoeiscott ut Fax bats, mai a celiler la unr village Stardai. The ocical given at th. church b>' Ah. Ladies' Aid lait Fridai aveaing mns asti attended and greati>' eajo sd. R. Keri wa a Chicago visttor over lie. Edna Kap-le, daughter ai M r. ad idre. Gea. Kapple. le ili attb the Mir.andidra. lNarthrop of Romerana, vlaited a few days lait week with E. S. Faulkner and faurlj. Mise Marion Uic la reeovering frain an attack of touiltl. lirm.David Carlsoof .utW&nkegan, vtstted a leurdaisoiam% wsek with be Prents.. h. Mi. OQS. EKapple- Donald liareb oft Eanston, @punt severat dajo Lt hoine lait week an acouai ofIMim.. John Lawrence te kpendtng saine tiare wisb hie brother. Evai Lawrence ad famlti. E. B. Maroh wai an Evaniton visito, ansn day lait aeek. 'MEI3TS TRÀCIC END -- - - . .--t Bandai.Nems of Ahe dromnlag of Amo yoang Chicagoana mai braugit lotoEdmoni- àBITfUÂRY ton.. Aberta, Canada Saturda>' b>'a Thoran Claphazwuanbors ln Lincoln. man wmi a aLtienswaept t tAler ahra, Enlaad, mmne S, 1842. Dled deLAtr la a treachenoua milpooila Ycb. 14, 1915, affea 72 Tear. He came the ru ier river. 10O America ln 1870 MMauj nibeif.home The drOanlng tLoomotheAi.de&b 0ft la Làate coanl>'. O o lii,,1872, be a Aird COMuranla, Wmia asacrîrsied vas anited lu mavriffe ta Rachel Alarand. between tva ralrcad cana. Thie youag To "i.union aine eblidran m borahu men mers on tAir va>' ta laveaugate1 Mil but Ateare living. gH. TtSa.thle dlsappeeranu. ef Abuteconirades1 motiva tb.ïlois an«gatim t., @lxmien deati ovooak hear. eblidrun aid six grmandudrnInter. Hure Arat, u" ment mas mado ln Warren e.îery. Tii. tbree young mou arrilYd ln AI, - barta ln tie sammer on thAe cre051 of OAFID OF TMANIS Aie ail boom. Tia>' mere: We awhi taexpraeeaur eilnti.f. hant altr son,2 ersoo ta ltre friande, singare aWdpahihoarre, Iroe sud for tire S*rahbob" etairisp$eesto nk Carlson, said ta have ntaved Our dur iabad m__ *v.taChieaga necenti>'trom Peoria, li. Thamas tU bwu y. j R rB utah fSa S.LuIs. ITie>' iad roset luChicago sud bad Th. K."ohaaanurg- n 1i1"~iy etu CaLda, Ae, nid, W caMn .pp.,,.dplan fOrth# V in .mw nugi-me oue' Oomplate hete col. mapraedlana for htie n nom j -àe Ml e ducatiana. lA vas snid Abt eaataram ile Abt cnaI> y t P O-a vent trader en emd rame. «MieMt on m atlaHad been zp.liod front a semai tu C111084o, t maslaid, and, laten r at YeuOu aareeoh l~O eouWeek- gottuahfte somne trouble ovei mney ly thvmughthe ind*eponrt. - ariatters ian.. Resclrrd, Thai me, Abthe eberstof Cedar bat.e Camp No. 460 B. N. of A. salaud Au Abs bereaved budbasamisad eidrea onr acere oynipath>' la beir great sorrow, and be it furlier Poecivei, That me drape aur charter in aronrnlng for a period of 60 dais and bu ltAfurîber ReturvedThat a copiof thesreaouu Aluns e h Sat ta the famili and also, apread apon h. recorda ofI is .camp and sent ta h. Aaticch Nemi and Abs bakeCoatniiIndependeat torpuhleation. idra. Ola Barnatable, lire. Florence Kerr, idra. Banche Mitchell, - Cannaittee. 1 ViUOjD 1 -ND 1 Il-- Mr. and 'Floyd Godfra>' of Chicaga, aipsat tinda>' mltb lr. and lire. C. E. .leaka. lira.C. b. Pratt retnrned Manda>'liter a veeka viit mith relatives tu Chiego. ,Alvin Kihbali spent h. firiof Ade weau it Ih friands In Cicado. lime J. N. Zîiner and son Lmo01 Long Ora"v lated Sanda>' aitirMr.ad lire lim. Wesse and son of Barrlngton, apent Saturdas mith her fiater, MLee ~ Brown. Henry Maiman, Jr, vieited relative@ t licitenr>' aturda>' and Sanda>'. lla largaret Boehner spent Slanda>' alth relativee ln Chcago. Mises Ive Tarabuli le ependlng th. week ln Waukegaa with Mrn. and Mms B. C. Marrit. Bora ta lW, and Mnm H. P. Kruegsr, on Tmoaey, Loson. Frant Cournsi of Alert&, Oui., snd Phitp Coarîne>' of Nebruka ame viitiag tisir parente boes The W.jarcnda Bank mor.d loto ite nom queWter a luhAbsDamsa.bbiling lut msek.- Flayd Cari ot Barrington alant Sun. day boes A Wnshingtonr social mai huld ait h, B. . churci parlors Monay>*erning. Algueitu mors dreeaed lau qiOnlelcas- Wries. Arn ..yabletilmas a rporWa. 1 liraM. War Basyeel>lpendia. itte mort athi Mfr. snd lire. Richard Daeli ai GurYodake. Mmra.B. C. Harets ment la Chicago MoasS.>' beresah. underment an oper. alUomstLAthe Augutina hospital Wednea- dai. Tihe Udepeadent isd&aiM De foi Ahi Dii an -MUIBURNIZ mi"s tarjorie cannron ut Chicago, le pendling a two V.iekSm vacation with e borne folk». Mir@. GIadye ns wife of Simeo imos, formnr)of rtins vieinits, under- vut anotrier operation rit the %1'auke- iii hospital Tliurmdar. A parts was held ut the howe .otf1Mr. ind Mmre.Erneet %% elle Fridas er-eîing. Nard Bain outltawiip rw rroered huai-, se here Mondes. A Miftellirn'oue rhîW"r %am riren %lis@ lbel Bonîrer Saturdat ruiterron atý beborne ut AireJ. S. ile)nun %ou hirty-eix irere pf'erit. 1hut Etoy' )awfon ai Beloit. 'peuit Siîndayv nd Mondes with ii parenrrs Mrs. C. N'an l'aîî.n vleîted be r ritner, Chir-ago a lew daye8. Geo. White leit Muriday tir attenid the tte Farmere Irretitute at Harrirtrnrg. Mr. and lire. A. W. drifiord vimited i icagu and Wheaurn the paot week. Mir. and Airs. A. K. Bain irave a dinntr' lednesda>'. Cuvere were laid fur ren. J: P. Dawmrn and tamnils' und J. S. .wonl and famlly have loft for theirI mure bomne. Three oakp, Michigan. 1 The Bachelore gave a qtag Party' toi irdon Bonner. wh hfeonrets a berredict Ù& seek b>' hie ruarriage to Mise M&1>11 onner satarda>'.1 The Ladies Aid wili hold their reSularl intbls meeting st the chureh Iarch 4. inser wttllb e rved 'y lir@. A. K Bain Dd lra. liable Young. AUCIIONSALESI Al auction aatealpublinhed in the Independmut are changedfor etth. rate of 6 cents a lino when an ordàr' fon auctlon bille accompanias h. notice, ahherwise the regular ratu of 80 cents par fine ai L e charged. The underoigned miii sdi at publiei atiction an h. plant kaown ai Ahiý Erneust Davis farra, 4 a.Iles aorthwmut of Libertyviile, 3 miles southeast of Grayg.a lake, 3 tolienorth oftArea. 1,4mile south- sait ot Phîllipa piatform, 1i-mile aorth-I sait ai Headee plattorni on WEDNESDAY, MAlACE 3, Caramencing ai 10:30 sharp Atheioml- log properA>': 6 head of horaeo-Bey Percheron imare, ilateal, 6aifî's haras, at 130, 6 ira old; Liait mare. Wb 1400, 6 Ir aid; geay borée, 7 yre, at 1300; La>' bars., at 1800; 2 Perrheron coile 000109g 2 ire; 80 hoad cattls-8 freeh uilikeni. 8 apringe, 1 back boil,.baance itkara; quantiti of bai dloter and imoAL>' la barn, stock rsd top, 152 eoatea ceck corn, cut aith biader; nome grain bage. tomaber wagon, 2-bores maiké wagon, single mitk wagon, strel tract, ha>' rack, Galbas>' manure apreader un true ke. top buggy,. rua- about, Bain aide deliver>' rate, self damap raite.licCor-miek momer, Derlng grai binder, corn hinder, 2-bote baud or power corn asitler, l)iaarond grst mil, pair bob aisighe, double dise palveriser, 8-boras pulvériser, 2-horse dr-ea, carn planter, 80 roda aire; Oalky cltivatora à singie cultivators, Prairie CiA>' seder, grass sud attachinents: Januvitie sulky ptaw, âubtile and aud piom, eabble ploa, polat;o planter, ptata digar. aboyai plom, 2 mot@ double mark harnois, buggy harasscingle hbamne, 85 collt cana, matît utensils. mater trongh, mooden stock tank, tank hésater, 2 situeo !orku, garden drilli and attachnrunta, Ianning mitLad other article. Aoo numars ata mention. Usual terme. Lunch Lt oon. Augnat Andereon, Frop. @Fiod Gvabbe, Auetloireer. Pl Thé Mari Shafeidt farun corpdlilng &bout 208 acre@, altuated'one-bif mile - -.-....-.- .......'.--.--- -..... -....I sur muarringean miii nesama as auctbot lu-th. village hpll. Barriagton on Tue.. d">, M crcbh t p. ni. succasful blddsrm aAtfptirtan pet cent Of purchase prices-an the dai f aI al; balance on deliver>' of de.d. Abstract to date af sale miii Le tarniabaed pur- chaser. Mile. T. Lame>', Execatar, Barrtngton, 111. 23PI Baviag decided to quit farmnig I mlii »Il LA publie auction wi'hoat reaerve et Abs Stafford place uer eAbElectrlc depot, tun the village o! Lihertîvilie, an PRIDAY, MARCB 5th, cammencrng et i o'cloct P. M. harp the~ tollruaing propent>': Black hore, aI 16W0, age i1; bai mars, at 1400, &go~ 18; ha>' mare, aI 1400, ag i1; bliat Lors., at 1200. age i1. roan hume., a 1200, âge 9; biset manr, mi 1000; bay pou>', geai bars., ai 1600, age 12 bLiaitbores, at 1500, age 6; rose boras, at 1500, Npe 6; Idccormiet grain Ltnder, licCormtcavaornbindar, Rock Island bai loader, 16-lt Hooeier grain dviii, Jafeevihi. corn Planter, Gang plua. agît>' plom, 2 walking plama, 4 cutti- vatare, 2 palvevisere, 1 Dow; 2 uramare, ast harroa, ha>' ratre, bay edder. potato plow, manurempreadebrastàcawu, 3 magon tructs, 2 wagon beds, bear>' mut wagon, wagon truktIron abee, nIt damp boards, 2 ensilage racha, 8 nIt double mort haras.., boav>;caahoater, cook etote, 2 coal or Wood hoalere. Cenuai terni. W. C. lias, Prop. George Vogei, Auctioneer. A Further Reduction IN Electric Light Rates Becomes Effective March 1, 1915 When the Rates wiIl be as foIlowa: For the First 30 Meurs Use. 13c pr KWH af th ireMulm nDema" d Fer the Remaimiug fBeurs Cou- S per KWH. sumption dnrrirg tih. monta From this a reduction of Ic per KWH wifl be made for payment of monthly bile by the date specified thereon. This rate will be applicable to, ail meters read after the date on which it Is inaygurated. IlPublic Service Company. of Northem" lilios NOTICE 1 jurit received a car of Wovén and Barbed Wlre. Barb Wire, in 500sIoot lots, $2.75 cas" Aiso a rew mew anddrgI1!hÇg oed Gos an id 01 !mgnes eaia Band.. Mel Gd'ain Drills thAt will save froîn one to two busbels of mxed per acre. WaseaaMad Boulet, »WMead Ou. Ais. a carlonddg1REW CARS <fiatore reatliko. I have the agency for Abuse cars for th.emeat balf of contil>'. Grtgslake E. J. DRUICE Phboue 424j FEBRUARY CLEARANCE .SAI Cold Blast Lanteru Globe%, eaoh Sq.Granite Dii ab 1%»...... Si fpflj1~~.......... ....... .. Large ' Quart AÂlu um ippoe............ Alum'm SaIt a P.ppua* Shakersanti Staad mt.- TOM WAIStGrau 1' I t t, Low Prices on Wire'Pdacing CALL AT OUR FÂCTOiRY AMRIÂNWIRI F INOEI 00. PHONE 80 LEETIL Thoedare M. Duvet, Peesident. W . . malh, Vice Protldant. F. W. Churchil, Socrotary end Manaor Mon. D.Wltt L. Jone.Bon. Coanse SECURITY TITLE & TRUST MD., àABSTRACTS 0F MIE. TITLES GUAA Pl.1 Capiwal$125OOO.O WAJJKEGAN - - ILL i&The~ Proof of the Pudding la in the .Eating." The pendent'a (Jlasaifted Ad@ have been proyen lg ,bua4b iatiiW ed utomema Ask any user of theee UWa lëmbl ---- --------- .s1 -* - - tvm w wi rqunwz -. 1 3 1 Sundaw. Ili el IL- 1 - le-