4~Df <ngScd red L ee wu@ a Chicago vIitor $un. lit, sndud M. John Wirtz w.srcikao Mir- and tbdeMFrank JOhui.On Of Wacke. WIVI Ifl.cketsweller bos been ou the, ~ir aKan, spent the week-end at a. Bartlett's. à ck liet tii. pafft week. - The cernetery soelety wili mueet wlLh Oearge and Emma Meayr misgvena tire. Bilneki Tbureday alternoou, surprise party by tibrynng friende Si' T. F. SWAN Mareh 4h. font Tuesday evsnlag. Ail report a fine Comrspond.nt and Agent tIrm. R. Lili, Sr.,is quite slek witb un urne. attack 01 lagripp. tir. Critteuden wl! mcv. from ýtii. - trs. H. Býrtlett @peuti Wednesde ay lu Dolbhoue@ Intc tbe'oùe otr-ee by m SaU7 Ltbrop who ine exployed in Waukgau. Boua SinpscU about Min1 râtia s. * aIca~i es ain ovr Suda. Mr@. Wuî. Stoerp underwent au Opera. The Woodul«.lire planning an opeSl ~-io IWiespent the week-end with tion forappendicitiein Waukegauboistal rneingiornsxit Saturday .voning. C. tir lu. at Tbursday. T. Bedocker iiiRive a'tati and lter. lit&. John Kuîgge entprtained h. r C. Bilineki mas a victim of a surprise wilileusoim usicatter wblcb inuncli mIIL etim. Mise Sch.mdt of Palatine, Jast Tueday *venng wbeu about fot o ti~~erved du-n "Iaîr. s-ni. f rieuda helped celebéate hie birtiiday. A Eva Kirtelpg., hâs. been deciand Tii.Ladie' Aid wili inett with Mie. ploaesan eveuing mas speut by ail. unable to atteulk sehool the. Pa.t meek. 8ch1e9 on Wednasday, M ar.-h3. Saturday eveulng a party wao field as About forty nelhbhore and felede MMre. oughton spent the pat week the home ci E. J. Welskop'.. Dancing, @pent a piest .venlng h.ipîug lMr@. iâ iher daughter, Meti..A. J. King. carde and music mere amusement, o the .J. L. Cbamnberin ceiebrats ber ýbirtbday 1Oui. ef ont yonug men was visiting in evenlng. Saturday., At 10:80 a dainm;7 lunch swas Liberyvil. 8unday eveing snd uiter Tii. biamond Lk chair wiliigiive &'aerv-ed ai r mbhi l mlabed her àay hhslatcaiiada:eh waied hmebasket social at the ciiurch Friday even- h iappe raturneofo!tii. dean d departedl Thiscoul no bav bee onaccont olo, lHarci 5. Pragain gtven by chLoir, for bome. a Jack 0elande for Il la qut. eraicon tba!Everyan. attend. Martin Docker oi North UChicago, mes ho led the prios. TAX NOTICE au Ivanho. enlier Baturday. 1 tir. re Ruuatlngton laenetertaiuing i miii b. at the Ares bank every Saltr. Mise Avis pâ,ine spent the. mesk4ad at h loler anursd busband, Hr. sud tirs. deand sat the Ivamhoe store every homne' jý Il c Dof t Sockton, la. Tuesday ta coleet taxes. tir, sud ire. J. B. Parnswortb of iss Ver Uas Rudoipb of DesPlines. 22P3 J. L. ghepherd, Coiiector. l.j rving Parkr. merthe «Pete of tirs. J. tosl dos reltiveshmbersnat mw . __________ L. Ciainberlin sud other iriends the. r*v ansd Ir* NshrillchofEvanston, drt0ti.sek eaffl asday sitb relatives boreEMZURICH EL L A Watson bas Instaied a nos- boda ftom" lai t fl drug store. Tu. 'Chas. Cords of C c-Nm, viitai irlendaeR EJ »W Ubte l e tlatent .1deinansd b*r. tMonde'. *0MU!d .uausrialy tu handling the tire. Fred Ho.eft i4 sPeuding a fes- lire. F. Mitchiell visited relatives *t sua* ote. s-es slth Mir. aud tirs. Hudson at Areas l fes- das lait Wmeel "W ohborr mlimeet s-îth lir. finî tToise, hie. Mtis. HR B.CSO ent thb.we-end at MU Bgbor"uîy eveaitg for'waklyte- Wmn. Osrke of D#ePlats-C&flLseOn tiie bout# of haem onla Wauk«ga. relatives boe.and Fairgisld Suuday. 'Mm s. . ..Curtis and Imo dau*jiire oi ?b&msauWebcken pi. supper of the. irs Lois G.ary and eblidren are Lhertyville, sPent part or tast wei 1« es wubsed lmestutrday nluht. vlitglgaes- mkb &tthe homeo f Mr.miii ber sdoter, tire. Ernest Fry,. us' -en 'D4 .abs elsebon0s t fWHallDp, Lie Prsa. 1rs~aChicagro visîtor The w1atin er program s-as bsidV ~~nuiJray aiLaiseFrae *vt~,acomcrt ikeIng a Mintrel show. mi tt 1116' ai~~ n aulanfornu an.a -W" hl Mi loVa. gyr nasa. Saura onb touMecexibition; s-as riva ef 411 111-etatem.oanthi. cm large lfIimh' 4t "The. Duraud Art [uttitétesY The. pftatsseveu s-aitiie for"mat daliruday avening. lit. o4 hk ClaIes unto. of Labki Bhors Dri e vslaen tii. bouge a01UM and M9As. Ctise ýGariield Ring le a 'Ir. Forest fbr *lta Mmet a.d wlil t4p Pomméeion th.e at week le May.- Mi" lbpsossJledbom la studying a the. PifeW h o«piteWi.Cafflgat becom,.a t11»pd nurse. gisslariai,.t aud Charlotte Audet. sos ntstsf~ 4fewlittie lriende ai ther ohi o ib ateroet0 Weahing. ton'.@hirhiida. tiesars. Gardon, Albrt and Leslie K.ley 09%r'nèd a &larme number of frisedi aisMme asrty at ther home Sbturdaovsajng. LUt» Freet colifge deested Isox colage h<udaY alternoon by j£ score Of 56-2.. la tihe i.,*"UlIMmain uthe. foreisr'4i res lad for ts-enty. Msd tirs. Rd Uspb at (tieago. tirs. S. E. Kndi ads haoen eutfettng j red Houlant la suoving oun a tar In l slit au attack of ithe grippe. ~~ Cuba townsip wmulot Barington. tr. Chue. Stutin sud cldron were ~ IMeirand tir&. Bd Sixe, and tir, sud Chcago vitormou 9SudaY and M idey. Md mm E.ire. RO eORuDR nviellet s-ltb relatives Ernst Schrceder #Pont Sundai s-ftb lt"155 oeta Carroil @pont Sunda,ý BdM. .Drtbolorn.-of at Uhertyville Sundoy sud tionday. hie brothet John snd iamily lu til. hors mii the bombe toile. v l i e d T h t d a n i i a r e C a . i e u d t n e r , * h o u b l i t a u k s . F r a n k L o d e k $ 0 1 W a k e g a , '1 4 v i e . KW ý 6t &debdrn mrecetlfig lvedonb. Dalggs tarm have tir, sud tin..E. M. UoLiscii entrtalu- Ing ies doter, lie. 3uber.! 9 asse. O ett su bar drent». M cM ved 0onheli m j u d ltin mier. tr. ad the former'& cousin, tre.. len ulît M rs ta# l quitQ il, &t the home Of &am y m ý mtionb 5rM 141.Disil lae mpioyed. fm Montreal, Canada, a tew dayo lait ber sdoter, Mlits. s.Caiabsu. k . A ue siana ude t iome tMr. sd trs..John Wtt celebratet s -i.1f Tio. FR aéIable tW he &round au toe AseS 509 Oatay i brn. birt tifib mddlug anuiversery FranI LAnsSOn 0f Waalegsu, called ou siter àa welis . UsUa sud "uasCcci rs-t a t Satuaday îveiig. old friende Saturday and Bunday. Fred Krèfesu e ailed no Wankefa MF4&y, VOsMa and lioaday. Mt. sudâIr rving Selp vlait.d t jW.' &,bar and isuily %pont Suuday tait meil by,,tiigdeath ai hie doter, tir. tehIeon thlb slc lt. Palatin, Honday. \wlnb tMrs. Fred Ssuer st Long Grove. ,Ainanda ifert. Tmeuep'4fve meon worling for tii. A. T. Rer. J. P. gebwab, presdling eider of tir. argtes Bitrel le seriouslit asi 06*1FS isW*kWT. Co. are boarjlng lu town a tew thi. Chicago distrigt, s-il! b. at thé. ranstbe boni. ot>r parente, Ut. sudUis va" .Evaagencal cureb 'on Ferldaoving, John tierlma. Bra. Bd. atn fiih. 1inçht 1 nie. Heiati of foot 'ý4 in. Priccd ta compote with any Chicago house at only foot 36 inch. At, the unusual price of Two-inch poose Head 58 inch, dofli-cfMlslaii ad" iébt at is 15IQ 5jé~ agi~ 5$1045 ~'okc Park Deo -Fan b.r n 1890r at ee 1nog 404tWumas mployet btmRa- Huis ~bsa >W. Ïrs-asWinseber s >o*ta AteroasUnion. $ery ~nksi.se- Itaves tasur- *0 é biIa NUl M au Rnéêlpb. bis soeraM t&ai i r. a«d lP. ed Pupis of -the lfigNnd Pa" SOM*olsCooduo tto>rte SeiIexeeises hy s-BT of cois- brazior cfthie loth ssnvermary of the proclamuation of the treaty et puce bets-ms the. United LItes *nd Great e Btlin er. beld by thi.e lsminry puis oet be nblic sctol* of 111gb- labd -Pam Wlléapafttuiac, v»a. 19. néi icuplis ifrceet fo ite, differ. ont sciaccls te the fdns Auditorium cf the Ptesbytsrian durie s-er. the. exersises more boit. SiieciaI feetures cf me .prografa were tii. crms numbere by Allen -Bo- ma, tb he euses fofch uidresi'a voies. and a 1lariotlc and very tiinsly ad. ddrsssbr Christian T. Meydocker or >Waukdgan. Ou. of the. eighth grade Pupii. ElimsbMti Prindevlle, had pre. DAre a sasse of ccugrstulutloa to the. goveror,geierai cf Canadansd titis s-as rosd and ordered teleggspba te Ottawa. Canada. Tiié message s-as as folIos-s: Te RiisMagnans. Prince Alexander of Teck. Goveruor tisserai or Canada, Ottawa, Cansés. Soyen buadred eiementary sehool pupils Of Highland Park, nt., . .,~ no*m saenbiEn the. bous. orcod, Westillhave oh> hand a few sioe a tis -inlicontinuome pos Vrns arisfinish bWi atlcý the $16pr5e i1 oUOF- The corner-atone ai aur Fur- niture Sales in uQýalitY-- A&T thisz saleNe are offeri! bd,- oh brS- "~d ioat Price.«Wy bl9oIw ay .fvihvn th'e .daop wt f th~e county.. 1besý- b.d.am, nat damae lieds lbut be&. bpu4t at a bit redwD6=go during dm .spelDaof'"c business aad luy WLi in nquantity. Weam ýrepamd a se«l1you o~e or 49zSeaM te ne " pic The sprini saboies is cdnJy oi y 4Im -cpyin tockis.as4 atiogiwe "o,~atw a cut of t~e~ety , wo aie ,'in poidoei 7Ti Ulme ùf North 4mAei'1. ea, s tiite' ~4m .p;«ioof aa.éa, wëýe 19e l~ii~iiuia~ qao~iià rt Brta a sY h . ce le b rata d ta' oM r d es o e d a tg b » Ju 7e a f e tou a y, sud a * b o u n d r y b ts - o i s U l . t S a ot hueut &"y. auiqe rm. POait a tofath* 2urded à*cem, ci Itoew. .sçinesH A Oran. Piltgm cotusrom Taan. tiauser. _ lntroductory remarks iii'Dr. J..Cal. vin Dobuce. Patriotic addrets, C. T. Ileydeckr. Cho rusý , Autel of P* ses" I M essag e o f o n grt ujaio n tu o v- ernr gueraiorc anad. Chorus; ,-Mvey Appear" rora cou. Chorus: 110111Wcf a Thoussatd Yeare.1 O r s " Tn e H i e u a i C o u . Choru: sf* Organ: "otne Inégmieat Mos rmies tau i SIJCCESS Us§uàflycOxisit of ikeeping your expenfe acconut W. Tht, one right way fo watch pour expqnse account and keep it down wher. it should b. la to have a Ohecking account and keep track of your stubm. WàI1T OPeN A CM 'CKING ACCOUI4T THE CliTIZ!NS' BANK( ARFA. ILL '*ak&uThis Bak Y.w 8uaimu homie, APR DEPOSIT BOX"8 FOR CRT Another Verni. Martin or ,white enareW ebd with two- hicl continuoup poose and on- inich filles at - -$SAS HILS 7-8 inch Continuous Post, Vemniq Martin Finish T e hm been âPecialy priced for this sale at only Th1s gsalvanizedwire, sanitas spriig., -ensm- eIed angle-iron side'rails, ýta fit al beE4, at $190 va l<4~ if jf L W.~.i <uni~h~, îtb p~r~ .4 Mthé. o ,ma% have la tht 'orpel q- 4bout the dA ii, et theaPr th a a er foe, ta r ie av ~tbroug Nfr. #le ho; O 'clock p. in.s b.d b. cYclock are rel An iih ed to tV cai] wa a mudd the, rob *Tie In - u a ni rc-tiirne .siw a ftribed lice bel beside r from thi Imcted Luot bur Aruol plant ai Sie s-s about e breakli oue of - sas anl ed cowel lug &bol homne o taoce. hat b.. la hast !.ft the. and b. mas timt DEA* Lâ'-MA eODW a -'14