CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 5 Mar 1915, p. 1

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OONTY INDEPEDN W-, AWEEKLY SUN XXfl.-NQ. 24~ 5~WZLY8*AP LXE~ pu tbe Lic m. tnk umer ouA moutnosfor . ~4U'fer s' i 4»l ,1@ ut. à~ W»lu%". -8" Usai.', M*eiw IayaaMon-ES d simt't. l:ie 7:~?e me mue totkeEAUIUSDOW ICE HOUSE. LieVila i iait: W4,*W, This Nom- G.tadwao«vd luImmv«ot c ,o Aoa mi«stloo 12».og* Wg*s R.turred. =aG w l.Z ltt Aiok W t wo *0 0th s# e Un G . *bt A nd* * 0 9 mas u d , a Narc taMr ftme beau cf umor ..Vaa,'raiuaal 44c mce c or w»s*y "MUm lua »Y êt- N i..s *cfSm etout M»o 0oil :W". y- 1 euie dufble.. vile emwt. la lmt1 .04ou cm ,. A. N=:"," umeula lm mas nt La4e VIIIagis 1. 4.:WgwàuIu m11 W" ra cby a Gus ' tlma W. W atiffke. ber. A. cf bishW d ti va« D. id. uet.I iven oelumlvel? iu modr? ml*tb a . IL Ubé Dlavid Niai. A aber cf mm. are emu»d ln as,.B..'Wbb. te t l ~cjuuwbg dcis it vi IL 4. Wibum Ou ose csof G heluet imom t euw IL OsIre eauV laaI f tboom.m O.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ bw '.mso.faa us owero tmetIab Ds . Enat. bou~e bfo-1 mar tuee t o srbéà,m&u m ferred t. e use lis ii SM *cd »AN t an&a u mmum- w- l'y, ~ ~ ~ TOWýW notea" "bc' pmame Ohirme a V " telo asIG ornaIt- OSeO Ta'lr ue olàel anth tes 0 o 1osw'M a *1k fol'Elton* 0alG.9uot~ lb IN I log aMd b G. d$1alaIus ta cs oroMM r~tc aiot G. asoluslumoraso0; thot a<d" I=-IuS ple u IsutpaevisMXtluaaMe lad vel e aILoS VI b.,p MC- Sur ime Ule tias Baidesi , . Frs'mail Uni la D~Pu1 ite hl hie ObUCii.Mn. Cii comme, euh tovuship ly 8alm$5asW 1îlauao' l fe imbo f ZoePesta fer I»- of!th* enddors ne Uma Fru s iThtowas- the commebrim omm e f5 pr P" e, ote Oal. Law' oa t~ProvidesCounly- Cerk Il fiemipClfak B Soutoda rend tii WIjhSM6BS$fOfficial If l at bl e 4 iEldot OS ý etm luais va.te h lie . thle eibosv 014 Pid «kueus hal Coty Cie-k1 vionof I S i treslu ta thA.IXlMndeos lte offlcai volgiieri es' avuilble fr e fisate icanl. Lk o. "Berne cusUs. 111.1 0cma Uà-Lu.Cuu7 do e Mme sase«5, o Inose illAcu-.WeII, h.o esed ho ime'i ai ftude Ses- thocs. vo im ,I" »M theisNe vould ho If fie caunls' ho lelar. I id ovr taken fie trouble ta pu But . hen La".countras adulaow5 chuae a set aof fcialiveghtsa' illotesI vue rend, $1860. fie $»«, maee ~rl.couyht.I e viacroau .,0 asd dlnnieleI7' Vo»U o h 'tybt i f errol Ilta Il. omitte. oun1054. haboes do»e. aud bIligme.Bo, uiit'ma ulclose athe coun BUDnluer Noyer of Wansgffi jr ateoWW-We f morod fthta coctPietu au1ditt me lCabl, e0011eso iI expeoneos eaitlisTLobe Caauomfter, couty'. Perbapu oue dus te bon losf rom hls tisna c df t spU'neIci vm ipareilles "M welghls sud mei dote, ho preasUtelOt* rd'te ie10.4iljand mlhlin viterrMaY wom tis mntio ceodcuade 1ie oun the 0couty vondera If ber Si ma mown cusai eonidemle con h»aut er hore rigit numhor ig lie parpogse'iof ilapolules or the Proper «scoiut o! ni .e -,.WuUoveor Bnne fo tr a ire patind monts&U ail ho h île fonceo?If gotibout dougt t10tdo la ta cUmiiton lte phane a KiO-iu a X era'o! tie sati' hoU takehia scaléeu d veluila i lae o«stml -"d ivol i. os'yoe te thfibohouanmddetertle1 muê 1 a bavaa ccaipia a *0cfGstau e tteram. masitalnsm euh~ , ta l0e lOuaI 'ne mtetlait prorldes taI lu fue i tblnk Si le poféegrogs'. ua brdm9pche ii T'he coUnts'board et Eovicst'caî'iosln ucuovl auiall aecilmimtkmlafa"udinmareà gf it deires and t l ouat? bord sk"test em e 5510 ointe the cout? lerb as the logslmra e mimthle ~Ol al "on the lob. 1Hie jerladlcl roua a arobet eutfraIsgol u Wt ea'tagealthe ltie leaor tb« pttdnlsoommrIi? lu s al cf ar' piptal rtibage-IuaInluthe «- tta tollov erW*lumeficla of M&a.ticta calside tG.corvorutlonis. stritetion There hue ney«eausonw mi a Me mcmatte. t« Ismautigte the *& for asapeteo f fla kîindand p:;o. <m tvumtan "-cuni? board met bluscoWidei'ed puaeiuof oSwlgbls. Il mas' led sonse las' bitl1la tUnre fl-1 la aib of 0am'a*OMM 'lu lie cf Vauegan.Il seas'set lias n Thé ett itle tiamm povpr ta la the trti Iet ?#M Pa1vlr s te aumotu uotor o! al the CWC8P & lMWcm , .sud mqs W4purciasé on - j~a u Nlvuhe àgWm,~ . vlsl , îas isfor un- dull st.uGot c il s I«M atl it bccu, l a or me W lh is rct s i u ses'o u ne e s m ft 1 r ThAs M .d.IUlS Asfea creva @SWP ity enSMa athe u dilpeiê1 emIs e -~ as Omit. I 211_________ ,o - *a TYVILLE, LAIE OOUNfl, JIL~ FRIDÂY, M~BOH 54915. ONU TO UIGET *1.50 PIE YEAE IN ADV ACTVt1'Yj*iCIY 0Fr TRY TC KIU. CHIEF 0F THE CELUI ÂT IOTII ARbENTO GROVE.HIGLADPARK POLICE. M4OIV8AIYIN À ~ wor fron WrremesWR 5TRTNi Ubamuedylh of vmete ou nlhot na . ciUcf ns ad on t Mu.~~~~ ~ te Ms GogeC.gova kl 1, ia Are Being Asked f&d a Hait alightid Iraln a train end wvia going Marled Huemi 1866l, Have DM"00 iiitheaid Dt Mile -Strip of Road South hm hnarfebleh aa ', * wa fo Wetm.u Zo himed pat hime s. on eturnad and Attainlauîlstol'e. o bave tro isel tobts irorea reooiver, bat .014f 0 d a Uduring the5 lant sure bche t anyboli?. MobodY HAV'ai ESCMDWT. "ijw aid sheildmait DEPENDS ON THE WEATHER. wum arrested. TEGRN: Have to Aoit Event o'q Two Dit- GEN. Roati Work Ail Over County AU feront Days in Ordeér to Ac- VIOGRS th1WaterRea-s ar 1A 'lWA IJ Wili Be Started. A Rc AT Althaugh the eaman tlla8raether WSIAI;SACI ALEOERF01110 ugo uwcsi 1. SONS ~ oearly. arrangements' are bieng made I O EN AM ivy eiaazd &go t am. 1, Mer fl Motbcilatfor the irst strin> oi road wvan ln theIi. iNo 1 wTIA Cbevelando te fl ageoe slcouutr fartheGoyoar. Charlea Russell, W~CAB chfh atasimné iffl'8 MuCol-Heruo coucty aupérineodent of rooa, baie W. H. Randal,,RusseliFarm ' ufITi nrovè ie, mlsa oue i G. thear-ae OU*!$t WrMs escueda derlsett t le ed Had, Chmrgmd th ttSia- TAIAID BfM on art avnu, uai ier Rdge~ ~ u Taa. calling for bidm for the caanctof ng Sum From mpoyr. TILATD laudavene mc croaeo t.oa ne-haîf mille ct cruahed atonermail a aeresaitw CtarriOa tsjust thusaiade of 21cm Cty. The. tretch AB& «lto teariaio teHERO 0FI0RNETS' NETS. will luclude that 1Portion ofr ad li.- WAITS LONG BEFORE COING. A ailotrtio golden veding malverorthe con'- cd. ivtheo 1.koteV pie vibobave Ulvei la ia ety laver "" ~twleqn thevateunfg troua (Ma ber ,becs, bave 1amed a toiledors, cele- As3,o1* Offluer, Gen. dan oa utaubcZinit"mdSeerCwfdElore Vmtm bratilae of the.event. te le Sun- 1Rogeft Wearced as tihe oid achool hous. e I i aN Had Entmused-Hlr m a awo s cidu"a4%8gS Tbs trp f oa l 'mo "' onyfor Cattit.. tates attorney te braekq d unMoinee hi o 1 ùý64I eti a. sable et tintes bcaume lit la compoa dWlhMey. -Proie L«ov C1e tu W "Wltk talmelitemmorro ar un! md. tir. itameIli "ayathopropos Th'-grand -wit 49 mmedate olebersof Or - aaa oi m sC. itgera, fur 70510 .4 ruad it il not t. aa vide abui ho wàbma Mx firi." aald Mr. Coigrve, 'v a reoaldMI et Wý$kegan viierOe o vaa oudilketl nltbtoon naItli efr eSMn ro f . aiemt I&ti -. 11k ' haveryItrbathaoeGino &U ettet. ie *.Id' l-nOU n-th aveaei as o , one.orftG. bootipovavetemnao h eo!Go ill t. a big imProvement ta Goe pres- H af l thrtyfo41Y"0e1&g,01kywor a, oê s.d civil, vas'a".Wd etthe mont hcîwrOd eut Condition. iHe hapea before loag vihog»M q«»e Umsoasis' Mda prvd3 rc ortob ie e oaumeOrcfiw1Iiaut ,-nd fseoa te bave a perfect ruai! placed betvrel oen CWas5vi eoila tce G, i0» ,elght childr.nIliving. and four doad; service fer' M ntry. <ied BindaY s' akeguan md 21cm Cits'. Motoristm e sflu *aCra m ord tom Md lova a tore are 19 raudchlldren md leI et'& on Frauk C.-bu' ggp»1.jy viii renemler the. srip cf ciuebqiw WMansumS hoeos al tg tehé IL Hath great grndchlrnidrslm lt&M 78 « prt veu.Chcg. b. r teycavmntl t i dbM t"meselatte r I totdO 1.M vaald 'bc noecrovd ta bave'au es 'l ealct vuaCIOe ra ie li e mprofo a the e od teim vs eli .~ ' S I H~~msuMd*r a mckneavhlc maie sud Gt viilerh! i. yatc' tut,.-al uai Iro ase.acrtoIDI7oday and r tete ~moan ~thest .1 o aeGmpr uedydpr ie >m. Durb*s hlt tîme fie Zsuerai The bida amre tachaopened uac mon Ed bl eauomo Ousmali 05XL iudgrolva yher g-aduatis' ml bdas apossibe and lhe contract vilt. C Me lt wh «t" Tii. Courove finil?.Do broirei. la f cme tel Waakegau avlided Immediateiy. Mr. IRussell levShhi ttas cf thefis tipea in u t ofmadone t 11140041111b i5*fubMl 01 t0osIbe amlitth t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ u seayl'edboms t~ dou r*. , sMI u "k ingU i e orge tks tlu G. nuar f ture. t urathe et et »Y1?*0tu t fmllriat U 1 M'Vl end Il a bad 10w jta Md w am lo~ i oflera am vidonc* pusai Fosrank A" .. yurs virtu te Drauiit rsmot. fit ~Dag . 19 ia.Vleu ve«9Mm aaad umo.bdllu IGbs00 snsa ,enw nte fa aIlu' st ta .euaoa.tMG i Mi Oigo e vc-comne forloiVm udnvrvaa i lla ie lb idson lua bviers' sort limek .~ sdU WokeauG.A.R.pas ecve9hm0trngi Mdilet aNetmm kvii . umodtaa pedyce- Jan' 4 Mre dtl Cl o ve lbais yug ie & e la' ac t LkFreat. i » v.mbot toêl tho ta ct'ner. Tv as o.11 ath , tsro egoS Pid 408101e.& thé es at bAlu fie iabons. lu 184et i~FO it miO k-iaothscailuoa' de edva Ccko ocmm ievrkve utfi-10li 9a 011 fahat «wGses s'uty BCe e itedla en obas . Nt.etIeuf m heohrmuaksdeplmo a aipoait efiacrletbt es" t U 4,erB «e eile&I cf t i= li IlIuou. otOatefed iflIa, ie. Ti. Rgea fmals'lled or>"~ .t f. I f i e coter ctoi»balplae ts' Gs-wfs smoa>t euS ug o bdbeuà ta Én ue fapthe are- .iltd.f oie orneer of Sbaaier d iRa gea-I of m te v 1 mW ca,*le ouli. il",t b ~ S lIme l n . IL H. omSHmrURdsadaeu.mtmiio 1e Nvla h fst Md vlaai'O 10cm mpt a evrI i oi t'liy.tlrd lliols. "An," mid .; ouer hs@ghom àlm s M n t Mlias écte rt uhse oa oae", col> tern mal omu tAt * ovîatsu "eif r thes' had is ieom al ofvont te . bgtac u u a,>n, î o it wh e ut n uml a a*a ~ p 11 hveitncite ioo â9t. , e l i u o a ke much of l a s D o t RA imU e ao u fhor Ge M a tlie fie de»' oaa, fiI aeveji' a U .wlieb a L: d ln.thCaiaet la aCola 7 11d1t Mfis I vnt a tii vd o a d va n~nc laction esud theiirpnwu t o m o bute éi é 0s n lg s ep b m ulu. ar . w c hles Cev er pe s t otedbas th l eeirtvic vaaMvdd yab us h ui oo i1cm 1e~'i5d lb.Uièrectotw u. i me grea niny rleda NP-e cty. SOie tlutara550 taloat 1the. ld slle fe G.mtaG. t - Illnei. e t are tI i t hlire a! 1Mr. The Rues m i lved forWau en s e luteaudy dthe ouatir l a .tegtisir s= and.. UO 5415 vtl u hs omm. aioe 'ho viiiMastatle&-e hco rn ier ot Ibrn 1819, ma " r inS a Om i pssblelu tIi seso p Il da il ne l$ctla Quar IMtY-hir Iliois "nd. " h; Sener om G»em ad rsde thal te prcutha e a monul- en e fui t éi l c e ssSkt 0'Wt. If- eyb al n G e d l4Meaiy: tW U R rm w a ig at i ner thad09r3- ey'a w or t h eaoun M. R sll fla hag t uly v M otlfl. et I M 'ets'v u soS1 U L.M r elra ll e te.. W auk teganauid e n u e t he i ogna-enlfrc~t o nand yul i a tii. ath mo - ser Boit t R e tds»0409W s11 01r* ua1. o t.a44t ef Cr lea. Joe er. megoand '[ i on we r ect odc a ud ided ey Re ty ov a usa i ns othe cM40 W s ils'.baie ts1lS , a isia gretrs Loui Aitueusct. Hgikd Lk oei nvrll ah are R a st h e vaa ut sms ll lad fe tera aul. lhe t i i M * for t e ls. trI ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m Mistdlu aueIi x~on easnUIagolsi . 1145dlu anld rlyf cand*lr sdlie o e s - catle ou hodau-t. au- s li a lred Rhe e. WaegnM. hua phe fameil verin WereatiLns tdhe te dcast ogel .ld ffe tt ieet~ Mu as. C igrove . w uo gmm. asss n c cur=alteneh otain 1819,etch o G n g erul sy naat the nt a Y ite a I herMt- ga car Bfcai O a o i e stut » lB ti re u , C r- Clain hiar a o ign v.GorgeC.a g era. frmury cf Wuuk- e f or de ssl eai sn t a t hicdag h îcago. "bot mO«i é1811l" 0011%lot'ým ml M AletPtWaakegmu padd nti hade ndas'ull i e oecfo1h8f85.fa feaat it dait l o 40ho a m bg ai eleG U 4 o! iii uon wank Itgeil hicago cire !ttonoar l atuo athe cattre &Bad libil Ot 1111 a iz Zud é bve ees31lis60 vat Mrs i"tJe B 1e.tWauegIT .The no. CuI daie atiembd ol n hn . 1roUsr aielarl 0 u f is tbu tl'5- 'Tu'op & as M Mise nrIRuttntlysuelna ey- I rad."mldho "u a le ttei blond B tebraie t. uSe nofe fwog sa en tb1 nt' Nis Lus Ace(BY ihln ak rr es t Anvnt. C hLD ' a e Sp.r Hoal a i usaelltoo theI.da= ul *M da'd. M h biswlll T hssfabe iu s . tm.*S th ak o rciin tony.spi Tao b al hy remin d a t- adoit ate vfiti emeX= f fe*ruWUI'&OW aléf ie s OsudgGl.en, Wa4 uke 4 alîkI am r avodiml'alG ene eunt I L u e i fi. UP It( il lite age 0f mz u Rerote.gbt youu 5.1 o ln help aeCh.I.merifr Lakeelvngior .eeis .1e.sit mm r.WiirdRc, Waukea fbaieared ne hi « e mo n and . t .411 ha a i l o n lme ofo in leCawodfmeMffe. cg t.- te hotve sb, u&Cfl autorcset28 h ayof Terra la o aIdento dath"are; hetelte gMrtriol0"alftmi 16M2314tie butlG. vflioOoOamse» Calr eb o n Fe,,arm l sa eo rgiC. t the IO'c bI> ni.t Uer au ore da cceta s "tata . o e "sud atai sdpet c oo'Itl sl. om.Iobrsl Itriu Chaliesêft tto ' T Make lluofo!n ser. t htiIlvi aal t ut he= olaIn gke Rendais it t vla di oeat ta s top laid,Wr..C" al l"i JOm m fjh onFrak C. an 00Chiea'n. ROS e of lts n oam noflin larouefm andaositebtIlli amW . re soê a s' bah ellceep9ua n lner oglvers rimen, ib«eoimho ime «ho iaimo n th sle. j ail& ari a e bfre t laros a ei lasriet f4nie eo62 OhiEa<dmg»mm feUii cS.nttseAtetae eu e, Thle blmathe wum f 4 uim4 At lsJ. 8 .anrl~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ h hlgaas s llIBaeBn.4flter a a membe 0<MdiilalrIncfoo-<& Igad,'a îa sudî si ade a uviiI.h . ' I t babt is liand e ievl ri leba.B tins'. Hrdlug uta IUo ien.ds$ ome i1e gurebame o! a ntUlme uco e bad lira e feor Iaialona. le Qu' ]$i f ieet (YR OBia EnRTSA.logRaU rr ed u a le l s lid aor e a a te ml m re nd ho bod cf l re bi -K -0i5 _as.'Chales d..E LcIL louera GeorgeuKetua ent ish , uut Cark RWet Chîca a cf oaciWt o a i t .tie oS $15 ' fmita"te hwSt cile thepredencee fhlmbI f e er m. C- antR'i be"l o t Gorouail t 'Dlrdfee a e téep t g av40 i Ls'n piiilsit Ol ut i Ot5m olhn te ee)an o 1 <t Joe. 1871 :a ay laI i vuyn oaibvat. fis Juge Pooifon.1w hI au-Exetea feBlt CDSc >*CeealRgO' M u bfliled-na cariai ane0c92em»0. Spevies B2 of nicare haroLetOn ar $of s ~ m OUi. e Nro ' 1hil5il.NeIIt. a eidltbe fi e tet fe ao- dpetr mnrUleb el cflIn8gi5Omfl athe - Roera. Tml t lamaMoulaccormal fie hoajle 0 Warlf tg 0ta $o s . le svas'e tisa MW ýtion Stpl l Afte T Make n1886.Po! ataC.'idOM BsaT. 5Rogers, 7 he Iem, IletFu' l a omta àbd. -lat lwfl blee ue- test o! ro fi covu" eou » uutn uchabilrsbb. @u m e b. gîta~ ~ ~ ~~~M aud h rflo otdv i l oir darmughtrRseraC. rnau lain ose jvam wicaum no Ids~1. geémsos b-adia1G~ diOalesri v i i RothonsC.a luncr ue.' , tu 4IdiU a sot d0te7q ot$20lcomn iOWla I@ b'Yii e r,as ln thé we I iaierlac 18.888*0nooug- nos er. na PtIvsc tO lule.Chiao, hfie i e t bia e ,rt f 71~i a a.lel fIdai th -lt. 'ne ua luacci utcffi fu it o gers 4 vte vus inu ad athe The mIlles, gPriLtmýetls vu te- poalca5smls 'IiOai ' i~ n th toaci 9rd the »Wtaa aI Smllifldm.aboBey HadilianaI1 1 1e teOcron? f i eI lsa ve o l u lsmiI1mOietuuthemae itd ssy ete 1 thebas abord f lbmgtehndab 0 Muuie D Mtocbjtut ei or a pIm-ifilathe portan»h te MUthé aItrop efocs;fTh IOmm er <at oaa"tlte o'.sW b" «, rs. ena' gmma' __t________defr __ sixsetimebas fhSiIsest' '0 spba o pulmlv&ed m L rtCo mat- avorOl i>78 m i t m re Mo>Illo cis) vnte Ma eydmeation lutu th gG. titI~~~~~~~~~~~~~ =Mbysat lot~ uui ciai c aada Vue 17a , uiilae " MCIw1a 0rb Jit~ iudge e.?s 0er5*t l City or.. Gim ntl hsileAaeuytmoir, td5eys. aeme aWMb ,toi CM theal Oum et s jaep ul'uIdetcU-hgavm b each- Expert& of the gt@4'Collffl ot Ga~Ilîl o=a. m nS l ie e rtanmmme ftyeye cat ein Mj h* Labo. n$ik 0< u5a' 05 1 , cite' lu h ba-..- stoa jIe a. l jbufflg.~ i cans cl il erf. iýst. ôt ton l o l ait lau'î , c it . p«i wa nd Ieg»qve s hiM *ea' the baar d t u tial h ligte ord Th pott ontévs1£r0ie0ot r, amtw ud» Roers tons.r Vao »tbp ans l Fo Jua* u éa d b. IM. Th iùc h »jte os wo wuai brnai! tthé.) iIttUatL b et il. 5o PJR YXAB IN AM 0" TO BIGRT

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