CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 5 Mar 1915, p. 11

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1915. orderpd sent lo the Bgign aSylum. ai wild talos -heclcdup. they lMd bina IMA*M WO4A folowsaarrts t.*.i He olaas told to the Ho' i Ighland Park. jry '-ru mont lilconaîstent and In- to a iîs>thînggs.4ta $iNDISN dsM asky, Waukegan. <oherent. * ettetlit, mddi wy t' get lelunt s easè %vas an enigmna. HE M". M(iasky. wlth a babe ln armq, of telid*tWunbtat,- tWaukegan, NMarc h tls v as etarving and told ther lita- tal.Hosws at a caqe.o a de- isopI. VIII aeltudiduto T ret thlng le de This mornlng ln counîy court two tiemat thiagq. <'barity workers Inves- ranle iers dan t îd'ttk ts % tgatd. ndfiningtha noe e bg gl lndandil iin ttketha ofWa ltb IL vor e- lumsoit lmb persons, were found te bt' insant, andltgtd ai idn htnn flt jttr longtgto detperrnine the tact. Ut plana te Xàgziw on il. The ______________________________________ ms imm~ ~en murr~vi ENE.NT'POINTERvyoailetfe am lu th Mat Whe C.weAre vi he i. o* cab Ofnd andi INVAID SNCL1 ofe 1913. maiwth "*W wUgmf eu". A en ta 1Ila - INVAL 46n Z«her of rand &,«» D a re. put 12 lutaIbm heeli. anm 77-i'&m aMbla hof G r . aIoveulent of thon bmttem- thon otberx. hbut *W > WM ~intoa un ye-ar IIOUptS iti- 0ftacalves ai in ido lit If Uiey'are altowecl CARO harehe aui l réemint ttea. t4.vgeIf the. ite retu là ~or on the land. 8 cti en. a btstllaroallg tiiefr8 ýj beesthlai *gel htoin acdlm, in barns Mr n r.1JmsCoe r o-mméýw~abén S" tie or ayW**&eWu I Ilat feflil- fr t M. ad lra.Jams Cope Uv. frue uiAtor mine Vothe aid men vho l, get pants mmd lth thosé, maI2of4 v»uI.;wh hveP 0 Dta 0W ach for plants met upre fertility, This pmi tiu UWJm attIm for e.Thý 1a0 te #d a lqrge lua pi 40000, but soin Afle4s. aJ.. for a tva months v iUd lutmi.aumenOPgib<ond. Then. flt learci l W-0ev dream o ~caltI.sT*1 sto o luInomiete a*. the aqrphw emuet relmeulng mmd Uuol,th fertillty praltNaý;t44 1*lvIha1> umer ite, ibmhe 9= 8cjuven an - tmi 'Y& .Ailes tr miit at t s alm .lI vianmd Ithe povgletlfbey- ~l~ Mi. Ooge vii vlumtaor gvaiag ouw# a vcanlmais, or ne- thi..Thea mli viiil 1IFlk>gap foi a vW Blt bdauglters. cordng t atte h Ofldimtlomi. aeve naflnd *1MWrideece !lltle cMr. Co« alrés15* a trip ta The dbmaif4t w&a friner eaget dreaus. bo t uerud 'Aam " SAR94 wJth bis m eo-I-lav, Mr. J. Il. a@doit ai bull, vhlcli rcoteabout tube heeibmsmuet, cheap J~~~IbiJ rraii*d who ta superlntendngthte 5800 la by opedaPO vl Wtb i s tIroute veaity Of toustmtsounoft inatjno e, town freDda, orgalmin a buil club vlth rltg rae. --mt.a <ual.enoughmb 200 tenai. Tr bull re - .... cit et(MoOtAIlgeslnvhieh Mr. mbip o 20mmi. Forihuile are inattly laterested. nef e emmer0f« - wsIf ntWoOd roamdamsbars of the comtingthla enaeberlpet lie lub ta divld PANAMA CAN4AL M PAR MERS. onIs ia.pqarrqge an Mardi nd ln Peinons, tutu four nmetc 'ore.1blMcla vwtbMm.m bu" mevaY Cs'i.. of MIme Ktabel Curry.dughtar of bers ta acla block lving gamsa mah Whft the Qu'et P leDoing and s ZWlllabeld « X». oba Curry. Mmd for years rom-si.her. hW&&uismay bu elaamaâd ach Winl De Fer qUtwss te orthe mWeat Bide, Waukegmx.a s. mduaemae corn- u- dioui0. W ,# ne iarticle ln 't~eet, m-alI I ntelof-Cit .5ner Gu ice baU»t SB e t *x mi 5 la vigljle h mits a liy ngume Oya "*site O*r qi8w $U& ibgidu Wbla etmkt thé Pua- Price 0410.00. Top and WindahioJld,$25.00 extra curry .t*,ofth (CWO$É& The sain -m Sse- Mdl em a mmih Mvndefor tk&tlo.g damett lamihWbotratlied ilu mat known. Tbey Jl. d mela ai :W = 4M 40 ritipfe on a fruit ranchi la Cmlaw -iAime i w trmMat the dan 'HaO~~ii. -E CAR with the appeararnce, the' mechanismn dWt* u, e b pe0 ae eaed~ hy? and a great future. Evýery part eaffily acces- 1, t ai1a et isible from above. Looks Good! 1$ ns 'Good! &Prm At tftul et a ~ 41~ ... an SP 1A;ut ý.4c ('-nn.,- A A -c- c ' Car-uit Vei ,-'aitt- hâat- i4. lehi ,éfC iaitral i4 - t1MrmJI Oî t, malte «Wi ie woild flot ofttIbmme eadily apparent lThe ratvMa t, develop under la.L Likevlse la the ppurd= è bull It la vise tota blse thinls; the aliffl vestIVOiit = 010 k« *~etthe, msànty uri- bo112&stiaa$M <tU a imo* almoa.~ lmp r thq b for , gpt bdimg fe Jmut.l i tmperttam fer bil vétrutlbIfat s4.71' a frm luile erlougly abulj ud m g yqsan fcr froin the i~~agricullural tlstum-Dr. luiciW e anMéoid u. .Jqwuem pyu*ts tlat 19*ff aams @i 0 ebbtt Ima.J»e orilua dry lot mard a" z6aiffd Ibmagricul vota g - ~1 m~,i~s Ulspla.¶bYvtha.tia01V ~ UgBj ne on S*offi' f ateiqm e 0a Uta rtira0lIM; t e ï a ï t ii t e r . A b o- 9 t , P M*-t e - vay but vben ty teafe» 1d !of enuage a day Dos. Butte,,Fer Wet Wetwr. ~ ug-taihrzsmm.s4e~wvulOs i4xl ilsa door bufttoi jei priDIU lu al' DIWealua b4'eteà&l tgýb!ufg vila aaigor la 11..wl" mte tW-t<Ub t uliI-WMmeÊ uh i d tamn ft, le toLaimersfrormanud Mo alet a g.p eta sau"m btosoWcSe vs- in«.-Or Fermeria. r"t hasskdt'it la oea haly lie, tun- laU, bus dsrla -t 1* in ludry vamter 12 cornWctmn rn.Ka voeuna lWlU igeCardoun. end turne.ù Ma ffy fat Il V-IB not i.tiav - latin; ndulgia deva the tay tl- tf t 15 . motante 1dm ~ p~aamjrgrgiw~obit Ma'u-*e- v;y 4tO lIsmt aboit Imiol. tbméaev cf 241:49000t theugJal"or cmtag wlamWre tige aia m a mre lable ttu i- bullon in te bu placedt Irouih ll ~'ihoaa~I~ut-bulvb Une« the ea#«inmd tbeiiuitton. Drilla bol e~ea.414nanlfle4 ega fua uthlicli the goed thng-ll nac-us a ilç-oai @Me littl@ hlrov ay iumdty o! lit ou Me&te iefl4a,în 1w.~. tla ebutta. mamall e h enoui ah ,,,,,a anna. dahlias andai t*bi4Z e iltwSdie ~4 ~e~lIlil~ecaamtauptered u lthe lIVedala? âê'hé, at-reqim~'1* -ý aboete lreagla the ca e trt v w-ali~ en ome heut-befoeér ti bto 4I,n damy pets la pd otera bocepe< 'bÇt »~ ~ i~diaOlat ftbey ag&peli hbelo aMltçw*ete bé *en-t. nutb.t« 1ut a square, bie a lWft 1" jqeýwb&fe thil- la more nmlu> 'laB LUn7c thé nul i'Efftoe "Ur ottaipadarMn Wm vsaj L TH RCiAqiO IN WINT-ER. Ibê ut thebm ito a revobe&ad hug ~aêsévermi Ilpm eai vlaa btbave ta bu iht ln, differe 'shter temperatures Ifie ID y iaeavsnliva ieaameL T Chi qnilmenad ngta b me ~ ~ tb mtlllg em rondftt--5bIm l.e e :ujU et»mbutmamy lie 44M tban la ËnrllWmd ibth l.let asmetu a in tay rthe eeszui hait a u.,.vaa t t.-anty(entiemain. - It lua clueter. IuUCl 'JUUOO riiu is JUU UM 1ou Cl0i-L I UV<L IL. aIiywiiei. AT LÂST After three years' careful study andi experient neaing care and rnechanical painstaking, we are -rEedy to apnouncedeW y on the higliest grade, most durable and easiest ridunglight car ever produced, without exception and regardiess of price. A dosigned, super-excellent car of proven stability and speed. Shipnients, will positively be made in the order they' are r"leived. There-. fore, " Fiut corne, first served. " If interested, 'ct. qaickty'. Tweïy :avebhun- dred cars will be the output itôr 1915, which shouldU~ far short of-the dematnd. Dçn't you be one of the disappointed late omes. DE&FIELD GA & PhoneoUeerfield 225- J Deçeý~d. ~~î .---r~-c-- --rsr'r--- - - - LOOK! [00K! [0K ~ WH0~ PRCES AKD COMPAR«E TMM WITH THE PRICES YOU ë' AYING Fol MaT COME TO WAUKEGAK A2ND SAVE 40 PER 9R 1E#Il t oast . . .. . ..0e- geles Sirloun Roaat 17c 1 ô-n.Steak ...121/2 c luP Roast....... lic Porterhouse Steak ..- 121/2c Pork Rosat ........ 91/2c EUmarnw ...-......-10o C-orn »Çef 1...... e Beet Tongues .....15c YOUliG COIN-FED PORK. PorTk chops .......120 P* Seak 120 Mok hulders ....91/o Pork Butta li.....c1 reJUba, short eut. .50 eiid'r'd tLard.11¼ec FanCy Lttle Pig Pork Loins... lic Fancy Little Pig Shoulders, fre8h -.10c Leaf Lard, extra fancy--------...10c Native Steer Beef Pot Roast . li..1c PRIME IUTTN. Loin anti b Chopa Fancy Legs-----...12V2c Choice Stew ......7c Loin Roaat .-..... 121/2c Shqulder Roast ... 10e -SPRING LAM». Fore Quarter ...... .Oc Hind Quarter,....... 15e ,ILTDMVIAUL Fore Quertera ....... lc Hind Quarter ..121/c LiegRBout......... 150 Choice Chopa-...1212c Loin Bouat,........1le Choice stew ........lic Should*,loat ..12%ë Vel Liver........10eO Caif Erains ........ 10el John Hetzelas SMOKUD MEATS- No. 1 Rams -.......14c Pici Hama ........O1 Fresh Spare Ribs .... 9 No. i Haais liced ...20e No.1 i noked Butta. - 140 Boneless Ham ...15 Bacon---------...121,4c Bacon, the best...16e Country Rol Butterine, 2 ibs .-.... ....... e Pork Sausage ....... lc Frank Sausage .... Ilic Bologna tuage... lic Head Olleese....... lic 4Mjrlcan and BrIc Cheese .20o Saner Kraut....... ~aBMtIA ,2 b........ 35c, 5 lb."!eeckage Special Butt*&iii. .ma "'-a"- i. te tolere v lo ibamgS i ==!l ragé, T>üéý rýF!--4výu xazy, un lovan- 1

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