CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 12 Mar 1915, p. 10

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Page Two. OFO. MARlN RAD MOOT AMPUTATED À SHORTTIME AGO Former Zion Man, Serving Uf1e Sentence for Murder, Writes to the Daily Sun. HE SHOT ANDJ KILLED WIFE. Murder Took Place in the Office of the Chief of Police at Wilkesbarre, Pa. A letter recelved from Ceorge Mar- Ion, former Lakie Couafy resident wba Wnov ln the state prison at Pbiladei- phua, Pa., tells of a reeant mistortu vbicb befell hlm when physiciens round il necessarv l amputate oue of bis feet becaics of a tuberciahar boue. Marlon lm a constant reader et tise Waekly Sun and If vas vitis nef- erance ihat he vrote a leller 10 tuis péper. Marl srêemereaby scores ot Waukegan people but espsclally by the eiients of Zion Cty viser. bd farmenly resided and wviere h. vas flarried. Marlon -formerly vua an se- (or of no mean abillty and appeau-s Inl Waukegau In th. "Flaeming Arrow2' Prom Zion Cty Marian and bis vite vent ta WJikebarre, P%. Tisey.hiad s .marital trouble atter a lime and sép- aratsd. The -police sosigitta affect a rcoencllation sud îausei tise tva ta niaet la the office othe ebisiof po- lice or Wllkesbarre. Theisobat! bru- ed bis ieai for a maoment and lu tise brief interval tisaeevers tva or titre quiciOtei. Marion "ad chut and kilt. ed i Wite. There vas a long tria! as a rit 0f vblebh hevas tound gilty of mrer and vas sentencesite Ilie Ianprsement atter a sentence af isatis vas etmmuei.. le a et1 serv- lng Ibis sentence. Hie latter ta Thse Sun telilng of bis afflictin.and alo ot bis physical condition tollava: ËEASTERN PENITENTIARY. Pbllade)piia, Ps., Mcii. 8. EDITOR DAILY SUN- Waukagan, 111. Deér Sr:--Oowing tu the. paucity of my pecunLsry means ait present t arn unable tu remit prom ptly for last year'asaubacriptian ton thé veelty .IndePpdaenL' -Siice Yeu 1lut beard tfom met1 have beeu In pour, veryioWb~iealtb, i bave been affllcted vith oonsumpthon of the boue in nay tit foot. Resut ut brslbsed boue of several years imdii, amdlit vas touai nec- essai' 10 sPuate rngbt foot Oct. 7t4 e0f 15*1 Vea Bmfloc.tie aperétion 10am pleueedta ingeon y« 1 bave "luIneAtveighIt a»'à soeflralhealtis bas i1prved foot vw« alnputated loavbug tise bel wlcviiM Ii nabbe me ta val't w~tie qes ua an artîilitfot i5agyo« for fflt favonsad 6987 Iliern Pealtoutjar, Pitidel- piia, Ps. DUNNE CONMINS STATE FILNI Springfield, Marcis 10. -Chay*dtnz- Ing capital punisisment as a brutal penalty sud abhorrent, claiming that tb ferro of -psnieitment do"n not serve ~sa desterrent aud therefoe r ails of i. vurpose, Governor Dunise lu a spe- cal message la tise leglltsire, eta!og- br, recommends te abd1lsisuMt o? eWptai punisment I l ile. Tise perceufage ot moriers bu statee cis have abolished capital punîish- motsas compared vitb tise percentage la titis and other statse, Wicb bave n«al oiabed it le declared tisatishe awsmsut t ial ou thesaide of tre "laes viia no longer bang crimin- else. Besides tise chante af corractlng a fiscarriage of Justice in better If tise eriminal la sent tau prison for lite, titan If h. la bauged. lise governnrsys. Another splecal message sent to the generat assembly today by the gov- ennor urgea the re-enaermenf of tise Joint resolulion of lhe farly-eigisti gueral assernbly, provldbng for fise apeaintrnt Of a Somlslor to ln. vemîlgate ustemploy'mer-< Tisa lut aseelably, atter pamsing s vecolotloa .beting a commission, fuliectu mare au apprapriation for thé axpens of the investigation- Gov- LAKE COUNTY INPEPEND1ENT. Pn4y, Mp1H 12, J915. p RESENT *ADIý TUON nM-il T îUonfiiued from page one) sextet of candli(tatex, in fact, It vas 7 eter feermottl.... 8 seen at once that lie would lielîigh 8 ItobI. Douglas............. >42 man la a wallcaway. 9 Thos. NIcCanna... ......716 While bis îposition vas clnclîed ear- 10 Carl \Vesierfield .. ý..........4q ly la the eNenlng, the itatua ýof Hus- Il RobI. (Irice................ 1337 sey and Pearce was not lînown at aay 12 L obhnttestey.... .......... f16 lime and even when fthc final unoffil- 13 .1. V. Balz.................. 613 cial retura was poshed, few were will- 14 Win. tullock.............. 519 lng ta acceptIti as final, Insisllag Ihat 15 P. L. Jargensea............ 483 qureiy that one vote vould be found 16 AI Cooper................. 460 aud etber Pearce woîhd tde Hussey or 17 H. J. ieckman............. 413 beat humi. it vas liard la conceivO 1l J. W. Cools............... .198 Ihat tva mea vould rua so close as '19 AI Conrad................. 170 la bave but oae vote separate thern. 20 Jas. D. Si(ene.............. 297 The Commissioner Fight. 21 Win . Vye............... 267 Il was a bot fight ail aloag the hune 22 J. J. Dorsey........ ...... 26 5 for cammlssionen and vblle if bai 23 WM. Wright........ ...... 2r been ezpected fhal the cammîssioners 24 P. .J. Ditnieyer 1..12... 1m vho servei during the four yesrs 2 .C tvn ...... 1 vouti etand a good show of bcing 26 Adamn Xogel ... ... .. 2 15 renomfiiated. if was not generally con-27P ingr..... .. 19 cedei Ihat lhe tlîree would lie ut) 2t .JDohka .1.. amugli fur ta-ntcen. ut29Gfias Wallbiirg .............194 they werc,- Diefaiever, Atterbery sud 30 .1. W. flGer.......184 Orvîs, wltlî Swayer bing ibird lîlgh 1 N.StM.lîîrgeiîsen ...........1 KI man, Orvis being jilsI belaw hlm and 32 N. Schaizeii ý....... 178 Diptmeyer aid Atierberv jiiqt alîead i33tiustay Jedleka ...... ......171 of hlm. :14 .1. lisarbajier ....... 54 31 '-A .. Broadbear.......149 Peter NIeDermott, former alderman 3C, A Ilavi .. 14 1 0f the second ward under the aid titan 37 .1. farter ...... 1 38 vas a nomie, four years ago when 38 W. Metoily ........ 136 ommissian tormvas adopted. lie 29 .. liunke..........1016 ain got on the ticket this year. Lasi 4() Chas. Breen ...... 104 time Dîver beatlafcDermotî lu the 41 Villa J. May............... X7 election by about 65 votes. McDermott 42 Wm. Brafake .... thns beiug fiftli man. Tins, again Ibis year ha ia a nasalues and vilI makes the flgbt for election. H O EI H George N. Powell and Robert Con. O primai-y, are bof h former chefa of po- PR 1A Y 90 FO lice of Wauoiegau. Powell eerved un- N IE der Fner; Conolty vas chiefruder THE CITY NUIYIINEES Buck. Mn. Povell mIsa la a former sisentf of Lakes county. R. J. Douglas, a former inayor of Waukcgau la fie ather nomlnec. Il la rather singulan tisaI Couolly.1 DOUgl68assd Powell al lve on Sher. lia road. Dougluansd Couolly live vitlsin 100 yards of esch other; Pow- ell lives a hit dozen bliockts ta the nantis. THE STA.NDIN(I 0f CITY COMMI#SIONER CANDIDATES Tm.S Relative Positions of Commis- sioner Aspirants as Taken From Detailed Table. Behow laesovo the relative ordar sud total vote of the varlous commis- sioner candidates ln Tuessys prlm- ary. i J J. Dletmeycr............ 14S9 2 Carl Atterbery ............ 1038 3 J L. Swayan .............. 103r, 4 E. V. Orvis............... 925 6 Gen. Povwel-.-...--------918 6 Robert Conolly............ 908 lnteresting Figures Presented for Comparison's Sake- Vote LargerThis Year. Ia the primai-y four yeans ago, fluas vas th e vote givea the varioîis candi- dites ton mayar: J. F. Bidînger ................. 957 D. L.* Joues....... ...... ..... 601 Wm. S. Bulock............... 341 W. W. Pearce..... ............ 509 E.' P. DeWolf .................. 175 Robert Giese .................. 187 lu the elcctioa whilb vas beld on ADI!ll t, BIîdinger beat Jones 1851 ta S71. If la noiced that Bidinger beaf bis neareai rivai four yeara aga, Joncs, lîy 1h5,6 voés la the primarv, Ibis year hp beal is nearesf rival f,61 votes. almoat doubliig bis shaviag over four years ago. 'Below ara the elght mca who were aambuated at the primai-y four yeara ago. the four high men lieiag elected sud havbug aenîed during fie tersa Atterbury............ ........1710 VlatmeYer ...... .............1770 Dives-....................... 1r, Orvis........................ 159 Wrn. Baban-------------------..997 Peter NcDei-mot--------------.....1198 exPerieheed emnner. The. delay vas SOME OF THE due ta the large numnber o? votes wbich had fa be counted. The largk-aIt TIIIN iS CA JIl.I vo f any preeliect In the iity vaLs polled la the seventis. (ConIlnued from page one) Pearce fight oufta ses vho ii!!c- cuPy second place on the, ballot. Thse vote frram the south ide preclncts bad Mfayor receved sucb a splendid plu- mlty that h. can aftord ta assume an corne tu. 'I bave carried tbe ¶re- attifude af tI Shud Worry." cincts lu my own neigisborhod by a big maJorlty and even If I aboud be Many Ieople woudered boy tise defeated there la a lot of satisfaction women cf the city would vote. Tbey lu knowing that t eau carry my own sisaved clearly that tbey have mincis distrct nostron.ot1 'their aad that tisey vote as dIstrct s strng."tbeir Juigment dîCtates rather tissu as Peter McDermott, one of tbe eîgnt their husbande advise. highest, carrIed the fourth snd lUfth: Precluets lu fine style. ln the fourtis Front the number of autos sud lax- lu whîch ho lises he rau vay ahesi of the aller candidates and It loalted as If s large number ut votera hast votai for hlm axcluslvely. The splendid vote, acoordai James L. Swayer, lias been commentai upon veny favorably. Il bai been puactîcal- iy conceded Ihat ha vouli b, lu tise bîgis eigbt but aveu bis cloest fri-bnis dld nof thînk ho would iun ta strour as h id. The relurn.s firn the sevcnth pi-e-1 cinci vera the last ta lie hean firn butIR his asnot refleet anytbiag on the efforts af the Judges sud cleris bor tisay wonked illgenti3' and la-s la tisat maie their vay loansd fi-cm lise pols ou Tuesday oee outi Imag- ine ise vere back Iu onaeofthtie ast faslsloued camPalgus lInvisicis these vere comhmon rtier than Iu a cgam- ,paigu visere they areasupposai ta be barred. tCharles Russeli....... W. D. Whyte ......... llelow la a complefe liai niayoralty aad comisioner dtes at, the primary four yen tub iNslriflg: ,..10175 .. .1094 of the Candi- para ago FOR MAYOR Jullus P. Bilunger. William 8. Bulbes. Edwsni P. DeWolt. Robent Glose. DewittL4 joues. William W. Pearce, FOR COMMISSIONER. Chas. R. iden. William J. Alien. Carl Atterliery. R. S. Barnuim. William Belensky. 'Thomas Hl. Bourte. Aadrew h. Conradl I lamer Cooke. ('harles lb. Cnapo. -Johnî0.1- emÀioreat. Mlathias P. Dilger. .1. J. Dietmayer. Clarcence W. DiSer WNatter E. Drew. E. W, lilb. Lewis P. PlainsIîn. ficai Se F. Fluer. .1 MI. Piocher. Arthuîr A. Feedenteldý Charles Gesekus. John lfaarhauer. Donney I-titi. William lioban. (harles L. Holmoten. Niels Maius Jorgensen, Joha T. Judge. Stephen H. Kennedy. Chas. B. Kittrige. Arthuîr M. Lsnyon, AxaI Lybeek. Axel Lludgrcn. Tisas. H. MeUnnu. Peter MceDermotf. William NMcGi-ti. J. G. McKee. 1ke McMilllIn. George E. -Mead. William A. Melody. Ambrose J. Merchant. Victor A. ilîs. John S.,Norrow. Denuba Mlurphy. Hialmar E. Oiseu. E. V. Orvîs. Fred E. Pierce. John P. Pilîtfant, Joha R. Powell. Mticheal E. Recktenwald. Charles P. Russell. W. il. Smnith. William E. Stafford. William T. Stewart. Alfred E. Stnipe. John A. Sut'henhand. Henry Thacker. John A. Thornherg. Erdwand Tobiu. Edwand TurPpa. John Urnek John Pager. Honore Van Lauduyt. Wm. D. Whit e. William F. Wright. Charles A. worack. Antanl P. WyszomirskL 1 all4ted candidates 'vben'the returne began to corne ini. Some oet tem had teit so0 confident of winWlng that they oould scarcely believe It when tltqy saw theY bad been defeated. It vas quite not1ele 4lsat thse na- jortty of the candidatas viho réa four years ago and vba made a resUy cred- Itable showlng aI that time were fnot ln the rlinnlng this Mime. BlIIY Felvey recelvèd 28 votes. This Is about three votes te a pre<Ilict Weil, be lias the satisfaction of know- lag that his camp@lgn did flot out hlm auythiug for be dld nefloven get out auy cards. The Judges and cierks of thé elghth Precinet on McAtister avenue deserve credît for the despatch with Ilici they counted the votes. i'her. Wéaa Urne wbea théeleghtb pmeînot used te be one odl the lant -te be heand frein but that lime Io paat. Before the p)rimaries thse vote or thse women vas an unknôwln auantity. "t'm out of polifica for good." Thos. Aiaidadiae ail-il~ts McCann delarei affai- leanubng thatvee vadvt.ASaesu c he bad agaln thls lime securei Jut cnutn u eun hyeyte enougis votas b mrn ntuth. 'Wel 'ti bave more 0f a lin. us lissa. i-aUsi- be beaten nov thon attise etac-- flan fer if savm@etUe vont mnd The CentraliPli-, station vws the ver-y of the nexI six veesa. l'ils in fiffli peinet pallibng plates an Tues- the test time ivlI i-un for office atW day. Severai whio vmre aceusteMai ta long as t am bu the praseat business." goto a Bsîcys malt heisse'made tise ,'latSu-Pl.7 Iipu«Ve 4Sny. 0-eltk f oing h!eeTI STEPS FOR RECOUNT MÂKES STATEMENTý (Continuai tram page one) Cause tiser. la alway s the chance that tuis canvaessMsy change a few votes OVer th. unofflial caunt if la probable that Dr. Pearce wlll Ia'ie any posi- tive acton taward demandlng a re- count unlîl the canvass la made. In a recouaf the ballots all are gane aven again aud any lîossible error 4liat may have heen Mnade lu ehiecldng oxer the figures la the flrst place are sure ta corne 00t then. Il l4 a very e a.s) matter for the coîînt lo vsry a tew votes on a recount. Whelher tIll wonld lie In favor o? llussey or Pearci lis troblematical. 80o'fer as knova this la the fi-st lima lu tbe bistory o? the clly wberi tise vote for Mayor bu hten so.,clos, and If le doubtfui if such a conidition ever vIli deifelop agabuý Supporters ot Husaey decinre they are surprîiola îhink Pearce shîîwî- go mucb strengtb. This surtîrise ri but naturel atter the noisy cani.îaigr wagad by Hussay sud the qiiet c<- Paigu maie by Pearce. Tte lat ter made few pîublic appearances duîriig tb. campaiga, conducfed non maxi meetings, sud bIs sdvertsiui< <- palgn an lmlfed. le eagaged lu n Personalities buf was on the jiihiv- ery minute, worklnig quiett!> snd win ning votes every day. Oa the ather band supporters or Pearce were not surpriaed ilt the vote lie roled up as tbey knsv hoîw b llii hîeen cutlinglutu, lltiissy. e5pty4ally lu the soutb sidaehrciacîx wlerî 111180e aPecfed ti maseo bIs strengt snd therp e li cxiiîtluid bis tittesl 11gb t. Ma8yor Bidinge.r throu.glî laving rolîci uP sucb a splendId Ilurallfy <an now ait lises la the grandstand and watcb Pearceansd ltusmey vage their gladiatonial figbt ta sec whlch of tbem shail be Placed on the ticket. The resulf malterahittie to the aiay. or for the large vote gîven hlm Tues. day assures hlm o? an easy victory aI the eleclian no ailier who opposes JUst When the recount xiii taIse Place ilaflot knovu but tuat t viii be field esie certain. Thua it woui d sa> 1ar Ilial fiie ultîrnate results wiltlibe iii dtiit for another wçeei aI least. Pearce Makes Statement. Dr. Pearce deciared shonîly betors boîm jtjoday tîjat he la taking the neces- sary steps ta secure a recourt of the ballots. He sald the tact fliat there was but oue vote dIffereace Justifies film fi talklng thîs action because file9 verv easy for the vote ta lie sllghtly off'. Then. tua, lie aaid there lai some (lietiafi as ta whetiîer or 00f the Na. %al Station men shouid have been ai- luxxed to votle H-esasys lie ta under lie(, Impression i iere la a taw whlcbà lirihlhits t beîîî frouiî xotiîîg tere, and, i lu i isthe case, liesasyx the iaw xlilcli e<îverAil the 01<1 forti of goversi- ment le <-Iit ari pro i i did tliat no ballots 1 fi t1 li 5rci twtere iliese imen vated tolo biIn mitlii oinatter. 1h la kaowu Iha lut cierîl îof tlî, Naval Station meîîi Bt vofed luit tl ie-lfth precinct, biut wbqn i, a proteat waa made the votes of oth- ýe crs were clalleuged and they failei ,n t be sa-ori lni. Dr. Pearce sali lie ail gil haxve a fîirtlier tteiaent ta ý1 nis onie hime later troday. SCIIOOL INSPECTu rIONS IN SIATE -Pupils Record Conditions in Homes on Blanks Furnished by State Gire Marshal. The iitat,. lire murshai depsntrneaf lias liadit ,intei s supply of isles- tie lotanks foîr use of sehoul pqbilis la the cilles or t hi slate Tisee ytbants are t- sitpiiid la lie teichene 4the Ile chools, îîsîalyly fic hechiet of the lire departaieni ai- the clty. t On thèese liako are a humber of (iueatiarîs yrelativ.e ta lire condition., Irne] tire hasards and ftns pîpl ýias ythe blian Is iohie houle viere It ta turopenly flîci onandsoireturasi 10 the teacher, wiso later on delîverR îhem ta t he clîlef f tihe lire deparlrnent. Through theqa Inspettou reports thlie -betlaoften brouglît lu touch wiih minor defpfets la homes of the trly, whlch altherwlie might Pomape bis attention, and many ather defecta are brought ta ligbf which are Imme- diafely remavadI by the awaer or oc- cupant of the building. BODY-Ilere 'xc have the aiost Imiportantr inno vafion evar inîroducedInt a single steel body, rthe Cornellan bas bath ifs baty sud ifs firae. This ,ail ateel ibbed au.i ie-entai-ccd bady forrns aitri-lge he. tweeu two axIes, niakes s beautftul strearniie of iaw veight iwtbout breaks or cornera. SEAT-Hei-e we claim flic greaf-at feature o? aur CQar. This seat, bath lioffoiq and bacS. iii sus- peîîded eatlraly fi-ce fi-rn heabody, <un t n iig, lai elliiitle aprntga .jroduclag ahi efeel truly remîarkabie, with rldink ijualities foily equal ta fle ic hlt priced toîurlng cars. (Construction pateuiteil.) MOTOR-Sfcnllug, foun-cylinder t lieriiio-xlpliosi, 'ataer ocooct. The destrable suýd poweirluul valvpîiî- hesd type, 2 7-8 inehies borean sat- 4iîîelî troi-. tub-i. cafai by circulatiuig puuîî, sysfem n ilt iemcxcti i i basa of ci-anki case, consfituflug what i18Suas n as the constant levai clrculating aplash systern. Two beaning. drap foi-gai apecial alloy hoat treafeti crank Baatt, vifli eXtra large beartugs. TRANSMISSION elidilg gear, fwo speeda for- vaansd i-avra., a special paf enfed transmission, alt rualng on New Departura .BaIl Bearing, vifli but titres geara, and nq counlershaft. CI.UTCH-Leathei- tsced cane, durable, efficient and very acessible. IGNITION-The tarnous Alwater Kent, wiflî ati tomnaflo spark contra. CAIlBURETOR-Holley. SPRINGS-ront. twa transverse, sermi-elliplie; reai-consiste oft tsi-e transverse semil-eliptie plat- toi-m. nade 1%-iuch widc of blgbest grade chrome Vanadiumn steel and guasi-ateei for lite of car. AXELS-Froul. flexible; -es-, fltIfloating lex- il*oPOUNbS IN *P6 ARE BORN ATiE0 Market Stre o ~~i Twe Bos, ie P un 0tft WI Tise elevec* ecuIlà be*114 a jh 1 ü 6W Lake. county fonnaer 1isohiIYéu«d Tuésday night viien oue mothen Add- ed two ta the total hum lisère dfliig the short lime It aba bIn ligne. .%rs. Anna itutisa, 906i Mankltt fflt, wiio, on fonday vent ta tise lidcimti, expecfIng tise arrivai eft Oe 110t. gav e hirtb t0 a liair of tba2nclf iaisw. They weigh re»péotlvely 8 auLd'ý9 potiads, maklng a total of 17l patiié of youngsfers brayulght mbtise vrld at thse nev hos>IPital rvIaus te r émrivai, nine eidren bad b6bn isqIfj ip the Institution. Au»tier iutbretdng Iblag la thht Mrn. Rutha, by givlng birtis te théns. twlns. chalks dao her éleveth chili, the othernaine ail baring beau bd1n ln Waukegan during hern rssUêê #I4ILAND PRI N01MINÀTES F~OR THE IST TIME, N9Y PLAN City Takes on Its First Ilep Under Commission FoM~ Government PropositjoQ. Af the prirnary eWLéIon Tuesia? lu Highland Park leédlng citisaetcfthat .,ime eomnoinsted fer 0"« rand mnembers of the ommlséiM BgUiiei M. Hatlagc, lrecident of thb moky. ' weight SCICs! oampén, éMdifOMé«re. aident of the Ezinoor C-uuU-lut), ia nomiaAted for inayor. and thd fol- iowing for commisalonens: flo4ard IH. Hittchcock, firot vice preaident of thiQ Firt National bank; Ward 'W. Wllttae, president of tise Adams W t- laite canypany: Edward Ruber.rt,- tiare Ntrrabene, Airred A. H*ge, Pritb Bahr, W. J. Obses. P. W. ghse han md W. E. B~kér. le Of the (anmous French Di-Dion type. one of the Inos t e xpensRve sud disîl aguishet Europesu iugkes. CONTROb-i,.eftîbaud drive.,<enter canti-ol, font accelsi-atar, autamatic asaikadiauce. STHARING QEAI-ijIÉere là anotiier Important innovafion; ws offer aés4lutely the moat simple sud efficient aleering devine êver used. No geai- or pin- ions. Positive, sure and guaranteed agalinat wear or play. [IIAKES-Servite braIse operated by3 cluteli ped- ai; emergency, b y foot pedal. Bath are internai, expandlng. locatai aide by side lu center of rear lîjîli, saaderfully effceut and positive in action. WI-iEES-Our livu maire, vire witeals, aitli-un- alîîg ami large New Departure Il beasings. Tires. 28x3-Lacis Goodyear read.' DRIVE-Sbsft drive wlistvatw univermai joints, flexible sud impossible te bini. GASOLINE TANK-git galloni capacity. lacated umder cowl of dasa. WHEEL BASE-100 mItees, TREAD-Staniard,6 inciset. COLOII-BlanIs, vils durable baked enamel fin- ish.- UPKE)EP.-Tbbs la the Most lî~qtant part o? any car, and ovinfg le oui- special desigasi congtruct- ion, very light weight, flexible front sud r«WAx ies, wîtb practlcally no uusprunjg veight, vs clgix the ioweat upkeep expense for lise Cornelian of ady car ever made. PRICEI-1f410 F. 0., B. Ailegmu. EQ1IPZvENTS-Two gas headttiqis. g at llght, genenatar. horu, tools, tire puipsUd kepi kit. Top and vînishicti. 826.00 extra. -Uécëtiqc iighte and elactrle starter extra. in STAR -Newto in Cyne anjaiug Pie $4 10.00. Top andi Windshield, $2.4.0Ô Lzra SPECIFICATIONS DLERFILLD GARAGL K NAIAK ýBRO-S.Props.e 4#'on. flee.rfl.Id 2- JDefi itii

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