YR!4y ýAdH9 '1915.- VJf. 's. P~ soluIi4 IM. meiar4l* oW. Umssrdi a aAt lie 0* 1 Pr or. Oealsou sud Wise. sud Hry *4gg5jw* *i *aiiattend ils Coul. MW fi"u*surC~ e*s tuer ltuis er 01104 rmu boy rsald ê» ude ~~~ble *tbffnibc 1nego hw - M i . N a l C ier1 m t w s boas su x* Lateist. hiao vi to. Fiesmi , s«i< res i Aa MO'U* lie.Joa ewei Kapo ae soie byNue.Chse.wdt éo ile.lme bj.ami ,y eof hleago, vlrauils te$ lst uuia l oo wm. gi l qatie.tusfpa irssae t si Rm nMWOF houe. rved y IHaml tbl g'Joêa Nanvefissed ie. aps& ue. R.b*ebm0< WAlotr, han t.etr 00It machifer oernelteg a, roues lu av lat ofTheats, as oavbieeIs kuImgs 0,»Leais, o. re ugtii Of aUy àai'ela y. iee cauit tou Ils mmeane vhle vu O ind*otiasie, 0.01 e ciilma ta or att.Tili.1 oz we. ulekly stue.d ctuhesblase hote mah o ar e ate ote a IX Chégo, * bo ote Dnsvii Lia Peeke d beho ldl peanrslu ar ý bmsS Tiut.M. Jb lha ril ]M1ve paunde Ataantiesfar e t ai e 20R%111 etoe, DruesDrM« CO. Uts.Delel Palfof Wlmehka, ancom- p«W ,ab er bueelsa, Dr. Poli, bore Mou. *'Wa Mud spét lie day viii frIi . jé4iL Jg.Letdovne, &Ul clore à$ the Omo Rna Dug Store., Drue Drng Ca. Bsa Lher bls iesn Try Ili ith orage["*e basket W~I teamulait tIle ~e.uaiy clémpbuablp gaine letmai alr. diataylt ta ihe Y. . C. A. team ai <mkeWsukaBiail dmmm tram outeide ;la lhegame, sud It va. ose ai the faileet gasiee.uaL lba. aven beecspiayed la lur*yslse. Clie.Doolictie vas operacd ou Wedm.sday for a abem a e ilead. 1%9sonpetatiau vas of a serions nature. RIe laumy trlends are unilouuly avalîlng NmtI~nalOunge lat. atutday, *Mael, 20,,1915. Buy yanr a*4aegmeat. kCald'. on lIai d"y. The pri"e ai emiprise yoe. Wat eh the wlandov dis. pIS,. 20c1 Lui year wvs at! vebail theboat van sbulanletovu beauee u hought poNoty ve my àIle becana, e knov il t 1tes. Try a pai. S. L Carfieli & FOU ND-The place aliere you eau huy more gaoi Liings ton $1.00 tulsua #ven ilought of gcttilug and satacton vlth tic gouda. S. L. eawtlId Co. c24tf OBITUARY Lemuel 0. DJavis aW»hot Ct.1, 1822,1 lu b ilse ci 01ev York ard dled mth 40 915. at Graymlke. Bq va. marridtol Baral Grant an Critmse oamlng to Illnois vith is l faily lu 1*51, hajocated laluHaluseville, Lake couity, reidlng theru fon maâ,y~.e R. sud,bhé vileé jolued tlié Crica cttiivél*téiplaue ns Iii81. IN-**vi Iilsl 1$8.ln 1852 b blocumea chati er oi f tise Mesoul Ligle af Zabb",tilte. Laser bh@ps'ntsOiru lMugetht. plane tirs imi e a. H - haos to ma M tskurdtia91ues, Ms. 1 ïï ]e. Poke sad Laaou0of 0vmuIews, *lm 4 déit, e. Abrameot10miltevnla lu ti DIs stVoltag.. -Wny«muau v bsIesle 'mai Uv. ~~~.raD NJJ.CNS Jdds .veiu.Minute B. Clark mtysbe t iLakei lla Mi.PWIllp Sutupr or &Uhortyvil cae1,16' u id erab 6 somi- 8.*u *#mdealg anduda tl>lO,Msed4? yoss, 4 Motba.and 14 wilb 604 9 Ob* ile vaaufflltuJomamrnlag ~ eath of tho=,' ,t.Member of . Mie LeareLui, *ho ha. boisfb quttà. Wt . Giblrlo atch4. 1888. To the '10 W'y'Makes Re- tue plu~et, b t a ch fimproroi n, of,,la£Wubn-Au.eaugern Action AI- 1 0,vue a viiter l i toGaLbaeIn-ha.88, iitavi~tmépea filley I r lamiîo ruet stFox LakeAc 8fr4y n HsRîght Ch r.ivt ab *t . 28.1015 li ti s la~ ob. nVe.. îêa t ioMight t a" KelCle ir wvtte oofloed taebshome tsen Lm .Le. luiib enteraenlg Mie Be'l lau re ysel ~ . tHv a1% ra em trois Chasso. Mrft. Jobn Nadr suetidned sertirai SUre Nie . . .sud Phulip [iaoer veut bbrûlantad laluris4 eek amoby-hil.1Iý te la., lao»oslta,* t s lwlattoer'. mg doa tête etairs. OAie bocame lozy WIliI thfe« thst Us. Jack Ray- eoas taille, who ba la h.iNeplut. a"d tell, uiekIag bond firat, ctting ber mo nd, nee qV-in vmen found guilty A fou of the It1uaise. f lit"e"m Sfansd bruleia bear body coeeaIiwy I. voeuMultidu aa.' died at Hfelu.nfrrgarve &or 8, uprle. W boumof sued ba. ntmoinemis e tai.*bout Mee.. her homo t audleda et 4 a'clock Pet batbtlhd.y.Th.. guesifnim ui Rema ud ou ar a yo nmodl-day, Nsreh 11» r" It n a new trial a1ti a voC. T. U.4*é asevle le e ,u BoruntiteM.ae in amon09tf li fasé Ë 'erllng epleode? 44b aitet m *cijU ojpTlqnl4 s unel and atb- sd41 Ibp*g .Oiliiftvllt. la..frreeut of Chiego 595U1 th. I trar. $hNatm* U4for a timte, ded 'be dmueau d i&4 ' h uS«muroftet is Scuage hors. from ban t llais and a drojileal U"tor"ay #"@u bgbc»g9.*> ome B. A. Willlobo u a.beau ha.lng bseouilt>m. iqt u â Slcîkneas vhlol I7U@Cmm- b*eabihii 8 b O *t husei one ld. Ipre ti ev erbbe laIcicourt viie nev le la a von osiom voséudt, ha. Semait .hr of Chicago and éMie jthé Six vole W59Iéfflcame ta trial ilu Ms 57 bat te _lla litesois- Villa Lareon et titlohpent -Suedal the . 75000f i uittfor $100»00 *iluu~. B& B"* M ~alulsi0fthe.John Mlledboha. .brougiit aguat '*M hy 31ra. Jal* R~ mI avoI Ne..E Thyer e <jlileiii.Rîcieha u ead la whlch site vwe azdi Loqeledsll.qa, b$ld&bout the Aàdumjer ifrontbehm weroln Wmuka grta usoafi82flagla bond sud lue., a W 8"35lahhbe w lent veel Thuredsyon Lthae cm, 1 liv 0f <heu, . Inflva: aj ouftulof aithe "MWli. 0i e -e a.h h ablébalper a=etforl Mnt. Rateseuoui. a houpIal lae nime. AeiW« wua. c ;69-69lacmoe, rar, etc., uetateodluet Ma.Aa ga - ad hbi rulg«*vo.r bulg ra et aveek, but the emmue vudlieeed for Mi.a.faid. ltgle&pend aM ermbWlgto iii. caione s ai.ovi.e. .Mrt. Ama Waittc ai alaudaglule.-________ __ ITii. iUgeîWjain avor of Mrs. Noiesblabla b*let' rmerned homeG 4 ~~~ Rcthad. w«ala ile nature of a Saura ~~sigfrmuatva veeke J"tort ludimenLt.' Thi Judgmient vau bil-hIrelilye l Cheg. iie. Bertha Faulkner 0ofZpou Cty. an, colletablq gainst Ony one of the. Nire. UgeNesl va.àsCicego bmiter apieSaay *ltii her parente. defendanta or algalaist tiiem ail au a ouveri doy lut oast.Mr. sud Nr@. Frank Drnmmond ofwhle 1-- -. U. and NM. Neleont, ni Wauiegsn Pound Laie,. acre dunday rîcîtore at Wlen the. triol vu pendlng Il vas apenot 8anday vltltbet parnt. Mr. sud the home ai Mr. and lire. Jas. Triage. geiemu~y ropo$Atintht Mrs. Raymond Mrte. Page fBi. Ur@,eBillwbvias Mewil Ae pn esdy be~ a bout the. 00f one eho bai Pl yrey wiie relatvesvay TaporoGrave. menua vichtalila atlefy a judg.. Thl. libse. Gertrude and Margaret athrateatTalrGv, ment. And, wbvlanle case came ta l)aLarry *pont Sonday et home. Cyrus [lever aifilhghlaud Park, epeut, trial,@e. a, not In court. her coun-.t ______________ Bnday vlth Mr. aud lire. E. Grnjmitrel tet expla1nlag the.wu a ek and as'c- asd iamilî.1I ng for a a qtiuute onthat grounds. [Z'~yzyj lDonald Mar.h of l.Z.,ouou, @Pont the The contlniueeusa not granted, tiie RUSSEUveek-end with his parente. - case vent te trial mil, although Mns.ci The ad «* id xiet wii mt w&k Nie. ?dos Kappie of Waukegau, epent Raymond vasaet prmeut at any time,et TheLaie~ id oceî vii ee viia teadteviiibher purenti.. alie. as eo f those against whome Mreh .5tA. ail es nTeilaym rlng, li.re. E. S. Faulkerand Weley wer judgment vas entteréi. The udgment b Waukegan <iture Saturday. vwu neyer aauWiagainet th.m ho- y Baverai ft, tLI.is o a jttaded lte@ flarold Ame of 'Wankegan, risitd cause nollc, of au appeal was led l Parfm, Insteittut@ and auto i*ho* l In an; Ansad aîySudy jsd the. cas, va. thetefare lu line tau K«ea ot at tveak. - .C.I«adtaissila 1h ClvaEfleetaiWAkean î vtng Joe Keller bas bâtiaan attack oftihe go n ta the higler courts. P ber Mater, Mr@. E. P. 81,cr7 grippe. WItii Mn. Raymond dylng lu the. AileSiver sp2at Suaday aii ber Ume.Little Char i sent Weds*eday f oastie, lowv-er, fit leadmtted ly part nte. th itrelatives le Llhertyvilie. 1of ithe0 attorneys for the defena.,pl R. . Muesisa Milwaukee vsiter lMr. and Mir.. Edgrr ose h.re mored1 Jantes G. Welch of Wauk.gàn, wvopl luti Tueday. 1- tuDre.sLake. 1*wovas mad*baout tii. matter. ihet theoa Ut. and Mra. OGe.. Defr<tirfiand lMr. Ray Faulkner le home tramt Zion City. chanes for a new trial are vrty du B. P OiVr as exeete hoe frm tbir trog. lRe atatesa t o ale e.sure a H.i t.e BAeare expfct hometo uef irnt, unie the, crcumataucena snev t Wlli Courie va. a Kenoela viol tor oullIedl m VUfS ril auh otaiJIad1Ait tato day~~~ 1mi ea. e a courue lalkely.b FOX LK At the PrluRWjelegdon bld Tuesday, Idarch 9. at Foz Lake, B. A. lesypoie vas plaod la nomination hy iii. tndependet Party aethepart.ycsdidate for presldeni of tii.vllae. Th. mabe. hlm the. regular nomime., there belng but on. Party tlckeé, Auyoueel.. se pirli ta beçome a candidate muet become a candidate by petition. Me. Naypole having heen urged by mauy of the citisen@ of tle vilaogeand thleemlunig ta bc the centiment cpneeuted taune. He hau lived the. greater part t ii ie lite at Fax Lake. Six yeare in the. merchandise budlume in Foi Lake and le nov Que of tii. village treteem. Min 81011of Libertyirlle vuethe gueit of Dr.aindiar. Jambson Saturdej and Sonday. RassI Raits wa.tal» o t i. Wuke- gaM ho*ptal and operated u for &p- Dr. ,Foley 0of Waukegan vas a vieltor la thi@ ii.velîy priday. Be'. Georgemi tchellof 'KanemaCity, $euet a lew day. vltii U. and Mr@. Mlitcell sand Initio, uaet Lake VIlla. bave & a carlo i eu automobile. lIbat are véil vorti loqhug o0er belore y4u bey your DOW car. Tii.liu oje a reall.y 11b grade car at a pupiatar price. MILLINIERY OPINONS- lIuoey Par iorNia miûmt'aba .Wmomdm, Ii. Toupmerom. ie * h. greatlyar &»lat.& Agil hato iab okow OIte pie.. rand opemb« &WdegeIjr I 28M t la27t1. ,- UnIi Mre. P. P. oue The. tatb public UMlt1. cMa.W Mion la. espmW h<uir*«-Il. * D«o sam onq & w poé cnt lmpasae la <eiuratte.la Mui. 1be-sPem. ae.datiluf t1g auato M* 10. hé lVseatgmt by the.coenu1akolon TO E J~Y~mlis~ CRI3ASEDPENSIONI )Jnder New, Law Passed by Congress They WiII Draw Half SalaryasCaptains. Il MEANS A BIG INCREASE.1 la Thougt Possible That There May ueMore in Couiity En-' titled to the Raise. There are. ai leat titre. clvil var veterans.lu Waukegan and perliape mate iu Lake CouutyW.ho a, vitally lnlaroated lu te pa"Saffa by congre@ a 1ev days ago of a bill vîlch places comintssoned officers ln <le civil va, an tI. Same plane as officers lu île regelan senvieat the preseut ime. Tii. purpose aofte law ls Lo alcu tleee officena hail pay île saine as -a comislaoned affcer necelves nov aIes ie rettres Irm active servico. IL le a ilting recognition af the-norvice Pentanued hý these aid soldiers.'Te tItre.local lues abo viii beucliL ly Lie sev lav are: CAPT. e. Z. BLoDGETrr. CAP'T. R7IUBRN BOTSFORD. CAPT. GEO. H. BURNCTr. Caplalus lu Lie regnier army at the prenat ime a an li terecelve $29() a montIt TIns vIes tiey reire tloy recelve 1125 a mentit a. long a. LIay Ilie. 'T.e recontiy passed lau titis vl! give caPtaiue et the civil var LIe seme amoi. The Lre. officer» abe aed vwilrenelve thia ameuai; thteio!Le regular army pension.1 Tii. lav daea net proyhde for LIe-nos- colmasioned o1ces or privatea. catais Blodgett me sthe.lau vas à eds breut of a nation-vide listera ail aven te country uigned petl- tions vIlcI ver, fervarded te iconj grenu and lad muclhoedo viii ce. lng the passage etfthîl a10. (mpfala Bloigett are ,he slgned soverai efr th.e petiats. '"I dont kuav exactly wvith<e lau viii go tlc, eafect on vlan vo vil bea » d rav ouréalary u=der Il,,, Oaftaln Blodgaeti eald."IL la proba. le tbat ve vilU i rMore about IL lu ticý» usfuture. li tene la =nth ter commasion- .i ocar la aIeosaty îiiey vili 'ban e g aame a. ils local veteana. A MutioLe~.ova1 *Tà fhiprima douna. iwuai love site1 :W 01 -.ý 011 Idi10. a M I. baaea.pi" sieats à- anyho4 . aslasg . The argument in that sobeirhm a murai or legaI rIigt ta aMy 1ev munI of the 82.M00 uigment Mrs. Emani inuIt or miglt sot have iie.Ù1abi. or -111g U epey liad she lirai Ler- fora ltera le no reasan or chance ta Bay 10v -mach Of it the other four sheuli le forced ta pay. Mr@. Raymtond vas 75 an more years of age and laLd lved lu Waucauda vi- eluity i areat many yeats, In tact, ah. vaso.o!ofIthepioneen lu la la- cality. SIc va. a sister of Attrney 110mev Çooke of Waukegan. lier hua- tend Jk'k Raymond, wa. aupervisor fram Wauconda township ior masy Yeara. lHe le a veli icuownretlred fermer. Mus. lRaymond hi ne time ibe.ng the original triai af the Volo caseield ' ai sh. va. In the crowd vIlel gave Mns. Richardson île "reeeptIa.."but ch ite 1k oîere. denled malle"ousIn- tentions. Site vas the aident. pansas lu the crovi vIa terercbaffli ith tle offense vhlcit, ai thie LIma er"teil a great sensAon, partilly trouIh île tact tiai nome of the pertieg ver. ao very advanced In age. ZJON MAN CSM-AR oaf Highland Park occupled the &st witIhlbm. Alter a Lime Euelkk jen Mia *Mt ta get a drink of vaier. He. lai left ii coat and a Package an the rack over the. seat. ýThe coliductor calied hia attention t h fletacthLat the man vith vlomn le ladbeen ulttlug was golug throagh tle Voctreta of hie overcoat. Jnatly indignant Bualck hurrled hac)r to lIa Mta and demanded ta know ýrly theý m» a sa aearchlng bis pockete. "01v, me lack th.- mouey you stol. out af My Peclet,thea Highland Park ma, deminded. Busiel sougiit ta convînce hlm ho WUs vrasg but the ather man vould Mot lave It that way. Bisal, lnalstedl that the other açcompany hlm ta, Waukegan and they came at once ta the Police station. The Mion City man Wse e.aiced tloroughly. Th, HigI- bond Parker evon luuated that h. taie Off liae 81300àtamakis sur. e h l not àldden the. mouey lu them. Ai- ondlng tetthe site-Y h. tald the po- Lie Bunea- lad taen $67 front hlm. 1 y btue ils. ulelWUas ulte as-- Pr hlma.lf anid iulsted, LIat the oh.. er Matho leserhed.XIt vas LIeu LIat the. MOneYvas touU ai fils pocket where ho evldently iatsovetlooked It . Independent ar*e elsal'gs<fe aheh rat. of 5 cente afs lIn aen an orde r fer auction buis mec.mpanle, the nete.otheise .tho egela, tsle of 10cents arelinoviili bechatged. ilavlng eold Iny <tme i vii l ni pulic seOction vithout recre, four sales vest of Libertyvilip. tout mile 'auîh-euat, ioft"yelake sud ose Mlle anuti'of Philipe piatormuiseat Hendee platfonin, cn MONDAY, MARCK 22 .ommnseng at 10 dcilock a m. sharp the tolloviug properti: 31 iead af vatte confelsting ot four heavy eprisuere, oueýwl iit auby @ide, spetsf re-h coas and balance nilliers; Hlistein boit 2 yra cid. Holstein buoit1 yr oid, Holsteio bull 2 niouthe aid, 5 yearlleg bellots, 2 l- teia calvea 2 monthe 01<1; 4 horsts- black mare,'9 yr" aid, vt 1800; bey ansme, 7 yre aid, wu 1450; gray mare, 7 yns aid. 1400; black mare. 7 yts old l, , 1850; Deerng grain bludor, ikei Inn corn batTester neatiy new, licConenîck mavet, Ptairie City eceder, 14 hop; Plyis,< Dutrir man con pl.anter. usa, g0 rods vire; McCarmick bore raie, 2 et barrove, e ulky ceulivators, pulvetiser, sulky plova vitb break et hottom, walklsg ploy. tomber wagn, 3% Inch truck wagon, wagoun box, hey rock, gravel dump, bob sieighte, cote ailer, grinil. atne, ai tank 60 gai.; 80 bbl. stock tank, homse Ion. carrier, 1W0 h. tope ad4 poleys; 18 fi log chle. 40 grain ba@s, 40 ft ex tension lailder, 2mai. hbeavy wrn hanca, @et f8yuete; 13 brood covv, ted Durces, breil by ful llond Duroc boan, due %p tarrov iApril isti; 100 chicitene, 25 miii cane, 3 burinr keoene etove, 2 bedeteada, upringa, 300 bp. seed oste. 5 bu. oced baley freeaftrnt roi aed, 75 Ibo. tiisatby andl claver eed, % tue Arcudy teed, 1800 Ibs. Inter. mationailfeed, 1300 Ibo, dry malt. 35 isekets seed cr,)n lu tan, 50 bu. shetled ted eoo, 5 tunt tiathy ansd claver boy in ba:rs, 4 toue millet hity in ban: 8 ,ads corn iin stark, 16 losils eonstalka in qtaci. 1000 bu. car corn le crib, 2 opools batbed aire, crow bar. canîdroâ hptie, poet augen. buggy pale, and mony otiien article.. Fr.. lunch ai noon. Usjual terme. 10 k-l bp t Sm na bu aé ha loi it PP 1- oi nt John Dryer. Prop. Fred (iratibe, Auctioneen. Rdl Wagner, Ceti. Baving rented my fatathLe nnderoigued ail oei at publie auction 2% miles soti. west of Laie Villa sud 3 miles north. West of Roundl Laie ou 9ATUIîIAY, MAliCH 20, Comnmencimg at 1 ockc aiarp: Teams mare-, 8 ssllch covas, oea mlter viii Calit iy"ide, 2 two-year bhes, Lwo.yesv aid bull. 2 yearlng liifers, bail rail ô mon the od, 30 Sbropshire ove., 2broodi s0w@, 2 fat hog@, 7.5 full blood Pi,. month Rock chickens. Oaliovay manure spneader. moyen, bay raie, iay teilder, ridiug cultivator. bora. ceitivator, set Uit I i.> 1~1~~I4 I artoas, pula'erlzr neoârl.i ne,asulkj plow, walking ploa, tomber yaoa C. A. Ousick Openly Aomod 6 it opbxtuc agon, mili wagon, Highland Park Man i With msle,2 sets donilelne, 1 set neanly Picking His Pockeb, nea; 6 miliicone, mIl cart. a quamstAty .;. - 1 ortome bay ln- ban, 200 buabots oats, C. A. Busick, a veil kInsZàMityî 200 buslscle can,lame yeiloa dent u@dt Man vIoýle ençggd ln the reg1 e.tate con, 1.3, inahela patatseo, 2 ieating hominiesva. pUhitciy sanua"# aie- stoves, roui siove, nome bouseboîl log a plckpoc'iet ln a crQoý* Chi,. tutuiture and kiteben utensila, otbem îla* and Naultiveteun Ltam i l. hearticle@ toon umenois tumention. vWat tram Citicaga ho ZMun«Jron Usual ternms Pilay neglt 1Ntotutil hoe . got Smith (iIlbect, Pnop. off tise train at Waukoga m V4 qLi>tuOea. Vogel, Auctioseen. LIe police staion, penmn tmn»35a to lie seael wusi,va taoogWwsmt PRIVATE SALE lePld et lia Isitceue. ush <lien EOUSER014DD FURNISEBINGS- Large domanued tIaL Lie othen salýpecslu numben of bode, aprinige, maîtresses, tbLe Pelle t eenacithbie ponletbWsumidresere, iing table, chaire sud side- ibis esare4010Ma thil ma iel boardbok eae., wniete, porci eplté flai.a nsholen. *-., f ý'eunlure, *tovcuisi cien entlA, Zailck la*d agent the day l Ci-e-chiche. incubatur, t.l, lance, hae8es cato, lie lait for home ca th* fishi vgons, buggleï, etc. CmUt Monday sani enockçr train vMay niglI. A van Tueedey, Match 22 sud 28, ai Albert vito attervari llvved La b. a m0dem Peck' place on Gagas Lake. 2011 L. The Ilkk- Grade Car at a Popular Prce lidd@n value. in ithe Ro. the Filli, fourni eqly in, Ils' Subia..upoa ahielicasoetnlu bng. (Cesta mose«tra may lI dise diY Plats, cluteL. (Coa. 50 per cout moe s lb. th a"ree luein ageueafly fteenon selietinga* S""q» Ma *ép, Sotset eela .yfeuerter, totaga e lw up Md .y .4e. Cila w éUgm5n omw clu st iig as ga <1a.s 00m~). .1 Rdaais, hY ceeshialas transaio en sd rem suisWg COULS SAVE 10 per centi oi eut gom Cenlut i.*.ta pst.il m ie ut. in Mst of plac0 toume o b grale. hi& ada frei 7 100 1se. icae v4ibtth th.*e er~ea a b" inaausesseon vouhi ad10 perýt emete ceoue, «e eva" elug, aeam msuppot ila mai. te *Wb- auih*iata4 8L..iteIa»m* hed la am t"la .sfr:eauI# and body ih. as- estom Sem. P. etotrmb i3ItIL P. Ce tOs a hpa là mi . vii e gimi te .1ev thon Pricas-FivePta eeTota¶l C &O5Mê Retadier$1.000. MITCHELL &SU1TIEAgets Lake Coîmty LaeV 1,1. 1 Uftd liit menthe am in mogom cam1a15. aS oM' ok Getting dnnrred in juIy is just as, coin- fortable.as in Novcm- ber--if you use j FLORENCE QIL COOK STOVE. The heatzgoes into the F O E C cooking, flot into theF O E C kitchen. It does your OtCok$oe wokwelI and reliably, Ieq te W and keeps you coin- fortabe.. h requires leus watchiiig and regladjng than a coal stove. You can keep one or four hurmersat an intenaely bol or rnerely simmering flame. Corne in and let ussh"w you how these FlornC0ce Autornatic St6ves work, how simple aud rc4lIse.ý No Wckf to barn out. No Va#ues to leak. Once started, each humner wril keep going at ',the gime' power until you turn it out. TOM, WALSII, 'nGrqshn High Grade Automobile OHit t. n Steel Haif Barrels dU itI tlow Co ou Prevent Smot 11Y inenîîng your eeed ot wyul a soiu. ion ai Anti.smut. Use and le eoM. vinced Every bottle old unden a piM. itive guarantee. Order st once. lectric and other power washing machines. If you want a Reo Car-buy now while 'we can make quick delivery. Gragslke e DR JCE Phmm 42-1 Prioes Reduced on Wiiee Penciiig IT WILL P4&YOTo PLACE j YOtJR ORDYEBS 5W . ~ . PHONE O 90WV 0 PPORTUNlII8, Ilke el, are elippary sud bard ta bold, M" ..firmly .ezed.. Th.y oNe ibrougi the. Rogers a"d are gone or. M ose1gvr. To make ithe most of opportuaitie. 1h1 m y b. grsaped by adveruiaag, u» The IudelpI11's idu. B11ff pagea. h l.a mlghîyet-luato *i -cuspe those Who ad'n.niîee iii 'lb Froinî itutoseauds of readre 'Pao ludepeuIeét Îàpv egto *#u #4 .116- m la