~ÔrR PAGE8! Page M%Ï juvi:i~u~= J, i -n 1 s sihie nayventuire I liroulgli. Ba wlîich bhas becîî Sue!i a tel luîg color iii iaîngings, is used as a toîîeh aînnng cl)olrfil desigils ratliit latti the whutle haci(kgroid(. Oliized -liît'z, whieh sheds the dust, is used with Splendidrsuits. Striped and plain silks, aud taffetas, are used in1 bold contrasts to the heavv hangiugs formerly desired. Aineriean made tape>st ries anîd cur- tainî niaterials have rveeived eredentials in urtaindom. The v;ariety to ehoose >111 1is enorînous. Mfadras gathers aud plaits so well that ih is alwavs a favor- ite draî>er.y. Plain niets anid serimls with valanees of monie otiieýt- material are al- wavs in good taste. Striped lineus lu twvo toues, with blavk. are on1e of the season's sniartest iim-'elties. Adele Men*tel S This is the tixue to bc freed cf heavy chairs, draperies and carpets v1iih sug- gest warmth. Choose such furuiture and colors. as will give a sense cf cool- neu. A color sèheme which iii some wa% suggests the outdoor seheme is a good one. In point cf praetiealibity and artistry the world gratefuhly ackncwledgcs as Uts ideal the uasterpieces onlgiîîatpd by such artists as Brothers Adam, I-leppel- wh'ite, Chippendale and Sheratoii. Trie fdu~iture mnade today in the United States is recognized as the finest pro- d&ced in1 auy age, for it combines the faithful reproduction of the clti styles with far better construction thami was ever dreanît of iu by-goîîe days. Lionel Robertson says that "in the ini- teion cf -the home the deeorating and furnîshings should be considered from a S standpoint cf composition" "The perfection cf which is workcd ,eut through laws wvhich are as infallible as the laws govcruing composition lu mnusic, architecture or poetry. The trained mind is sensitive to the laws cf proportion, balance and' rhythm and thinkiug definitely aien-g these nis is a great aid to a suceessfuil ensemble." A beautiful rug is. always the foun- dation cf a successfulscheme, and f ur- nishes the keyuote te le worked eut in ornamnent aud color. A good ruile is to start with the rug and build therefroni. The rocms which open into each other' should be decorated sô that> the effeet is continuous, and thus attain simpli- The furniture required for the hlai is v-e-y little-a table, a chair and a place for the giuest's wr-aps are the offlv es- sentials. The color cf the hall, if it is dark, should be ini buif or chamîpague, so thiat the rootii will be given a brighter aspect. 'l'lic livitig roomu shoîild bc ftiruished witlî ait air of inforumality, cornfort and hieaut . It sliould be unarked by wliat ivay 1e terned "livealhleuiess." The real tests for the fitruiture for the liv- iîîg î'ooîîî is the fituiess for the purpose for whicli it 18 iutended and( the amout of satisfaction i tvi wliieh it continiues tii serve. Neyer bef(ge liais there becui sieli a vast array of fîîrîiturc mnate ini Ujnited States-homîest fîirnitmire whiehi carnies w~itlîi i a gaaiiîtee for service. Fîiriiu.e shîoulddle eousîdered lu eniiection with tîhe eotistritetion of the, reom. Do not niass big pieces of furni- turc t'gether, such as large tables aud chairs, but place your furniture so if suggests the social idea. There is only one right way te arrange your furuish- ings. You may try timue anîd again dif- ferent ways, only to arrive at the con- clusion that there is onhy one best way. The lighting of the room, the stinshîie and shadows, cf course must influence, the coler sehemie. A dark celor sehenie is diffienît to illuminate and thus adds to'the cost of evening lights. Plants add rnuch to the cheer of the moot and bocks give it a liveable atmaosphere. Open hcokshelves, inviting free use cf the bocks, give an added charin to the monm. An Ainericap i iade lacquer readiîîg stand that fits over tlîe arnus of the rcader's chair and înay be used as a witing table and is a welcome addition te the library. city, b eauty and dignity. -Long narrow tables are used, coin- fortable couches with loose cushions, Few peeple realize that their. homes nest cf tables, aud a desk gi'ýe a humant a re judges as much by the appearance atmosphei'e te the room. The spinnet of their hallway as by any other room. desk is a geod ehoice for a library. Hav e your rooms lu suimuer ýgay with The firat impression cf the home is giv- cretonne sud chintz. Chintz,, cretonnes en by the hall, which "wdeomes the aud linens are piow used unlined for co»M uw ad spÇeMd the paftDg gUe8t. " window ha4ginp 's that all the ai- pos- For those who wisli soîiwthiîîg tuore elegant, there-are Tiffany velours, ex- quisite la texture, aud4,olor, which cornes in the exact shadeo ifn wallpaper. Shades of white strlped glazed chintz Nvith gay splashes of lowcrs with the( edges decply scalloped anîd fringed witli tassels, gives a suin- mary to the extetior as well as thîe in- terior of the leoumi. Se mnany bours are spemît iii the diii- iug rooni that it îiresents ain exceptioni- al opportuuit for teliaring deeorati ve iesûIts. Long niarowv tab)les are iised more than tue i nud table t4'oîietinites flie radiators aie covered with pauel- iîîgs of wood sud c ane and tis(1 as serv- ig tables. A dIiiiiiîg rooni wltose Nvals were a 5jileidid 1J'a'kgrouud t oi- a iandf- soniepiece of lap estry abovettue sie- board, liad tliti waIls off avii coloied silk îep, paiiihiul with bauds of Spani- ish eîîibroider ' v vith glits ofl silver thread. Thie riig xvas a iaini tnfted 011e of tan Nvith s4)1*1 greenssderuîo iu the border. r'l'lie colors of the< ciii:' broidcry were repeated iu the chair cov- erings of the Aîtieiican waluut chairs. Thîe Freneh w ju îidows wcre etirtaitîed withi soft silk withi bauds of enibdroiderv. 1For the breakfast rooui tîiere 15 a table whicli eai lie seperated iito fourî srnall tables tii fit the corners of tlie roorn wheiiu ot iii use. Another table has four chairs wlîich fit under it aiud thus minlînize space. Another revela- tioîî in space saviug furniture is a table bed. This bed is a combination of table and bcd andl eau 1w had in 1111v finisli. The bcd is net scen wheu noti ii use. No sooner said than douze is the large chair or settee upholstered in aîîy nia- terial, which opents as a bed and accotîî* modates a miattress and springs. Th« carcan be rolled between doors and Is ever ready to aecommodatc flic iimex- pected guest. The bedroonî shiould express ai air of repose. Color being the sunshiuc of art yomi caunot give too n%ýich thouit to isharmonies iii the b4droom. A licd- room worthy cf imitation had the walls and waodwork in creaxu color - not ,'hite but creanieler;> The blaek car- pet wvas enlivened'with a rose bordert. The furniture was ivory panielle(l witlî eana and gay with old fashioned posies. The chairs, chaise longue, table and sereens were eovetred NNith rose and (1(iifli lriilted iieji. re i, aher and11( bcd eovers were of rose tatTetai. A delighflti surprise aNvaits tlte pur- is an Üimportant iu its furnislîings as auîv other rooni,, and American tuanu- facturers have taken care of that fact, For the porcli hand wrought furniture îmde of reeds witlîout glue or tacked on brai(Is, eaui be lîiîd in almost-aîiy desir- able shadc. Besides porCh furniture, this "inade lin('alifornia" furniture eau he had ini articles suitable for nearlv Cv- ci-* y mon)l. Xillow iN espeotiallh yaidapt- able for oiitdoor furuiture as it is easily cleaned. Swinging haiuînocks, lianging flowver baskets, eoimfortable chairs, magazine stands, lamnps, tea wagons, are ail made in1 materials degigned for exterior use. The spaee should not be crowded wîth too inany furnishings and no article should he considered whose weight miakes it stationary. Côînfort under ail eireurnstauces is one of the demands of our age. anîd cane anîd woven furîîiture have pr iven themscives iost adaptable tor poreli use. The very thouglit that they owe their origin to the Oriental couîîtries anîd the fact that tficy could withstaîîd the climuatie conditions there, aie( 0n11 tl(1 bs cedniasthey have to offer. A sitiiarlor recently fîîriished had foi. its coloi<r seheuîiei soft greens and blutes oftd1Ioli(rs 5<) that wlîeî the roont was nsed in wiîîter it wroîg1ît a toîuliî of llneîes to the honte and sttg- gested the transition froîi exterior i) interior. The floor was of green unglaz- cd tile and Iad a imottled bMue and greii rug with au oeeasiotial field flowver wov- eni in the border. The willowv furîîitîire Nvas supplied witlî cushions 1anded lu bIne aind grecu. AttractiveOfferings in Table Appoint- mentse THitri 18stiii a %vide latitude ini the ch<iie(of tal appointineîîts, tliat o11e is alniostl)ewvildered bythe enorînous seletitiFoi- vears Aierieaîî diniier wvarc lias held its own in competition witlî the efferings with every other Coutntry. One good point about buying Amnerican diîier ware is that one feels they eau easily replace, or add to the service without waiting mauy months for the waîîted pieces to arrive froin for- eigil chines. Beautiful Eniens, gleaitiing silver, cen- tral decoration and only what else is necessary slîould gr-ace the table. Fruits vie with flowers for decorative purposes. In oval or rectangular shape there are clear ervstal l)owls for table deeor- ations. in the center is a fiower bloek to 1101( the flowers so that they will fali gracefully. Sometimres little china birds percli mgrrily along the edge of the 'IRQe botwl. A newv design iin cut glafs wb giv'es the appearaîîce of rock cret las a diainoîîd aud thread pattern. saii<wi<hi plate in tlîis design is sure lilease tbe disciîiuatipg hosteu. ('rystal decorated ini harmony w chbina e-an bhe ad anîd are among't,, perfect glassware appoin Il sqf this vear. For that initi=matefac eal led " tea " there i6 a lernon and s~ dishi of glass and pierced silver. silver ('oipartnuent is for sugar a the glass ene for the lemon slUces. Itidividual silver er dishes decorations of strawberies. The'~o whieh is supposed to bc surrourided fresh strawberries. - A lenionade glass audm«e soînely e'ava".1 foI~ inay bc se=frie te aor g , %s the Iemnade. -The g1al ar ped with handies and are W4, high. (irape juiee is sucli a popular bev#" age these days that there are mna y0 sets ini attractive designs. The Znd deeorative ideas in china are exp ini a grape juice set with tray toMI Bands of enerustcd gold où a a grotimitiof hlaek, were the decorations a a set gliîîîpse<l ii an easterîî shop. For bon bon use there is a sterling,91 ver (listi witlî a filagree border an d- wieker lîaudle. This is a deliglîtful CM biuation of liglîtues-sand daintineas. 'l'lie service plate deoes not ne . ily have to match with the restof service and lendA itself kindIyto'd5 cnt decorative schenîes. The flat i a service plate is banded- with bMue and gold anîd bas a monogam. colors to match the band. A water set of six tail crystal gus lias a white enainel wicker stanü<i* haîîdle decorated with tinted re ~f toon inounting. Eaeh .glass, st&wds its own compartment. This cert-y Il a pretty set for the summer hou*~. other basket of white enamel ~c lias removable center tray 0fglà , der cretonne, ivith a center tray- f light refreshinents. ('olonialhammered silver uîay b. bau lu althe usual silver pieces. A ïnay" naise bowl With hand chased border b the ladel iu design to umtch. Au bowl of hiammered silver bas-'ice .tO to match. *- A ehocolate set lias au overlay do ation of platilluuiw hich represe nt~ ver deposits but does nottanib7I is an Anieriean production of whieh bý* originators aie justly proud. Net gold bauds, and ornamentation, but < and platinuni in connection with Mi treatmcnt is a new note in china dee* atioxi. For thee chldren there are the m~ adorable pýeces designed with fI somne Kewpies, which cannot hi'i teunp the juveuile appetQý 1 Page l(k r