M.- ,Mt1 ftoesel ~Ir aoimiagset tbf.ig muinl Iiéeosfor, Peobai nu, j fuul ,TolltArtmiep s. ,4,4Foi le forth Pr- ek and oc~ LI eY-tN'Gas, Electric aiW4 euL Iadirect Z A~Jt/n Y tres m~AU e uIIS M'A U MWLVM-' WAM cIWAE, AUTOWOMIe nu&a QET OIJR E SI f TS. A. Imt.kuIeIgg Olt ~vrg hissM Vtrmy Mar, 26 The RemuaH"« W. Lb. .am - - 14gAuttm luFbeauciA SerDiUM Yi b 'siEma-rm Tise Uo. KdterFa*- - . 2-8«1 rabi-Cemei Tis Gileaitia Fut - mmu iseThouituk. ~'be lai Hlri~lV1~ ' a UvraiP4iy PMdU s»d Drmatie fSiielmg; i tise ausna ovlns pletatrsP gruau, Tnseiay MvmigN 80é1, uti8 'eok, ÀdAisi 95e, rure, jour 0sè". Celliing, stevdsy, Alma 1l,8 Saviar," lu Savon mels. Ait saom simd svenficg. AdmIs. Adulte 25e, Chidm n15c. Ils Ticq Ihm4a'Apal R.t,-r £apilao~nle oser picure tI 4 lipîoie. solesial Str.April 811 On aeuieoftise Cibsha 'lat. pladeet" eNam Kap vhI h s<ven Wede M PenieAtgDui tZ Bpingfloldtan, Mru 3- ii allen oppoSaIMr.Yweu,b _Ça uuum i eSi lsIulng for lisp vmmcansd uavom '<si'rImaWhou sen j vtiblngtishe proguema lu tisei to t ovsr fture 0f£U the fiaiMo us. 41 sootieeve.lrs' uslauloà'u progomel ur»wr Th ' btiesShakos> rlsnla leie ed7y eue~ cUmm sh ma M 0. aâd Win out- » à br,.=son ier TUS lest, aise mie. nus I~SROKQI UP. owskl, ~nIW~0 for J. k'la &OsUou, ocialle cadidute Satyor et North Chieuge, au ai- teolitis a clair, a Jomaimi a- 411 oclOllt cudldatè-for City huismrer ci IWorths chromog,rau iockei dornansd pumm eile es- Yfinga t risicisbroie up aoclalla Ponte -edtlae u0ho%,mou ra es.ioleraltb Ummulr tbat a murait mlgit bh. srcft oit forUs M« t cAlder Man l.yWoto it Norths ciiego. rWho. houym, ra hé Iutgaier cf Ibe troubla.' Omakorehl, aec tus a atue- leut maie tise uorlisg by Rosse., acoai Us.theths' te b=o(~f Mdlisécy forftreduere. RXie - au l t'Ohave s auimuim i u dl Nu Obeleod tre, iseueg %ila. T.isSema i 01not oures. t ese and Cs&lkowmii ilusit u sePoibuisaddoes. "I la srei to puab la BuaIleI» faaum 8&1& "1 taikom for about as ou' te tise audispene et bout o0e .udrei People riso lad gatbered te Meeu tese ,in. Afw t fllaise M, orilgot UV te aie oa.fu9 te"Ie 'atulaPolab &ui ou1Rdée ut oies atflMa word ut flot laugae, iou't mer vial ud. 'Aideuman tAaale Wto rWhc la candidate for re-elentiai, mlaisear se amosef dthall. Hoe ilte.ed le saliensil for a lutIle rIle oui tissn autl toe l I ferard tord Otise kttifouterrptlng tise speker sud POMarU~Y chalewgng biestat. o-s VroJta a aeo apaise laPolis#. %10 argumenSt ImtysosiWoJtas oui solicreilaIs for about tua min- 'A»tie tns Wo wus rm urronas 67 h M W Mict r o nmeWmou s sp- parnilY ve Isa Moneudufor tisey ao- halihie$eui 'evts-y fa MO- Seai. VlolIyWalon laéduigu Pb e Platrssanu ped vils CasJ '%L Ooeof bis Momie tclloved lu a"iassi lu tise aitai. P-.p Untir the wboie humaI et mms. MU orf lie piticua tte i. or. Csehowsi fpsoed te ho os tise taç pl thtie à1là. 1 IW o o e eof tisbe rs la tibi i tdcame t. hie aagmtasc. 'proentuly smcm. cme lurie oatisais. Mteu e.il ota o se qikl. 1re ftie Qtbcim ee I tuit u lce ot cul bftise 0dm re agalat me. , 1 dii bare no mis 44 a glmi pana lte oui MYaeL IOcs't iuo* emuudy t bappned ittr lthe cair ras îuredbut Y am rnoggty îacre liii amnlgsd muat bave boapstrock "'use.IA veral tiss. Afier.o Utie ise 1I foUn e»s fAt thee 10 oftb tais at.r ni started doraý.-Berna ose hulai s%, hoir mter me. "I laveut"M mon C mojmvs but l nadoeutumai ho lagonda te eofr onet uurmautm. Rp irnora tise nasse ftise mem vise atcW iIsbotter thas 1 do. Tise attci, mc fer as I com amo vus abeohstaly naInatida Ranuen c"eniet a bausbe o so agate atreet. Ater tie maIes ho slsrta!ed trniMtht haie Mté«.L 'e Met chietrc« POUles Reoitouaji bo *v stmartistersai 14,R»,& lm tau bis story teO is au bout h.o, Ii. Thse fIs rau over ftb e gtiipatm arrivai. Chef Reckt*msal Ushe Cm told i m tisst rorsn» ver, to be urera eut but tisatlup te tisamoa- nt no action of tissuni bait houa rab ii. Sun eoudeavoreu 10e.secte Wej- ion tan tbis mrnriug but waeunuable te &Bni Mm. Liionlsau attempIte ruacis CaAowruilfied. th,. & maa,, loi. FÀ LAR jUMI CIAL ÀSPIIATS ON SI3PARATE BALLOT à. Reprosentative Meoomiok In- $te> troduces Important B111 in str the House Wednesday. In Use bdtsse ai Sprlngfteld Weineu- day Repressutatives McCormick of Chcago introdnced su important bih mmý1relating ta the juilelai prinsarlos. Tise Mý bill provldsfer ucu-partiau prtrnary nomination sud nos-purtman letIos o! ail juigos and for placng o f ludiniai andidatesm ou Sepurate ballot. BUi draftei hi Chinago ýBsr Assoiaion. Mter billia prestai 4,the ibonne: TSBy G. IH. Wlson-Amsenda bis previ. ..mabluatlng stike.cs raienct districts hy vots et msJenlty la dis trict. hy stniilngout clause nlilo p rt& epli probit deliver>' rttislu ua &nUtloon diatrict ef Intexieiting liq. "dmonr ln quantitlet eu oe galion or more lea an> remudent for perscual use or for ByW M rsnP<bbissale of liquor vlthlinlive mils et any sooen- lefls- naval satio. db. nagg-Aat-trâtlng bul. Prqa hffislmtIp saleaukesesfru seln KW u.,to ny teD h ro eli e br mou57otelsr. Retqairos Ure ~f*h acailanmeu toan aylut, "tubai- 'I, te t rbiddeI Jaw."> Providei s "Se'of trous .to $10 or lmpriscu, 'k Outy lotufrMi le th e 30 da r (coetluseZ page Onu.) motton, 3. V. ed a~tslg u for tise or. gna e Oa ,%tY convention sud~ ~~ bdl~i~1 mier of votas eaO prge*opted te. Ties..p ftiecostyçPeu- Beton 1-0, ffey Bemi to4sfle A*WPt_ý b ny Wauskougu ~. BSitis. "a41a -u luisa. " , tn 5as.Rude. Wo>.kog 7_?'-. P. Dflger. 1!WM%6 bsa-1Irt Schultz (abs. WpskePb g-*t'jàbdore Meyer. Wàhsam t-i~h~i0. Nelson. Baiore. ~I TïYlor (absent). P*e-AV8* lt hz. West Deerflel H. .Iutchinson. Deerfleld I--- S' Qail (aissent). Demi 3-A. 'J.-Walsh. Deerfld "0» Û IJell (absent), DeevOold 4-W.: J. Obe. Doueli I -t.P. Van Shalck. POllicwindlibe (russtion of tise save bssabsema, rjqimove.jon nUs- it a hite. l. Jns dwarda ras cmlled hSUthUe romoby h iarman W. B. Smith., ise Prmel , d. sdas luforrned of frisat isad buosi doe. He reepousi- 04 -its a meut Stttât expression of tisauksand promise of rsat he lhop"d la do la case ho la elected te tise ludgwsip. Judge BOyards sai: M. Chaumas,-sud members of Use Lobe county central committee, i enly desire at Usia Urne to express to'yog MnY heertfui tisauku for thse vote or a&> PfecdatioIs Ton bave given me to*ay. 1 have only liad a very abort spae Of Ur» ne othe hencli to deumoutrsie In 705 Wisether or not I arn gnallfe uni risetier or not 1Im arnJdiudai dus bern lu otises ords, to make bei. amd whetiser or not 1 asouli QOi54ff ltie Pesitions for tise next six yï , s. 1 deufre laMYse, yen, tlern tisaiOU %hco UseItday of Siptmier -t«date ou rhis the gvmo ap. Pub" tinlais apoaltlm-i belleve tisere lhs u ly heen thiesos tisai 1 have nt ot ld court. I have 101015 1 *~ u'Jury rerk, six roui.tl, Bel- vldeu'e,0eue nk in Wood@"oc asd tise balance or tise time la 14&p cous-. tY. It teu been my effort nmIW 1 h ave bésee spont the bosch '0 OMPOdites wr ocf thseourt, and If 1Ite elected tID tiia Positions it nu be MuY o~ptdur. luxg tise uet six years to cOoduit lWt ourt.tisat every lîtigant <Muhaveaa trial at every tern of court . I kaôy. gentlemen, tiser, bau bes a lot et citicians of the courts, bath tise state snd federal court... mre par- t1cule.rîy that was trme tre or tisieç Yeors ago, but tihe los of coMsfe0 Use people In court, !MY my oinon REss been c"Mne more by tise. ielay lu trials tissu any one thlng. Rt iiibe MY effort te canduct mysefltdssrlng tise ReXt six Tuais, if 1 amn olected te tht. Position. that I1eu tlU uutain thse frlendahip snd respect of y«u geût- lernen and oftishe citizens of titis dis- trict. 1 again deEire t.> thanis yen, sud ýaItheugs everytllng -has Isagodoff barsosloualy bere today. 1 doe<t kuor rsetser tlsere vii ho a3t oDpo- ItIon aithtie election lu Jane or nt bubt If I arn elected, I canouoly usy that 1 vIii try te do as I have dons lu the Pont; sud on beissf of tise otiser pro- aliag ludgea ln this district jUdge 'Donuelly aud Judge Frost, 1 dlro la tbauk yon. gentlemuen, and wbuia n 0mment isas been ai3kd, a£ our àï4iser thisir work. tise sevmI &ont. lasien vise have been seîeotd dele. M epvi hv a sseulmen tbdbr cou dliacy tUeiocto wculwàias i tbuuk f yis enteme vii lhtb f.tate tislr erkyoavii fii Uait ispu are eiltied, te h. re-electei. 1 again tissui yos, Endorse Judoe Cautei. I. W. Chsauchilln.-cce oe lttti u 'iîcisIt raW" ylj entsa ficiairusan narneOvem$sJ, of ,Me Oomusîttes te conu*s . edsufiue, vise shahll Te-r, qfurlflamber ef delegatu hileMsu-. court coinventien af*ktea de. e-nasy tiser, ilul ho hm rLake county and tisat twè le lu- atiicOW te, do ail tldy cen lbVOolect Judgo 0. N. carier. Chah-anruSiuthsnaznedts.ons tihe subccrninttee: .Mlles =' P Be Brasclier, A. N. Tliffan>', PRu> 4nu snd Urseat hall 1 ady" 1.1k.. Tulk. StatOes Attorney Dady rau oLW don for a fer 'remàrks. Ru toIt ýt tise Mndtiary sisqui be taisen ïcuWow ho~ ~ ~~~l Ps oa ite xuu t-s theluslaries. lne t*lt. ~s âà%*u'àj toit be ras esstli*ed to bd $ uwlitie office ie bu heïd under ~WlchMr. Ma4uifln. AttcrmY.Jamnes G. Weleh et Wou- toit,it tto o a Dme tingthet Shave a DemocMUe goyovuor, ?z n coanty coIQsPlttiý qan endlupes 9m act mach as tih évao lon'e.nmued'a maIw te th,ê ben*i. 't er dg # kigtfor viela~~poi 40We huld bc~~m.S à a thUe appoiÎrt*M "R uu~orntisat mua of Julg;:E BOards are qlO~ 101e Of th e a ture of tie l w 09 ct*nd euawarla todayar iW&ý to4l I:wdnover hant 14011 00 ]ai a nt ra ouhe held lu D'oc. = ibé a lbeeff~rto clear tise deo*«ut Ustvue Bitlu [Mois la a bondi "d, bar wvich il redeer thse pro. tbe >='< tise lîl-ripate nisic s bilb= over thse constant deltys lns litigaion vhiblttgante are forced UrM. ]MacOuffin adfsltted lie hasi beFs. 0 e0o tise Mon Who dealred thse Whfpasu iicisGOY. Dunne gave tg' $vso BOyards, but lie sald thse 1181 &A baaue uisa good record ~bc OW ov rutrOug for hlm and f bio election. Su also urged s gfcation of tis practice of loy ln UeMsotter ef a chsange la delays of lia rnsoY Peronifled. Tise Meeting vU $ne ef borrnony rilli a big "IL" Tisere waut a hlteis 10 - 0 Plan Of OadomWgnaJudgo Ed- *5*. Tise coubitte aPP&rNUtly rau nun"IMOUa for it und tiser. vaat a thiag risieh I lndo. tbat ho rau not tihe ehisoce or thse commaitte.. mpesthse lamiton -u. u omen uiemt » tie resun byisa wn coénty, Li:~ tis adrent or thse CepMltteeuletiaIemcafe et'*h InusDonully aMW Prout mokas At certelin now th thtie tisime hltting Jeige.wll bu-reur.. ad té th*W rpOmgltlansd tisay miad h"fiesan il veweltgî Tisai Jude@ Edwurdehu mude O9000inlas , teonporry position, tuue" P09e ableAy appelntmont la 4 cehosia, en appurent lacs me hu bssprseed the lutisants cf tisa *cny 0uS ff Ith ie Attorney$ »5 kalss "O*Icui tinsberand now tiu tum h t06 y centrat commltt.e hoc en'"dersdlim tise roaiens, no hindroffl te hie nomnantion, and 11 (eulruete.n*aietLake tainth"1- eoi&L44 e eun. ty, by tise uction tue of Utise cge. mltepe, Saumi> nuil, "Wo6,sinrcpuit JudOi, AI -MOUtimportanst NUter ln it allo. -1 Judl» Poison'e wlthdmw 1 fem enokw*ion Masakuelu, enflons pIîsmIed te POt iet hu l#u smPn nIt t -kalte se on"o, Jude@Peu..,9,4 Isaistise appoint nsugl wne Up fer c!ldavmli, "M Our fira( cho0. . Wh"vie Judo*,' Ldyardae "s"ieusd, ne 00 ied metu e eô lm'devqlpit And cf unuejfpelo. ee foe 'eare miptoffl tisai tise clouu o u uohIlsqpplton t. CI- nheÀs4, Uni 19 k count> cneprusentàa olli front ln cie hlm te à permanent meut in liejudlclary WO*ru1 rau recqlved from MfiHons>' ceunI>' Tbnraray p us., te the elaect tisai tise Rapublinsu Central cou- mitto. cf tisai coasiy bai issu a meetinýg there today and unanlrnouly endoimud the càanidaoy ef Circuit Judge Chiales Donnelly. Bveryoe of Use trenty-tisu-e cemmIttaunen voici ho instinct Use ixteen delegatea for Juigu Donauhly. Tise delegate wiii attend tise jadiclal convention te ho held ai Rockferd -on Use atternoon of! April lM. Tise oitive esiorsernunt of Juige Donnelly rerneves tise pomaîhity :f Count ut>dnge Srnliey from tise circuit judge race. Judgu Sniiuy liai sent "feelng" letteru to commîtimen but tise latter ail held true te thelr Iseiges te Jimige Donnelly, tise dean of tise local circuit. Tis ehilef lu Ihat Jîîdge >Frost wnu have se' apposltion and thonse viseare ln a pouition to linon declare tisai Use thre preseuit Judges nu lahi be en- dorsed for re-eiectlou. MfIRÀTORY BIRD LAW IS I!ELD'VOID> Federal Court in Kanes D)e- clares NeW StaUto la eaIIY Unoonstntonal', Topeka.,a. XMb li2?,-Thisnl-, gratory bird lun rua delrei uscon. stltailonal by Juige Jhu C. Peiloci lis tise United Stat", 'siitrlot court 10' day. Ju4iuPoillçç' hldCemigrema bau ne jurfaldi<kiou ever vu» alunu"i et the states sud (sot mOPa-a t8 ttu oniy have tise nIimi to usnt lavafor regulation or Protection cf gans. Tise declalenu va. lu the case et George L. MeCusllOugis, a vultisy banker et Galema, i<an., sud trO çm. panýOus arrestud os complalisi Of Use Uaiited stes district atlarueY for sisootiag ducks ot of meaoas. The defqmdats 01.0 d eurrer te Use cisar-ge attacldsg Use lIwand ui dge Poilocis today ustalinei r content, loua. TIhe lndepeusdent la tise O e mo- Iy il-pagu1e ek»Ily-tlsate sais> awry- bodylte5 l NEU RROT 1 NIX AS À1TY. IRPD (CoIstlnuoed INtor page ()a&) e tise circuit Judge and that lis. Juige r DomsIl, Attlni- on tise circuit bewci w vouid aigu tise reqiseat for Use vrit f wSlckh vont. rloaesueJoalyn f rouistise -,Cetrol sud Impu-isoent or flue lus- pbéeed ly Use lover, or couaty court. Tise fine snd tis ubeequnt %taie- meut of Jadge Donuelly cauaed a great tmrrela tise court rems. For a tîme lt, appuered au if a fluor net mlgbt toler. Tise Jury vas ordured dis- udaned foi tise Urne and adjourument vas bemediately talien until 1:30 ln tise afterucou vison Ih vas sredtctod fiartiset geamtioual develoîrnenta mîglit toiler. .Judge Omslley at once Issforrned Judgu Deuselly that, If lbuwluised tl have an attorney lu court, hé docid have te, set smnebedy otiser th" an. lyn becaauo e voàld :uot perni# hlm te reprenent hl tise bàeag miter risat liai isppened. Judge DosUelly la sali te havs ld hics ho rouAi fot have anybody le. HoIO aàOssfaroi. Aftur adjeuument ,lsdges Srnhiey, Dounelly, Attorneoy Joelyna &d a for othera vent luie privi. econferescu oui doere dlscuooe(agbmallars ai ut Ing tise noqît jsopre k s belleved an effort rau mie te alooth, mattera eut, but, hocanueof theafutlet lt these incidents treus*iisîlao l op»u court, lu front of the jury, tisa vIle affair creMatai uonInlteret sud excitement lu Woedatock Crevis tbrongod tise genniibouse at noos vises court rau to efflcaveue because ras expeed sometainblgig veaul bappen. Twe YounM nWhojsght to the' Contrary>_K w ferent After BOlûFIMed. ADMITTED SEMDING NOTE. It MAY lie a joke la cali a dog byi a Yong ladysa Orsi nous lu bier pues- ece- il MWAY ho a Joke te adireas là- sahtiug remarka teiser aueaisepasea os tis mret- It -MAY, tie a joie tetie an obsene momeasageta »Usg roosu d«g $0 &lhe viiibe suite laget h- It XMÂTlho a lobe te ammev ler la otiser raye sh se leerwgug ltUe wludor atilier. msklst tforcfber, etc. mi cf tisese thiugé MATYh bos but tboy dld flot situai to, thu rilii- litilea luWaùsYoa ofPo»»' ROstre T,&ykr aud 5 se ato74* l ausudetoftise foroquoig tUaik. vus arrabifed luaehtW Vr4w ý ta& adsisited tise thUIs ot *lou, lut MM tlsey vers luteaded ocly: as£-.«'cs, la adanlatrod . fIe cf 810 mal *515s te eaci cf tisesasud oçmaktelhe te, tisa lty lait u«Whi lI 955e Mn coste are pe4d. Tise yonug mes vis. oue a 1111ul0 Tisusdar odten4sqsron s eçnduaet o Uttiestor enos 14~o stretThe Place Ia orusq isj Slsasberg cf Tatii ofree it l a cated am tiseJ. JUeor ge ate *rs MieLoulaa eyer, 5 'tsot Youngroman, be4na hqb'faifs tbe stoe. Thse cOMp)$i>uI Ws* ut by lber brother Joeph M.. Miss Meyer rWu placed cm Ltise W#- lou stand la court thia mortit isdd testifled tisai evur uluce INAt lees- ber se lia ut up vus luultu us lahl sud Vissa. bs id tIÏejuofe addresseil offesive remaria la ber wben mise 'Wtu uuamcmpepled. SBi maya tisay bave huni aren the fr'ont of hps fatherus store leerlng las at lier, aagling suid appareutiy bavlng mucis tan at lier ox4enae. Suie saya tisey coaxed lier dog to ata>' lu tieir Mlore a large pcs't oethUe irne sud taught hlmâ te, corne ta tsem risun they hddressed liusu ,Lew" or "Mfeyr." Sise nild tisey vont. cali tise dog*'lema" ln lber Preiace and tison vises the deg ceuse te tise isey ranld remark: "Look lier Le»s rnes alter u&.' Misa Meyer douled ,amltlvuly tisat&mise everlad «IVo« Usa Young men any cana. tpr tise fail- arlty vhlcs tisy souglit ths assume. Tise cuainatlug lamait camie a day oi two ago, aie sSii, nite lir dog came ruuulung Inte ber lathes a tore 4ise sav a placeocf cari ibcard bai meois tled mqcurqiy te lta ack BSe revei tis sd rosdifi. Tt nos rrtt-, eon lunaguis sud Jenlesbut thw contents or Use tre notes voueisat- cal, se sid. Tlisa note rau preugut- md asu esdence. Tieasa ageI q taInei la uudultable. , A yenng usasuoupleyed- by i Meayer tamlly testistA hé hm"'p lalil sud Siegel eon thse Moyer store sud inui aide. Tis, e Myoro e by Atteinoya Ornu msd Dis lofusiautffprefred'.te tia ira case, 1. 1 , and iiites44 *90uflor. d lie dwu =4qqnllI 5G n bhey fosa s enldmlidtoe t noe, tushgt/'s m r thtie éue vhi 4wt' iaa t p isas a «od .OA* 1*ssysl tâte other "han" sMade oplpt tient. At .nf<bsp~we'for appeoilmi loi ~pe r~9~ eos M is knuiel swie¶ju t 9-2 & IL; 14 F3 J. L ANi ais min haie.. fo Diseuse ad 10. Drý RefuWsdet wbeS..m* ? 5 Posakb OAe Eiif dent et Wa*w Grandi Rap&h.ý'M la bore vMlle-' 3a»e F"«i, U#S Aldeu 7r. W tise )Mel,~ se w 4IMsl, fine roui 4.asms office ln e $ McBlci. LISERTY VILLE. '- . ILU#NOIS. DLHANAN Vý, caLs money te Loen on (tod ppre»d BOU Bate. LISERTYVWiU.R. uMqO: Aatoaft-Av.s.av Libestyvdle toilnl u». le P,1et* e*0 Jiice Phone 88 fies. Phees1 me NORTH CHICAGO, IU.LlM<U PAULM C i'u Lfbertyll.i ct ML0,.P. î tV.5 nbi s$ ç à laaP. GlaceAL4 Offieeh ~ &"*t t* 4~ DLor pousS..1p Dm WUXI