Se~iTn[Jifl ÈW. FAMA Y. MARCH 26,1915. E*'a tdio, uhertvrb ll lis grapeaisWomma e lub viii bell tImd of aiThugrsaibis ve eek as tb. b* I 1Mr*. Ca isnels, tht. boi" o.s p"maleotlssa. cvoitlales VM'OuMi On "Boy S$oMWs"*id Um .Obýb OpletuofaubSbaire Woode. vii îpo athe "Camp ?Ph'.Gil.. Mr. Md Me. Bd .W.bbu» t 5401lg. isdffl, *v esi o! afrelative.boirs ..tlqecirabtuotr lou Wauws wd a. mla oui Lova nboulonie. Sstr- put Ra et.trausacti butInais la MmM dgU liabolta mrenlut voeu*m ar huiaa br Mmhuar, la MmevYork (Et>. #* om rearned vih bar nheu. la sMM la Tmvour obeau,. a B. M. Jases .e idlng thé weak putbS'saide lu lhleeo. IMIS dtb Davbyapet thi week-end vitilur paffse ai Wlnot. Win.. ~ sa..ny Gaus piat svsrl p etla.t vagi viiithe 0. C. W&Wdiaa lSlla tbkffl. 44aM yj Iwovs aiat vob.d tihe boat werltebo. lu Iova hicauie w. hougbt se. Nov v. a y lt basanas vsknov l hg tes&. Tri s pair. 8. L. Csvfisld cm cU4ti POUND-Thie placewviii'.sonu nbuy mors gond thlugs for $1.00 than you effrtbought oi getlux sud satisfaction * wt igooda. S. L. (arield Ca. c240i Pblllpieaie visahed bie elter, Mrn. flash, at Willuot, over Sunday. * teatnfor the hanstalent play -0irlay's Aunt" giveul by thb.ilueti elob'teUll bu 5Ssturday. April 10u. 4il dunlng Bexail week vs are gîrîng a oottV u~of heautifuli rredemst si vae>isvti k 25cpurchas. sad auraI lu asotube clunne. Johsnaene.»dfaiil, rnoved ot bélr Miées 14<11.Webb ai Waukflan, aeit r aturdal sud Banday saiths B. J. Lfu Ji. Lattaue màarned ran the. uaru w* obt sieoal ai so&"sModsy. B m»$ failleS esl uonsdunlu* Bueli viii. rtbr Longan&"l"Ili, have noved tasa the Dolpi oeard houas rleu ti, veshi yJohn MNandul bil,. garriLuai yul e~eca now bonse ou biea lot veit ai tbe L..Y. Bîkea bomne ibis Berry Diaber la lowly aseoverin« Iran fblé,ruinet llas.. U@ Ladie' Aid oelety met ,,îh Ars. 2. A. Rleoeve on Thuneday. MW. sud Ars. Oea. IeFariand ire. B. P. Siver arrlved horne Suadey even- irg from titelr Calfoinia trip. Tbey report a ein@tiens. Mr*. Jos. Merille @peut St. Pair Ick'i day viii ira. Lau,. Corrna and Mre. Oe.. pver. i lie Calan girls epent Sundisi viii Sbsefathor. ~ isVanVlet spout the week-end with hm parente lum Weet Alla., 0Aviry dlvr af Konoaha, #peut Bunda -witb bis cousinselbre. Mr. and Mr@. 9. J. Murrie have moyel inée tboîr new houas. Flay Dizan vieied tinonda last veek. 'Uaavsraau mmu llu sbaovuSk la sn mftlnucue round or plaman »Mihmbisif lIo I ail Md s etriés ta 1tFXAL WEEK li"waek binu wng li a" 6Win bu isus eaul ove, tie uitsd 8isea su sm»ad CanadasNEmL r- m isa wé EXAIL USera e#a iEvIAl sv iuus.D Cmmmtulg Tievada, Mki "~~Z ~ iat~l5Smi tiveositlXi" vs w Is*vla *Smpmiméaa a(* buesM glais of ImdaeM cusai- Tiers vini b.e dlool ou Balurds vesk t&»scuivek vii b. vacat lIra. CWak sied Gordon f3nt Apîluls mboe<lsiuray itb 1Ai ,John Ltomasd vrWted Lake1 .,Ur. OilUr.,. plàasud mN *s'm.Caddacb. Tii pi.> "out lui thsS.#"gIq tlocal Imtlait Frldegr evqmlup eplayad ceos fll houa sum muet Thrlu as Lb.thfourth »nsnber lu lia 8i 0enter alunenta he4 luà ven b beglsi the14Vend S Coao.reCornpay., Mus. Pacl Averysud Mlme Rsti 0gutste cflMr. Avrys,@aietr lua(R Sasrdap emil Ssodss job», Ragit*us09 f i*ralake. B.- Baitlà le, é,lughie baum modmlsdbi But" uwer. Amrble Oh. lso» yet ails about.haut la 0os tiiaae. Frank Nsl.kmor fLnatugoniCoi bers slaltlu Ma potaur. aa a. J. Nso, sMd oaid ua hroughts ssuami ohamp ta Ch matietw otoot tIseopportoulty vieL.Utabaie mot hesmh.<i tahie biold bon. fer aom use sumed bu Anasg tisais bo, atteadai ithe UN»s Alla mas aiofIngléalde. il g I eSPound .Cake ~ev~w DETLS- 0F TE FATAL. ACtIDENT uak ai UM -W~L A..ROBING l- r. and Ooapoicdeç* - Agnt,,;Defly That Bam FeIu Because PHON 22-W l Two of lits Feilow Workers1 pore"t_________~ ReleasO d 1on ItL lew suan .Pn î ud cuasuaCiaaSLPPED OFF WAGON WHEEL amit a paulîng a couple ai veebe vît Ia Ar.! mu. !elegranw RW01veld From Man Ir WU mmE. A. Brown ezpects ta returu Thouahit-to e Brother of r ve boas Ifran Oak Park bouptal Sunda>'. Viclm-On Way Here. 4~a Ur" r.sud Aira.Fartin of vers ______ eh tue ameue aifthir danghter. re. Ailt Lit-!Wikgn ac 9 useen ylie ell do an M nai a soeA verdict ofI "accdentaI death" vas levos Mr. Bel iinlLhentelalul h j slmten urn.aj b> Lbe coronrs jury lu the Mii GraSS Slaan01 aicago, the fOnt 01 case ai MaftinDitrdabi, 34 years aid. b cao Idra. Bull Fard ai Carylu $pouding Me wve.k viiiber iloter.Ar.Bmn train- 1ms. Fraak Flan. ubo a i. ni ve.k. ta hi for a eboy- §iad@ Bpis, Aire. Rud MieClatmFoots la epeudînga a ev usakois lhbar noies*.sWbeton, et ebetce, 1I1. 1ev. A. W. 8afford trnsalstedbuelses lu Cbkaugo thIintsîwaa. A. K. Bain, E. I. Martin sud Oeo. A. Jameison vers basinesacalierm in a ute- gau the pâoi veek. Air, sud Are., t.8. Bonnen spent Sn- day vii Ar- sud Aine1B. Culver oifPort Are. Erna Strang sud dauglatar Jouele speat Suuday aud Monda>' viti ber mother Mma.John Hugies. aiLa. Villa.. Ar. J. voue»anofichampag, spent lays a lu le vinicnty ila sinteroil A a Conartaatlaual Chureh ta b.eou ths Cam- Pusf ai i. eteu nverit of Illinois. The Ladin Al Aoeieiy viD lie beld lu tb. churcia parlor Tbursday, April lut. Mladames C. B. and . . S. Iluman viii Mn.e. A. K Sansd Dorotbv ipeai Baturdoy vlirwenda lu Wankegsu. C. Ane SousC., IleenlhIl. I, bave a ful lina of Ladib' adChlllren's WW&eh Dr ansuapring UAilIter>'. C26tf On Ssterday eveuiug. Apru h thLe P'aren adTeachera Asociation of Dermm eiull prmat ibe aytan W. LnuhanConcert C., lu s metthLi sebool bail lu Dserfield. Tbe carnpsan consiste ofCatherine Reid Martin, piunlit Robet Loli Barran, vlollulet, aud Cisyton W. Lunian, tenar. Tbey bave pre" asm ver' attractive progran oi vocal, panoa nd violîn slo. beeldis severalensemblenurbernsadaniniornal dance wili'fallow Lhe recleal. hz Rave saur Raster Photo. taken ai Boîls Btuio, lbertî illa. 27c2 Jobs 'Leary hba mtured Iroin the iioepiul l u iao vbera io receutly enuervaut a airions opration. glu liabel Dièke, daugiieer aifAMr. sudt Mr@. A. . Blet, le lu New Orleans for a0 ivo Waiest$vlit.c Are. MeuyyIl. Bubbard bus gone ta Wbite>IalPlur Springs, W. Va., for a@ feu veoba etal.-1 Ar, sud Mr& ilvard 8S. Moore wvil t move luin.o tWsr LaboForesi surnmer Place about therMiddle of Aprl. Thie Nouiir's. club of the. Y. W, C. A., hll tbsir regular nanthly )neetlng lu the club r mrna onday. eveulug. Tihe .veulng vas ver> piemaamtl> sépent vlth readigu b>'Mm. Abus arvelilFerry sudi vocalaalc.ona by Mss. Taylor. Tb@. Lake Foreit Cllge vasclaaed MO&4ai due t tfat tat esoofithe mdtudelbave aca*let laver. - 1 'fhe Lams Furet d.ny stuiti en. nov bivisathuir aprh« vasslon. Mieos BSerueineWelIila vletlug viti brlende as Monue, Ii. Thes Chiti«sudueavor porty vas 40,1071dl i l I .nuduber of souug people "rdar eveutug.1 ,T-e1%0 ()WClub. Of th ii.Derfild-hlda 8b lg coôl, vilI give iuer annual coBn- cert Ssturlsy veulug, Mach 27tb, in oi~l~a cho.1l filI h.ckomd.!,, t Su8mstIvot4.Apris g ta lUth. al" lie% for thie pat 0s lowlî lu.1 @aer ew uvretidenes are ta b. bulit hbs s prtns. Ni-s. Ja-!k Staileid underwsut aun operation asie a. capial tii. Brt of the e si sud Ilegeug al&"« ucly. Thaesr«msideucm vhlcb vas hld ths l7tb of lMarcb. Wuesa w5msue. About 250 couplý eean-st. Dlancs at Anianus Bail msater Moanday. A gond tims aaeured ta, ail. Nuode ii Chlai Braluard was a Chicago rlsitor on Tuesdaî. Nondal alter s veeh'evist wltb Iriend: tu Waukegau. Mr. snd Nrs.Jobn Murpby audcbildren returued tu thir horne la Chicago Suis- day aller a two weeke vsit wiii Air ard lira. C. L. Pratt. Victor Carr of Gary, @peut Suaday et tie bomes of bls parent. boire. 1 Mine. Nettio. )durray %pont haturday and Suuday at ber home bere. Mime Bâille lSymour of Chicaga, @peut te. laut of tbhe " I liashebons af ber parents.- Miss Helen Nurphy was borne arer Buaday. Mmr. Rkchrd Baselejv and fou oif<fraye- labo, are speuding the. week viii AMr. sud Wm. Basley. Barry Base>ey transected businas ai Lake Zurich Tneudai. Mr. and 14,.. M. J. Dauley verseamlled tu Waukegan Tuesday by tii. deatb af John O'Nsl. AMr. O'SeaI vas a brother' 01 Mm. Douley. Miest ii Klrnberly ai Chicago, spent Saturdey and Suaday viii AMr. aud Mmr. Ch&.. av!lu. Mur. H.nry U.ary and son John epnt et Loinrelaoive Floyd Cart of Barringtau.vw» horna aver $unday. The towu prirnary beld lait Saturduy dld fot prove as exctng soi la abeir yeare as $brs vas uuly one offimar, zosd cornrieeloner tu be uomiuated, although Ove candidates wert ln tihe field. T. A. Hougiaton vas norinsuted, recrlving 87 vote,. B. T. Cook 45,. B. L Granthan 30, B. 1). Fueber 25 und Ed Daly 15. Paul Hics sud Earrjl Kirvan were Lake. Zurkit 'isit,,re Sunday. Mises Marguerite Lampberse pent Wed. needny and Thur@ la.y aiti relatives lu Chicago. George aud Wîl 8-bunîscier of Lake Zurich, vers Wauconcia viilurs Tueeday. Editon Bisuck purciaeed s runabout lest weeL aud vilI soon hou eeen speedlug &t'aut the country. Supi. CrsieofBordons Couden.asg MiliL Caý, luour village, ecloaed bie con. tractbooka lest veek. Ever, Id patron oiguol up Lie iret day and mny 5nav ane vioa pplied could flot lte taken in, albuha sfew ver. accepted Ister lua lb. veek. Tissupialyofnilktîiispring~ seeme greaten uban ths outîietbut lt., lua the season Supi. Pince soya he bupet 10 b. able 10 accamumodates nsy via cauld uaL b amcpted nov. 94,ïYRSEllOLDYETIHE SUIKS JOBMN DON POSTOffCegRC W. H. Mortpn ai Zion Indicates a Desire te Help Support Himsef-Wanté Job. W. H. Morton, anu011 insulauis * ho dedite l a en* AcAlister naspi- tl ai the r"allo f Injuries receivel ai Armtues b at>psai lb.hevoek vies a beau mii baalfell acroas bi boldy. The: IMmsi as boll et lis Cassaiad Md Rartundertaklng roeuisTlsurml niglt ai seven o'-. cci. Deputy Coroner Edvarî Cau- Mdl greue". S'élov vovInes eof Dirdail taok the stand aldexPlslsieJusI iav liseane- clent happessi. abovlngfil vasa a accident Il a y roueepe.,ratier lien the car.le#mnseset tLice.via vers assiatiug beluS tloding lhe bout. T'he Chienago suad lranWorbs» of Chicaga, bas ths enract for oret- Ing a vater toln aietArea. The aup- *Portilig cuoma .5e massive st"u beans, twet-peyen teet lu length aud ve la n 1.M0 ounds ssci. Tiese beans WU .bauled otahlemacina li te vs ,tva in a lodS.- grs»a vffl Sagael niltt the" beauts ûMÙsntue wagon. 14Ëo of tiesfem, rwons end ta lis ground. Tie ather end vas then balauced on th ii. o f anseofthLe wagon visels, prepasator>' ta bhin pisied off. Tt seins Liat Dirdahl stood an tue vroug aide of t*ebeana or In oLbsr yards, ou tue sida onu vici Il vol fail vies puaberi ei the vieel. Ho won eekns tsoisa Li. Just wht'èaffltue beam ta .slip f ram lie position leaflot known, but suddeul>' il sUppel aldewa>,. Dis- bail tried tu get out of the. waYy Wt hoe vuus t ifaitenaugh. Thebor tlfl agaînsi blmý crusing hlm la tua graund. Tii. beavy pllear fellaose tue victlm% abdomen. The otuer vorkmen bad b.en on lie opposite @lde sud ver. lnu nolanger. As qulckl>'aus poesible hhey 111101 the veigbt tram fiais' comrade's baby and carried hlm La a nearby hanse. M17. Smita af Llbortyvllle vas calleI. but iI nàt tini Ibat Dirdabi ball hein Injurel severel>'. Later it vas decidel ta bring tue victin te, the hospitailtu Waukegan sudtLita von ldoue. Dr. (bourle>' bal been informi- ed ai the man's eomlng and hi. vas valing for hlm viien ho arivel ai the hospital. lHe mv Liai hobe"a beeu inured internaîl>', butbils en- ditiasi vasusoserions tuat i e dafl not eperato, knaving lie victihu ould flot survive lis additional shock. Tiat vas an Tunay nigt Dlavdab lied tua foltovlng aflennoon. To détermine pasltively the sature of the Internai InJuries ufiel bal beau ustaluol, lie jury-dicidet bav" au autoPsy. Tiis vwu petoru- eI iy Dr. Gourley. Ttleh~ tta tue vailla or the tomacia vase nup- tured. tue liver bal suubaliau a lu- Jury sud tuere vers olior InternaiInl- Jurien, suff[cient ta bave eaussI deati. Eforts ane belng made flao cat. relatives af lie deceusel. linls] pocket vas fud a letier, vriteen] lu Norvogisu. Il vas fron a man living at Marsialîsywn, lava, and vas signol. "Tom Dirdabi'.' The naturel asaumption hliai li te uaIlaa brother ai lie Iead man. A telegran vas seulta luths man, informlng hlmi af tue beath. A teiegram vas r.-1 celved iran hlm statlng liai ho vauld start Tiareaa>'ngit for Waukegan. lt la sipected tliaIhe vill arrtive la- day. Ifihel9a brotherlbhe arrange- ments for the funerai willbe turned ovsr ta hlm.L What Lt spells. W-o-r-k apele genlus,*M an «.e change! t also epells lonesîy. ifîSîîla Ions riglit. AUCTIONSALES Ali'auctlon salesipublishg~l nLth Indepîndent are chrgsdfor nt the -raie of 5 cents a lins uhen aSi orden for auctian bills accampat*s te. notice, oherus the raguilr rate of 10 cents per lino will ho charged. PRIVATE SALE BOIISES AND FARM mAcetNk;Ry- Pair mares, 5 yrs aid, solWid welgbt 2850; ans marsehifoui. 5 y ru elI, aaund, veght 1250; ibre.bnrse grain drill, harrava 5 secîbolis.pulverla'..1bars.; sulky plov, 16 Inchi; vs l a. àlovel plow. sulky cultîvatora., 1 sud 2 rmv; baud cultivatar er vsqlmnre sprmaler, grain bînder. e*' binder, potato P-uter, liatata dige!.USnt double barne. Canhuob»on.en cluîne Farn, Lake Forent. Addrs*a . R.& ine, Evanetun. BUBES WÂ4, AT TABE1 ONLY IF m WNED, RNACLE 6CRYLESS' fVoliva Issues à New MandateI Whioh Says Ail Babies Must Be Kept in Baby House. NOISE IS NOT APPRECIATED. Trouble Has Been That Many Mothers Like Their 'Music, and Encourage Them. Babies linlthe future that attend the'1 services ut Shiai tabernacle, Zian City. viii be confined ta the baby bonse. Voliva came ta ibis declaloni ratier abruptl>' yesterday. Occasion. ally of laIe. luit vWhou an Important Iimas vas belug umade lu an address, Or vhen som. dlîcate offortor>' vas being playel on Lb. pipe argan, thers voul stldelî cone a crasb note asu>' do*n tuere lu Lhe vaut audience, and Lb.e ffeci Of Lb.he rvtce narred. Uaually the»s onîbuvuts caes rf chillren vel suppliled itu lupav-r or. Tht>' voul have the mannur pethaPa, La atari off vlth a gentls1 .Bah-i-b!" but, not belng content vllh the offet. lie>' vôul begin a cres- cendo till the. viols cusrci vas at- tractel. The noher. of caurse, vould ho deighted ai Lbe vouderful dlspbay af lung- paver al vIth a geulle *"Rush!" and a shako vwonlmai. somns Pretouse ai stoplug lbhecjuid. 81111, on lias viole, ie vas dellgitel vIti effect wvilciberdils- played. Motiiers viii thesmuai.Chibabies Uesotir Ift em havui fer staLm befors taklng . tbi ou ot. It ten'i out- Scient ta attraci a 1ev lu the local Peva. but the vbole churcia muet knov liaIt tat particular baie bus a rigit ta a portion oi the earth. Vol- ive, bovever. Isthrouigh itt lie baby concerto. "Uness yan <an glive me a veltten guarantes, that lhe baby Won't cri," las sald yesterday alLer- Bonu ailola tabernacle. "off ta lbhe baby hanse b. goea. l'va bâad sanse tlera iran moliers begglng me tn [et theintake lie babies Inth le erv, les, but, luit vIwen a sololal ja siug- Ing. or somethlng requirea quletneso, a haby viii camte lu wlth a shrill pipe, and sill lie offeeci" A baby la 'the audience auddenly gave asaent teLis stalement. .t don'i knov ofazyun' aier solution ta Ibis prablian." saad Voliva, "except ta fit up lhs baby honse sud draft aonae ntiers ta look atter tien. "'Talk ,about generala Iashearn>'." continuel the overseer, "liasse babies juat knav boy ta o1nitbings. Tiey will say. 'Murn, I aut a drink!' sud tlaey'll get thaut drink, anI Lbey'll bavi and bavi. even If tbey've ut Irunk a gallon." limiers were aiso given ardersen.a lerla>' ta bar tram the services lu future ail boys anI girls vbe have a habit ai comlng Inta lths tabernacle for a iev minutes and lthen jumping iUP again sud runnlng ont. S13VRL lHEUEîTe JOIN À RILE CLUB NEWY OREiAIZD Organization Has Headquar- ters in Chicago But Memn- bership Is Open to Ail. Resideuts of Waukegan. as vel te those along the suture nonli share' are lnterested lu.Lie nrganizatlon or the ChicagoRile club, an afftlWpou of the Natianal Rifle aaaoelatlon ef America, tie purpase af vilci le ta promote rifle sud revolver practico, amang civitîlana, niembersbip tuerelu belng open la an>' citizen af lie 1Unit- ed States t god physicai condition aud god moral ciaracler. The club plana te use tie target range aI Fart Sheridan for Ils oui- doar practîce, and la aise arranglng for Indoor taclhles vilchi viiideveî- op ta tie extent of a privaIs rangs, vien the club bas sufficlent nember- sbîp ta masil> he expense. Wben luis permanent range le pur- cbased lie plan lj te have It localel lu Lakes caunt>', Jmt viers la unLt known, but Inaimacia as tuer. arel several sltes vilci vauld ho aval-q aile itlaus ualthaugitthlaI an>' dit- ficuit>y wIl be sncau..tered ,au lsi score. For tiIs reasan Waukegaunmen are taining are Interetl un the orguanisa- lion than lias>'perbapa voul If Il vue locatel ut nomS distant Paint. Ttla lsald liat alreal>' a flmber of Icoal men are planning la Laie memt- beraips lu the club. Tiore are nan>' enthisatie rifle aud ravolver shots lu naJanit>' of tien yl l oIn for th1 pleasure lie>' vîi ledéive. Thon liera, are nan>' atiers via bave lougal La bewoie expert vîitheuth., tus riteu or tir'e revolver but via bhave noves SSli ysar, appflelyestendlav etthle 1 hava salI tue Daniel Le, pisse sud bad an opporlunît>' 10 pracice. postai apartment. Zion City', for anuet vacaiesud viissIi eabilie The range aetaVrI uSheridan le su position lu tus postalsrvice. lie gludion sean Wslrond'a etas U ierty. ldeal n anud the club lu plessed liai Ville, iaturday, Ranci 27. ats1WoSe 'lack l vus aile ta aucune i. Il viii serve vas born on Deeuther iStu 1821, asn a nelaneous lot of baueoM fmi-adihably anti! tic club isaale ta, le s"mulet b>' trai e. Rsaon, Chari«e ture, iuludlg dW@ nmsp e. parchase ltg ovu rangs, W. Mortion, usl ta b.e employelai abomnde, ahx.iioie ateel rangl., g^àUMn Organlzatlans afi liikiu .d are be- Lie Jiohnson Slti lumiben yard lu rane, dîsshea, ;oeking chae, onsutar ing formedl ail ove thie countand a etatlonary englteer, sud livus vifith auud& na>a lbum erai-tWm too the. governumeut la gilaoland aIl lhe bu t aler AWolersosns ilppewrel numel-aus la Menion. Usis ue, assistance possible for Il utekas Lat I& ét.go asu etu Ts &msgiiiudba41 S. B. Wbertt, Pmp. lu case of var tuer. villb. usu>' à"Suc ém haa t, tW. H. App'ey. jilklouSer. Ihexpert marismen ta drav trno. The Iligh Grade- Car at a PopuhrPrc Hidden valu., in the. Roo the F"li. fouud *ub in the. Ilgbev 8mb4hain upon whlch motor ta hung. (Costs ua entra'e.omq but Je Multiple duc dry piste clutch. iCosta 50 par <eum*nIm las thé, Mvieeuead as gemetlr found on cars listing ut 300L*au dup Src.1eI.hhicy. gauater, etorage = Mtesd &y, meU.ý (TI"i avreugamnu ut in cavaslisting es. higaL*às transmission and mai.. Wa COuD SAVE pr «Ut t Mr p a st b. these two part*.. 0tnmww. diasun of ps.em theeoe aule.Ita&de frein 78 t. o1b.' «M volaitt.e 0ru. tiras v in nuos esson would ad 10 per «Wute owade tmutout Gand4l tt bmu beadua vBdsupprt lie a u * uue ~ . ukfta e l umeb tbW .1; MM.eotssd sl u. i .ga t hwte Pices-FM ePame p iq ugC«r $L OO, oaduloe$4AOo. Lake County iLak.viiu$4 UL P. S.-W. bave a s%6* moud1914 i.. tin b Ladsfer a 191s. Vieil fiv. moutemd oins. th-cSk Gettiig dinner ready in July îs just as coin- fortable as in Novemg. ber-if you use FLORENCE OIL COOK STO'#E. The heat gocs unto the cooking, flot into the F kitchen. It deesyour 011e0é work welI and reliably, « t and keeps you corn- fortable. It requ ires leus watching and reguJsting- than a coal sbove. You can keep one or four lburners st an jatemaely ot, or mercly sinMniiring figme. Corne in and l<t us. show you, how xoeFeec Automatic Siove work, how simpW m,éd reUabt. No Wicks to burnout. Nu Vahgt t 'fo iek. 'Odce started, cach bunner will keep going ai thec mre power until you tuin iti out. TOM WALSII, 'ý"W Gi High Grade Automobile Oit in 7 ai a Steel Haif Barrels - - 4 itý. I HIow Cou Yo Preveat Sut By treating yonr.seesd oata with a solu- tion of Anti-Smut. Use snd ho Con-, vinced Eveîy boule sold !flder a pot- itive guarautes. Order at once. llectrie and other power wasbing machines. inake quick delivery. Gragelake te je DRUÇ IPriaeB Reduced i while ve can Phorne 42.3 Wire Yencial IT wu£L PAY ir0u -roPLAcE YOUR OEDM if30W ' PHOIM 90 Ë'%PPORTUNITJES, like sel, are ipprý maà t %.ýfhard %0 old,unlîasfrnly ei2s. Tb*7 mime tbroue the. lugersa nd are gines oosina awr, To Mute i.Most of opportuniieç 'a y e grmspe by ad'vertising, use Thse kduI'dl- flidpagea. Ih ijamight, lnieth"~*I is scapesu hosevho idvertime, in Thse hdspew»&e F Fran ie theuaasndsofirtdere Tb*. 1ud shiMU le*9 "$ Aiertlser tithé. opportmmItab# »j~