CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 2 Apr 1915, p. 3

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Stèphens' Beauty Prlr iu&a~%1'Msa<& Scalp Treatment BT APPOIM1'f~TONLY.' Phione 100 lot Cros 5 sfor God ridaqj Ocré are the boat. Fat yon -order in now. AI&o sipeoiel 1cakeig, pies and« other demerts for the Emttr table. Your patronage at tbis season is especially invited. jLIBEIRTYV.ILLE BÂEUIY' pam;DiOCmEum.Prop. Wia for The. R,àwleigh Wèçon My gtoc-k of Rawleigh Prodc.ctit fresh and èolplet- Moddeinefor Fersonal use, lExtracte' Spime, Fer- fumes, Toilet Articles, Soape, - Polisheu, Stock and Poulty Supplies, Dip and Disinfectant, Etc. 1WAIT FOR ME. Leonard Disney, - The'RawIleigh Man Phme15R lot &Ord.r1 St... tjbertgvlle ft E MI 94!E or IN 0 V110U A LI yy STOP Maher MarnfacturingCo. L QOU< 3«" Wo" tee* s, âmv me lh o! I. STËN Gas, Electric and Semi-indirect .Czhtmnj 5Zixmres WE ALSO RE-FIN&SH BR.ASS EDS, SILVE.R- W"RF.,NICKLEWAE, ATOMOnB£IETiN- M94cS. ETC. GIET ýOUR ESTIMATES Au lnosti.tonby mus a Suistevery lbtest ».~~4e L Pham t0dle" k- SPÉCIMN BALLOT TOWN 0W W UB ERYIELD Anniml Eleotion, TUesday, Âpril 6, 1915 Town Clak Q PEOPLI3S TICKET For Commissioner of., Public Highways U FRED SEUG. For Levyri a S ei&al I l AuinutLevyij SiPca Z For Abolition of IlS Fou Tax A .aPi"t *olition Of IlE pouli bx 0PPORTINIT&, like eels, re lippay and Ohard to hold, unleu irmly seized. They lido tbraugh thse fws aud are gone ere one i. cwrn. To ma te Met of opportunitiee .that May be -gmaped by advertiaing, use Thse Independetitl, las. siied pages. It àa a mlglaty elusive.opportanlty that eoeethoce atho aiver-tise lnThe Independent. Trom fDis Ibomens ai readeri The ladtependoaleI presty sue to aord tbe adwsw tusi lob. opporuitl. tisaI. be le smking. - 4)1111113CRUSADERS 'lwr Dily Prayer Servicesi rnt 0t Cook Plant Are NoW wadowe. WERE WITHWTf AN EFFECT. Score a bg ditfat for Volival At lesthie opponouta In Zion Cty alotisat ho bas boon do!eatod In as !hie Pot sobbesnansely, the driving out ociZMon of tise Cook Elec- tricat Plant. Wisen tisat concorn locateit In Zis Voliva showed aniosty to it fromn the start. Ho "Iraod heavon and earth" In an effort to got theo courts to oust the plant andt ilnally, when ho ed aus ontirely nor plan. Ho organlzod what was known as a baud o! crusaitors. Oriuially tis numberod boîmeon 200 and U30peoaple. Thore woro se onauug People lu ft and thore mers some ppople In fitover 80 yers ohd. Thero ras one roman rho was ovor 90. Every mornlng these "crusader8" marcheit to a posi- tion In front, of thse Cook plant and whon tise morkera came elong thoy rauld greet thom mîtIs pryers ad bongo, punctuatod thom wlth sncb cries as "beer guzzlers." whisky ok,,,' "stInk pots," and a numbor af atiser "Pet'* Dames. Every ovenlng. mison the Cook omployes flnlisoed their lwork and emergod f rom the plant the .,yJURY ;IN TIfiSM(E CASE (Continuai ;r. Page One.) trlc railrosi took- on additlonal Inter- est today rhutse .attorneys for the defense callai Coroner J1. L. Taylor of lborfyvllle o the stand in an ef- fort in fmpeh thse testimony of George HoKfmI. thea principal witnoss for ftho pleislhiff. On tho stand Hoffman, elto was a ilephew of the decoased couple. told plled the brako., but that the two people dit! not nom to pay any at- tention to the approach of tli.- street car. Paul Morris of Llbeflyvllle, but em- ployed att he rire mill, testifled that lie was roturning to 1,1bertyville on the car whleh struck the aged couple. He sald he waa slttlng in the baggage comparlmont. looklng aliead when ho saw Mr. and m"o. sage just about te stop, on thse ts-acha. At that time the car was about 200foot away, ho sald. The car ran about 60 feet further, ha eald. and thse aitormati sounded the whistle and aplplied thse brakes almost sln'.ultanoously. -He sald the agod cou- ple dld not pay any attention to, the whIlstle but stapped dlrecly into the path of the car, rhch ran about 200 feet furthor before lt wae atopped. Ho ps.nved tee heo ns of thstear wltnesses for thse ralhm" o.dmPany. U ls possible the case may be fin- l,.hied thia. afternoon, but there la a probablilty Il ru l ot hi- ertirely fin- crusadors wore there, greetlng them ln lsbd h-oetmrror. thse came manner. o! h aslng drive» tons to tire St. Marys The Cookc employes were out-of- crosslng nearLlbortyvilli-, aud of bis town people for the most part. and ruirning acrosa the tracks lutr an e!- did not Lake klndly to thse reception. fort to flag the car. He ruade varions Ther o re a number o! clashos snd etalemonts ritIs regard to distance. ons a few Occasions it was nocassary etc., ihat migist prove of value to the ta caîl thee sheriff and deputios A plaintifsB. numbor of heads rerf- cracked In use Attorney Bull for the railroad coin- oncounter .perny aubpoenaed Coroner Taylor and Despite thiss act, es'ery morning and îrapOinded iestions w ish regard to every evening. ils clock-llke regular- teis toctimony Hoffman liad given at Ity thse crusaders more on band. Thse thse Inquest. The ausweiru or Dr. Tay- reather madle no difference. for they lor more damaging tu trhe plaintif,. wreoaut in pouring ran and alan rison the anar lay deep 1 ~thse ground. *These dally meetings lasted for fully a yoar and a bal!. There more many of thse crusaadeoore isad fot miss a jmeeting. Volîva announced empisaticaÏsy tisat hese meetings rould ho Ili until tise te Cook plant ras driven out o! the cily. bno malter hor long l might take. I Lest Falmisen thse snalîpoz cpi- demie broke out In Zloî1 tise authori- tien ordened thora meetings discontin- ued until the epidonalc mas broko n no,. Thîs was doue anduitalhougis th lien ras llfted noverai months go mu Voliva bas flot attemptod ta romumo the. meetings. Tt la itoclareit In ZMon tIsat this lndîçates ho similIs defeati nt thse bands of Sthe Cook emplayes.1 =I=wD (Cautluued Fromt page one.)_ frantlcally assisteid the rallnosd men ln trylng to release himlm lim Ie ta Prevent hic life frons bolug cruched out. Thse boy Pleadod mîtis the doctors, noarbY ta amputato bic legs. He ras plaed ln an ambulance and t sarteit for Lakeo resat, but died a for mo- ments laI-r. ,Crowd Catchez Floeing Mans. An angri- crord gatisened arounit Tomi. and ho hi-came g0 !rlglstoned ho started ta run dow tise trak. Be ras caugisi, homester, andt boIt by thse crowd, anme o! whom more throateu- lng hlm misen the Police arrivodl. "I rang tise bell! t rang the bell!," Tomi protested. "I could't cee tise englue for tise asoke. It mas flot ou achedule. I had no time to lover thse gaies, but 1 rang tise bell." 'Several Persona more kîlleit laet aummor et Ravina ln a sîmilar acci- dent. At that time It mas founit that tIse flagman mvafotoù duty on Sun- day. On reek daye there le a tomer- man and a flagman botis et the Ulm street crossiug. Tomi ras tise only one aS mark yestorday. "This thing isas got ta stop," saIt Mayor Hamkins of Highland Park. '*At tise very nout meeting o! the council I ams going f0 ses that itrastlc action la takon to make tise rallroad proteet lIfe Iere." Tise police declare tise matchman ras aaleep at tise imea'f tise acci- dent. Nathan Blumherg andt a number cf othor Waukegan mon more ou tise trein risicis came rigist afttr tise one risicis bit tise auto. Thse train misîci hIt It, accordlug to thoir statemontc, rwas an englue adsudine5 "empiles" Seing cent to Wlauegau. The Independent la the oounty' on. t-Y 12-PelaeWOOICIy-thats whY very. bedY takes Il. Pane o SPECMENBALLOT TOWN OP' LIERTYVILLE. L.AXE COUNTY, ILL. Annual Eleotion Tuesday, April Bth, 1915 t7 Town Cik ROMblICon PAîI For Assessor W. E. DAVIS For Highway Commnissîrruer E. L DAVIS For School Trustee DC. FRANK WRIGHT o ~Nmocwlic POî For Assessor DGEO. L. MOORE For Highway Comîmissioner For Sclsuol Truste DDANIEL MORRISON SPECIMNBALLOT. TONWN OP' VERNON, LAKE COUNTY, ILL Annual Township Election Tuesday, Âprfl 6, 1915 TowuCek Fer Commissioner oh Hgisways and Attorney Johnson, for tihe Sage entato. cross examlned the caromoe IZ LOUIS LINDSTORM alsarply. seekiug to break down bis cIi-ar, positive ancrer.Hi- quoted voiuminously fromntishe recorda o! tise lnquert tu testS tbe coronersý memoon of 's bat took place on that occasion. TIhe plaIntiff put ou tiroir last mît- noga laie Tbursday aftertroon sud raet- ed ilseïr case. Tire railroad company put on tise motorman and conductor thtis morning. TSi-y teatlfled tbat thoy had cran tise couple stop upon the track hbad sounded the rbîctle and ap EÇIO0F THE I)YS COMES IN ÂLITVER Former Student at Waukegan Aoademy Tells ot Coming - to Sctiool in Stage Coach. An echo of the daYs 'rhe a Stage coach rau hetreen Wkekeg«au and Woodetock and the- Nortlsratern rail- rond had noS bei-n bu*I t e cantained in a lttor recelved frons Mrs. Risoda A. Ragera (niec Huaon) who ras a stis- dent aithtie old Waukogau academy. Tise letter lme s-o! tisemntc Inter- oting receivod liv Tise Sua, and le quoted as !ollows' "lu tise yeisr I5,4 1 attended scisool lu Waukogan. ' yteachavu more Mr. Francis E. Clark aud thse ira Mis Scotts. My hoinni- as Lu Forksvllle; evory two week'. 1 vent hans In tise stage thoîs rats front Wattkogan to Woodstock. The- îlank rosi ras new Ilion wlth ltse toligatesaet Haîneaville, Gageas corners anrd Saugutucle. 1 bard- ed wISth i- Hon iE, M. Haines. That Sprlng tIre rafiload was buldng'- RIioIS)A A. ROGERS. When Tise Susu asked for tlke uhiea of studenta wlro formeirly attanited tise nid academy it lrad no 1etisai aol muc l itoreat would be. expresaed. Sinco tise documnts placed In thse cor- nor-stone of tise building bas boon ex- hlbited In TIse Sun rludoms It bars been soi-n and perused .y hundreda of people. Scores of uaoj>la. especial- ly the older resîdouts of the clty, %toi) to-examine tise old benci's and pieces of timber contaiuing the. ffles o! tIse 01.1 academy strudents. Many of tlsem claIm they refit to achoe wahen tisese namen rore wrtten and ti>ey Say tbey i-von cani recognise tise hanitarltlng. Fordjustice oh Peace n- o0 o P90919,8 I icii (BY PETITION i For Commissioner of Highways El S. T. FOOTE For juslice of Peace -WEVEREirT H. MASON For Scisool truste For Scisool Trusieýe FRANK G. M1 CHL SPlm' INBALLàOT TOWN OP' VVioN, LAK COUN9TY, ILL Annual meotHM iTuuuday, April Oti, 1915 C. C. GE"BEnT, Town Clerk. îiiiNuaî icýeI (UY -PETITION 1 For Commissioner of Highwaye Er LOUIS L-INDSTORM For Scisool Trustee o o Pwops imIc (BY PETTOII) For Corssrissloner o! Highways S. T. FOOTE For Scisool Truste E FRANK G. MITCHELL WOMEN'S SPECIBMNBALLOT TOWN 0F GRANT, LAKE COUJNTY, ILL. Anial 1eotion Tuesday, April 6, 1915 Towiî l cerh RIPO&IChN For Highway Conininssioner o DIMOMRAIIh. For I-igisway Commissi oner WROBERT MINAHAN [n MARTIN W. FR~EUND Follomlng are the nasa.a!osohe A uer rifle, which by une a!fte porb. formrer acadecpy studente:. scopei enables a coldier ta pît comfort- Mns. P. G. Werner, Cbiea<o; attersd- aily ln tise bottom o! a trench andt ed in 1857. -: pot' thse foe ne Sobun Mm slisrtIs- Mn. and Mrs. George BumetS, Wau- out expoclng even go much as an oye- kegan. lasb, hec been devlsed by Joues Wis- Judge Charles Grange, lDU Moines. ter et Philaitoîphla. Tise contrivance la. . consista o! a portion of anothor bar nul, curved i ani angle o! 46 dognees, Indippndeisb's mail qqs tbpIq @. soldered andi clampoi lrmly to tise suite beispuse they reach ,gggpar.. ond o! a riifl barrei. An attacised "nei weaiuly. perlîcope conpietea lIta "trench gun'" Word. bau oee .fmm lir cit di". John . .HIWey of Leke lPorest of iheir întroettns Utaye t colon, panama, of thelr stay Mt eau Damiago and lma- Vane. TheY plan tbcome bocktos Illinoa isbOut May lot. John SteDhena, of Leio Porest, wisq masi baen to Alice Home Siunday art- 01110011 slfering mus pueumnonta, itied there fllday lung. Stevens mwu 4» Yscrs f aoz.ile mas bon in H1eiston, corumohi, -En8iged. - o- LDYMONIJ FAUSMI oans, lissurance, Rl.! Estk n Hous Reaîing. Office in Kaiser Block. LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOMS IELHANAN W. COLB Attorney-at-Liaw Mouey t0 Loan on Good Approved Reo Estate. Office in Triggs Building. LIBERTYVILLE, - - ILLINOM. LYELL FL MORRI ATTOItEY.A-LAW Libertyvitie - Ilinois LuceBlidng. Ceý APhone 152-R. Omfce pbnme là MARTN C. DSGR ..ITOBD.EY-Ar-!.W Ulice opp. ibth st. Electrlc Statio, ibfice Phono 848 R».. Phono 18602 NOA:TH CHICAGO. ILLINOIS PAUL MAC GUiffIN ATTORNEY AT LAW. Llbertyvllle, llinols paclu.88 DL 0O. E. UTFHRPIELD. VETEItINAR! BUROEON. &MeuTA.? ITATI YTUUNAIIAti. LIbetYwUlI. Illinos. DR. L. V. SMITHI PI4VSIOIAN ANDU SURGEON dOUr 8 9 10 . M.2Sgo 4 a"d7to 8 . M omco ovel Ray iurolturs Mrne. LIBZRTY VILLE. 1ILUNOIS DR. 1. L. TAYLORt Office t in F" Natiem BUa uil.dbq0 moums-1 tb 8:39 an& 1 c b ne. 8sedonsce-tn Oro"dwaz. oppoott?&Ms DL GOLDING DENTIST Houris8t012 &..--lto u M. tiver Pîrt N&tional Sa.l Otuie Phono 19-J. 8".. hone 157J. Llbertvllle. Illinois DR. El H. SMITH. DENTIST. 3TEU LA&& 0005?? rATIOUÂL 5AME uouuu-8 bc 12 &a. nMad ib tu . a CHtAS. N. STEPIIENS, &M. D HOMEOPATHIc PHYSICIAN as" SURGEON Phon 1WOffiç* oer Cou Cai Libertyvîie.lU. DR. VICTOR C. IIKOEIO OSTKEOPATHbiC PIIY4ICIAW ' 215 maim et., sk.a. l 9-2ÂA. K; 1-4 P I. 1,4P. lý Stinisysby àAoLbrna cui Dr. J.- i F o Avrnu oi bo 30W PhoMe a et W8TT,1Pr 86SURPISE TO MANT IN TinIs TOWW Local people are surprleed Att4,e QUiIC results recelvod frai s alge buchlorn bark. gWe-crlne, mnlxed lu Adler-i-ka, the Germsate ady rblcis became lamous by"til appondicitîs. This simple t«MMWI draws off sncb a suprtang amsegt «d old foui matter &Mocsthse brbMW at 1A BINGLE DOSE relieras mio gaz on tiese tonsch ~s csjlo [NOTANTLY. h lal1. oul amsi w. bave over .014. OLGIIER & BON-0, oruggl.set #nlob oma Isememet ePlVYlnW to tb& qor liaI ram «tIt the i od4<tlpts4doa nraas*i ta laou*d oi out evisr lime a D"Bifei«* beMl.e umporta Gasette unmaya *ae lu. "Bt h is' buWng bare sudt lea 4lng amntIoeaiam 1=1 Éâmý M-01 mmwmw-k-»- Yi APRIL 2, 1,915, il

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