*u iibrmttb,£van iir B Canha benautitlk la MRsa R. nt E tr Poobevn ad Ui' T. F. SWAN c udonn .- ib.Oendovil Irns CLeg, Corraponduut sd AgMtmsp at e dyklit e ek tt ie. _____________________ end____ fo ber athe e. Bolie.' Edua Fry retarned laut veek from 'Ba&ve your aer Pbote tekn et Janesvllle, viiere te.bha.been @Pouding .rd't Studio, Lbercyvlile. 27e2 aeueral veeke. ,t ru . A.Marrie @pent Sun. Chae. erberi lba.bees an the ick liet "dLake. Fred Schraeder epeut tva day. aif at *oer ameron vie a Chicago visitai week ai hie home. Mir. Scrogder ha. ES1IIJbeaunl a Chicago boepitel for four Thomas Russell andi famly vigted mauthe. Suud*y vitb relatives ln a L.Frestt. Till Mitchell epent a few day@ ofthiile Milm arriet(iridiey of Evuston. epent veek lu Chicago. wekend îth ber moter hore. ¶Te Laiot'Aid viii useeb i wtii Nre. Mm. W. A. Shawventertinedhber laher E. M. Umbach on Thurada>', April Mb. and niatier, Mr. and Mme Turnbuaf of Mr. and Ie. A. C. Rici ade att.ended Wa"ad, a lew dapu lai veek. the. funeral of Mre. Mary Engel in Mme J. J. Rodgere retucued Sumday ta Chicago Sanda>'. ier honme la Raeite mnCtededMms. Fransk Foot andi dauglier Cre visit vtuh ceatlilieieho». it.ei relative$ at Palatine on Satu rday »rmmnKulank end tamily eopen$ and Sunda. Snndoy viii Mis. . D. Kamer ai -Mre. Lockhead and eon Wallace @pent Bleblani Park. 1 1 ' Suuday la Chicago. Mis. . L. Tripp enteriained hen neice, Miti Ruby MUnline of Chicago, epeul Iliu@m H am nebingeoi Olenvew, SUn- Saturday and Sanda>' vlth Mr@. Cha. dur. dS&Auclif, Joba Wlrtz hau reesgaed hie Position Ted Knedlen ha been quite sick with m tiii postoffis o enter a more lureil,, oblckun poi. t îl Itm oitor. Mies HUm u»era s. iicke UmnCor. Krueger eppiit severai daye the po"iin tii.. racii.d. ai munt week wtW ber ulter Aima lu A litrlee ncagegatlon çame onnfunay Chicago. tegsoit r. &Wat te po g <ais Bal je epent Sanda>' ai home. b M* bes eecrelaa i.nov miniter CR FT^K1t *M1n.a h ie laullya s oon auslCAD FTHNt boassbold suitea rive. rom ii. $lace of We wîeb ta thank our friens and bhs fersper vwo* lan Km@". neigzbane.-for tboir klndneuwse t the Mm.L 1S. LTipp and dl1aughter. M W. lunerl i oaou motber and lqiea the FI H4wbu WONan laCisico on a ehop- Ladie Vernon Cemetery- Association, '*Ing tip sMoaday. vba rontrhbuled floyer.. -e,,&Meproiracted IliuaemFlord Aynley M.adM.DvdSae Sawàr Tueeoly musoueaaitii of bihs1parente ai Hlghland Pak. IVANHOE 'N*ptaailonblcii h. underveut lai . l~4mw i h. ii avumBuei cndiion Rob. Laebbe wae a Chicago visitor *Ï ipu WIdBj trouble devéloisad teeMody mgl*o cies iralà tu combat h. bm'-e eixctdor Thin eno achool tue vweek on aceoani 1hae"»Égbéttfieoqmu.au a eh«. iii eloeIieea Ms ned' f i ua risuohand ta the frgende of motir i.Debuer &MIbiother, 0. Bauer coud. %peniT«er yln Cilcago tbs for mvet f0 have ber- eyes 4 R--Or bad sf a atack a9 oarww aObenaul0ai rémunt. D4 C. . w ii mil* l».M.A &Tm M. wÂwtSkvent 10 ils. *rqlt b b&WManeMd w avi i Oe rwà.,+ & ~ ~UAIer sed cbldrm sat lbI. pouilad New Yoik. la tbe Suait QI bbiraadthhar, M. A. Wooda era vuw. A. lCetb sàd bim es 51 e r. ý-bA* Xcia. aab"- &A 4q t ii Tt ensuivi eOcliL viiimeus wlib Km0. Un.Mt*ll Saturda>' sltersoon,1 UoIdiug Joasuou. 91 Grand Rapide. Xi&i., la aking irteaiete at Diamaond Lake écnaailam. Au Restere program viii bbee heis t tii. eiiurch Sanda>' eveanug at 7:30. Vas, coreeh MOpersa .i iy thro&*agh fe Iudednt. THE ".SELF The automobile WC adopted the "Self No5If somne a SJCLF STARTER ACOOUN'Swe ex world' tourard Ilu perity and we'.ttl $1-Opens a Sav THE CITIZ 'm*&" WU IRBAU Yý S f tq~aII aowsfor rm Have youir EaqMr IPoto. ýtaken ai Boyd'e Studio, UÀbecty vill. 27e2 ferga.oti Harknwe MIsW Emma feci nelder, Howard Daul 01a Palatine, and ies Maraie Hokao>r attesidesi a ahow in Chicaga SuedaY eveag. W. are eory to report a beuge ick liât tble veek: Mm. Plsliip Young sud ber moiher, lira. Flubi; Mi.' -uMdtIre. Carl wevsta.r; Umss ellHlman.taken s.1gb vitb a eeaoadatlack of appendiclule; Mre. B. Gale«;; Mrs. James Foreman usdrveaitii 0patian sea eChicago hogptal tiatidey sud le reported very aick; 1H. L. Pttnbm mestrainesi wriut and Henry Slow. suetalued46 case ai blossi poison vile worklig In ganse ber>' mue.. Ruee.ulBi'ankenberg retornesi to lowj 8.tarday. Mr. and Mis. Henry Scbauer vieltesi et tiie home of tbeirdaugbter. Mr@ Normnan Lesis at Lbertyville Sania>' and Mon- day. 2 ire. Es Young af Barrngtan, i. atteudibit her imotier.i-law, lMM. PhiIip Yousg durieg berIllllnts. ,&Iert Prehm ha. flolbed i courfe et ibeautomobile sciioci and ia home. à lie etarti it In'PlIp Yo ugt'a balai Suudy mornlng ab'out 10 'cllock, but âvig ta the. quick action of oui Ore dep&iimeni it vachme hebeore h sd a gieat deai ai dame LEITHTON Mr. and MUs. C. Jeneon ver. Chicago viellais Monda>'. Mr. and Mr@. John Rutehinge epent Suada>' et Gleavew. isse. Catherine and Elule Mrri irons Lertyril e Pet the. veek-end Bt the Mille honte M. sud Mr@. Herv Stelling entervain- ed Wili Slelling and famil>' one dey lait week, Mir. and lie. Fred Kiene entertianesi the Dei;family Snnday. Mr. and Mbie. R. Sehieder vimiîrd Mr. and Mms Fred Lulkeman one dey lest vsek. Mr. William, Bornkasnp va. a Chicago urîitar oua de., lait veek. ri taveaP^rcei post social la iii. toitmes. uecreem. cake, goffee and 14e. & J, 0ak je t'elîlng ber dangb-" tefbKil 916aAetti Clark ef lrving ?It. Miss.. ieI la nch band Ileene Itelit vers tb. lfte*bd gueete of i ber unle, Roat gent deWawncoda. A nuubiltp pople attended ulve Clou cncert asi. Dstrerlid-Sisiitd. Hlgb achool Saturday nlgbt. Mr. "id Mu: Wnâ. iSulie and ebuîdren vere ýh Buldey gueéte of Dr and Mi~ MiaeDonild ai Chicago. 1- à. RugbCveuell wIilpreaelihuu faré. vell»remOÏa ethe Pre@bS-terlau ,cburch e unday iVIelog. Ur. Blomelpla of the. pUQItWd191"40»W ebchgrch preaelikd hie. C. Aute lCo,, ..Deerfleld. I1W, bar« a atl li.otIilend Children's Waai, Dremaun4priog Millicery. e2slf Mrs. Dora ol Wilmette, va. the vreel- en il gout ofMt,%. Clayt Ion J av e. il Mma. etBoton, wbho hec been very 111 la slowly teeporlngr. Mre. B. B. Boteeentertained the Durcas sacetyV Thoi4.dày aiternoon. D Tué.si fiXetrpon Mr. and ire. Fred Hormeehoerm~d childien attended th. tfaneraI q4 Mr. Rorenberger'e aiter, Mrs. Magiatin. Egeri ai Chicago, who dled ,$aiurdew s mog iet ber bhome. J. A. Otryker lebulldlni au addition ta hie aiGre. Ed <ietermau là ereetlng a new boue. -; Iliés Smith <of Chicago, waa the v.eek- end gouat ofIie. Malef r§châffer. dThe Milnary eaciety of the. Preeby. teriau cbnrcb vers entertained by Mre. Georue PelAi. Tbnreday a(ternoau. it AEbRI Bave Sur Eneter l'hotae taken ai Bayd'@ Studio, &îbertyville. 27p2 Bora tauMI. anri.i ioticit 1ikprim on Mareh 25th. a son. Mm. Viekeruman Tii.bor. ebde I ii. curcherehein.and bab; are reported seo doing nicel>'. luili and murets' wiii le à gret laprave. Mseru BHenry Battner and Lelie M. andi Mr*. Phulsu, I). Aruuor are ment. 1 Paddock ai Round Lske. epest a couple expeetei te, retor r ois hbeir weddiug ;Ail wiii lie glad ta knov thai George 0f doe' et Benne>' Amen. anid famlly. trip in Caliornie. Fater vsek. Tht'> Meyer, vio se vers' Ili attse uev hoepital Ms. Warren Odett andi cilîdren ai Witt teke poeeesalon of thirs home ber Wa Waukemau le doiag ai veil aiseu he Drue Laite, ere ependiug a fev dais et about M ay lit. empectet., ber home bere. Mr Sud Mr@. Arthur T. fldle. vho Word va, received ber. lait vefek tual MimesIllinoisMeyer *pont e week vitii have hérs @uspndiug a ev weeke tau the Mr. and Mri. Jam« Vafflev ai Chicaga, ber eIoter. Miss guida Meer ut Lake lBahamna retureeihume let veek . voes tise proud parente of a baby boay. Zurich. 1 Mr. anDiie. Barry Clowvéegose in, Tressa Carmine vieltesi the 9 1gb seboal Heury' Boisais ai Cicago, @pent e 1ev CIilolrul a for a mouil. at Ulbecltvie Mionda> ' dais ai.Barney Ansn'a.. Mr. and Mms. William MeCormick blair gliby Kuebkec la euijoylug a vsei'e Barnel Ammon, M., vas on jury dut>' ai 14161 Asiar M., Chicego. maves I o vaeadmot&asepiudîn tgut aihome. mthe puet iv(uve.k. Lake Forest Thiurdai ta remalu il ,6eorf ge a buebe sa on the eck floaiEdv.rd lHeu. i. going ta vork for Mr. mua~ns, Tb.v bava &aken te b ouas 0f the. putet velek. aflla. Mr.mas Mm. Wm. E. Clov, Jr. ou Green mins fus, Smith e Waniega. spet Sa>' rami *isvuk..ed ai l rsok Smih home. A baby boy vau velcoines aut the Be.iieciCh ,amb ari.la a bs» o tiLas>'m îtmyWaY te aaCn arpet. borne ofMr. and Mrm Frederiek Dlickiu. ut»ise oaiMmiiaifGaneim e r , neUnitedeein yUim on ou ulaeh 26&b. te uwaclgu b1 Mev. Canin te eh.otb.Ueea îe.ousisui ot Mr. and Mr».Edvaid M. Pollockt bave paaomowww amwâsuthi t-eron. lutu tio querut i arur Watler. y*«taiten lb.eVan WegmneuAlliait place for roberusi rrpla ote gria a asu. agp« Wii in hcigsau Md hvigt »A thls sme»r sud viii mave hor. Itom prIse, on 'ilsosebuhiof ai teio [siiesm Ae vin be no duet. thsd'ir-ecag homse duripg April. but oom.of toww ufi4ig»ebldtsa hat .John stevenue.hves, astaken II vith 01 Wh"ai vaso laimpius saI vill e spnumonieaMarch PPud, diesi et the ce' eivs 1*1< Iue.irnsd 4«M d tate ai Illinois, Caot>' of Lake, m.. Aie. Homne hopicesai ards25th. lge "Ils sa ui h s eatmorsand oadlu the Cauni>' Court of Lake Cousit>, louvesa a vife and Iliv. ciudren tau mourn jehoes. Whou the bridai part>' iloft b., Ilinos. hie deat l. voer sha*ored viti ries. Ail etendlapectal Asseesmeai No. 1. Village of ooegraisltioue. Area, for a System of Water Woi'ke. is. Auna Pl1aabetis 1.ared died Speclai Asseuni Notice Priday nlght at tise realdence of ber George Bistol, a 'youug mia wluo \otice. te henéby givec.-tuaail personu souE. J. Learued, o ake P., omeC, nuive hi. plane oaiem.sîYuueuatis te lintefed. ifikat the Preidont &sud Board Weatru Inln Tle91 iuffo.,wau aithbe villge ot At&, méé MBis, v.the vidov of Samtuel J. We«m Uion Trleffl -ooeý WU- onosIllilnis. aviug orderesi thuta Iieartsed, a peuter luaner mercisauu kegan> wae arregted IWedAn$ Udmy niat local laprareineit ecnoItl a amon- af Chicago, aud va. barné iu Ma>'rllie, ut vlon Ciy -for euict ucigareta. a.ct èe isfixiic ees;itou vater N. Y., lu 1820. Bshe came tea Diluais Brisol as alkng aSg we en p'ppes. togeher viti lire hydranîse, isrto va vlilg aau Tvui> *ut <1 valves. te«.roufs ereinsîîwith ber parents lu 1838 andi settlsd seventb sIrets;viien SpecWfltlie-. caitinga. sud ail otber nesessar.' ad. In Chicago seveteen yeare liter. Site mn George Stried vas comlug salaua jouets andi matelat for tbe sains., fart1uli. moreS t, Lake Forest lu 1866. She la in, ocivillan lauhs..Tii. >'ugnn ua t trPase oa i-reprotection andi forthe furvived yîu fl rn teMse use af lhe imbebiasite of -the Vilage aoffu' ilde, h ue va. taken ta the. police station and Amés, Lake Cout, Illinuoisa, ue m&do. Jullet and L.ouise I,.iued, lira. W. L. Iis uorulug va. fiued $3. consîrucied aud Jetés lu, eioug and under Ducan anS E. J. Leirued, treasusner _____________theb.folioelug streete, eveusel, pipa... <of Reid, iMurdocht &Con. FumeraI Iansi courts lu the »sa illnage, of Area, srie nLk oetPebtra Want. FrWlsale. etc mada In thsIN- Lake Couatyi, Illnois, tovlt: ChicagosriclI.ke1Ne ruberm DEPENDENI reet18,000 persans Avenue, Lake. Avenne, Seymoar Avenne, csurch. BurlIointhe Lake Florent Mrri. %venue sonsetîmfesgouves:uncem:tery. EI!80 FR ---- Avenue, Wildwood Aveue,.Mut@ treet oaPark Street. Havie>' Stréet. EVERV W»MAN Hammosa Rtreet, Arfsouti Court, (Ule- W.@liane been skesi bv the lCaluinet PUU~~~i~Fp5 ~ Lot 1slàm e u rli A u u nBaklug lFowder C .mpinv <f Chic g<i 10 STtAR T E RBlo à8lu tise tava a! Ual- annosnce Ilrur uithe eoluninf- ai <tue lae. ,oy n Ana, und iraiau pruv,14led publicationi that tliéy baie just gottan tao psylng tfoc saud 'Içpravenneni lu>'nup-ne nif the.bs Réle(e eBos@ver e &camuaseenteniaablelu tanIsatais. puLliehi , 16page. o!vblch are ieauti- àmtawwri.iilunt ai utehe rate o! Bye faliv Ilnerted, aboya, lu colors a loi ~r1 kMunienaly m~Ptrnum udthe lueulin ofa! ainity diiee.sud gami thisir S ata uprauet bada hotr~ Iseondin- that can le prepare it vu-Calumet Sttr " :-lm.*upue foclb. au. etg u I.lnui adiion Po rtble there are 252 vala- mie could juvent go Atua. al Irpe and comervue iojelad tu th tt)uty tiât proaredb nste irtnoaitd l FOR: SAVIN(M outt(aiLsie Couni>, Illunois, for anh Domestic Science teas1er» and Cookiugt jase sausui aithé castle di sid nmpmvov. Experts. old. start the whole «M% naoe"m%ç qta, the benel ta. W@ know yau vli flotsi ibis a ver>' Ldeendnc, pS.AVJ , * twn «eemet ilerlor hurlai valcable book,%;s myitntiibave ase for beusuueisha>uisutebsait!Court, It aImait ever> y. . 'i.~1lesig bsreon v*1i1b1' hait Ail sau bave te do tc, get ane i. to *àtsiete 15mbdaya pil, . D., ISU ai ëte slip th on fud na.anui ings Account-$1 l W0 Wolci a.usWom- s oSe un itbbeaiev a. om aCl, u y llbg PovS.r, «Il la *1.bo.uee aitieCout vlI ucut, vour nsien ausi p eoordleg to ihat AilpUea' s Wilug smai dRh olijuc*e isInstructions an the sie and mail I so te WaldCu rbfére " fa. a d une' ils.Calumet Balng' Pouder Compa", ENS' ANK ~ ~ ~ ~ earlsg amimaieubsoru8re DIhfot i," réduit Caoimet FJEN P IM Dowor Ae&. lano, égde 2th ày Daking Powder,,we igUlm eguesi lia11 of Mach, A. D 1915. yod try it tada>'. lingifii t 'ow VI.AM011 ARMA. by ohn H op. ,--and economW tiolese O1un Bumahm BHUX ' Itiuroapo ud b>'il s'ui..h Ya vWit Sud ia a lkbemPowder 01 anu...... Iof 4 tslcLIa Jpa e of u i i ,oeal menit spd l.he' roc lwu<ik ne at rZEI Ua I VilabmsAee ibiiCéuiW, Ob ol f the inosé ti W ,"-tWo book go .mai elduassme't of th!i& klnd thit oubMv*pvurpmeàse.d., I MVatch SO-pdil 2.9 -Adv. eio 1 en o , nWhO bille igmdueed by N4peWal~tàdvu. ' I ". Munir>',Imtèituld EPutIRve e feed b>' theii. uacommittéea on . - lioe s Ad, Miscellauy ioda.3' toaa aubommitîîee vis. Instructione t# comabine the. iisee ia aesusituts uieaaare. The composte -;bal, ii b. submiied làth ie mil tlmtte. smq tint. nexi v"k ai vlslh ftime a gep ea ppf I oral hearii0p8 ýY be bçli.L RU The e.ubeommittee asuamed b>' Reproeetative ll'eterifug, chais7auVtlueed h~ of lh ise h11commlttee, IecomPosec i TUESDAY, APM I*H Rapreeetailve Vickera, Pigai.____________ DavertuX. ORourke %Md Tsinec Roocuemoailvs .Vickm ansd ouhers FO*lt LAI £OOcPUAOu expresedibemielvue la favor ai a T10 A0vNt« >TiSM x«igivRLV. assmler compheatlon for meuibere of A publiS idiiittag campalga vas the autie omndm.I iont ha. a beau Inagurratad today for Epvorlh Mcii- PraPOeed b>' nome or lih oing eu- odist church îhroaah Its peetor, Rer hhugisete. A. 0. Slizrud. '«In New Yrk memiiers et thse rom- 111 hlieve lu advertilus," said! Roy. mission do uot.iecelve auo gaar,'.SîlrudI. "and 1 have muade a yeauly oui>' the eecretary recelilg eau- contreCt viti the News."-Elgla is.uallan.' sd Mrt. Vicieri. *Iif Neye. tiser. te a ceailierait lu boxing as a (Rev. Stlxrud formorly vas pastor sport there ought ta lis a leuiy ai o! ofhe Antlach Methodist churcLj huah iss esmeu vho vonld serve vith-. ont'salar>'. 0f course. tieur traveling Tii. Autiocis Creamary companY. expeupesa siould be. i.capital$8,000, vas iucorparie a New Vericers Gauine mas. SprInoleld Thurodj. thi nc0cPoia-.' "If It booms beet te pravide a ealaiy ore beiug Pl. Ciiemllk, John Irisi and, $1,600 cuigisi ualta b. too nmil. The. .D. Draxhaun. The>' are 0o en a Hilton bill provIdea a siair>' of $5,- uev cresser>' at Atioch. 000 for eoch aoflthe tire. comumission- ers. the Epseiblel .1a dalar>' of 13.- 600 andi the Sauiry bill a salir>' « 82,500.- Tvo of lhe, memberu of lb. New yor'c Comision May' coma ta Springfield siext veek te appear before lte license commîtee.lu lie Intereste of tih hoingbMIl. sUIs RITURNS TO COMPLM3TE UDIT H 0OF ALL OFFICIALS Mk Wauke»M ,Màrh 29. Sd E. Simeaifithe ime, Audit co,- pan>' of Poitac. ]ILI, arrIveS lu Wau- icegan toda>' to complete the audit of the oauty recorde for tise lait yeur. Hia audit taies lu tise booas of the enanl'tir.aaurer. counsty cldit. cir- cuit clerk snd recorder. sherif a&;d counst>auperintendeut oai eqlsols. Mr. Simas recelved tihe caniract *Omo tIme ago itou tise board af supervisons., Siarti>' hefore thse luit eounty edec- tion Mr. SOhms cane horesud couduci- esi au auditaiofisheooks ailthe doua- i>' truaurea-. Tise repart of hi@ audit vwa. maSs befare electian d.esuow- mi tisat hie audit anSdiii' rouaeit tise cooni>'trsauirer blaamcd foA a penny vils tise expion of thisnl- tereit moue>' andi thse iniprtsuoe tan mouney vIclce .stililuacotravrsy. H.tarted til tiiferoon on the. books ai tise coni>' clerk. Afler lib', han auditesi the» e iylaudit tise boabe af tie otiser oounty ociatu, HMe report viiltisen be made Lte th supervia. aud in aid y( decorai your i vantagi bw* Do. 3 -41, 1914. AI"e lscla.u,soew ADDusS RADLOFF WESTWOOD FAIM .411EWRYVILLE, WL.- Phone 273-M.? A~IT OUSE your hoine look attraetive ivitUng. OJur experience wiIJ. you in seleeting colord and titplana that will make honie appear to the beet ad- ige. RouIePAINT give4 great durability and laating beauty. it Ile niost econoieial to ute becaue it takesi lm and laste longer., WE-WILL BE OLAD) TO SHOW YOII COLORS WHETHER YOUJ BIY OR NOT IKI!ST & SIERMAN PAfMNT md DECOJtATORS THESENATION 0F THZ SEASON ne .OnlUIgktCffld aron Qthe maricet forthe M'on.y :,an.i=uynew eujoyuk.nt' in motorlug . "'EiÔlTS" s SX Mdi 64ise mdbqfmt le IU Pmet a idrtbin lahe n d« hiv .<Il qisis" bas ipegu33 Pm. msm lu 0" O~Wse l aiubau u tmwid*éo*pCm0 tedsCBdr Cà» v hr»%soisilWW*té hI-3nUsepw esnds msr aisgeilsIo il. taseem e. wend hav- »st orsdMW w»* luim oa.I geia alumo.4 westl. The fees' lis eibu .* iasevieiledgmtopaus l asl. e8mue ee.h adi Wb" lb.* M4" &« edoiedi sDha mm r«lwednimw qslsemweg esWiseste, a«e' . we1 w iu Pai dise.~Ushe eM-pae33W-1, LliOWtrvlU.er coar ayb.es.m ib.eivvlme au". 'f dest tell deau dent mat Tý Foui a fu ardu Clax pros led He; îîle mac beti Mar ne car P as 1 edii golt Tise sa>' h. T gçn ail timu