CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 2 Apr 1915, p. 7

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IikXE O!J1TY XD~PNflI~r<FRIÂYAPRIL 2, 1915. ____________________________________________________________________-rage___ a P if w&.i Netus ELIASPEIXNOK * SIIORTlIANI> NOTES ISKILLEIJASIIHE ADE INIS8 ARtE WALKS ON TRACKS 'TJANSLATÉD IN'15 West Sie Man Instantly KflI- X trci 26. ed by EIeotricCarShortly - sYtm fe<eln After Six o'Cook. *wriftlng la bound ta be-.ond &bi- - ty wtthaut doubt, there are a few HAPPENED NEAR HIS HOME. who wlii advocate lte continu- lIe sProstatdand 18 Un- Tira aboa v ords, writon ln short- PtiyIpi~, hbnd ln th~e Pitzan sYatem lit 1848, as Resait of Shock. academty building vas afatedwr traisàtsd for the Sun Wedneeday b>' -ias Pennocir, 62 yeasg 01, living Johr Reardon, vollt kunrn Waute- at tira corner of Claksan avenue sud gante vira, re h leova doing stan- Bwtrlck street, was tnstaütiy iillad by omrphic vank, used (lie Pitinan sys- a Ciricago & Milwaukee Eltectie streat tamt and tirerefore could figura out car Baturday a. m. ghortjy aller 6 the ciraracters. O',elock. 'ras accident happoued at (ha -Mr. Reardon cama ta tir. Sun of- Ciarkson avenunecrouing of tira treet fAevrer *reeo vas given (tha agad ps- car campeur and vithiu about tva par an rehicli (ho dedtcatory yards as bipeirs of (lia victim'a home. printed ln Tuesdars Sun ver. shovu. Ior saome lit ite Mr. Pannock Thora t (the battant ver. tira shot- hod been angagad inth le fruit and baud ciraractera vhiicirthre on. elia vétietabta peddltrrg business. This vrote (lie massage placed lu tha lit- morniai ira arase cari>' and left thir ctabne iottie Iu thre corner atone, houa. vithout teliing anyane rere b.d panned and viricli still ver. (agi- te vas#01DaS Uortly after 46 o'clock hie. Tire paper vas tara la one place hoa started for is bomea, walktng ou and tire word omitad couid not ha the etreet car trucka, lh appears. Ha figuired out ' (ho charactar haviag been la said ta hava bean struck b>' a destroyad. north-bound car. Juat wry ira did not liera vas a building eractad ln 1848 sue tire car or te motormau dld not for nech<i purPoss~, ona of tire mont s..eo hi ii knowu, but it may de- important sloug (lia lake shrora, and, volit, et tbe coroners inquest at the 10 ;bnk that. 65 years later, anatirer VOonrad & Hart uudertaklng establisir- sciool offIciIla called upon ta trans- mm'nt lai-, (is afiernoot ia tire sbothand notais made by tira Alter te accident tire treat car -Pioneer êducator, to indeed a cireum- baced ta tire Edison court station stance of unusua l nterest-%Mr. Rear- wrere nw- o!flire ftal accident was don ta secratar> o! tire Waukagan tatatrhored (te)lire offices' of (Ire cornr- board of educallon, iravlng hoid (bat PaBYnt HKhwod. leanIjle wrjinmportant iposiion for rnany,. pa nt tSihe (îond. & artiestwo ri te vording oY tire hiortilatinotas, isirmeni and te dead wagon vas ta. Indicated (bat sir1hrthd bad Just ken < te e ente. Tire ictior vas re- noueadtewie o moved (o te underraking roomeé. His ratirer skepllcai about its afficiancy Akui wti ruhedandhi boy buwand general use. Everybody knowe cd sud brokon conaiderabi>' as a ré,h i h'-m It nel h suit o! the baBy .impact. Year-a ihat have ensuad glace tira A shoart limte after tc accident Mrs.biuling waa dedicated. 1-eincok wa Inuirig o nelhbos la front of tire Sua offIce are he- as e) rkwa tnqulorno neilgrorengtidisplayed nomne whte-pattd ber itusband. Tue>' knav of liha fatalborstknfnahewuw ihs termintiot of tira accident, but did ln tha uipaer Portton o! tha old acad- flot lave tm courage ta Irnpart -tha amy. as Weil!as a beneli usait b>'tire newmta he wfe.A litiewhil lae f ret pupila a! (ho scirool. Tire bench anartarited Aonithe vIrieatdaR leOf heavY Pank construction. The ae so. atharriesit ie msceesud ards T rom tire vindore are gaod Mme broen (lie tia(ohe rontthepin. material.' lir. Pnna-kcolapssifror (ie But, tire Iteresting part of (he siroek and It wua fourni necaesary ta presenca of tire boards leatira fart sentd for a physican. Site vas pros- that. vrtteu scrons drain face intahie traiesi snd lt a hystenteal contdition wehite paint, are thre usmas of pupile ail day long. (1er condition le regard- wio tsss u bs ai as ad as<tuie geou..Just lira (ada>' "wrorte tir- oimre, Besidee.iis wife Mr. Pennock lea.ves la public places.- tire foiiowrtrg citildr.-n: Bart, Mort. Wben tira boardIs rere dlscovered, ieiiie aîrd Zers. Jasepht Pcddtcond of tearing the name@ sud brouglit ta tha Wrtik-gatr. and Graver of Sabin, Mina. Sun office, tira renter was skaptical Nir i'rîrîock had heen a nsident of aubout (boni being original signatures. Watigrrn lot 22 yea»-. And, a note to (bat affect vas placad Tihe roroners jury reiic Ir nvesti-- along,'idj e boande. Howver, rith- gaied the tacts ln tihe case at tire ln a fev ominutes afterward, Nra. Coanrad and t(art undentakirrrc estair- uharir l-- Mco()frtSteele court. for- lisirment Saîurday niglit confessed merhyNlilss llloweii, a student at tlrey roule] not answer the question,.lire old acadreniv, canre ta tire Sup etf In Iheir ',erullcl tiey sinîpi>' SnounIc- lice. Sire was shawn lire boards andi cd bore the deceased had mtfiris tire beach and ai once satd: .i' ý destir, iut inasmuclr as (bey cauld flot a tîme dîd 1 mit lu bondiras lust like teil rebat vas passing tbrougir the lirat ln tire obi school. Tiras one ai- mineto! Mr. Peunock Just bafora iris tlrem ail rtgirt." daath took place (bey could fot de- Her attention ,as callet] 1 tire dernlvoratier is ati 5ac--nros 0plainlY wrritten andrd clar, denal r itanionl.The cornpanyon th boards. It was soggested to vas exoneratesi of ail blrulin thé' ler trat tire signatures reare not onlg- matter, tuai. the Inference being (bat somne- Tire motarman of tira car. vas tire body had latal>' rritten (hem on to onl>' one, apparent!>', weliawretire ac- malte I appear as If (bey bad iaste'i rident baîrpen. Ife sotelIre left Edi- aIl (haeeyears. Fou Court station. nortbvard iround, *'Tlit'a lut tire case-tre>' are a fe minutes alter six o'clock Sat- original signatures. '.Vly threas urday mornifle. As ire approacired --hat's lier signature sure anotghý Clarlson avenue be saw e Panock ap- sud tirare's Jay Jone' namae-tirats proaclibre hlm. valkinglntrhtie gravai- tire va>' irausaitta igu tI£" and ta led spaca htvaarr (ho (vo tracka. Il daren tire ]ltst8. s.Moody racog- Ha atd ire irad seau a nuoer o pec- uized tha signatures of tira pupits pie taietheli smontecourse and tuas- wv11o lu man>' case, ver. ber close- much ir ah(br. was plaaty of clearance mates ln tira aid sebapl. Tirefore. betveau tire car and(b e cours, tire (lrougir ler ldautIftcstiou, thre uamesr man vas tsklng b. tirouglit tire. as ver. establisbed As Original igns- ne danger. Ha testified (bat lie tur,,. souuded hii gong saveral timasssand Aiuoug tira names vwTtteunmon (hase thàt ]Nunock laoked Up sud eav tire boardsA b>'former ippils ver. tound car approeeiring. (basa, ail lsing plaiçi readable: Pannack, ha asyas mvthb car, for Ja>' Breveter, Jan. 4, 1857 as ire cntineit ta aplroscir.horeooit-. ergy eJn.1189 .4 at thre motorrlari squareiy. Taireu erbert Man' Jan. , 1869 Juet as tire car annIved vitila( 1.W 4km lloggvr, Jan. 2, 1ats. or gour feet of hlm PennookAs saiI! MY Kelogg sud Lucy Winters. ta bave exteadd h biead ta ane aide! Jay Jouas. ,,wo Ibt nlal tire patirtoettthe car. pRolle .4wI»ýM >sJl2 8ý Tire motorman vas not Peprea toi Mary Tiitenan, Maroir 12, »Y> vhetirer (ina vas lutentionsi or Faunnie-Lyon and Fauuie Drur>'. virtertire vtctim stumbfed luit as IMi<. Lare. ha reaâclr.d(bat point. fKoae Munican, May' 28, 1W?7. Tira Iotorman appliad th eer- Wili Stratton, Sept. 16, 19q7. gçncy brkees ad brouit tire car ta Hattie I.Di*Dekuson. Aprtl 24, 1866. a stop vitirma 225 feet, h. saya a. WMI em.' Ilmates At the. speed tire car vwon lte traveling reeirtire scitnt tacit pDflc vmryail the va>'frour 25 (o 50 au mies lur. lire Iadsiidomt leada ah, DAViS Si 'MN 1S5 RECALLS NMES START MO VU TO RE= RAIàD, D>NSUNDAY; 0F SEVERAL, OLI) COVER MONEY PÀID CAMS 5CONTINUED[ ACADEMY PUPILS ýBY OUSTED COUNCILý JUDEiE DONNELLY ON UVE 0F 1115 6OTI BIRTJIDAY, NAMED Proprietor Told Police That He MMs J. B&ýMason of Waukegan Suit Is Fileci n County Court Dean of Judicial District Has Sîmply Was Visiting With in Letter tn Sun, Mentions Against Ex-Clerk Christian- Kind Words to Say as Mc- RDINCIPAL KNOELI( Friend From Chicag o. Many Old Residents. son of ZionCity. Henry Bar Endorses Him j rnEnhIILTi Waukegan, iarfh 2 REEq.OHE ETES. thenuafeT)' rs Ll)*d In i I .r'fl' referring tu the' unanîrnousen 1 RECEIVE OTER LETT ouS t illinrois o dodt , isC #PLN r Davis was arraing- drsement of .Judge Donnelly by thet ADed In police Court th!& mîrning and anti Voilva cýitv officiaili iT . i, NIfl leniry ('otnty Bar association and UA L STATISTICSI po the avidance proented was SIned From the Number of Names It te groun ds îhat thev hal il hât .iedge Donnelly sald atter heing $25 and cast@, amouning in ailtatoiSeems as if Aillthe OId-Tine iegallythed, jr wa,, offleal îl, hjginie.liendrmnthHa- - $29.40, for hàvlng ieusaloon open on Residents Were Stiîdents I h treury. oing od tl, loailttr lrl a Seeking to AscerWan lnterest 1 Sunday. Devis wa» informed that Up- U"th resr. ood hug, 'r irnd aonh8wr asud in a Proposed Night School 1 on a second violation he wouid flot Waîrkpgan. 'lard' , Dl n ucl about the reports at th,, ' Toîchng s is or asjuge i Dnnelly said lie had Siways in High School Building. oniy have hilaIe.nie revoked, buti And stuh Ibe>' corne! b1'eing that il merely was duei tlti,,, hue fair and impartial; thatt _______ (at he would 8180 b. thrown into juif. 1.etters continue 10 ipour ini,,ubth e estrong Voliva reellng thaý pre - hi fortMhave ireen retthtie idea ASS BUTE PLY EN.He promissd th* police wouid have no Sun office frompeopleo f.îo frinprly aled alaînst the auîsted men. ofiuu, mothe hest service of which lie A K AOTEM LY EN.Tfurther cause 1orComplamnt so far>as attended the nid W'aukegan arademny However, that the ciaim made by am apahle: that when a publie OfIRciai h. wae Concert 1 In (iris city. Prom tire iumiier of the Vliva Peopie wae based on what do., tho eshele can. he sirould flot H e Asks for Information as to Tire salooni oonducted on Spring usures (bat are being sent in R irorld they believe to have been actuai1 he criticiftd; tirat throughrout hie What Father Does-Also street bY JOee7lLDaVis reas ralded by RtpPer that tirere are few.of the aide? facte le ehown by thse filung of a suit ueariY cigirteen years on tire benci About Nativity. the Police ft*day mornîng about ton residenta or thea cttY vWha did not ut- 1In countY Court today Ins whtch a de- lia atm bas been ta, treat ai aWtyers ______O'Ciock. Tire U was furnisbed the tend tire aid Institution. mand le made on former City' Clerkiaffixe and to be fair to ahi parties A foew manths ago Principal Kuoelk Police by iltate'slittorney t)ady. Mr. Follovtng le ane of the most inter- 'Christianson In which a demand la concerned. of thie Wauukegau townshrip bigli Dady vau tnormed that people vere esttng lattera of the dey, camlng Tram Made that he turn aver ta the City As to bore le feit respectIng a prt- Mneig n m 3 ie lc . fi. MaBon of Waukegan: of Zion $520 which.ita acharged. the mr ae ost r a nfvr scbooi secured data f rom thae tudents netgsdlevn ieanad wn oteod aeyfo ut-n oni peetdt aY ah adh a nf ro to ftnd bore man>' of (hem hadt ban k Put the Police la, Possession of the ývuIa(i odaaayfar ugii anil"rsne ahm." one;tirat on (vo occasions hliaut. aCcounte, bore man>' af (hem found arn- tactR. Policem Calshan vas sent 1860) unUl 1862, Miss Torele being thea ('lialanson reas tlie cherk ati Me beau chosan b>' direct vote if the piymnt(at ome, ndboe uIl ateslrn tOc n ok Davis picpl tBa rm.Gorge Lyon lime the rumpus rama up; ha la (the pop and vas satisfied wlth(le -lymn fast - --mer,_nd __ m ud ntrrO u>u !th îaeaand ssar, .,Mary Bllzabatb. 1reman reia iad (the ballotsIn lis office outeome, though It vas oxnsnsiv. Au ther earnornnd-Tis data rwaxect>trrIrith le police , tation. Into a report and (lie raault praved 1 a a ~ tr interasting as t sliovad industrtoua- Dirissloo as no te forbusees. nausand ~tirlt among tire tudanta. . hsslO ne Atenoforsomsiresr. Mr. Knoalk nov ta aoeking (o Isaru ehdBu hret osiewr curr ifornaon ro stdons îrîirabout tire pise, lie sald, aud wrei ailir Iforatton ron atdens w'chan aid friand frOur Chicago arrived on wîli prove evea more tntereattng. He tira train sud cdied oau hilmihato< te saaktng information rehicir viihr nipt aeavstvtrbm sîrare ranativit>' of al tira sttdent Tt w as at ibis Urne,. ha sa>-e, vien tira the occupations o! tiroir f:thers, ete police made tire raid. iHee aislo striving ta dotermine tire Davis vas alloveit ta go ulpon hl@ amount o! interes et tui a proposed orea racoguizance sud vas ltf!ormed niglt lira iigli sciool. To that lie vauld bie aummoned viren secure tiris Information Mr. Knoelk needeit. Tire polnce say tirev destra iras ireparesi a ]lot o! questions, a t a ie a furtirer Investigation Into copy of rehiclirvas furrisbad oaci Pu- the facte lnthetracase. pli1 (ada>'. Aller tire returna bave Asostant 'Chie! Tyrreli decîarad been maie the Information vihili e1 that sa far as ha kuares tIff saloons -opiled and a report nmade. lin tire cît>' ara obeying tire iav and Tolht.trt que-stion ta witiî regard ta (bat If anyoua kuoveanyti.9n ta tire lire rativity of parents. A litt of diT- coutrar>', lha ouid deent ir a avar feront uatiouahtîtss l given and theIriif they would natif>' mm of lire act. student Io requested Io tudicale the A report becarne current on tha irativit>' o! bath iris rather aud motrer. j treels (ada>' (o tira affect that Stata's TIre second question deals viti tire'At((orne>' i-ady personali>' hait raidait occupation o! the father or moIrer, the Davis salooiL. Mr. (lady dealeit If ahe Iappens toaire tira vage earuer.iis tact, but admittoit having givan Tlie occuptations are tteted onder tho the lit)(ta epolice. foiiowbog classifications: 'Tt ta MY>'poie>,' ire raid, tao ave Professional -- Dliggist, iawyer, tire enTorcement of tire larevith rne- mvinsior, physician, tcacher. gard to tire sahoons ta tire local au- Indu strli-Carpen ter, clect-Ician, tironties and viii continue tits polie>' foreman. laborer, rnacinist, manager. If (boy viii do sa, Tt to my boitae machanicai cagineer. moulder. sasIew- (at durng (lie lott(vo years tire mtan, tanner, teamaton. Mayor uit cit> couticiliof tira cit>' as Commrercal-Abstractor. banke, a virole iras-e been stucers ln (beir barber. clark, decorator, lumirrdea,_ efforts ta cee (bat tire saloons anTora or. marcirant, neveapar man, reas!os- tir awaresd so far as (ho>' are con- tata. saloonkeepar. sacood-irsrd gaods. ceruad 1h lissano compîsitt Public utilites-Conductor. mator- man. railroadi employa. U. S. gavera- 1AfE netemploya. Utllg 4IAI Reired-Pasnner. Theatmid quetion deals vith tire DE FROM PM=AL actisities ln whlrch tire fa(ber mn>' be employesi. Tira> are listed as fol-1FiIu IAN lows: ~YSlS Of THEMuRASA Prrrfessinnst- Wlre niti employe, Tannier>' employc. Natiorral Envelope empioye. Rairoad or street car emhrîoye. Pubiric Serlc'e enrîr!oye. Merchant. Tradesmalri Antaier mt, (ir 1'. n i tlirregard (oi tir' proraiui it iti student remain-" inziv n iigir seîrorlui r years,Ib!onot Toc Tarir yPars lire tudent tsa aked lrcv long lie viii h', il sciroo] rrîtrlemphaterl lif,n ork aiso la raquest- et. 'Tie ast ire.iiiask (lihe tideut 110%, nany lire kîro, s o!fvîro rouhit avaitlth(irseives of an Pvetrlng ar-içol ir business Englisb, meciran- irai drawirrg, commercial aritlimetic, lr)akkoclring. slrtlîand, penmansirip and apeiliag a ere cffered. The -ans- vers ma>' tecîte whietirer the roturse will be in8astsed or iraI. ZION INDEPENDENTS PUT TICKET INTO THE FIELD. A caucus vas Ireld l in V rnCil>'b>' lire Independent part>' Tlursas'nîglit for (Ire Purîrose o! naminiating affi- cers Tfor(lie fothcomiag oeclon ta ire reld Apnhh 20. A. E. Bills was nomi- nateit for mayor. S. E. Welton andt - Raper for first ward aldermen, for short terri; 9. E. WIII ait Hamar TNylon or second varitrB. G.liens for (bird yard; F. L. Nonnes for long term anit D. G. Bayer for fftli yard. Dr. J. H. Blarrka vas nominatad for' cit>' clark: Reas Carr for cit>' attor- ne>' and D. A. Chasmbers for (reas- urer. Albert Ciristenson vas annastei t (bs morning In ZIon City' for smoking dig- anats. He vas fOued $2 ait caste. Do Vain Seat. To do enytlgIin ta hie vorld vortir da4ng. wvs muaststand liack ammv- Wan sd thinhng of th i add duarbut Juimp ilansuaramble (broui sa l as vs eau.-Sydney a.18h. Former Well K nown Waukegan Young Man Was Stricken jWhile Worknrg in Chicago. i Vau'iegan Tt-il.o! Byron G, FPýager, botter lni)uit as "Banne>' vere Sirankedt it-t î:r o!flitsdeall In1 Chicago Fnldsv îîîclttTat nina O'clcir. Tire former ocal 'wîing man died of parâ'lyais o! th,. irîrn aftan a ten days' tles. lie vas strir'kî-rî vidieul>' viile at reork andtiai t tiilw emrnvaitu(o iis ironielu an anibulice. Ha reaided t a 945 North Drake rr "irîe. Ciicago. lie vaS gtvcn lie b I rît fmodical atten- tion but tn epite o bliat tact his coin among thra oldar boys sud girls vira ieur ire %'suit door vas openeit sud attendad (iran. George Watsud Mies tire tali>' eheets taken out and cliaug- Hart, viraur ie atterrard marni, cri bile Ire vas supirosed to be at atao attended. Then tber, ver. Ne- dinurer. lie Arnold, rebo marnted bT1e lata Io- Tire ,iainr of tire 'oiva People vira rauzo ishiroî. Carnie Tiffany, Molle ielhe th(le srrtt la(bar Ciritianson and Wliiams, lewyor WIlarns daugirter. lire councit vlolated tira lav viic Elizabeth Matirer. vira marnit Mr.sasys (bat no publie officiai May' hava Lovertdge, fathen sud motier af Mn. 'biis sahar>' cianged virile ire ie la and Mre. iL. C. West and Blanche office. Tire additioual satar>' o! hie Loaanidgo. i vent onana rtte le $0O atîrenit vas pald hlm as tira Notb echool. Min. Fa>' vas principal conraci clituei, '«for extra vorl<." and Miesa Sylvia Joshin vas tira as- Ha look l, it Tormali>' vas enterait attant. 1 met tire Barba>' boys suil and nolbiag bas ever ircan beard of' vas ver>' vahi acqualnrte itir Dr. It !rorn tho.n untîl nov viren tira suit Bankat' andt farnl>', Dr. William Bar- ta tregunr r>' viici tire cit>' aeks the lirrliatng aur tanrhy Pirysîcian. litas returnof ftlad mono>'. Jaslin marnied Bryant ley. Others ta b, Suad. MRS. . 1 B ýASON'. IBatire startllng part o! tire mattar Falowhng ls anohher bItter ronîsîn-' la the tact (bat alliera beaides Cirnis-- lnrg the tramnes of oIt aradrnrv stu- tianrsetr are laeire madte dafeadants dents: ln simihar suils. Among (hase vbô. Grayelake, Nrncli 22, 1915. it la said, wiii ire qued for tire returu Editon of tire Waukegan Sun: O!of na>' irait b>' (le outgoing coun- 1 sent yeu tira naine o! -Miss juiahViil aE. li.lilihngswrari, vira vas Est>', rho attendai ttIe Waukegan ser-retar> of tire botard o! local lm- academy ta tire yaane af 1853 anit 4. Irrvementa. In iris$e t taetaeire virile Judga Clarke vas principal, sud chatmed ehat somethrng Ilke $800 vas aise ln 55 ait 56, vben H. N. Tworn- paid ta hm reicirh lirait no rigbt bic>' vas principal. Sire graduatad it ite accePt. The suit againtuet m la tb. cthias a! 1859 at Mdt. Holyake sein - t0eire starteit sirrti', lit tea tated. Inary. Her preseat address la:;lins. 1Tirere are (va or (bree otrs vira Julia Est>' Scirretuer. 4104 Cicero Av.. are to bacoma itafendants, accordtng Ciricaga. h vould aise send you tlie ta advices ram Zion. ninaa! George E, Est>', nov living at 'Tira autgotng councîl cleauai up Tird Lake, in tira tovn o! Avon, wbo thre tnaasory complatel>' vhn tb, attande thlie acadamy ln 1855 and 6, corurt ruled tirem out sud viren th4 virile H. NI. Treomble>' vas principal, jVohîva Peopla took iraIt (ia> founit aud 57 and fr8, viran E. N. Fa>' aw» absolutel>' notlilng tirare ta vark ou;, prnacipal. Presnt addr. & ta rsys- nov vo're gotng aftan tiras. rehoput laka, box 34B. j t aven aud tireylll have to 'corne ALICE CHITTENDEN. acrass.' said a Zionita ta talilng Pailovtng ara seineof tire otrf o!tire acestp, namea sent ta tire Su William Halovaîl, Waukagan,>Eï Nfa.Hatl Ialowllfod. 1AATEUR LEA(iE EanePersoasComnbe SB1 « OR I is Emnma Sirumeay. [da Lyon Hutchmns. O R T A S N I Rtobert Darrow. _____ Enr il> Gavin. A eagrie courposet of!ruinor teanre C'lara lBrao-n ttiittecom. s eiîrg foruret ln (itavicinlt>'. Tb, tudson MNason. i Wauktegrrn Pirates reprosent ibis Jane Ilughes Whlite, vife of!An- 'ill. Tire Lake Forest anit Zion Cil>' trere Lisbite, Grayshake. ais trhae ronisée e 0 oin. Li- Sarahr Wbite, Dotge, Chicago,. li.r-rvilie iras becur afferedtheli refusai Anrra 'White DoolittIe, deceased 1rm thre remntang bertb and iu ail 'itati Palmer, Waukegan. proliaiility wilt decile (oe-join. Tire Mirs. Fanîrie Crtle. Waukegani - Lague la ta (c ýýnowir as lte Lako Sire vas tire oni>' romaîr stutieît ln Shiore Amariteur ceagne.Tire four the science enasa ai (ire timi-. \'rh ITla trelievedi vili berone mcm-B I lera are aboutr eetv nrY11atched anit A rrEAL TO ALL sirnirri Ie pIuye, d Ibis srrner '.A.LflU 5ew wirs.ezIriduy. The ru- fierai vas hleu Strirta'eruoon aI tire borne autTw. o'bock, Intrrreurt STUDENTS Of ILL. ln Forest Home cinetier>'.TON .j.Eae, h ws28 Years nId.' [FELON SQUARE irait beau cmphoyeul rs giaziar ln Ciri- ^ago for thebaIssi iglit rears. Prior The Ilintois Agiulturisi. an agri- ta tirat tirnelie wa s employai t Sthle cultural jouirnat publsbeit b>' stu- Cyclone Fonce i orpany plant ln deirts of tire 1nivexst>'of Illinois, Waukeans. . 1 sonda out a suppiement reltir tiri For five years asuter socuring iaispo -\iarcb number tir viichl t bitseiriel sittan ln Chilcago ire cOntinuait to &<bool stuiteits ta, avoid (lie habit o! maita iis residence ln WsuIkegau aitdrriirhiig or cbcating. made dally tripe toansd tram Ci- -We respectfuliy ask ail irigir cago. Tbrea years ago ha marnled Pclion stidets,' states tira communi- Mise LouIs. Stanvuait a! Chicago, anit cation, "ta refrain f ram diaboneet tire>' iradi ivad.n Clilcago- Ster (bat. metirois o! an>' nature. We urge ai aithaugi r M. (ager biaivaIWygra rao! you reli ara planning collage ferrai tot Wkukga-n ase bie home. courses at Ilinois or alehererata Bealides hie viTe, rMUtgrleaves prac(icc abelute ironeet>' (lrougirout au Infant daugirtar, Phrytiha ouise yaun careare. If >ou vil! not do (lits Eager. He alao leavas a aliter rheboaur bayait>' ta Illinois campais us ta brnea te tnrDsvanport, Iowa. ask you not ta, comae han. for your ClArucaBoser e (es lns ma ligr e iucatton. Horeer. If you Clarnce osle luthé iretm viiillbring oui>' tira beat that te in you, ln FreePont ta ire thea ovuer of one va bld you vaicome soit v. congrat- a! tha Aera-thruet engtuue, rweicilasulato vau upan (lie opportunities a recant Invention fan tbe propelline rhichlie1(in store for >'au. We irope a! hoats t»' air. Tire engtini (s car- (bat yorr vil! corneansd (bat you yl pleta vtth a propelher vhieh 1 at-ire irones( lu ail (bat >'ou ma>' do." tachai t thtiras, far o! wnv"otand Tire communication le signait b>'tira rehen ln position Io about tva feat editor and manager o! tira Agricul- aboya tha vatar ine. Tire propellen (nislt andt audarsaibt>(he captaîns mares 150 revolutions a minute anuirthetr atiriatic teanrasud 'b>'tire edit- forces tire iroatt hougb the vater ai or o! tira illini, Illinois Studeut Dally, a spasiot (ent>' milas au baur. A arg, siver vi'i, wnri ue rue ira- iir>'forr elîch rhe' trams vii! play'. Tirrtanme rthTie coîupetîng teanis atillire etgrss-ed upon fias viii aberi lin- tetn wviir rins it. WVirue ithe prosent Intention t; ta lr's'. but forir toame iln tire lague il Ws possible (bat mare teams viii be aditei. provtdlng riftIcient Intere8t la mnrnafested. August Lita o! Waukegan l.a belping (oeIrromota the league. TIrg manager o! an>' nearby team visiring (a sign up Inth(lebague abattit cau- mniteata ritb hlm irefore April 1à, so tiîat scireduies rai) ha arranget. Witir ti le ague ln prognae suad vith tva serni-profeesional tg=$n cornpating for populanlt>' ut bits as If Interast lu basabaîll(bis samn rel bc gnater (han aven. Altboug r umora irave. leakait out fronm time ta tîrna tirea no deilute aunouncemaut as Yet as (o bor e .tva bigtatame o! Wauitegau vil!liUna up7 (his season. It la kuovu (bat tire rest aide tam lias madae a" changes lu an effort toet~rengtheu Its lina-up and (haro vii! b. saveral fast out of taren play- ara ln tira line-up. Saura o! theso man are mai t ta ie tant wvira va phayet reitir semi-pro teame ln (Chirago licCannaime ta bave lits tanm made Up largal>' o! Waukagan playens sud 'it ta saidt tierreelîfl b. faew changesaIntnhlralina-up o! st sum- mer. ira vargei an iris 6th birtbday lie founit aspacial grptificatlon lu tira tact iliat ail](lie lavyers of iris home cnunty are for hîm for auotirer term on tira iencr, (iris feature of thre ait- uation sasrntng (o hIndI. vwithin tira Jariet bis beartialt pleasure, ad ire said la e w ld redoéle hl# efforts for botter service lu tire rears to comýi- It Cleana FOR TUA Vacuum CIeançr.î Witt ÂdditiongAl At tachm.ute $*86. 25 It'is a light welght eleau-- tir on1 easy ruurlng wlieels, provided with a double t'xhaur4t tliat increamfeui tt elfciency. It will take ou3t fot only tit, but will piek up larger nia- terial. Attachments for using the. machine to clean dra- peries, furniture, watls, etc., included in the spec- ial equlipment. PObIC 8[uire OF NORTHERN ILLNOIS ýSAVE $5.00 TO $10 On Teur New Spnng Hata cas0» ake oser your lant »&man'5 hm s t o styts la sae. ITurner Hat DIeacberyC. No v Mtla 8. 1 deor orta 01 old BIdd558. liait bIjk s.ut ih0 Maàdis-t,.chieaso. O)cusylu, eetIiimOC)5I0(1100r, !BAI RSTO Marbie a st Cemctoey Worit of Evu" DescrIption Correpondoncesolicfl 116GeeeS IL Up paffA R»van i

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