CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 9 Apr 1915, p. 16

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M ' TRIS SEASONI tWsSide Teamn Is Made Up of #%ny League Players-Big Shake-p Is Seen. c SEVERAL MEN ARE LET OUT. Fheans Will See aNumfber of New Faos-Man'y Repairs 1 to Be Made at Once. t Announcement was'.aade loitay Ibat I the wor of signing playera for tha l 'Wutregan cty base baIl team basdi now beau .completed. Neyer bas the p cay> beau represenleit by a more b p*omeilng aggregallofl and never bas th thora beea sncb s blgh priced tetans t bors.On a is ale ln saying there"are i fvseml'pi'oiasslonal leanis ln the y ta whlclm surpass i. The local tesm shotulit b. able te make a btter ehswiag lIis sesson titan fast, and o that le saytng considerable. ai lasilgalng uP a team for tbis season i tihe adefth ie West ide club bav% b sptýred no expense. They bave gande'B la, coniderable trouble 10 gel anme b of te players but they were willng 10 50 au fer as oecessary te get the me« tbay kmmaw were capable of f1- i lagte positionsi. Local fans were I 2~prdfor quite ashSakerup thie ,bg ut lbey bave net Iooked forP lb aydrastlc changes Ibat bave t bnen made. Wltb ona or twa excen- tipas tiere la 001 a member of tlhe tioisus vls ploya tbe smme position Ibisd Vsiýr tat be di fast. î Thse namas 0frlie players wbo hava bus algneit up for tbe team for tiIs0 dessonana as follows: FITCHER -JameB O'Btrien, wbof Wliaheit for Appleton ln tbe Wlscon-t u~l*liuols league fast year, wiII do9 ràqst'o te lwirling. Ile maite1 a r050rd.lait year aidthlie West Sîders aIe Jubilant ath laving secuemihlm. ïtmry Wlliams, a soutbpaw wth a Wqpid of speed andt some real twist' ew, wMll h allernala ptcher snd wlTl P14Y canter fildtwhannet 1ptcblng. lbe hmsplayedtlvi thIe IHenneplu talus of tbe New Englanit league and %idea agooit recog d it thelimaHgh- "A ~ dPari BaguIaeslant ssesn OATOîffR-Wlllani F. lHldeman. Ydio caut for Madison Tant year, and à w#loae baillasaverage vas ixel upj to .330. vul do tie bac'<stoPppng fora t hê local tean. i.Is wOrk wilh thb a $*la naleatureaso i e scorad 16.P IIqMe ruine tast year. Il la expected t fbiehaWIii acquit hiloseif ln a very cWhdtable mahiar. VUBT BASE"...Bmad" Vose, who dit t b .ctutoPPing for 'tha West Sida Un >Iul year, bas been swlbcheit te Z bande wvitar lta axpecled ha wtII i M An 0eqully good sbowlng. Heà $8 -ona of thse bt catchera the cityp omtr bas lurned t onsd bis ieoda >pitliaI ha wlll ie able 10 boldt dur e Inilatial saci ln gond shape. -Bs4" la fast on is test, bas lots or ""~P" and titrows unerrlogiy. SYCONIY BASE - Johnu Murphy. uto pisyad Iid base fsst yaar and alo captaine thlitateam. vilI caver2 &econdp~ae 'hms Ysear. Tt ls uuoece* , 555 te teII Waukegan fans that1 "-Mua'ph" wili acquit biaisat wtb 6HORT STOP--Cal Cristlausen. wImo playad witb the Coulon Athletimes fast year and who la recomniseritau on0e0ftte fatest semi-pro players ln Chicago, bai bean signed te ~ 0playj short stop. Ha promises 1e maie a gond man for tbal; Important Position. THIRD BASE-William Harley ln addition t0 playing tiird basa -,fil caPhala tha tenu. Harley played itwlh te Toronto team lu the International leAgmie Tant esson and holds s rec- ord of bavitis stolen 72 bases in t1w, 090 seasoo. Ha batted .312. At the cIgse at the regular seaiQo ha played a couple o? games with the Highlanit Par%ç team. and made a brlliant show- las. Tis yaar ha commît bave bis oidd; herth la lita Canadiena loague but la. asnitcit ai hhais a gond paylog PO ______ ____- LAKE CO2 JNTY IP. More Money Frorn Wheat War Time Prices Mean Bigger Profits Not Too Late to Inecase Vod «Vlien wheat sellsaiat 8.25ver huel. cvcry bui.hcl courits. Your wlmeRt le l5fllCd. Yoeu caf't irmreaze yeur ocrenee nov., but you can locreafle yoUr velds. Addiiig six to fen bushela per acre t0 your yilds Ibis season wlil -rtalnly make lthe crop the most profite i n y cars. Onie dollar and twen- y-five cent Wb est or even dollar wheat. justifies spendiîîg a little more money titan usual on thbis crop, for this la a lIate, tîen If will psy big. lmlen the war wao declared, tîoîmsand, of farmcra changed plana and Icrcased thefr wheat acreage. lit the rush to put Inflice crop. many fields *ere Insufficlently* prepared and planted sLte. and thousands of acres dit! not recelve sufficient amnounts of piantfit ondt roduce even an average ylel. IanY fields will corne hrougb the winter weak andfilin. Others will lookb trong and vigorous. No motter lîow gond flice prospect. you wazmt a better ne; you want more bmmabcls ver acre titan yeti ever rmised on your feai. Immediate action on your part as outlined lunltme foiloivlng will help maie1 more busbels per acre anmd put more moncy In your pu, ket. Plants must have lient, air, inosture, and avallnbý1eplantfood lu abuni-' dakce In order toelive sud toe iak te inost satinfact<)ry growth. Evei'yt pouod of wheat requires 80 gn'iors of noter .'dîen the worm sun of apring tests down on lmrdcued wbeat fields, lîundrcde of bariola (,f water are lestt bhrougb evaporatiou. As lrug, as îhd top soiflIlelbard. tlle water counectlofl betweeu If and the eatmjr suîîlly bItPow litconillet". and ftic water gOtis offt into the air. To stop tIia action, sud te allow air te cnter the soif spaces. 'ou must act qulcmly If yoti wint to attie a field of sîci isheat. or if you Want oe gel even better. yields freni a good îîrospcct, Roll the whestfildt as soion ams if will hear a tena upon If. Follow tlmla rolllng Immedlately with a ligbt l'a.'row Ing. Boetter use a "ives'der' If you bave oue. If you bave a liarrow withi edjustable tceth. tbrow the teetb bock et ail angie of 45 degrees and barroiv the' fm'iid, going baci sud forth, paMllel wlth the irbeat rows. Tilts Iarrowgmt lii nt inJure thelicbaeat roots, but will break up the cruel aud m-8e a sur-fzlce îral e. This surface mulcb will pre- veut mucli evaporatiou and oive titoirvands of barrela of siater. If you do not happen to bave a rolier, or if yeti do net Ibini Il aise te roll the wbeat, barrow bat tuleesane ie. l ys PLANTFOOP MAKES CROPS. Tlhe timîy wbeat plant muetlise special nourisiiuieut. Il must bave a iberal supply of rcamiîly avallabh' iîiantfood aoflthe irlit itind te maintaln Il Iu vigorous growth. Bilg'cropa deiltand enormous muoutties of plaotfood. Thme blggest belp you cao glve your wlmeat crop la te apply 100 t0 300 pommoda per acre of au available fertilizer r.nalyzîn.- 2 pier cent te 4 per cent amn- Teonls, Slier cent Io 10 per cent oamalable piiospbtrle od, sud 2 peT cent te 3 per cent pntash. Thils slîould bie broadcasted or dislributed on tbe wheat tbrouglîibe fertiliser attacb nicent of tile e lîcat drill, with the lime spreader. or ollier fertilizer diâtri butor. Ifle!îe bnt drill la used. leave the disks suspended so flintliiey wlll flot cultbe wbent planta. Apply tis îertiizcr before thse field lis ralletI. Harroivlng h I il work iflobtb te soli] wee the rocts make heat use of the ptni<o..Yeti clin carry on these operations until tIhe wbeat ta up four taches lu lieigbt without lojury te lime crop. Fertîlîzer feeds file croc. fil ontaîins no weed secîlsr. If grass snd ciover seed Is sownuiupon tlie wleat field In csmrly sprtug, tlîis early cultivatlon wtIl ury fie secd sufficieotly deep tb naître good germIos- tien. The addition of available plantfood lu the formas meutiooed. will greatly lucrease the chances of a succefui "catch or grass."* liy euriî trealmemit. wbeat %01l i' grpatly Ilinir!ied muitsprialie a SIEtd towards a profitable yild of superior qualiily of grain. Top dtresa- Ing Pays. "àTRY A BAG?" "TRY A TON siantd ofrC over. I have fertîlizei all of Itevery year and manureitmsrne INSTEADI" Of il. but net a'J lb la net rigbltat ru ia lileOiard, but I bave la. Noteit Editor Comminenta On Great as 1 bave ouly hicse two Aid fieldts propasanda. wlmere i eau gel o level or down bill - haul taelime silo. I mention these A short lime &go a circular lettar thinga te let you noy timal I ueeit no was receiveit by the editor of ane ai conversion te the use of fertllizers." lime oldest, most îromiuenl nsu eu satîal Middle West tarin paiers. AUSTRALIA PRUVDES FOR This letter asied the edîtoa' opinion as 10hte eamvisabiiîty of lusîîbuîiug CROPS s campaigu 1e lry s bag of fertIliser. iointing ouI Ibat wîtb lime preseut Australie la goluig la do more titan teudeocy tocards bigb prîces, the ber fol. share of the wvof n feat- abpssoulit hrlng îîîgger prîcea n lu mug bbe vorldithebbclaie action aorlime 1915 thon ever lietore, aud that there colalt Ibtesortat Isanenim- wss neyer a chance to maie igger pire la ho be taien as a basla for Suite- maney front Intensive agriculture ment. Tbey are net leavlng eaStone tha riht ow.unlurueit in bieir efforts te locrease This etitor's repiy la but ciaracter- crac production sud there will ha 1ew Istme f rplis foînmos ai 0fthe iIe itlows ln Australia. Net only Jedtte orpes tr aredMostS. oftheihave theacolonial authoribles recomn- paiclar Etagrin Iturmi eder wrîThis meuted the bervy feeding of crocs. 'ariulayour ie sulit hlae0ry ries but they bave gone se lai as te maie -Bu yor iea hold e t tr aarrangements with manufacturera ton raîher timan -a bag.'* wîîeb wiIl guaraubee lisymeol, for Along lu Ibis coouectiou lie wrlles: fertllzera, as ias sîown ln s cîîppîng 'LasI apring 1 had a big coutroversy front e promirnt Australien paper. wltb a tilow wbo hailthlm des tha t Great Britain aund ber colonies bave plant food was a stimulant suit1 i l>u been couvînceit of the profila kuocked lmr ouI colt hy citlng lbiafrom lîberal plant feeding. au instauce ot a tari hrougbî Up front "A ragements which bava been zero te over tbirty biiýees of viest IMadab tylte mepartment of agrîcul- snd Iwo soit one-bal tloua Of hay. titre vibb the manufacturera of super- wîth lime soit comulte fertilirwr only phmosphmate durtug the comiog season la rive or six yeara lIais pail for lime are limaIlime manufacturera are ho sup- atuff as It weut. 1 do neotassert ltaI ply their cumaomers wltIb lar re- coumplets etilzers are uecesaarY ln quiremenha as bitherlo, andthlie de. aIl cases, bultlmhey bave abovn hesb pertumeno f mgriulture vwili goaren- resuîts in Most of bhîci". tee lime psymeub of titese eccounits if lie furtmmr conuoci, *"I use fer ramaînlnu npalit on Marcit 1. 1916. tîhizer *,ver year l thlie Wey yeu sug "Il vas prevtouzlY atata t litItlim gegt-r.iiItting l oni my growIug crocs, deparîment la guarsntealng ltae psy, on My meedowvansd corn anmd oni iY meut oi the 'oubaaniting' accouinta ,beat. TbeY produce a croiu andtheim due ty larmera 1telihe ferillizer menu- ,aodit uprovez. On ol aidut bit would facturera, but ibis ta nelttae cage. as nah ralseae iybbii sud dit col raisIhe only accounts tIbs Ill ba guar- nytbtOk but cbuqite-foil suit runniug auteait wilI hbcll'osa for lima auppîy of biers, I have raised good cropibte tertlîzers ho bc usait for ime naxt irst yeer sud cvery year mince for s wbeab crop. Thte department will pro Jecaite. andI the landit l beter in every tect Itself ity taio a coveriusg a& wsy. i bava SuaI raiseit four cropa ourlty frontbbcefermer. and ltae fatM if goot cora in successiouou onue. j r vlI recelve au atvamtaga imy the td; aime croît ot gond viteat, seedeit rate 0f IntererI wbicb he a toi pay an in corn. and 00w 1 havea s ilat-celsab 1i1lits secoumît bcbng restriched t o 5%%.' more Ibais madea goot every lime ha vas given an opportuntty t1 lay. vill be ounlime beac t his season, resdy 10 sillon la Cimcago anit manages the ba usait lu case Of emergencY. IPaul AIW«r rother' leaun of Chicago InValbrui. assistent manager for i bluir Saturujy aY&mas, imcousantemthie IHighliandtPari Ragulars lant sea-c «fier muscla urglas. ta accepl lie local; sou, sîso viIl ba a snbtlluta. Lastt Position. Hisa xperianca ta major Year the West ide teani paye thi t Iuabase hbalisa xpected 10 gi %e but one substilute soi thIs resullet te,-local îama bimg sitvautaga. iu s rsbbar bait mlx-up ah itae cose of 1te season vien Ivo ragular men LI'FIELD>-Roger Klhby, vho ý Plèrd bth te Ifiel an outl vere unabie ta play in ona of tae city luloet oIttbeinfelSsoi an saI tries games. The managament ai vith ighllandt Pari lait Basson, etand em iilaen bscaIi who p!tceitfor Evanabon the pra- ty eam . lienocacsii vlaaimanin, is efiele tamiea TEAM MANAER-Lo.ula Yous' goie ianin ltI felS.Jevle. vimo lled tha position of leam, SÇMNTER FIELD-Henry Wililams, mantager lnasucit a capable minuter ase loe amantioneit. la latei totaplay luit season. vilI fi11 the sme position Squý.ufielS. ibis yaar andh vitithlm et thema ian IÙ014T FIELD-'Timmy" Gaggins, Ibera la 1111e to ha fearet. visa.httbus vas a içture lait ses- Plan Many Imps'avemnents. 8M a"s Whviamadte A ectalhy goit Plans ara an fot nov for nuntaroils o bpula hi ie clty serias. vll, ha Improvements vich yl bha o- hb a hi bs oIt poatiOn la rgfieildli. pleteit balore tlime aiOsnggara vImli -XXw àMPool »5dl'5055 Pe5'< for la schaituilait o be playeit an pI18 - . g e I U s s v e s.p ro v i it ag t e va t e r p e rm t . & c . gusrx u .winug vito coriing la preasnl ontlooks the l1cale use-e-*, stluite M e a sr and imo vIli bci lie naval station teasu for ltae opening round. Nert BnUdY 11mrs la t10 ha epraclice game aItlite pirk lInvimicm the West Siders vlf meal ltae Knlgms o'f Columbhus tam tn s lryoul. No admission la la ha chargeit and InasmucIL ai Il yul be ltae tiret opportunlty ho oselte nev leam in action lbtainbalievei.t liaI many feus vîlI be prennt10 vtlàa Pohîowing ere somte of tise IMPrOVI meantseltaI are to ha installai ttis season, vork opan vmiisicitaad.ý, ulei totastert at once: Box osat, ili ha placet ln thse grand stand. Players' coopa. similar 10 litase et lime big ball paria ln Chicago, are ta ha conatruclait. Thaeitismanitlela ha rolleit and lte Infleldit l1l ha acrapeitd a saSSit. 'rTe ast tance la ta ne erlanitet inrther lovaidthlie sîreal 10 *0cc0W modale thse automobileas. A faver beit la tobeha panteit A Sag pole yul b. erectaijt ta-115 saide tisa eu ltafnce. r Amother lier or hleaciml's viU b. ZPIKXDY. ID=Y, APRIL 9 i5 ci T s Nýw n'e h d t lý d taie aites vllb lns. (Cunoingham," ha sait. "Bbc sympathisait vith ber anS hait ber that no ana woulit hîma iter If st aba t hlm for al Ibat ha hait itoue 10 ber. I urgait MY vhfe uolta taie aitas lu the situation, poluling out that therç are lwsys tva aites 10 a slory anit thal the more site sYM- paîbizeit wllh Mrs. Cunningham tbe more dîfficuml she mate il for me tu gel alang In North Chicago. Con- oingham, I polubeit ouItauber, inew of the jnlarest abe vas taktig io bts vîtes case, andI laid il ail up ageinat me." The Sun on Moitay itelare t iret on one accean heha i liien lunlima beamaut of bis Isome suit board bis vufe enter 1ev. Venarableas bedrooni. This vas wben the mussster vas stay- iug at bis home. Rey. Vanerablea gava s iiffereul version of lime affair. "I vwas asieep ah ite ime," ha salit. "Cunningham bait pralauddit 10go 10 vork but came baci and his vufe ait- mttait hlm. I vas avaienet by ber screauslin wbich she Implorait ber hualanitneal hoilti ber. I ruaheit out of thb airooni Iuquiring wbal vas the troubleansoit ellng themrat esial. Cun1ngitam sait I mnev vime vas thé matter. He saiS ha batl boardtbis vufe drap ber sboas on thea bar Of my baitroom. I Iredte,0 explaîn thal ha vas mîstaicu, hut ha vaulit not iahen ait ardereit me tla e b is bouse. 1 told hlm Ibat I vas very gladitho do ".saneielthie tmea star liaI ha camne to my churchasuIth ie praseuce of a number ai people. he beggait my congtructed, lucraaulte seftting capaclly fmcm 1200 to 1800. as il vas lasl, yeer. b 1800 titis Year. Pence tla h iorcugitly »repdi. Orounits .arveyeit andt sonlttance exbanietahite feet. Manager Tanrjevic anousicei tota tay ltaI umpires vii h secut'ed tram ltae Inter City leasue. Me salithlit West Sitars aim to, ply lte s.5105t semi-pro teenis ltaI enu habrougitl 10 tise City. "Via have apareit noaexpenie snd va naharally look for S succasilul seasan," ima sait.* "Titere 1laëaLl- cahîy e double ts'ci asteet car sYsteib to lime Pari and tha..brlO' pavemnt alco maies il assier for People ta reait aur parit. 1*1er lns thseeaon va vili tri la get a emahare vils the Chicago Co,& Ttve UE't gw them va vIli ry la brInS lthe 104558 league team bosre." ad askled <108 t0 senit some si*xlby ýhdi ha mlgbt tuow whether or net e lait been rilht in asmsectlng me. le sald that a plier of flama descend- i. aimost settlog hlm on tire, se 1ha1 b ad te ion mb Ite bouse lu agoaiy. oe took thia as a sîgn that lieliait een in the wrong. I bak itbs baud, ccepted lts apology and supposed at overybhlog wss ail rigbit. 'But sppsrently sucb was net the ase for 1 received word trom time ta ime tbat ho lied made blreate ta kiltl e and the people who bold me were -îe Jeas Wilierd, Whîo Uringe tlim Fiatto Crawn to White RACU. TuE CnHAUTAUU Formai Action Taken WherebY BïminOss Men's Assoiation WiII Handie the Affair. BIG ATTRACTIONS COMINO. Psà ha( SÂYS TO SUN MN, Colored Minister Brands as IH hsbi Maliciou~ Lies the Charges c ilade by Assailant. h TELLS HIS SIDE 0F CASE. Sixth Bullet& Did Not Go WiIdce But Struck Packet of Letters "I in Has Breast Pooket. m Wassiegau. April 6. C. "The Lord saved me-He would nlot Co lt Cunninglîaiýiill me." tu Thus Re'v. W. A. D. V'enerable. lime North Chicago colored molister wlîoP sas sîmot fiva limes by Edwai'd hiun.I mngbam Suuday aflernoon, explainedln is almost miraculous eFcape from or ieath. He says lie bas no douht but h bhat thme "black decil," as lime clarame eorized Cuuningham, lnbeuded 1e mur- I der llu. Cunningham fired six sîmOts I at thébiîniter. VIve of ther taok n sifect. The sixtb bullet waa belleve i to bave gone wlld. This is net trme, a Showever. IHlad Il not bî'en for the s facI Ibat the mînîster waa ciotbed heaviiy and carieit a tliick packet of k letters ln itei breat pocket the ahtil Venerable declared t oday tlimaI 'thme bullet penetrated bis lîeavy overcoatli andi- then bored is way througli the1 peciet of letters and polsed is nasec agaluat a photograpbi. Ils forcc speut. 1 the builet droppedIt bis pockel. e Rev. Venerable lay an a côt tu lbe Jane McAlister bospilal as lia gaveà the Interview ta, a Sun reporter. FroiD j time te lime a bwltclî of pain eamîsed hlm 10 stop for a few monieuts-ttem lie would resume bIs narrative. He branited as lies witiout lIhe least foundation the charges made by Cuu- ningbam that> lie was lime man wbo broie up bis home. Insane jeaomsy, according taelthe minister. made Con- uingbam deafto10reason. iWhere you finid a black devil like hlim wlbh a yeliow wife. yoo can near- ly always look'for trouble." he aid. The mniîster says lie was not te blamne for the trouble between Cun- ningbam asdoitbs wlfe, but that Cun- ningham bimself was responsible for It. He salit Cunuiugiam's wife sald sha was ill-treated an mîîch by lier buabanit that sble fimtalîy liadt to:leave hlm. He sait that avery lime hae saw bier ai cburcb bie liait urgeit lier ta reburu b bler busband. He iei, bowever, that lha ever liadt vîsiteitlber aitIhe places sîme worked lu Lake Bluff. and says hae cao prove tbe sstament. "Tt 1-5t-ue t me.-.Veral thi It el CI tc té Sm a, c, t p p oiviuced lie mentit whmttlbe sait. I Noted Grand opera Star and =Ild ual believe lb. even wben tbey . IOteFatrsAeIlu d tudme lia for two or tbree Sundays 4 's'aursAr neue te bad tood oonlime eleetrîc station i the Chautauqua. lattorm. walting for nie ta came alangI i a car. I vail that for hlm ta shoot Waukogait. April 6. me lie vatîlithave 10 bave $sroecause lAst Jancary a group of onr basting r pravocabion and bliat hc'cause be cîtitens, itesiring tp take advantage liad noue lie woulit mot shoot." 0f an oppottitinctremmr for Wan-« Tîme 'Imînster taîtI of thei shlioîg kegan a saven Soye' BeiPat chautan'« in a few words. He said liaI wlmcmiqua for tbe cousins mamher, inter. ie aligbted frai» lIme car hie saw Cun- vroIe a contrast with Ibis fanious tlngiani tîere. ibiIade blrusb mb "' etucahlonal Iautilto.it5for lir iitgh- bilg coat pocketa. Cuninghmaalke stcaniUt &Ofl aheat o ai buasodthemi stopped. hie A ltdpath rnpraeuttive visiheit ait. daclaring: Waukegan yestrdayosiandwlit those "«Venerabla, I bave bbreabeued ho aI 0W' cltlzens uloot hiboeslsit sr- smoot you. aud nov I am goiug 10 do ranga ith theimaCommercial associa' il!" tiont a b h e tmlmilaiant of lima "1 laid lm hbc was maiiimg s mia- ilocal chaut&nqisa. taie." the mînîster sait. "but hae bld A speclaa.i mig of lime board 'ol me hioanw wbat lbe vas dolng. Tlîeîmdirectors Of Ibe'assocltîa Vvascalled I hegged blmlm luthe noine of loi tota sud s comittee composait of Preal- consider vIt lie waa dolng aud lbe denmt W7tZ). Mcllnaay, Vice Presidêilt sadli iedhi cousitereit. Then hoime str- L. J. yoeiuais sud Sacretai'y R. N. Ma- ait shooting. Aller lie haitempIlit gilî vas appoiledta10considai' and bIs ~ jbay saovrh aii a.loaiting mt aCI he bamattatWUlsltseaboya re- hi. uaolvs s au iew&l'Ra C" ll. AnseS t rgte la ae t t net bave actaiMare demlamtely." cha .1am * at act as Bey. Venerable says tisaI 1 bisa efforts ta maitaîn irreproaclmahîe Alice Nialsen. te grand opera prIes' conditions amang thse members af iebts donna soprano; William Owen, lbe cburch la due the dissensIon ogatual t raIgil55t aitb cmanhl O &ni Of arilas. hlm. Mr. R&lph im Bflu the lia ldely known him. umorst andIpyWscs of anterhiinaru. - Francisco Pallaria and bis grgit band. -ait oter*M*lteO ai«eOus ta mention ARRRESTED ON AÀ aIth.lie This sioulit open tise '%- for gesat ÀRû ; PCtobyAM--1 -4 Asoeflt trading opportunlttes for Il-hU nire"t LARCENY CHtRIE lutbyuî "' sscats wel a ttenml the cimutsuql-' limaI M'AS FINED $25.OO il bar o b is fine. bidde. Wauepii labI i o ha tugt Tuesay ightSocackimad bi !edon ecurng uchan attraction. staimley Sociacit, a farmer em. way 'tb the sleeping quartera uina __one______ plae o th Jon R Thmp8n frai ýOf te Thompona harns vimere a oum' plae o Ib .ohuR. hapio faa.'ber of the employez are Ioused. andt Shrapne.l e Plying CesuaeiL soubb aiflbertyvii45, wassarrestei 1t Ibischargeit , weut tbrougb lime pock- 'The shrapnel la rolîr a filins eau' Weduesday au a charge of Iarceny I t. or their cîloting, takilg ail the non. wvicl absoe Ulnaciage vila la sud after being triait betare Justiceimouey founi t tere aimd several ar- iîghît or exploites on sPee L. H. Morris, wss fineit $25 anit cos--.iles af apparet. ta produiceit hy the preasura ef trous 7larsbal Llmberry braught hlm bto 1 Wheu errestedIn luLîbertyvîlle by 1thlytitousandto t hty-Ve tbouise"i Marabal Limberry, au auhomati an"asuaeire-omte od Waukegan Weitueaiay, sîlernoon andI valser andt sbox or cartridges sudr thst po a squa roe tbtm . pu 1 Me i"'i tu tha couutyailI wbere flasshligitl waa founit au Rockaciti. lmIepl bhm1.£1 Fil

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