TM3TY PAITR R' E SÂV3ýTO iCALL STRIK3;OR MIN iWII' iERE AT A STAI0TIL Fred Carison, Em#Ioyed a t CY- Contractors Deqare They WIli olone Plant, 1 ,viptm of an Inaugurate Opn $hop Be- UnfMoki Thief. fore They Wil $thn Up. POLICE WORK(ON THE CASE. Thirty unioni painters lna Waukegan S.Hanson Who Dàaapmed 1entou-ona $t'ie'tth'morn"g Abot the Time Monoy Was teCt eudt Mu h m Taken, Belng Sought. agreement whvh i evalled lent year and visicis providal Sf« a 10 conts an ot re hlsn, a Wakaumatan - hour sctie. Thse cotractors hallof- Viioelà a tise madme u$bop of thse fered 60 cents but tisi. as refUaed. o0YeteoFaunrom eMpsaY tant. s aTih. paintera lsd get thse cOutract- Îg*a on Woduoaday of $102 visicla ors until Monay niglttu igu thée bu ba laon saving to bring bite at- agreement, tisir ultimatum being Uths Miy ha tromi ndiana. Thea poies; If lt was fottsIl& by tisat turne the>~ bave basa notiw fia thée robbe aBB :u would attike tuis saraiug. Tris. to c sas maktes auery eMort te laca'm 9. thelr word they valked out tbis n-b Umsai.luthe be~lthtiatoeMasy ho Ing. ( *lé tea sisal oc. hgt on tise situa- Thea four contratora viso are ai- tin Raso vise sal» via emploY- fected by thes like are: ed ta tih ucIe a*hop Met the Cyclone WALTER ]LARSEN. plant, dimpffred mysteriouily on J. H. LARSEN.b Wadeds-î daybout the Urne the moner CHARLES H. S.ALPO. la tbeusbtelabave beau stolon. LOUIS G. CLÂRKB.y Cbrlsam-«eu.ta NWukegan asuit The trittwov.Mea conduci peint 1 montbas- go fromaInldiana, aecuruig stores on North Ganeaee etreet. but tb position aitishe Cyclone plant. He Also do a large contracting business. i w~sa hard and miel lhis monai. Tise latter ivo tmen do au extresuelya Prem tilse tu time Se aent meailarge contrs-cting businesa h In Ir lae ta hie vif. viso vas Ili. A fae Waukegan aud along thse norti s bore. c &ago ho b announced ihat ho bal GOne of thse contractors ln diacusa-.t »Mie$ 100 visicish.oInteudad to sendIing the. situation tiIs mornlng de- I te bar lu order tisat aise mlght move clared thret ail four of the contract- 0 thea bouaaisald affecta hors. ors Ittend to stand pet on their de- i Ou Wednestlay morang h. drew cision to ps-y but 60 cents per hour.W $102 tram thse batik and placed lit in1He aald that they yull arbitrate with b iel peket, itendut ta procure a the pinters for a few days and that menaiy order vus h later ln the day. If the lpalotera do not accept an agree- e Ne loft lhi coat eontaînlng the. monýey met«that is acceptable to the con- a bating lu the machinue &hop near tis trcirla open ahop will he de- 1 cents of the other employes. He lared and the contractors wfll pra- titagiti mc more about tise motter un- tii b. arrive hoe-then h. discov- eral hi. iota. Tise Wankegan ansd North Cicago police ver. notifed as-i a soarcis vas olstteile t once. It va. found upon inestigaion Ibat IHannonibht! quit bis job suldeli about nine o'clock Wod- xseay morulus-. Ho anucuncAl biai lao bal secured a btter position st Wntbrop Harbor. Tmis causel sus- picIon ta, point ta hititieepecially vison t va. foundtilt ho bs-sifallel tc, tait. saveral of lita tools vîth is l. . nunry ai bis boardîns- bous, e- vealed the tact Ibat be ha-i taken ail iis belons-ms- and lot ivthout ss-yins- visera ho wu. sOins- sud vîthout ietv- ls- mmi Istructions s-boul collectins- bise vms-es lho ad comins- 10 Su ai the Cyclone gls-nt. 'Hlannon ls a marrial ms-n but ut la aifi ibatise snd hie vufe bal a severe quarraI about s- veak &aftr vitici ise 1.41 te city. Hannon isiseélihi s- formçmr rsidont of Kenossa snI thse police oft tat clW biave ieen asked Io0 conduct a searda for hum. JULIAN SEIiWIK DES ÀAFTra À fNfi ceel va empîoy non-union labor. A former alficer of the paintema' union derarel ioday tus-t vie psInters are not as'(Ins- ntohais- unJoat Sut mays ubat impli because the uniom la £mail the contractrai.. s-e.-eeins- le Impose on then. lHe as-d the. ps-nt- ers vihi stand pal on their emanI for 70 cents s-n hoor sanIds-led that if the contractera do not ais-aup bisai vise local unhon vhli john vîuh Hîgi- vool snIdiecome sifihael vit thtie Chics-so district of ptsinters. Tiss. i. s-l, vilI s-Ire them tue asastanc of s-l union ps-mter. lu the. district. H. ail buies agents vos-Id be sent here s-nI the contractora vos-Id fnlIt isard tc carry on business. In the meantime It la saId thst many of tise strikIns- paînter. vmll de- clame iheiseives to Se contractors and a sut-h ms-y continue to vomit. This la on. of the.ihIns-s that tbe con- tractors objectel ta un lie agreement isesented tbil easr. The, contractons heid tint l a i.tIlris-hitfonrs-psinter to become s- contrat-ton but they lait. tise stand ts-b he muet continue lu tiis cs-psclly for a year, raiher titan es-petins- la be isken bs-it-k a ork hi oae oft tit langer contractors. Tise paîntera, 'il la sasId. have miantainel thelr rhit ta do conts-actins- vomi M Um 1A-a tda 3 -ws hvenever teî as-vfit. Tise pabutere have tueir nexi reg.- ULNES IN IIsS. nier meeting on Wednesds-y. Ib is not thos-shîtiey vîlI bave m meeting Se- jullan A. Sels-vîct, s- veli knoov fore us-t. At ts-t meeting- ubey proit- reoilent 0f WauS.s-an, lied s-b BIlesi. s-hlm vîli decil. s-pou va hs- ierfto- is., April 2, asel 46 i.tre. M. trOe action abs-lSe Seds-ick bal livedln Watkegan t Tise situaston te mster a -peculiar )ttIe over a mes-m previous tu bis le- one'rThe contractons aiert that tise paiturefor Silos-I.visere he vent for stikie l bhotfashort duration snd hlm isoaltis hat Deeinhor. Mn. Sls-vio va s-apromineut Ms-- that tise psinters viii accept ithe lover son snI vas psst master of the Wad- scale. Tise painter.s-gm.. bis-ithe ens-, Mmmn., loIs-esnd member of the stuike ili be of short lurablon bs-t Ravenivool. fi., lods-e A. F. snI A. msy It MAIl ho bise contrattrs vho M., and of Suhi'h Temple A. A. .O N. M. S. ot Minues-poli.. - 1v11 s-ie ln. H. vas tise son of Mrs. Ms-mm Sels-- vicit and brother of Walter H., snd WILL PROTECT BATHERS. Lucy Seds-wick, of Wauke on. Ho va.S____ s-so s- brother of B. P. Sels- tek of Higland Park (aecmr.t-gm-tearrof -MIiesa Mary linichtus, presîdent of Chicago Hardware Poundri Compas-y). the %Vaukegasn WOMasn'a club. iodai As-oter botser forsserW ot Wauke- recelved tlii seh-expanatory letter san (nov of Denier), la Charles BE. fro a s former Wfanknganlte, vho i. ffls-vick. and asitier miaer lire. l.W. HeahI of MinineapolisMianu. Preaident ofthtie l4td fS-vins- Devi-e He leaies s- ife s-nd son nov e- compaY,, of Chicaio-: illus- un Chics-so, Josephibe B. s-nd Mime Mary 1,. iftcis, John ArthuOr. . Preileni Wankesan Woman's- club, -M. Sels-vick, itlau reportel, vWs As an appreclation af thse splendid liuur, l mre tIno as-oand thati inpublic spirited vomen of Waukes-sn, bo o b.sets-luel tue alment viticis -visoi 1 bs-Isncb anuainusuai. oppor- characteris-el its alimentss hile rilad- tunity for a numberor f îas-r l oh- ins- hosr.Mis opine and Unis. vore serve, 1 present tuis înmotor to hW affectel and uhey grs-dually becs-mo vwonse.until It vas esilsel ise voulut sel asa mus-club deema teit for tbe stever Wo botter. conservation of ilitititlite,,lu Wsu- It seemsaist, befone he vas bort.'zeasn ' FAKT .IR M. Sodgisvckwvsa sn appralser a s-t mto a PRKr. Ytd oW heR bis- samni fom some alres-Icompani Th an as ssconsilee an exporl In hie Its-noklapenolbie Une-,. Accorlins- to tatemOnta madie club tirons-h the enterts-jument cot- Si frienîs ber.. h.obsrt binseif sonse mittee andi for thse purposes ot pro- yoarsa"s-o hn, tas jumping from a ving/'s protectuon for lire eat te rtpidllîmovins- trai- a, .Ined onie bathins-beach tis sommer.'Te Ions-- *eeiola insnob a vay tiat hie apine orwilhpacdte ndhu and, nee contera vere Inhureul and a-tnylS I-e hn n n paralyie, saffualî cas-e, over up> evel-oWreayl n es-eoof aedidate. l'hé ledepudat tles i.Ma eV- Idqpedqni reder? 10 ON&. APRIL 911915. AIjtfIfU> IC ~ Ouleo himes ttinon stheter. MEMORIAL ClIAPEL or flot they had een Mr. fldrlch F RM S A W L ~~~fraag-DROWNED IN IIAR thz y r s-t tetInORhMRS. AR WEL flftfl 1> tion vas aitracted to a body floatlng HTU 1I ý N- eBOR MONDAY P. M. ln thie vater, partlv suhnaerged.- Mere IVEN BY Hiii> N ly the blas- howed but trom tii _____ He Is Believed to Have Orown- clîigh ponidM.Firci Rector Ganster, Christ Church, Why, thaîs hini now.' lie cried. ed Self From Despondency ! ' develoPed Iliti ameone had dîs Waukegan, Tells of Most -PIJRCIIAS TUE Over Ili gHealth. covred the body a short time before asr Munificent Gift. IDISAPPEAREO- AT 1 P. M., Identify if. Thé, body was re-oved i ntr iHlvPiçiiloc NORTH IILF 0F st once to thle Wit e. a ndlfobin un- ( hrist chiirch.î, u-gan iFhris SEAR ES UJL IN~Body Found at 5:30 P. m- dertaklig rooina wbre the inqueifst h e lo e t7J, i.hlrg orctor Given H B ut 'kir. Pridrich was prostraied when !es a ev .i7: p i.;i ag Five Months to Live. thse news was- brokeii. Athough ei n ffi hrhwa lrig-lw Jon chdan Aty aralehad feared Il she was hopinz aasat peopîle. A lars-er numiher of -,niii- Aoh n C oa nsum. ma eofWaukegaî, Aril . 1. hope that il milit not e, o-.ants made their communionsai 171,, an Important Deal. CORONIER' INOIUEST. l On Sunday afternoon a Dr. a- . early servire than ever before hilu ý Tecaronaes aInquest ln the cagee ulngham of Chicago, an t-Id frieîd Of .hliory of lte parlîh. At 11l041 a. ni of Albert Fridriab, details of whîcb the famlly, visited NIr. andI Nirs. Frld- 1the. l-oly Eut-harts-t was celebrated by WALTER LARSEN BUYS TOO. appear tatar ln ibis article, waî bal rida. He admltted 10 tlrs. Fridrich ite rector with thse choir singing the this mosnnq et ten o'clock at the that there was no hope of saving ber fu choral service from Semper ln Î3 Two Important Down-Town White and Tobin undertaking rooma. huaband's Ilite. tiat. Thse new plan of hivlng the pro- Tran«,Wons he rgue An penverdict was returned ba h 8fr. fridrich was boru ln Gerrnany ceesional throu-h lte ns-v. oftthe WeIIforLocl Bsins8. jurY A rou tise avidence the jurar but viien lifteen icars nid came to the chance l noomadtofhave added uclthf Weil fo LoM Buiness. w»î unabie te dtammoine how thb. a United States, firit residins- in Cal- hnei eni u aeade uho 'Wku%'tan, Aprîl 2. csased cama te bis daath. Their fled- IfOrUla. TiOr many Years he conducted richnessi b the service, and assista One of iii. Most Important down- I1"î aimpty WU tisai be came te hies'asaloon In chics-go, hi. euiry ln hua- the congregation ln participating more town realty dents annousnced ln soin. deaib by drowning. Jacab Litz, mov- ineas befugs aortly atter the Chicagso hesrtily ln the service. Tise rector time came to lght toslay viien It vas mIn pictur a mhIne aperator at the tire. Tii. years as-o he came 10 Waq4 aeasotadrs n"h en atsted that John L. Schad and At- Mamerrson, told'ef. dlaoovering tbody k' es-an and Ince that time ba. beest ns- offfide Resurrectlon.' The sAns-- torsiey Benjamin Parmalee huid pur- and of noiltylnq Captain Oavenpert. - conductins-the. Hotel Edmund. ms- 0ftbite large veted choir vas botis chased tise north hait of the Searles flghthit e fl r. The latter laid Besides hievtfe lie les-ves a daus-h- inspîrins- and devotional and shows block frmitheb Robert M. wgllt es- bow hoande List had towed the bodý ter. Mmms. Loisa fchoenis-er. of Vhica- tle growins- apprectation of tise spirit1 A1TY. BEAIJIIEN OFFICIÂTES A RS. ORVIS'FUNERAL Attorney. 41er Feaublen of Watt- kegan OMtciated ar atueraI Sunay Siratage asf;il may seein, ithe Wau- kegan attornev assumed charge a" carried out the funerai ln exacily tise anme ms-fr as, If he were an or- dIainPd ninister. The buneral ln u aestion waa that )f tirs. (Charles li l, of Salem,Wln.., inother Of AttY. -t. K. Orvis, of Chic-- go, fornîerly of Waukegaa. N oting ts-t tir. Bes-ubien hs-d off- lati laitte tuners-I and vonderint l i happened that a mlnistej did fn i aie charge of such a-service, tise -tIit1 nitaîte iquiry of the. attorniey Io- dai [le apemed iurprlsed to tink Iiati t appesred ratier unusual for an aiîtorney 1.0 officiate. ie e.xplained uhat fstuilai. Mr. OrTvia, bis former ltv partner, haj called hlm froin Chicago lu an Ofrý des-vor t0 get itol of Rev. John A. 3. WhIpple of Wau'<es-an. Tbey vure uns-lie vo fiid hlm. visereupon N 1 Orvis asiced Nr. Beaubien If ise veuif tal sel rste. Titis le on. of the Important tD*o n hnntfe hea o-g.Heduheshuahtnd la the . l vorashit. St Geneaee sireet propeties and le look- itiaL. The tè.ti.ony of Louais uth tiret vioiAist lu tise Theodore Thtomas, In aPeakios- nf the Easter offertnSur ed upon a. one of Waukes-an's beat w.. the aoma asqiven ta a reporter orchestra. terto mntoetI.g neroat lb business sites. Mondilenisht. Othen witnesca ok Won Albert Fridrinis, former pro-.u hearly co-perailon of those et bhey admit the deat vas cîomed on the stand but wval e I.o throw 1.111e pritor of thbc M l ridrleb, nuurder.n-uoesadara. 1 1 rcl March 29. Tii. conaideration, Il s- iight on th. &flair. cd, lnstead of boinu as uicide? httrsmhenan clbod ofe hdrg tramno lOmne Ws om orethins- over $20.000. Tii. lifeleas body 0f Albtert Fridrich Hia vite ansd claiu frIendaare of lI ms-ny vh eenc]ommuints fotMr. Tsno oneasoecofdne65 years i, 11.opaitor of the Ifotel thebebilef Ibat such le Il. ouesly the mn h e ntcomncneOif in the citly's future hy closins- sucit SImunI. vs-s found lostins- In tise peaalbility but the probabfltyl liteciurhbu vaid ofbo the oitatabir t a des-i and t develops tbey have plana harhor battu Juit soutis of the bath- if ho was net murdered, viat hb.- doue.hi Christ church. In announcing ord ln mind and réady for ishmediate es-e- lng pier about ftve-thirty o'clock Mon- came of i»me $70 ln cashband s valu- êegf ftecae atePrat" cuio. iarey iay re10covetday attemnoon. Indications vere tisai able watcb and chain Worth Us$5f0o0,echpe tsis p-iai eo the. upper fleurr mb s- modernlads-e h. hasi committed suicide because of which ho b.d when ho loft tuhetel ho mail. "Iof vishpaato onmthIemtie hall. ~ ~ ~ ~ li balgts 1m ie t Ihealth. He vas lait seen ailve ibortiy alter tbe dinfler bour Monday. 0tu seee o onai on isesecnd loo. btusmater bout otie-thrty jaclock and the pr.- Tii. vatois and chaîn, vaiued ai- beloved Junior %larden, Mr. JohnW -a bisy re 0 o jînsihy . . b-als,'alîig opinion la that ite muai have mont heyond a monets-ry considema- Barvelviso today for îhe slory of due vhy arevao ie aby CP.rtîcsofliedrovned binseif a short lime later, ton, ver. n01 on hi. persan wheu hie God and lu lovins- memory of hie vite, who wnsthe !cuh prtio ofthealthaus-h, goforas known, thiere la body vas drasged front ithe ls-te; Rallié Porter Barvell, vîshes to as-a1 building. n n who stv hum tai. te fats-i nelther vas tise rol Ut bis vhich ho.h The entre fronts-se of titîipomin-no l sumne s-Iltle lins-nctaI resposAblltîes Cnt tuidins la48 ed. iesri. pions-e. He lofti ti letter ta show tisai aivays cars-ted. Thse amali porte Con- lealn connecîlon witi thle altemations s-nd Parmalea- purcitas-edte nortitemuh otmsae efdsîoto u auis endla -l aeev- that are beins ms-de in tise chapel of porio e-todts-frm ites-oud p.becs-ose of thla tact It Is reasoned thrai there bot Ih was In a amnalI pot-ket Ihe church. These alterationa, ta- potioneirplna lî roi obthe rodop.bis decision ta do away ss-th hitiseif viere Il could esally have heen oves'r ehrbatsefrîhnao h muaIhavecore tohlmsoldnhi booed.chapel vilI apiroxîmate i,00. This elIng of tie opper faours loto whai For te liait, our montts tMr. F1rid- Tii. chain ln question va. very citspel wtIii h desiguated as the lMai- wîli prove tise bis-gest lods-e hal dom- rich lidi been au ,ring frottivhs-t ex- antique, lb vas ms-de lu China, of partentoin ake ount. Sarte !99vetie Porter BarwelI Siemorial Cisapel. ps-imet. a Lke ooni. es-iesperte diagno@ed as canrer of te stem- Vry peculias- desîgu. and vas taken Irleh the prayer of hhoae concemnedlin hall I ln the buildingviticli. lay esr.s-ch. ali ons-h this fatineyer vas me- inoaRusais-,vitere hlm. fs-idrlch pur- imakîns-lte aiterulions tiieneîn ta Past, wvsaconspicuona firsttasa adance ves-ied t0 hum 'H.eul ft our veeks citsed il for 300 ruples. IlvjAs sup- prepare s- Pince oî vorssip tisai Shan hall. tten as-s-a drill hall for the milits-lu lte Aes-ian Brsothters' hos-pital ln liosel to have been about 300 or 400 b nisiaint h ol0 o ors-anized ere nialarCeicagos-go thenhIsoinii hope of res-ainins- hi. yeara ol s-nd lhe had refîtsed $500 for sund a place of calm aad peace tonraIl se s- baskeuhs-lf hall, for years viien heslth, but bl a. tie wass oîtered It ms-ny limes.hoetr tise s-sme Mai playel tea abis- extentut > te hoptte a teo ould oas Mrs. Prldrich. isearibroluen s-ndun- enThs iter. iscucho hepr s-mous- nearit> les-suesofais'hili Ws-u-et botter, s-tittugh lte members of s-hi. to compreiteolmal vhs-t hasnif our vel has kegan was a part, tîten asa ealqîsar- hlm fs-ily kaew better. happened, vhen seen ni iter s-part- s0 -îlegetatjysmu-ts ters for te C<'oh Alitîtr (huit ven î.cautiann mnthes-oa romnei ent bvii hbels- fon ass-yth-i lbst pullel otitgo apmenneors-hiel th pnizee nfis-lava aldparlashioners or Christ church isecaume itplie d offs-n stil s-trias s- rouer'Chiots-o physician ms-de a titorous-h that eah. conîl oui heileve liat her fts -e- eso h sm.M. in th iyadsilltra oi examination 0fr'Mr. Ffldricis and afier hhosSsnd lied commltted suicide. obtearveil vs- ssofatea gil;ne. skating riaksad as-s-ia as a dance Ilva confided 1te te embers of the Il"tin simposible. Hi-leiways was Christ ,urcs-ml. ug hr istr;laa hall. tamlly tisaiitis condition va. hope- 80 afraîd of the wter," said the, sheris hapthl. lcnCir t candms-r it t sn n~eeitIl- fs-treof c Hes leasiat-t sthbie lotisest ho "wby, be oven voul fltotîaî mb s-riel. Si. via an indeftIgabie des-I t0 recali ts-b '.%r. Schad vorSed mis-hi ilve for lit-e monthsbut said rowbat wîtb me. And b. w..s nobsp- vorker lu tise ParlitahsIlberIlite. rTe on te lowem floor of te building for h.ovs-s Ilhe to drop bal etaisny Pi Mouday mornlng. A hâtif boum ho. îovelinessof hem characier, the bar-- 20 years, bn tact, lia peut over halint me, fore ho loftth ie botei ho was In te lbo.irlre h etInese of lts ire n te bulà lt-çhle em- lopr tlise ls- two amontue, Mr. Fr11- parler bumming a aonî or twc as the hem spirit seena ta iteS utmontfittins- played ini the XVstroui liards-avre store, 'rich. slwysa- ieshy man, hogan ta girla played on bbe pis-no..- INe seomed tint this place of ailtbat la gonlds-nd as llIe vbii lie n0w becomes owaer Io". fiesh rapidît'-. due t tise insidlons very cboeillui and contonted wltb the true sitouil be t-s-ldatter hon namp. of. Ir Istîndertood ts-t te lasrd- nature of tite disoase s-nd tue tact that fs-ci that thea peclîlit bmd told hlm The clapel vl nit be entirely com- ivare store wii li ot he affectol ity the be vs-s able ta es-t but litie. Ai--whât 10 expect. In tact, ho seemed pletel before Septemier 1. becs-us t-tatase n os' ieriiiip. . thons-h he ld flnot 'nov lie esson reliovol et wbab the dactor icid hlm n ieln-tao0îenedlfrmS Tite consumais-lion -ofthle des-I 15lin- ha reallzed tit ho vss ins- and I just concluded that ho b.d bran- las the srt vîntiot ls-bare ta ho porant, sihowins- as lb do.. ts-t tianse streus-uh and weighit. ed up and hogan te preparo hîmaf, ltsced ln thte opeoins-s. Wheu coin- Isso youns- ii nlis-es-est confidetnce He fought lutes-s-m hlbisstrength. for the. oret. îlbd Itla iste hope of? bisu.couceu- lit Wnikes-sns future s-nd vere vill HIs ds-ly hope s-ss tatirle vssgain- "Thte cancer viicths-ad hotherel .1 its- ieBso f hc syS willins- vo iii'est s- bigs um in s- hui st- ing v els-t. uoneines lbe îeîuded blm so long ms-de it Imposible for hlm dtresat tBiscop oeCrhis-ca aine ness block. Thîir beluef lante ciby îîma, rteInto tialins- tiaet ths vas bo es-b anything asnd nstors-hi he vos- -_ tugs houls-dd confident-e t0 others thte case. Three ttr four lies s- veek. ried but neyer ln bis lite lddbeoshow ory thnt te vas les-I ere bie enterel vîto ms-y be considetins- investints. somettinies ofleuî-r, a. vIiataI the de- ny signaelis-t ite ould commit sul- ithe vater, for, biiere vss 11111 or no ANOTH-ER DEAL ANNOUNCED. pot scales aud veigited imauei. Every cide. vs-ber ln hiielongs viten lie vas careti Thatailngs ar i- îcklns- up lu Watt- ine h. returned to tise litel tue de- i s-ii believe hoe dd for s-aite morgue. kes-an la sitownfurtiter by tefs-ct Jettel look ln his lvi. seemed-tabeb1 "If lhe dld.visat bas- becomne of ils Robbry a Motiva? ts-t Walter Larsen oifte Ws-ukes-sn more s-cote. w Aatt-h and chain! 4Visere la lte rolIf percits-ce saime hobo.. viio in, Decomstins- CompaaY today annotinced Tiser. ver. lay vison tise dises-se Of bills? H. aivays t-srred fro $10 ibis-b trdrlcit cnrs-ed s- rolsand bsi thai t e isd Closel s- couradi of pur- seemel more lenient. ()n thea. oct-a- Io $100 lu bis pot-kets. Non. o? Irthlie valuaisie vatcit and Chisaa- t-hase frona Mms..John Pit et tie site sions ho vould qay that ise fehi munit . safound sand te vs-t-h sad Chile Ishiu moite ils wM a tise ls-e, îhey ho occuples on Nortit Genesee street.. botter and s-uessed ts-b s-tien ail he' s-eue. mls-bb bave ?eîboved bina and attackeei The. cosderationale $8.000. There In vas s-oins-toas-et vell. "Thelaev-t-hs-nd ct-nn er. ve! hlm. Hovever, tisat ibis could hSe s- fronts-se of 25 feel. 130 feet deept. MOndai noon he ste a more bes-rty vslus-hie.Thte chi-lavs prized hi sut-cessfully doue bn ds-îlis-it adIs t. Mr. Lasren, of course. vili Continue mss-i uhan vsi îs wont anIdeclarel tOim beîond expression. He refused funtiser uncert-bty te the situation. to occs-py te site. aftervard ts-b le felt muai botter. $500 for JItms-ny a bîme sad neyes- BIT. If h.ovs-s net abs-gel or moit- ît~- Otheras o ayt.reae o Sborily sfier on. o'clock ho an- vos-id psrt wîit it." bed sud tisen tisovu into the Mater, Ilereported htthr retonouncel utht e vas faIns-ta set -- d you Bsee bise vs-t-h s-ndchain visai's ecome of tise vatch and t-bs-n otiter res-Ibi des-bs in downubown prop- voigised and mis-ht laite a lttle valk is-lely?' vs-s as'eed. ,sand the ral ut money? Tisai l9aa erby onden vs- i ith s-il prove in- attenvard. This vas aimtia -ds-ly -Is-m sure 1 remember seeius- lb question vbicb tise police must, If portant lut t-sse tlîey are t-oas-omist- olcurenle go no on, thons-hi -sny - londay'mernins-," sa-d she. possible, soîve. Mmm. Plrlcbs-nd ho; ed. hIns- about IL Vh- about lie money? HOw relatives leclare there Atu't a chance H. nos-s- hawys s-turged tathe ic îuch'dbd h. have?" ln the vortl liai Frîdrîci sold tue boleist InIdeofa f es minutes. A has-îI He liaitst les-st $70 for me ms-de vatch anul chain becs-use h. bal ai- diETS $14,OO()VER- sour ps-ssed. A vague ftei poasesaed t-hans-e for lte hartonder sitortly Se- vays prIs-el lie antique aohirs-ily. blis vite, Site t-s-led Louis uti.' fore noon. H. hal sol hie other valoables as DICT AêAJNST TIIE clerk s- thbo tel sad a borsoi frienti "I missel hlm froi the. intel short- lie Ses-an 1a logebils mes-us, dispos- of er uabnd orover 44 yîet. Phe Iy aftes- io nIndI1sont ivo or titrees- c f valuable diamouls, s-nd otite ELE TRJR ILR AD dae net putiter fearà lutaward: ot Uafter limfltiakbins els-s-Iw:Iked Jewelry, but lie always allie neyer _________ ber isusiand liedl noetus-e. 0 es-itategel back s-Ione. I aisose ndl ie tldhad ne estn ta eoire t ICnshWis., April 5.-MIni~e Mm..Huth sous-ht r10 deisaltaeiter, etots-Iloe orhm'0i-r0iitsinItlfroirt Extra, 7 ears oid, vho via moecently tears, pintus- out titi perliapa Mr. iitdvie 0ih ii1wie e ens hr ht onee h- sas-led da-mages of $14.000 traitisoe Trircis idsa topîtel sotie 'place onwiaere Me feltise mis-ht hasve gone ta tey mis-ht bruns-. Chics-so andi Milwauke eectric Rail- the vai. lHe too lied a fomebisu of see s- frienai. W. had barely rebus-ued "%Ir. Fridrici vas at on, ilme a t'emy Mai compani for Injuries receivel evii and ho stantd oui ta maire a btornie vien ve board tint hie body ves-lthY ms-n. ovsitis veri bis- sa- visen liemris-ht foot vas cot off. viii ses-ris. He InqulredlIn Ms-ny places itad beeti pulel fram lie vs-ber. Oh, loons lu Cicagso. lHe vas reputeî ta set the s-vs- I f tise Supromne court Sut tio one seemed to ivsteenOt any It's tue horrible. 1 t-sut undersîs-ul he worth up ta $300,000 at one ina. dos not reverse the. finlinge. In tise trace oftIhe mIsabns ms-n. He îîî flot il but I s-m sure te dil not commit but mieleat iiractic-l]y s-l of Il ln ad-ICe Circuit court hem. on 9ittrlayluIs-e Book thse pelice tut-suse ho didnt suicide.", iuvesments. Belden refused 1a srani tise cotisas-yI lii ta do tis- excepi s« a lent re 4uaI. if rrgument. Hecommit utaa-os-n rcs- e gais nel. H. vssC a iew triai or 10etie, tIhe amatIatt sor t. o1 A An.oIf rirgu D ment oi. Head ca e d heaue].n xe wsCo ofsdmag-es. The court held tis, ver- Sbortîy before five-tirty o hIcçle t-ile, how do. It isappen liai his 66I meas-ma 0 April let, harbos- heen- vit as not excessive, Hehell u- dcd evisit thetlais-k. Ha nquirel lbody came ta tite surface go qttickîy? bornin (Serinsny. H. cet-saO1 Amen- tiser ihat Ih voul Se ImpoasIhie ta as ho vont miens- Sut neon. hal seen 1That's- àquestion wvici many are? cs- vien 14 y.ara olti, H. lsTies a esihnate tise ntIry ail sasferins- cf Mn. llmrcis e paso. At*tise lake akins-. Isus-bler blais i reimarris-se. Mmm. tise cisil lu money, i found thse lîshîhous, Sasper andt a Thisivos-Id point toas- possiblie the- ' Ochostilger, of Chicago. ake charge of the. service and b.ota-é ented. -Mr. Orvîs persons-lly had prepos-wl rvlev of hi. mother's 111e, a per. ton of vich appetredlin thse Datly lu Monday. Mr. Beaublen real ibi hrougs vits effect andhla aaoud he sons-s viicliMis a rluadsms-. Theme ver. no prayers, tire wtt axptemporaneous statemeni tram, r. Bes-ublen and tise service passai ,a vits uotling ont of tise erdlh me, Dmark t as beins- difféent ba à rdlnamy funemal service TiserWv«r ko prayers said a tise bi4y vas 1e. î red into thi. grave. Just boy il isapPena tisait m ai. e omey ln charge of a fumait!wvs-a 'Il- lered as fitins- ad atiafaoefy à* minister la flot kisvuniesait Mtýà lue to tise tact tisat Mra. Osais, wviOy beautiful old lady, balongal to s-o, hreusb ln articular. FOR 13 Vacuum Cleaner Witii , D»Ilo lAt- tâohmenta $80.25 It's a light weight cloa- " uer on eaîy rnnning wheels, provided with 'a double exhaust that Incemaies Ils< out not only dirt, but wvill pick up larger nia.. terlaL. Attachments for using the machine to dean' dra- pertes. urniture, walls, 2, etc., Included ini the spec- lai equipmnt. Ofs NORTHE RIIU?ÇM F. BMIRSTQW narbIe and ranit Monuments bmretoey WofaiEvery Description srre*poudonce 5oIlcitd 11 Gne..S It aft»