CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 16 Apr 1915, p. 1

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LAKE (JOUNTY INEPNDENT WAUKEGAN WEKLYSUN VOL. XXII. NO. :~o. TWELVE PAGES LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COIJNTY, ILL., FRIIDAY, APRIL 16, 191-5. ONE TO EIGHT $1 50 PER YEAR IN ADVÂNCIh FIRST NOVE FOR TAXPAYERS RE=i SULTS IN VICTORY Circuit iudge Edwards Grants Writ on Request of Editor of < The Sun Acting for People ofi Waukegan Township-Atty. Welch Makes Stalus of1 Bondsmen One of Features, of the Bill. Atty. James G. Welch, retained bM tihe Woukegmn DaiIy Siun tu riPresent Il in te* action In behaif of the isxpay- crs af Waukegan ta prevent Town Collecior CsytOn Autit ram iaking the $M0 IllegaIIy voted te hlm by thse town meting recently, appeared be- fore >udge Claire C. Edwrds laie Friday and presentmd thse roquest foÇ th biél fromt Injunction which pre- vents hlm tram getting tise money. Jutige Edwards ieard thse attorney'* siatements o facta and thereupon or- dered Circuit Cisrk Brockway ta ie- sue a temparary Injunction, directeti agaînt Supervisor Canrad who, as custotian of thse funds through beinq superivaor, prohably woiild have lied Io puy thse $5W ta tise colectar in cam- pilsece with tise sense af tise meeting. Thse writ restraîns Mr. Conrad from paylnq tise money ta Mr. Rut until as least tise arguments are completed for tne permanent injunctian, argu- tmenia on whicl wi lic heard an Bat- ur-day. April l7th. Iv.a us. of tic wid, lunterest r'rpal- -I .1 thîe stand lai.-. by the Stin ihis imprtant matter whîc is l e ts- a pn.e-dcut for future lu town cal- 1.cor matters in Lake county, a surn- însr, of the Injonction bill as tire- seuti-ti la the court liy NIr. Wlch, le bcrcwith gtven: Atier ctlng the facts pertaîning tu flic motion eitich towu meeting matie by Davidi T. Webib that S600 ex'pense h.- allowcd Cllector Ritt. the bill goeg s bcad aud enuiferates mt wbat under thc law. MIAY BE DONE ai s toun meeting. Ainong the thtage cîteti that the meeting CAN do dae nai appeer eny- ting vhlichstates Uic meeting hae any ight le appropriai. auy money la a tawn ofilcer for affic.e epense or anythlng cime. Th'e bill cites that Uic iawn meet ing accordlngly exceedeti Its lagal rigltansd tiatthUictavu collectai le entîtledt t but $1.500 a year and that the action of the town meeting hy passlng said motion wan a «'di- eT attempt on the pari ai tic elect- ors present ta do lndirectl1y viai would lie ilegal il donc dinectîs'. -That ht la feared Supervisor Con- rad,.ase custodian af the funds, wliî directe psymeuit o! mouey for crtain iawnehip expenses, wiU issue au or- dcc for $500 ta M. Rutt ln accordauce witt sald motion or may pay samteIn ctrrency. "That It le feered if salirnoney ia tsld ta Ruti lie vili iben appropriai. sarse to lie awn use sud lu the event ai Ils immedilate decese or insolv- ency, or bth, hie boudemen would then lie hable ta psy eaid $500 ln sut- sequent proceedînge. 'It is further fearedt hat la onder 4 j recover said maucy tram RuttifI thé, sanie vere paiti It voulti le necea- aary ta sue lil in t circuit or county court and then if lic vere unablta b pay h vold be necessary ta niax. lite bondernen defentiaut ta the saute action; anti that it le fered salti pay- nient o! Conradt t Ruit vili furtheç result lunsainutiiclty o suite. Accondiugly Uic requesi la made that the court louuce an InJunctian rn streiutag Supervisor Const trot paylng ta Mr. Rut saiti $500 sud sun. mon saiti Mr. Conradt t appear bafore sald court Apil 17U." One ai tlie mnt essenual fet. turcs of the InJunction action ls the stress wlilch Atty. Welch lays on the fact that the boudemnuo! Cllectoi Ruit fully as mucli as lic are jte: etet Inlutic illegal action tsken by thie tova board anti that lu due tiunt tliey mîght lie tic anas ta suffer rather than M. Rut. vIa. It le con acded, nilght move ta a distant stalE sud then lu ater years sanie prose cutar miglit stant an action ta recovi said "office exPeuse" coverlng fout yeare wicî voulti thus total $2000. Bontismen thercione are as keenl' interestet Inluthe present statueaif e ferle as M. Rut humsecîf: tnacfecIl le possible ticy are more interesteÉ than li. Lawrence Terhune Arrested at ST Station by a Detective From Racine, Wis. L.awrence Terîtune. wbo sas plue.c cd oit probiation ta Detective (Charles Ysuuy, of Racine and wilo robhed liat officers home two months ago, bais beenl locateti ai the Great Lakes Naval Training station at North Clii-, Deie cago, and will h. taken ta Racine for! Cou trial. Detective Ysliny was lnformed yestertlay that the Yaung man coulti lie found ai thse station andi made a trip tbere durlng the atteritoon, He CON'i faunti Terhune had bean eurolled as a naval stadent for a monii. fHe was placedtu la a locup anti le naw being jA lielti for the offleers. Certain forme bie have ta lie compled with befope the prisoner cas be turneti aver ta the Po- lice sud ihese are being flled and wli b. forwarded ta Washingtoni. R Terbune was arresteti for burgtary thr several yeara ago anti serveit a terni ent lu Green Bay reformatory. Ater C. hie relcase fron that institution lie C a returned ta Racine and agaîn gatin m cou trouble. Offilcer Yanuy asicti that lie neb be pie o n probaUton and took ani charge of hlm. %or several month e let ý he offcer gave hlm s home in bis in wn home andi trealed hlm klndly. thi Terhe repsiti Mr. Ysnny for liiivain kînduesgasnd Interest in hlm by ger t'reaklng open a truuk. steallng $25 wo and several amaîl articles. It was a learueti yesterday that lie lid rosm- con cd around the country for six weeks far before enllsting lIlie navy Re] pretis WÂUCONDA VOTES 111e TOIHAVE ÀNEW el (UU speet TIWP. 1114111SUIUUL of h Proposition Carried by a Four - to One Vote --- New Sohool to Have 4-Year Course. tANTIOCH CONSIDERS PLAN. tr At the Present Time There are sc'a Only Three Sools With 4- Tè Year Course in Co ae a uni l'a.e couaty le la have another Ju township higli ochooln. This was de-'boiti clded upos lai Saturday when the fles delel votera lu townsllitp 44-9. whlch en- stow t liaces the town of Waucanda and -ju twelve sections lu McHenry counif.: bile by a voie of-over four ta anc. decided did t eon the proposition- Over two hundreti ni Iplieb *voies were cant. The electian foi-j tha lowed a spirtteti csxpatgu. The town- wltt ship hîgis achool proposittion was a cellei s peclal feature ai the regular lcc- ItI dtou for school truatees. It was beld noual *l UI h village af Wancanda. Ju 1 The work ai securtng s site, sie- ai tt ,curng plans, awardlng the contract gati dadgetttng thc building way, Him 9wlill le starttidwtli the lest possible ou l' dlay. Waucauda ai the preslent tinc beau b las s high echool but lit affers merely Pur a two-year course. Residents o! the trau agsi village have demsnded s faur-year ford course. was 0 While It la nt known for a certain- tire- n ty, Is lé;belleved iliat the uew adhool w' - Ilhave a special course lu agri- o culture. inasmucli as It lles lu a iarm- tuo u g commuulty. Au effort wltllie but made to have thie echool accredîted nocon [a that e dîplorna wll lie sufficieut ta se- tI cure au entrance ta !fie lest colleges luidg lu I the country. AI v- At the present tume there are only on ýtlree higli echools lu Lake county net whicli offer a faur-year course ta stu- tee' dents. Tbey are located at Wauke- for gau, Highland Park and ZMon CtY. that ifThe election o! hast Saturday means cori 'n Uic establishiment ai a gond higli coui Y school at Waucdnda. Dr. e It l sait! that tlie people of Antiocli %a] 'a intend ta vote upon the proposition~ te ai having a township hîgli chool ilu Bi Uicth near future anti h le thouglit the cral SIzaue wil l e carricti. This would a make five first clanse high chools lu de'i aa s- n re a- e er 'n. te le- mn ly f. id [TING JUD41ES Detroit Man Who Gave Himnself DADY TURNS OVER Fire Apparatus Skids Into Pole Up in That City Served as We undt vi OMIATDEY AVouneerFiem n D, $7970ô.45 IN FINES HittingAuto. U N I O S V T t i ol l .,w iu l -rýj wii fr ni t )e Joh in T es ow . driver or thi. ehcrn NANIM US VO esIlt~ ll. il, .a il ne FOR SEVEN MONTUS Ical wagon of the Exaustonitro de- De t r o t h , A r lAa r t m e u t . w e s il u e r e d s e e r e v S u n ' Dgto s F o t e F u u e i, Mir d , f 169 usia l An-day when e tured bis horss sar- B 'gaton Frm te Furavteue,7 ars dod th i9 b ar ladState's Attorney Today Turned îy ta one side ta avert a collision wlth unties Were a Unit for the ngticwotle h ck eto'talgsvr"388.5 oh an eleclric coupe drîven hy Suffragan Present iudges. $78, two monthe ega. gave buiseli up Cut raue. Blshop William E. Toîl af the Episce- ta th, authoritilea0É ziot City, Ili., i, nyTraue. Pal diocese ai Chicago, formcriy rec- lest week andi watt brought hack bere ' CAGO HWN.tra hitcuci akgn YVENTION HARÎIONIOUS. r». uctective John Smth. HIS IS ODSOWN o fChitcu>h akgn Lutes deciares tiat lic wss forceti. Dr. Toîl, ercompanieti by Edwerd ge Edwards Had Auto Trou- tO aBBe the check.s to raise ney ils the Largest Amnounit Turned H. Buehler af 1003 Hilumen avenue. witb whlcb tD meet hie wi'e's y anti Richard C. Hall «ff 1138 Judson ýes and Arrived Ater He wleek elimony graatcd when se ws éver in Long Te-Many avenue, was returning tramt services Had Been Nominated. divorceti tram hlm bY Judge odd. Fines Collected. at St. ark's Effisfepal church tnal ROCKFORD, Il. Aprîl S.Th week and took ta drink wheu cann-i 'Staees AttarucY Raipl J. Dady to- Dln r.Tl a drivlng norilie ree aitting jutiges aithse Ses Innd was matie upon lifin ta psy back lu'v a n vne teentis Judicial ditrict, Judges aîoy day turneti over $,887.50 ta, Cauuty I . C. dware ofLakeLutes was madie ai) bonor prisoner Teasurer bee c Donougli. This Thc chemical wagon wae epaedilnga C.hart sa Lk county. îy the Zioitas aud serveti as a vol- amaOnt comprises the moucy frotn etl aI iei uase ana ailes DolaidArhu McHsofWn.y unteer tireman at a blaze Thursday ,fees sud fines collected byUic statels alarm sent iu fram the restdence af i b&OuntYdAiu Fer saet a! Wu,- nîgbî bioaso can d eeidtedfor re Lutes diti nat teli tie Zion author- attorney betwsen December 7 sud H. M. Hînkeubloomer. et 722 Clark ddte fr e s o thapndthat lie dopdiApil 7.It le thelargesi arn uni !street. Thc coupe shot semase lu fronte acimounlyas heelcin thesbo îîbapeed dro t7 eof aithe horses,anieso wrc icio a tsesictontabeh lo to theirinidat. He simPly appeared moe unt vnta hssuce fume. 1.satinws ae t the police st&tIon sud stateti that ai ane lime for a long whill. The theit n ie i ao a s e-nt oone h uîca l le was wanted by the Detroit police. irsta h tae to-lurled againet s trolley Pale anti Tes- Ion ied in;I. hwas He saiti be lbai leen traveling about law reonrsta hesaesato-Dwwst eneraily conceded that there t rom time ta lime sud wae tlrcd o!ri ey shlsl tom aOver aiter ecd termua ws thrown ta Uic pavement. ould b. no apposition to tisir trylng ta datige the Police. lie sait af court the montes callecicd tram Uic Thc barses rau a quarter of a blockt kndidacy and thse action of the lie wanted in bave the matter set. esat le uin i pcictrifunilier before tlicy were stappeti.. Dr.D )ventian ihi asternoan tiscre- îîed. Thc Detroit poli, c were notifeles ndfne courth peifctemToit sud hîs friends cared for Tesnowt re wili evake fln urprise. and sent s detectîve for the Prisoner, fI ouo.util lie was taken bome. presentatlve Edward D. Shurt ief! ___________ iDnring tic' perioti o! but litle aven ___________ ided over (lie -conv.entio .air 11Fratnk (ovey acted a 4svnmnh r ayhstre ween5f)and60 popl 1 PERA OR f Àover ucarly $8.000., the exact arnonut -cegtc ,are ..esnt' 1 -__e___ heiue $7,706.45. S E E O SO 'le eiairmait calîcti upon RK. Ich of l-ockford. leader oi the Win- ago routs tielegatioti. for a ci Mr.Welcli ai the conclusion is talk imovt-d lIaitIthetret- vt- ;judges le uotniniated. ,ugrcsstnan Chiarles Fuller, led oft tht- Itouutît-ouiy delegation. callcd ul>on anrd made a imilar ion States, Attorney loslyn afi lnr> onts anti R. W.Churchill 'aie couîrtv werc called tupon la nand Pchc madiea a sîmiler motion. r, Churchiîll tIen moed t hat tlîe e sittig Judges lie uominiated byF ametion. The citairman inquireti urp e wru any more nominations 're being noue a rising vote eu and the- thrce juttgeLs recciveti nuirnsous vote. ýuges Frost and Donnelîs acre Il clled upan for spiechles. ln a clasen words tiey thankedth ie gstes for the lianor thcy hati le-1 wed upon theni.1 atige Edwardg. because ai autorno- P rouble encunutereti ou the way not arrive unUItheUi principal work1 the convention hati been acconi-1 sed. When lie Ii arrive lie found 4 t lie heti been norinateti, tagether1 i the allier slttlng jutiges. He wes e tlk in whtch lie thanked the igates and regretted that he could thave arrived soaner. ludge Edwards made the firet iap lie journey wthaut mishap but be- Sta experience tire trouble at Me- ury. This delayed hlm consider- [y but lie flnally got tarted andi uld have arived an time had it not n that lie hati trouble wth i$ np near Waodstack. Ater tht. ýbIe was remedied lie started oui !n but seven miles outaide af Rock- -d is auto blesw two tires. Word .telephoaed ta Rockford and iliese s. together witli two inner tubes re sent ta 1dmt posthaste. By the te bis machine was plaeed back Ili mmisiion it was Late andi le liurrted Rockford wth ail possible haste ttoo late to take mucli part in the veut ion. tudli euthuslasm was expressed la Sconvention and the selection of Iges met with the epproval o ai al. t the Rockford judiclal convention Thursday, tbis commttee was ned to act as «"the Jtclial commit- V for tDe net %lx years, ta arrange -the convention,. cC., If the law et 3t timeprovides for holding sucli s venlion: Paul MacCGuffin, Lake nty; F. D. Shurtleif, McHenry; 1.P P.F'Wbitman, Bonne, and Mr. ny. Wiunebago. Bright and carly Aprîl 8tli, ev- a1 auto laads ai men set out fromn ukegan ta attend the Judiclt con- ntion etRcfn.h vsa ds y for tic trip anti althougli tIce 4ic count>'. wetier vas soreviet crisp i: prom- Mm. Mary Bradford, superinteuti- isedt t roderate nincli vhcuthe sun eut of lie Kenasha tchoils, epoke li came out, lu thc pan>' vene attor- neya, business anti profeslonel mca a Pubitecmeeting ta Wlntlirap Han- anti isymen. Man>'oai hem vwere del- lion tant Setuntia> nigit. Sic gave egates. man>' vaîmable suggestions iii ne- Tiose veu madetiehe trip vere: gandto tatcreaseti public schcol taci- Ticotiane Farli>, Jasper DcPev, James lMes viich arcsDoan ta bc pot Into Wootin, W. J. fmIntti L. 0. Broci-. va>', W. F. Weiss, D. A. Huttan. B. effecita thet village. J. Oiffit, F. N. Blakeslee,W.A.-Dene, Elam tL. Clanke, M. C. Dcckcn, W. J. Olîee., Sam Hutchineon. James G. SUMMER UNIFORMS FOR Welcit, Paul MacGuffin, W. A. Taylor, WVilliam H. Fabrny, Charles H. King, THE MAILCARRIERS. 1, P Hanua. Clarence W. DIvenA ________J. Wash, A. SMit.W .Sit Washington, April 9.-Postniaeier The- party sterted carl>' inonder tiai General Burîson lias lsumet an ontier it migit nat lie laie lu arrlving sa pernittitus cty ltter carriers ta veenr there weu, tIc eleent af delay ta lbe coolenommer unatonms vhicî tîcy cisteei cau Procure at lent rositiehn tiey cnIee have heretoinne paît, NMiss Amenda B3alle>', 25 years nid,' The order providas tiet tic oui- anti promineut as a musIcIen iu Ken(o - fanm const ai oftghivclgbt bluiet,- sîs. tile t e ler home Tuetia>'. Mtlss gray, vonsteti on serge, compoacti Balee as au active menibur of lie vholly an la part o! vool or ctton.' Zian Ciity cionci anti sic delinedt t It makes possible Uic use ai ail cat- have a phystlts. Coroner Millagan, tan gotis. No change 11s mateinlutic, ' ser an exemntilon, sîgneti a. death cet anti design o! the uniforme. 1certificats. SAFEZBLOIWERS LOOT LAKE ZURfcI OFFICE FR1. NIiIIT 3lanke Bros. Elevator Offie Safe Blown to Pieces and $200 Is the Loot Taken- Horse and Rig Stolen From Albert Hoeft to Aid Robbers' Escape. Lake Zurich, April iO-ae-blowrrn blew the saf e ln the Banke Bru&'~ elevator near the 'i depot. about ml- niglit last nlght. stole $200 and chec*a and then stale a horse and bugg fréon Albert Hoeft, who lîves tbro. bloc»a f rom the elevatar. They are beltevoi to have useti the rlg ta malte thib escape ln. The Bafe-blowlug was a moet ooM plete one. The charge was no stou8 that It sent a portion of the maft through the wall of the oMce and tt was foufld about fffty teet distant thls morntng. The desk which stoci uet to the saf e was blown ta spilâter. The safe shows Indications that two charges were used, onc Inside fc they had blown off the door. This le the second trne the mateJi the l3lanke Bros. place han bern IIYDROPL NE lIAS On' Augitet 70, 1414. lic turued over bl~d, T~F U O iownu Two yeans aga robbers Mot i $1 411 UI IX 1ANTS IJ D $300. Tic fin punchae atia"buràft ý 'O Octber M4, ie trneMovNrproofsf e thon anti believed t io CL OS E ESCAPE 1$1 butorgl 1914plicftruTd ven BYFOXtLeEprorvpr». Ianf80.teDYeFOtaLproveMAN On Decctiihcr 1914,l lie turneti over _____ But, they carnlet burglie l~srn J 1,127.95. Walter Blanke lves a hall bloe* M¶an Named Hasser of Rock- OnArl9 95 i undoe J. A. Morrison, Hotet Keeper, W.H evrhad ford Goes to Buy Hydroplane $.8 50. Finds Remains of Indians snound.thOtto fFrnk, who lives oves'ie and Tries It Out. Uuder the law M1r.t)ady rt-celtes' Who Were 7 Feet Tail. block ave>', heard e noise et 1:30& Bq ils elary f rom tic flues snd ies - got up, loaketi out o! the windov a4" ACCIDENT AT LAKE FOREST. ai il office.fHe turne aven te the REISBREwIHTE ent back -te lied. Hfe believeti le c Ouiity treasOrer al ai tic mOue> cal- liedt beon mistakea but nov ltis le Reports Were That Machinei lectet Inl. this nanuer sud thon oui Rrchaeologists are Much Inter- beard the explosion. Burned But This Proved Un- of tic entire arnount collecîs ils sal-, terested-Scientists are to This marnlug vien Hoaft vcnt t6 true-Hasser Is Saved. ary. $5.000 per year. Tt viiilieh seen Make investigation bis barn lie fount his bhaneseuantil that durlug tic penledofiaivso-n____ gy gong. Thc natural ooucluicsWl Saturdev moruîng IL, M. Heescl o! menths tichee anti fines are mare! Arclîscologittes are decply Interest- that the bunglars bl stolon tbe M&I Rockforti vent ta Lake Foresitiehn enaugi t apy tlits salary fer cd ln Indien bancs anti relie recort- lit. HefieIles an tise Suai tuil là wlienc hie as a prospective tle -ar. ly uartheti ucar Fox Lake liy J. A. 'aucontia, seel bhockusb" t"s purchaser ai one ai tic hydraplailes It hae beau e long tume sînre île Morrîsan, via le prapricior nif t levatar. Tha mare voitis, about le betug linusectit tie Haroldi F. Mc- arnunt aifrnoney collecteti turing anc botel ut tic resori. Mn. Morrison was IN0 pounts snt le a fiat brovu. Cormick place. Aften dnopplug tata terni ai court bas been as large al, Ilcuttlng tirougi a maunti. building a Chicago police vers nati fite I the laie anti beîng savltijust lunUice libis lime. Tic larenecsOf tic roaetwsy front Uic main thorouglitone roliiery an a ft wu VA" ae atck ai lime, lic becanie a dusheant-amount thîs time le due ta thc "" te hie hasteir>'. wia lisee elonslcate Uicesalbl a "me oaui ta eneti aviator andtihti chances are boon prosecution Instiuteti by lie af six Indiana, visa, he jutiges. muet halPas tlIaiI migisi ladta tise bel heIl net close e deal for lie purchase sttls attorney. KIlp Ofs ai uithave stoad ti a ineveu feet lunlare. ai Uic flying machine, pige and those wlia kept thetr solua igît.- dislues had ver tic tv nia- open on Suntie>, net ta mention tba5e Neer tic sicletone are numerausSE N ND T chins wich avebeen et tic Me- via sold ln anti-salon tcrrltary, belp- errovbede some tomahawks ant Int- E AN ND O Carmick place for some tume anti cd ta maie up Uic large total ai fines tilan bondis lu greet qoantittes. Tiere CO I C OR ? Onally decid tiet take a ride sud mca collectei. Narth Chicago anti Fo'x vas grea exciiemenita ln ox Lais C L EC O If he coolti hendie It. lHe veut atong Laecmen paidtheli major portion o! wlicn Mn. Morrisan annmeti hie dia- nlcely andt ten tariedtiet "soar like tic fines. caver>'. Visitors came irom mile* e bird" above tic veter, lHe gai up erount teamse anti offer conecture as J B I M fil elanti then eornething gvl OD A fl Ita thc tribailienity o!tise natives. vay. [tic au inureti bird, Uic ma- MOD LS U IIII;d Tic>' placati mach signiflosace ta tise Proposed Law in Illinois Houm chine anti operator fellittaUith aie. fact thet thc skeletons vere Iying Nw Poie o Friende on shane put out lu a csan SCDEOOLS GOULU BE f oll anti thc man wes rescuet f nom the vCO L C U D I iti heatis taed tise easi anti sida Away With Offile. wreckage jast as ho weeshout rcady Mr. RVÇ IIII Ç M Hrrison plans te aitska num- Thc controversy vhlch hbm ariss ta loec conerlousues. MADE b£5 J'J,4ÂK~'ler ut Chicago scientists ta examine aven lise town eollectormhtp aà Send for Tug. tcbusat eic.h apoa l vwo! Uic tavn meeting e the boues andwordlvas.sentla prtbable ein an effort vas maie to sain. Immdiaelywor wa set t lir-Co. Supt. of Schools Simpson tliat Uic bancs yl ba vireti no that lie Waukegau collatore, ay $MS. luannaster Ni Larsen ai Waukcgan1 Is Anxious to Have Model j a botter simd>'o! theni enulie matie. bringe forth Uic expression trmm soff ion belplironi a tug lu seviug teSchool Exhibit. Tlo n icfe reliiad-p n onliticueteawnollec twil deniageti livdroplanc. Jolinny Gameeli jtons sud relie ai Indiana have be a nganel b noee~ stnttienu a ae s psibe a A few deys ago T. Arthun Simpson, founti ln lake couuiy, but go fan as Thewfs a th.illinolls. bo get tic machine anti pull It esiore. county superînteatieni ai echools, re- known il le lic finsi urne thai su la- fore tic legisîsture a law vih lc e. lie vas able la get iliere lu urne ta ceiveti a leiten rani mtic heati a! the dicatioti lias beau ond tiat a race vides for the abolition o! the tOUS.. gral ht st le stantedtet sink andi Bureau ai Education et Washington concernuîg arqetlehdmatie' or trlbc of gients once Inhabliedth le slip collectonsa office anti pravllm flic bytlmplane le nov îyîug upenti cenequetliilid tlai taxes ebal be paît ttrecly Il tîsith govertimeut lban hlm sevenal cauniy. the couniy treesuner. beach lu f ront O! lIc McCorml&r rmodelsa!fdiffement kintis ai echool Thene are many Indien mouints on Theis a sclieme wbich liaplU place. hauses la lie cxliited et tic county tic shores ai Grass laie la lhie coun- lias long etivocatati.lise coun t fi>v Mr. anti Irs. McCanmlck are nov la fair lu tie isîl. urer always collectes met about ll Euop.The goverumeni lise a numben aif >' anti boatreds o! peopîle nisie Iti atic taxes alny veevn viti Uicemel Europe . Ilese model eclianl bouses snd ticy poifi ta vtstt ticre aven>' seul nta lectare ta existence, for many poe.s Hassel] t-, am amateur aviaton nt have beeti exhibieti et various places sec tice keictous anti relie liat hava alvaye male h a rula not te uam *0 ils trip ta Lake Forest vas te a e inlutic country. Tic>' anc mate ansoben ucartie. ti. i s, a custom collecter, retatnlng thain tex Umal machine lu which hie coulti give cx- socureate ai Itleopassible for sucé imat as long as tlicy eu antid Bt« hîhtton Iiglts durtng lic sommer. eniell modelate taobmatie anti look for li ti lthendinamal 'years ega tufrtthUictreesurers office as lale sIl al the vorld flic sachooi hanses lutt- liuny tudr deset lu lange niatnde. possible. The tva machines are sidtelahlicd froni soinis Ullîputten comniunltY. Thein ver Implementa sud othen lie- Thlun, if pensons via are among t»c, ovueti by N. McCarmick anti bave Tic Tam Tlumb of starS' book ifume louinge ere burieti viii themi.lirait ta psy ibeir taxes cau pay 10 *0 been lu cierge a! hie mechinises mgit have etteatieti uci a echool. fths ae eo nerhdcollectai andthUicderelici onesVU ila Navy l oys a^Id. 1Tliey anc iuterestlng ase anexh 'Il ay ites aebenucaleithe treesurer, vhats the vus etfbur-' Befre icWamcsa tg nacitlas tic>' show tic differcut vays of andti tene anc men>' mouuds which tus tva places ta psy the tael Befreth Wukgantu racedbuilding sciaI hbouses. Mn, Simipson arc liauglit ta contain boues anti Tier azas soeau onTtIt np thc wecied iydroplaue, tva motar eeked that-ýsome o! these buildinags hoe reica îlc eacer lave been openeti. ega vlan methotis o! travel anti U boas fronitich naval training station loancti ton an exhibit et the tain, but a!o Grass laie sîwaye liu service vas suri that It vas l hati icen sent ami citer a plane mes- tic gavernment Officiais assertedti lai ,people ta set te1heole u t>' eilm ville tlie government liassamoueo! talion a great tutenesi lu these relics psy tîcîr taxes; onrvla 1âal sage neacli thetI station esking for these mnodeleaUic>' bave meau exhili-sud lias a lange collection. service vas nat Saoliantiyas . help. The nevy boys neacithetc na- cd go mci tîsi Uiey are pacticalIt hi la a kuovu faci liai Indians once Haveven, that aId plan dul » chine vîc ic' the ounti stuck l ic evara out anti voulti uni meke a ulce- r a l aven Lake cotîy, huntlng,, va il novwltthUicativaneet senti a quarter O! a mile fronith,, apltcaring exhîbîl. Tic suggestion telasmefi ai g business andtihis matie tiat ta case Mn. Stipson de- llshilg anti hattllng annong trioleni- ha&les ealîy becoine an b@Wý eshone anti hast nath af Fort Sier- sires Wa py $20 esdli for tiern ihat selves. Thislean hietorical isci. but titg la taynsbip affaire, uaos itien, viereuluon ihe naval boys drna.g-tic manuel tralalag vorkcns at Wash- n histories ever have coutaincti an anti mercI>' a soit snaP ftrnsomoe e geti It taebore anti iseteneti il ta tic ington viii duplicaee tccopies, or acuto aeaigathdes t e goatisaler>'. Fort Sheridan dock, If M. Sîipson prefens ta have them acuto aeo l nin laThunsIl la telle hat itise P91 dupliceteti bere the oId niodels vfIii tus viciait>'. Fan that neasan tic dis- eut legisîstune wyUl do say wt-b V lic sent icre ion a urne. caveny oi Mn. Harrison croates nioci office anti thal, liecinaiag vUs Il Cel af Anient Mexico. Mn. Simipson has given tic matter, luteneet. year passlhly. or lise fohloug inS Ug Tic MerIran humaci! firmi>' belicyesesainie tiuglil anti tacsnt 'nOva ________ everyboty i> iiipsy thair laxes te t-b, in the nine stages ai heaven anti bell, yet huai vliat ho vilI do.i le.Wo nt treasurens o! Illinois comuntes dhUt' andte ie onuasct ai tle Astece lie- ai îhe question ta tlnk ai paying $20 Joe Meycesvas mmmcrd et Rendeont Then GBilla11. Iln existence vili its fulquota ai cari for tic motels lui le is possible Fnridatiaeenoon vîcu ha vas squccc- Wbcn ihet plan becomes opMrtIYS nîne lives Thie flos oi ancient that sanie arrangement might lie et licîveen tva frelght cane, Hie sus- anti vien île caunty treasurers 0*t; Mexcotoayaliaatexint.wa amadetietahave lhe modecla duplicetedtine r olerbn adwsall e tex boil et once, tii. O Mexcotoas lmsiexinr. 55~here et emal rosi. Il le posble thatii isbae alrbu nivsoui>' then, wiîî it ha possible è l pecullar, even repuisive creatorelb- au arrangernent miglit le matie' atteutictib>' Dr. J. L. Taylor o! [.1- count>' ta mailtel every t=5O~ lus abeoiutcly naketi. save for thc ev al wercli>'tic uitile bouses coulti lie' betyvîlle. Meyer thaugit tiene umis avuer su tcmntscti tatiseU se 1w gpansliairs vilci appeaneti elotîg tienmade b>' manuel training studeute. f s ufficlent clearance btveu the tva what lUs taxes are viliaut biis V.s ritise oai ls taland back et the liu- titis vere taelie donc the exhitt vould car. I ghnlng on i wîuc. provoe coi thc mont intceetlng e ars, fe le not relati ta the Me>'ens ng ta nun thc isi ut torgtilig special esseesment vieioli vi tle firi. iamiy lu Waukegaa, hais pnopenty laelie soit ior taxee. 41lai a b n

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