CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 16 Apr 1915, p. 11

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- ~ - .iJi~-piE~ B-",ii915.- Mbost Part1, tie #I Pite drininugof làit eitlvb ecanse6Of thie tAite ýor Ite 10 Ij o rottggbie et tiqes. Thare i& atm eter mtro.g >a. C ~ ~ tua,. It la clalîmeil that the operation L of the plant wili bot exceed a tbird :or F C LE hit what It donsaDow and It la Ihe i': cotention of! Mr. Orls that tM. sýv- W Psosen In ig wiil a80 pay lor the Inistallation iwmu i fthe uyituîn whlch wili conltinUe to r 8tuhi ~ldriflOVUOb- nve money and render botter servitre jioton t I~uinii1. He sey& the system la buit go Bib -~~ attiallY that I wili lait practicaliy Thoi ebiorine in InJected Into the wîteor ln the torm of gag which la ~OWW* Mf o f 0f' Orvetored l n steel tanks. dtin la id ta ýe DO,$érOIh(~fNe ftc- much emaer Io regulate theamn - ~ or~ l~d1'i~gtte1.. Ithii way thaît under the preaent sys- -Jtom. th. comPlOint Of, thîa4 Who oboct Mr. Omis. dues bot know JuiL how tlisl>p @a*s tithe City, votnrîer ns Il wIlî lse ttetiqai the nuis WIIJ »ÇqIl. bc, & .10l'ti! ollnqy fbr systent but Intends to loge no tinte. týîrpn.a q. sw.ter wWhb at E *sis~~ta, mt whist I>4 t: 4ypohioied, chiof açiolwhie TThE 5820 1-lt la uid te las talitel.aa. 2-lt la much mors Ssoimcal. TRANSFERS 102 3-4t worka moe. ucsaIfully. Commlaioner E. V. Orvis repoztert te the clty counci on Xonday nlght Fairly BrMs Business During IL ireb ad City EEngins., Douthirlt the Past Week ...Griffith bave had tire bltter under conaiders. AanBig nSvrl lion and have decided that tits ilquid AanBegunS erl chiorine treatiment wouid aervze battez- thre needs of tire city. lia suggesleElOL W OEY FR SLD tiraitirhe malter ha taken uti irme- L O LYFR OD lately wlth Water Works Hugineez- Allen upon lâ returo honme s50 hutBI Fam N rGane Hl pectiflcation Mamy Le prepaeai, blasId-r r erGrneHl DaY ire calidfor sud the cont rai-t Passes Titie ...-Other Impor- for initailing tse outilmamy hé award tant Transactions. Od aiwon ais poasble. Iliii motiorn____ te " i. ffect vas carried by a unan- Imoua voe whlh ieans tiraItihe new Blusiness of the recorder', office for citîorimtini îrsatment wilît mon b - th, waek ending Aur!! 10, 1915: 1 lastâIlai irere. Number of traxtafars, 102. Number of loaes, 20. C. J. Jenintg the Chicagoitenglu- Total number of instrumeanta fiied, eer.*hwo iras charte of tirhle Dri cationE122. of tirs watersa or Bubbly czeek lu tire Total amount of ioans, $5825000. Union Stock Yards andi who inataiiei Business iras been tairly Iris'i dur- the lHypçchlorita oç;Uime treatinant Ing tire week aitirosgbtons hava beanj h0re n.arlY four Ygara iage, la very enrirtirer quiet. Several lnterestins thuiiastie over Che, Uliud hIorlnî-ý deala have been cieaed durlng the plan.This syatem la working orit week, amoog them. bteing thre pu auccassfuliy la MMliwaukee and Iri chase. hy John (irifftth of lAke Fore..t Rbout fine cilles la tetate of Illi ! tirhe Beudtsen farra 0f 115 acrea ln 1101, li. Jnnina ha Intallit i jtsectioni 36, Warren sud section31. the stock yardss ueboas found tiraI Wackegan, for a nominai conaldera f Il reapond.eto, ail te bacterialegicail ion. teste as Wall au ilypo a-ile It itocu, Dot bave lis disagreeaslle fenturea. lBernardi Sawukin bought tira olti la a latter te te Wauxagan oail Wooiey fart eof two acres ln the N, Mtr. Jeuings givea tire folowiný, W. quarter of section -11, Warren aeven restona why ire prefera the iltownship for $13000. quld cilorine over th Hypo: lu Ela townshipî George Mary Wei- 1. V.#-4-onldably In labor sel houit rtt I ira esta te of AtWual- involved. Iteesa for $13,640, 80 acres lu S. W 2. Thre abaorbtlon of the gas by tire quarter of section 32. voter là more rapld. In AnUocir Cari E. Joirnson salit 'Y2 bM** la no Iou of ciloine, for $1.400 120 acres ln section 35 tu "ad aMair quantities counIbe usai t t Kart E. Bergquist. Anna Wenzei s econtpliab equlvelent resuits. hought tire Pretzel property in f., Thfr@ la me dettroratlon of tira Kiineas subdivision in sectien 36, foe' càkorlnea thé Cylindors white nîing $2.500. and Charles Puilen and wite or wbl'. - 5. aold to David W. Puilan for a nominal 5. Thb ha»gIxRg 01 the rata ef ap- consideration iis fart, of 200 acrea in PlicatiOn- l a siQuickiy and at- section 14. curtaiy ift-omlilabed bu Avon township Rasa K. Scira 6. There là ao odor o! chlbrin- fieid hought 17 lots In Wm G. Spocris' about the plant. subdvision ln section 21 from virions 7. Tire cent la conslderîbly legs. parties for a nominal consideration. Tira dont of inatalling tirelilquldIn luLibartyviiic lienry 1H. Weirren- ciotherin e fDLla £ Cty $ it b erg bougint froni Charles J. Fisirer uln trc uggatln 0 Cly Egircerfor $3600. lot 2.1. Cuunty Cierks min Douathitt It la Probable tuat a Venturi division. rgluêt, comgah i adllional $1,000. vAlljbe Instslled. This-' recorder reakr-:.flr Grant townrshrip a nsw suirdinis- Wlpslii e regulate théi amount ol Ion waa retordeit iy W. W. Thontpaoa chiriori attly In accofrianca wîrur of iropezty nwnrpriby IlEire lnsection thre jabotnnI otwatf 1h411! pump~edIil, te, re.kuown as Camnp Aqua sali. 11n1ethe mains, la thitsMonner tire- division. lsnt the ahilgitest chance o! tire mu- lu Highlaud Park, Richard W Pioi ra»gomt ýo! tblorimi bai nuedt Hawklnj sold to VA». H. Wetaler le- It :1411 b AUtantD.,l.&cMid4ountise A. uoestlltaconsideratlou, ait lot oc rebotder,tellis exactUy hou mucir voter Jntdson avenue. nos, Marshman stree i.airunie Inio thetia mainsanmd jr cern- Magaue & George Augustine bougV a reI-Iýg tiis record vi?à htie amourît a lot on West treet near Bloomt street refgltered as iravlng befu. pumpe i t.(nom Ira J. Geer for $1,125. *111l hob abe te figure exactly irow Tire Wm. H. Lamboz-n enate soldu ncb edrt la heing eatended lu alitE- 10 Douald"S. and Gertrude M. Trum- 0, e.Tirs city engliger saysa tirailJn for $5,651.16 tlWa property ou recorlingdavice wlli gzeatiy le. Sheridan roaddand Mapie avenue, and cre4ie tire elliciency of tire cllorlue tiresaime estate soidtet John A. Car- treatent. roll for $3,300, a lot on Maple avenue.u Tins the corite.oeut ittiicoat In 1Itglwood, A. J. Bruhansa ni about 3t,000. Il cot Ues clty abolit Wm. Mennirarrt bongirt at Mater's $1,80 0 oIntail tire prenant cilrizina- sale for $4.800 part of lot 69. liOn -Pleut. db Lake Foreat, ThromnaaE. Donnai-d ýAn average of ten pounds of hypo ]y bougirt for a noninal conslderation 10 ire niiin o gaog of voter punsp-part of th.IL Norman Scott property ed le bb need now. (las ponud of lu tire Âtterldga fart, subdbvision ad- liquiq.ciniorirse wiiirenier thb. same jolnlng iisesatata on ltecenat. n service. ln other worÇla. IL la ten In IWaukegen, bltrgarstHowe ioid tinmed as effticlnt as tireirypo. Tire to Edward J. Howe for a nominal con- toron "liquid chlorine" l5a e 'blnomer sidezation, tira property ?.inown as 317 làns way for instegil 0f being a Il. N. ltica itreet.a qoti Il t a a g. The.te=trt iquid ln Alez Dion soidtu 1.nn J. W. Wo4 iséd however tb distingulair Il froint ey tire PrOPertY On tira cornez- of th irpo-avenue and Poplar street.d Witb thre liquild cilorite It willi ir Milite C. itoîtgit, et ai., sodi tea IMPo481ieato getait oVérifse of tire liionas ovIngton, 6 lots lub Wureulsa cltJbrtn n, R-tire ater for »von if te a4Iiitop; -- Gien Flora avenue and amhtit whtch la mas't 4cet ahould Ltoc a rstfor $760.d Increaaed seven or eight tintes, Edward 1. Carr bought tire Hawkins I whch la nt at ail probable. Il would property on Weat itreet juit sontir of silIirebu leai Iran tire amount used CIaýtOn treet for a nominal conalder. now api theretote wouîd bé ta»tetoas. atmd. êeIls eitltairetire iquid cilorine Raipir R. and Frances W. Kingc i tm tlflîlas bedi! lnstit15d, ItlaI bougirt a lot on Cirapai treet fron t ,thM " witawtr lîàboitely Ildn<rrd N. Tltcker. I 8âàla, so fer as a lime teste la con- In North Chiclago, Goldie M. Biddle- I - ced. coin irougit front George Philipe forf Tht itltn~ai nçt ,i Weukegau - $2200 .3 lots on ¶butli Victoria streeté plEeI- -Ir Iave. trz-iobligeit for lise eîr1111lu ai reat. Sobs Win Heari of Lewis F. ilk, hIi i, i wHe.Itai-bara, alîd their TOI WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. Mason in Ct. i.îgîr iiîlîcal of 1610> lfiorr l'le tar ofa ll carchigil ai ci a % ii g seen or hall- NOtile , ierehy gP.e that il, ,C Tiralear ora Ilz-cr itîl irl uitIl. Mi luI l' lits wlî,aar.lrîz-dalîr.. with a rîllUest in ariim-ý her moirer boîliuilrv.î ii ave hpi ic i rgît. t faîdreaaeil 10 1the' (îrk ot thr,,Iv ilurpliated tli a iihîîlrf(,ll.g plt,il ' îîî,erîlsora aoflake(Counlîl 11.1 Tueaday tvuciîec t1u îeart of Unita SpciuClI eefing of h1 ur StaesComisonr ews F ý"" iTHIS WILL INTEREST MOTHERS- .1o îîî nior fil lie hz-id to ii Staea ommsatrie- lca a FNlason Mailler Gray$ S-t P for Chltdr,.&., eou Tirrduaý,the 22nd d'av of of WVaukegan, anîd ire altos cd thèEm luCertain mulet for Paner ,l'aîo-r, IedahBad iý go tree. The irasbanîl alîtifathlr was 'oi .Tei.r îrrlrioeadrgraoAtil. A. 1),i utIIocokN heid In $5a00bondls to ftle t îîited EMhaire. kThr'y a,,- -plemmr r1. tire tW 1(ei States District zcaurl, Chiragoî ot ilr., lS EeC.c .05 ie(o Itilliii aj The tiiree principata lu the rate, Jo- . W""ly nll tr îl1a .e inîrle m lîd FluBE. LL A. i[l'Nl>I ' A ddcnts, A5e, S. Olmi,à. . iz, N. Y. 9 tCourit> licir, MtWN IMETS A ME M -1EFOR BIS SOUTHI SIDE TEAM Arrangements -Ciosed for Site Opposite Side of Marion Street Bail Grounds. PLAYGROUNDSDURI'G WEEK States That Grounds Wiii be Open for "Kiddies" When There's no Game. FThromta NcCann, manager o!rlire Bantir ida bal club. Ioda>. announz-ed that ha hai oitalned a irome for iis tean, for, tiracomling sBaton. It wili ba on tira site Jual acroas tire streat west of Vire P.I<e a lait season. on Marlon, atreet properl>. -)wned b>. Miss Marks. Tire site la 429 feet ou Marlon sîneel soit 380 feet deep. MceCann stalai tirat il wtll ail ire fînced in. Tire granit stand wili be 1 90 feet long, whichirl 80 feel longer tran tire one nieti lait year. Tirze are a numbez- of trees whIcir mont ira removed and work on tire tas'i itarted today.. Woz-l staz-Is tomorrow on erecling -ire fenca and grailng for tire diamonit will start as soion as tire Ire-es are- -emovet. 'Tire diamonit wiil ha tire ineat In Lake count>.," said ileCann today, as ire entiruaed o;n- r avlng se. i-ured sucir an advantageous site. Pîaygz-ounde for "Kîda." Anolirer fealure o! tIre manageras ,)lan la intez-esting wiren ire announices *1 wil donata lire grorEnts te the chli- :1ren of lire city as a piaygrountis dur- ing the week wheu tirze are ne bail games on il. MicCann says ire intenta to have, the bail team ubLiake count>. andt wilI hava ail Waukegau boy&withtirtie ex- rePtion of a pitchar wiro wiiI ire one is! the hast ire can get. NMost ail tire ilayera tirat Played ou last years team wiren tire> won tire cit> chin- plonaip wiii ire on thre teair. Tirey are: Gao. iCinders) Wiliamslte hast fileer In tira city; Hobby OFar- zeu, one of tirehzst catchez-s tirai Waukegan irase verlIrait or sean: Kit. AhIatrom, lrd'hase, a mau tiraI lstire fastesl anti beau hitter 'for iis aize lu Lakte counly; Riz-h. Brunke at 2nti basa. whirlatire home-un kid;- Harry lCow) Wh te at ]t aiae, who la a Sure man atI lut hase. andt also a goil ldar; Wiiam King. one o! tire hast fielderi for a ftImuan le tire county: 3md Arthrz (Bickeyr Wilkinson, tir mont cornicai and hardes. '-an lirai bas ever piayed bail in thre clty - wilI lia lu tire field. Tire firat gante wit se îîIayeit jus t as scion as lire grounds are in ahape, whirch wil teltrrir Sunitay.. May 9tir. 3r 111h, wilh a f1tit zlas.. teant. MAY ASK SPUCIAL GRAND' JURY FOR ZDON VOTE PROBE, ndependents Are Seeking Evi- dence in Effort to Back Up TheirCharges. ýeHARGE IRREGULARITIES. f Grand Jury Probe Is Started It Probabfy Will Corne Be- fore Election Day. TirI nM sAllorie>. lady wiII le? urge- Iol vaIl]a atî sliasession of tire ,rarnd iiry l tou alîl z-z-chargesoutiz-reg- -iio-rtir-a witl rergarditoteaslaz-georni ',Pr- of voles z-ast auilire townsip elion 0t LUZiosu City oui Tuesta. ta tire pansisteol report tiraI ernanatea !z-om tire lnrlerendent ramîri) n Zon. Tire Imdepondenua aay tiraI thay ara anxiouq for tire situatitîru e r unea irefore lire murnicipal elez-tion wiricir la Io ir erat tler- ou April 20. Itlai uniderstoodt Ilat no request foz- a aira- tiali seisibn of tthe grand jury iras hz-en madtie thliiiatea ttaIorneya Yel burt it la saidthlrat if triai action as devided uipon lue malte- wit ire1 put îuî 10 hum wilirin lire next few tisys. Ar Previouil>. siat-i in tire Sun tire Irrueîrpenîîtis a!ter iril estrgatlrrg (ha names o!flirosa wiro otait lait Tues. day nay tirey feel confident tirat fuily 175 people wiro were not entîllei to1 vote cast tireir irallota lu tire election In question. Tire> hava a list of trae nanres sondara reportai tetoIraseek- ing evidauce 1e hack up thirz charges. It they secure tua aevidence It la sait fi wiillire terneitoner 10 tire atate's attornerand soitiewii re sakedto10 atte tire mattar in hanit. Onre' of tire charges urade by ltre In- depeudeurtsisla tapieople- were ailow- et to rote who elîhe- hat bist thez- rasidence In ZIon or wiro bat irt been tirealong anoughIo tesatarilal a rail- denca. Tire>.Peint Out tira fact tirat Mrauy gave tramr residence as Zion Home looks aigniltcant ontire face o! ut. If the lItdepeudents press tira charges as It la rePorteit thielntend to do the vole scandai ta>. eclilrso tiraI o! a fe-w yeara ago wlren nseezai tiditmenta wez-e rr-turned againît people for alleget itlaegai vottng in Éion,. The-lrî.îîuîeil aY lIiî- - rE- hiît loue to have thte matter se'tlcîlllep fore lthe clty élection. 01, iEuo thea- hand, Volilas iakes the cminier charge tirat th ireiltz-,e-id- enta prevanted sevrzai rîtlita le-val notez-s front casting tlreiz- iiiltîîtag. il rie lilîdependents lres.. tîeiz- ihurg, t la said lire plans 10 lake Iris tlazges tutu cur-t aiso. JURY FOUNO IN FAVOR 0F GRIM. SThe pond bot méde nmlti Wdna chil- loyal Wthout Exception. 1'nery normal girl Pases a hriîîgi a perlod when site -will e rz-anme wez-z(,Pie-tetor homietiltrjg of 1,(,tînd. -Columbuiîs Journal. AE di% oEz-lE lerr*,e was LCr-1n tida) tri r lie c or George C.î%%ail of LI>l eztyt ttc agairisl liis i wlz lait. a1, Watt1. t'rCii v. as ch arg-d andit liii cvi detctis a id ro liane b- t itsa- tioriat. ADJUDICATION NOTICE. Pi'trc Natice la hereby glîcai that tire Suiracrilier, Executor or thre lI8i WVi andi Testament o!f Tirîjnas -Meade. deceased, will ,attenid tirej (cu a I ('liii nof [Ike Ci ltai aI tez-ni th ereof t10lbe hoiden aI i e coz-t lI-use in Wauiregan, lu sali t contv, on the iret .'onday of tiinte next, wh1, îena nd where aillezsons iraviirg claires agaînat sald z-lttz arc rclrlandrîdz-quested 10 izes-rit tira saME tii nad CoUrt for aditdîî ta ALF'RED %% \tNWAiE. Enecuttr. \Watik-gatî, Illinoisr. Atîril I itl, 1941 . Wkiy Apr .231 ALEX HEIN COMPANY (% UR Mr. Hein has just returned %J from the East with the most wonderful stock of COATS, SUITS, WAISTS and CHILDREN'S COATS that we have ever had in our establishment. The big sale begins Saturday morning, do not fail and take advantage of this. Carfare cheerfully refunded to ail customers H orne sewvers will find a world of ma- teriais her-e. 1Watch VVe frequently offer special values that Our store. -WSUGONS.' ~I.-W atch our stor. STYLLCOUNTS But Ilere We Give You Both Style and Quallty at the Same Price Corset Covers 15 c Children's Rompers 49o Childven's Hais 590 Corne ini white and colors, exception- Special sale of corset Covers, macle Of a[ly good material, a rnost satisfactory Children's bats in gray, black and extra good materials, garme nt for the chil white and ail white. satin 59 C a leader for Saturday at 15c dren, and at 49CLD top with stitched edge, only .. . . . . . . . . .only.. ... ..special at .... ..... Every Womnan in Waukegan WiII Want One of rhese' 41 ,Nébby Spring Suits at $13.75 [hey're In the ate'it sprng models and made of hph grode maeriais, iare skirt wIlh the oke effect, 7 algo Many other tyles, Suits we have been seliftig at $20. speclal for Saturday only __........... TOP COATS, $895 AND UP. [Top î-)j. îî i i*g.q t t olth. f t11it E li b i I ilîrîl sîlillu bave the iiaturaîl \Vigist î-ffrr t aîîld othîeîi hhve thle enrîîîîiî -- i- - lt tsti viestg) 895ev 111)tii: îli....... 8 .9 5 $1650 DREBSES, $1000. tAl lot 4, s<ifit 10.0 les- tg)îvio.7î1(>; WAISTS, 85c. in. of, chier SIt î\t il BOY'S BLOUSES, 29c. <Eu l.. , t i s, I . e.. tspe-r 1,'- viIa h t r 29c Another Suit Special at $22.50- (),,(. lort of sulit-iît igi-oifta utt Ieuhiîg <-III o.jaots l Iinei t titi 111 to $35.00i.2.5 SILK DRESBES, $1650. duî~~ h -Iiîî ieal\a. i rr-tti i \ w il 16.5tE littî>ii- , (1.\i . . . . . . . .6.5. CHIDREN'S COATI'; prlled hfi <lii'47.50i lowiî to .198 CHILDRENIS DRESSES. *.i -5e at!65c t .Uoattnuad frc'n page on., hilid tirat usuatiy la settied i tiie po- lice court. Thuorne said taxGrihrr2 ilitî-d lita tine about two nionîlis aftc-r lir wife died and decinred: "You killed Lana." "Lena" was Tirornes a ife, llzraa Bister. Grini when yracad on te standî de- rld rilar ire tad made thez aaî-uirert, He- adnrlrted tire niait to TIories house. li-e salidtirat he tciîi Til'hone that If Lena lad not rnarz-r-d tît,îî htia Mhe. miglîr have een alive tli- Hz- saidlire dld not mean n10 liv 1,îrt a Tirorrie liad rz-aUY klied hz-r Tire-ewasaeusaetlonal tes.liniony about thre asaigrnnent o0f 11f.. ,tlî zanc.- roilcies and deeds te properiy tllirz irueband before Mrs. Tiioz-rî- rîei Urine deciared thet Tirzne liad as- saaled hini wrth profaneamaît i-l--riî- language aI lire tintelire went to vUnit Page Three 1 r 1 LEE--ý 1

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