CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 16 Apr 1915, p. 2

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LAKE CJOU=TYItPDPENENT. F'RIAY. APRIL 161915. This lu the Plan We can help you Get resuits Corne in look over the plans Get first choice We lead, oChers follow Libertyville Lumber Company Down by the OId Depot. Ren there 20 yeaan. Phone 47 E. A. Bishop. Mgr. Ce That Sprong W t(IA'I'S .o'wtdt ornie aci the styles of Sprtng to ail Young atnd younig fet'itng Inen? How il ,prys up ,ourst4eps and squares back your should* ers to prrPl liiiitr ot. iii tlî>.- Whether your heart is set on allight Spring Overcoat a Blue Serge suit, or sûme Spring Novelty, you'Il find us ready with the styles of the moment and the value cf ail time. And, downright distinctive as our selection of these MICH- AELS STERN clothes is, there's EXTnA distinction in wearing thern before the.mANv corne ont e.e~ with theni. 0 U-]B LIBETYVILLE5"ILLINOIS DMrner in EVERYTHING THATLMEN and BOYS WEAR Âny one can understand and operate a Ford car. Extremely simple, ypot abso- lutely scientifio in every detai. No need of a skilled mechanic te keep your Ford rumd B.ach wnr looks atter it Iilmulf octors, farmers, busines men. men in every walk of life, enioy Ford service and economy, for a Ford coosts, on the average, but two cents a mile te, operate and maintain. Buyers will share la profits if we sl at retail 800,000 new Ford cars between Ângust 1914 and Auult195 R-aalout $44&; Toaantng Car $490, Town Car $690; Coup"i. $750:Sedan $975, f. . b. Detroit witir ail O. display am itae at Schanck Hardware Co. LIBERTYVILLEILLINOS rOPPORTUNITIES, tike eeis; arce lippery and h.. ard to, hold, unies. firmiy aeized. Tbey aliLe through the ingersansd are gone ere one in aware. To malte the Mnot of opportunities that May be graped by advertising, ose The lodependert'm clan- uified pages. It is a migbty eluâive.upportuoîty that escapes those who advertise in The Independent. prom lia thoumanda of reniera The Indepsudent la pretty sors 10 afford the advoeUaarjusttirse opportol tien tirat ho.tu seekIg. Xx xxxxx. To insure publication in the Indepen- dent. copy must be intheoffice nolatar than Tuesdav of caci- week. Adver- tisers, eapecially areasaked to take particular notce to this affect. (Additional Local News on Page 4) Mise Oele Hart la visltIng a alter et Wbeaton, 111. Geo. E. Webb of Autioch, was a visiter here Saturday. Chas. Kiddle of Lake Forest, vialted witb finodhersSaturday. Mrs. W. t. Coltinaentertatned ber sîster, Mro.9Jennie Davis of Sycamore, the pasi week. Mrs. E. H. Brown, wbo bas bec qulte sick for a number of daya. Ital~owty improvlngr. County Supt. ot Seboole T. Arthur Simpson ot Waukegan, was a visiter bers Tueaday. The village water committee wil bold a meeting lu the village bal on Friday evenlng at 8:30ý Robert Bond weut to Circle. Montana, on Saturday for a vlsit with bis brother Lyte for abont a weei. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Boyse bave riuved front the Luce flat to thé flet abovê. J. W. Bro wns' pool room. Mi8ssHelen Pettingilît. aho bas been conlined tu ber boirne witb sicinesa for about a weei, bas recovened. Mra. Alex Brehnen and littîs daugbten Elsie Mary of Deerfleld, viaiteri Mrm.L. Pnotrne and frienda last Tburaday. T. A. teynolds bas been contined t(; bis home witb a sevene attack ot nbeu- matisin several days the last week. Tbe Snnday evening servit,. being beld at the St. Lawrence Eplacopal churcît wlll be continued until furtber notice. The Earnest Wunier8 ciase of the M. E. Sunday scbool wilI bold a bakery sale at the (las office Satunday alternoon, April lTtb. Mr@. J. d. Grldley, wbo Las been very Mi witb pneumooia and complications duîtrth. pastt iveei. tiltin va critteal Mr. and Mirs. Lio. B. Follett and lîttie dangbter June returned on Saturday frora California, wbere tbey client the iast six weeks. Mr. and Mr@. (G. A. Eaton and grand. son. George H. Eaton returned Saturday frora St. Psterburg, Florîda, wbere tbey @peut ths wlnter. The Rebeiab lodge wilt give a basket social aitheir hall on Frlday evening. Aprlll6. Bring lunchfor two. Bebeabs and thelr f rienda invlted. The new plant ufthie Lake County Oravel Co., wlll tart openations tbe latter part of thla montb. A iswltcb. traci l@ now being laid to tbs plant. Mrs. 1). A. Young, wbo was taken to the Wiliard bospital in Chcago two weeis mgo for au operation, rsturned home Wednesday very ranch improved. Mis@ Florence Efinger and C. 0. NelEon, Jr., vieited at Brilngton, Wia., over 8aturday and Snnday witb the former@ undle and aunt, Mr. and Mr@. F. Mathews. Mdrs. F. B. Martin la lu St. Josepb, Mici., whereahelsaalendinu Dr. Martn@ mother, Mrs. H. A. MartIn, wbu la auffering front an attaci of beant dîs-ease. Lut i lday eveniug Rev. T. E. Ileara muade aà trIp 1 Milwaukee to delivsn a Brolirerbooti Addrese before the Cold Sprlng Lodgs 1. O. O. P., No. 100 uft iat Cty.- Two cases of egga were collected by lire M. E. Sunday scbool Eauter Sunday and tire Suuaday fottowing as an Eanter offsrng, ans each for Weitey hospital andi Laks Bluff Onpbanags. Mr@. Mante Oalloway, r:wîfe of Dr. Chant.r.« & atloway of lhbertyvitte, dîsti at ber home Sonday marnlng, Apnil 11, of pusumouis. The tuerai wne privats. Burial loi place lu Lakremlda csmetery. Tire meeting of the offIcere and buard of dîractora uft he Laie Counly Board of Agriculture whlcb was calieil for Wed- nsaday aI the village bal lu Lihertyvhlle, han been pootponed 10 Saturday outhtia weei. ý Adaipir Borne, who wa» a resdeut of LhartIvlte for about two years wilt ho wu eauployed aItir .the Sedon Scirool, and Mia. Bamel Bare wbo aima ruade ber huma hers forse.veralyspra, were mannlsd lu Chicago ou Salurday. Cbiuce Wlaconaln grawn aeed putatoea sud sesti carn. 1 bandie only tire hast varlttes. (lrown sud selected for meeti purpose. only. F. W.Scirllcier, Lberty. ville, Phone 263-R. 301f The R. N. of A. wlll give a Bazaar, Bot Supper sud Dances, Tbnnsday. April 22, at tire Tawn Hall. Tira bazaar wlil open ai 2:00 o'clock andi oupper wilI ha served front 5 tb 8. Supper ticket@, chiltiren 25c, ad ulte 35c. Dance ticket* 150 cente. Soci with an oui splnung wheei. The- dola' ut the littîs girls ut twenty-flve ru one bundreri years mgo maie an amusing festurs. Mlscellaneons articles ut great valus consIstlng ut pleces ut furnitune, wax tlowers, war relie, weapons, a musical Instrument, an ancient tooth extnactor, a mrar peetls pounden and the Wide Awaie Banner ut 1860, maie uP a moet complete display. Tbe Anti- ques were gotten togetiren ty the Alpha club, wbo bave arrangeri the Museuma ot curions and oboelete articles, and many are altendlng the eviibil. Tireproceeda will be usedifor the beneit outhlbe publie library wblcb tire lub maintaina rn thte village bail bulding. FRANK E. OIILENDOI(F PASSED AWAY TUESDAY, At bIS hAo~rn lDivison street un Tussday imurniug at 5i uclock occursd tirs death ut Mn. Frank E. Ohtsndorf at the age ut 59 years, alter an Ilnea. ut six meonthe. Mn. Oblendont wam 'weil inowu in Libertyville sud vlclulty. For the lnst six mon tbàqbe irad heen very ill .ud there sesmeri to be itile chance tbat be would reco ver. Tirs deeaed leavea te mouru hlm his wifs and two auna, Barry sud Wilson, hesides otber relatives. Tire funeral services wsrs held at ths bomne Tbunsday atternoon at 2:30 O'cloci, 1ev. H. M. Albunt offlclatIng. The remains were laid at rest in Laie- aide cemetery. (Obituary neit week. OBITUARY Frederici Sandman wn barnuJanuany 17, 1842, lun.Hanover, Genxuauy, andi came to America wth bis parente wheu ton yeare oid, te fanrlyetlingast Long Grave, thia cuunty. He wa a riedte t Marlira Baker, who dliedlu 1891. To th10 union wers bora four daoghiers- Mrs. Cirao. Alden of Wackegan; Mis. Chas. Roûof utChicago, Myron andi Olive. He was marrieri te Salane Walter, Augusi 16, 1892, in Libertyvile. Hs enliotetInlutirs l3tit Illnois Volunteer tntantny lu 1862 aud was ironarahly d1pcharged at the cloe.ofuthtie war. Be esaves te mourn hbribs wile sud tire four daugbtera. Tirs tuerai services were held aI tire honte on Milwaukee avenue Friday alter. nuon at 2:30 by EIder Moutoai Von Cty. Interment was ln Laisolde cemetery. CARDO0F TI4ANKS We vwlsb ta thani aur neigirbona anti friends for their deede of kîntinest dulng aur rocent bereavemeut. Mrp. Salante Sandmau, The Chirldren. IIOUT DILUt.,L 14M An invention whlcb sbould prove tu be intereatlng to farinero bas been perfected by tLionel Bull of Libertyvlis. Mr. Bull for anuotherol yeark wasSuperintending Engineer tÀo tbe langeat miling machine concerne lu Au@tralasia and bas traveled tbrougbout New Zealand, Argentine ttepubi-, Engiand and United Igtates for that ctrmPaDy. During bis travelo be came in contact witb thirty.tbree diOter- eut makes of ineebanical mîlkers actuaiiv operated twenty-four ut the@e machines, tbereby gialntng tbe inuwledge to buiid wbat appears tu be a very simpte and effective machine. MNr. Bull bas juat taken into pantner. sbip witb bim GLeu. K ,LinuofutChicago. tu bslp conduct the business, wbicb wili go under tbe name ut Superior Milking Machins Co. Tbe bead office witl be Chicago, but tbe assembly plant will stiti be at Liberty ville. LAWN MOWERS Sawa and other toots aiarpened. Aise do Furniture Repairing A. P. RAUQUT lot St-,.,lftetyvla. lu. DRESS (iOODS For spring, many new and handsome fabrics. SPRING UNDERWEAR Medium J weight goods, juat right for this sason. PHONE 29 »Of io BASE BALL TEAI Yle .~ m -FOR LIBERTY VILLE Libertyville wlli bave a bail teara this ~>XXx xXx XXxX year. Bot uns of Ihoasopasmudie affair@ that bave been the ruts for thre pait few yeart but a reai, hustllng. top noteir hall The at&Thot gils o th M. teara that Will Put ibis hamiet haci roi rSunday scirnol, wsrse tertained by Miss the base bal map. Nul sinca the day. Agues Swift aItirhe home of Miss Mahel of the old Ramblers bave we irad a Ruts. MIss Swift lofti Tursday morning regulan taanmt iat played througb an for St. John@, Indiana, wbere abse wiil entire season. Thts year hawever, will ruais bher home. Ose& change in Ibe onder of tiringi for the buncb of boys wbo have teen aecured There wlll ha &meeting of qtockbolders are players Who have proved wiat tbsy of the Aztecas Minerai ComPanY On Mai cani do aud ws prediet a glorlouâ yean in 4tb at the office ut Secretary J. A. base bail for Llbertyvillie. Fotlowlng le Treptow In Treptow & Taylor'@ fnrniture a IlIaIof playans who bave igned: store, at wbleb tirastire directors and Pitcer, Donfler, wbo was the main olicera wili be etected for tirs cuming stay of the Anea teara ln tir big year year.1 and who came haci stnong tast seasun; 1 Misa Yens Galloway, wbo r, attending Bo@@ who did aucb great wori for the tire Vingila Cojleg,, in toanoke, %,a*' Rmblers and got backinlto tbe gains tirs. E. P. Idesen, lMn.. Burt Hamilton laet year in Kenosha. M Drrie, the big and Burton Meen rof Sheidon, Iowa, loft bander wbo made a gooti ebowing and Mn.. Gertrude MacFarlaLd 01 Oak- fast ysar wlth Area. dats, Penn., were calsd bers tbruugb tire Catcher, Frank Jobneon, tbe mnuwbo icknasa and deatir of 3.s. c. R. Giallo- caugbt for tbe otd Rambler@: oison, wbu way. bas playeti with moat of the good tearas W. E. Milter went to Woodtoci Tues- tuire I. tYan bagu.semn a h dtay morning, whereirewent as a wllness Firet base, Knlgge. wbo wuartirekild lu a law suit of the "People va. Con- wonder of the oid Area teara and la even auimens Ie Co.," wbereln tire itizens 01 botter now. Crystal Lais are trylng to prevent tbe eodasHry ai.wibRm ice comppny frora cuttlng ce un that hSesond bare' arrD avime .get wRni.o taie. Mr. Miller'a testimony sm to pro ve bochad. raddooeget ýr o that the taie inque@tion isnut navigable Third base, A. t). Hspie, made a water. record wltb Are& in tbiri big vear and The egular meeting ofthtie Houeehold Played wiîti Highliandi lanklaut sesaun. Science Club Tusaday, Apnil 2Otlt ru the Short, Joe Melloy. of ltamblen faire M. E. churcir. AIl ladies invrte.- Foilow. and wbo hba s own tîtat lirei@ama good lng la the prograra: Paper-Corafont as ever. and Beauty in tire Horne, Mlrs. M. E. (Outfleld, Perry Bt>, k witi tbe Raurbiera WilllamQ; Dlcusin-New Ideas un and later manager ufthte Irouois rf Spring Houaeclesnlng and the lirenrimin- Racine. Honace King wltb Atea laut atlon ut Flys, M r.. Scbanck, I)emunstra- year, smre of lire of(] Ttîuy King stoick. tion ut a New Sandwrch tirs. J.. B. Louis go'rd diesut rt and it lé) going Morsje, Nrs. Dulienmaier. tu b.. juat as good as t lbois. The Antique exhibit whlrtt is belng Nan h -mad e esnpu betd at the Vllage bail Wedneaday to The choice ot a narne for thua team wil Frlday ut tbis weei, la une ofut unalbcaltohen. iprmzdes' loteremt. Tbe two aoutb rooros un tbe Mten wbetber fan or fannette, sugffst- second fluer ut tbe liait, are illed withlngrteat faur bll ateran tonhbe plieieesa relica banded tlown by theageainutsr alttsradtb aneffturs ut Libertyville o i. àd an)y reas olr cbosing tuae naine, wil uld dishes are sbown wblch range in age Ivaps@tth meOUhenM froîu ifîy to une hrncred and flfty yeara. grorinda. Anyone ruay ciroose, there are no restrictions, al yuu need to (Io lm tu These are arranged in show cases as are Wrievu hoc nite e,, n also rnany silver spoone ot ancrent maie uaieyu hleadterao n and pattern. Tbemost lnteremtlng of mailtu tire Base itall Editor, Laie tire latter la a spoo armilar tu a modern coun ty lodependent, Libentiyville. Sug. table opoon whicb was bruugbt Irura gee'tiunasrmuet l4 in l'y i.riday, April 23. Europe in the Mayflower. Edition., of Don't f>rget the dance at the~ town boois nd ews)alra akeut)anohpribail Eriday niglit <toigbt) and comes division ut the sbow, sevenal old docu- ou t fun the proceeda are tu iay the menta and recorda of iistorical value Organ izations ex penses ufthetirnew bail alsu belng lu this gnon p. Tu Many, tbe _____c_______ muet intersstlng of ail tbe curioa are tbe baud spun and band madie clotb, sampter 10A INTERESTINQ INVEN. qui]tte and man y tancy a rticles -toget ber j ,Iun DVo se,.,. A o 'OOO@@~OOmmsaasaeeaa PAY YOUR BIS WITII CHIECK ON A STRONG BAIN It is safe, convenient and bus- iness-like. T his tweuîty-two year old institution makes a specialty of smail cliecking accounts and guarantees prompt and efficient service. Ail su pplies furnished f ree . $1 Opens a Checking Account $ Lake County National Bank Member of the Faderai Roser,. Systent Capital, Surplus and Profits, - 8100,000.00 Total Resources. - . . 750,000-00 * iid * * * * * i * * ~ * o o o * * * * o o o A CARLOAD 0F THE FAMOUS ALPHA CEMENT READY FOR DELIVERY ALSO LARGE SUPPLY 0F SAND We can furnish any quantity in Lawn Grass Seed Fence Posts Sweet Clover Alfalfa Seed As wte]1 as building iîîateirial of ail kiiu,. Lvttus fuiiîhlî you ê.ritimate foi- ii-i)al pi twed iii îîîaking re)îaii-s thuHtsp)rîng.' PRICES AND GOODS RIGHT. 1barbangh-1fllIertomber C'., Telephone 50 LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS CICE G ROCEBIES, ME ATS, LVEGETÂBLES AND FRUITS. F L Fl I Fkdi d cg 4 wer t LuWit CORLETT & FREDERICKS I Phono 30. LIBERTYVILLE, ILL j A. W. LINDROTH LIBÉ*TYVILLE, ILLINOIS Spring Openmng in Fancy Milinery W. are now slsowing cour ASTER and SPRING NOVELTIES in Ladies fine bats, a large aaaortment in beautiful designe. Hats Made-to-Order a Specialty. Pricesl Reasonable. W. carry a nielino of Ldin'Underwe.r, Waistsi, Gloves, Col- Iar and Cuff Sets, Ho"ary and Notions at Low Prices. The Parisiana Corset from . $1.00 to $3.00 -The pende satisfii NORTH STORE P~ge Two. YOU WANT TO BUILD?- Now is the Time Yen select the place 0 S PRN G Is really with us and we are prepared to supply your spring wants. c UMBRELIAS For the spsi ng showers. A fine line at $1, also more expensive ones& APRONS Dust Caps, etc., for spring bouse cleaning. W. W. CARROLL & SONS COMPANY 1 o o o q o o o * o o o o o o n o o o s o o o o o 1. b t E IL t t 10 ieyil:ýXX

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