CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 16 Apr 1915, p. 6

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LAE OUNTY IfrDEPENDENT, FR[DÂY, APRIL 16, 1915. ________ APPOMATOX DAY John Kreýtainauaud sons îî.te'iu I A 1IC D Chebac W Il ndfmd ! in iied lu tihe fla foineIv el-pie ' Y Ivin Sej'OBSERVEDIN CITY Wedries.daî t ri m Seip) anu lfaillî r M.aand Mi. Wni. A. Morrtion, Mitsse____ moted iu one I> Joh lir Hl cottageou H-lei i Morrisujn, Miss Grave Courrtiss and Park ven iG. A. R. and W. R. C. Join in an U"i. vtîi. MisesiRuthr Foster oft Chicago. weie the1 Emil Fiank naît tii Palatieud weeL-enîll guests lit tic brine out 4alter Observance of Anniversary Baîiiugtmn un uines Mondts'v. 1tlratil, -of Lee's Surrender. Fred Bilair muret hil ixturce ru hi: Join Knecbt o! Elgin, basbLen vielitrng nets building Munlas. Tihe new sirop 1 ie s rieuds shem for the pant iveet. FINE PROGRAM IS GIVEN. wiii I.- rue ofithteciiiest titoi iate i re Sarah A'daire and L lie rrsîted eijîiipped rine tiroirgl tbii.part ofl île %ire. Kirrilait of Rat esvoiid a Chas. Putnamn Gave a Stirring r Address, Urging More Pro- î:nrrî Fiank,.p, stua-îer. will mii.e t r. anti Mis, d Landau areîîîiýr' U tection for the FIag. postuflice fixture- n ie forl rmehvir- r.ienits o! a littie grirl, bLin .Apil ' ____ tapperninysai By T.F. SWAN Correspondent and Agent Nua Roume nient Sundayat lr lune. ý:. W. Fisher and wiie oit lvagu. spqed v',uda ' Vat the Compron bite. Choir rebeareal tturday .yeulitZ nt ti,.hum bofî.'OtMr aud %I-. ' . 1'. Mis's Anne P-'ilsie, 1,Ilut la,.t week iM Ler hume in Easet Iat, Mie Wm CrqleY bas lc,.nquite ilfi,, past iortnigbt tut in mirA ýlng. Min. S. A. Kriner entertained Mrs. Eiinting (if Antioch, this week. The Boyd boueseon hicago Ave.. bas lent taken bLv1_I. tBIurdick of Lberty- vile, Who tuok ,Os5e55iOD Iaât week. .%r@. Arthur Johnson l@ viiting ait the home of ber mother. Mim. Anna Lathrop. She l.accmompanied hy MiW Johnson ot Chicago. The ies 'Aid met wîth ie. Emna Rouse Wednesday aiternoon. Mr. Bullock and famiiy of McHenry, have mored into the house on Morris Ave., recently puichased Ly Cari 1055. Mr. Belloek will manage the Sheldon farma. The Infant son o! Mr. and Nlr. L. C. Burdiek la suffering from blood poisuuing due to an îu!ected hum on B finger. fr. Martin ls lu alltendante sud the ehlid is doing oîeely. Mmlr. Il. F. flouse aud daugbter L.ilah Ma@ are opending the week wth Bert Torpning and iamull inluaa. Robait Aynisley returned Sunday tu bi@ b rue lu Highland Park ater spendtng the week wltbhis grandparente, tMr. and Mrs. J. H. Anyoley. The guestso! Dr. Craneat the llaund Lake baniarium seere treated tu Bn Impromptu musicale tatThursdav aven. Ing. Mir. Kathryn FitzGerà.Id rendered eyerai vocal selections and Mir. West- wood favored the coinpany with severai violin solo@. Mr. BanY witb the mando- ini accmpanied by Mis@ Nina Rlouse t tbe piano gave a nuriler uf avveptable ôeletions. ny tue sale tiir.were r rudavnigni ando in1 whicb (bey tiade their getaway. Thei outfit was letlu an olsi beildiug oulspest Lake near tha city limite whare the Chicago polie fou nsi labout t. o'clock Saturday nigbt andi immediately tale- pbîrued tu Mir. Hoeht tocomeandîdentihy the lame. Mm. Chas. 1'leavei vam a. Cicago visltor Mouday. Chas. Wewetzeî was takan tii the !arm ofhbis son William. wheie it will Le much easier fon (hem tu give their su k lather (ha et oh tare. OSI TUAR Y Tbursday. Apîti Pib, we loft thrnugb deatb oua o! the oldest and must higbly reapectasi citizen@ o! Ela townehlp lu Berenul Steil at the age of 79 ycars. '- montbs andi 2b days. The deceased wa8 Loi-n Jan. 12. 18S36, in lenburg. Han. urer, Germany. He rame to Ameuta with bis parente in 150 tri Site. COOL-, 'oun iv. wheie tlîey iesided I s eais until i169, when Le ,îiiînd tir a larni t wo miles eBeqt of Lake Zurich. wbere Le lived to ieansi Be was martresi in 186i3 tu Miss Wilbelmina Kiuegei (i! Long Grîva. Threa cbldren wcre Loin lu, thieru Henry who remides on a iarm iu the village. William wîo lias eided witb lhi& parents on ti.e olsi Lumesteasi ail in lite, and Herman. wbo died at the age o! 23 veaia. The tuneîai servie" weîe hein aitbe Fairfielsi Geruran Lutiieravu riurch, of abieb be vise a menîber. The îemaius were laid at reet lu tlie cemetery Lack r! the î'huîî ,HBe 7~~ZZ wiie,. two crin' and screral grand 'bildien. MMs. S. E. Knedier and daugbter Flossie were Chicago risîture last Fît. LEITHTON day. Mis. John Entcbingà @petit Saturday C. B.Eaatuu ud neice, Maàbel Maso n sd Sunday in Mlwaukee. Sebalier of Deenleli. have been rvisiting Umis Myrtie Brockman retuined boule as J. A. Maeo's. Satnrday atter spending the latter part Mis. A. C. Richarde @pettMondar lu o! the wesk lu Chicago. She was accom- Chicago. peuied by ber grandparents, Mi- and Fred Luka attended the ueraI of bis Mis. Bilson. ltte netos ast Park Ridge last Thnrsday. Mies. Florence Efinger speut tLe week- Mies, irm-anad Mldied Bitzentbaier end ln Bnilington, Wis. spent tse week-end lu Chicago. A vsry plessant evening was spent Gres fchroadar @peut the iret o! tbe Saturday night at the borne o! Miss wEek wll frieude lu Chicago. Celsua LaMagdalene, the occasion .Misse"seeSmailloh DesPlamnes, i, a surprise on Miss Celena. Gaines and spsodlg tm.week with ber iter. Mm. carde wei-e played and fine reresbments Bert fimail. weie served. Mis. Fred Gebert and thiee daughters Mr. and Mdro. John joeswllei viilted @eut two days o! last week with rela with thir son Elmer. Mondas. tives lu Chcago. E. M. Umbacb wIll go tu Naperville________________ aeil Mondayto attend conterence. ne L&K PORE8T will hÈ'gone about tan dur@. Mr. and Mr». Scott liurand are vîiting Mie. Chas. Potes siter and mother t Pas. itobles, Cal. from Chicago are oaeudintç sumetime Ms.LnasAiorgveaspi with ber.Wednesday uîgbt at the Blackstounebulel, Joash Day t Giace church April 4th Chicago. fur touiteen guests !trlowtug wae a&grand sume-s. Atr the - lo@hng the Junior Leagiar rutertaiumient. exercises of Snnday school the orchestra Mi. and Mis. Pbilip A. Ariour 111, played amnarch duîing whieh the con- arrivecd lu Chicago tiom Calîloînia rur- gregation and entire Snnday scbo0l îng. They expeet to more tu Lake marched tW the altar and deposlted thein Forest tu the Philip 1. Jamies home, Joasb envelope in the Cheet o! Joaâh. May Il5tL. The offeings giren lu this way amount. The Royal Arcanutu gave an enitertain- ed t $13.12.Evesonegavefrf menst and dance nt Andersone b all Mon- and cbeerfully. This occasion will long day evening, wbicb was enjoyed Ly a le iemuembeied Ly thuse wbu were large numtjer of peuple. pre"nt. enrv Strenger bas openeli a plutnbîug @hop (ou western Are. Mise Mlaitha Tise lndeendent Isdati IL. Kelley le employed as stenographer. VOUR PAY CHECK When you reeive your pay check, do you ask yourself the question, 1how mut-h of this cau 1 bave,?" The only way to save scessfully hi to set down a defittite rule for youree~lf and then ouitaxîtly follow it. The Bank Pays 3% Interest on Savings THE CITIZENS' BANK SiKAKE THIS BANK YOUR BUSINESS HOME" Sae Deposit Boxe& fopr rent Area,Ililinois IThe concert given Lv (lieeter lunhatir, soui8rt, Mis. Cathevrine iB. Martin, pianlst and Robert L. Barron, violinist, lu the echool assemh)ly Saturday eveuîng under the auspicweto the Parent-Teachei As- sociation was well attended and enjoyed by ereryone. Ater the programa social hour was @penit dancing. William Carolam, who bas beau vi@ît- ing bis parents, Mr. and Mis. John Carolan, ieturned to Arkansas. Win. Sclle, Miss Grea Scblîe. Mrs. Rlggs and son o! Iowa. motored te Waukesba Tuesday returuing Wednes- day. The officeis o! the Pieshyterian chnrcb met at the borne of (lau. Stanger last Wednesdav evening. Miss Blanche Shaddle o! Aiea, wae the rte@t o! Miss Helen Scbenieher Tuesday and Wednesday. Rer. Lieder atteuded the dedicatiun o! tihe plipe rgan au the Lutheran chlurcb et lvanston Sondas'. WAUCONDA Mie. Robert Judeun and childien of Chicago. îeturned home Sunday alter a week'e vlstt with àdr. and Mie, t. L. Pratt. Mi. and tire. Wý J Sauî'î ntertasined relatives huom Cicago Satuiday and Sunday. James Hutcbi,onu!flarrirgtun, epent the last of the B eek %vttb relativ e here. Misses Agnns andl Fratice. Am'irnno! Vulo, @peut the tiret uf the ae.L wstb Miss May Maiman. Mr@, C. L. Pratt is e@pending the week with relatives in Unicago. Mise LillianHecimer of McHenry, spent Satnidav and Suuday wntl Miss Grare Mdurphy. Misa Plagge of Baîîîngton. wam the gocet of Miss Margaret Robmer Satur- day and Sutuday. A large crowd attended the danee at Oakland hall laet Friday nighs. Misses Lelah Glynch and Ileene Kent retunued te Deerfield Bnnday alter a week's visit with Mr. and Mrp. K. C. Kent. Mr@ Ralter retuined home last week having spent the wlnter wlîli relatives In Oklahoma and Chicago. a. E. Malman wae a Chicago visiter Thnraday. Mr. Wagner and son o! Chicagor, were gueeta o! Roi'. Murphy taturday and Sunday. P'aul Hicks, whuo util recently ha@ baen in the eniplo ' y ofB. C.Harris basj upeued up a barber @hop for limself lu the Cari building (ru Miii treet. Fred Feinandez, whîr conduct.ed tbe shoîl. oi Audrew Sowers. will enter intu partuer- sLip with hlm. Village electîî,n will bec leld at tbe vilage hall neit Tueod 55. As there te but une ticket In the field wec an hure- eaât the wlnîng candidates. Fui Mayor. R. C. Kent: loi village trumtees., M. M. Clark, Aug. Kuehker and Geo. 1) Stroker. Waucouda is to have a Township Hrgb sîbool. This question was rlecided at the echool eletion held at the village hall laot Saturday. Furtheî details on page une o! tis paper. Iv uccupred ly Fred Mlau as tbarber ImpaliOi , s iîe S,'Lire wa.. tlle 'ieeteird srbicb will urate ncîîm nulastguet uî br anut. Mir, J. a4iudrî quarters. And is avorrably limatrî uiCriar tira Patronîs of tîre tistiithiie. Antberflrmnlîre atteirdeul thec1lit Albert Hueft gut is hrie and buggy > F.ntaiton at HigblsnIaLi ark huom Cicago Munoday wh'b o a@ ta-n iTrresday erening. IVANèOEof tire cases ou tire trial cal]: _______________ Ys. Gniui. I ~ Estate of Bîshop; Upton, appellant. eAsocia etingwofithe Lvad o Bar- PaComrilScr ov.Ct toyAsscia tng l th el on hure. anComril. cityG.v.Ct day, May 1, 11915, et 2 p. m. lu the ýH. P. Nelson Co. Ys. Cote Piano Ce. chuich Learnent for the purpose o! Commercial Security Co. vs. Cote eletting a presîdent aud diiector. Allot Piano Go. o wners are entitled to a vote. H. P. Nelsron va. Cote Piano Co. Sage, admlnistrator, vs. Johnson DANCE AT IVANH-OE Bac. Thte Ivauboe Lodgc No. loi M. W. W. Thistie vi, Johnson lien. wili ive a dance at (ha I ranhoe . M. F rlckson vs. Noerenberg. A. bail ou Wedueoday eveuung. Aprili 21 Hooliban vs. Johnuson. Good mugie. Tickets@ oc stabîîng Soensen vs. Schultz. free. 1 terde a Dye Wiliiams & Dujure vs. Village of An- De.p Pros Wateî. (loch. In ILake Bh.lksilu Aila, te xta» Dnrf vs. White. ordluary depth of mure titan 6,600 Morris vsu Doyle. test lias been res.cheii. making this (irudy vs. Taylor. by tairtthe deepeat fresh waten knowu' Lovt'lesve. C. & N. U',ttr tCo It now appears titat Lake Tanganyika, Wwrzv.CnrlSae har la Africa, may approacit this deptli. asu SC wrzv.(nr! ttaTtu Gapt. Jacoha of the Geiman nsvy bas tsýklucni,. Sager Iiock Go. reportesi a souuding uf 4,190 feet, aud _________ aBelgian offier dlaims to have pene .Ws.nt, Foi 8Sal, etc sc1ia n tise IN. trated attîl jwer. Tanganylka's deep- > est httorn la et least 1,600 test ha- DPEDNT rescis 15,000 persona low les level. weeicy. 1'. of A jay ir. uld SEED CORN FOR SALE WHITE -DENT- S First Champion and Grand y Champion ai Waukegaii Corn Show, Dec 3-4, 1914. Ais» won two seconds and one thirl in Classe. Guaranteed ta Grow and Ripen in 100 âmes ADDRESS AUGUST RADLOFF WESTWOOD FARM LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. Phane 273-M-2 Stembers urtihe G. A. R. and the 'V R. C., togettrer wilh a nimberc frlends met tlu G A. R. batl Tlursdî: niglit to celebrate Apipomratox dey. fiue progiantm as renderad. Toda le really the annlversaiy of Lees set render but Inasmuch as the hatl coub flot ha secured foi tonlght It waa il clded lu hulul the observance lal nlght. The progrir foltows: O-ong--"Amertea." Addtes-Rev. Il. E. Gauster. 8on-'ýRed, Wlhite aud Blue" Iteadîng-31re. Auna Simnpsoo, Song-'-"Battle Cry utfIi'eedom." Addres-Chaplin B. A. Durnu. Addressr-Cbarles Putnam. POein-Mrs. Mary Thompson. Song-'America'" Res'. Oanstersa tatk was aioug pa triotin Bnes. Ha bold birlyfiyutLees suireuder at Appomatox and toid til basson li taugbt. Ha polutesi out hoi nleceleary it te for every Aineilcan t be Patriotie and loyal to is cotuntiy Mr. Dunu confined iebistalk largel to Lêe's surrender liir. Dunu fougi lu the civil war and when b. telieso' avents that happened then it la fr0n actual experlence rather thon fron something lie bas read. His tan proved Inlteusely luterestlug. Mr. Putuain, superintendent ufthte Amerlean Steel anrd Wlme plant Ir Waukegan, spolie on 'Protection tc the lag.y He rîald tirat the gos ai ment gives more protection to thi Mail box on tire corner than If doee to tire flag. lHe gave maîîy' interest iug bicdents ot how tira flag is ni given sufficiant protection. Ha au: that If sumatbing rs not dune soon te remedy- this condition tirai people canuot belp btntose much ofthtir respect for Olul Gloîy. le urgeul thr G A. R. and thea'WV.R. C to senda Patition to coireiss. uring that tir tiag ba gisen mure protection. The poem racited by Mis. Thomi. son was une composed by liarself.I deant witb the Soldiais' and Sailon' monument ln W aukegan and tha aig. trîficanca It conveys. The ieading h .Nfrs. Simprson mias claser andi we1 recelvesi. MANY CASES TO BE HEARIJ Someî Damage Cases of Inter- est are on the Cati -- -Term to be a Busy One. Waukegan. Aprili12. Circuit court convened today wlth a numbar of cases on the caîl and with an indIcation that (ha remaînder ol! the tari will ha an extremeiy busy une. Judge Donneliv was achaduled to arrive at noon. The jury ware to corne lun(iis afternoon. The first case on thae catI je tbst of Thorna va. Grlm, lu whch Gitarles R. ThornefA utitoch Io sulng Henry H. Gtin ot the sae place for $10000 damages, alieglng (bat ha made de- famators' remarkes about hlm. These came out, hae sys, followlng te death of Mrs. Thorne. Ha charges tit Grim chaîged i hm with havlug killed bis site. It le saisi the attorneys on both aides are raady fur (ha case to go to trial ansi thera appears to be nothing ln lira wav o! Irs halng Iteard. Ant- ucbh people are imuchIt ntaîested lnuIr tnterest bas beau augmantesi by the filing of a second suit ln whicit Thorns is sning 'rre Catherine Grilt, mother ut iris wite, for the same amount of dama.ges, rbarging sire mae similar ramanýs, Anotheîr casa set for trial i ut(hi ternile tire Dort vs. MWblte casa. Tii case bas been trled ses eral tImes but always lias resultesi in a disagrees ment ufthîe jury. tn addition titere are sevarai personalInijuryecas against the Chicago ans i Hlwaukee leictîic railroad and agaiust thb North Western. Foilowlng je a ls The Independent leads aIl. PAINT ~H' ou SE Make your hiomîe look attractive andi iîvitîug. Our experietice wilI aid vîtî iii selecting colors and devorativi- planisrthat wiII itake yoîîr homle app-aI- to the bhtst ad- vaîltagi-. HOUSE PAINT gi'ses great <Iîrability and 1asting beauty. It i îiost evonomical tu use hecause it takeLq leme and laists longer. WE WILL BE GLAD TO SHO0W YOIJ COLORS WIIETIIER YOU BIJY OR NOT 5zzzzzzz KIEST & SHIERMAN W~zzzZZZ~PAINTERS and DECORATORS EEEPIELD, ILLINOIB Fo Sale --- Belgian Stud Colt IDEAL DE POIIPEJ FOALED APRIL 28, 1913 Sired Pompel 3592, he byCharlemagne 1799(12290>. Out of Julie de Don 253 1718) by Blangul (4880). Out of Gemblottine î6833î by Pompei 9050. Out ai Claire 41658. Dam- Idealiste, she by Ideal de Fosteau (381076). Out of Flore de Voil 45197, Ideal de Fosteau (31076). By Eclairene 16494, out o! Deems 40325. Flore de Voîl 45197, by Brin d Or 7902. Out of Fanny de Brakel 13483. Near relative to Indigene de Fauteau, the greatest draft stallion that ever lived in Belgian, and the only stallion that ever carried aif the grand champlonshlp for four years in succession, and valued at S30,000. DANIEL IIERSCIIBERGER SPRAIRIE VIEW ILLINOIS FARMERS AITENTION ou have been looking for a gnod iigbt lu your homes for a long time. Aladdinu Mantle Lamps are made tu give satisfaction, and are guaranteed to do su. These lainlos require only about tbree minutes cieauiug e.,h day andl vill gise a billiant white Iigbt tbree timan the <'audIo power of any commun round wick lamp ou baif the oil. TI'ey are noiselese and orlerlems. 1 Aiaddmn Iamp wiIi sale $8.5(tj worth of oil acii yean compamesi witb the saâme volume of light fnom uommoti lumps. Thtis lamp bas beau on tlic imarket foi six yaars. Yîu may try tinsse lampe for tseo or threea vvnings. Tbey are giving entiiu satisfaes4ion whiea'tusal. LE RO-Y FROCTOR, Distributor Telephone 286M12 Ubertyville, Illinois 4Cy1i. $985 8 C41. $1295 THE SENSATION 0F THE SEASON The anly Eight Cylinder Car an the market far the maney An entirely new enjayment in motaring vs. "6SI X,, For a giren power tihe elgisi cyinairls ghter than thse six. Thse crais case la decidedly ligister in weight and the crank pliait is 25 par cent short., than la the. six cyinder. Tib iegisi cylinder ha* turque 33 par cent more uniforcs thaq thse six. Tihe con shat of thse aigisi ha. eigbt came as compered with twelve ceins on the. six cylinder. con ha tlarottlsel down to 2 1-2 miles par hour on higis geer andi negotiaes thse steepasi grades anduheay. est sansi or rend withosst pounding or other evisience of Iaboring. Tise four cylinder is the. only long stroke hall bearing motor pioduced in Americe, is 32 hoise power, 112 ncis wheel base, multiple dis" clutcs, full floating reat sKia,'Stronberg carisurator, Remy or Westinghouse &tartia ad lighting systin. Uphoîsteresi in gemmie leatisci. The .ars cone "fuliy oquippesi" and miuet b. sean to ho apprecuatasi. For a d.inenstretien caîl phone 272-W-I. Lilsrtyville or cars may ho sean et tise Ubartyville Garage. GORDON B. CROWF. -ibertyvilie, Ill., Agent Lais and McHenry comnties. Page ixx es s-WE WANT I d 1-t LAKE COUNTY 'FARMS )y If you want to seli yo ur farm and your i. price is right, we - can get you a ue h FRANK M. JUST & CO. d29 Sa. LaSalle St. Chicago Br Or Libertyville Illnis sy ýd On one occaalon a well-kuown pub- .tVu Mau descrtbed lthe aet of dylng as agreat .detr that must b. much more lnteresUIng than sotting ont for the forth poilo! Wb.Iie fow wlfl agie. elth hlm. It la a great thing tu know ethat science bas robbed death 01 les eterrors. and bas teugbt us the .n bMatter 10w mucb a dying person may kt appear to b. suffering, he or the, lm- ýd nîediately hefort dsath, cas teeî * 'Pain wbatever. M DEP. Lake Coi tory Air DR. W1-r Free Cer Babies - Mi A chilsis' la cunseîvi Waukegau, tnhe hle t 1 tisis surîîmer thse trinii,' r Mlii tii lai, vent tlrem 1 4nfal'. agi, lias elt ,ough It short tfini, ableiar ai- iq tflesi milk, meuts are la fuinishesi It Is ali]I liera so far be neceesaîn Inclinsîl lu Ihs cat ieIi ?a Ftury le p est$ neri, . i tli and iIii Ileaninrati thlld lu icýte the nll tI', lory is roil, iCison rand bhill! wnlf,r LepovIateri a Lke Forent. ifofficeluin lige piactîi wlth a large onse who tu eablishlng tion lu t'I sidares mý fui to ta' mtdetiartr .111 le her, eeek to asâsl, Iu each ln alied tu tire aboiatoiy il urir tire m rUi ccrif ied lied. Tisose hie AH] noi he tests, SIM] bilan tirroliiet grePs ti) pay >e nu iliargi. AI] IP-taits leu wî,îked loUncenr-it 1 i lucting hIee t ts lalalmies ade to ciasi tt according ratory thay rate with the Under the t roung rif Chie 'ung. hpad i Doung and C'o .11 wlho boa lck's hydroae Ia few boum lat as SuOn a lm up and ni ir boat-Ifril achine from day. A marriaga I »day ln Chica Chicago, agi c» f Lihertyvi Titat Sheriff 81nosha CoUntý ,ed" Stahi o g bee lu the Kenosha toi a membar cn nirai commit t state. Ios sir à heen askad cS Pain 0. H mldations ut e for tour 'in y T l .1s Vira. E ~Rose a Ct rwent two vi Alice Home a "El GliTS" ILLINOIS

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