Page Eight ADVERTIS IN G RATES 6c per line eaiii insertion Less than 6 linos, 25c first insertion ........ .4...I LÂKE COIINTY INTEPENDENT, FRmIAY, APRIL 16, 1915. %WANTED-Oood girl for general bousee- work. Cai 2ý0W2, Libertyvillo. 3p WANTED-Housekeeper on farm. Must ie gond ook and huekeeper. State wag"expplmtteii Addreg(4 A.'.L' ludependent.. bctyvilir 3:1p2 1 WANTED-To rent a bouw lti Lbertvii , ile, i or 7 rioms tri, tlI, midcii want pios.e.son îsii% tîme up tuMay lot, Amdrees P 1) box -7-46. Libert- ville.lP2 WANTED-Pasture for a nuniber of~ hieilers R. 1'.R(,t,ii,- ra, Pli'ne-251 ~30til q. FOR SALE - _t ..q.q.q.q.q.q.~ . ............. . ' SCELLANEOUS q. FOR SALE-10 tous - le-cAllalfa hi . .... ai the Arthur Brizgs tarin ear Lake,- - -------- Zurich. Addree E. C. Roekwpll. Hait-i MARRY IF YOU ARE LONELY-The ford Bldg, Chicago. 30c1 jRliable Contidential enîreomiful club [lias jÎ large nutaber of wealtby eligible tum FOR SALE-Piano. ln gîîod condition. bers of both sexes. wtehing eParly mri Cheap. Apply at Lyric Restaurant, age. Description free. lirs. %ru bel, libertyvWMe. Sûri Box 26, Oakland, Cal. P-30-2 FOR SALE-Buggy, harase,feed cutter, hay track, wtth rope and pulleye. Mmo W. J. Idundee, Libertyville. Phone 143-R. soui FOR SALE-Two Bagetered Ayrsbire Bull. 4 and 1 year old. Beet of broedtng. Win. MeOrodle, H. D. Wadowcrth Ill. 50p2 FOR SALE-Oeosefegg. WiliIdliver. J. B. McCurdy, R2, Lhertyville. Phone 290-W-2. 30PI FOR SALE-i Shetland pony, 1 Tay Bnrra, 2 Angora goats. Ail broke ta drive and ride. Addreos P. 0 Box .59, Liherty-ville, 111. 30PI FOR SALE-Eight ilurot- Jeroey shoastf, wetghing from 50 to Ï0 pounde. Wm. Gossel. 1% mlle weot cof Ares. Ill. 21p2 FOR SALE-Partridge Wyandotte egga. $1.50 for 15. Wm. GeHinge, Liberty- ville. Phonei4. 2Op2 FOR SALE-Ilardtn cultivator, drag 1,ooth cultivator, Ci dining rooni chaire, 1 rocker, diahe and other household gonds. Oea. C. Wall, phone 265-J-1 Libertyville. 0c27dtf FOR SALE-Twenty-v.feuhpadofigeneral purpose om reo rm 900 ta 1500 Ibo., two mare@ are in foat. Severat sete@mof second hand baases aDd Wagons. Terme, cesh or on tinte. N. Ri Ladd, phone 4, Libertyville. 28cMj Teted Hardy Northern.grown Garden ,Seeds, lied Corn and iieed l'atatoes4. Best oeede thst grow are te anly kind 1 bondIe. Gt my lst-lt e worth _vour while. Send postal or phone 286-14. F. W. Schllcker, Liber yville. c2litf W@ have a nuinher of fine bomnes for sale or rent. Dymond& Austin. Liberty- vinle. -28-tf FOR bALE-Pnre-brod Cesier White OtIte, brsd tofarrow in opring. Thon. W. Enger, Manager Osborne Fatin. Phono 275-M-1. C2lltf FOR SALE-Seed Grain: spring wheat, barley, lamous Iowa G(ld Mine oate, 1914 crop elover eeed. Al re-cleaaed snd graded and guarantod fIre front foui ssod. C. A. Sehreck, phono 267-M-2, Librtyvtbse. c28tI FOR bALE-ksgtetered Brown Swius Baill, are tram igh-producing cown and ai right type. Hawthorn Fart., P. 0. addroua Box Il Hawthorn Farm, Lake eonnty.liiun:to. e29-4 FOR SALE--S. C. Rt. 1. Reda, original Red Raven train; have won]lot prizee at the largeot shows-Niew Ytork, Bos- ton, Chicago. cockenels, heu@ and pul- lets, $1.50 UV;. eggs $1 Ver 15 up, $5 per 100. Brîdgewaptr Pouttry Farin. UIce- phoae 2713-J-2. e28tf FOR SALE -Rose Comh [Rhode Islond Ried Egge for hotehmng. 50e foc 13. My berni are ail Range Stock, Ira Smith, Phono 12-J-1 Rouind Lake. 2p FOR SALE-Egesiront mRhode I.lieds, 6. T. H usons 200 egg traîn. Bred for utilite as well ams show. Silver u winnersat Waukegan show. WIII replace infertile eggo. Box 84, Libertyvîlle. 27p4 FOR SALE-Pure hred Barred Plymouth Rock ogge,. SOc per setting ai 15. Fredi Grabbe, Aree. Phone 261-M-2. 28cti FOR SALE-1500 Oak Poste;s lae corti woad; and corn fodder. B. A. Schwer- man, Ointer, 111. 27p4 ...... . .... + FOR ENT '+ ..........+.... FOR RENT-Good bouse, barn and garden. And for sale new gasal'ine rangt and 6bote caok stove. W. H. Apple, Phone 212 J, Lthertyvîlle. 28ci . . ...... ..... + WAKTIED .... . ....... WANTE-Situatlon hy voung marrie( man on tarnti. Y cars aofexperience it gouerai farmng, mtoek raising, landiwi machlnery. etc. Wiîf.-wodcaok. Recuit and ref. Addre#se (67) Lake Ca. Inde pendent office, Libertyli le. Durand & Durand REAL ESTATE I NIS!U RA NCE COLLECTIONS Trlggs BIdg., Libertyville Plioms2, Ubsetyville; 470-M.Lake Bluff AND VOLIVA LOSES ALSO. Reported That Voliva Employes at Lace Works No Longer Get That Sumn. tIn cenI- io 'n witk ruereceut sen- sation at Zion Cite- wberein :;)ô emi- ployes o! the lace wonis wbo btlong. ed ta the Voliva church were dis- chsrged when Mtarshall Field îsoue-d the mandate that unvatcnati -il et, Ployés woutd not hé kept at tIse tac- tory, Ilta6Interesting to note ivhat effect bas hteu ou the Volirs t-hurt-h. The foYatty of tht-se 3N n ersonmi b the teachings sysînsi vaccination1 bas taken tht-m ta thé point wliere -hatever the weathQr may be,"' saye hQ - «WhawQr ftho weathQr may bQ, Its laze, if ye wiIi, ai Iltt sa'Wa-"41 Supposin'to-day wsQ U~rst dy Wud ttw weather Ix' chnging bocaiuse veri Or the snow bQ smass were w crucfied?9 ThQ best is to make ver own smwrsays lie, NWhatever the weather mav bQ,'ýays le - "Whatever the weather mavYbQ! tWhatevQr thiewoether mav bieýavs he- ~Whatevér the iwathQr iiiovbe, YQ can bring H#w Spring,imid its en an 4dod Ad the qsSîn de gm e w SWSnowcl; AdwIl warm wr back wid a smiing lace. As w sit at wr heart, (ike an owid fireplace, An'toast the toes W' ver suwl, says lie, 'VhatQV Q watlier may he-'savs he "WhaWtver the wather may bQ!" WOMAN WRITES AN LOST $4IN CRAP ODE TO BENCB TA= iAME; WIFE TELLS KEN FROM ACADEMY t, STATE'S ATTORNEY gao ! tmarcuq e fain dreWaTender Sentiment Is Elpressed 'At Least This Is Said to Have It ta roughly estimated Ihit. lu tuel in the Verse Directed o Been Cause of Two Arrests total, the dtermination of tht- 7n- the OId Bench. i at Wauconda. il*e ta adhere ta thefr teochiug, hlim -,auaédl a loppiug off of somthinz ikf IT RECALLS THE OLD TIMES. ARRAIGNED THIS MORNING. $7,000 a noantb wbich forméniylietm Into thé Pockets o! the 300 perammus . ni The Poem WiII Be Appreciated Upon Plea of Guilty Andrew longer emploYed in tht- factory. Especially by Those Who At- Sowers Is Assessed a Fine It hs estimated that, of! isbIs m,~ tended the OId School. of $100 and Costs. 12,000 vieut ltethe Vlisa t-huro e______ ____1_ tithes. Thut would teave $5,000 wbimn Up ta te présent tume thé Sun has tast Monday nigbt a Wauconua Was uffed ta Il'rcon sud mont o! tht uîmbtshed the namnea o! mmuy people tan took part Ia a crap gamé ta the aumwoud L pmd a te curs mî aWho aténded the aid Waukegan acad- Andrew Sowers' pool room at Wau- manth lit) thse Don Stares aud other em which has héén tant dowa ta couds. Hé le réMortéd ta have lenit Institutions of Voliva achurch. mai- e wytra modéra tht-att-r butld- $4 which lhé triéd ta induce Sowers ta Stoppe-il Now. tng. Tody, owever, the Sun la prtv- retura ta hlm. Failtug ta IbIs hé But, that ha. stopped noir, for, as illlgd ta publtsh an original petit wnt home and broke thé néws to is Uimé, are hlrx., mt of the .tat et-I1 wrttea by au aId studentallietr soeélg wtfe. She made an effort ta secure ployas a n UStîon hase no Jobs now,lIagain one of thé aId benchés la front thé mont-y and faiag bta ald ta have or, If they have, they are net z-tting 1 of thé Sua office. Hér poçm la on ode réportéd thé matter ta Staté's Attor- mac h pa. oeInstade,$40ac young 1t te d bench. Thé anthor réqaéat- uey who on flday mornîng filed mon ho frmery mae 84 a eek d that hér naine hé wlthheld. Thé an Information lu county court hère la driving oa ilivérY wagon or express pueraj fallows:. for the arreat of Sowers on o chargé wagon for about $10. And sa It goes. The Old Scheel Scotch. cof conductiug a gamblîng bouse. He Thot the VoIva ch.trcb nas béez Thé aId ochool beach I saistaday, includéd In thé tnformation thé rame bard bit by thé éxpuiglon of the ZMon I neyer tbought ta ae it more. of Orrella Férnandez. It was thé .elp et thé factory la piainly es-Idéal t stands. rélie o! bygone days, latter who today gave out the details hécausé 300 Jobs are n3t ta be lit-Led Rtght np at thé Datly Sun door. labout théetrap gante. Up lu a minute. It made me dizzy. aiment tît, Sheriff Griflfa went ta Wauconda Thun it la st-en that thé total rés Whén irtetviaa the pour aId thlug; on Frlday sud placed thé Ivre mou ca'ne ta thé Voltra institutions th'-ougn 1 t urought a vient oftitmes long %Ince. under arreat. Théy wére bronghf tithesansd direct expendîtnres for sul) As it stadont there lu thé sprtng. bacgte la Wukegan and mirant the pliés, etc have ht-en cut off somethiu 0f days whén you sud 1 weré youg- nlght la thé connty jail. Thts monti lîké $7,000, or aven $75.000 a vc-ar Wt-nt ta Wsumepgause fit-mt htgh lug tht-y weré arratyner bt-fore Catn. That thîs will havé a seious t-Ct-cit sehool. ty .Iudge Persans. on thé gêneraI situation iau Le rel-id.And huddied upnîmaîhat aid beach,, Tht-rt-were two canatsIsntatht-Ilu IlY seen If thé figures deducted uT Le-at-eO tsa a long aud tirésome formation. Tht- firet charged résIdents of thé clty are correct.nue. playîug sud the- second was for shoot- I'host- ays wht-n yau and i were iug ct-alto. Sowérs piéad gmiliy to tht- AR IG IE Sf. Young- 'tap shaotlng charge but deuicd the- ~KÂ RIA E LCLNES. Thé aId beach to. wa' tics sud othet- Ipon the- motion o! thé tatesB Calese-. ESchtultz. ticago. . , dean attornety the- poker îlaying chargé was 13etthaIt. olian.XVauega 23liad brlght ut-w paint. but io,wponrnoulle praoed. Sowers was fined $100 Hiarald C. Edi&ardi,. Chicagoa.... .ec! u ona man23 a8250,o Adele M. L0îietli, sa ... _9 Tii scarred sud whlttied, cld and te second rout sud wos ordéred tmen. ommittéd utIl fine sud Costa weré rGeorge H. Kron. Milwsaukee- . .. 351Th eclokaiefa hnw, pd.H prms tpy Id- i AIma Wassermann, sanie.... .... _6Th-bah oiaiefa-tatw, ad.H pomédaps. ide e 01sf Lar-sen, Racine............ .. 2s And vie show age s bit, my dear. veloped that Frnandez was merci> i leI paît use; whlle we may livé, an employé of Sowers aud was uel Johana abo, sme .......... 29 And work sud love for many a year. aiioted iu the ct-sp gamé. The iMlarte D. Stasii sakee ... 3We vient tili graduation tme, t-barge agaluat hlm wao dropped. Harold M. lisuer, Chcago......... 1 And trîed ta lesaneach date sud Fî-t-andox declared tis mornn Mildéd ~ ~ î-... .....9 rule; that ffowers bad received ou arder Mide ýEttuer. m .... 1 And now vie finit that we have use train thé tateas attorneéy a lttIe over John G. Thomplon, Pi. Sheridan. .25 Pa~r ail vie learned lu that old a month ago teoe that ail gambling IOlga Opsahi, Evansta.... . ....22 ichool. was itopped et bis place. This ordét Fraiak rnis, Waukegsn ......... 23 was obcyéd, ho amys. Mot-ia KuJe, sainté............... 24 "Last Monday nlsbt.' Fernaudet -Peter W. Barry, Milwauket-.....21 ~ Carlyles;,Ad Corfl¶Ofy. declared, *'rive or six féilows came Clora Stock, sanie............... 22 Thtomas Carlyle auj bis wife werInta thé pool rooutd ahat cropa on Harry Schmidt, Pttsburgh, Pa..28 se woddtng-frlgbktened that it la "A one of thé pool tables. One of thets AIma Hansen, aie Ws.....21te thInk of tt. Replying tea olettsff RacIe, *~O. . of hie describlng bis fatasttc terreraîu. ot saine tnoncy sud squealed. Thata Wayne R. Carke, ZDon City-....26 1 ste woe.'"For heavena a ai gt mli there La ta IL"' *Esthier-J. Italpît. 5t .......-- -23 tatn a mare benignaut bumor, or the ,d harles Kyoely, Carrolaville, Wls.. 22 fincident willI nat only wear a veti No Vacuum* Inthe l. ouehold. Ce Geneviéve E. Zelaîné, satée...18 original asapent, but Iiéwlse a vet-7 "I wouid thée ta ahow you aur néi FPéter A. Corrao, Milwaukee..27 heart-hreaking one. 1 see not how I vacum cleaaér,'* begmu the agent Met a Rardoher, saie------------..25 snt otruhwt l"hnlt oroee. W itg Wllbnr B. McGonlgsl, Lancaster, &Mtgohru it .-bnhedroee. W an'gt Wls.... ................... 231- no vacuum& ta dlean. ssaopped the j.Llilan Norag-r. Milwaukee...22ý Sotties Alrtght. bard-faced evommn ami he easîmed Ibm George F. Duif>, Hghland Park.. 32 Conks may hé mode ta nieal catStup cour. Maht-i Hansen, saine ............ 28 oltigtîg If tbey ame slîghtly larger - 1. than tapa o! batUlea tbey sauld ho MoW Car Jumpa TitreFoet. ýd UnkInd. I olled lu dlear watér for 20 minutes; A motot cet, wlth ctx occupats n g e- 1 ~pur opale oyntut4e-haW"-nd -auis rî*y .4tticcs.Jul mania adificet- 0114 dollar u-fll afie you.%&nid 1 ~ LiBERTYVILLE VILNI MILlIK[ ~flHOME PLACE ILflILfiE No. 8-12 1-4 acres, short mile front Lii- ertyville, Lake County, 111. Faces on Mil- waukee Ave., roiling ground, rici> loant soit smail orchard, other fruit, nice ahade, 9 mont frame houa., large barn, granary, chicken houa., good weII, fonce wire. Ideal home place, price $7350, ternis if desired. 5T3~hn H. D. BOYD i¶v1 H. C.Burridge&Son -Nursery Stock ::::VINES :: : For Arbora, Pergolas, Porches, Wall* Boston Ive' Clenmatis Honeysfuckle Matrimony Vine Climbing Roas Trumpet Vine wistaria Woodbine F airholm Garden& Dyasond Iled Phone 1 02-R Ubertyvil., ISU. REAL MSATE TRANSFERS Furnihed by LAKE OOUNTY TITLE & TRUST Co. Abstracto of Titto. TitI., Guaranteed. Msonic Temple BIdg. Waukegan. Aprîl 5, 1915.- Gea. Pbtlip aud wtfo ta Goldie NI. ltiidlécom, lots 18, 19 and 20, block 20, Waahburn Pars., North Chicago. %W.Dý. $2.200. F. A. Cummîngsand wlfe ta Jakab .'elesnik, lot 2. block 9, Waukegan Higblands, Northt Chicago. W. D., $250. R. W. Hawkins and wtte ta Wm. H. Wetzler, lot 26 P tof Ravine, Ravînia Plghlaad ParkWV.D., $10.00. J. R. Russell sud wife ta C. E. Rus- sell, S 132 feet texcepi E 132 féet). lot 324. Lake Foret-s. Q. C., $1.00. C. JFIcher sud wife ta Il. H. We h reatîerg, E lo fit-t. N 241 9 feet lotý c2 ioutitv l-ri : sulb . I tlm ttV tllt. \V. P. Grard andmdfe Io Na lsrv Glirke. loiti10, Bock's addition ite An# C. E Jtohnson aind wite ta K. F. ttcrgqtîst. 120 at-rtes mutEF, ý2section E. Antioch taîm W. D., $t.4m.m Ariril 6,.11415 --unma %Wim-kmiantI lii (> tml tNle L.usk, lot 1. Wlckm' >iim l i tsi simi, ras ake \W.tD E. A l(i-liai and O ei-ta W i. Sali myoiti liii 16,i omît stIi-tk, - misl wt c saitx)rtmi tol-red t-iirliii loii 16, i.u11111y clc-riii subdiis im,,. Lib- etti ilt WNV.D.$200. tiitmmNI. MîcGowa mn, t-t ai ta Xîl hau Ni, trc-towi.lot on setIsie Bt- rIt-k s, ret-, btteten iGranid i, cie anîd Wmisliimgimi strict Vumkegan. Bei-s. Alîril 2, 11*15.-John S.telk and wifé to Noms K. .Johnson, E 80i acres S W '14 section 9. Antloch f wp. W. D., $10.00m. Eda B. Prost and huebaad te W. L. Hawell, 50 soues lu S 4 section 30, i)eerfleld twp. W. D., $9,500. - W. I.. Itowell te L. . Kellogg, 50 aires lu S 1/ section .10. Derfleld twp. .t D., $10.00. April 7, 11.E N. Tucker ond wtfe ta R, . RKing sud wife, lot 47, Lyon's Sub. of Fain Grounds, Wou- kegan. W. D1., $700. Mlaster lu Chaucery te A. J. Breu- hans sud Wm. Manuhardi, part lot 69. Hlghwood. Deed. $4.800. Mfax Loeb sud wtfe ta F. C. aior, lot 16, black 4, Rockefeller, W. D., $1.00. ýt A-H. Craig sud wlfe ta ChmseWebb, lot 1, block "A", Craigas Sub, Antlocb. D., 1,1.00. FAI. Sîioor ano wife ta W. A. Rq- ga 'a .N 8.10 acres W ~12EF ½ ýN E Y4 set-totimmît 7.-Deriield lwîi. Q. C.-41.00. t. .1.(lt-tr and wle teoNIt & 01. Au- gustine, iot 13, bloci 4?. Highland P'ark. W. D., $1,125. t- Minuit- liendteen ta John Griffith, p 124) acresmulu section 36, Warren twp. and lu setiou :A, Wapkegan twp. W. Rena Suuuebach aud husgsnd ta A. t.Kummer sud wlfe. lot 80, Wllson's t0 SuIt at Long Lake. W. D., $750. \V fi Valroth sud wtté te Oscar 1Ke-iurg, lot 93, Shaw's 2ub. lu section 275, West Antloch fwp. W. D., 81.00. 'e Il. A. Pretzel ta Anna Wénzel, lot 5blocks6, Klelues' re-Sub. o! Edge- e3watt-r Park lu section 36, lu W. Atl- tltoch twp. W. D., $3.100. M Etate ut W. H. Lamboru te D. S. Trambull sud wlfe, lot 4, Maher'B Sub. 1lu block 34, Highland Park . Deed, $ 5,692.16. Estaté o! August Retat tea oa. Wes- Zsel, W. 80 acres S. W. Y. section 32, ,r Ela twp. fleeds, $13,640.00. Allen Dixon and wife ta L J. Wool- mey, S. 43 feet N. 86 feet, lots 5 sud 6, tePark Addition ,Wauîkegan. W. D., i$2.000. April 8, 1915.-W. D. Thompaon sud i wtfe te M. L. Uhea and w1fe, lot 9, sud Boat Landlng lot "R", Camp Aqua Sub. lu section 11, Grant twp. W. D, $450.00. 1 Win. Butler ta 0. W. Mason, lot 11, it ,Ronaiet's Sub. of Ragle Point, W. D., iWAU KEGAN Bell - ILLINOIS System No Home Is Complete Wltout a Telephone O NE of the great conveniences o f daily I ife in the home; one of the best mediums of pro- tection at night-the telephone. !t lightens the housewife's duties; it promotes social intercourse; it is always dependable in emer- gehcies. The cost of residence service places it within the reach of ail. There is no extra charge for installation. Chicago Telephone Company A. R. Andrewa, Manager Tilephoms90001 Prices Reduced on Wire Fencing IT WILL PAY YOU TO PLACE YOUR ORDERS NOW - AMEJRICÂN WMRE PENCEC. PHONE 80 LIBERTY£iL Tiroodore tHi Durit. President. W. B- Smith, Vice President. F. W. Churchill. Secretary and Manager Hon. O@Wtt L. Jones, Ge. Counaet TELEPHONE 81 SECURITY TITLE & TRUST CO. ABSTRACTS 0F TITLE TITLES GUARANTEED Capital $125,000.00 Margaret Howe. te E. J. Howé. lot 8 , block 14, First North Addition, ta W'aukegan. W. D., 81.00. T. C. Mlunt-ne te Mahél . Benwell, t'loi 44, Oakland Sub., Ot-yslaké. W. "wender how many mon wtUllc this decreames their site, soyaU .. damhed np tae mfrawbrldge at Haddlo-D. 1V0. made unhappy wber t mrry?' aaid Louis Star. Insert la moutha of bt-' ce, Norfolk, Juni as it -sa beîng 1 L. J. Wooley and wlte te Bernard the flirt. "Fow many do You expeci Oeas whUe o bt; tbey wtlt expand Iln cbosed* im anmfui 3 Ieaped %crass a eawu'iln, N. W. Y~ (except S. W. part) le- marry?' aswered her dearesi cooling....a4 lu thls way willlmoka opace of tItree fox-t betweeon the two section .21, Warren twp. W. D., $13,- trend.-Maa Lscbt. 1 verfectly alr-t.ight stoppera. 1 bavea-Londoa ibail.00.. .--1 1 Il 1 1