LAKE COUNTY I NDEPNEN _________WAUKEGAN WIEEKLY SUN LIBJEHIY VILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILL., FIRIDAY, ,APRIIL'-3, 191,-. wife or Lon Earle, ilce, kford cal- ,andi lest e, pasetit atternooti li Rose- eorgé I. ýnue, %,11- . o Mm', merly of vas well site 'Ire. lartridÇen air Eai'Ic, n'as iustr, ,les la.: ONE O EGHT Si ~O ER EÀRIN IWAvMN %j PIONEER WOMAN DIES, AEIED 93 YRS; IN Co. SINCE 141 M!ý ChloeBrown, Widow of Fýrrrer Sheriff Passes Away n Benton Township. LONJGEVITY IN THE FAMILY. Decedent is Survived by Two Sisters, Over 90 Years of Age. \tnu. Chine A. Browai, vlioWni Norman Broya 'IlaPoner nf Warren township, dieti.uthle htme of ber graMa daugbler , Mra. Wrightb,ut Beach, nati of Wauieguni, ut mitI- nlgbt Monday nlgit. Raibse us u untl m>'naît, hieoulti have beau 93 yeara nid. Mmr.eBrovn aussi 17 yeurs sua. 'lins. Broyai austaineti aslght ot-emino Manda>' atermoon but Sur fil- nenc ruail>' tatuti froni afaîl tesus- tuixuude8 monts ugo vteu site broie ber hI, itivie lI the. yard ut tise Wnlghl home. Evur sirce thuai ber cosultle«_hai teen nons ton favor- ibis andf il vus feareti sisuneyer wou'tI regai n ber stnength. Tise troke Münday. together viIb be r extremu ar'. matie theiseit-Iatlp i larîs- sp ;,arýnt lu relatives. Famlly of Longevit>'. i suat NIrs. lBrowni rame iront a tam- jil> abicb vus rbsrarterhzedily u-J îuvual iongevitv lv shovn luy the tactl 1 bat ste lt.sCi-s Ivugltens. velli ltnruun remidu-uts uif thse ourt- , as foi- V y lInters, îu'n iii searg olti ,ro lives on PaIn, lewtare, Wau- luegan, Mrs.(Charles Sticlnes' if ilentuai. uic- ',I years oit. -c.- ceaves biseau- ibilaise n Charles Brou-ai, GCtraiet. vul knownai F-ru-il Brown, ('tIiagi Pruià ýBrowai. Loi Angele,-. %1-lipHlen Amazeen, Milwaukee. W&s a Pioneer. 'erg. Brovaianti ber hu bant vers auoaig thee canal>'a ver>' early tet- tlhe aving locutet Inlu1Laieceutni- near vhal la nov Guraies, I 1841. Tises laratti fit teurvisa t le tise' Iobta McClure ain . Wh en lb.>'came osurlauti troni Nev Yok, vtrete vas tbomai, tise>' Passaut ough visat le nov Waukegan-thuai theru vas bail une store ini tovu, tiovo on the lie front. Ver>' tev people lîve Inla lie enîmunIt>' tissuant Inldiens venu thickInlutlb.outl>'lng lernilor>'. Came on Moneymeon. 'L runnerllon vli nihe aget vom- aalfe Il is ntereating te nocalthat Mr. anti Mn. Broyai came averlunti vllb an ox team on theIn toneyanoan trip. Ttey vere maist inla 1841 ln Nov Torkaand starteti the suie year for tise vest. Tisey ove accompanieti b>' untbar bridai pair vto alto came le Lais coul>', Ren Motels In City. Wtile Mr. anti Mm. Bron ivuti near Guraies toi' an>' yuarm, the>' lter movedti muaWuuigan anti con- ducteti ut one lime for ian>' years the fumons olti hobel, tse Wauiega Hou@,-, laler candurteti yt>'ettc Mun raye. Ths Bravais aIs aI onie lime rnductedth ie nid Sherman bouse, at oes ime ao vus a leatiung butel. Wiile n.%I.Broya i nginall vus s farmer. the' faci la; nov ruralledt lt te, -ally' speat littie tume ianming. WasmEx-Sheniff. Muir.Bronn ntureti POlhIca anti va stenifi of La'îe count>', constable, anti, un tact, alvuya seemedtobu boit ame oflire. h la et lailrest bu necul that bter ti son, George, nov deceaseti, aise became stunIff of the rouait>'. Aged istlaersat Funerai. Puneral frm tise Wankugan ('bris. lian churet ut 2 o'elock Wsdnesday, buial lI OaIr.nud emeter>'. Plans vsrs matie tahunve bto f Ibhe uget i ssters prusent t the serv- Ires, A' crnssmstaaice vhicb vouit bu anoat t4lusual to thini of-that ut sue- ing tub sistersu aguti 90 ait 81, attsenti lug tise fu\eral f niaotter silser, agutij SIIERIFF GOUES TO CIIICAIO FOR 1MAN 'CharIqs Carpenter, Charged Witli Theft at Highland Park, Now inCounty Jail. Sberuff Elsli Griffai drus-e 10 Chi- cago lai bis autaomobile un Sunda>' anti brougisî Charlesu Crpeulur, toloreti, taok 10 Wauiugan vlth hlm. ocing tii Up ti the couuby Juil. Carpeailert la chargea i vilbhaviig stIna a tina lily o! Jeeury nlai Hghland Pari a couple oftves s go. The varrant for bais amuîst vus avorai ot_,before Police Maglerats Taylor of Whuke- gan. Curpeuter vus lbratIs n liChica-t go ant iteldi pendlig tise arrivai oft the sberiff. He vas arnuigsdetithist murailug but bis tearing val maila-c ueti sntil next Sabunta>'. Ariording lo a format ativenli,,u meait appearlng In lodayis Sun, CaW. .J fi Doyle ut Cuis-en, lid., la unteavur- b iaig tu gttrace ut Abrahuans anti Mag- gis Bunker wbo are saiti to bus-s liveti li the viciait>' ut Waukegan silxty ysars ago. Oison Suggested For Treas- RE A IVES IN LMeeti ef Wen t o f Ap- 0tF B D F WeII Known Waukegan Wom- IJ N TION IS urerandFossforGovrnorLibrtyvlleWhe Lis ofA -an Succumbs to Sickness - -Friends Are Busy. W D N EM D pointees Is Chosen. R O E L A If Dating From ian. 1. IUNCIN I Chiag paier Sudaymeniond :, he akecouty oar ofagr eulýMrs. George NMinskey a wei nowro Congresnan George Edmund Foms of C DEfL T tu r, he Id a meeting at the village hall N lVEmli aukegan resident, died ateher home thîs, th v Tenth ditit as a Posi- SI 11F1ST T1 bn pt> ille on Saturday afteruio0n I L K ON 5RD Y 1 4 ClaytonnStreet, friday evenlng at lTe fo hedgovernorshlp of Illinois.__i______O'Ciock, etWhieh me0 'cîock,0' her demise belng due Th e dSugi Congressme e lntd o the difierent drpartment Jopnemo iwth huart dîsease and Poshahd hie frienda at spring- in Spite of Conflicting State-! ýere aît,ýpoînted by Prealdent (hbas. H Man Who Disapperd rm 'îdney comlcaiswhwlhseFALR 0F R RE N- field iooï 0or the down-state Situa- - 1 G. peasAierl, recitorns of board Month hr Iladetbeen aili since January lait. FAIUE OF RIPEIE tion during vthe week.'Tibne maya n ti ppa Gustaf i proved by the: etrs flebogad, Ft. Sheridan Mn Ago M.Mnkyws uAgsa A TIVE 0F SUPRuVISOR Adbres whet The Trbn i Chall Left Etate. l as foiiows:1 Found Near Highland ar. op to tour weeks ago. It was whiie CNAlO M K N ofSenator OisonsB possible entrauceI Horses and mules--R I1 Swan. there that she was taken sick ad, lnto the state treasurersblp flght: Reoz Osborne. tup-r TI our weeks ugo It was necessa rr M TO DS LV IN ____Cattle-John Austin. SUIC.IDEIi. THEan THEO RY. M r. Minskey ta go south and MOIO T ISOLE N we15 put up y«eardat an infora Sheep-]Cd Boyer.hoe rcndtnte ws UNTO KEP I N conference of dowantate RepublnAttoreyAlec Beaubien Look- Swine-M. L. Davis. B1oyud blaigsoNa her home. Fer cdti eo t iwas FORCE-M NA U IE leaders ut the HotelLU salle. i~AtGnl c S Poultry-Danl Lm. t ~asthe distanc uasrthr state Senator Albert J. oison o t fer teIflLeresLs of gu lua adDlr rdut aSore Men Easil"' Brought 1 i c e on turther.ito hd LY FOR OTHER EXCESS Woodstock, was projecteti as a. candi the Relatives. Il. B. Han .to the Bac.groro no better andi ber endi had been ES date for state treasurer next year Pruite-,H. N. MAibxam Beach.0lokd o frsoedas fleiaaUveOasontataw a ounc b bs Waukegan, April 12, Vegetables--W. 9. Miller. Toer bohyni a Man bulleved tu be Had asle llvud until May th, nuIt. Waukegan. April 17. An earriof thebuggie Chatd cechnica Trope Jo ilRdding, 3U years nid, site wouid have beon 64 years oid. Pailure of Coliector Clayton Rutt or rcandldacy ut once and ibe the inrt i n uh fteGs hî ae artef-H. J. Caler. ais membur of the iMtbh Cavary, IU. 9. le leave8 her huaband but no Chil- anybod%, rupresuuting hlm ttaper tbe fid for the treaaurership. whicb alreacy bas caused '-onsider- Cninary "d4 pa'amrved fruits Mia .wh. disappeareti fromt Fort Sher- dren. Her sis ter las Mn. Kelly ornaipa *Jd«y of my friends have sisggest- able notoriety ta beconie attached to Adah Nicholss. idan about a month ago, was founti Emporta, Net., and a brother, Dr. before Judge Edwurds thîs moruing 1.e thal 1 run for' state treasnua'r, SaiiIt became public tçday when il be_ Flowers-Waank C,~ Rose. I n Lake Michigan near Highland Park Knox, ]ives lai Three Oaks, Mich. ut 9:30 ta argue for the dissolution 2 enator Oison. '0f course. itlaI quite Domeud at nfatuh rersaud orna- about tbree o'clock Friday aiternoon. Mn. Mlnskey was a danghter oif uf the Injunction lssued this week on Sa way aheati, but 1 might decidu toacame known that Chahls btieina mental needile work-Mrs. Lulu Mut- Has body .a. fioating In shullow wa- te "late A. R. Knox, weil known i n rqeto ty ensG ec, make tibs race. The north end of Swuden have taken the matter Op lacks. ter near shore. The victimt la be- Lake counîy Yreust iAt>'eJme . ulh.l the state bas not had a state lneasurerlwith the Sivedish consul guaierul lai 6chool exhMbll-T. Arthur Simp-, Iieved to, have committed suicide 'Mrs. Minskey hai livua in lai uke- hehaîf of the Sun, meana that lhe writ for nme tima. andtIif the boys thini 'Chicago andi are Iisiating that they son. 'white teanprartly insane, gan muny yeurs and was at onue lime standa.-until efforts have succeedet li 1 ougbl te0 maie 1he fight, 1inay do, recuise Ibuir proportlinte ahane ot Works of art--Mise Resale. Bond. Two Highland Park yuung men presîdent ni the W. R. C. She alan dsoIving IL. no. . .is estate. The matter ha been turo-. Natural hlstory, miscellany, arts were the unes wto dincovured the formerl>' bulonged ta the W. C. T. U. 3 Mr. Emfterason said there were nu ud nier tia Attorney Alec Beaubien and andi craft-'MIss B. A. Bush. ' bodY at the foct of Ravine avenue. Funural at 3 uclock Sunduy i rom The InJunction was dlrected agalnst rstrings led to bis candidue>'. te la conductlng an Investigation. The fnloving commiltee was ap- Ttey boit tuien a wal tn te laie the bouse, hurlaIlunOuk'wood. Supervisor Conirad us custodian ofthte Chall tormerly was engageailai the pointeai to secture specla attractions and sisisa the 'fInoater". The bosly fundis. Mr. Conrad was nt lai pool- meal amarket business here. He re- for the fair: C. H. Aveilîl, J. B. was go neun shore thut the>' succeed- tien wture te cared t. have the witt D O EA T N o itireai about uight or tuai years ugo. At 'Morse and W. Butterteld. ed lai drawing Iflta store hy means(JD E dissolvedl because heo merely acîs an __eà.thYý agt ctabe he ax tred printedentof cocessons, autoritis wer nsupeed nd teobodssdprtisesan uthlisn gtpe psonaal TELEPHONE POLE TO 1wap h3 s tOcatElin e -as Iin eo tedalo onsosathrors were folldnteoy PNE UMONIA VICTIM* t l~k o h te udupr %A IE fi IlN i~t culîy was encountered i n securtng 1Sm fth e rmPrtSeiW U L the light of tnytng ta force the dis- TSAVEusei omesuprie ecase1 s re u theifrmr t enîlicaîlun K OW Edward Sherwin of North Chi- bis friends hadl thoughtt te was worlb of Redding. lI ~Mn. Ratt couldn't consîsteaiti> go into cago performed Heroc Feat a consîderable auma nf money. A AiNUIIILR BAD FI E. Redding hai been slatioued at Port National Bank, Libertyville court and agat for a dîsmaissal oi lb. house sud lot whlch te formnenly tatid Sheridan since JanuarvI. lie was ' ,,Injunction which exiateti agaîngt an- in vvaukegan Saturuay. 'owned sas found tlbe lu the name u1ofl A '% su I-l nexelet odier aud was higbly 1 Died onSunday. other parlv--and te dîdut do n. __ idaC.Noriauder. wite ot John 'Nor-' TWO 5. B 5ANS.' URNED V eg rded by loth offiers and muai Sa, white Mr. Conrad conitimoa .a ,IGIRL'HAN IN FRONT 0F HlM. ianier. a close frlenti of Chahi] t _i_-_!__ ,a was servlng his fIt enîistment. SICK BUT ELEVEN DAYS. motion to tusias the injunction Liy ______waa found lu have been tieeded to having heen lu the army the greater tune befure October lot, the chances lier fora nominal considenatlon. The Property of Two Former Aider- Piart of bIs lite. AI the expiration nof Waghero JhnA are te vIII ont place himsît lai that Driver of Car Swerved to One place bas an encumbrance o! $1600. emen of Chic u enismet e ~a pusilo s tepursofalJohuanoA. SideandCrahe~Int Poe INolander ai the lime slated thataoDsrydiâ t hd bis p n nrevl euism rent Wells, Pioner Family of Haiftlerelstinlaihebcase. thaîl tati lost ail bis mnney lai Early Morning. At one tume Reddilug hall buen qulle As the malter nov Stands, the in- Near the Cemetery. southernu vetnients and came back M SENA 0D a drnaklng man tut for a long limte: Day Vicinity. ilinction grunted by Jutige Etivards -ýtii Waukegan practlcal> penniesa' SUMMER HOME M NCE'___ie_____e. ewa neo Wauuegaai. April1,S. sud broken lu heltt He sali te tati1 ---h-ui bted ews n forderlng Supervisor Conradi ml ta the soldiena wto went ta Arkansas, Lake ounts- people wene shocketi puy îo Rutt the $500 asithortzed by ba b Edwin Sburwln. a graduate ut the takeai cane of hlm antilai relurai ton Village Firemen Able to Check ta help queli the strfke nlota. Whoun Sunday 10 learai that, onu unday moru tuwin meetig, continues tn stAad andi Waukegan hish scbnol andi son or Ibis Chatlt atidueedi bs Place o rgrss(f u e ruturned nme of bis comnradua no.aIng Mns. Lutte Wells Griffley. wvte thesupervisor viii fot carry ont the John Siuerwin. former Mayor of Northu Mn. Noniander, the uaitirtanding bu rigrssofFames rrom tcdthalt e was drnnung again. of J. S.Grltilev.of the 1P4iltNational îw etn rlr 1ng that te was lu receive the runt Barns to Houises. Aftun bis long abstlience fitsemed 1Rani ni Liertyville. bal proveti a Mandamus May Be Neco.asary. Chicago. drove is automobile into a for it. ta gel on bis nervea. He vus eaierv- vJîcitim ofiiii.uuîim a f t p r a oins UTnder lbhe lav, a Colluctor maust 5lpiore pole on Marlon streel about Norlantier tas now uppeared inl court Fox Lake. Apnil t> Vroi Laie vi- 'one moat of the tume. He la saai 10 I duy'a illneas. H-er death, following mie sutlement wlth the oouaiy 5 10 o<-{ Saturda.- afttrnoon. tu tiisoltde the ustale. H.eba beon ap-haermkd osierbs sasic ruuulng down a chîid lio rupointedadainistrator.nla abill illeticlnily was agaîn sislteti by a tat ir~ae rmretCasoe0 ti m-1 vîttin lessiua veek thut utflins. Ieasurer 20 tsys after March SOtbi. ranrades thalt e vas balt Inclinedta l Galloway, vite of Dr. 4allowav. veil bat ttuy usuailly taie up to Apnil 15th. t e suis forth that bis wlts vas mereiy Ioda> vtich. for a tîme. menaclad 'commit suicide t>' leaplng lnt the I inovai Litertyville physicien.' alan0Mn. Rutt ha ut yel settled wit tte directl>' lu the patcof bis machine toltiln<thse bouse andi lot I trust. The mun>' aummn-r hume properties jugt laie. At the tîme no Onuetogbt trom Pnesumonie. causuti deep .aow truasuren, anti, when te dong, it viii The chîlai, Sarah Selielyu. 7 years olti, Nonanders are sali to bave a daimtOtietevlapIuhaotti.I h ilg.l at h etso ese fh ete ortl "« waBstrucit hy the rutining huard ut againsl the property. Ater ibis hotIdesevlag utAbout tIbis, lai licockone t e tvill. aitatnioedean i bucssuîtee trwisiestaorea la no mac- the machine andti îtown to the pave- satisfied ti it salite remaînuier ut Herea the resu]t ut hîcgo. about ta rm eenti ao'clocknueit-gooseIvogeveil k u soen a i cetas tbes ervhcbthora ltw &U ve men Se ecaed it sclp:te ustate.u lbu dîvîdeda mong thse Ex-Alderman 'laiiole O hcg.appeuredti ram the tamraris. When shocý to people lu the surounaiing 1er-ltu the treasurer, tisai ir. Waieb, ot mend nt buSte sap e w wt caprelatives li in wdun. fot big tarai whlcb containeti an auto. te did! nul returai the next day tbe itory wviers the familles are so vei tbaIf t cthelb.un. vil atart a fman- wne dthaca dusents. T u se w auit a mter boal ant iumch furulînre, loa breats te tat! madie PrevtonslY venu inovn. damna action b? vblcb th. Court vii O g~~gsiim rperbapa $3,500. 1ruported te bis cnmmandlng affluer I a nvnn ampirt irb se OCMe il utMO* heroir art onte part nf Shurwin. HOOLS IN Dj F 2 moaEx Alderman Cox Ion, Chicago, font anti bu ut once came to thse Conclus- I asoaitm itn purluhr te iatescoel th l l uoves 'ît vus a case ni iUlling tegirlbarn anai content,, alîbougu latter Ion that Reddlng tai endeti bis file. duath thak Mrs. Griale>' vus taie by thse lav as bis salary. It la saiM or wrsriing the machine andi penhap t gTo vUM'Inc er nI5 aluable as lai Maypoie's Since thaltutie a wtrhhabuheen wvus pneumonie. Hpr teath oecurruti bis tesaexceed iebissaler>' by $181 futali>' lnjuring or killlng mysef-I l ILERLiI lIJ&'aI4., cus matis for bis body ulong the store ut 7 o'cloek Sundav morning, April 18. Ibis yuai'. TOINSH pÇ The tire starteai <nom unknovu off Port Sheridan. The tact thal bu Mrs. Grliley, tat iste Ilveti untîl claimed b>' the memnbers of tiaclaie chose the latter alternative," Sherin source.suand for a time munacedthte1 lefI ait bis rlotbiug anti oter helong- 'Sept.26,1915 wjuit bave been 50 yeurs Bai slmpiy-iai telliaig of the accIde.'n t OliilO L ,UJj'NE at vo anmer homes ut thse men lu logo iuthIe post ls onu oflthe thlnga Sterwin tati drI' un lu Waukegan ____question. O5iIy ttc veilant andipur- wbirb ronvinceti officers that te hall ni,- Ste vas the tiaughter of John A. E JIN N AC I inbs ahr' igRmle aradsistent von 0of the Fox Laks fine de- saideti bis lite. They dli not suspect Wells, a pioneer Halt Day farmer, who PE M NT ÀSS.N. lai ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ armn bi aiestgRmlrcrat saveai the homes. The vinai fon a minute that tha li deserletibte- locateai nuar Hall! Day lni 1842. The vas ruturning tome vheaithtear,- Those Receiving Highest Marks arte trnan htwshw'ue thiexletrcod 6cide.frmlyelkonctzn O F MW S den ocurrd.Thre ltte grlswer i DiferntBranches Wll the line apreudtin onne tarai le the leAnoibsi thligs vtlcb Indicutes oui- outhne cmunI>', ere torm ln a logcabin playiaig tetweeute siewaii andt h, Get Awards. other. 'riais la that a fev yeani &go a brothur whtcbvus the Wells home- for yeans rnu rurt) on tise %Vest sids ufthne stree.' ____ The tanna venu ilestroyeti isapite 'ut the deceaseai rommitteti suicide and These chiltiren, nov living. vlth the aoiith ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~h eftfet tteSsevncr Arneet bs enmasfr~ orts ~of tu, !lîlagesiant ire- ý i wasîeare aithtia tne tht R eexception ar Mns. Gridîs> anti Char- ru MED SATIJRDAY A P ond machine was pnoceeaing Arneet aebe ad o e h ie éýdiscovereai about ding voulitdothe sMme llig. Haoce, vhn ailut fat year n lN'oria, A0 th uste Fo d oa he p icar. the holding ut Contents lai the ichools 1.4 clor'. i vas watctuec ton some timie to e re'Ms. John Ponte, Wauiegau sEl:e Pei lu ect t te Iwnabps hrogtot 'Man ls Hurt, Ibat h t e t nlCarry sucb ana alemPt Prankioft îsarleView: WIII of Liburnv . M.W i litîle girls rau iota tise Street. Two the counts- Thisîs l lliaise vtt the Hans lentiicks, wite h elping jinoi, 5us. ville, ant i Wllla of Chicago.dn fCut, is m plan put loito efferi ast year b> Caun- fight the lire, fel hI Iioug thie rouf of eto!ont, is'm ut tbem saw their danger andi rail y Supernateaideait of Sctools Simpson. thse barn anti sualainea IinJuries vhîch,. Mrn. Gridie.vs rmarriegz-tti J. Seely provement Association. the little Selketys girl. kept on. 'nuon ut the Wintbnop Harbor irbool. uio tnua aruzueesa ~ a- Ft .10,s tac upn tse al, bt te Iird Te fratconeatvu beai h asife eil~tsrouserio M.uRhmoru p.ROBERT C. UIT LH S rl: t:1iwtere the couple i'eitit ie 5i oulFn Ipoe Thsmantriln tie Fra Jamme idlhe olt Oitbe Thewi Cntenut un etinunt. llee erpior tri î'uiig tuiLiberty'.met Associationi tultia meeting lu the on bis bra'Ses andinarrowvyaioided al'W a s alatnship rontusbeli luiThe unes figliing the tine tadi muct ll hchhmbet herhmefrth ACTNtonlBnkbidigEàbry futureler.trouble on acoroint off allug eluotar i , IESuONiTHE CvllOhii uelse turtai-fo i1 ialNtinl aibulIn.r'ry bitig er. tnins vision wsa 11gtutyafenn i13 lu It aur heFod ad eenT wo Thre reCotesa n'pellunieu l Tteies ndemporabicSeric'oc organitepsar oransono strrtei u> tc or ani ssug tu Ter ar cuitstalu pshin, PaiCompany f nuily lbud to shut off thse W Eh EIIIWN IERE ranog tle cîty s linemuist resients. As wlîlct vus fqlmed ut a meeting la i Li- ot the girls non tari ouI nf the wa mnsubp. aritmslic, anti readlng, cornent lu protent lises. l 444nîvmNaa a l the Case of tDr. GallowiayJthe ava- unnîsille ssenai vueis aowxmati he thughtthe cast as clar. ani schrool lai the tovasisbp mu>'Bend Titis tine. tolhuu-iîg wtbîn a tewptyo i h épege u ateprmnte h etn audy Iv cnesatelacontubestAanteu tseda,îî-îu f ie laut i altu 5i1i, g, u t tupunnui-i u it auetu wndy A mupentmu>' te henturuai chlOnushor alwek fteuetioin ftebg )ra@ai ms iris tue the dîrectonu asiectet moment later th luths chuonrush-a i fce bouse. crealed ach e xctement Man Who, as Member of E. bersaîsi ' vetltw-hp wr p eti frmlanfront utftse Pond lotothe lise subjecta. Tbree avarda viii te lai tie village. Tise fIniai waa ri rate trin itbornes1>t ee-1tsnbsvr p îîath of the Rambier. Sherwîn vas given lai unt ovnsip cnteThlai Norcuenvssutricnnetiai t vis san close tîsat usure vas nu iime tu ap- eacb subJent, The vînners ot inst se itfine t tise iee primentY wviirises- A. ummiocnd F irm s.wned ut20, i15cLîk esduy ulternoîîn, hidvsIsucuto iaaun pytebae.Ascn moeadanti secondtiplaces are ta compute lu taileti a $200,000 losa andt tere la nuMooa n ie. Anl2,115 lih;wsdSW tOilte wîtu ounîittess forlise ailfereut phytis tries Aaucnlmor ani te cuunty conteat for the cont>' chustie cue ota ieprealulutiand i ni us l urnioahed h ue f o ieugaiainv the chiltI voultibas-e beon ruai tovi. bonors. tautheecauserat on secondiare Robert C. Gis-lis, a parner li intsehp fwr h raiainwl Witls rare presence ut mInai Stus-in unathe ta go to the rouait>' coaies( firnm niE. A. Cummiaiga & Co., anti for tisleiuartet rin tilhie Oriental Con@i8- aIj iloi t.lctdofiic tieniteti ta sacrifice Ithmsîf andti tisetsthird ls permibtedt bgo.Igj'maar i -ny. Hurlai as ut iliantnei Laie Tefoiointes lcelalifcr car If uscessar>', anti apma tieseteen- Theaspdliug monlet lu oeslantiuinsslniai otiet i 'Presldent-DnM. Wh ite, Atoh wuw CH RCiEtou.y deiThei ittIt heat,-uneen t atunioîllu tu unuunturanzaio in hel le n. T aic Itelntc ition nuFeanciscoWdesa He lut Secretary-J. E.Barrett, Prunle T ig Cariseel. sarp cîs e s lu quiruc ulubonslu dila, A EDO1 IChicao erly olaiteai nter. Hia PopsdInras sEffective viev. 'lsetg a crentiasup>'l tu utrcioMultiplicatuon antidi AREDs- INTHE 1sarI>' biteeae Treusurur-Lewis Huiebsclit.Area, luit. fit as not a second tac aon- lI ut vhoie uumbers, camion anti ouI> suai, Robert S. Givîna, of Chicago, Where Patron Pays His Fare An applilation for a charter vus ut seemuai as î If t e el isssai ter terimul inactions. The vriîing vilii T 1 IE fC aunitaa sualer, CharlottleGivina, vers on thie Car. miatieMontay niIbis week. Solicita- bodiy vthlie inaction cf aniich. The cbe sns vli rusatimnu l.The IYOf ENvitis ner fure i estre i h cote exenz ile Iansls maunealse n Ii Jh lailntihe West. His vitedsi in or funtslt.tatt u h car was iteate isa irerîy tovard theehbooks andi&alun froni a took viietlit Sptemiser. Wauksgan, Apnil 14. _________ est crsb. lFisrvin taled fluan aI- filI te sutipleti t>'Mr'. Si.psoi. Pso fKnsaIsiuin Mn. GIvins vas qulte vuhi inova Tise insistent protest on theu part ni temptta the vinnde lodWaanthegaThecontnt sedsboerfatMiss Citai'- ofWauiegaIntitutontîzeuskegtoglittiierrvissaCac-It-kePLANttisos togtherwatmC¶ti netumtomept a lai he rua athe a scesronut ul eryBue laitheaîl vas Aided by Business Men, Goes 11elva brinî as ai t an fPLn iisaog b atsA N N W fltK aiexîr'an momentît tuaonhibtssi ne , the beach- Atr e Builes" lotateIali antipaytifoa n im h ensat one te iles enu a teno, e- anti roîlituti viIttise toiephone Pole. Iens to *belp maie tte conteste Ibis AtrNwlBsns! lns n lydfralngtnesoebtenbr n vntn e Tise Impact anappedth ie puIs off lu yean even mores uccesaful. 'Rus n-1ai aiutheSa hae.1gr ztepooe arael a-I AN ROAD LAW two places. ees abeing tuaplayst. Letura are Kenuita, Wia.. Apnil 16l-Adan- r.M Gisina vas borni at Yorkille, a songer fanes on taie Chicago ant ilI--____ Sieruin hurnisd aiutise aide ofthtis b e sent lu tIhe teuchena of the dit-,ilog religion b>' the use onirssty fulsuturof utToronto, ln 1845. wauee lectrlc rallroati. apparenîlv Pursuiaig Il policr>0ftiing aven furent achoooîs lai the rouait>'Intamncb. pago atvertisements In tise local pa I 175 Mn. Gisina berame ussuclat- bsbrefutfrantneetstsSeia oda ata h oE littîs girl. Ste vas carriet I nto a a Ig theniluit vtsn the differeit lovai- per *as nie campaign tarted the bill asbrefutfranlnomalvs hnta oa1s ata h o neant>' tmg atone anti a piysician shipp cuntesîs are to bu huIt. PibtBaptiat rhumsh ln Kunosha to- et vitis Edmonti A.Cumîlaiga antiIgis-en ont Ioda>' thut ltere vil e ais tbrough wvicinthte tigisay raina, r.- ti uaoid hewsrmvdt a>'.Sîlas M.l Moore laithue firn of E. A. ' unrease ln tares vhsn patrons pur- lingulas, belr sections. lb.eLincoIn tise JaeecMAisten iosptal visere Dr.I te mosement ilms ai d ybhuaI--, Cummitygs & (Co. Ailentise voril's cliase ticket.This la ronsidereti an lPariboard ut lis muetiaig.Wedti"dy Belova atteaiteul ber. Au examin- WEATHER REPORT nusmen ut the churcis vto have de- fair n In 9,h eoe eea er rvratcneso ntepr fpsc eoutnt uii e tion stovsd ste lidruceivet a rut IWeaîher forcast fonrlise week begin. 1te Soetibs lturs uus eeassnsst taî>ain y- aitoratcaceiono lepntu tasearuouto t usml o on te scalp anti brulses on te ibody. - ing Wednusday Apnul 2lst. ssued andi tat the people nia>'te test eral niveta inrluding "Tise Rici Mai's been taien to atave off the salumnt ! vtct la expuctudt l overcome the Oh- 1-er conditionu us sucis tisaI t lu by lise U. S. Wealber Bureau,' rearissaib>' nevsaper advertlalug, Pool' '"Tise tiilioaare Tnamp, Tise protest wisic la rising ail alonnrthe jections o!fanrt aie residenti. The thugt bcea b euple vtaisas. as ingoD .Thbi .wise reIua-pený1rtiii,"Mlle LîIncunusue," Ins, substance uf the ordinance vilIlbe hume totiay. Seseral pol tes ethi, p,-n'susI id.uîiiplis atrty but tilgailfietiThe>' venu pre- anti -One Thousauti Miles an Hour. 1The annuncuamunt statua tourier. that tiselovais ma u>' tomaven nhiit edthIe accident anti thev aIl ugree thtt tatua ,: iraliv tain weather wvus pansai b>'a Milvaukee Company anti Mn.Givins vas onu of the orguntz- tu viiere pensonu neglent to pur- sections oif raadt thne boad, but Sisurvîn vas not ta blamu but tisaI empenaturesu.sdraîlv abuse nue tise campaigai tas besai laid out vitb uns anti a charter member ofthne Chi- 1chasticketp utte tepots lb. lai- ail taxus anti asseasmena f om Ii on te cntrryhe xhiite fle nrma lmiudcatd fr te.s ditriste sais cure tisat voulti beu tietib>' goReal Estaisboardaofnirvicb orI creuset rates vili isý chargeai an titimaintenance saolite leviet by th. unie o urnt uxiteifn rnaluudaltinse distri staIcaruful ativerliser lu planning cao1 heosi urIng practirali>' tise stire wesi. a campeiguni publîct>', ganizaîlon te vas prestent lu 1894. curs, autisoritiea of the indivlual toyaL \01- XXII- NO..';]. SIXTEEN PAGES. ONE TO EIGHT $1-50 PER YEAR iN ADVANCk