CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 23 Apr 1915, p. 10

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~am '1u'& v~- i ______ *AS LIKE TIIOSE Of FORMER VEARS OMoew Residhtaof Viti Soid It Remninded Them iof Otd Times té $ee ItL Waoicegan. April 21. t bas Reen a long time sinCe the rtsiilt of an electiofi bas been haltd i îoch a demonstratlve manner as use. îe case Toesday ngbt. Tt aId- orr ludeetu of the City aml«O snd iaid it remInded them of the old tinie electiofli. SuBo>ters of Pearce cauld not ton. tala thir entbusiaslf. This matiifent .4 I3qwif ia eveas 'ays, the most couomumUof 'pbicI 'pas t»a bid- ti5*-ëg b00Me Tkem bontres 'pere bult Indifferent #WrU 0f the cuti. Bavels and boxes$'pere pled high In thet dihotïand th« ldicO. Tins .lft time the ire departmtent WU scalmt 10 xtlhgniiab thoso finié. lThoN wàa tiblO *arly Ilu the evening uben tht horst, uere sept on the lUn néàl- 1,' al thte "e. Drink taiPOrioms did s iand.odice bttinoia tbruughout tht eventti. Crouda of Pemn<' supporters Paraded op and down the street ahoutlflg and cheering. Several instances were rePOItie4 'p.oPearce tmen taunted Bidinger sutppoters imb lashels. Tht Police dlqi their boit tu proserve order but tht,' muid not bho it al placet il Once. Tht Poarce mien dtd not resu,' nisa te provokt trouble but slnîply could not contain their exuberauco. There 'pere severai mai stroot Pe- rades In uhkch men aruîed with tin horns and torches marchtd op and down tht main streetto tootlng borna a»d ceering at the top o! their Volces. t bas been a nuniher of yt.rS 01MA thero han beoti an tIotl.on lawhlOb ne maiiy bonfirti have beau5 bulit. The go e dpartuent 'pet1ibhi 0.3304te ti fart of' the Cty ià" Do se«« *ttld they get Ibste Ubthe"g WOM? hébéILu00 leasibr priuet tti1tY. llbé,tffle&tM »asMitite bu dgrout ai10*the be8aes a&ni ae .0*- doflM tub u d douo the main XÂYQxY QN 0 1 **-mm GON Mafyor Bidînger w" 9eueot th Biat tou nmpate ttDr. PMo. As MMon asthe rottum êwudthat lie bai lieu deteattd thb t e Slaid Dt. Pftace tip on tbb Wlalondos. "This is the ex-mayor." ho said. "I 'pant teo oRe, y<col'b"ltOniS,- *"To tell you tho truth 1 dida't thipir 1 could do IV'" Dr. Pearce replioli. "but' you knout sometimes liat 'phà you food an od borne cati 0nomeûlme ehor tht b. bas a prtty good race hint"- -'Weil, a&HR cati say la that your trouIp&l9aboita on Ma,'lot." Mad the mayor. "'pub syod the bet or lock and wish 30 assure you that 1 'pI be 8150te btip yoo In sny ua,' 1 a." Te whlcb Dr. Pearce expresiai bls appreela.tion. '1 âcearonx Prtrpared .&pecially Fbr TAta N#w>lupr hy Pict*Hi Ritieu ming beWS inop.0atb , élut ployed mS dupiicatint this clever eue- Tafo f nibni lUndSai u* fflor attérnoob hokUs Ibut înothisg la more ftmhioashe thon odhiteâ ttto*a , le- causé Jt la oft and We»il ulted ta thé ftouMd o êts that èr, go ,rèffiliy * aro*lu a vr.1eiwala< hâz the UQ<éc* la,0316 Wh tbh u4*body. * qm#4àU o00kit"' * 0u*ioiflà* nd. ; qýVisetéfe~ Th*'&lrt l4a thre gather@v4 flou#cos. which may ho et the "mne or contra"stn mteriat. WM14ofé -Commu t dra aé à V& %yWra aïiè sitroublo la eb- enogh *63ibvd thé flo%>nes eult rom bW ts lnnfwj.Otherwiooe «Ira W~î 't't~ dtFoqhadIn puttinig thon. og *.the. LOqncos are flot sase. mm% or W a mfe ar uder thon oth.. Wl Uit re r. Uuree flouacea and tht,. a.ctlbha of founce piettfiar ôbe tor ea-*o.nce. Vety tatil womeo wear ovin the flouniced mkirtsab4lnv* thé ltiiq50that Ii Ca"ethé shotteti fongth te preterrel It Wl»I b. necessary la eut onf lower elâges orilouncos on crosîlanor amati «o' peîroatIons. tl louaàcine or bordered inaterila are uued ltiscg taffeta. eut off 2% Inchos from iower éditas of ilOunes é&d piae on miatéril i th iower edgw hlong tii.borderod edam. Nottilng Coutl b. mors effectIVe In thé ~ vet aDomt thon the natrow soutache brald tri4qlto. This la uns of the. montiexpensivo ot gamrnir "à e&iltIco 0flOt lt nCemm$Yfor tis éppitnton. Ab&At 6 yards or brai£ WU i tstiltficient fer Ibis designl. AfM It QL ands inO uttons rossai- laêsuqr bigtog pillowa are nou W~0 . ?Oaeom ibottons ares plaftiyaà oruamonta and art oUisét I»endtt fah- Ch*.* 0. 40114t* t9mmod with eu- qe tuitel Irot f ormln the. item tache bood. bath mFralad*i~-~ 4 ult. ~>colI evieuW Wst No. titis. tft . . 4.8f88. 40. 42 and 44 ti - bué.biIIS. 15 laosus. or Shirt No. £104. SiunO 24 24, as 8, w ettd 82 Bihe, itaait. ?P4ti i 0"~I Braiging lueitti o. 1184 Tran i att.'. 1 lata." .7(Qme rex el I'Oeil ôm vfaronf ' FP.parrd Ep«iaIly Fer This Nomapaper b, Pictorid lRedno G#Ùl 'CGA! f tiX 1101 WAMS. lu tlt mai' b. omiitt tIllà de- irdtoeilmbtfy 'thé*«tt, lt tbs rà to -10ti chic et thèé glt «De to d 1t wéis1tmLB geNs ~ u4é'amu bath n;sa 1t ,tcoeuiqçd aI 54 "L TlùIlhem etsédr ý ase Bidînger lt.(Oints. n -. ' Mayor Bdnge est n Thedtue f.. j efqsldstapét P'i a fict Il durtng thet tue the returnntft1ueied ttnO>B ~I vere comtnig In. 1h coutl be seen that hié Ifo'pehI't,..e-séi We'ps onder s strati but ho uva ,T0.t6*4fs#0m »*o "O"JfQ tormtioas ansi adjunt..psauo- sAllt'lIoopor edgs par-Vw lm mmore aorry for my frlénda tban for 6iyaelf,'" ho said aler all thte ruei i tios - tdwa'ere In. "My .0na1av0 to .luna Ï14od bicb or nie maitufly and i haeelbi.auduotIr tb~nIt tite satisfaction of inoutag tliat 1 oUe a gondfight. Ail 1 can tay' la "ia the maJorit,' of people evtdentlye did KMt cars te? the thiugs for uhieb 1 toci. The mnen Wpho go Intoffce léi* sie %Iléiba atrenuonsitfour years- and tht,' 'pUt finil thene la much wonk abead o them.'- Petiotles .uilitt. Dr. PeandOési a ebit dnug tone i practîcaî, lltioul1out 1the evening. The succeil.adit I. vis ahower- ed Ith s0.08tàailandltthere weehumdres 'phé élld Otheir way 6m9 Omodi~~n.gtoh u lote the stoe é *«dir'that they . ,la - to1béoo'Ah0.1 i Mlght shakoe lIcfbu yon b,' tht ifEnueftuo and. i*yothtouewm *es asloto the araiholes 'tth au W. bai. ut e ti lîloceuuttUt *"ohm i* 1fuinete a s .isi --,: To gay' that "Doe'uavas senaun For upritnutime ires: Illa dàofl -29, 15d 4"Io i t554 0<' <.55 pleas t au wlator taeud am ulaff.ct ajoatt. 1, lqtcmiOI --m be pttigtILmiOtg. misa face 4ft m éOIrm.55tflW 5 %S -Iutbt utbamibes ansi he lad Là &pmeTbr a llttgo Ufm'1 dd a. 7LAumt hoar bdihake for evryone ia, a =80C~»~IttU 'am-reb UI#bo liéptundrnet tb et ié e ElleOUWM*AW r^asomsitte nt 00301 «»Il *e," pqlprMqW Cern ppur put tos luk' -i the 010 botie ehowa bug tw sI l ok m p@bltcket Overa oulAWé qf Ri3«L dàctMM tehtlrt la iutt« Nw2l q1gperetStla b sok and à@ Uçi *ei "m or hela.oP r sumal __ 4q» 1 . 1 1*1 l Buses o09!bM albatraeart bain§ #paO5 t 06i-1lch r 3 or 441-- 1rmtoîie grégu 'voile thib mm in i1.' l"teaw-- Ïtat se ent of a pa i cutéebsljikthe L a câmiwr pre it, f tntt.Iei*h UwiS th a u , i~ttg coit ti lý,1ocàibsW ..r.tb6. beier.5 0 2 m aguS I 3O UIND OP lADI il taa t la ON. *r w4 disrintthà@ Kodugj tr.1 iwr1dopan ms i hat tsoureu RoO0i1i4*,unt ua obad tà rond& a*.iitfnd o a*batt : egidmi 0 ht luaIer slow.,ý fOnds Mested.idt so efrt he id EdocrIv Cnran*Igd ttuonte potidmd wt1 the vorpo th tor i-lb exoidOd a st bfoitlin istO tatéte a entM*tmn f h UqltO tDW hé CoNR Teare?.ij a l uC WiOtot ary kmbic. Fnds Recived and he olg m Wh So7, --- urces erS Wb" Arnood.entf Rs In58aite ond bcm snd and iuflntgot bê 70$!.e theln Sth fivoy of April . .191. Souivd rce Rmiv 1914 fRadad ije ud May2 29 James BlanchUrd. former treaso<r Itca d and idI Fu$pÏd. 4287.91 IReq9tlvudir foî car W.stArfiek bltond at B idg nd.. 4.19.É0 Rp"ýýoand 1 Rplroad Road n lârid,çe t#x... 1174e1' Tota) Rosi and Bridge lOwds ReceiVed................ 89.777 bite SBURBMIEmte. FulAde £X#«40éd for Whal Pur- 1914 Jon. 4 J. Mo'b»,tea"iàg on Mfli. r éasi$ 62.25 Jon. 6 Bernard Iriten teanuinS sandouse Of soei .........165.&0 Jon. ri Bernard ItàTe-u pairseflom F'id Bolter .............30 ioun. 5 ChaB. Wa,'er. team- i n gMilwaucOe rouI...............52.2& Jun. 6 A. 8ohuaipnnla- lor on Milkwtok* rond...%ý...........2.78 ion. 13 C. C. MilqUls. labor on rosé.......... lf ion. 13 oe 9rbait teanu ion. 13 Joe DAoylao, jabbt. 10.b ion. 13 ehqil Lpfiuk. labor. 7.00 Jan. 15 John Kilsiaa lalor on M*Uuke md O..............3~ Ion. 1 7 D. wuIm4 h......0 ion. 19 Jambes Bhanchard. Là- bar ..............49 ion. 2n Chas. Warnet, gràad- ing and hautitit. grave;......... s 68.76 ion. 20 Frank h gfti. lng and hauling gravel...............62.2si Jon. 20 Chris Lotilul. la- bar .............35 Jun. 20 J. Erhlrt, labor. 29.50~ ion. 20 J. Davenebaî, <tabr. 12.50 bon. 20 Joe MlUrih7. grad- gravim'........816, day............150 ion. 20 E. Ufca, roa4ao..... .0 Jun. 20 John Kri*aoÀ. sil Jon. 20 tOOK ic , Xtslng adnlus giavel 12.00 Jun. 20 A âu on rp»M ......... 31.25 Jun. 27 DP, > y4a v , 87.00 Jun. 27 Jas . obrd ion. 27 F. IL -*.4ttoW, Oti- JuRy 1 Wtn. ý~ r ai. . . . ... Dr wiuly bCh1ét,.&5 tiJoty ~dep. lao bi vé 61 bil4l mvl ..... 4 9 Bernard Kristan,. foreman Grenu Ee>yromi.........41 O 1Pod Mnltan éÏovéis, etc.-an 1 ilJoiâud bsaan. 11v- a e.igravol ... 21 la loë. 'Allant.Bindit and lisoling gPSY. et............... 41 24 FrAnk BUIL. aulins 24 Leo ICrtotan, hauti44 Iiêl ...........11 24 Lto iCilatu. uMe0 wheot sicrépers . 24 Bernard iCristan. tmerbua ut rosi labor.......... 26 Chas. Warnor, haui- 10$ g rave1 ........6e 25 jo Jo. Mrphy. haut- lnugry ........6 25 A. uoienemanu, . qpre444a ggravl 2' 26 .5eArt haulita gravoi . .... 1 27 D. P. Plumer & Co., 837% rd#. gravel. 70 27 JaiMoà iauchard. ZGSO labos........ 4, 1 Jo#1 Esiathu, ibov- îb»à grave].... 2' 6 Fr" fflor. reilir 1% . MX »OU. hautins 16 Obsa. Wtinoshaui- ft grata, ........4 15 Joe Ahart, baulint gravet...........4 4 15 A. , ahunemaf spreatng gravét 2 t16 fLooa iCi Criul- goaSaya........ 146 ýb Mjrhy. haul- 15 John 1<tutgo, lalor, qreom'Bei rosd. 2 3 &, V. airt. for gai- vanitd:p1Pe .. 14 If. Bami"'. for tie, acie road . I Bdwaid Coi rd, 1%roi., fer road and îri4ge i- -- 23 0..H. Mta".rosi orms M ~d I le Jobbh b Mrim, ,osd à4 ,.... ý'........1 24 A.. - ")t *a a l tIlajabot ........1 k26 chiae. 'Wamur. roSi 26 ao lcad mod labos, Grand 26 AO8si±t c* a 26 L o»eh . bor taIkaMt . ....... 26 J~o Iobt, use o ,ItB. ........... >.26 .. .26 it.road lable'arUthMt.. 2: l ~*ai rossi ie'i pàd, ciment il, JruHot%iiý t'p wg' esa'or'c. 3 Eçjb~ It!ldUn, t3 Joe Brhart. 'park . .......... 2 olf Oiseelmr d . .ho......... .3 f Plimmer kCo. foid gravol.--- 3 t. 3Le,4.DÈlhaye, build. m4 oni- t. 5 Ib AAqgwak 1:.26 D1.26 Dec. I D-c. 19 1.40 Jlan, O.à 4.00 rb 1.25 26ll 44.00 Mel. m 20.00n Mol. 29 mch. 30 171 Jý OCtL24 100 'Nov. S .5INov. 6 {Nov.6 Noir. 23, ic.23 ).76 Nov. 17 NOv. 17 1.001 66 Nov. 17 Nov. 28 Nov. 18 1.76 Dec. 1 6.50 Nov. 21 56(oDec. 10 S.0De-- 14 S.6o Dec. 14 27.60 Doc. 1l4 pimB~ué,»i?- , te. J.o Glts rg. lad OM fY bIon... MUeM MU3uUou timphor tou sud bridge . 86.471.U88 Total amoM o f roai oui bridge fonda re- Total *n'oo*t ýof rési sud bruIe foiedis. bt400. ... ý....,718 2 01 5.6 Balasce on baud.... $3,286-69 10.00 eupea'e~* sReport. I Tho I$Ut* oflMfoa.' ".09 Lake C ootv. " Of the Township of waukegan, lit. ..0JThe foilo'plng la a foîR atatement Of 4e thabl a airs or tbe nid rot'à 2500 01 W'«u*Ssa, pste b>E Ewti' Contai. OZ sal d tU" fr 74.18 the year endiÀtbb 31 t ià Mamtrc 10115.I'B. l icl. 31 ielived of .E Mon0 ilutan, Town <Col- lo*. ......... 3,741.73 0Oct. 1 Receivesi of Carl M4.04 *WetBeeld, <Jon. ty Tntrrr... 3.7 23.00 Total rectived ............$9,232.65 .00 no oisoUtaSitmNTS. 65.00 226.50.! 15.00 356.87 190.00 Mch. 31 Sieconit,' Banlk, note.$2,000.00 Nich. 31 eécurity gsnl, Inter- et e n #41",e8 "àso8.00' Mceh. 31J a mesa Blanchard Tuad Commiasion. 18.00 Nfch 21George Graham, RomO Commitssion- or . ................1 lch. 31 14eegeb Advlaen Pub. "taï. ........... 521 lqch. 31 don Pub. cc........ 98 'Meeting ........... 0 Mcb.831 J, y- Sala, Tilua Meeting ......... .50 Mcli. 31 a. KB Blord. T1owpn Mcl. 31 J. G j.loh, Toua 1.50 Ml.31 o, Wcian M&. 31 MBd v r cCoarad, ~ 1.60 Apr. 1 W. "M- .. , sçIa A#.. SUD ............0 TomlIving. rom la boi ...............25.60 Lto Kristati, road la- bS ..4...........181.W ber,àid k r i @.t -- , w~4 .. 1916 id.Od ao.....82 nhe »Msn . .1. A 21.00 F. imoqald, rossi 1 l ,or, ert4as P.~ M.Mosn, haflhtus atone on Sheilds robil. ............ 18.00 i t o0id s, "siman ioad ..............19.25 MWba. Taylor. *ozb witb tioai.........26.00 J. Adama, uoik vitta t*mi............. 8.25 LeO. ICliten. road Çk . ...........22.60 B. Krittan, road la- ber. ............ 25.00 tff*iy Wolten, haul- tu ame. ..........19.28 Oed. Aiioaahaw, Oies lky sua.. 4.20 j5 a m 0na o Bluari, ISUu dft . .......27.60 178.40 .IL yis. Èhm * ........172.4ft Arft a , grave. 27.50 vwO m tomU.. 23.6 9. P. Blancbarsi, 'enIet*"lttéat.. 17.50 CRITICI SES ROBët DOW. 'FIat the I18w p lant É gébt. that tht striklng emlOpUè 1et bf baveuoh élablatimOMt 118 11WlP M* ppt tiaIStmd iviolst. âeaMiÉu tIOF h baY e tt toitemméiclasu sanitsuti at kil lImée. 'was MaMme %Mft dlo ethia laafbb W IBA 4m*de, Ittctu éabInet lie cé*pUt terle union tu depylug the oiIthâ mid *y RToIeft DM. bUVd W t» DM: ma *ou DM bu Mrl. 'boe.lbua auateflt mm a TMWIsUIt U1É, isolerai aCMa talît bas been plcketed by etrihert; hu amâd si» tbtê that ttU*msqgba t»«& hKleka et the vatecOfélha liad mmamo 0 j ard a4 "haoaal lie aes b" baoudttat tbq pia te «.AetUo th ie mAIl. Pm t$i4 ea be MW ho .maisea apm e t . t&0- lice aud bai dofficers Quas ui«»loht &nbd My. "Âpipe dreat-puS'ly inmisr,- bo',If you please" 1Mr. "a 'esa- trias. *"Thli auIt tlthtdark t.gti. PoO4le dà't do 'plat Mi eb* là afa6id th4y 'puR d6to hi$ pët.-, "b,' zatag fie to, l a ont,' dolng bis X&i'ha4r eb'tiitlfrii "lu ituiîs and, ôold aï thtIii ilfb3 idI'é, aaiwit t1iiia. 'l'hty shoutd r- î tOsiais llir &se t gât laflt 'e norju. ad thie,'could nt' baxeéllr ,hM 1 si~ cone p 'uèé'itniy î6îio e1 blghat 1 i 4'4* àt erpi -f ét hd44îislt4d thé' oant di no0 doiabnenlklàa whktê'io mmé t~ uIdgay pebua*lf t «im hît%6 *ait'tu~ or lI* mfoin, I>W i atlb vtnr* ii thèà pîtqý. ht Witt' i #W fi, j t u 'tit mf M bod6dg *a tkild à la I tt di t1 sc b *ifdo mtu su. 1 i a 'Ot B a~I . -.. - 01, ' 9. nou 1.5eu ~v.1 Jý a' kwekh?;peola SU . ...............1.50 Apr. 1 R. J. Magon, speotl tous meeting A». 84i ..............L, ;Apr. i 0.'uslust. speciattova mtt ipr ACDrw.R' Apr. 1 04M* advt., t ....... 74 f ilé - ty tow it 100 Ap. A. C.duar or, Ap.7 ommr. 1f 401 10 rosi ., et«,...... 705 JUIF 31 Besesif lst8Iï S. * erg ran.ot ýy 102.00 h8p. 1 CEntury Corad,. tlomm. Bof .......0.40 Bop. i w. r. Wei.Tou MA4,tis..........1.490 Sep. 1 J.V. ai1 Twn Sep. 1IGeorg. Gôsraham.on Cmeeting..........22.0 Sep. 1 e. W. l oe, sep. 1 W. r.a MU Cownd ?owa Ms.e....... 1.50 Rop. i JB . als, aToawn hAn ui o.....o Idene.......... 1.00 Tahown aud Jnaus.. 1.& 1916. ...........41,800.00 Camon andJanr 1326 - 96 ........46672 'cM~Ls$0,232m 1 '111 M D n 4 r 1 Th ment bà a hla £vel ta.. wum Ont 't W1 lu.. Witt *01 uitu fhu, that thés tI cool sb tom yti Pm a Il am. OIt tbht tlut laj But emu dest IB chim o.1 biat eo%4 b te'i Ili ltdJ but tbi Bilt dort tlh rece ébat bu ol me: codj

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