This is the Plan We can help you Get results Corne in look over the plans Get first choice Libertyville.1 Down by the 014d Phone 47 We lead, others follow Lumber Company Depot. Heem there 20 years. E. A. Bisbop, Mgr. 5 That Spring "lothes Fever w HA'I'S -. wo lcoie as thte styls8ofSprîîîg tfîil young ani(o i îîîgft'cliiîg nieWî I IHow it cij-ryci up yonctepra and squares. back your ciuould- ers to -l' iIî;d in 14,u rainîr-it of nallîîig- ilue! Whether your heart is set on allight Spring Overcoat a Blue Serge suit, or scime Spring Wôvelty, *you'il find us ready with the styles of the moment and the value of all time. And, downriglit distinctive as, onr celection of tiiece MîcH- AELS-STEENX clothes ici, there's EXTRA <distinction in wearing theîîî before' the' m. 4N1 corne ont & i with theîîî. T. A. RE YNOLDS LIBERTYViILLE, ILLINOIS Dealer in EVERYTHING THAT MEN and BOYS WEAR Umm 0 PP<)RTUNITIES, like eels, are _elippery and liard te, bold, anless irmly meezed. They lide rbrough the irigers and are gone ere one ia aware. To make tîte mont af opportunitieg that may be gramped l'y advertising, use Tlhe Independeut's clam- sified pages. It je a mighty elîîive.opportufity that etcapee thoïe who advertise. iu The Independent. From lti thonsandm ai ruaders The Independeat le pretty sore toa aBord the advestiaer juet ih. oçportuontle. that ha taisesking. LARECflTM'v PDRPUrMl1~,jv 12DTT A A rnTT aiL,3,i1915 To insure publication in the Indepen- The Sapa Chiemical Co. of Chicago ha@ dent. copy muai be in the office no laier gienUp the Idea Of iocatirig a factary than Tuesday of eacl' week. Adver- hore for the manufactu re of Food Tone on1 a large @caie. Mr. Witing'g viol tisera. especially are asked to take bers two weeke &go fur the purpooe af particufar notice ta thîs effeci. laYIng the eompany'@ plans before local lînsines men met wiih littl.' suce.e. It (Additional Local Nîews on Page 4) le stated by a represeuitative of the coin- Pans- that their produet would]lie imanu- Misses Mabel and Ennice Turner of factured in Chicago in the near future. Grayélake viibedbereSuudayafternoOn. The compaîv now lias a faetory la A ten pound boy was boru to Mir. and DesMoines and Dubujue, Iowa. Lire. 0oiv Woolridge oU Saturday, HarrY H. VanDer Spoei and Mies Agnes April 1 1.i Seivert were united lu marriage hy Rev. Mir. and Lire. John F. Welch, wiio epent T. E. Ream at the houof umtrs. Hoee the sinter in St. George, tieurgia, O'Neill, Tuesdûý evening at .4 o'ciock. returned home Firday. The bride was attended by Mr@.Dourle Hlawkins and the groomi by Richard J. Mir. and lire. George leaace left Satur- Fs iâio Lake Villa. Mir. Van Der Spaei dey nlgbt for a violtatMrs. leaacs h omne l in the employ ot the Earbaugh-Miller in grand Rapide, Mieb. Lumber Ca. The young couple will Mir. and Mir@. R. C. Biggîuesepent tram remide on" Fourth street. owing toaa Baturday ta MondBy with M'r. and tire. recent death lu Mre O'Neilîsà family the W.'F. Z/iegler In Antloch. wedding wa8 B ver3 quiet une, oniy Attorney Paul Mactiii was confined ntiiuate trleudd ot the outrai-ring piartie to hie home for a number ut daye with beiug presse. an attack ot rbenmatlem. Fomter Kelîner. one of the dtrivers for Lire. J. S. Hyatt and lier tan eýbiîdren the Harbatigh-Mlîer l.îîmbpr (Co., sue- returned Frlday from Florida. where talned had bruifes .'aturda -v îoorning tbey epetit scieraI inonthes. when he was thrown trom bis wagon as 1Jas. Hayes and tamily client ziunday lin Anriiiih with Mfrs Hayes@' larentm, tir. and Mr@. WXalter Taylor. tir. and Mire. John R. Williams ofi Mlwaukee, pent Sîîrnrday and Sunday wc th M. E. William@ anti amily - J. W. Nunude,, wae called to Cereland, '>lo, latit Satrîray by the serrons ilîn e8. ofl is mother, who died Sunday morning. C. (). Rich and iauily and Artbur Ri,,, and family oif trayelake, vielred riîeir aiut, icc. t'. M. Fuller and tainily Stinday - Qulte a large crowd attenie] tes pîtures "The bife of Our Sac îtr' t rue Lyric Theatre last Satîîrday afternoon anud erenitug. tirs. E. H. Smith wi-nt ru tbe Preslîy. terian bospîtal lu Chiî-ago Tuesday where au operatiun wae perfiirmed on ber Wedneday. Re-gular meeting tof the Nytie fWorker 1Iii wît , l Lail I r tti i a.l.,- iii tel. Social and refreebinent@. lic. F. H. Martin nîjw bas hi@i offices lu thié Luce building ocer Tceptoîc & Taylors@ store. He moved froin the roomne aboce Decker & Bondsa last week. The Ladies' of the Ceietery Associa- ti on wlll meet Frlday aiternoon Bt :3 0'rlock with Mm@. Lulu Mdattocks. Thers will be an elertlun of officers and a large attendanS Ioledeslred. Henry Schultz bad hi@ right arn and baud cut lu severai places as a door, caugbt by the wind, swuug againgt bis arm laot Sunday. H1e wBB unable ta work for several daye this week. Mir. and Mme. Frank P. Dymoud arrIved home lest week Tburoday fcom a three monthesautheru tri p. They @pont tbe time et Harana, Cuba, and et vrcous points lu Misissippi and Alabama. Olive Jane Roherteon entertainedahout two bundred aifhemrqebtiol iriende tram the tire luwer roîîmscul the locael st'hooi Bt a matfnee in ber 4&ther's theatre, tbe Lyricon Frlday alternaon at3-30 o'cloýckj ln bonor of ber ninth birtbday. 1 Lire. W.N. Spgrkman o? Bore&, Oblo, le înaking a. short stay boe, she and Prof. Speckman coming crth the romaine oi hem mother. tirs. Filetta James, Tues-Ï day. Prof. Sneckman retnrned ta Berea Wedneday, ta attend tu hi@ duties at the Badwin-Wallate Collage. The wark af building the two Oak Springs bridgea le pragresaing rapidi,. Tbe ixteen feet bridge le eutirely ram-1 pieted and the abntment.s for tbe big1 bridge are al I. The workmen started1 pauiog concrets for ans ai the epane on0 Wednesdaj of th!@ week.1 L. B. S. Warblers wiil give a concert1 on May 13. The club orgzanized twa manthe ago, le composed ai girls oi thef LIbertyvilie 11gb arbool, wha are helng1 tmained hy Mm. Aurelia 0. Johnson ai Chicag. A varied pragram la being plannad. It will consist of instrumenta and vocal mueir, wltb Clese Nigbt num- bers given by senior girls of the soclsty. Dr. C. R. Galay and hi@ tworbildren and lMae. Gertrude LeFarlane, the latter being cailed bore tbraugb the death ai Mm. Gaiiaway, let t for Pittsburg on Thursday ta the home attMiru. Mcgarlans, where Dr. tiallaway's twa yonngest children, Maris4 and Mary Gall, will mahe their home Dr. Galaoway wilil@pendt two weeko tbere and wlll retomo ta Libertyvilie tbe firt o? May, wben he wiii resume hi@ practice.à Cboice Wisconsin grown &eed potatoeo and seed crnm. 1 handie only the bet varleties. Grown and selerted for seed purpososeonly. F. W. Scbicker, Liberty-E ville, Pbone 268-R. 3tf We wii recelve l a i ew daye 600 Ibo. ai pure Vermout Mapte Sugar la 10 lb. pali. Prie $150 per pet]. E. W. Parkhurst. 81c1 years lu praspecrinig in the' different' mining lacalities, flnally lacahing Bt f axc ity.r e ro poin w150îite viue ottislu tyndee ba aserfthe - Azreeleandera on y angrtid h ,lie horse ranawav. \tRer tir.KelînrAtea iinerlt'_tpBv Bi eneral waasthrosr utaur ifthe aagoin is manager o? the Taxco, Naranjit and ttempted to 'un &fîite htirse but had tiuerrero railroad whti-h wicsin the nt)t gîîne very far hctiire he' elumbird course of coînstruction. On ai-ounit ai near the cornier of Ttîîcd etreet andl the a-ar luin liiMLr. (i>enlorf was Hurllîutt Court and wato unable tii get Otliged to close opi'ratiomi teniporarily up and renew bis citase. Soîin- called and lie and lis amily caine tii l.iberty. D)r. l". V. Smith a bu îlaieFd hlui b is ville 1He waet talion il] aboutnmi x moutius1 automobile aud toiik bîîu to the dcrs agî and It proved bisefinai ilinesoo. office. INIr. Kelîner iiiailîle tii get uriîind Mc l)Oleudori biad made nîiany friende slowly at ith the aid tif rutces. auring bie short etay iu Llbertyvcille. He ý aBs B member o? the Liertyvillci-rpleiy. The liibityIlle îîuîli e-tiiiiil %a, iiill terian ihurcli aid if ifon i.iidge, Ni). a patrons day on rh.. iftiirniiiin o) Alril 34(1 A. i. A A.NI. :I,( frîuiti2-M) tinti 7,1Il. iii li s i if the The funeral ,c ci, 's aee% - r, iitebiy seciol will hi' dei-iraridwîl ih w rk ec. H.M%.' llburt lit 1).lIl, 1oril iif the pupils, nd the patente insecut V', Itls, ibertvx i iilp Lodme Ni [2, iret baud wlîat iîtîahîY o? wirk tiîeiri N- A. M , 'tak1n1 ibarge if the cýllîdreni are dlitîi Il iii the wiick, I srciies a% Lakesidi ceîîîetery wiiere the xiîtlî a cery few \eitts will be the remBine were laid tii rr.t regular worli as it lm done in the e-loItii Mr. i iendiirf leur,,, ttî îourîu liilitos frotnday ru da3 . The- lirîii.e' tif thit iowîîanti twîî sons. tBarry 'i.uand display le ro gi' the ptirent anuiipp(ir Wilo .1., a Iso an aKt'îi nîtller a-lit, ronîty ta compare' the wîîrk of tiîeir resules at Afton, New 'iork. chidreîî wlth that ut the reoto uthte clase. _____________ Ail parronus and frienils tif the e a-h , ar îîsuÎRESc,,IC JME cii- Iiîall v :itetcl tternd. Tuere , i ItIAtE3 5 flJI bis nu adrissiiin. SELECTED FOR BALL CLUB OIITLJARY 0F IR. FRANK( E.OLENDORF Frank Engene Oiendorf was um ruat Afton, New Yoark on April 26, 1855, and lied at Libertyvilie an April 13, 19)15. Be llved laAtton, N. Y., until hie eeventeenth year, thon went ta Emporia, Kansa,, wbere he spent two years herd. log cattie. At the time o? the goid ercitemnent In the Btlk Hui1s, South Dakota, he joiued a wagon train whirh was going tram fEmporia to that point. There was danger frorn Indlane and the mon were well armed and iîad guards out during the long trip over land. On arriving Bt the gold lelds, tMr. Olendorf. afoug witb the other@, take-d off lame and songbt tfîr hidden treasore with varied success. Be toid oaiounelong winter @pent In a font with erarely ni) communication troro Withiint and pro- vision@so 0 caree that the rations were doied ont. Potatopea were $2 a pound and other neessâities ai correopanding valnes. Be epent some teun eare at this paint thon heoseent to, Kootenai. British Columbia, in the intèrest ai a goid placer company. Sa remained twa years ail this pointthon went tarbeCaenr d Alenes in Idaho, Here ebuwaî engaged in the mling business until iil!f, when lie o e Il, OBITUATY 0f MRS. The hotirorf oauîiln12the hall er ANNA FLEUrA AMES oem toAlbers Lyone a ho euggî"ted tihe electlon are tlîat ecery inembr i f te Anna Filerra Janîeq, nee Caîlweill wae organization wae a member o? itiier thle humn June 25,, 1835, ln Addison County, Ramblere or the Areas aid for that Vermont. She wae the eldeet daughtèr reaiion a cmimatiton o? the twti naines of Loyal tadweil and Aurifia, nee-Pium- wouid be appropriate. ley. Ber graudiatber, Benjamin Plu îiey, At a meeting Tueeday eventng "rik Who came trom England before thi. Stafford was Peeitëd captain and or- Revoinilon, was ait Valley Forge and rangements were madie ta s-eere new probably an aid tii Washington. uniforme for the ieam. Theb ha a Her parente went to Canada to lice goid workout iagtSiînd(ay and [y the but were campeiied ta leave on acount way lhey tarted ont It looks iiiglty ot the Papinôle Rebeilion or Mî'Kenide promising. war between the Frencli and Englisb, Sext Sunday there amil] hi a jîraclite warned t igbt to leave as Americans gamne with the 'Yannigane' pla-ying thi- were not allowed to beip the French. goat for the regulars. Next wiek we Tbey frved lu Clînton Co. New York, hope tti hi'ahle 1,o give you a eciedule tif unkil Filette. was eireÀen, wben they gaines for a ew Sundaye lu advance !or moved taIlîlinois. it le the intention of the mianagemnenrt(io She atteuded ecbîîl it l)e"rlleid anid start reguiar garces iîeginniing Ba eek- Waueouda aradeîuy and later taught troin Sunday. echool for eigbt terme at l)lamoud Lake, A very tidy eum was; realized ait the Fairlid, Lihertyville, Trippe s ciioa dance FrIday night tnt t falles hort of a near Hait Day, Nocthiield and eoutb of eufficlency for organizarlun expensesf and Libertyrile the boys are giving another dance lu the On Fteb. , 1872, she wae married ta near future. Benjamin James hy 1ev. Thom. R._________ Satterlleld t Liberty ville, 111. Farforty. yj W N M O W I R two yeare thie union lasted until the LJ. V ' iIJY L iD deatb ot her bneband Aug. 15,~ 1914. Sawe and other tools eharpeueol. Athough of a strong constitution there was a limit to ber etrengtb and ehe Also do Furniture Repairing becamne III wlth bearst allure soan atter A. P. RAUGHT ber huabandes death. As muon tae shbe let Street, Lilsstyvle. Hi. was able to travel âhe accompanled ber dauabter, Mes. Nelie A. Speckmann to Berea, Ohio, where she made ber home; althaugb coutantly grawlog weaker ohe did not complain. Wben eigbteen years ot age sbe joined the Lethodiet Epiecopai church at Deerield, Ill., and remained a faithfnl utenier until ber deatb. While S reiding witb ber busband dire miles anutbaf the village ahe taught a Snnday acolcaio ladies at the Gages Lake ih chrhwfrthey heldthelr membersbfp. Is re l tuit Wben thedeath angel came on Snnday, April 18, 1915S, ab 19:80 a. m. she was Y ready to answer the summuns Bnd tu, meet those Who had gone on hetore. Alter a short service at Bereis, Obia, DRESS GOC conuncted hy Prof, C. W. Hertzloe. D. D., and Rev. C. D. Gage, the romains were bronght to Libertyilîle by Prof. and For spring, many new and Idre. W. N. Speckmann for Intermentinb fabrica. the family lot. The services bers wire condncted by the B"e. T. E. Ream o? the Lethadist chnrch Who spoke verY ~*~I E appropriately ta the many friends and 1 SPR ING U NUIUJ reiatvee e preent.Mediuml]weight goode, juî CARD 0F THANKS this season. We iîerehy extend our thanks ta the many friends and aequaintances for their great klndness during the sirkneas and*W . W . (JCAR death a? our mather.W NJeliie James Opockmanu, LPHONE 29 Wesley N. Speckmann. Ifldqefldent sdb-read Dy 25,000- LUM BE R We carryj a complete stock of high grade build- ing materials. Prices are consistent with quaIityJ. !stimates Iurnished. Cernent, Lime, Fiber Plaster, Tro4ieI finish, Plaster Paris. Babyj Chick Feed, Developing Feed, Scratch Feed, Grass Seeds Fertilizer MARBIAUGH-=MILLtER LUMBER COMPANY Telephone 50 LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS. CHOICE GROCERIES, MEATS, VEGETABLES AND FRUITS. CORLETT & FREDERICKS Phone 30. LIBERTYVILLE, ILU A. W. LINDROTH LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS M ILLN ERYWe are now showing the u'ery iatest in Ladies and DRY GOODS A large assortnsentinl beamtiful design*. Hatu Made-to-Order a Specialty. Prices Reasonable. W. caMr a nice linoe of Ladies' Jndeewear, Waists, Glovea, Col- lar and Cuff Set", Hosiauy and Notions at Low Pricea. The Parisiana Corsiet from - $1.00 to $3.00 0' as and we are prepared to supply jour spring wants. UMBRELLAS For the spi ing showers. A fine line at $1' also more expensive ones. APRONS Dust Caps, etc., for spning bouse cleaning. IROLL & SONS COMPANY NORTH STORE Paue TW YOU WANT TO BUULD? Now is the Time You select the place B "MEMBER 0F THE FEDERAL RESERVE < 0 SYSTEM" :YOU ANDI:1 * Gradually wear out in timîe and lose our * earning l)ower-but the earning power * of a dollar deposited in our Savings De- oo partmnît neyer wears out.....x It Lt utontinually earning 3 per cent Com- 0 0 pound Interecit year in and year Out. » 0 -C 0 $1- OPENS A SAVINGS ACCOUNT- $1 Lake County National Bank * "The Oldest, Largest and Strongest Bank in o Libertyville" L Ri , )týer LISESR Anyone oaa underEand ahd operate a Ford car. Extremely simple, yet abso- lutely fcientijljo in every detail. No need of a skilled mechanic to keep your Ford running. Bach owner looksa ater it hlm self. Dctors, farmers, business mon, men in every walk of lUfe, enioy Ford service and economy, for a Ford oosts, on the average, but two cents a mile to operate and maintain. Buyers wilU share in profita if we soîl at retail 300,000 new Ford cars between Ângust 1914 and Auguft 1915. Ruaabot $440 Tourins Car $49&; Town Car $690; Coup" Se 750 Sedan, 8975, f. o. b. Detroit witu aIl Onmdisplay and tale et Scbanck Hardware Co. LIBElrTYILLE ILL[NOIS My f .11 LAIZ COU'NTY INDEP]cýmpxm. vRT-nAv i-PPTT.--)q 101-, !>RI NG