Mme. Stephens' Beauty Parlors OVER GAS OFFICE LIBFliTYVIHAi Manicuring, Shampooing, Hair Dress- ing, Facial Massage & Scalp Treatment Phone 100 ô * o e *~ e .0 e. * e e * o o * * * * e o o o o o o 100. NI- list' t i- m is'. l fi ,'em fimt-.1. sz r'w-e eax, liot steii, 1per Itincili -,-auitt', 2 Iini. poit, lac lu i4-~iiis ini. pot, sinî1li i, aiilt,4 in. pt. lrg-li 'l 1ýL P t lant. ili poter d oz. - i i 'If -er plants lunjroportiont Meredith Ftower & Vegetable Co. ILLINOISj LYRI1Ol TH EATRE J. T. Robwtsn - Proprietor Always the Iatest and the best Associatioll Pictures four reels Everyj night PHONE 1140-M W. H. LEIIWALDT Violinist, Pianist and Teacher 308 CORY AVE. WAUKEGAN, ILL. Knew the Sound. .Tlm flot at honme ta thal gentle- mari, Jane ","declarcit ths belle. Vou havent seen bis card yet," prggested inother. You don t knoss aho l is.' -True: but It isnt the machiiie I ain 'Walting for. I cari tell hy the bonk " CoulId Not Lant. kind-baarted. modest. patient, self-de- nying' But aias married' Dasy- .Dont wr-'N o oman ailliva lon i- lbsine a freak' YonîIl gel a chance at him, -Boston Globe, LADJUDICATION NOTICE. Public Notice is bereby gven that he Subscriber, Executor of the Iast WiII andt Testament of Thornas M.eade, deceaseit, wili attend the Countit Court of lÀake Countv, at a terni thereof to be holden aithIle Court iloiisin luWaukegan, In sald County, on th,- fini-st'tonitay of Jane niext. iti w alen and wbere ail persons havi ng (daims agalnst said estate are nlfied anit requestedIo 10present the satein. t sait Court for adjudical;ion. ALF'RED> W. MEAD)E. Executor. Wkly Apr16 f - - - - - - - - - -.SU. Li b er THEATRE Photoplay F. A. Suydan, - prop. Four Reels of the Best Licensed Picturea. Fritay. April 231 Mrsi. Withrop - - 1 -- 2-neel Edison-tirama Two Slray Seus 6 Love, O0l and Ct-case - 1 - Kaen-t omets Sabt-dav, April 24 Thie Sbsuty nt TremblingHi-lli - .2-reel Esaray-Dt-ama Lasaoing saUOLi nata- l - 1 iGetting Fathers Goal Sutda. Ajril 2., Inl the Latin Quarter - - " eel l itairt-ipI Brout-bn Bily snd te Baudit s - fit stt n ittt au Wipe Your Feet - 4 s - -Seltg-I'Ornety Pave Throe BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. that Mn. OKeefewas elaclei to lte sanie position uni t tis more Ihan sny- îlîing cisc is an enitotsement o! aiic tha mas- sdi feel prout suit feel ltat t 01 lthe sliglttest credence Is placeit 3 ti lthe charge made againsl hlm ity a fes itisgrunlledi unales 'tir. O'Keefe las nianaicd lte insttuion lit a lus- u nes'. hîke munîr ansilthe bourd of mtanaugers realsze Ihat ttc is a valuable nman for lthe position. BSeverul s oliieti s et- s'enb at tbe ntcetiii Aiuoig tbem acwre '%Irs. W. A. 'tIt-dos lu iireslift lof lthe Grand International Asixîuiar' tot the H. of b. E, of Cuit-ugo 'tirs. Augusta Staizer. granit vetrelars aîdîitreasurer o!ftte ladies auxtisursv to lte B. R.T., of ColumubusOhio; Agnes G. Stt-ong. niagazine edîtres of ihe ladies ssîcîely 0 the B. o! L. F. anitE., of Bonne, Ioa. 'i n IlM M. orrise> - vice lires- itent of lise ladies aîuxilIary ta the B. R. T.;- 'trs.George Goling und ittrs. George SiaYt of Chilcago. Make a Statement. Thte Sun is ilSn eetp of lthe follow- lng slatement signet uy lte Engin- eet-s' suit Firernts lrotherboots. dt- et ut Cicago: The fend existlng betweeu Geo. H. Mort-la of Highland Pst-k on one baud, unit John O'Keefe, manager of te Home for Ageit andt DIsabieit Ruiiroad employes, on the otiten. ilot ha aliowesi to nemain utit-est. Ai a meet- ing Tae-sday of the hourd of trustees of the bornein Highliandt Park an ex- tenitei report was mate 10 the heads of the engitteer'.', firemens unit t-sin- men's organIzations. This report not oîuis>'vesoncrttdMn.O'Keefe troua any serios' slips in contîctlon wltis lie mnanagementl o!flteinstitutiont but itroîsglsl forth a sole, froni lte om- 'n"",Ic st--selfiitii asor of reoîtening lthe suit for Ilibel ahuit ilasl 'tear hait bbecît lrought agailiet Mn. Morris, Aîîîoîg titoseut-e-seul t lth- mcetl ing acre 'tarrî-u S. Stone, grand i-bief leng i lcer of tluii- ngineter's brother- itood 'K. G. Lee.ureslteîît oi the and1 'tibiani S. Carter, pt-caltent or lte fremetis Itrotbet-hoot; aiso lte Brotherîoosl ofRaiit-oait Traiîtuen sanrle ouIt s warrntt for thte at-nemI of Mn. 'ticar andIw io other prominent Higitlandt Par,ý resitents so that titey conit be hait in jail ovar Lincoins lirlhtay, unit that only quittk actIon Ils tbc trio folici thIis put-pose. Tbe trustees oft lie home iteclded at lIoi o! a genenal store ut Rount I.ake 10 ha known as Wehar's,' wiilicapital SEEKS TO MARRY 8stîck of $650000 hiave bien reporteit closcit turing the ae kI the only iteets o! record are thue sales of te Rogers propenty on Frank- MAN LOCKED UP IN COUNTY JAIL Tuesdays meetisss allan the exevuilce - liii '-,teet 10 ulîsster A. Rogers for iteada o! the s.rious raliroad ent- $2.t000l.0t0;2 lots lui tie Parkuer suhiti- Florence Lee Starts to Take piot e'. onganîzats sîs ttal 'ir. OKeefe svi-sin on Northt Sheridan rosi t 1 Out Marriage License for huit itot beeti gis s asquare iteai andi ,tciianduitneiluB. Viella andthe Sl n alLit te Jropet- tva'. ', uish>ove 'Ir, lion tVellss loi oit Piilipîsa avenuein_____ ris'chages nd l shw te pep stairgroonit subdiv.isioni luiDella E. LATTER It'S I THE ICO. SSII of HiglanduiParkt litIthey weret-e lîstl for $1.000.00.IS. I f~U.JI. mîstaken wouidbt usreopen te liel KewFIo isNt f suit îf '%Ir, O'I-ft'-- gaînsl Mrir Mor-Shrf nwFlo isNt f is., prescrit ail t s imony possible ROUIS ROBBERSl Age and Prevented Girl From suit take a gosussiigit . Getting License. lit-. Morris lusi tie decratn lln fs- aI H Ra IST___________ ri 10 Iîîess inî liiglaniarîtltk suitla sait (TID K FS SWîkgrAui 0 t0 lias t-nan'. fris uts, there Pracli-'Waukegan, Apil 2d.1 Inexorable talte lu the fori of Siter- IF E. J. Grtifu, loitay treventdabat cali> ail of is charges againat Mr.,0'- Friends'.of Reuben Paskilli. Whopromîsedtalu e a nomanîle narrîage Keefe set-e ü a a i t-ls a nature anti payed irai ise for te West aide lu the 1-ake connty jaîl. coîîtit nai mlet- rcg'rdîug imprtopet- tesam last eur, ahI reait the foliow Titis mornlug Florenice tee, a Ytoung ing article absout hi'. sisIet- atit lu woman who 'sas arrcsted a few attentionu ot- laikh)f sot-e o! tarions lereal: montuts ago on a tîsoriterîy charge tîtltbe Wen ilt-ornes 10aitefending hersefandwowslcefu ntecut _________________ f ront the allat-ka o! robiters, 16 year-i jaîî for a limte, appearedith ie office sIt Mabel Paskiib, Chicago, la efficient of the counts' clerk and asked for a -andt then somte. To use bier owunt-rige lîcense for berseit and Paul 'No Ipolice necit come a 1Mny &aissi- 8fiwas accomDaield by Slterilf ane. 1 dont needthIem. I1tan itoid Griffun. Depuly Connty Cierk J. B. ry owu aitit an>' man soyabhere user Morse put the usuel questions ta oie mi size.' ýyouug womau, Site deciired ber aga mtiss. Pa.killi is au athiete. Mer ,1talie 19 sud that sait Lalstwaus 21. i... brotiiet, Reuben, star athleeof te Titeshat-iffbas batbliest lu bis nus- At-mont- Instituite, says bis "kit Bs- tody on tac tîffereut occasions and ter" 1.ithe sl girl boxer lunte City- knew hlm 1a ha unter 21, altitougit ha Fie ahoUlit know for Mabel kuot-ket 'la sald to iack bol a couple of mout, COhlm ont lu a teteut match ut theln cf IL boieAtiacked by Two Robbera. Jusl aben lte yonng woman was s. Ruowig al tiIs, t l nulbard10 eadyta 10sîguber usme to lte appl unioin tills Pask ilca ntginaheîtcation lte sherif! suggaated ltaIt tey imagne issPasilla cargn wen eas 3omebody" fitst. Titis 'soe- shte resdIth ie papers titat only for bd rvdt eSaesAtre lItelupromptiatrival o! policemen sfio body proienthe0 fieat ersAlidne- inigitu hase been toughiy Itantia yit ore hlm he Informai thie young woul- two notoncycle rolsfiers abo abtat-keit su hat ee ouiit have ta watt unili her one o!rte men lhrew his arma î-eî,st la o! age. sîlorutlit e gîi.îteathen s'.lnnck au1tAtaaIasaarrestei t atDeerfielit a liet-. - , , fw dat-s ugaono a charge of robbery. I)<pliig 10tw at boxes aititt ahPileli- waa bouinitoverbtite grand jurY 'sas tarr'. ite, MiLss PuekillI slruck oundits îsîing iteMluInte nounny jail i wit-s lts-t san ln en donh sui hisîi ladet broll n otIlthue grandi jqry cala tale ui)the, lic as o!fte rolîtters. Sit e ilnîi t ater. tuaI ahere the ULegirl met ibis- ttaclu aibli sotar uleis blows und itli;nafot knowu but aI any rat,, sIite tljcaîl>-awaitcit develop sas mut-h dîsappotutedeitatu s 1 mett1t-,ned that lte mat-tluge oisi floti wîthitîtsaiting 1a ol ut theln l -e __________ uet-or tîiey leapeit anlo thetr motot-lIdpnet edr EOF Dr. J. H. risher, 0. D. Niadadia. Neuvoumaes. Crou-.yis. &"d Nuran d Far.Slghted Case 14Y sp.dakty. Office osier Spring's Retaurat Phon 34 Ubetyville, SIL Tuesday. 9 te 4 PUBLIC AUCTIONEERMN loass attenilon paid 10 arrilul! anetion %aitee and hast roonîta ln hamdl Mn Mame. A il kinde of boises, wagon$soad bar.ess for sale or exebahige at ail tima. HENRY SINE Phones 148 or 48 MON CITY, ILL. BIG SURPRISE TO lIANT IN TRIS TOWN Local people are surprlsed at the QUICK resuits recelved fror sitie buckthorn bark. glycerine. etc., ad rnhed ln Adier-l-ka, the German rem- eity which became famous by curing appendiclUis. This simple renfedb draws off such a suprislng amouat of old foui malter frorn the bod '%*that A SINGLE DOSE relieves sdbr stomach, gas on te storaach and consiatltm [NSTANTL.Y. It ta the best remedy ire bave ever aoid. DIEOKER & BONP, Qr$gists OUJR FINE BREAD GOES FARTUEST Our fine sweet and wholesome brend is well worth waitirig for. luit voit loît have tw vait. Otir baking is done nr large quantîtie and rit regillar hours. fleiri now ask for lilbertyvitlle Iread neixt t1ilse you order froin your grocer, or get it eve * day rt ihe omne otthe best lread niade t LIBEjRTYVILLE àBÂKEIRY FRED JOCHHEIN, Prop. Watch for The Rawleigh Wagon My Stoc~k of Rawleigli Produt c i f resh and compltt-- Mediciines for Personal use, Extracts, Spices, Per- fumes, Toilet Articles, Soai>s, PoIishes, Stock and Poulty Supplies, Dip and Disinfectant, Etv. WAIT FOR ME. Leonard Disney, - The Rawleigh Man, Phone 156-R ist & orchard Ste., Libertuville REDUCED PRICES LAKE COUN'IY INDIEPENT>ENT. FRmDAY, AI>FIL e23, 1915. LISER TYV ILLE --------- 1 1W 1 I1Â T EDYMOND LASI CASE AIiAINST A. .lawley and A.E. King. Mr LRI EE A DEPORT TUE llaaley, wlo lacrtry8earro f Loans, Instirance, Real Esatae and GEO. 1H. MORRIS lli auens l brotbcrhoodniait ail T T L D $9,0; L P R NU CHouse Rentig. X asle report resttertitngte TOuic$930 L P R IN U COffice inKaiser Sok T I E T IE thîrîs charges made lit a parnidiet IE YVL .ILNOS T DE ETIEDh iereI. ors.oLlglUn M N O D DEALS ý ION IS CONTINLED LIRTVL . lPurk. last Aîîgust anit tirs ulaPi g______ ELHANAN W. COLBY gen I,,col n ihan ak.btAttorney-at-Law Annual Meeting of Ralroad aIvirt Several Farm Transactions !City Attorney of Highland Park '1 11 i t c l.\poî. Rs Men's Home Directors HeId r ai o rgaa'nhe zatlron fi"'s."" During the Week in Various Said to Have Received Word -nRea --They Re.elect O'Keefe for I n ref. th, trusîcco tatedi îîat Parts of the Country.FrmG t.Ofcn rgsB.In. Twelfth Time and Decide i cisal ail the accusaation., werw i FrGsivt LIBERTYVILLE, . I2LLINOIS. to Take Up His Fight Which bit hmnrcrtliti.ri iewe idigtn f is W UD DSOE 0 AE LYELL FL MORRIS 1mates. .htTl edn pi 1.ljý ýOI1DDSOE FCS» TD , '1 i -A 1 Mors1tred%"f the fift),live residenitsinter-! Lîbertyvofle Illînoî 1 1csa-iln iiîre l' -wrs. îed,." sait tir. ilanles. lof or Niimher ofi bans 'b People of f glndPakAre! ie yill ini Th cs GogeI \orilhno"rtal itiniber of s"j"mt'eled1îahlad PaIl of I igilisîllPark, i argodIt > thc"iwii a ie nO thematienilitael sVery Tired of Having Leper 't-. iR'5 eseH O Es-i-i isi-ire! anr andunman ager or tt liniarilagernel iit ad atî enitani.s(f h :Total aîîîsuîît t niflas $ .é Their Midst. MARTIN C. DECKER Railroad I e\ ii.s I loitie aIi liglîlanit ififtteei who matie couitlaint îîîî,t of' uiesla enfil iik ol&l1 : A -A 1 thi- siories are of a trivial iaii r,'anid liasi ase ic-n en l ie. r i-rge I ielo lisandt ir,- l s i ti, e ilppI l '.t t. ElcetrIe Stalor P'art aitilt riisiral hi1, 10 lie re atle eirii" iin-'4. Rsfhs tu-ans ail of lhem aslisiseie r h eyl Se-seraI farts diýal'-sus guis.-Pr i)1edýItd'Po, 4 ës hv.16i tInsu Mtr. f0)Revstî, ok ltheitatier iat mades nocomisiaisti isisi sî(r 1Inîbîrougb itnring tii.- 'set, tlii.mors us. 4istý istii htisNUHCIAGILNI n)til Sjis fîýs A'tîrtsss' lady Wed- (le niianagemenit.There i.. a rats- hal poriant îsing the -sali- of tl(, Fr1î1 ngresident t fi littlePAUL C GUFFre nesdas sftt rîissoii atndiili suexiîec'ildrefuses te residerits of the Ihome t10 ler.,on Ifarni O sr- ,,t le ra i,.iletcath. the ca4se a]hiluetaket up i uthtet- rexi ni -thelr complaintes 10ousidusers and 1 Wauconda townshtsip In ilaiso î: îcîaeiIhllmnslaiil TORE TLW terni ofrcouîrt. Tbe cas,- a as trîcu if thîirule hait heeiî kept in i noitHorton o a iirlcti, 5atiaits Isîr reîîîrned ta hi., houme infat- a-av lhbertyvil, Illinois last fait. At that tinte, te jury aftt-r! y sorte of the residesîs, lwiiiiasph $2'-50.000 00 i lIit-. luit aisas ,onîething inter ~ 8 mach dillberatinii. faileilto1 arrîs e aI let issued bly Mr. Morris, %itii lis un-1 in CCuba towvnshilpthie Haley' farni selle.,'tr keets la in th Oe lHighland a verdict. iroîlie. woulit not bave beiti ( rcult-l1iOff 146 acres lit Section 23 was sld m aderk epatddthe iatmethbbe niD.itTEFE The mater s'as tatuen ui at the an- ed." Edna J Couradi t Hart-y W. Hadleymaerptdl h heUid VETERLNARY SURGEON. fluai nmeeting tOf the boardt of malt- Mr. limwiey added that 'Nir.Morris' for a nmnlconslideration. I Ea osteori-otiOul teth acustIn aaiat'IrOKee am twîslp lerman A. Scliaermniib dPor thesicînttllinoaierlit agers of the borne on Tuesitay after- Ruroiseans warislaMendeiee. Lram nooi anti aas dlscuhsed at nome as an aftermati to l is liariîg the bought 20 acres In tire iortlieast iluar Now sae metbs R .V.S I iength. As a resuli lthe trusteessi arssoie anfron uaite-.of I 1r0fSctfrmheesaeo Spîeieen made again taI Lunardi la 1 HYIIN N LIGo se-cretary-treasurer of tle borne sere home wlio hai t 1 alen iii" trotuble C otiever for $263500 hbe taken a4ay unit this lime Il ap- HSCA N UGO dlri-îtediii îproeed vigoroussi>wiih '10 nake wrtten comttilaltist-uo auy lunVernon townsbip llersclherger . diuru S m hiwsn la1 the prosei'utemî of the- case, Stifileett memter of the boit-t of trustces but 1Pros., bougbi aîSherfis saLI lotst ime'raif îtrumo t-Offimore 1RayFuI titanre noney was appl-opriateit for te pur- hait scrbaily accused'Ir. OKeefe 10riin Knopff's snbi ison ,in Sec 16 for mr ste uflrLIBERTYVILLE. ILLINOIS pose.Mr. OKeefestoca the xpens Mr. orri and thers 1$246.10.Earle.ersellbitat 9 Sager adanumgo enum of of1l1gb pos Mn OKefestoti iteexîens 'tr. orrs ait thes I$24610Rar W.Gsei buglt 9acres, landt Park resîdeitîs applei for an lu- DR.1. L TAYLOR of te fitst trial.'tManager OKefe lu a tatrnent le in southeast quarter or Sec. 25 f romt Junction restraînîng tie clly of Hîgit- Offic. lu Fi,«s Natol Saai Buildin Moîsrris, i wIll 1, retalIei. iîuhilsh- the commlttee, asserteilt hat sI few Ormat I. Rockenback et ai for $1800. lanit Park front keeplng the leper In n ulloes.-1 1'oi130 and tci ( m ed a cîrnular VI whîch he iatueit ear'. ugo two or three women who Aifreit G. Maether of PrairIVie s theit, juil or front aliowing hlm an Ra!iene ntr Broadway. oppoldiePallra te inethodItnluwbicb 'Mr. OKeefe hbeen lterested l ints' elcilon jbouglit 5Si4 acres lu southa'eel quartir 'mnr(h Iberi) The petition asiedtIhat L.icertys-lu@. altnold. manageit the homne. S'erioss charges 'f a certain Hghlandt Park resîdent to of Sec. 16 front Elmner E. Easton for Lunuriti he"kelîl iii somte more remole - - entered itlolte,- mster. 'tI Keefe tchool hh1 oard, bail sssjtiriied 10 $177 ý1.25. spo u nsntlu s1 aeDR. GOLDING at otitre lnstltd rimînai prot cttlemaso h nna.rm Ihe lii I,' fýForest lolin Griffitht ugatOen age atieshfr idDENTIST ings ansi tit mailtier was.tirestet ou t bote il uatomobiles ajîd bis s o thte aitîear'. among lte purchasers, lîav beiwargdsisn moltions l lorney Bg fonis 8 tO 12 arn.-i to p.M. i irutrur.Er lrhlepsu-i tri sote for their favorite Their ing houglît a lotî onIlîlinois I Fourthi ( vrethitt' filglutPr asOts. ier Fit-st National Bank as frmet tr ii Edî-oftharîhomeur holr 1hilp o lihad ak a 'boue 19J. itlew. Phone 157-J. a firii- ltite f tt-iîoî.sfcsanitdate hait teen t aend isithcee e aî Sheridanî roadi from Ber-:continuet!sînlil ncw t Monitay.. l.iert'rvilie.Ilîlintois was exiselied I st an insuhbordinationIt 'ro(ss'.as.repeaicit t1soîet tar ransi Viaitîr and taiso'2 lots ou Myr Alr1-. hllis-noret b i harge, ats tlie er sItrietsifor Mtor-'tIr <iKpefe saidtihat saris,ts-,bus-.tic ottcne sotising absouit gacres. rourt that Ctlt-Atorney sarnuei DR. E. H. SITiI ris. lu',.nî-t Hîghiîtig CPark hait rost V\ tller Faradi, litlitransi(iloîntes of llghlanit Park hait stalesi DENTIST. I tloiiiiccing tonlîtesslas afer titereiat ter cl(omfplaînedithisii igara. btlo-la-to is-nomtinial ci sisera b to ini Thitrstat- îght Ihat he hait iVER LAKI î'OUNTY NATIONAL BANK. îî îtî thteIboard Of natueis iîik usîît iýii is'.holesale îotiîg of rimaies3lIon-. 1onîîîied ia i heferlerai aut- iioniS-8 tc ii a. nm. and i to Oô t. m. lie ais Cea tfrots te dislois tf he iandîtit-i' nes i ime thb e' onti fat M rs t l(iti iii genta ih bagli t frott i hon liesa1 ii ctc tîrauce LbrYvll llL boaritorf ru s i o tsf i, hounste'frbt-iiniadle bbat Ithe si bu ,sso -r ' e u A 4rthuru .1 'ti Vas a lot I i no11iiis ands1 thaît Iuta riti woîîld lie epori eit next _______________ ____________________ ilîciraitii iin expellilifurkltilit.r, faioredithle sanie itt. iii' hait re- àk as eises foir a niomiinal csnsiileru 'Monds'. 'Mr. Hoînis 1.saidto ahaseCtS .SEIES .O lait fitîîe-Tisi'.alwlsas reit 'a sid ttt1uifl tltaiifýtiilMC-vHAS.i îîfrN.eî oseruili 011 listht fM.M.O0.HI Ila as sholt o w iiPser, Ibiat Ilirkhîsl- Tiieri' Iie'sthe uslîîîsî , ot ilinite l- îtîg ailîl iiatl).and avs'E.('liît ýior'iedtgot arrImeth ofciaisf Hîhanif PHSICIA HSUEO der liad hi-cii glt fafir undI mpur- altîcks ulsoîtme," sais i lit- lieefe. $2.l0is lot, Iin-.utsItbbr & lîariss". 'an ouidt bru Lunardi Inoite unitPhontioo O0fice over GaisCo. liai btrisal andils,- sppeul was.denied. - Tise s omn i rreit so t Ilepi ',ii sicOf 1isubiis ion i osSheridant rouit i nri s.-liini front the ct_Ils10wander Libtlyvllît, 111. Tue lissuai large s slsîîîî- sof btisniess Iîîghband Park agaîsst i-s ait the Ilii HghlanditPark \Vilîtani Stregra ierever lie utieasu-. niter the ci- sasdi siti siisiio-.eilof Ses- fiuai r-ssii s'as tbe l ti'us'isuetIouir onti 'tirs.iH, P. topret- frr a .tinstanr"s the contînanuce was DR. VICTOR C. -HOEMNR irai o iniro%is' is waere oritercîl s lbr lisrrîs lasi '.iiinius-nomîiinal coisiieratlsii a lt liti sii îg rantesi OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Aniiiug iiiii sil sb,' t-e painting (of î'tfir 'ir.Morris liait -ii sut hishIraid streel ttiti -trtn-eht u eE-25Madison il..Waukegan, lU. ail eitî-riu rîîroiasit ssooitssor', oitrssi uit-, tanager Otses fi' iiittittited rCsara J. Trentainse louugbît troiniAsua iards wsalit, iînedt lo grant lte Office Boure, tie mint buldsing and îower boîuse. ii'els-'uit agains ivî liiii th le ci rt-uilt' Adaslu for ut nominual considenatlon prayer of the pfi ion hecarise te law 9-12 A. M.; 1-4 P M.; 7.8 P, IL b"ir ihis 8isI ws a siîroprluteit. New- e ssrî of Lake (i(tUn[%sailIaukegai.ut 'lt oniii bndeuinsnRas ine avenues. does not prosite for sut-h an injunt-- Sunfda by Appoiniment Only -it-e îîof a nmore saiiitarn> nature acre Thius siItatirasies i i'i leruble atI lit Ilighwaool N. J. Hoîtis ousghb froni ion as tai asisei. The clty could Telophone 2U. triteneditlsleit for the second anoit Jionai the finis- and ressîlteit In alI Frank %W. Stupey for $225.0(0 18 lots! be enjolned fromt penforrning nonte ~ itIrdIloor corrisdors Tîte estîrnate-itdeaitlock. ihe juin beîng rînahie 1t'iiComptoi's .aditionlîîî 10Highîlandit n set but Il appears lte ia- domsJ. L.KEUUINLJ, D..M. st s is<bout $1,411. agree. A dlama2, suîit for $100000 Park heing on Prairie avenue, west of no permît an injuaction 10 enjoin a VETERINARY SURGEON Ti folloaiig offisers were electesi- also ivas biledr! aînsit NIr. OKeefe te ralîroat Iit rmdigseti wchf l'r"ident-\arltn SfrontedolngH s.nIeKayorgHighlantPark, Grduite Chicago Vet. Vil'nsln-- rt-ns. SVoiAe bur Ils M.te tilteK)ausofgba disparke In te village ni' Ceres Jullus unit îiready la doing and an Injuction Office ait lsuidence. 770 0usd 't rePrelient'tr-s'tt 'tot SOtetim lle. st-nseofa dspteMaline Ifatzer bougitl tio lots froralcannot cempel a clty 10 taresoule Ave. Phione 1188-W. docku. over a smabi sunitof money represent- Clau'. Dresser for $230000. 1inew action sncb as moving lte laper 2îItd Vice Preside-il--W. G. Lee ing te valut- of il raiiroait ticket luon lu Lake Bluff Josepht A. sait Emma 10 souecter point. Secrelar> Treas. Manager-John 0' chaset by au isîmale of te home. il.MatakbuhaloonRve e- Itematm he atrwi PCIU n Keef. Nohin cam ofthissui excpt uir-nuein Block 17 frttim Fred W. Cor- reet sud Highland Park people are FITING GLAIMES Trustees-Louis J. Ziegenifus. A. ter enmlity hets cen certain of tae nisît.. Alexander F. Weber, Ment-'y-F. boping ltat Lunardi really wil b. Iel6u iae pls If. laaey uitA. Kln ctl7es sit tianîre OKefe ilwasGeake unit Sadie A. Weber, stockholt- deportat by te governeut. Ttwr h wlt rntriieva harti...d anth nus. i,,. h...M.-r -s. - Eee 11- 19- m u 1=-Lgd% 9